Meltdown (Episode 4): Aurelia Molotov vs. Jack Harris

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I used to be a big deal
Aurelia Molotov vs. Jack Harris

This week Aurelia Molotov makes her singles debut against Jack Harris. Both opponents are coming off impressive showings in the previous week's battle royal, Molotov eliminating big man Bishop, and Harris eliminating two individuals and looking strong in the match. Who will come out on top and keep the momentum going into Unscripted on the 26th? Tune into Meltdown to find out!

Keep all RPs in here

RP deadline is Friday, August 10th 2007 at Midnight Eastern Standard Time
It was Two days after the Battle Royal, and the result of the brutal match was beginning to take its toll on Aurelia and Celeste. Celeste had lost so much blood, that she almost had to be hospitalized. Then, Celeste fragile state of mind worsened, as she ran lower on medication, with fewer places around the small towns they visited that had her prescription on file. The night terrors worsened as Aurelia feared that Celeste was on the edge of a psychotic break, which could potentially spell legitimate danger for the rest of the Superstars of WZCW. After discussing it over with Celeste’s husbands Alex, then with WZCW owner, Chuck Myles, the decision was made for Celeste to take a short hiatus and skip the upcoming show, so that she could hopefully get her life back on track. Celeste’s husband agreed to fly from their home in Houston to be with Celeste in California, leaving Aurelia on her own.

Aurelia felt fine on her own, and felt excited about her upcoming debut. Aurelia took the time to scout her opponent, Jack Harris. After translating and reading the man’s history and watching some of his promos, Aurelia was suddenly reminded of her own shitty childhood, and the life she was forced to leave behind in Romania. Aurelia had done well to try and block and forget the horrific memories of a past life she tried so desperately to run away from. Forcing herself to remember the hellacious memories caused her psyche to overload as she was suddenly so overcome with grief and sadness that she laid down on her bed and wept. Aurelia cried as she forced herself to remember all the memories she tried to forget, memories of a family torn apart by poverty of a failing government, crime, and death. She thought of her father, a man whom she hadn’t seen in nearly 10 years, and a man she could never see again. She thought of her Brother, who gave up what was left of his life, making the decision to spend the rest of his life in a maximum security Prison in Siberia so that Aurelia could leave behind a life of pain and suffering and have a chance to live out the rest of her life without fear. Aurelia felt rejuvenated after her long cry. After reading Jack’s profile again, she concluded that he was a misguided young man, but he was lucky. Sure he had seen some bad things in his life, but would he have lasted even a little bit in her shoes? Probably Not.

Aurelia got her camera and set it up in front of her. She decided to go ahead and do her RP for her match against this Kid now that she had memories of her past on her mind. Maybe she could educate Mr. Harris on the true definition of pain and suffering. Aurelia finishes setting up the camera and turns it on, then she steps back and waits a second, staring into the blinking red light of the camera as if pondering her thoughts.

(Aurelia speaks loudly and freely, she moves quickly through each point, pausing ever so slightly as to give her words more emphasis)

Aurelia: Next week, in California, I get to make my long awaited debut, to show the rest of you guys what I’m capable of. Some of you may doubt my abilities, because I can’t speak English, I will tell you right now that is a fatal move. I’ve dominated the rings of Japan and Europe. I’ve Held the Heavyweight title in Japans NOAH and dominated the competition of Queens of Chaos in Europe. I’m a former Muay Thai Kick boxer; I’ve fought for Croatia, Romania, and The National Muay Thai Kick Boxing Federation. I've racked up 50 wins in the short time I was fighting. But still some of you doubt me? Well, I’ll make sure to put you all on notice this week.

На следующей неделе, в Калифорнии, я добираюсь, чтобы сделать мой длинный ожидаемый дебют, показать остальную часть Вас парни, к чему я являюсь способным. Некоторые из Вас могут сомневаться относительно моих способностей, потому что я не могу говорить на английском языке, я скажу Вам прямо сейчас, который является фатальным движением. Я доминировал над кольцами Японии и Европы. Я Сдержался, Тяжелое название Лакирует НОА и доминировало над соревнованием Куинса Хаоса в Европе. Я - прежний тайский боксер Пинка Muay; я боролся за Хорватию, Румынию, и Национальную тайскую Федерацию Бокса Пинка Muay.

