Meltdown (Episode 4): Downward Spiral vs. Koala Typhoon

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I used to be a big deal
Downward Spiral w/ Brian Michaels vs. Koala Typhoon w/ Windy Bridges

Koala Typhoon and Windy Bridges, Northern Lights has only been in WZCW for a couple of weeks, however they have already managed to make bitter enemies. Two weeks ago at Meltdown, Downward Spiral and Brian Michaels took offense to Northern Lights stealing their spotlight by doing commentary during their match with Joe T and Titus, and they took action, having to be separated from each other by several officials. On the last edition of Meltdown, it looked like Sex & Violence was going to return the favor by coming out during the successful debut of Northern Lights, however they remained tame, actually applauding the two Canadian boys on their victory.

However that image of professionalism only lasted so long as all hell broke lose after Brian Michaels, Downward Spiral, Koala Typhoon and Windy Bridges were all eliminated from the Pinnacle Pursuit battle royal, and the four men had to be separated by referees once again.

On August 13th, there will be no referees separating Downward Spiral and Koala Typhoon, and their respective partners WILL be in their corners, cheering them on and keeping each other in check.

Keep all RPs in here

RP deadline is Friday, August 10th 2007 at Midnight Eastern Standard Time
(The scene opens up, with Downward Spiral sitting on his lounge, watching the television. Suddenly, the phone rings, and Spiral is a little startled. He shuffles over a little, and flips the cordless phone into his hand. He sighs, before answering it.)

Spiral: Yeah?...Why? ...So those little brats are keeping you there ?...Well, I've always hated Murray anyway...I don't care if he's the principal, superintendent or head of fucking education, he's an asshole, and I'm sick of you listening to him with everything he says...I'm not getting worked up, I'm just pissed that you're going to have to work late because of him...get one of the other teacher-...How the hell am I making a 'bad impression' on them? If they have a problem with you or me, I'll deal with it...Well it's not my fault that everyone's been staying away from you at that stupid school...Why am I acting like this?...Calm down? I don't need to calm down! I'm sick of this Rebecca! You're the one not spending time with me! Just come home, forget about it...Then don't, stay there for all I care!

(With that, Spiral turns the phone off and holds it in his hands, before looking at it and throwing it across against the wall. It doesn't break, but the back falls off and the batteries clatter away on the ground. Spiral looks troubled, just staring down at the phone. He suddenly shakes his head and puts his head in his hands. He sits back, and takes the remote and flips it around in his hands.)

Spiral: Why am I acting like this? Why? All of you people, just try putting yourself in my shoes for once. Take a step away from your miserable reality, and just take a moment to breathe, relish…and LIVE in the high life. Take a look at my surroundings. I have earned every last item in this house. When I come home, I am able to sit back, and just relax, knowing full well that I have it all. I can do whatever I want, when I want, and you all wish you could do the same. But the fact is, dreams are as close as you are going to get. But that is beside the point. The name Downward Spiral should be treated with reverence, week in and week out. It is a known fact, that I am the better of anyone you want to match me up with.

(Spiral sits up a little, and looks in an accusing manner towards the camera.)

Spiral: Yet…people just can’t resist the urge to try and bring me down a peg. You all think that your ‘Spiral sucks’ chants actually faze me, but the fact is, while you may think you are ‘bringing me down a peg’, I am simply out of your reach. A person like me should be commended for even appearing in front of you every single WZCW Meltdown. What you all know, is that I don’t have to wrestle for a living, because I already have enough wealth to last a lifetime. Yet I still go out there and work my Australian backside off for each and every one of you. When all of you people can say that you do the same thing, you can talk down to me.

(Spiral gestures over to the phone, lying on the floor.)

Spiral: You people did that! You people have pushed me to the limit and beyond. Yes, I have fame and fortune, but don’t think that this is some shit about getting your respect, because I couldn’t give a damn if I had it or not. It’s the fact that you people have the audacity to run your condescending little mouths every single Meltdown when I am in that ring. Do I look like the kind of man who would just brush that to the side? Hell no! My goal in WZCW was to reach the top, the pinnacle if you like, and that was the WZCW title. But I was screwed out of that, and I now have my eyes set on another thing: pain, and punishment, on every single thing you love in this business. The days of decency in this company are gone, and it’s all your fault. No longer, can a man of my skill, go out in that ring and be revered like the god that I am. So every time you see me in the ring, tearing apart any opponent that Chuck Myles puts me against, know this: It is all the fan’s fault! You are going to be the sole cause of every single one of your ‘heroes’ having their careers ended. No offence to Brian Michaels, but he’s not the only one that ends careers around here.

(Spiral gets up and yawns a little, before moving over to a table tennis table. One half is facing up, like a wall, and Spiral takes a racquet and bounces the small white ball a few times before hitting it. The shots get harder and harder, with Spiral really giving it to the ball. He is concentrating intensely on the ball, and begins talking while he plays.)

