Meltdown Episode 6: Steamboy Ricky vs Gus

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The camera fades in on a hotel in Tucson, the site of Meltdown, when Gus' car pulls up in the parking lot, you see the tires of Gus' car, the camera pans up and you see the outline of Heidi coming out of the passengers seat, and you see Gus' upper body over the top of the car

Gus: Oh, it feels great to still have a job
Heidi: I know, and now you have a shot to win the new Elite X Championship!
Gus: Elite X?
Heidi:Yea, didnt you go to
G: No, I did not,
H: Yea, you're going to be facing off against Steamboat Ricky for the new championship...
G: Steam...boat?
H: Yea, thats his name
G: Wow, that's a pro name, is he that pirate guy?
H: yea, thats him
G: Is he any good?
H: Hes a former Eur-Asian Champion
G: So? Is that like a World Title, no, i didnt think so
H: Uh... okay...
G: Well, still, i cant get side-tracked, even if i do have to wrestle that pirate, I still have to beat him like i would any other opponent
H: Glad to see your not over-confident
G: Yea, brrr, its kind of cold out here
H: Its 80!G: When its been 100 all day, this is cold
H: I guess so...
G: Lets go in...
(Gus walks over to Heidi, he picks her up as she kisses him, Gus carries her into the hotel, the camera follows them into the hotel, when some fans spot him)
Fan1: Gus!!!!
G: Yo
F1: You're totally going to win that tournament for the Elite X Title
G: Well thank you for your words,
F2: Well, i think you're gay
G: (stares at him sternly)
F2: (runs away screaming)
G: Thats what i thought you said
Fan3: Gus, can i have your autograph?
G: Sure, why not
(as Gus has his back turned, Fan2 comes back, this time with a steel chair, he gets a running start from down the hall, he lifts the chair over his head and as the fan gets to Gus, Gus turns around, and as the fan swings the chair, Gus kicks it into his face)
H: Gus, what the f*** was that for?
G: He tryed to injure me
Fan4: Arrrrr, damn, the plan didnt work
G: What?
F4: We want steamboat to win The Elite X Title, so we tryed to injure you before your match
G: Why did you tell me this?
F4: Damn,(runs away)
G: C'mon Heidi, lets get out of here
(Gus and Heidi walk away to their room, the camera fades to black
*A creaky pirate ship sails calmly through the mist as "Yo Ho, Yo Ho, A Pirate's Life For Me" plays in the background.*

From modest beginnings he came...

*Shows a young Steamboat Ricky, swabbing the poop deck on a hot day*

Through difficult training he endured...

*Shows a rather adolescent Steamboat Ricky undergoing rigorous training with Doink the Clown*

When opportunity beckoned...

*Shows Steamboat winning his first match in WZCW in 2002*

And glory realized...

*Shows a celebrating Steamboat Ricky as he hoists his newly won WZCW EurAsian Heavyweight Title in 2002*

...once again...

*Shows Steamboat Ricky celebrating with his tag-team partner, Wonderboy, as they win the WZCW World Tag Team Championship in 2002.*

Only to fall to the depths...

*Shows a bloody and battered Steamboat Ricky, lying lifelessly in the ring after being tossed through the cell in a Hell in a Cell match for the WZCW World Heavyweight Championship against Havoc in 2002.*

And mysteriously fade into nothingness...

*Shows a frustrated and angry Steamboat Ricky exit the WZCW Headquarters and drive into the horizon*

*Shows a collection of Steamboat Ricky footage, performing the Deck Swabber, falling through tables, being hit with chairs, locking in the Boo Box, elbow drops through tables, catching on fire.................and flashing to a shot of him holding up both the EurAsian and Tag Team Championships.*

*Girl sings softly* - "Yo ho, yo ho....a pirate's life for me..."