(Aurelia’s demeanor changes, as turns her attention toward her opponent)

Aurelia: Jack Harris, where to begin with you. I read your file, and turns out there is something we both have in common, we both had shitty childhoods growing up. But please, Jack, spare me your bullshit on how your life was So much worse than mine. Was it because your family was poor and you were born into a crappy neighborhood? I was too; the housing developments in Bucharest when I was growing up were terrible. All because of Ceauşescu and his failed systematization plan. It was Me, My older brother and sister, and my father in this shitty run down apartment. There were times when we couldn’t get clean water, other times, we couldn’t get food. You talk about growing up on the streets Jack? Well, you were kicked out, I chose to leave my home. My sister dropped out of school to help support the family at age 12, she died 4 years later from a case of pneumonia made worse by an outbreak of AIDS, that the government did nothing to control. I bet you had medical care growing up Jack, I didn’t, and I lost many of my family because of my governments inability to provide us with medical care. You talk about spending Time in Prison, Jack; you talk about fighting your way through prison. Is that supposed to scare me, or intimidate me? And finally, you talk about fighting to survive. I bet none of the fights you fought were really even that serious, hell, I bet you’ve never seen a dead body Jack, let alone killed anybody. Me on the other hand, I got mixed up with the wrong people, as I’m sure you did too, accept you weren’t forced to do the things that you did. You never fought for your survival, Jack, you fought for pleasure, because you could. I fought because I didn’t have a choice, and that’s the primary difference between us Jack. Let me tell you a little something about fighting to survive, Jack. You may have been in some second rate prison system in the States, where you were the top dog, but the people I encountered controlled everything. In an area that was war torn with counties full of Dictatorships fighting over land, the Russian Mafia brought illegal underground fight clubs to these areas, in an attempt to bring the people that lived in those nations some entertainment, to distract them from War, and poverty, and famine.

Джек Харрис, где начинаться с Вас. Я читал ваш файл, и повороты там - кое-что, что мы имеем вместе, мы имели shitty детство выращивание. Но пожалуйста, Джек, сэкономите меня ваша ерунда на том, как ваша жизнь была Настолько хуже чем мой. Это было, потому что ваша семья была бедна, и Вы родились в дрянное соседство? Я был также; жилищные строительства в Бухаресте, когда я рос, были ужасны. Все из-за Ceauşescu и его неудавшегося плана систематизации. Это был Я, Мой старший брат a Джек Харрис, где начинаться с Вас. Я читал ваш файл, и повороты там - кое-что, что мы имеем вместе, мы имели shitty детство выращивание. Но пожалуйста, Джек, сэкономите меня ваша ерунда на том, как ваша жизнь была Настолько хуже чем мой. Это было, потому что ваша семья была бедна, и Вы родились в дрянное соседство? Я был также; жилищные строительства в Бухаресте, когда я рос, были ужасны. Все из-за Ceauşescu и его неудавшегося плана систематизации. Это был Я, Мой старший брат a Джек Харрис, где начинаться с Вас. Я читал ваш файл, и повороты там - кое-что, что мы имеем вместе, мы имели shitty детство выращивание. Но пожалуйста, Джек, сэкономите меня ваша ерунда на том, как ваша жизнь была Настолько хуже чем мой. Это было, потому что ваша семья была бедна, и Вы родились в дрянное соседство? Я был также; жилищные строительства в Бухаресте, когда я рос, были ужасны. Все из-за Ceauşescu и его неудавшегося плана систематизации. Это был Я, Мой старший брат a

(Aurelia lifts her top and shows off the horrific looking scar on her abdomen.)

Aurelia: You see this Jack, this scar Jack? This was the price I paid for losing a death match, for not being harsh enough, for not being strong enough, for not killing my opponent before he got me, after he tried to finish me of with a knife. I should have died inside that cage, I should have bled to death on the concrete floor, but my brother intervened, he ripped open the cage door, forcefully stopped the match, and carried me out. He convinced my boss, my owner, to pay for surgery, where doctors removed my spleen and part of my intestine.

