Meltdown: (Episode 3) Mohammed Hasheem vs. Arch Angel vs. Everest

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The Great Khali is really immortal
Mohammed Hasheem vs. Arch Angel vs. Everest

On The second ever episode of WZCW: Meltdown, Mohammed Haseem made himself known to the WZCW fans, as well as making his hatred for America very clear. This week Hasheem will attempt to backup is words as he makes his in ring debut in a triple threat match. How ever his opponents in Arch Angel and Everset will be out to make their own mark in WZCW as they also make their debuts. So will Hasheem back his words up? Or will Arch Angel or Everset pull out the win in their first match in WZCW. Tune into Meltdown to find out.

Keep all RPs in here

RP deadline is Friday, 27th July 2007 at Midnight Eastern Standard Time
-- The camera zooms in close to a large door at WZCW headquarters just minutes after the WZCW Press Conference. On the name plate it says “WZCW Owner: CHUCK MYLES” -- After a few seconds the door swings open and out emerges EVEREST, wearing a $250 Custom Silk Shirt that has the top 2 buttons undone showing off a flawless physique. He’s got on nice dress pants, expensive Alligator skin Shoes and a Rolex on his left hand. Everest’s got a duffle bag slung over his shoulder and just before exiting the room, swings his head around and speaks to the owner --

EVEREST: Hey.. Thanks again Myles, I appreciate it. You take care and I’ll see you on the 30th.

-- As Everest turns the corner, WZCW reporter Leon Kensworth comes flying around the corner, almost running into Everest --

EVEREST: (just avoiding the oncoming Leon) Whoa there, Stop Forest Stop.

LEON: (huffing and puffing like he just ran a marathon) Sorry….(huff) about that (huff) Everest (huff) I just got word you were here and was (huff) wondering if I could get (huff) an exclusive interview?

EVEREST: Alright aright Leon, damn, what’d you do run all the way here from Atlanta?

LEON: (slowly getting his breath back) No, sir….just came from down the hall, from the café?

EVEREST: (shaking head) Leon, Leon, Leon. Alright you said you wanted an interview?

LEON: Yes sir, if you don’t mind.

EVEREST: (grabbing a seat on a near by bench) Nah I don’t mind, I was just heading to the gym but that’s alright, fire away.

LEON: Well alright, The first question I have is about Monday’s Meltdown…..What was your impression of the show?

EVEREST: You want to know what I thought of Meltdown huh, well first things first any show with out Everest just isn’t the best show that could be presented to the fans but Chuck and I had worked that out beforehand and I was alright with it, but I have to say Meltdown had some good points. Good amount of action and excitement but I have to tell you Leon, there’s one image from Meltdown I just can’t get out of my head.

LEON: Really what might that be Everest

EVEREST: Well Leon if you could refrain from interrupting me again I might be able to tell you.

LEON: Sorry Eve….

EVEREST: (holding up a hand) Ah Leon, shhhhhhhhhh, back to what I was saying about Meltdown. One image seems to keep coming to mind and I just can’t get past it. The image of those punks from HIGH SOCIETY standing over a fallen young lady after brutally attacking her from behind and having to use 3 “men” and I do have to use that term loosely, to finish the job. I have to admit Leon, that disturbs me and disgusts me, and the pure fact that she re-emerged later to exact a little revenge was bittersweet in my mind. Don’t worry though, those boys from High Society will come into contact with Everest at some point and their fall from the mountain will include pain they’ve never felt before. Something else that was disturbing was that worthless coward Joe T abandoning his partner Titus in the middle of the match. I can’t stand someone pulling that and had I not made an arrangement with Myles not to get involved in the evenings events you can guar an -- damn - tee that Everest would have been happy to help out Titus. Other than that I found Meltdown to be quite entertaining.

LEON: Wow, those are some strong words. Moving on though, what about the announcement of your triple threat match at Meltdown on the 30th and also your participation in the Pinnacle Pursuit Battle Royal.

EVEREST: Well Leon, you may have finally figured out that this whole reporting thing isn’t about standing around with a microphone hoping the talent can save your butt from looking stupid. Let me say that the Pinnacle Pursuit tournament is the reason that I’m here today. You see I was quite upset when I found out initially that I was not invited to join this tournament. You see I told Chuck… I said Chuck, my man how do you think you can have a tournament for the WZCW title, then name that tournament the Pinnacle Pursuit and then of all things NOT invite the PINNACLE OF PERFECTON, Everest. I had to tell him that it’s just not right. Then came the announcement earlier and I was very happy to see that Chuck came to his senses. You see it may take an extra match and a little more effort but I am ready to climb the mountain so to speak and take my shot at the richest prize in wrestling.