Spiral: Last week, I was forced into some stupid battle royal, for a spot in the Pinnacle Pursuit Tournament. I know, I know, it was pathetic, but it has been a known fact that Myles has been off his rocker ever since Cohen made a fool out of him in MMA. Everyone knows that I am championship material, and they have ever since my first minute in WZCW. Now, the result in that doesn’t matter, because it’s the principle here. I never should have been in that match. I make my intentions clear and no one does it better. And my intentions, were to have that title handed to me, rightfully, end of story, but that just couldn’t happen. I have always been a man to sense fear, and I can smell it – I can feel it every time I step into that ring. Fear from my opponent, fear from the crowd, and fear from anyone watching in the back. Just just the sight of me scares them all, it’s that simple. I went in that match, knowing full well that everyone else would target me, and not even I have the strength to overcome that. But while I may not be getting the title at the end of this tournament crap, there will be a day that fulfils destiny. The day I capture the title that should be plastered around my waist, is just around the corner, no one can stop me. But that’s another thing entirely, I’m here to talk ab-

(Spiral’s mobile phone starts its ringtone. Spiral doesn’t answer it immediately, but takes one last shot at the table tennis ball, absolutely smashing it against the wall, cracking it. He puts the racquet down and picks his phone out of his pocket. He looks at his phone, suggesting that it is a text message.)

Spiral: (Reading from phone) Spiral, it’s Myles. You have a match against Koala Typhoon this week on Meltdown. Good luck.”

(Spiral snaps the phone shut and tucks it back into his pocket, muttering to himself.)

Spiral: Damn bastard doesn’t have the balls to call me now. So, Koala Typhoon is it? First of all, if I was a Canadian, and I’m damn thankful that I’m not, I would be absolutely humiliated, that their so-called heroes, have names like Koala and Windy. A Koala is an Australian Icon. How the hell does an Australian animal become some Canadian moron’s first name? If anyone had any doubts about the brain capacity of Canadians, you have just proved it. Was it meant to be humourous? The only laughable thing around here is your wrestling ability.

(Spiral goes and sits back on his lounge, looking at the camera as if he’s just frustrated to even be there. He looks a little troubled, as he continues to look at his watch.)

Spiral: You and Bridges, Northern Lights, can continue to try and make a name for yourselves, but you picked the wrong people to start with. When you mess with Sex and Violence, you’re rubbing elbows with the greatest, something that you both should never be doing. I know that you two have the faith of Chuck Myles, but whatever he is trying to do to stop us, is not going to work. You two idiots are simply going out there to be the cut and dry fan favourites, and if we wanted to get on their good side, we could do it with the snap of our fingers. You two try to hide your complete lack of talent by being the ‘fun-loving, enthusiastic’ WZCW wrestlers, but where others don’t see through that, I do. But Typhoon, the fun stops tonight. You may have confidence after beating Tristan Kist and 2Fly, but you could barely even call them an entrée, because Sex and Violence is the main course, and you’re not going to be finishing us off, that’s for sure.

(Spiral stands up a little, and paces the room, gesturing and pointing at the camera every so often that he speaks. His face is one of a deeply troubled, and hate-filled man.)

Spiral: Northern Lights, you’ve messed with our business for the last time. Eliminating me from the battle royal was the last straw, and that is going to be your only highlight you ever have when you’re in this company. You’re only friends are kids for crying out loud! Sex and Violence have the respect of purists, because we are just simply the best wrestlers the world has ever seen. Not to mention, most importantly, we don’t go sucking up to kids, because we’re more interested in women. Now, speaking of women, I know you two think that talking to a female may be the Final Frontier, but the reality is that the Final Frontier for any wrestler in this company, is to get the 1, 2, 3 over I, Downward Spiral, and it’s something you are never going to get. Like many times in your life Northern Lights, you’re going to come up short. You can parade around like a couple of morons all you want, trying to impress the fans, but Typhoon, everyone is going to see that I am not a fan of jokes. The fun stops this week at Meltdown. I’m not taking it anymore. People like you are the reason, why I have troubles at home. Northern Lights is not making it to Unscripted, because I’m going to make it my mission, to see that people like you are eradicated from my company.

Spiral: Have you ever wondered what true silence, actually sounds like? You’re going to find out at Meltdown. You see, I’m all about being violent, even when I hear the cries of the fans to stop what I’m doing in the ring.
(In a mocking voice) “No Spiral, please stop”, “Don’t kill him, please Spiral!” But that’s not going to happen this week. I don’t give a damn whether I ‘mortify’ the crowd or not, but what I am going to do to you, is going to leave a hush over the entire arena. The pure shock, of your beaten and bloody body, is going to horrify the crowd into silence, as they simply do the only thing they can, and that’s sit back and watch your final minutes in the business. I don’t give a damn what the fans have to say about that, and Myles, you can believe that you’ll get the same treatment if you try to stop me. There’s no stopping Downward Spiral, and Northern Lights, you’re going to be the first examples of that. So have your fun, but the end is near. Typhoon, when your body has been mangled beyond repair, and you lie in the middle of my ring, a beaten man, know this:…you’ve been Spiralled!

Spiral: Northern Lights…the next victims.

(Spiral looks at the camera in pure hatred, as it moves away and fades out. The scene is then cut to static, that gets louder and louder, before a graphic of Downward Spiral is shown on the screen.)
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