Вы видите этого Джека, этот шрам Джек? Это было ценой, которую я заплатил за то, что терял соответствие, за то, чтобы не быть достаточно резким, для того, чтобы не быть достаточно сильным, для того, чтобы не убить моего противника прежде, чем он получил меня. Я должен был умереть в той клетке, я должен был кровоточить до смерти на бетоне, но мой брат вмешался, он разорвал открытый дверь клетки, остановил соответствие, и выполнил меня. Он убедил моего босса, моего владельца, платить за хирургическую операцию, куда доктора удаляли мою раздражительность и часть моего кишечника.

(Aurelia puts her shirt back down as she resumes her previous position as she talks)

Aurelia: I didn’t even get a chance to heal after my surgery, as my owner made fight one day after my surgery. My stitches burst in the middle of the match, and I nearly bled to death again. Fearing for my life, I committed the worse sin of all, when I was forced to kill my opponent in the Cage before he killed me. And for what? Glory? Honor? Respect? There was none, just men fighting it out to the death to see who the better man, or in my case woman, was. The crowds were rampant, as they demanded more and more blood. Like tyrants to the guillotine we were, trying to please a war torn, impoverished audience’s Lust for blood, while trying to curve our Bosses, our owners, desire for Avarice. And I pray, I pray everyday to God to have mercy on me for the sins that I committed, and forgive me, so that when I finally do leave this earth, I’ll get to see my family in heaven again.

Я даже не получал шанс зажить после моей хирургической операции, как мой владелец, сделанный борьбой спустя один день после моей хирургической операции. Мой взрыв стежков в середине соответствия, и я почти кровоточил до смерти снова. Боясь за мою жизнь, я передал худший грех всех, когда я был вынужден, чтобы убить моего противника в Клетке прежде, чем он убил меня. И для какой? Слава? Честь? Уважение? Не было ни одного, только мужчины, побеждающие это к смерти, чтобы видеть, кем был лучший человек, или в моей женщине случая. Толпы были необузданными, поскольку они потребовали больше

Aurelia: So Jackie boy, I see right through your charade, your gimmick, the mask that you wear. To be honest, I’m not at all impressed with the things you’ve done, and the consequences that you’ve had to reap for yourself. When we do step into that ring a week from now, I will be looking through you to the other side. I have no desire to feud with you as I have business elsewhere, but I will look to make an example out of you Jack Harris, to show my enemies that I am not to be f****d with. In fact, this week I probably will be thinking very little of our match and the mind games that will get thrown into it, as you don’t concern me, as there are other people whom I care about that need my help. A week from now, be ready Jack Harris, or I will show you no mercy, focus all my unreleased aggression and frustration and turn it against you, and leave you a broken mess inside that ring.

Так мальчик Джекки, я вижу прямо через вашу шараду, ваш трюк, маска, которую Вы носите. Честно говоря, я нисколько не впечатлен вещами, которые Вы сделали, и последствия, которые Вы должны были пожинать для вас непосредственно. Когда мы действительно ступаем в то кольцо неделя с этого времени, я буду просматривать Вас к другой стороне. Я не имею никакого желания враждовать с Вами, поскольку я имею бизнес в другом месте, но я буду надеяться делать пример из Вас Джеком Харрисом, показывать моим врагам, что я не должен быть f **** d с. Фактически, этот w

(Aurelia reaches over and turns off her camera, as the screen fades to black. Aurelia then formatted the tape and sent it to Chuck Myles so that his team could have it translated and dubbed on
Jack Harris is walking around backstage, still noticeably angry over what had just happened in Chuck Myles office. He is suddenly stopped by Leon Kensworth.

Jack Harris: What in the hell do you want?

Leon: I, uhhh, want to talk to you about your opponent next week on Meltdown, Auriela Molotov.

Jack: Yeah. What about her?

Leon: Follow me, I’ll show you what she had to say about you.

Leon leads Jack down a hallway and through a door. In the room there is a television. Jack sits down in one of the chairs, as Leon presses pay on the VCR. Jack watches the video very closely. After the video ended, Leon turns the VCR off before Jack solemnly says

Jack: Leon can you leave the room. I want to talk about this alone.