LEON: I See, but what about the other two men you will facing at Meltdown, Archangel and Mohammed Hasheem?

EVEREST: Damn, Leon if you give me a minute I would get to those two. Seems you are pretty antsy to get back to that cream stick of yours. Anyway as I was saying……My triple threat match at Meltdown - what can I say, if I’m going to make an Impact I might as well go large. To be honest Leon, I don’t know a lot about either one of these “opponents” of mine. I haven’t had time to find some film on either guy but I can tell you that this Mohammed fellow is already rubbing me the wrong way. Personally his Anti-American tirades are a waste of good television time and apparently a man who berates America is more than willing to embrace our country’s freedom of speech.

As for Archangel. Hmmmmmm what an interesting character. Seems he wants to clean up the “bad” people of the world. Well as noble of a mission as that may be, the whole dressing up like the crow and sulking around like something out of a second rate underground Goth inspired comic book that couldn’t be given away at a vampire festival, seems to be a bit theatrical and over done. I have to tell you though this Angel fellow, scares the holy hell outta Janessa though.

Bottom line Leon, neither one of those two schmucks can keep me away from my ultimate goal. As for the rest of the WZCW people who will be in that battle royal: All I can tell you Leon is by the end of Meltdown in two weeks everyone one of those participants in the Battle Royal, Archangel, Mohammed, you Leon Kensworth, Jim Coleman, Jack Cohen this peon holding the camera, that pretty little thing over there that just can’t seem to stop eyeballing the Pinnacle of Perfection, and every fan watching at home will find out the one thing that millions around the globe already know

--Everest leans into the camera, lowers his brow and turns from relaxed and calm to serious and focused before sending out his signature phrase--


Thank you Leon, this has been a pleasure -- for you! Take care!

--With that Everest stands up, grabs his bag from the floor, flings it over his shoulder and heads for the door, but just before leaving he fires off one more shot at Leon--

EVEREST: Hey pal, rumor has it that WZCW has some free passes to Curves Fitness Centers, maybe you should ah take them up on their offer.

LEON: Huh, that’s a Women’s only workout center Everest.

EVEREST: (Smiling) Yeah…….I know!

--With that Everest disappears down the hallway and into the elevator--
We see a dark room and then we see Rajeem and Rasheeka come into the picture, wearing what they normally wear.

Rajeem: Good evening.

Rasheeka: Hello.

All of a sudden Mohammad Hasheem comes into the picture.

Hasheem: Just when I thought you Americans couldn’t get anymore shallow, you do something like this! You stupid, stupid Americans only think about you! You don’t know of anyone else, and you especially don’t think of me! I can’t believe that you ******ed Americans would actually force me to wrestle not one, but TWO idiots, whom you all call WZCW superstars! That’s right I am talking about Everest and Arch Angel! One’s an amateur and the other thinks he is ‘perfect!’ A man of my expertise shouldn’t face these 2 jokers! And besides, I face people whenever I feel like it! If the owner of “America for Dummies,” Chuck Myles, doesn’t like that well then he take his complaints and shove it up his un-orthodox ass! Now, some people don’t really understand what exactly happened in Mr. Myles office, so let me show you the clip of what exactly happened.

The screen then fades white and we see Mr. Chuck Myles in his office with his work glasses almost off his nose like an old lady would have it. He is filing through some paperwork and we see on one of the sheets it reads, “101 reasons why Sescoop Forums suck” and we then see 103 reasons.

Chuck Myles: He sighs Why does Wrestlezone Championship Wrestling rock so much? Haha, because moi is in charge!!

All of a sudden, Mohammad Hasheem and his crew barge in Chuck’s office yelling and going crazy.

Hasheem: Who the hell do you think you are Chuck?! How dare you book me in a match! No one and I mean no one books me in a match but my manager, Rajeem! I am not ready, I mean I don’t feel like wasting my debut this week! Rajeem looks out for my best interest, unlike you, Myles, and these stupid Americans!

Chuck: Now hold the phone here. These “stupid” He makes the quote sign with his fingers Americans are the spine of this company! The “stupid” Americans are the reason I and everyone else in this business are here! These “stupid” Americans are the fans of WZCW!! While saying all this, Chuck’s voice raises more and more.

