Meltdown (Episode 3): Battle Royal (Pinnacle Pursuit)

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I used to be a big deal
Battle Royal for the final spot in the Pinnacle Pursuit tournament


Brian Michaels, AJ, Downward Spiral, Jason Sincade, Kenny Cox, Jack Harris, Ace Cannon, Celeste Crimson, Aurelia Molotov, Gus, Bishop

Added July 19, 2007: Everest, Arch Angel, Koala Typhoon, Windy Bridges
Added July 19, 2007, 9PM: Aaron Craig*
*On the condition that Craig loses his qualifier match.
Added July 21st, 11:15PM: Ben "The Myth" Legend


When Meltdown went off the air on Monday, everyone thought there were only six people in the running to become the first WZCW champion. Tonight, after a shocking announcement from Chuck Myles at a press conference, it turns out that number has more than tripled, as a battle royal was announced to decide a fourth and final spot in the semi-finals to the Pinnacle Pursuit tournament. At least 11 individuals will meet in the ring on July 30th on Meltdown for the chance of a lifetime, to get one step closer to WZCW championship gold.

Who will come out victorious in this battle of battles? Will already existing feuds in the promotion spill over into this match? Will any other participants be announced for the match? Tune into Meltdown on July 30th to see this epic battle unfold!


Keep all RPs in here

RP deadline is Friday, 27th July 2007 at Midnight Eastern Standard Time
WZCW comes back from a commercial and we see a long black limo pull in the parking lot. It comes to a slow stop and the car sits there for a few minutes until we see a big man step out of the drivers seat and when the camera gets a close up the people can see that is the Bishop. He walks to the back and opens the door and put comes Sincade followed by Ace and then finally AJ. AJ dust off his Harmonie suit and looks at Bishop and speaks.

AJ: Hey big fellow you need to smile rolling with WZCW greatest group ever High Society.

Bishop just grunts

AJ: Um ok...(rolls eys) Anyways (looks at Ace and Sincade) Lets go make our self know to the people here at this um what town are we in??

Ace: A shithole?

Sincade: No Ace its looserville

AJ: Um how about both anyways Bishop get out bags and meet us in our locker room.

Bishop gets the bags and then cut to where High Society are in their locker room where they have some fine ladies waiting for them. After an hour we see the ladies leave with big smiles on their faces. Then we have AJ looking at Ace and Sincade and speaks.

AJ: Hey guys now I know that on Meltdown we have a little battle royal and well its to get a shot for the WZCW World Heavyweight Championship and you know we have the odds in our favor for a fellow High Society member to advance

Ace and Sincade Nod

AJ: But in noway shape of fashion should any of us eliminate one another until the end.

Ace speaks up

Ace: its cool bro we know High Society to the end. And look at like this we will have gold no matter what at the end of this things

Sincade: ya anyways me and Ace got your back and you have ours

AJ makes an awkward smile

AJ: Of course and hey look guys no offense but i got to go i have an interview with Leon so I catch you all later..

Ace and Sincade sit down on the sofa as Bishop brings in some more ladies and AJ walls down the hall where Leon is waiting for him.

Leon: Hello AJ are you ready?

AJ: Look here Leon I'll try and be nice today so ask away before i change my mind? ok?

Leon: (shaky voice) Ok. Now last we saw you join Ace and Sincade and thus create High Society so my question is why?

AJ: Why? Why not! Leon see its like this they needed a leader and come on look at me I'm a born leader who wouldn't want me in their group. See they want to climb the ladder here in WZCW and thats what I like about them and thats why I joined up with them. Anyways we watch each other back and with them by my side I will surly win the battle royal and thus eventually become the WZCW Champion.

Leon: So are you saying your the leader of High Society?

AJ: (shakes head) Duh! Leon geez you know your pretty stupid but then again Chuck hired you so next question..

Leon: Well after the big announcement today and you already alewed to this about the battle royal how do you feel about your chances and second question what about your loss this week on Meltdown....?

AJ: first off this weeks loss was a joke and if you clearly watch the reply you can see that Craig had some of my pants in his hand so technically i was screwed out of a victory. Anyways the best part was what happened after that match and the beat down on the bitch Celeste. See that is one person that i can not wait to personally throw over the top and eliminate her and her little sex slave damn shemale. But see Leon this next edition of Meltdown I'm going to be doing what I came here in the first place and that is make my way to the Heavyweight Championship. So its some little battle royal well i have the numbers game and thats basically seals up my victory in this little battle royal. So everyone else can come here and say blah, blah and more blah about how they will win, but you know what the difference is between all of them and me Leon?

Leon: Um no...

AJ: figures you wouldn't know anyways its my destiny to win the heavyweight championship. I'm the one person that this company doesn't want as champion and especially Chuck as well me him have that bad past and he would hate to have to hand me the WZCW championship. But see as must as i'm the one they dont as champion...i am the one that they need as champion as i'm the one guy that carry this piss poor company and take it from piss poor to grandest promotion ever! I sell and put asses in those seats just listen to them

The Crowd boos loudly

AJ: they just cant admit but they do. See I don't give a shit if they love me or not. Well then again if i was them and they were I probably hate me too especially when your this damn good. It dont matter as come Meltdown i will be tossing shemales, midgets, men that lack to reach puburity yet, to any jackass over the tope rope that gets in my way of achieving my destiny. One way or another i'm walking out the victor and be the only one standing that ring. So Leon any other questions? Or am I done as i seem to be done with you

Leon: Um no AJ

AJ then shoves Leon down and laughs as he walks back towards High Society locker room and the camera fades away as WZCW hits another commercial break hyping Unscripted.
:: The camera opens up inside of a large meeting area. We see a podium up on a stage straight ahead. We also see a lot of people gathered around the stage, they appear to reporters and media types. We soon see a very well dressed man of small stature come from a door on the side of the room and walk up the stage and too the podium.::

Man: Hello everyone, I’m James Farmer and I’m Ace Cannon’s publicist. Today I have gathered you here so everyone has the equal opportunity to ask Mr. Cannon questions about him joining with Jason Sincade and AJ to form High Society and also to speak about his upcoming battle royal match to gain entry into Pinnacle Pursuit Tournament. I will not be taking any questions I will save that for Mr. Cannon when he arrives, which should be any moment. Thank you for being patient…

::As James Farmer leaves the podium and stage the reporters begin shouting questionsand taking pictures. He walks back through the door he came from and the question and flash bulbs stop. The reporters sit idle for a few minutes until the door to the side of the stage opens again. We see James Farmer come out first followed by the Ace’s bodyguard Bishop then we see Ace right behind Bishop. All three men climb the stage and Mr. Farmer goes to the podium first. Ace and Bishop stand behind him.::

JF: Welcome back everyone… Mr. Cannon has finally arrived for this press conference and there is only two rules for this conference. The first being no flash photography why Ace is talking and the second is no questions about him having to face Mr. Sincade and AJ in the battle royal. Now with that said without any further a due here is Mr. Primetime himself Ace Cannon.

::James Farmer steps back from the podium and Ace steps up. He is looking ever so dapper in a white linen suit, with a pink shirt and tie on underneath the jacket and Versace sunglasses cover his eyes. As Ace takes the podium he takes off his glasses and places them in his suit pocket. He gets right in front of the mic and the questions start coming fast.::

AC: Before the questions start there is a statement that needs to be made. So before the questions come let Ace just say that he is on top of the world right now after his successful return to WZCW where he was victorious along with Jason Sincade over the tag team of Barry Horrowitz and Brooklyn Brawler.

::Just then Bishop leans in and whispers something in his ear.. Both men laugh.::

AC: Oh that right. Ace is sorry that was Kenny and Gus. But that’s all beside the point what Sincade and myself did to those bitc*es was everything I said it would be plus more. So in closing I expect no questions about Gus and Kenny also. They are old news and they have been taken care of. I know they are in this little battle royal Ace is here to talk about but there not a factor, not a factor at all. Ace will now take your questions..

::The questions start coming fast a furious till Ace puts at a man in the front.::

Reporter: Hi Ace,I’m Larry Bailey from Pro Wrestling Illustrated. I would like to know what are your feelings on Celeste Crimson and Aurelia Molotov being involved I this battle royal since there both women ?

A: Well Larry, Ace think women shouldn’t be in the ring with men. They should have there asses in the kitchen making Ace a cake and chilling the champagne for my victory party because right now I’m making a guarantee that I, Ace Cannon will win this battle royal. Ace thi…

:: Larry cuts him off::

Reporter: Ace are you familiar with Celeste and Aurelia? There are both accomplished mixed martial artists and have beat lots of….

::Ace puts up his hand to stop Larry. Ace then begins to speak::

A: Larry, Ace doesn’t care if they both beat Chuck Norris and Bruce Lee. This is wrestling, and hell to tell you the damn truth Ace is more of a man then they have ever seen, and if they want a real challenge after the battle royal and Ace wins Celeste can come have a private victory party with Ace in his hotel room, but hey Celeste, leave the big bitch behind.

:: Questions start coming fast and furious again. Ace points to a man in the back left corner.::

Reporter: I’m Dave Johnson from what are your thoughts on the new team in the battle royal Kola Typhoon and Windy Bridges?

A: Ace has no thoughts on these stupid Canadians other than this. Stop sucking up to Chuck Myles. Yeah, he may sign your checks but that means nothing. Grow some balls and be men and come out and make a name for yourself and stop riding Chuckey’s coattails. It’s not going to do anything for you. I mean Chuck can’t stop me from eliminating both of you from the battle royal. Oh, and guys you know what the difference is between Ace Cannon and that Canadian beer giving you a hangover in the morning? The headache Ace will give you will be a lot worse.

:: The question are being shot toward Ace once again. He points to a lady in the back::

Reporter: Sara Smith from San Jose Times. What are your thoughs on all the new talent having there first match in WZCW and it being this battle royal?

A: Who and the hell would they be?

SARA: Everest and Arch Angel..

A: That name Everest sounds familiar to Ace.. I don’t know why he might have carried my bags at a hotel somewhere sometime….Wait, wait, wait.. That’s right! This Everest character was some lower to mid-card talent over there in Japan. I was there headlining the Tokyo Dome and he was there barely headlining gymnasiums. I do remember this kid was making a big deal in the locker room one time talking about how he scaled the peak of Mount Everest and all this crap. I remember sitting there thinking, is Ace Cannon in the B rated sequel to the movie Cliffhanger? I mean it was just that damn bad. Now this guy Arch Angel. I have no clue really who he is other than the fact he is straight edge or something like that. I have no idea about his wrestling talent nor do I care, because to tell you the truth no one in this match is a threat to the greatness known as Ace Cannon.

:: The questions come again. Ace points to a lady in the front row::

Reporter: Hey Ace, it’s Becky from You say no one poses a threat to you in this match but Bishop is also in the match. What are your thoughts on that?

