Meltdown Episode 6 Card

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The Enforcer

The Heel John Cena!
This just in from the head quarters of WZCW. The card for this weeks Meltdown has been released and it appears to be one hell of a card. This week will mark the begining of the Elite X Title in WZCW. Also in the Main Event will be 2 up and coming stars here in WZCW. What roll will the Champion play in this weeks show. Stay tuned to find out.

Elite X Title Touraument​

Match one
El G vs Nate Thorpe

Match two
Titus vs Hasheem

Match three
Steamboy Ricky vs Gus

Match four
The One Big Will vs Downward Sprial

Main Event
Sincade vs Everest
If everyone wants the show up by next Monday you will all only have until this Weds to get your RP's in.

So if you want it up next Monday vote yes....
I vote yes...but is this gonna happen every time?

or only this time
I say go for it, as long as it doesn't become a habit, maybe a week deadline rather than two or something?
It will only be this time. This way we can get back on schedule. The show after this will be 2 weeks after the posting of this show.

If there is anyone that objects to this let me know and we will push it back.
I say the RP deadline should be a week long, regardless. Anyone who doesn't get online at least once during that week.. doesn't belong in the fed to begin with.

RPs might not be AS great, depending on how many people get rushed, but it may help get more people to post faster too.. overall, I say give it a show or two trial run.. see how it works.
Well depending on how this show goes we will see about maybe adding more shows. But we wont even think about that until we get the whole staff complete and make sure that everyone on it will be commited to it.

I personally dont want a repeat of what has happend in the past with other people running the fed. And Sincade and Myself are trying to see that kind of thing doesnt happen while we are leading this movement known as WZCW ;)

But if you can all bare with us just this week on the quick RP deadline, we promise it will return back to normal after this show

Thanks Guys
I think that if this will happen only for this week...for a while....than i have no problems
^^ yeah, what happened to Mc Brady? I was looking forward to... oops! nevermind..... ;)

and this is a little bit rushed, but yeah, if only is for this week, no problema. Lucky me, i'm off at my second job today(monday) and tomorrow...WOOOOO! Lets see what I have in the hat.... :evil3:
I always liked the idea of two weeks between shows, I know it seems like forever but it gave everyone ample time to RP and RP well. Just my opinion though. My RP will be in tonight hopefully, Usually try to get them done during Raw.

Take care everyone. See you in the Main Event.
I like this new format. Obviously it may be more difficult for creative and writing...but look at all the RPs that are already in. Not to mention, they are GOOD RPs if I do say so myself. This is the kind of enthusiasm that the fed needs if it is going to be good. Woohoo!
IrishKid, sorry that you were left off the card, with us trying to pull everything together so quick it was hard to make sure everyone had a role in the show. I can promise you will be on the following card tho.

Once again I do apologize

As far as people RP'ing I must agree, I am plesantly happy with how quick people have gotten their RP's in. Thanks guys!
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