Leon: Yeah, no problem.

Leon quickly walks out of the door. As soon as he is outside, Jack slams the door shut, and then looks directly into the camera, speaking very slowly.

Jack: Auriela, you want to talk about troubled childhoods? You left your families house on your own, I was kicked out. You can go back any time you want to, and they will accept you back. There is no going back for me. I had to live off what I found on the streets. Did I kill people like you did? No. I beat them down to within less of an inch of their lives. Killing them would have been too easy. I enjoyed watching them beg. Beg for life. Would I give them the life they begged? I didn’t take it, but I didn’t help them. I left them laying where they were, they could have died, I have no idea. You say I’ve never seen a dead body? I had a friend who was like a brother die in my arms from gunshot wounds! One of the men I left for dead was the killer. I have never been the same since.

Jack sits back down in the chair he was sitting in and puts his head in his hands as if he were praying. Then suddenly, as if possessed, he jumps up.

Jack: You pray to God for forgiveness? Ha, what a joke! Where was this God when I was starving on the streets? Where was God when my friend died in my arms? Your so-called God ain’t gonna save you from the beat down I’m gonna give you. Then when you are begging for mercy, begging for life, I will leave you there to die, praying to this God you speak of.

Jack looks into the camera as if he is about to explode. He takes a few deep breaths to gather himself. After a few moments, he speaks again.

Jack: You’ve killed people. You have all these achievements. That doesn’t mean shit to me. All that matters is what happens between the ropes. In there, you don’t stand a chance. There will be no distraction, just destruction! And I will tear you apart.

With that last statement, Jack turns and heads for the door. He swings the door open, and there are many WZCW wrestlers outside listening to what he had been saying. Jack tells them to F**K OFF! Before slamming the door, leaving the camera in the darkness of the room.
Almost a week after her first initial RP, Aurelia has since been trying to count down the days until her first match. When she stated before in her RP about not worrying about the match, she lied. Aurelia spent allot of her time thinking about the match, and the impact that she was going to make. Honestly, Aurelia cared little for her opponent Jack Harris, she was concerned about the impact the match would have and the weight that it would carry over. The way Aurelia saw it was that Jack Harris was just an obstacle placed in front of her by Chuck Myles, to see if she was really worthy enough to take on High Society. Aurelia needed to be there for Celeste, as she was confident that she could beat Jack Harris, and then go on and Help Celeste defeat High Society. So in reality, Aurelia was in part telling the truth. She hadn’t though of Jack Harris so much as HER DEBUT, and her future battles with High Society. Although Aurelia felt confident, she was going to be over confident or too cocky. As she searched, she came across the RP that Jack Harris had submitted the day before. As she translated and read the RP to herself, she couldn’t help but Laugh at herself, because she knew this was the way Harris would react to her RP.

After thinking long and hard about making another RP, Aurelia decided that it would be easier to hook the camera up to her computer, and do it that way. It took some time, but she got the camera hooked up. Aurelia leans back in her chair as she his the power button and record button on the camera as she takes a long breath before beginning.

Aurelia: Jack Harris, the more I listen to you the more I see the similarities between us. I mean really, we both had mirror image childhoods growing up. And no, I can’t go back to Romania because you see, when I was picked up by the Russian Mafia to fight in their fight clubs, they didn’t offer me a way out. My freedom came when my brother cut a deal with my owner, and killed off the rivals Bosses top fighters inside the cage fights. Then my brother killed the Bosses and their families inside their homes. It was I trade of more power and money for my Boss, for my life and my freedom, by Brother was arrested, he’s now speeding the rest of his life in a maximum security prison in Siberia. Once the murdered Crime Bosses families found out that they were killed off as part of a deal that involved MY freedom, they came after me, causing me to move to Japan, but I wasn’t safe there, as the mafia soon used their ties to find me again. I had to come to the states to get away, where the Russian Mafia doesn’t have strong ties, and I fear if I ever return to Romania, the mafia will kill me and my Papa, so no, I can never return to my home.