A: Well Bishop is a very big man. Just look at him, he is one hell of a physical specimen and that why he is employed to be my bodyguard and that’s why I’m glad he is in this match with me. He is being paid extra in this match to watch Ace’s back and when it is just Ace and Bishop in the ring Bishop already said he will just climb over the top rope and give Ace the victory. Now time for the last question..

::The questions come fast again Ace picks a guy in the middle of the room::

Reporter: Hey Ace, it’s Leon Kensworth. Last night AJ cut a promo on High Society saying he was the de facto leader what are your thoughts on that and having to face your fellow stable mates in the match?

:: Ace gets an angry scowl on his face licks his lips and clears his throat before he talks::

A: First off Leon, your lucky Ace isn’t sending Bishop down there to throw you out because you just broke a rule and asked how I felt about facing Sincade and AJ in the battle royal, but Ace is in a giving mood so I’ll answer. Ace, Sincade, and AJ have all agreed we have one another’s back in the match but if it comes down to the three of us it’s all business and no hard feelings about whipping one another’s ass. These guys are like Ace’s brothers and brothers fight but are still brothers and that’s how this will work. Now onto the first half your question… Does Ace Cannon look like he needs someone to lead him? No he does not! Ace Cannon is his own leader and that’s that. No one leads Ace. So with that said it looks like Ace has to make a call to AJ to discuss a little business. SO with that said your all welcome for having a piece of my valuable time today during this press conference.

:: Ace takes his sunglasses out his pocket and puts them on. He then steps away from the podium and is followed by Bishop and James Farmer as they leave to a chorus of flash bulbs. The camera than fades out to a commercial for MELTDOWN::
(Gus is seen walking down a hallway, it looks like a hotel, Heidi follows him)

Gus: You have the keys right?

Heidi: uhhh.... Yeah

G: Ok, lets head out

(They walk out the door, when Gus heads back in)

G: I'm going to check out real quick,

H: Alrght, i'll pull around

(Heidi drives away, Gus walks over to the computer and checks on, where he sees the news about the battle royale)

G: Alright, a title shot oppurtunity

(Gus walks out and hops into his car, and He and Heidi drive away to the next city, when they get there, Leon is standing outside and he sees High society driving away)

G: Those bastards...

H: Its ok, let it go

G: No, F***ing Bishop, that fat as* bas**rd cheated to give the win to those basta***.

H: Take it easy...

G: No, i will not, those damn high society bast***s, they hink they're so damn cool, but yet they need to cheat to beat me and Kenny

H: I know, but they cant cheat in that battle royale

G: well Bishop is a combatant in it

H: he is?

G: Yea

H: whoa

G: Anyway, its gonna be a fun time in that battle royale, hey its Celeste and Kenny

Celeste: Whats up Gus

Kenny: sup Gus

G: not much,

K: So what about this battle royale?

C: It looks like we all get a shot at the tournament

G: Yea, and pretty much all of high society is in it, by the way, sorry about last week, Celeste,

C: Oh, thats alright, they cheated any way

K: So, every person for themselves in this battle royale?

G: Yea,

H: Hey, you three and Aureilia need to eliminate all of High society before you go solo, the last thing WZCW needs is one of them as Champion

G: You're right Heidi, but Celeste, Kenny, i'm not in this to help you out, but i will help you two and Aureilia eliminate High society, but after that, im trying to win that battle royale, c'mon Heidi

(Gus and Heidi walk away)

(Kenny and Celeste nod their heads)
(The scene open up in a empty office the camera scale around the room. You see picture of Chuck Myles shakeing hands with famous people. Then the phone rings, it Rings many times until the anwsering machine picks up.)

Machine: Hello you have reach the office of Chuck Myles. Sorry I'm not in but, if you leave your name number and a brief message I will surely get back to you. Thank you

Sincade:Hello...Chucky....I know your there pick up the phone!..okay I got a brief message! you must be smoking , sniffing, or pumping something in your vein to put High Society in a match like this. What were you thinking? We will turn on each other. Wrong brainiac! I told you before that we are putting wrestlers on IR now you got us in a stupid Battle Royal againist each other! You must think you solve your probl.....

(Then the Answering machine cuts off because Sincade exceeded the limit. After a couple of minutes the phone rings again. the Answering machine answer again)

Machine: Hello you have reach the office of Chuck Myles. Sorry I'm not in but, if you leave your name number and a brief message I will surely get back to you. Thank you

Sincade: Here is a suggestion how about you get a new answering machine! Now finishing my last statement. You think you solve your problem? Huh Mr smart guy. This is one of your dumbest move ever. I thought when you signed Gus was dumb but this take the cake. Just think High Society all together in the very same ring. Tossing bodies over the ropes one by damn one. Until all 4 of us are left. Damn that scary! So Mr Assassin after thing are said and done after all the smoke is clear High Society will be in this stupid Pinnacle pursuit and go on to the pay per view to win that shiney piece of tin you call a championship. It make you sick to your stomach doesn't it? Now go meditate on that ya ole bastard!

(Then you hear the phone click with dial tone after it)
(A black Mitsubishi Spyder pulls up outside a white stone driveway. The engine is cut off, and after a few moments, Downward Spiral steps out of the vehicle. He pushes his silver sunglasses off, and stretches a little bit, before dusting off his black and red T-shirt, and shutting the door and switching off the car. He heads to the back of the car and lifts open the trunk, before pulling a heavy looking bag out of the back with ease. He shuts the trunk door, and begins walking towards a stylish silver gate. He clicks something on his keys, and the gate slides open. He walks through and looks up at a very nice two-story house. There is a glistening swimming pool to the side, with a pool chair sliding unused along the water. Spiral looks down and sees ‘the Courier Mail’ on the ground. He picks it up and looks at it, before tossing it back over the gate and onto the road.)

Spiral: I don’t read that shit. I told that punk not to keep delivering the damn thing.

(Spiral looks a little fussed, before shaking himself off a little, and turning back around. He moves towards a large wooden door, and moves to open the gold handle, but it is locked. He drops his bag and goes to rummage for the key in his pocket, and as just after he pulls it out, the door is flung open as a black haired woman with a towel around her waist steps forward and embraces Spiral in a huge hug.)

Woman: Baby! You’re home! I was just watching the replay on Foxtel!

Spiral: Just leave me alone Rebecca; it’s been a long flight.

(Spiral shrugs away Rebecca, who looks stunned as she stares after Spiral, who moves into the house and throws his bag. He sighs a bit with his back turned to the woman, before turning around with a grin on his face.)

Spiral: Now, you know that’s not the way I treat my wife!

(Rebecca’s face turns back into a smile, as she moves forward and embraces a this-time reciprocative Spiral. Spiral spins her around a little, before he drops her and plants a kiss on her cheek, before she sighs a little and moves off. Suddenly, the phone rings, and Rebecca moves to answer it. Spiral moves his bag over a little, before sitting down on a white leather lounge, and rubbing his head a little. He looks up at the Plasma Screen T.V, showing the finish to Meltdown last week. DC is the last one left standing, as Cohen and Copeland make a few comments about the Pinnacle Pursuit Tournament. Rebecca is heard talking enthusiastically in the phone, as Spiral turns it off and mutters something under his breath.)

Spiral:I should have been in that damn tournament. Pathetic.

(The phone is put back, as Rebecca comes rushing over to Spiral, who turns and looks at her with a hint of anticipation.)

Spiral: Well, who was i-

Rebecca: It was Chuck Myles! He said you’re going to be in a Battle Royal next week to determine the final contender in the Pinnacle Pursuit Tournament! Aren’t you excited?

Spiral: A battle royal? For God’s sake! I should just be given that God damn title. Who the hell else is in it?

Rebecca: I think there’s about 20 or so people in it, even Brian.

Spiral: Is that so? I guess Myles wants to see some sort of ‘break up’ with Brian and I.

Rebecca: Well, it is every man for himself you know Justin.

(Rebecca sits down and puts her arm around Spiral. She runs her hand up his chest, looking into his eyes. He turns away a little, contemplating something, which is shown on his face. Again he rubs his head, in a sense of tiredness, before looking out the window and into the air.)

Spiral: Yeah I know. But Brian and I go back a long time. We’ve annihilated and dominated every single company we’ve been in. It’s not as easy as just tossing him over the top rope.

Rebecca: But baby, a tournament match is a tournament match. What would you rather do? Beat someone in a singles match, or beat 19 other wrestlers to get your shot at the championship?

(Spiral nods a little, thoughtfully, before looking at Rebecca and stroking her hair.)

Spiral: But Bec, one of those men will have to be Brian Michaels. Sex and Violence are going to have to go against each other. I just don’t think we can do it. God knows, it would be the clash of the century, and we are the two greatest wrestlers in the company, but I don’t know if I can do it.

Rebecca: Well, maybe you two can just avoid each other during the match…

Spiral: It’s not as easy as that. It’s utter chaos in there. No one knows who the hell is being hit by who. It’s 19 other men, or 17 in Crimson and Mol- well, I’m not so sure there…but it’s just too many people and I just don’t think we can avoid each other. It’s going to come down to us both, everyone can see that.

(Spiral gets off the lounge and moves towards the sink as Rebecca stares a little absent-mindedly after him. She straightens a few things on the coffee table, as Spiral pours himself a glass of water. Before he can drink it, the cordless phone rings again. Spiral slams his glass down, and picks up the phone. He looks at the little screen for a while, before turning the phone over and letting it ring as he sips his glass.)

Rebecca: Aren’t you going to answer it? Who is it?

Spiral: …It’s Brian. I’m not really in the mood to talk with him.

(Rebecca looks a little confused, as Spiral finishes his glass as the phone stops ringing. He rinses the cup and moves back to the lounge and opens his bag.)

Rebecca: Well, I just watched you win your match last week against Titus and Joe T. They had an ad about you after it. It looks like you’re making waves in Australia, Justin!

(Spiral grunts a little bit as she turns the TV on, flicking through the channels. Spiral puts his arm around her. On the TV, Big Brother comes on. Spiral snatches the remote out of her hands.)

Spiral: Not this shit.

(He flicks the TV on to something else absent-mindedly, before tossing the remote away. He pulls out some black and red tights and holds them up in the air as Rebecca admires them.)

Rebecca: Oh, are those the new ones you got this week?

Spiral: Yeah, I figured I’d look good when I win that Battle Royal. So how’d I come off on TV? I never bother watching it.

Rebecca: Great…as usual. You looked awesome in that ring when you won that match.

Spiral: Well, you saw how Titus and Joe T ran their mouths; they had it coming to them. Hell, I guess we even forced Joe T to quit. He just couldn’t handle the pressure. I’ll give Titus credit though, he didn’t end up in hospital.

Rebecca: Yeah…I’m just really looking forward to seeing you in that Battle Royal this week. You really deserve it.

Spiral: I know I do, but it’s just those other guys that don’t. I’m just sick of other people being labelled as equals to me. It’s just a joke. When people see you, they know they can never equal what I have in life. I’m going to take a shower soon though.