Hasheem: Well isn’t that just great. Now you listen and you listen good, I fight who I want and when ever I want!

Chuck: Oh really?

Hasheem: Yes, really! How dare you?!

Chuck: How dare me!? How dare me?!

Hasheem: Yea! How dare you book me in a match without confirming it with me! You are not the boss! Let me revise that statement, you are no the boss OF ME! It’s people like you that make Americans the people they are today…no good sons of bitches! Ok! How dare you book me in a match against my wishes! You want, book me in the Battle Royal!

Chuck: You gotta be kidding! You…in the Battle Royal! Ha! Hahahaha, me…NOT the boss of you? Haha, ok so I am going to put you to the test. If you decide NOT to show up for your triple threat match, at Meltdown then you will be banned from the arena! You will be suspended without pay! How about that? No more promo’s, no title shots, no nothing! Whatya have to say about that?

Hasheem: You can’t do this!

Chuck: Don’t show up for your match next week and we will see if I can do it.

Hasheem: Oh don’t worry, we shall!

He turns around to leave but he then turns back around and gets in Chucks face. He makes a fist and swings it at Chuck’s head but doesn’t actually hit him, he wants to make Chuck flinch. Unfortunately for Hasheem, Chuck didn’t even budge.

Hasheem: Listen to me you bastard, this isn’t over. One day, you are going to get what is coming to ya! You can bank on that you fucken American! My name is Mohammad Hasheem and I – Chuck interrupts Hasheem

Chuck: I am ordering you to leave my office this instant or I will fire your ass around here! I don’t want to because I wanna see your ass get whooped all over the place. But that is irrelevant, now leave!

Hasheem: But –

Chuck: Now!

Hasheem and his crew leaves as the camera fades white and we see Hasheem in the dark, black room.

Hasheem: So as you can see what happened between me and the piece of garbage, Myles. He threatened me and I don’t like it when people threaten me. I have just the plan to get back at him. See you on the 30th…or will you?

The camera fades Rajeem and Rasheeka are smiling and Mohammad Hasheem seems to have an angry look on his face
The camera starts off at the feet of Arch Angel. It moves further up his body to show that he is standing outside WZCW HQ, stood around the side at the fire exit. He walks over to his motorbike and picks up a back pack of sorts and turns to see the camera.

Arch Angel looks around to see if anyone is around.

Arch Angel: So, it seems like the wait is almost over. On the 30th of July will be the debute of Arch Angel. But the stupid people of San Diego will not see my perform only once, even though I am not sure they are worthy of that honor. No, they will see me perform twice. Because I have been placed in the Battle Royal to advance in the Pinnicle Pursuit Tourniment to become king of this particular mountain.

Arch Angel closes his eyes as if remembering something, then the corners of his lips curl into a sneer

Arch Angel: Speaking of mountain's, that brings me rather flawlessly onto that little adrenaline junkie Everest. You see, me and you have ourselves a little match at Meltdown. But wether it is Arch Angel vs Everest, or Arch Angel vs Everest vs Mohammed 'The American Hating Little Bastard' Hasheem is quite inconsequential, because the final outcome will be the same, I will be standing tall with my hand raised after Everest or Hasheem or both fall victim of the 'Fall From Grace' and once you have been hit by that, you will not get back up. That I can promise you.

Now Everest....

Arch Angel jumps up and down on the balls of his feet for a moment, when he stops he has a icey cold stare as he looks dead into the camera, as if he is looking dead into the eyes of Everest

Arch Angel: You call me a black and white crow wannabe? You are like everyone else, you are afraid of what you don't understand. You see something different and automatically become scared and run it down. You act big and tough when your in your house, but when the lights went out you were pretty quick to run away werent you? You are afraid of me. You said that I would rather play in peoples minds than do down and dirty wrestling. Well Everest, you will find out what I can do with peoples minds in the coming days. But at Meltdown, when you are in the ring with me, waiting for that opening bell to ring, you will start to feel tiny beads of sweat run down your back, your muscles will sieze and your hands will start to shake. I can promise you that, you may put it down to the adrenaline pumping through your body because you are starting a new chapter in your career, but you would be wrong, because Everest, my friend, that is fear. You fear of me, because playing head games is part and parcel of this business, and I am one of the best.