*Fade to black...*
Gus is in his hotel room, you hear Heidi singing in the shower, Gus is watching TV, when he sees his picture on the screen

TV: Some of you may have seen The Commerical Promoting Steamboat Ricky's return to WZCW, but we think Gus deserves a promo promoting his return, since he hasnt been on in a few weeks, here it is,(screen fades to black)

Gus: Heidi! look at this
Heidi: (in a towel) what is it?
G: watch

TV: He started from his backyard
(shows clips from his backyard wrestling days)

G: wow, those are old
TV: he trained in Calgary,
(shows pictures of the dungeon)
TV: won the IWGP Heavyweight Championship, as well as the OVW Championship
(clips of him winning the titles)
TV: a former ROH Tag Team Champion
(shows him and Kenny winning the titles)
TV: the only man to hit a 900 splash
(shows the infamous clip of Gus hitting the 900 splash on Akebono)
TV: and soon, making his return to WZCW, Gus!!
(random clips of Gus in the ring, a few pictures of Heidi)
Gus: (reading off of the TV) Gus vs. Steamboat Ricky, this week on WZCW Meltdown, in the Elite X Championship tournament, payed for by The Fans of Gus, Gus has not approved this commercial yet
Wow, that was actually pretty cool, they had clips from The WVWF days,
H: Yea, and from OVW, and ROH
G: Wow, more motivation,
H: yea,
G: I'm more motivated now than ever, i'm gonna head down to the gym and workout for awhile,
H: alright, see you later
(Gus heads to the gym by the pool, Heidi goes back into the bathroom, the camera fades out)
The bravest are surely those who have the clearest vision of what is before them, glory and danger alike, and yet notwithstanding, go out to meet it.


*Cue "O Fortuna" from Carl Orff's Carmina Burana*

O Fortuna, velut luna, statu variabilis

The danger is imminent...

*Shows image of a bloody Steamboat Ricky...*

semper crescis, aut decrescis; vita detestabilis

The price...immeasurable...

*Shows Steamboat Ricky counting coins from buried treasure...*

nunc obdurat, et tunc curat, ludo mentis aciem

The passion...RELENTLESS...

*Ques video of Steamboat flying off the top of a steel cage ending in an elbow drop onto his opponent through a table amidst a barrage of camera flashes...*

egestatem, potestatem, dissolvit ut glaciem.

Despite the criticism...

*Shows Steamboat being turned down for jobs when it is found that his trainer was Doink the Clown...*

Sors immanis, et inanis, rota tu volubilis, status malus, vana salus, semper dissolubilis


*Shows Steamboat flying through the Cell...landing grusomely in the ring...*

obumbrata, et velata, michi quoque niteris

And betrayal...

*Shows Steamboat's partner hitting him with a chair, and then being expelled from WZCW...*

nuc per ludum, dorsum nudum, fero tui sceleris.


Sors salutis, et vitutis, michi nunc contraria

One man...

*Shows Steamboat Ricky walking down the ramp...*

est affectus, et defectus, semper in angaria.

A chance for redemption...

*Cuts to video of Sebastian Copeland reading his letter that reads "He's Coming"...*

Hac in hora, sine mora, corde pulsum tangite;

...and to once again wield WZCW gold.

*Shows Steamboat holding up both the WZCW EurAsian and Tag Team championships*

quod per sortem, sternit fortem, mecum omnes plangite!

*Cuts to hodgepodge of Steamboat clips...ending with him performing the Deck Swabber through a table...*

*End Music*

Where is it now, the glory and the dream? -William Wordsworth


*Fades to black...*
Gus: (working out rigorously) So, Steamboat thinks that he is going to beat me huh? I doubt it, even if he is a former Eur-Asian Champion...
The TV is on, The Local Sports Channel is on, when a commercial for Steamboat Ricky comes on,

TV: You know him as a former EurAsian Champion
(Clip of him holding the belt)
A Former Tag Team Champion
(Clip of him and his partner)
Now, he is going to be The Next Elite X Champion!!!
(Picture of the Belt)
On Meltdown, this week, he faces Gus in the first round of HIS tournament!!!

G: Are you kidding me?!?!?!?
(Throws the weights into the pool)
are you f**king kidding me?