Rebecca: All right then. I’m going to jump back in the pool later though if you want to come in with me.

Spiral: I think I’ll go back in and use the gym after my shower though Bec.

(Spiral gets up and leaves a slightly despondent Rebecca sitting on the couch.)

Spiral: But get ready Bec. There will be all the time in the world for us two when I have that gold around my waist. Whatever the hell this Pinnacle Pursuit thing is, I’m going to win it. You’ve seen me on TV before, winning matches, and this week is only going to be the beginning of my destiny to the top. You think I look good now, just wait until I have the WZCW Title around my waist. Whatever this Battle Royal holds, I’m going to come out on top. The fun and games are over Rebecca. Call the Foxtel people. Order Unscripted. Because it’s going to mark the beginning of a long, long reign: the Spiral era.

(Rebecca looks a little perplexed as Spiral stares hard into her. She gets up and puts a kiss on his cheek.)

Rebecca: Calm down Justin. You’re getting worked up. It’s like you’re on TV again.

(A smile creeps up on Spiral’s face.)

Spiral: Believe me, I’m going to be on TV a lot more in time. Wrestling is my life, you knew that when I married you.

Rebecca: Well, good luck baby. I’m looking forward to seeing this match. Also, do something about Northern Lights this week. I couldn’t stand what they were saying during your match. They had no respect at all.

(Spiral hugs Rebecca as he looks into her eyes.)

Spiral: That’s my girl. It’s always right to hate Canadians. And believe me, they’ll get what’s coming to them in this battle royal.

(Spiral slowly moves away as she stares after him. She puts her towel over her shoulder, before brushing her hair back.)

Rebecca: Oh, and speak to Brian will you? I don’t think you should just stop talking because of this match. You need to work on some strategy or whatever it is you wrestlers do.

(Spiral stops and cracks his neck, before shrugging a little and moving on, leaving his wife to stare out after him.)
(We see a shot of the San Diego Sports Arena, panning to an overhead shot, then to a shot of the WZCW trucks unloading the ring and Meltdown stage. A crimson Lincoln Navigator rolls into view. The front door opens, and WZCW's newest star, Ben Legend, steps out)

Legend: WZCW has given me my opportunity, as I now have a chance at getting a WZCW World Title shot in the Pinnacle Pursuit Battle Royal. I will not disappoint in my first outing.

(We see a WZCW crew member come behind Legend, who tosses his car keys behind him. The crew member catches them, and gets in and goes to park the car. We pan to Legend inside the building with his bag, walking)

Legend: I've proven myself in the indy shows, in my training, in my life, that I'm worthy of what I've gotten. And when push comes to shove in the Battle Royal, I will do what it takes to win my shot at WZCW gold.

(Legend continues walking, waving and shaking hands with the backstage crew)

Legend: These people know this. They know that "The Myth" has arrived, and all of the stars of WZCW should take notice. I am ready for anything the head honchos have to throw at me. And I will show the legion of WZCW fans that Legends aren't born...they're named.
*Brian Michaels is seen walking backstage in his locker room with his theme music playing in the background. He is wearing an armani suit and slacks, and Leon Kensworth walks into the room*

Leon: Excuse me...Mr.Michaels...can I get your thoughts on your match tonight?

Michaels: What thoughts are there to give? I mean really. This is WZCW. I'm Brian Michaels. In case you forgot who I am, let me remind you. I am one of the only current undefeated wrestlers in WZCW today. I am one of the only wrestlers here to win a World Championship in another promotion. I am the Career Stopper. I am...Brian Michaels. And last, but certainly not least, I'm your next WZCW World Heavyweight Champion.

Leon: Well you certainly are arrogant.

Michaels: You know, that's what it takes in this industry. Some guys like DC are total suck-ups. They can't even tie up my boots. Yet, EVERYONE is getting a shot at the World Title? How prestigious does that make it look? Hell, it doesn't even matter. As long as I end up with the Gold, it just won't matter. I single-handedly bring prestige to this Federation, and if it wasn't for me, God knows this place would be nowhere. Basically, I'm the best thing you guys got going. I'm not going to bore you with 24 promos back-to-back, no that's my style. You're barely worthy of watching me on TV two times a week, let alone 3. Not only that, but hell, I'm God's gift to women! If you don't believe me, ask Becky! You know, even by now, you all should start believing what I say. When I first came here, I said that I'd be undefeated, and low and behold, I'm undefeated.

*The crowd boos as Leon then takes the microphone and then gets a thought*

Leon: If you don't mind me asking, what are your thoughts on your tag partner Downward Spiral being in this Battle Royal?

Michaels: You know, Spiral and I have been the closest of friends for the last 8 months. We've gone up and down in another promotion, working the Training Camp. While there, we fine-tuned our skills, and now? We're the best tag team WZCW has. Nobody else is as good as us. As far as I'm concerned, we're the top dogs in this match. It's sure as hell not the Northern Lights. That guy...Koala Typhoon....he reminds me of someone. It's like...Gorilla Eh, it doesn't matter. That guy isn't even on my list. But going back to Spiral, I was watching his last promo, and it interested me. I was calling him, and he didn't pick up. I mean, I hope you're not having any doubts man. We both told each other that this moment would come. I'm looking forward to it. Like a jobber once said, to be the man, you've got to beat the man. From what I can see, there is no ''man'' in the battle royal.

Leon: No man? What do you mean by that?

Michaels: I may need you to remind me the names of my opponents', because quite frankly right now, I can't. Hell, I've got more cars than I have opponents! But really, if you're fighting the future Heavyweight Champion of the World in Brian Michaels, you ought to be prepared. I mean, really, who in this promotion is ready to be World Champion? It's sure as hell not Ace Cannon. I mean, what the fuck is he talking about? He goes on saying, ''I am Ace.'' Blah, blah, blah. I am telling you to shut the fuck up already! Anyway, Leon, name my opponents. I need to know them, before I kick their asses.

*Leon starts to think*

Leon: Well, let's see here. You've already covered Ace Cannon and Downward Spiral. Well, let's talk about Celeste Crimson?

Michaels: A woman? Winning the World Title? Let's face it, women have won World Titles before...IN FLUKES! With the Heartbreaker, Brian Michaels, in the ring, you better believe that a woman won't be walking out with her hand held high.

Leon: Well, there's AJ.

Michaels: Didn't he lose to her? That guy stands even less of a chance, especially if he thinks that those two jackoffs that he calls ''partners'' are going to save him.

Leon: Jason Sincade?

Michaels: More like Jason Jackoff.

Leon: How about Gus?

Michaels: If I could understand what he was saying, maybe I'd consider him as a decent opponent.

Leon: There's...Jack Harris.

Michaels: Never heard of him.

Leon: How about...Kenny Cox?

Michaels: Kenny-sucks-cocks? You're not making any sense dumbass. Move on.

Leon: Aaron Craig?

Michaels: Who the hell cares? I'm styling and profiling, he's not. I'm gonna be the World's Heavyweight Champion, he's not. I have a mansion, he lives in a dumpster.

Leon: Ben Legend?

Michaels: Legend eh? Legend. Define that. Hulk Hogan? This is where the power lies? Well guess what? where MY power lies.

*Michaels points to his crotch and makes an X sign*

Michaels: Oh yeah, that's too hot for TV.

Leon: Well we've gone through close to every wrestler in this match. What are your final thoughts?

Michaels: I think I've said enough for one day. Let me just tell you this...did you know that Brian Michaels is the highest paid superstar on the Roster? Oh yeah. Everyone comes to watch me wrestle live and in living color, looking as only I can look.

Leon: I don't entirely believe that. Last I heard, DC was the highest paid man.

*Michaels grabs Leon by his collar*

Michaels: Listen here you ass-kissing bastard! I draw money, not anybody else in the locker room you hear that? WZCW gets ratings because of ME! I put those asses in those seats, not anybody else! And plus...I have proof of that.

*Leon looks intrigued*

Leon: How?

Michaels: Just look at me. Am I cooking or what? This clothing is custom-made baby, and I'm not saying that because it makes me look good. WZCW, this is the real deal boys! This isn't your 80's style promo, this is 2000 fucking 7! This is the Career Stopper, Brian Michaels! Woo! You know Leon, I've got more cars...than you've got friends! Woo!

Leon: I've got about 20 close friends...does that mean you have 21 cars?

Michaels: You're damn right I've got 21 cars! Woooo!

*Leon once again looks at Michaels with a strange look on his face*

Leon: So if I have only 1 only have 2 cars?

Michaels: No...that means...that just like everybody else in this battle LOSER! WOOOOOOO!

*Michaels flips Leon off and starts dancing and struting around*

OOC: This promo fucking sucked, I'll try again tommorow.
(A Navy blue and Grey Maybach pull along side a sidewalk in front of club Allure. First Bishop Get out and open the back door. 3 lovely young lady step out follow by all 3 members of High Society. All Dress in Desginer Suits with dark shades. Sincade streches both arms out with bottles of*Cristal in both hands)

Sincade: High Society is in da building!

(All the members of High $ociety proceed to the entrance of the Club when the bouncer at the door streches his arm out to block High Society way to get in)

AJ: what the hell is wrong with you?

Bouncer: I'm sorry sir you and your friends name isn't on the list. So please go to the end of the line.

Ace: You don't know who we are? I'm Ace Cannon and this is Jason Sincade and AJ.. We are the most dominate force in pro wrestling. So look at that list again because High Society gets in everywhere.

Bouncer: Sorry I can't do that. Get to the back of the line now!

(Then Ace look over to Bishop and give him a nod. Then Bishop walk over into the Bouncer face and gives him a vicious headbutt breaking the Bouncer nose then hit him with a club banger. A.J then throws a stack of money at the bouncer)

AJ: Here take the rest of the night off Dip s#!t.

(Then High Society walks into the Club with the girls by theirs side and Bishop in tow. Once inside they walk around until they found a empty booth and sit down)

Sincade: Okay Ladies this is a night you will remember for a long time you get a chance to be with greatness.

(The Girls Laugh. Then the girls get up and go to the Dance floor. Then Becky Serra spot High Society thru a crowd and makes her way thru the crowd and to High Society booth.)

Becky: Excuse I'm Rebecca Serra from I would like to ask some question if you don't mind?

Ace: Ace knows that fine looking face.

Sincade: You can ask anything sweetheart.

AJ: Don't you see us celebrating?

Becky: Yes but this is a exclusive so.........

(Sincade cuts her off)

Sincade: Did that ole bastard Chuck tell you to come here?

Becky: No he didn't I just want a in-depth interview with High Society.

AJ: Well whatever. just ask your stupid questions. So we can finish celebrating.

Becky: So what made you 3 combined forces?

Sincade: I think I go first, we combine forces because we wanted to. you see Becky we are the best That the WZCW got. Everyone knows it we just got that chemisty together plain and simple.