So think about that next time you are telling Leon that this is "Your world and your just letting us live here" because I am afraid that it is not your world. I implore you to keep me at the fore-front of your mind. Because if you take your mind off me for one slight second, you will lose focus. You will have an excuse for been pinned. But this is someone who values shirts and clothes more than what he accomplishes in the squared circle.

Arch Angel starts to walk away, then turns back an whispers

Arch Angel: Everest, I am in your world, what the fuck are you going to do about it?

The camera follows Arch Angel as he walks through a corridor towards the private lockerrooms of the WZCW contracted talent. Arch Angel stops outside Everests door.

Arch Angel: You see, Everest didn't even notice that I look something from his house when he bolted to, where was it?......

Arch Angel put his hand to his chin to feint thought

Arch Angel: .....Oh yes, now I remember. Rodeo Drive to buy some new shirts. So I think as a good man, I should return said item of his to its rightful owner

Arch Angel opens the door and takes something out of the bag and throws it into the locker room, something smashes and he close's the door and laughs.

Arch Angel: The next topic today is Mohammed Hasheem. You don't have any respect for the business do you? Or any respect for the USA. You have no problem running down our country and spending our currency on your clothes and things. But when you are asked to do you JOB you throw a bitch fit like a 9 year old girl. What are you Hasheem? Are you a 9 year old girl or are you a wreslter?

You say that you have never held a title because people have discriminated you because of your race? Mohammed, I have seen tapes of you wrestle and I am afraid that you have never won a propper title because you just don't cut it in the ring. Your work ethic stinks. It looks like you have talent, but you just don't use it. If you put in half as much effort in your matches than you do running down this great country then you could go place's, not here though, because your stay is going to be a short one. Because I am going to hurt you, your three strikes are over. You are going down. Pray to what ever god you would like, but if you do turn up at Meltdown I am going to presonally break every bone in your body.

Now, I think i have said enough at this moment. I shall address the Battle Royal when I have my interview with Rebecca Serra, so if you will excuse me, I have to go work out.

Arch Angel looks turns his back on the camera and walks down the camera to the gym.
--The scene opens with an outside shot of a huge high tech fitness center. Very up scale very modern. After a few seconds of waiting a door just to the side of the main entrance swings open and out emerges a very suave looking EVEREST. Our main WZCW reporter Leon rushes up to him--

EVEREST (Catches a glimpse of Leon rushing his way) Holy sweet hell man, what are you doing here? Can't I go anywhere with out you people following me around!

LEON: EVEREST, EVEREST I heard you might be here.

EVEREST: Yeah well I guess you heard right, what can I do for you?

LEON: I was just wondering if you might have a response to the words that Moham....

(Everest grabs the mic and glares at Leon)

EVEREST: You know what Leon, how about you let me take care of this one alright.

(with that Leon takes a step out of the picture and EVEREST focuses directly into the camera)

EVEREST: You see Leon, I've got a few things to say. First off I would like to deal with our third world pal Mohammad Hasheem. I've got one thing to say to Mister I'll do what I want when I want. Hasheem -- it pains me to say this but you're doing the right thing. You see if you were to walk that ramp and get into the ring with me, You WOULD LOSE! And quite honestly there would be only 2 things you could do about it, nothing and like it. So Hasheem when your ready to shut your mouth and show your "skill" in the ring then you come find me, alright, until then quit wasting precious TV time with your anti American rants that nobody gives a damn about.

(EVEREST takes a deep breath before moving forward)

And secondly on to Archangel--- So you say your out to clean up the sinners, the riff raff so to speak -- the scum of the earth, yet you tresspass onto my property, you break into my house and you steal something of mine, which by the way I will be getting back! Seems to me that you are emulating the crap you are trying to get rid of. Kinda hypocritical to me, but hey you know what Angel you did say a few things that are true.

I may have underestimated you. Does that mean I fear you, oh no, don't mistake underestimation for fear my friend. I have no fear for you but I will be doing a little more research on you my friend.

You called me an adrenaline junkie looking for another high. Angel my boy it's not adrenaline that drives me, it's one thing and one thing only. Success! I will get to the WZCW Championship, the top of the mountain so to speak and if you want to stand in my way then so be it, but don't blame me for your departure off the mountain.

You can go ahead and continue playing your head games. Take your best shot. But be warned that come Meltdown, head games won't do you any good. I will get a shot at you and then we'll see if you can back up all that talk.