(The manager runs in, freaked out)
Manager: What are you doing?, GET OUT!!!
G: What'd you just say to me?
M: you have to leave the pool room, now!!!
G: No, (grabs the manager and throws him into the pool)
You do!!!! (Gus grabs all of the chairs around the pool, and throws them at the manager)

(The assistant manager runs in, sees whats happening, runs out, and calls the cops)
G: You think you can tell me what to do? (The manager tries to get out of the pool, but Gus spears him back in)
(The Police show up)
Cop1: Sir, please get out of the pool now!
G: I think not!!! (Gus charges at the cops, but the cop pulls out his night stick and smashes Gus in the head with it
G: Ow, what the fu** ass

That is resisting arrest
I'll show you resisting arrest, (Gus grabs the cop by the throat, lifts him high in the air, and chokeslams him into the pool
Heidi: Gus, what the fuck are you doing?
G: c'mon Heidi, let's get out of here!!!
(They run down the hall to their room, grab all of their stuff, run out to the parking lot, get in Gus' car, and drive away...

The camera fades in at the arena, Gus and Heidi are sitting in the car, Heidi is asleep, Gus is awake, staring at the steerig wheel,

G: Steam...boat...Steam...boat...Steam...boat...Elite X...Steam...boat...Elite X...DESTROY...STEAMBOAT!!!

(Gus has a deranged look on his face as the camera fades out)
(Gus starts the car and drives out of the arena parking lot, he pulls up to a gym, gets out)
Gus: Heidi, Heidi

Heidi: (Waking Up) What?

G: I'm going to go into the gym and finish working out, ill be done like an hour or so,

H: Alright, ill go somewhere and eat, and be back later

G: Alright, love ya

H: you too

(Heidi drives away)

G: Finally, now i can get some good work in

(A man dressed like a pirate is walking down the sidewalk, he stops at Gus)

Man: Arrrrr you got some spare money for a pirate?

G: (straring blankly) Steam...boat

(Grabs the man, lifts him up in a powerbomb, lifts him up higher, and delivers a last ride on the concrete)

G: Oh god, (runs inside)

(An hour later)

H: (honks the horn) c'mon Gus, hurry up

G: alright, i'm coming

(the pirate man runs at Gus, jumps up and punches Gus in the face... nothing. Gus looks pissed and he throws the pirae man down)\

G: Leave Me Alone!!!!

(Gus hops in the car and Heidi drives back to the arena)
The Camera Fades Out as you hear Gus whispering eerily

G: No...Mercy...Destroy Steamboat...Elite X...Destroy...
*(Gus hops in the car and Heidi drives back to the arena)*
The Camera Fades Out as you hear Gus whispering eerily

Gus: No...Mercy...Destroy Steamboat...Elite X...Destroy...

The camera stays faded, but the sound is still recorded.

Heidi: Woah, babe. That was close.

Gus: No...Mercy...Destroy Steamboat...Elite X...Destroy...

Heidi: Riiiiiiiight.

Gus: No...Mercy...Destroy Steamboat...Elite X...Destroy...

Heidi: Well, suit yourself......AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!

The camera fades in...showing Heidi looking in the rearview mirror. In her sights is a parrot sitting in the backseat. Heidi recognizes the bird, and immediately is overcome with fear.

Polly: Brrrrrrack! Prepare to board! Prepare to board! Brrrrrrack!

Gus: Huh?!

*All of a sudden, a figure flies through the car's windshield, which is identified as Steamboat Ricky. The collision causes the camera to lose its feed. Black screen...*
(The screen is black, it turns white, and Gus wakes up out of fright in bed)
Gus: Woah, that was weird, Heidi, Heidi wake up

Heidi: What?

G: I had a really weird dream, that I was in some tournament for a championship called The Elite X Championship?

H: Yea, thats the name of the new championship, didnt you read about the tournament on

G: No, i dont have time to ever get on the internet anymore, who else is in this tournament, who am i facing?

H: You're facing Steamboat Ricky, also there's Downward Spiral, Big Will, Titus, Hasheem, El Guerrero, Nate Thorpe, and you

G: I see, whens the show, what day is it?

H: it's Sunday, the shows tomorrow, why are you asking all these questions?

G: I don't know, I feel like we got in a car crash because some bird was in our car and some guy crashed through our windsheild

H: Nope, you're just crazy, now go back to sleep

G:Yea, i guess you're right, I love you Heidi

H: I love you too, now go to sleep!!!

G: (whispering to himself) hmm...this is getting weird, oh well, I will become the Elite X Champion... one way or another...


G: Whoops, sorry baby
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