Ace: Ace has to agree with Sincade. It was only obvious that the three best talents in WZCW join forces to take this place over. Last week the hostile take over started, and it will continue into the battle royal.

Becky: Okay everyone wants to know. Who is the leader of High Society?

(All three members looks at each other)

Sincade: Since everyone is being so damn nosey I answer that damn question AJ, Ace and myself are the leaders of High Society. We are all leaders so tell everyone who want to know that.

Aj: Didn't I tell that dumb ass Kenworths who the leader was! That why I hate giving interview because dumbass reporters ask the same dumbass question.

Ace: Ace Cannon is his own leader, AJ is his own leader and Sincade is his own leader. Some people may say that isn't good for a group but who cares what they say. High Society is groundbreaking. We are always on the same page.

Becky: I see. So how will you 3 react during the battle royal coming up?

AJ: Didn't I just Answer that question with the other guy. Your pissing me off Becky. You are messing up our celebration.

Sincade: Listen in this stupid battle royal we are going to be tossing bodies out of the ring from left and right until all four of us is left in the ring. Then that when the show really start.after it all said and done we all know it nothing personal just business

Ace: High Society is royalty with loyalty. Ace has there backs like they have mine.. If it comes down to the three of us it becomes business and we will wrestle one another and whoever wins wins, and afterward we will come back to this club in our fine suits sipping on Cristal and celebrate.

Becky: Their is a lot of people talking about High Society and their actions as of late.

AJ: Like who?

Becky: Like Everest, Brian Micheals and certainly Gus and Kenny.

AJ: I don't give a s#!t who they are. They are of no concern to me or High Socitey listen Becky i dont Promote assholes im about big business.

Sincade: Don't waste your Breathe AJeezy I got this. First off we allknow about Bert and Ernie.

Becky: You mean Gus and Kenny

Sincade:Whatever they don't even deserve to be in the same ring with the 4 of us let alone in this stupid battle royal. As for Brian Micheals now this guy is something special. He the only guy I know that can make his partner look like a wrestling premadonna. I mean look at all theirs matchs, Downward Spiral do all the work. Tagged Micheals so he can spin the guys around his neck so Downward can hit him with a cutter.what is it? The..the.Dead sexy. He can't do nothing without his partner Wrestle, eat , tie his shoes, wipe his ass it a damn shame Becky.

(High Society starts laughing)

Becky: But, what about Everest?

Sincade: I heard about it, I hope to climb it soon.

Becky: No silly the wrestler Everest.

Ace: Everest? Don't you mean Ace Cannon Jr? I mean this guy wants to be like Ace.. He shops in all the same stores, drives fine cars like Ace, and bangs fine women like Ace.. Hell, even took the same career path as Ace. This guys is a joke, becasue there can only be one Ace Cannon and your looking at him!

AJ: I told him to fax us his resume and we will get back to him I think he want to be our secretary or something.

Sincade: Hey wasn't that the guy who painted my garage before? Doesnt he have a partner name himalaya?

Becky: Okay so what is expected from High Society in the future?

AJ: Expect one thing from us to be on top of this company and this Business. We will not be held back anymore by anyone. You think I give a S#!t that some manhor beat me. Look at the end of the match who walk out and who got carry out

Ace: Simple Becky.. HISTORY... The first page was written when we all joined forces and next week page two will be written when one of us wins the battle royal. High Society will be more dominate than the Four Horsemen, NWO, Degernation X, and any other group you can think of in wrestling history.. It's that damn simple and you can take that to the bank..

Sincade: I want Chuck to put his hearing aid in and listen good except High Society to make his life a living hell. I told everyone before, if we got to put someone in a bodybag to make a statement then so be it. We are not going to be thrown to the back burner and be okay with that.

(Then AJ looks over to Sincade and grins he also winks his eye)

AJ: Ah Jason don't Becky looks a little thirsty?

Sincade: She does look a lil dry around the Gills you know what Becky do worry dranks on me.

(Sincade get up and grab the bottle of champagne and walk over to Becky and pours the champagne on top of her head)

Sincade: Matter of fact dranks on you.

(Then all the members of High Society walks out with the girls under theirs arm while laughing)
--continued from roleplay in my other matches thread --

(Everest has just entered a room obviously set up for a press conference, several reporters are still around, EVEREST finds WZCW's own Leon Kensworth)

EVEREST: Pssst. Hey Lenny, pass the word, Everest is going to have a little get together.

LEON: Really, wow alright.

(With that Leon bolts out the door and is gone. Everest steps to the podium)

EVEREST: Hey, excuse me everyone, hey excuse me?

(With that the reporters that were still there whirl around to see Everest and instantly are ready for another press conference and they seem really really interested.)

EVEREST: Hey everyone, I was just strolling past when I noticed all of you in here and this nice podium set up, if you don't mind me asking, what's going on?

REPORTER 1: Well Ace Cannon just had a press conference to talk about the upcoming Battle Royal, sir.

EVEREST: Really, and you guys had to sit though that? I hope you can accept my apologies. Let me guess it went something like, hey I'm Ace Cannon, I'm the greatest blah blah blah, It takes my big boned hunk of mass over here to make sure I win anything blah blah blah, I dominated in Japan and Papa New Guinea, and Romania and up in Iceland etc. etc. Like I said I'm real sorry about that. How about as a reward for your having wasted your time like that -- I Everest enlighten you with a real interview.

REPORTER 1: Wow that would be great, thank you Everest. Shall we get started. I've got a ques...

(Everest abruptly puts his hand in the air interupting the reporter)

EVEREST: Hold on for just a second, (Everest cups his hand to his ear as if he is listening for something) How about we hold on for just a moment, I think there may be a few more people who might enjoy this.

(After no more than a few seconds, 30-35 more reporters come filing in from several doors, filling the room up and more than exceeding capacity.

EVEREST: Alright everyone here, everyone in. Why don't we get started. I can't stay to long but like I said earlier for what you guys had to sit through earlier I figured you deserved this. An Ace Cannon interview? I though cruel and unusual punishment was banded in this country. Lordy I hope that Mohammad Habushki doesn't get wind of this, we'll never hear the end of it.

(With that a reporter in the back looks at another reporter and you can see him mouth the words "Ace was here earlier" and the second reporter just shrugged back and said "Not that I was aware of")

REPORTER 1: I've gotta question Everest? This battle royal is for a shot to enter the Pinnacle Pursuit tournament and in the end a possible shot at the WZCW World Championship. Is there anything that can keep you from winning this battle royal.

EVEREST: Well my boy, the obvious answer would be oh Hell No! But I won't lie to you. I've got a grueling and potentially dangerous match earlier in the evening against Archangel and Mohammad what's his name. That will put me at a disadvantage right from the start but I'll tell you guys that won't stop Everest. You see there is just no way, and I told Chuck Myles this already, just no way you can have a tournament, name that tournament Pinnacle Pursuit and then not have The Pinnacle of Perfection in it. So I will just have to take matters into my own hands and make sure that I'm a participant in that tournament.

REPORTER 2: What about the others that may stand in your way?

EVEREST: I assume you mean people such as this High Society group, Kenny and Gus, Sex and Violence and the like? Well I'll tell you I could stand up here all day and embarrass the rest of them. You know tell you how I'm going to beat Sincade with an ugly stick but it appears someone beat me to it, or how Kenny and Gus should quite concentrating on who can drop the soap in the shower more and worry about wrestling or how Celeste might be to busy eyeing up Everest to worry about winning a battle royal but you know what I can't do that. You see I've seen them all and I've studied them all and I have to say that respect wins out right now. I'll wait until after I've won the match before spouting off those colorful one-liners that you all know and love.

REPORTER 3: Do you have an answer for anything some of the particpants might have directed your way?

EVEREST: Oh yeah, I got a response. Ace Cannon goes on and on about how I want to be him, yet if he looks at the facts he'll see that I was around first. That's neither here nor there. The fact is Ace and his little brigade of testosterone there with him continously try to blow off questions about me like nothing but yet it seems I've gotten under his skin, he definately knows who I am, and don't let him tell you any different. I love how he spouts off about all that he's done. Won this title, won that title, dominated this and that, got this hardware here, this trophy there. Fact is Cannon, you need to remember one thing and one thing only......I've never seen a hearst with a luggage rack!

(Everest takes a breath and quick pause to let that sink in and to let the reporters write that down)

EVEREST: In terms you can understand High Society, you can't take anything with you when you die, or your past accomplishments don't mean a damn thing here. Trust me when I say that I could match titles and hardware with you all day, but I won't cause they don't matter anymore. Come Meltdown, neither will you!

REPORTER 4: One final question Everest, what about Sex and Violence?

EVEREST: I've seen these two, good talents, big mouths that don't stop running. Seems to me though that they are having a hard time coming to grips with the fact their both in the same match with such high stakes. I'll tell you though, I'll be keeping an eye on them, if they do get past their own problems and team up they could be an issue. Nothing Everest can't conquer but a problem nonetheless.

The final fact is this, by the end of Meltdown, win lose or draw, and don't you worry your pretty little face Becky, I will be victorious.....The WZCW and fans across the world will find out that I'm not just throwing this out there to make some more t-shirts...although merchandising is up everywhere you find things with Everest on them........they will realize that

This IS MY WORLD......I'm Just Letting You Live In It!
Now thank you very much and I'm just glad to be able to give back. Take care and I'll see you at Meltdown.

REPORTERS: Thanks Everest, we'll see you Monday.

(With that Everest exits the same way he entered and the reporters mingle for several minutes after talking about the impromto interview they just enjoyed.)
*We hear the waves wash up onto the shore of a beach as the scene opens up in the middle of a beautiful California day. The sun is shining bright and there isn’t the cloud in the sky as the shot moves down from the shot of the beautiful sky to the shot of a beach in San Diego, California. On the beach, we see many young attractive people tanning, frolicking, throwing Frisbees and doing other beach-type stuff. In the ocean, several surfers are riding waves, while others ride their ski-dos or parasails. The camera slowly pans away from the ocean, back towards the beach and continues to a parking lot right next to the beach.

In this parking lot, some kids are skateboarding. Some kids are sitting on the concrete, talking and laughing, enjoying the weather, when, all of a sudden, a familiar blue pick-up truck finds its way onto the scene. The 2002 Ford F-150 screeches out of the street into the rectangular parking lot and comes to a halt diagonally over two marked parking spaces. The engines cuts off and both the driver’s seat door and the passenger’s seat doors open. From a low angle, two sets of feet make contact with the concrete below, one from each side of the car. Two bodies step out of the truck and step away from it as the camera slowly begins to pan out. The doors to the truck slam shut as we get a full view from the back of both individuals.

The one that stepped out of the driver’s seat looks to be about 5’10”. He’s wearing an old pair of blue jeans, a t-shirt that’s plain black from behind and a red cap. Jiggling his keys playfully, he looks around, absorbing the scene around him, but not revealing himself to the camera.