(EVEREST nods for Leon to come back into the picture and Leon heads over and takes the mic back)

LEON: Wow, well thank you EVEREST I really appreciate your time.

EVEREST: (Finally getting into his own custom Honda S2000 Convertible after tossing his bag into the passenger seat) You know Leon, I have to thank you for letting me get that off my chest. Now quit following me and be on your way.

--With that the Black S2000 with the words PINNACLE on the plates speeds off through the parking lot and into the highway.--
WZCW comes back from a commercial break to find Arch Angel and Rebecca Serra sat down at a table.

Rebecca is drinking a cup of coffee and Arch Angel has a bottle of water.

Rebecca: Arch Angel thank you for taking time out of your schedule to take this interview with me.

Arch Angel: Rebecca, its no problem, but if we could hurry this up, I don't have all day to sit and flirt.

Rebecca look a little embarrassed and collects herself and gets her questions out of her bag that is at the side of her.

Rebecca: Ok, sorry about that. Well my first question is this. Have you got anything else to say about your match with Mohammad Hasheem and Everest at Meltdown?

Arch Angel: I have a few things to say about that, but to start with let me address Mohammad Hasheem again. He is the most ungrateful person I have ever worked with. He is refusing to work. But that shouldn't surprise us. I made a few calls to a few of my people who used to work with him, you see. Thats what I do when i learn who my opponent is, I make background checks, so to speak, watch old tapes of them, learn there strengths and weakness's. My people say that Mohammad is a cancer, that he infects people back stage and destroys moral in the backstage area. You see, everyone in the back is like a family. Even though I wouldn't go for a drink with the peons like Everest, or Gus "The Reality Bender" you have some respect for them. But people have no respect for Mohammad. They hate him, he tried to turn everyone against each other with backstage politics.

His ring work is average on his best day and it takes everything he has got to not seriously injure his opponent or himself. He is meant to bring down the house, and he does, but not in the good way. People get so bored with his in ring work, that they start to riot. For once I do agree with Everest that he would lose if he actually took part in our match, and he does need to shut up and step up!

Rebecca: Some harsh words there for Mohammad. I take it that you are not very fond of him?

Arch Angel: No, I think that he is just in the WZCW to pick up a pay check and to cash in on the success of our federation.

Rebecca: You mentioned Everest before, in a recent interview with my colleague Leon he had some angry words towards you. Do you have anything to say back?

Arch Angel takes a sip of his water and calls over the waiter

Arch Angel: Could I have another bottle of water, a coffee for Rebecca.

Waiter: Certainly sir

Arch Angel: Ah, Mr Everest, Mr Pinnacle of the Mountain. I do have a few things to say to him. You call me a hypocrite. You say I am emulating what I am trying to rid the earth of? Well I have something to say to you. Taking something from you was just to get under your skin, if you would have listened earlier you dump piece of crap you would have herd that I have already returned said possession of yours. You admitted that you underestimated me. Thats phase one complete. You say its not fear though, but I beg to differ. If you didn't fear me, then you wouldn't have admitted you underestimated me. No wonder you would rather climb mountains than wrestle if you don't scout your opponents.

Now Everest I am not fluent with your mountain lingo, but what in the hell does 'd
eparture off the mountain' mean? I can tell you one thing and one thing only. Come Meltdown I am going to be on top, I am going to have my arm raised in victory! I got a deal for you, if, and only if Mohammad decided to join our match, lets make it a elimination match, so we can get rid of him to start with, and then we will get down to it, Arch Angel vs Everest. Or better yet, we just tell Mohammad that he isn't wanted and we see who the better man is between us?

You say my mind game's are failing and we will see if I can back up what I say? Well on 30/07/2007 I will prove I can more than back up my words just watch any of my tapes and you will see that. So I hope and pray that at Meltdown you bring you 'A Game' because I don't want you to be able to have any excuse.

If you will excuse me for one moment I will then answer your next question....

Arch Angel stands up and moves out of shot......

[ooc - I will continue this RP in the battle royal thread later on.]
(The scene opens with a shot of a long hallway, suddenly around the corner comes Everest, dressed once again very nicely, silk shirt, dress pants, rolex on one wrist. He is on his cell talking to someone, and doesn't notice the camera crew behind him)

EVEREST: (talking to the person on the other end of the cell) No really, hon. Oh yeah I heard what that arrogant little punk had to say. Fact is Janessa, Archangel just doesn't understand what he's getting into. Although I do have to agree with his "deal". Hashamabeebee or whatever his name is, well let's just say his best interest may be to keep his distance from that triple threat match because Everest and Archangel are in no mood to have to deal with his antics or his unrespecting self centered rants.