Aurelia: You see Jack, even though we are so similar, we are so different at the same time. You talk about getting pleasure form all the fights you took part it in, well fighting never gave me pleasure, Jack. It was always a matter of Life and death inside the cages. The object was to beat your opponent senseless, then kill him, something which I refused to do, until I had no choice. I never once got pleasure out of those matches, they sickened me. They turned me into a monster, and brought out a side of me that I never knew could exist in me. That’s why I wanted out, and I paid dearly for my freedom. As soon as I was free form the Mafia, I moved to Croatia and learned the art of Muay Thai. My teachers taught me how to fight with honor and respect, and made me appreciate the mercy shown by others. When the time came for me to move to Japan, I fell in love with pro wrestling because I found it a way to express myself, to release my anxiety in a healthy way while still showing honor and respect to my opponent.

Aurelia: And I pray to god because he IS merciful, and forgiving. He was the same god that was their when your friend died, just as he was their when I was being beaten and tortured because I refused to kill people inside the cages. And that’s the big difference between us Jack, is that I show mercy for my opponents, and I get no pleasure or enjoyment from watching them suffer. Even if I don’t like a person, I still don’t wish them any harm, as I know that I can beat a person using my skill and intensity alone. Maybe you’ll be so lucky Jack, that I show you mercy in that ring in a few days after I beat you, make you humble, and move on to the next challenge that WZCW puts me up against. See you in a few days Jack, I hope you come prepared, because if you spend all your time getting cocky and think that I’m just some second rate pushover that you don’t need to be concerned about, YOU WILL LOSE.

(Aurelia smiles, as she ends the RP. She reaches over and presses stop. She then begins to format the video, and sends it to Chuck Myles and his Team to be dubbed and translated.)
The scene oopens up and Rebecca is seen backstage. She is wearing a tight red dress that shows off her "assets." A few men in the audience whistle at her.

Becky:Ladies and getlemen, let introduce my guest. He will be facing Auriela Molotov at the next Meltdown, Jack Harris!

Harris comes onto the screen to a chorus of boos, but it doesn't seem to faze him one bit. He comes out like he is loving life. He is wearing a black Jaguar #7 Byron Leftwich jersey and baggy shorts. His grill is shining in the light.

Becky: I understand that you have a message for Auriela Molotov.

Harris: Yea, shawty. I do.

He takes the mic away from Becky and nudges her aside. Jack makes sure he gets in the middle of the screen. He says in a celebratory voice

Harris: Congratulations! You won, Auriela! You won the "Who's Life Is More Pathetic" Award! It's clear that you've had the tougher life. Not only is the mafia after you, but your brother Borat is in jail, too. And you're the reason he's there! You can't go back home, and you've been forced to kill people! They don't make movies this good! You really made me feel sorry for you. Congratulations on having a harder life, Auriela Molotov!

The crowd sits in silence. It is clear that they are confused of Jack's actions. Nobody knows what to make of it. But his mood changes in a blink of an eye. He is no longer celebratory, but is now very serious.

Harris: Too bad that doesn't mean a damn thing when it comes to wrestling. You dwell on the past. You think that its gonna help you. You know what, dawg? It's not! I'm not gonna keep on trying to find out whose life has sucked more. It doesn't matter! You could be a heiress to a fortune and have had a great life and it wouldn't matter. I would still approach our match the same way. The only thing that matters is our match at Meltdown. You say you're not worried about me? You say you just care about making an impact and then moving on to High Society? You better not overlook me, dawg! I'm a dangerous man! I can tear you apart, limb for limb. You better pray to God that you will even be ABLE to face High Society. You see, I couldn't care less about wins and losses. The only thing I care about is the number of ass-kicking I give out. And you're next on the list. I didn't give a damn about you before Chuck Myles put us in a match together. Well, to tell you the truth, I still don't really give a damn about you. But I'm not gonna overlook you, dawg. I respect your abilities, its obvious that you don't respect mine.

Harris stops talking for a moment and then gives a little chuckle as if he just realized something very obvious.

Harris: Your life sucked before, now its gonna be even worse after our match. Well, only if you're lucky enough to survive it.

With that, Jack Harris leaves the scene to even louder boos than when he first appeared. Becky steps back into frame with a scared look on her face. The boos continue as the scene fades to black.
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