The other individual, the one that stepped out of the passenger’s seat, is a little better dressed. He’s wearing blue khakis with a seemingly unbuttoned blue shirt, his hair styled up. He too looks around, absorbing the scene around him, taking off his sunglasses for a moment to really get the feel of the California scene.

Both individuals converge towards each other in front of the car and begin walking closer towards the beach. This catches the attention of the kids who were skateboarding and relaxing in the parking lot. Some of them smile, others even drop their jaws. They all drop what they’re doing and begin walking quickly towards the two individuals. As they get close, the two individuals backs turned to the kids, one of the kids steps in front of the pack.*

Kid: Hey! Aren’t you two…

Kid2: They are! We saw them on TV last week!

Kid3: Yeah! It’s those guys who gave those two jerks what they had coming to them!


*The two individuals turn around to reveal themselves as indeed being Windy Bridges and Koala Typhoon, Northern Lights! They look back at the kids and smile. The kids approach them excitedly, some of them pulling out pens and papers, others just wanting to slap hands with the two WZCW superstars.*

Koala: That’s right kids, it’s us. I’m Koala and this here’s Windy in case you didn’t know.

Kid2: We know who you two are sir, we saw you kick some ass at that wrestling show last week!

Windy: Now sonny boy didn’t your mother tell you to watch your language? Them there are grown up words!

Kid2: I’m sorry sir, I’m just really glad to meet you! I’ve never met a celebrity before!

Windy: Oh come on, we ain’t celebrities, we’re just a couple of good ole Canadian boys who came down here to wrestle! But we’re glad we’ve got ourselves some little fans here in San Diego!

Koala: Wait a minute, you live in California, right near Hollywood, California, and you’ve never met any celebrities? Anyway, it don’t matter. We don’t know what celebrities are supposed to do when they meet kids, but you can be damn sure we’ll treat ya’ll right. It’s the Northern Lights guarantee!

*Koala and Windy begin taking papers from the kids and begin signing autographs.*

Windy: Ain’t that right Koala? One thing you can be sure of when you’re dealing with the two of us is that you won’t go home disappointed!

Koala: Whether you’re a kid, hardcore wrestling fan in the stands, or the women we meet at the bar after the show. Obviously all three have different levels of satisfaction!

Windy: Now Koala, don’t go putting ideas into the youngins’ heads!

Kid: It’s ok, Mr. Bridges, we might be kids but we’re not dumb! We know all about that stuff.

Kid3: Yeah! And we know what you do to those punks in the ring!

*Koala and Windy continue to sign autographs as they talk to the kids.*

Koala: Well, Brian Michaels and Downward Spiral might be a little misguided and confused, but we don’t think they’re punks.

Kid2: But just look what they did to you last week!

Koala: What they did to us kiddo? You mean cheap shot us when we were just mindin’ our own business, doing a little commentary with them nice folks Jack and Sebastian? Yeah it was pretty low, but heck, it ain’t like they got the best of us, right Windy?

Windy: If I remember correctly we were separated by the referees.

Koala: Noble job those men do, by the way.

Windy: Right. But I can tell you kids for sure if it was Sex & Violence vs. Northern Lights in a proper match, they wouldn’t be walking out after cheap shotting us, that’s for sure.

Kid: Well sir are we going to get to see you wrestle Mr. Michaels and Mr. Spiral anytime soon.

Koala: As a matter of fact kid, you will! This coming Monday all four of us are in a Battle Royal, with about 15 or so other guys, and the winner gets a shot in a tournament for the world title!

Kid3: WOW! A battle Royal! Gee! That certainly sounds interesting mister!

Kid2: Yeah! I’m certainly gonna watch Meltdown this week if you’re gonna be in that battle royal too!

Windy: Well I’ll tell you what kiddos, since you’re so polite and you’re so nice, Koala and I will pull some string and we’re gonna get you a private box for you guys, your friends and your parents at Meltdown this week. How does that sound!?

*The kids explain joyfully as Windy finishes his statement and high five each other.*

Koala: Tell ya what, we’ll give you our number, have your parents call us and we’ll leave them some box seats at the show, ok?

Kid: You guys are the best!

Windy: Well we’ll see about that this week at Meltdown, won’t we?

Kid2: We know you guys can beat those um…. “misguided” guys in Sex & Violence! You guys are the greatest tag team in the world!

Koala: Well I think my good buddy Charlie Haas and his partner Shelton might disagree with you there but I’ll let him know they have some competition! But yeah, we know we can beat Michaels and Downward Spiral, and I’m confident we’ll get our chance at proving that somewhere down the road.

Windy: That’s right. Right now though we gotta focus on bigger things. We got two matches this coming week on Meltdown!

Kid3: TWO MATCHES!? I thought you guys were just in that… umm… Battle Royal?

Windy: Well we got that baby to wrestle in as well as a tag match with some other new folks. Don’t quite remember their names right now but I’m sure it’ll come to us. Both should be fun matches!

Kid: Which one are you guys focusing on? I’d love to see one of you with a world title! That would be cool!

Koala: We wouldn’t be honest if we told ya we were prepping harder for the Battle Royal – after all, facing 15 guys, most of who we know could be main event guys, is kinda harder than facing two guys in a tag team match – but we’re competitors, and we’re gonna try our darndest to win both the matches for you guys.

Kid2: But wait, Mr. Typhoon… can’t there only be one winner in a Battle Royal? I saw one on TV I think last week and there was only one guy winning it, and you guys are a team! I think it as on Smack—

Koala: Now now kid, those guys are our competition, you don’t wanna go screamin’ their name to everyone! And yeah, we know there can only be one winner. But we’ll burn that bridge (no pun intended) when we cross it.

Windy: We might have to flip a coin.

Koala: Or rock-paper-scissors!

Female Voice: Or you COULD just wrestle for it!

*The camera jerks around at the sound of the female’s voice to reveal a luscious figure standing next to Northern Lights’ pick-up, actually leaning against it. She’s holding a microphone and smiling at the boys. It’s Rebecca Serra, interviewer! She walks over to our favorite tag team and the three kids and pats one of them on the head.*

Windy: Becky!

Koala: Rebecca, baby, how did you find us here, of all places?

Rebecca: I followed you guys from your hotel. You’ve been kind of AWOL since Meltdown went off the air, and I was hoping I could get a few words?

Windy: For you, baby, anything. We were just about to go check out the waves a little bit, you could join us on the beach!

Rebecca: Sounds like a date

Koala: Sorry kids, but we gotta go do an interview for the show! Remember to have your parents call that number for tickets to the show! We’ll see ya’ll Monday!

*Koala and Windy slap hands with the kids, who go back to playing in the parking lot, looking very happy, having met two of their favorite wrestlers. Koala gets a couple duffle bags out of the truck, and he, Windy and Rebecca begin walking towards the beach*

Windy: You know, Becky, it’s pretty crazy how none of the guys have come down to enjoy the beach the whole time we’ve been in California.

Rebecca: Well it’s been pretty busy with all the promotional stuff. You’re lucky Chuck likes you, he doesn’t have you running around like madmen.

Koala: Oh he has, don’t get us wrong, but Windy and I made a pledge that every stop we made in every city, we’d take some time off to enjoy the wonders those towns have to offer us. San Diego, apparently, is surfing. So we’re gonna go down, grab ourselves a couple of boards from these guys we met around here and check out the waves!

Rebecca: Shouldn’t you be training for your matches?

Windy: Well it ain’t like we’re kicking back watching old Corner Gas episodes!

Rebecca: What’s Corner Gas?

Windy: Canadian show… Never mind that ain’t important. This is part of our training. Active lives, doing things we always wanted to do all the while enjoying the nice weather.

Koala: That’s right. It’s stress that loses matches. It worrying about that stuff, and we ain’t gonna be doing that to ourselves by being cooped up in a gym all day.

Rebecca: Fair enough. But is a little surfing enough to prepare you for two matches this coming Monday on Meltdown?

Windy: It ain’t, and we got other stuff planned, but today’s an off day. Geez, Becky, you’re merciless today!

*Windy taps Rebecca on the shoulder as if to push her away jokingly as the three of them continue to walk down the beach.*

Rebecca: haha, hey, that’s my job Windy! I have to ask the hard hitting questions! Well what about your opponents, what do you have to say about them?

Koala: What is there to say? They’re all good competitors that are going to be a challenge for us, a challenge that we’re sure we can overcome, both together and alone in that Battle Royal. But it’s gonna be a challenge, that’s for sure.

Windy: Yup, from what we can tell you’ve got a lot of good guys in that match. The High Society guys may not know how to treat a lady –

Rebecca: Don’t remind me!

Windy: Err, yeah, sorry about that… they might not be the most polite of characters, but they’re competitive and they’d do anything to win, and we’re gonna have to fight hard to beat them. Sex & Violence as we already told the kids we can handle, just a couple of young punks that need to be put in their place.

Rebecca: I thought you told the kids they weren’t punks?

Koala: Come on now Rebecca, ya can’t go around telling kids everyone’s a punk, that’s why Michaels and Spiral are like they are.

Windy: They’re punks alright, but no reason to have some kids go on hating on them. We’re better than that.

Koala: That’s right. We’re also better than Gus, Kenny, Everest, Arch Angel, all those guys. But let me tell ya, we don’t need to bark about it all too much, just let us prove that to you and everyone in the ring this coming Monday.

Rebecca: Fair enough. What about your tag match?

Windy: I’ll tell ya what Becky. We’ll talk all about that match and more in a minute. Right now I see those two guys I was telling you about for the rentals. We’re gonna go get our gear. Why don’t ya get comfortable, maybe slip into your bathing suit or somethin’.

*Windy winks at Koala*

Koala: yeah babe, get a little more comfortable and we’ll be right back in a little bit.

*Rebecca smiles as Windy and Koala walk towards two guys further down the beach holding surf equipment. As Koala and Windy engage the two men, Rebecca opens a folding chair Koala brought down to the beach with him and takes a seat.*

The scene opens up somewhere in the halls at WZCW HQ. Upon the walls hang portraits of some of the known faces of WZCW. Chuck Myles, Jack Cohen and Sebastian Copeland are just some of the faces we see as the camera skirts past. The camera then focuses on a door situated on the left of the hallway. Through the door then walks ‘The Highlight’ Aaron Craig. He is dressed in Black Shorts and a Black and White ‘Highlight Zone’ t-shirt. His trademark sunglasses are folded and placed hanging on his shirt; in his right hand he has a bottle of water. Craig begins to walk towards the camera, and then the camera begins to back-pedal making sure that he is still in shot. Aaron walks down the hall for a few paces before opening a door to his right and going thru it. The camera follows him into what looks like a weight room. Suddenly a woman’s voice can be heard calling for Aaron Craig.

Woman: Aaron, Aaron Craig is that you.

Aaron turns at this sound.

Craig: Yeah its me sweetie, Aaron Craig, ‘The Highlight’, what can I do for you?