EVEREST: (listening for a sec before responding) Naw, not really just a little worn out and tired. Spent a lot time last night studying up on our new best friend Archangel. Have to admit though those tapes were hard to come by. Seems our pal is really trying hard to keep those things away from people. Having connections does come in handy though. I have to say though, I got some go stuff out of those things, found a few things to exploit, move in on and work over.

(EVEREST strolls past a large room still stiring with about 10-12 people, all reporters, he stops and peers in. It's the WZCW meeting room, obviously set up for a press conference. Everest bids farewell to Janessa.)

EVEREST: Hey hon, how about I talk to you later alright, I ah might have stumbled onto something here.

(Everest smiles a nice little smirk that has the look of someone with a very sinister idea behind it, and then he heads into the door that leads to the back of the stage.)

occ--this will continue in the Battle Royal thread
Mohammad Hasheem and Rasheeka are shown walking down the hallway talking.

Rasheeka: My dear dir, Mohammad, I still do not understand where Rajeem is.

Hasheem: I told you, everyone in this damn, pathetic building wants and are begging me to participate in this stupid battle royal! Rajeem is telling them that it is just a waste of my time! In fact, why should I show my amazingness to these unworthy Americans when I should get the WZCW Championship on a silver platter! Now, let’s go and enjoy life, the Arabian way! Let’s say a joke!

Rajeem: She is starting to laugh! Hahaha, I have funny joke! Remember when that pathetic fool, Chuck Martle, wanted you to face those ingrates, Arch Devil and Ever-forest!

Hasheem: Haha, yea and –

Hasheem and Rasheeka are both interrupted by WZCW’s backstage announcer, Leon, holding a microphone and it seems like he is out of breath.

Leon: Mohammad. Mohammad Hasheem can –

Hasheem: First of all you piece of American trash, it is Mr. Hasheem to you! And you do not dare to look at this beautiful object known as the lady that has been destined to marry me, Rasheeka! Understood?

Leon: Yes sir! Umm, Mr. Hasheem, what are your thoughts on the comments that Everest and Arch Angel has said about you?

Hasheem: He doesn’t answer.

Leon: You do know what they said about you? Don’t you?

Hasheem: He sighs I’m sure you are gonna tell me what they said. So…go ahead!

Leon: Well if I remember correctly, Everest says that your Anti-American tirades are a waste of good television time and apparently you’re a man who berates America and you’re more than willing to embrace our country’s freedom of speech.

Hasheem: What in the hell does that supposed to mean?

Leon: Beats me, but I can say one thing, Everest said the following, “I've got one thing to say to Mister I'll do what I want when I want. Hasheem -- it pains me to say this but you're doing the right thing. You see if you were to walk that ramp and get into the ring with me, You WOULD LOSE! And quite honestly there would be only 2 things you could do about it, nothing and like it. So Hasheem when your ready to shut your mouth and show your "skill" in the ring then you come find me, alright, until then quit wasting precious TV time with your anti American rants that nobody gives a damn about.” He also said that it is best for you to keep your distance away from the match. Any thoughts?

Hasheem: Hmm, I am very amused by his words. He thinks that his antics scare me, then he is sadly mistaken! He is missing the whole point of me not wanting to be in this match. It is a waste of my time! Obviously, I will squash these pathetic patunes! Everest can talk until he is blue in the face, I will never be intimidated by him! Everest, like a great wrestler once said, “You want some, you know right where I am, come get some!” Is this interview over?

Leon: No, Mr. Hasheem, if you don’t mind, your other opponent, Arch Angel, also had some rough words for you.

Hasheem: Haha, it never ends. What now?

Leon: Well, Arch Angel had a lot to talk about you. He said that you are “The American Hating Little Bastard.” He also said the following paragraph:

“You don't have any respect for the business do you? Or any respect for the USA. You have no problem running down our country and spending our currency on your clothes and things. But when you are asked to do you JOB you throw a bitch fit like a 9-year-old girl. What are you Hasheem? Are you a 9-year-old girl or are you a wrestler?

You say that you have never held a title because people have discriminated you because of your race? Mohammed, I have seen tapes of you wrestle and I am afraid that you have never won a proper title because you just don't cut it in the ring. Your work ethic stinks. It looks like you have talent, but you just don't use it. If you put in half as much effort in your matches than you do running down this great country then you could go place's, not here though, because your stay is going to be a short one. Because I am going to hurt you, your three strikes are over. You are going down. Pray to what ever god you would like, but if you do turn up at Meltdown I am going to personally break every bone in your body.” He also added:

“He is the most ungrateful person I have ever worked with. He is refusing to work. But that shouldn't surprise us. I made a few calls to a few of my people who used to work with him, you see. That’s what I do when I learn who my opponent is, I make background checks, so to speak, watch old tapes of them, learn there strengths and weakness's. My people say that Mohammad is a cancer, that he infects people back stage and destroys moral in the backstage area. You see, everyone in the back is like a family. Even though I wouldn't go for a drink with the peons like Everest, or Gus "The Reality Bender" you have some respect for them. But people have no respect for Mohammad. They hate him, he tried to turn everyone against each other with backstage politics.

His ring work is average on his best day and it takes everything he has got to not seriously injure his opponent or himself. He is meant to bring down the house, and he does, but not in the good way. People get so bored with his in ring work, that they start to riot. For once I do agree with Everest that he would lose if he actually took part in our match, and he does need to shut up and step up!” Do you have any reaction to any of that?

Hasheem: Look, Arch Angel has a BIG mouth! He says that his people this and his people that! Who is his people? He has no people! Wanna know who has people? I have people! My people eat his people for dinner! My culture is absolutely nothing like his! He is pathetic! And as well as Everest! They both say that I am a loudmouth, cocky, S.O.B. and that I don’t have the balls to show up! He nods his head no It is a shame, a real shame! You know what you bastards, if you wanna fight I am right here! So the both of you can الأفاضل السيدات والسادة الأدباء الراغبين التسجيل في عضوية موقع القصة العربية ـ أو منتدى القصة العربية : نسعد كثيرا باشتراككم .. فأهلا بكم.ثمة بعض الخطوات التي نود إطلاعكم عليها، والتي درج الموقع على طلبها من أعضائه الجدد ـ كجزء مما هو متعارف عليه ، و يتمثل في :ــ ملء استمارة البيانات ( الموحودة أدناه ) و إعادتها إلى مسؤول الموقع. على هذا العنو.

Leon: Huh?

Hasheem: Get the hell out of my face!

Leon leaves

Hasheem: Look you freaks, my name is Mohammad Hasheem! I am the future of this damn Fucken business! طلبها من أعضائه الجدد ـ كجزء مما هو متعارف
Camera shows a limo pulling up to WZCW HQ, out steps Titus to great cheers, he's smiling and his mobile (cell) phone rings it's his agent Paul Kilbane.

Hello? Hey Paul? Yeah it's great! Fantastic news? What's all that about then..yeah...yeah...that's looking good, wow! You have to be kidding right?! Hollywood walk of fame? Me?...Yeah I am a darn good actor after all...there's always a snag what is it this time...the unveiing's pretty soon? What date's that then? The 30th July?! Man I'm almost 100% certain I've something going on! Yes I know you're concerned about me...I don't care, look am about to confirm it...just ask the blonde next to you to pass you the remote am sure she wont mind, got it? Now tune into WZCW there I am, I'm waving.

Titus waves to camera and laughs

Trust me on this one, I got to do what I got to do...peace out.

Titus puts phone down, by now he's walked into WZCW HQ and is walking along the corridor, he comes up to a door opens it, closes it very quickly then knocks very loud.

Come in

Titus goes in, the door closes and you see the name on the door...Chuck Myles

Hey Chuck, I need a favour

You always needing favours! What is it with you?

I want, sorry I mean I NEED to wrestle at the next meltdown.

Nope, Chuck carries on with his paperwork

That's it just a nope, no explanation no nothing?!