The woman then steps into the camera shot. Revealing it to be WZCW’s own sassy reporter, Becky Serra.

Becky: Aaron, I know that you’re a busy man, what with the Pinnacle Pursuit Tournament starting this week on Meltdown, but I was wondering if you had time for a quick interview?

Craig: Becky my dear that would be a pleasure. What would you like to ask me about?

As Craig finishes the sentence he hops up onto the bench behind him, sitting the bottle of water that he had in his hand beside him.

Becky: Well Aaron, I wanted to get your thoughts on the Battle Royal on Meltdown that is a part of the Pinnacle Pursuit Tournament. Despite already having a match in the tournament, it has been announced that you will compete in the Battle Royal if you lose your match. Is this a sign that you’re not confident in your abilities to get the job done first time around?

Craig: Becky, Becky, Becky I cant believe you of all people would doubt my abilities. Oh no I have complete confidence that I will beat Joseph Rios and go on to Unscripted. But if an act of God does occur that means by some fluke of nature I don’t beat Rios, I want to make sure that I still be part of the World Title race at Unscripted. It’s all about dotting all the I’s and crossing all the T’s Becky. Doing anything and everything for that title. If that means competing in 2, 3, 4 matches in one night that’s exactly what ‘The Highlight’ will do.

Becky: Ok. Aaron Id like to get your thoughts on the other Battle Royal contestants. Firstly someone you have first hand knowledge of, your tag partner from last week Celeste Crimson, and Aurelia Molotov?

Craig: Ah yes the two lovely ladies. Well Aaron Craig was shown one thing for sure last week on Meltdown that these two ladies are not just good to look at. Oh no Celeste and Aurelia are dangerous, very dangerous. Underestimate them at you peril. But the will have one huge disadvantage on Meltdown.

Becky: Oh yes, what’s that?

Craig: They are women Becky, no I’m not sexist but I have to face the facts. Do you really think that 18 other men are going to want to lose to a woman? No way. Those guys out there are going to do whatever it takes to make sure they don’t lose to a woman. Hell Celeste maybe the best wrestler, apart from Aaron Craig, that is in the Battle Royal and Aurelia is no slouch either.

If ‘The Highlight’ isn’t in the Battle Royal and these ladies can make to the last 4 or 5, I think one of them could go on to Unscripted.

Becky: How about some of the new members to WZCW, namely Everest and Arch Angel?

Craig: Aaah Everest. A man that seems he can talk. the talk, and boy can he talk. But I think that’s about all he can do. It seems to me he has been taking too much notice of ‘The Highlight’. I mean have you seen him? Heard him talk? Seen his finisher? Seems he wants to be like ‘The Highlight’. You know it’s flattering really. But don’t worry Everest, if Aaron Craig is in that Battle Royal I have a personalised ass kicking… just for you.

Arch Angel? The guy paints his face and that’s pretty cool. That’s about all he has going for him though, can you spell useless joke? I can A r c h A n g e l. Nothing I’ve seen from him has impressed me and I don’t think it ever will.

Becky: Ok then how about Jack Harris??

Craig: Ahh who? Who the hell is that?? The new janitor? Who??

Craig has a look on his face that he doesn’t honestly know who Becky is referring to.

Becky: Well how about Ben ‘The Myth’ Legend?

Craig: Legend hey? Must of given himself that last name. As for ‘The Myth’, the only myth here is that this joke has any chance at all in the Battle Royal. He can give himself any damn name he wants, call himself whatever he pleases, but that will still leave one simple fact. Yup you guessed it he sucks.

Becky looks down, and the camera follows her gaze. Showing a clipboard that she has with various wrestlers names on it. She looks for a second and then raises her head to ask Craig another question.

Becky: Ok how about High Society? All four members in the Battle Royal? One would think that with strength in numbers, the winner maybe one of those four?

Craig: High Society…. High Society…. Oh you mean those four little snotty punks that think they are something special?? ‘Royalty with Loyalty’.. you mean them?

As Craig Says Royalty with Loyalty he mocks out Ace Cannon. Which brings a little giggle from Becky.

Becky: Yes that’s them. Th……

Craig: They aren’t anything Becky, nothing at all to ‘The Highlight’. What happened last week on Meltdown? Did not those four pieces of trash come down and try to get into ‘The Highlights’ business? Did not that big silverback gorilla Bishop hit Aaron Craig with a Club Banger or what ever the hell he calls it ? Well what happened Becky? What happened after all that??

Becky: I believe that you picked up the pinfall Aaron.

Craig: Damn straight Becky I did. Those four punks tried to sneak attack ‘The Highlight’ and still couldn’t get the job done. They are nobodies, little peons. Oh they can come at ‘The Highlight’ if they want. But one by damn one Aaron Craig will introduce his foot to their ass! But I have thought of a new slogan for High Society. Got a pen Becky? Cos your going to want to right this down.

High Society: “Four pieces of monkey crap, that think they are all that”

So there might be four members of High Society in that Battle Royal, but neither Ace Cannon, AJ nor Jason Sincade or that gorilla Bishop have any hope in hell of taking it out.

Becky then looks down at the clipboard she is holding. Thumbing down the page to look for the next question.

Becky: Well how about your thoughts on one of the best tag teams here in WZCW, Sex N Violence. Downward Spiral and Brian Michaels?

Craig: Sex N Violence? Well the only Sex they have is with one another in the janitor’s closet, and Violence? Hell if they are in to that with each other then that’s their thing.

Becky: Umm you do know Downward Spiral is married Aaron?

Craig: Spiral married? Well ‘The Highlight’ has three words for you… Mail Order Bride.

Becky: Can we please get back to the question Aaron. Downward Spiral and Brian Michaels. Two good wrestlers, who are one of the best tag teams in the world right know. Surely they will also come into play during the Battle Royal?

Craig: Wow Becky, sometimes you can just surprise a man. Well ok, yes Spiral and Michaels are two good wrestlers, not up to the standard of ‘The Highlight’ but they are good. But who do you think they will be trying to beat? Me? Any of the other guys in the match? No each other. They can talk they want about only wrestling each other if it comes down to it but Aaron Craig knows that’s not going to happen. They will want bragging rights as the best member of their team. When they step in that ring they will only have eyes for each other, they will want to prove that they are the strong link in the team. When it comes down it, it’s a Battle Royal, every man for themselves and if they or anyone else are not willing to do whatever it takes to win this match; even if it means whipping your friends ass, then really they should not only not be in this match, they also shouldn’t be in this business. Because everyone knows what’s at the end, a chance to be the first ever WZCW World Champion. That’s more important than any partnership or friendship.

Aaron finishes speaking and then grabs the bottle of water next to him. He unscrews the lid, lifts the bottle to his lips and takes a sip. The camera then swings back to Becky, who has her eyes fixed on Craig. She waits a while, seemingly transfixed by him and then continues by asking another question.

Becky: I want to stay on tag teams for a moment, how about Northern Lights??

Craig: Aahh the Canadians. Being from Canada alone should be enough of a reason to tell you that these two jokes don’t have a chance in the Battle Royal. These two are nothing more than comedic relief aren’t they? Well ‘The Highlight’ hopes that’s what they are here for, because if not these two are in trouble. Koala and Windy? Give me a break. Not a chance.

Becky: Lastly what about the ‘Supreme Ones’ Gus and Kenny Cox?

Craig: Haha haha… Gus and Kenny Cox, that’s a good one…. Oh you’re serious? The ‘Supreme Ones’. Must be named that because they like pizza, cos these guys are no good. I know your watching this Gus on your little 8-inch TV, with Kenny Cox and your little blow up doll, so you might wanna write this one down to. Reality wont just have to bend Gus, no Reality will need to shatter into a million friggin pieces if you think your going to beat ‘The Highlight’ if he is in that Battle Royal. So if you see Aaron Craig coming Gus, then just eliminate yourself and Cox, save yourself an ass kicking. The guys should be shining ‘The Highlights’ shoes and ironing my shirts, not hopping in the ring for an butt whipping.

Becky: So any predictions Aaron?

Craig: Well Becky in the end it doesn’t matter who wins. Celeste, Spiral, Gus (laughs) once the get to Unscripted the result is still going to be the same. One way or another they will have to go through ‘The Highlight’ Aaron Craig to win the WZCW World title. We both know Becky, that no matter how good the guys and gals are in this Battle Royal or in another match in the Pinnacle Pursuit tournament, the simply do not and I repeat DO NOT have what it takes to take down ‘The Highlight’ Aaron Craig is going onto Unscripted to be the first ever WZCW champion, and you can write that down!! Now excuse me Becky, I have some work to do.

Aaron hops of the bench and grabs his bottle of water. He then walks over towards one of the weight machines and crouches., adjusting the weight. The camera then swings to Becky, who is just standing in the one spot, staring at Craig. Becky suddenly comes to, glances to see the camera on her, gives a shy little smile and walks off camera. The camera is then fixed on the WZCW logo, and begins to fade out.
The scenes opens up to Jack Harris walking down a near deserted hallway in the back of the arena. He is wearing baggy pants and black a Jacksonville Jaguars jersey. His cornrows are covered by a black do-rag. A few seconds after he is shown Rebecca catches up to him.
Rebecca:Jack! Jack Harris! Can I get a word with you?
Harris looks her up and down. He grabs her hand and spins her around, checking her out.
Harris:Shawty, you can get whatever you want from me.
Rebecca:Right...I wanted to now how you felt after you, for lack of a btter word, beat down Chemical Blue last week.
Harris lets out a little laugh
Harris:For lack of a better word? That is the only word. I beat his ass down, dawg. I'm a dangerous man, and I got rid of the scum that was Chemical Blue. He doesn't deserve to breathe the same air I do, much less step into the same ring. So I think I did my job pretty good last week. If I were him I would be embarassed to show my face in public again.
Looking a little scared, after a few seconds Rebecca gains the courage to ask the next question.
Rebecca:With the win last week, Chuck Myles has put you in the battle royal at the next Meltdown. The winner will be in the Pinnacle Puruit Tournament for the WZCW Title.
Harris:I'm in the battle royal? Why don't I get a one on one match like the other six? I proved my worth last week. Oh well. This just means that more people will be beat down by me, dawg.
Rebecca:Do you want to know who you are going up against in the battle royal?
Jack Harris looks at her for a moment with a confused look on his face.
Harris:Why should it matter who's in the match with me. They will all suffer the same fate as Chemical Blue. I can beat anyone in WZCW, and I'll prove it by winning the battle royal, by winning the Pinnacle Pursuit Tournament, and them by winning the WZCW Championship, dawg. No one stands a chance against me. At Unscripted, there are two things promised. One, there will be a new champion. And two, the champions name will be Jack Harris.
The crowd boos loudly at the last comment, but it doesn't seem to bother Jack Harris at all.
Jack Harris:You can boo me all you want, but just remember one thing, dawg. There will be no distraction, just destruction.
Jack Harris looks into the camera for a moment longer, beforewalking out of the picture. The camera focusing on a scared looking Rebecca and fades to balck.
The camera opens up in a dimly light restaurant both. Straight ahead we see Ace Cannon sitting in front of the camera smoking a cigar with a drink sitting in front of him. Ace takes a long puff of his cigar and tilts his head upward and exhales it. He puts his head back down and puts the cigar out and sits it down in the ashtray. He picks up the glass and takes a drink and then moves the cup around in a circular motion making the ice and drink swirl around in the glass. Ace takes another drink, but this time it is a long drink which finishes off the contents in the glass. Ace sets the glass down then stares directly into the camera. He takes a deep breath and exhales and finally begins to speak.