Well Titus you're a world famous actor, I don't think your heart's in the wrestling, there's no space for you on the card and you're clearly more interested in the acting side of

Titus puts his fingers to his lips as if to say shush

That is without a doubt the most outlandish statement I have ever heard! I started in this business with a hunger for the acting, I achieved my goal but nothing satisfied me like giving a Tit drop to someone in the ring, yeah I wasn't the best of wrestlers but neither was the ultimate warrior or Hulk Hogan but they made it. I don't want to be seen as some washed up actor who's trying to make it back in the wrestling world because his acting is going down the pan. Let me tell you I've won 4 Oscars in 5 years, that's an achievement! Why is Titus being made to wait out for his chance, you saw the 6 man tag where the team I was in were cheated out of a victory by sex and violence. You saw the last show where my own Partner walked out on me in a tag match against sex and violence, I fought valiantly against them and only ended up losing because I was in a tag team mindset, if it was a handicap match you'd have seen me do what I used to do best. Chuck am asking, no begging you just to sit on it, have a think, but me in the battle royal, I'll ref, heck I'll even announce or throw T-shirts to the crowd. You know the films I have starred in, and I now have a star on the Hollywood walk of own Star, the unveiling is on the 30th July, but you know what I said to them? I said no because I want to be in this show.

Titus gets to knees

Please...He stands up and walks out of the room.
We see a dressing room door and then we see the nameplate to read Arch Angel. The door opens

Arch Angel: Everywhere I turn I hear Everest and Mohammad Hasheem running there mouth's about how they are going to win the match, or in Hasheem's case that he doesn't even want to be in the match because he is "too good" but we all know that it means, he's too scared. Everest, stop running your goddamn mouth and just wait after Meltdown and then we will be seeing who is running there mouth!

Really though Everest, if you knew the right people, you wouldn't find tapes of me wrestling difficult to find. Did you ever think of looking on the internet for them? Or seeking a contact from Japan? In Japan they wanted to put me in there Hall of Fame, but they got upset when I left. Wrestling will never be the same there since I have back home. When I came back I did wrestle a few indy shows, got scouted by a few big boys as well, but I decided to come to WZCW, and you might have made your biggest mistake coming here Everest.

I will put it into terms that you can understand, speak your language so to speak. I am one mountain you cannot climb. You will never reach the summit. You just don't measure up. You don't have the stones to take it on, and if you do, it is a death wish, you won't even make it half way up before you stumble and fall.

On top of all that now we get Hollywood star pissing and moaning that he hasn't got a match at Meltdown, and for some reason I have the slightest thought that the idiot Chuck will give the American Hater Hasheem his wish and pull him from our match and put this amateur Titus in. This is someone who was so bad in the ring that his own TAG TEAM PARTNER abandoned him in the ring last week to get a beat down from Sex and Violence, but I don't mind if this Hollywood star is in our match because it will just be like a 1 on 1 match between me and Everest, oh wait a minute, Everest isn't even in my league. So hell, you might as well declare me the winner right now!

Come Monday 30th July, San Diego Sports Arena, 12,000 inbred losers will all witness the arrival of an Angel. The Arch Angel is among you, prepare for your demise!

Arch Angel slams the door shut and the camera man nearly falls over
We see Titus outside in the car Park [parking lot!], there's a couple of kids about...

Kid; Hey it's Titus, can we have your autograph?

Titus; Yeah sure kids, how you all doing anyways? Staying out of trouble I hope?

Kid 2; Yes sir we are, we're looking forward to Monday, will you be wrestling?

Titus; I'm not sure son, not sure.

Kid 1; Well that Arc Angel fella thinks you're an amateur, he think's he could take you on

Titus laughs

Titus; I've been about a long time son, seen the world, I've wrestled the greats, and the not so greats, I've starred in some fantastic movies, yet people still seem to have a problem with me. Can you understand why that is?

Kid 2; No sir I can't

Titus; You see the problem with the likes of Arc ANgel is the have a severe inferiority complex, they think they're the bees knees. That may sound great but his parents are from...Leeds. You know where Leeds is?

Kid 1; No I don't

Titus; Leeds is a once mighty city in the North of England, in yorkshire, they were famous for their great football...I mean soccer team they were up there with Manchester United.

Kid 2; Oh yeah I like Manchester, the reds!

Titus: seems everyone does...Well anyway Leeds got a bit big for their boots and now they're in a really low league playing the likes of Brighton & Hove Albion! You see I'm concerned for our friend Arc Angel that he suffers the same fate, he has a big debut fighting Everest and if that Mohammed Hasheem ever shows up, he's got potential. But he's arrogant, he thinks he's the bees knees, and I don't want to see him suffering a fate like the once mighty Leeds.

Kid 1; I have no idea what you just said sir

Kid 2; Me either! But I hope you do wrestle on Monday and I hope you do win because at the moment, you're just as bad as Stevie Richards

Titus laughs.

Titus; See ya Monday kids.

Titus walks off and says to himself...but didn't stevie Richards just win?
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