AC: Let me just start off by saying this will not be your usually Ace Cannon interview. There will be no cheeky one liner’s and there will be no referring to myself in third person. This interview right here means business. That’s why in this interview it will just be me, and the cameraman and that’s it, no Bishop, Sincade, or AJ. There all out doing there thing and partying but I decided to stay back and take care of business. So if your of the faint or heart or can’t handle the truth stop watching now. Turn off your TV and keep living in your little happy go lucky world because this side of me is ugly, it is violent it is not something that hardly anyone ever see’s from me!

Ace grabs what appears to be a bottle of gin and pours it into his glass. He picks up the glass and takes a drink and sets the cup back down.

AC: Now where to start… I think I will start about this how battle royal and the man who made the match Chuck Myles.. You see Chuck, a lot of people have been calling you all these names because your pitting friends against one another and all this other crap. Well, Chuck you want to know something? I think like the rest of them it is crazy, stupid and maybe a little suicide on your part. But I also think you put friends against each other for one reason.. It is to try and end High Society! Because lets face it, Sex N Violence, Northern Lights and those morons Gus and Kenny are nowhere near as good as High Society. If those guys go out there and start going at one another who cares, but if High Society goes after one another people care! People want to see that, I mean it is only obvious they would want to see it, hell were the three best talents this place has. We are RATINGS, we are MONEY. We are everything to this place, and like I mentioned a second ago it is suicide because if High Society was ever to end the rating in this place would plummet faster than a kamikaze jet crashing into Pearl Harbor. With that said consider yourself lucky Chuck that High Socitey can separate business and friendship, if we have to wrestle we will and if we don’t that’s great, but High Society is here for the long run so get used to it, and that goes for the rest of you in WZCW get used to us because the hostile take over as began!

Ace takes another drink of his gin on the rocks and lets the taste linger on his lips for a few seconds before setting the drink back down.

AC: Now I want to touch on Northern Lights… I don’t know exactly who the hell you guys are, other then a bunch of drunk Canadian bumbling morons. I mean you guys say High Society doesn’t know how to treat women and this and that… Well let me tell you boys something about how I treat women I treat them anyway I want because no matter what they will be coming to my hotel room later that night and I will be showing them the time of there life, the nickname Primetime just doesn’t refer to my in-ring ability. Speaking of my in ring ability I saw you guys running around the beach today. Now if I were you two drunken idiots I would makes sure I was training and taking my vitamins because you guys have two matches Saturday and le me tell you right now when you get to that battle royal and you come across me I will drop you over that top rope faster then you can say the word O’CANDADA! So I suggest you guys go hit the gym and work on your skills in the ring because you’ll need it!

Ace leans back in the booth and grabs his drink and takes another swig. He sets it down and sits back and puts his hands behind his head

AC: Now Brian Michaels. Just who the hell are you? Oh wait I know.. Your that sorry sack of horseshi* that Downward Spiral carries in every tag match. Now, with that said I don’t know why the hell you come on TV here saying you’re great, and how I should be honored to share a ring with you. Well my boy, you are sadly mistaken other then the fact you in a tag team I know nothing about you and is all that tells me is you Brian Michaels is WORTHLESS. So, Brian you’re the one who is lucky to be in the ring with me, if you pay attention why you’re in there you might learn a thing or two from me. Now that I covered Brian let me cover his partner that carries his ass Downward Spiral. Spiral you are a damn good wrestler, I actually know who you are unlike you partner. Spiral, here’s the thing I may have said you’re a damn good wrestler, but your not great. You see, I’m great and your just good. Look at me as Ric Flair and you Magnum TA. Always near the main event and world title but never quite there. So Spiral it will be an honor trading blows with you because when all is said and done I can tell my kids I once throw the best mid-card talent every over the top rope on my way to the WZCW world title.

Ace cracks a smile as he pauses. He takes a drink to wet his whistle and then continues on

AC: Now Aaron Craig… You my friend have a damn big mouth and must also have a death wish. I mean you come around saying High Society is nothing and Bishop is a big Silverback Gorilla and then your write down we are monkey crap? That right there is a death wish. Now you have four of the baddest men gunning for you in the battle royal if you show up. I mean there is a damn good possabilty you win your opening round match and I will give you two reasons. A, you don’t want to lose twice in one night and B, you don’t want to get the worse beat down you have ever received! So, Craig watch your mouth and if your in the match your back because you my friend have signed your death warrant and it will be delivered!

Ace finishes his second gin on the rocks. He sets the glass down and leans forward into the camera

AC: Now onto Everest. Boy, I would watch my damn mouth if I were you. You see Everest, I’m everything you want to be. When you go to bed at night I know right before you hop in bed you get on your knees and pray to God and say…

“Dear God, I wish I could be like Ace Cannon. Please bless me with his good looks, money and in ring talent. AMEN.”​
Ace starts laughing and then stops, and gets a dealdy serious looks on his face

AC: .. Well Everest it looks like God hasn’t answered your prayers because you still suck at wrestling and you’re still pretty damn ugly! Now, the only way I think you could ever become like this is if you sell your soul to the Devil, because after God made me he broke the mold! Everest, after your little match on Meltdown against Osama Bin Laden and who ever the other guy is I suggest you go pack your bags up go to the airport and by the first ticket you can to Nepal and then when you land there find a Sherpa can climb back up that little mountain and stay there, and come down after the big boys have finished wrestling because truth be told you have no business being in that ring during the battle royal and hell let’s face it you can’t even lace my fuc*ing boots on your best day. Now Everest take what I said into consideration and think long and hard if your ready for me to start burying your career!

Ace steps out of the booth and the camera fades to a message on the screen that says…


The screen then fades to black..
(The scene open up with a long camera shot of a hallway with a out of focus figure at the end. As the camera pan closer and come into frame. You see Sincade sitting in a chair with his head down and his eyes close. He have ipod`s headphones in his ear. He is listening to " lose yourself" by Eminem. Then the music plays softly in the background. Sincade starts talking to himself inside his head)

Sincade: This is it. This is what I been waiting for. For the opportunity of a lifetime, just for One shot at that Championship. Just so I can be call the best of the best, The king of the jungle...The WZCW heavyweight champion. All my wrestling career I have been doubted...Held back by some asshole who did not know nothing about the sport yet alone the business, but everytime I was given that one opportunity, just that one chance at greatness. I succeed, I became better than I once was.

(Then Sincade raises his head and take a deep breath)

Sincade: Now they got me in this battle Royal, another obstacle I have to overcome. 20 wrestlers fighting for the same cause, 20 damn superstars aiming for the same goal, to become WZCW first heavyweight champion. That why I have to train hard, harder than I ever train before. I have to be better than a Downward Spiral, a DC, a Aaron freaking Craigs, because I know I'm just as good or maybe even better than any one of them. If it comes down to High Society.....I know what I have to do.

(Then Sincade pull his dreads back and tie them in a ponytail. Then he looks up and crack his neck before he stands up. He start to pace back and forth while fixing his gloves.)

Sincade: Stay focus Sincade. You have to stay focus.....this is not just another match. This is not something you can blow off like Gus or Kenny. This is the reason you came to the WZCW, This is what you work so hard for, you have bled.

(The Camera cuts to a clip with Sincade face bloody hang onto the ropes trying to keep himself up)

Sincade: broken your bones

(The camera cuts to a clip with Sincade hobbleing up the ramp with two referees under his arm)

Sincade: And put it all on the line...just to be called a champion.

(The camera cuts to a clip of Sincade winning the IWGP junior heavyweight championship. With him hugging the belt while the audience is giving him a standing ovation)

Sincade: Now you have 20 other wrestler trying to take this opportunity, your one shot at making History! F#$k that, this is my time now. I'm not letting this slip my fingers.

(As the music dies you hear the crowds shouting Sincade names in the background. Sincade turns and look at the curtain with a shining white light behind it. Sincade starts walking toward the curtain)

Sincade: You have to show them a Side of Mr Highlight Reels and Sex Appeal they never seen. Shakespeare once wrote " Some are born great, Some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them" at the battle royal I will achieve all three.

(Sincade reach the curtain the crowd starts scream his name louder before he walks thru he looks back at the camera and gives a sinister grin and speak out loud)

Sincade: It Showtime!

(Sincade walks thru the curtain into the light the camera pan backward thru the hallways slowly. While fading to black)
*The camera zooms in Houston, Texas. They reveal sites such as Reliant Stadium, the Astrodome, the Texas Medical Center, the LBJ Space Center, Minute Maid Park, and finally, the Toyota Center. The camera zooms into the Toyota Center and shows thousands of empty seats. The camera then zooms into a ring in the middle of the arena. They show a man with a shirt labelled 'Rated-X'. He is laying on the ropes, just like the late great Eddie Guerrero*

Michaels: You know...Houston is a great city.'s labelled the City of Champions. Why? Let's look at fact. Fact, Nolan Ryan was one of the best pitchers of his time. He came from Houston. He was a Champion. Fact, we held a 'Night of Champions' here in Houston for a reason. Fact, Houston should be the Capital of Texas.

*Michaels rubs his hand on his chin*

Michaels: This...this city is huge. Over two million people walk the streets of Houston for one reason. That reason? Because they are proud. Who or what are they proud of? Brian Michaels. Former MWE World Heavyweight Champion, former UCW United States Champion, Leader of the World-Reknowned Faction...Rated-X.

*Michaels points to his T-Shirt*

Michaels: Let me ask a question to the fans of WrestleZone Championship Wrestling. Do your beloved wrestlers sell out arenas? Do they sell T-Shirts? Do they drive buyrates? Do they bring in ratings? NO! Why? Because people come to see me. Love me, hate me, all you people tune into see me wrestle, because I am the very best at what I do. Some of the wrestlers want to complain like bitches about being held back? Try being in a tag team. Mkay? Then tell me if you're being held back. How was I supposed to get the World Title gold when people are telling me that Downward Spiral carries me around?

*Michaels hops off the ropes and starts walking around the ring*

Michaels: You know...I've been in this ring before. That's right. I was just 17 years old when I first stepped into a wrestling ring. I loved every bit of it. I would come out, the fans would boo me like the idiots they were, and I'd wrestle. When did it become about all this other crap? What happened to the days where you could just...wrestle. If you were the best wrestler on the roster, you were the Heavyweight Champion of the World. Now, I don't see much competition on this roster. All I see is a bunch of rookies who think they can hang with me in the ring. Spiral carries me around? Bullshit. Nobody's ever carried me before, and nobody has to carry me around now!

*Michaels' face starts getting red*

Michaels: When did it turn into this crap? What happened to the days when a wrestling promo only had to be one minute long? Now people ramble on for 20 minutes? I'll match that. No. I'll go 30! No. 60! Hell, I can go all night baby! You people don't know me yet. Some of you think I'm the pathetic partner of Downward Spiral. Some of you people think that I'm mid-card material? Half of this roster doesn't have the balls to admit that I'm the better man! That I'm the better performer! That I'm the better wrestler! You all know it, the fans know it, and I know it, so stop being a bunch of *****es about it.

*Michaels starts looking up as the lights go out and a dim light is placed on him. He grabs a microphone*

Michaels: You know, at least I have the balls to fight my own battles. High Society, the only thing you're high on is crack, because if one of you thinks for one second that you'll beat me, then you MUST be on crack. Koala Typhoon? Nobody cares about what you have to say. Honestly, when I saw you two idiots on my television set, I turned it off. The only thing you have coming out of your mouth is crap, because you two dumb shits haven't done ANYTHING in the ring. What have I done? I've won a World Title, something none of you will do as long as I'm in this promotion!

*Michaels starts putting his hand through his hair*

Michaels: That brings the most idiotic wrestler I have EVER seen. I've been in 8 Federations, and until now, I have never seen a man gloat about doing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING in wrestling. Ace Cannon, I'm talking about you little man. You've got to hide behind two jackoffs to get what you want? You're nothing but a little bitch. I'm worthless? I don't belong in the ring? What have you done in this industry? Since you think you're a big man? Well guess what? I'm a BIGGER MAN. Grow some balls and lose your boyfriends before you open your mouth! I've wrestled every day of the week. I don't think you understand what I do. Unlike you, I'm not signed specifically to WZCW. Oh no. I'm signed to 3 other Federations. I bust my ass to earn my check, and you have pathetic little agents speaking for you? I might as well kick all three of High Society's asses then, because until you've actually accomplished something, YOU'RE WORTHLESS. You're a waste of time. 'Nuff said.

*Michaels puts his head down and runs his hands through his face*

Michaels: People want to tell me that they think I'm worthless? People want to cut promos with kids to get over? Let me tell you people something. I'M ALREADY OVER. Oh Yeah! It's the damn truth too. Whether you like it or not. You know...a certain wrestler who repeats his name twice once told me...that he thinks I have charisma. Not just that, he said that he KNOWS I have charisma. And I agree with him when he told me that these people have NO RESPECT...for TAL-EN-T. Why do I say that? Because it's the damn truth. All of you people should now know that I am the best of the best. I am the Champion of Champions. None of you have ever Main-Evented a PPV. None of you have ever headlined the granddaddy of them all. I have. And what happened? It was a success, because the Career Stopper Brian Michaels is the most bankable name on this roster. You know....I'm even going to prove it to you. That's right. Right now, I'm going to prove to Aaron Craig one of the ''greats''

*Michaels says ''greats'' in a baby voice*

Michaels: In this promotion, that I'm more over than him. One second.

*The lights turn on and Brian Michaels slides out of the ring. He cockily walks up the ramp as the cameras follow him. He walks backstage. Several divas are seen walking by, and one blows Michaels a kiss*

Michaels: Trust me when I say this, that's not the only thing that that woman blows. Woo!

*Michaels continues walking until he is out in the street. He sees several people walking by and then finds an attractive woman wearing a pink dress. He looks at her and decides to walk to her.*

Michaels: Hey, are you a fan of WrestleZone Championship Wrestling?

Woman: Yeah, isn't that the wrestling company?

Michaels: You're damn right it is. By any chance have you heard of a guy named Brian Michaels?

Woman: Oh yeah...he's tall and he's a wrestler right?

Michaels: You're looking at him baby. Say, why don't we go back to my hotel and uh...wrestle a little bit?

Woman: Well, I don't know, maybe.

Michaels: Alright that's fine, that's fine. Let me just ask you one more question. Have you heard of a guy named Aaron Craig?

*The woman has a pondering look in her eyes but then shakes her head as if to say no*

Michaels: That's all I wanted to know.

*The woman looks and Michaels stares at her*

Michaels: Man..I hate to see her go, but I love watching her leave WOOO! So Aaron...if that doesn't prove I'm more over than you...I don't know what does. You can deny it, and make a sorryass excuse but the fact remains the same: I'm better than you.

*Michaels then shakes his head and starts walking away*

Michaels: So the fans of WZCW can make all the excuses they want. The wrestlers can make all the excuses they want, but at the end of the day, when all is settled, when the dust has cleared, the bottomline will be: The Career Stopper, Brian Michaels will be YOUR WZCW World Champion. And if you don't like it, that's just too damn bad, because I'm living in reality, and I'm stating the truth. You're not. And for the ladies out there...Amber Von Dresch is the lady that I had my eye on earlier. Did anybody see her? Good God almighty. Usually, I'd have problems seperating business from pleasure. But with you baby...WOO! Let's just say...that Amber whispered something in my ear the other day....and let me tell you, she is a woman and a half WOOO! Baby, you've got the number. Drop the dime. MAKE THE CALL. When DC lets you down and you need a shoulder to rest on, you got one right here waiting for ya baby.

*Michaels winks at the camera*

*Michaels sits in the park and then stares at the camera. He takes a deep breath*

Michaels: You know...there's four things that make a champion. Heart. Determination. Courage and Persistence. Ah, you know I'm bullshitting you! Whoever told you that is full of crap! The 5 things that make me, Brian Michaels, your next World Champion are...

Michaels: Flair...

*Michaels holds up 5 fingers*

*Michaels brings down his thumb*

Michaels: Confidence..

*Michaels brings down his pinky*

Michaels: Attitude...

*Michaels brings down his index finger*

Michaels: Personality...

Michaels: And Sexuality!

*Michaels brings down his finger, leaving him to flip off the camera as it zooms away*
(Ever since the attack on Aurelia and herself and the formation of High Society, Celeste had grown restless. Without her husbands psychiatric influence, Aurelia was the only voice keeping Celeste from slipping into insanity, and the attacks by the men that she now considered mortal enemies further haunted her, and tormented her. She wanted to make them pay for what they did to her, she wanted to hurt them all, break every bone in their bodies, snap their necks, torture them as they die, and rip the muscles from their bones. Of course this was the insanity taking over, spewing its lies, making her believe that she was a god, and that she was untouchable, just like when she was a child. Celeste believed the insanity took a form of a demon that would protect her from those that wished to harm her by using her body as a catalyst to perform certain inhuman acts of violence on her enemies to get them to leave her alone. Celeste also believed that she drew strength from this demon, even though she knew that she also had a rare medical condition that affected some of her nerves, making it impossible for her to feel large amounts pain. Take the beat down she received last week for instance, Celeste had so much adrenalin pumping through her body, that she could barely feel the blows the 3 larger men were landing on her body. And even a day after the assault, she still couldn’t feel the bumps and bruises on her body. Celeste at times was tormented by the demon, and her refusal to hurt her loved ones, most notably her mother, caused the demon to turn on her and cause her more pain. The pain the demon caused Celeste after her mothers death lead her down a violent path of self hate and regret, which ended in Celeste attempting suicide twice but failing both times. In her entire life, there was one thing that Celeste always felt broke her contact with her demon, or maybe it just made their bond stronger, never really knew, but what she did know is that the demon wasn’t there to help her through this ordeal. When she was a teenager, around 14, she was accidentally burned in a house fire that destroyed her family’s home in California. Celeste felt that her connect with the demon was shattered momentarily, almost as if it had been pulled back into the fiery hell it came from, and since it was unable to influence her and do the devil’s work it set out to do, it left her alone. It wasn’t until her mother’s death 10 years later that the demon appeared to Celeste again, this time escorted by the flames that Celeste thought had once been her savior, Celeste came to the realization that she couldn’t live without the demon, as the demon set out to reclaim its vicious hold on Celeste and her life. Since her mother passed, not a lot of people, other than her family, were able to penetrate the thick outer shell that Celeste put up to protect her fragile psyche. Her husband, Alex, finally got through to her after several years of trial and error of dating. Aurelia was the next person to get through to Celeste. She was the person who kept Celeste on track, despite the demons influence, when Alex wasn’t there to council Celeste. The demon didn’t like Aurelia, and tried to persuade Celeste to get rid of her several times, but failed as Celeste refused to hurt her friend, which upset the demon causing Celeste great emotional pain. For a while the demon again separated itself from Celeste, but once she joined up with WZCW, forcing herself to leave her husband behind, the demon returned. Having Aurelia brought to WZCW was the best move for Celeste, that way not only would she have a companion, but also a safety net that could sever the hold if ever the demon were to ever take control of her again.)

(Celeste walks down the hallway of the condo that she and Aurelia rented while WZCW was touring. A single candle lights her way as she walks into her room. Celeste walks into the room and places the candle next to about 2 dozen others on top of her dresser next to her bed. Celeste walks over to the full length mirror beside her dresser and gazes at her refection longingly while twirling her long blonde hair. Celeste is wearing her favorite crimson red satin pajamas, and looks down the hall into Aurelia’s room to see that her friend is sound asleep. It is the middle of the night, and not surprisingly, Celeste can’t sleep. Celeste gazes out the window and gazes up at the full moon for second, but is suddenly startled when she hears a loud voice shout her name, making her turn back towards the mirror. And Celeste jumps when she sees another figure in the mirror besides herself, and when she turns to confront the figure, she is gone. An uneasy silence fills the room, as Celeste looks around her room, her senses becoming aware of another presence inside her room. All of the sudden Celeste is overcome with a piercing static sound that is so loud it brings her to her knees. Celeste screams in agony against the piercing noise, but to no Avail. Finally after several seconds of agonizing torture, the noise ceases and stops. Celeste opens her eyes only to find herself looking at the feet of an unknown assailant. Celeste suddenly jumps back, and quickly gets to feet to look her attacker in the eye, but is utterly horrified by what she sees as she can only bear to look upon the face of the person for a few seconds before turning away.)

Figure: You were always afraid of me, Celeste, even when you were a little girl. What? You’re not even going to look at me?

(Celeste finally brings herself to look at the figure, a woman, who just happened to look exactly like her. Celeste stares her right in the eyes, her heartbeat racing. The woman standing before her looks exactly like her, or at least half of her does. The entire left side of this Celeste duplicate looks exactly like the real thing, from her blonde hair reaching down to her feet and toes. But the right side was a totally different story, the woman’s face and torso had been horrifically burned. Some places, like the woman’s arm and hand, had been burned so badly, that the bones were exposed and charred. The right side of the woman’s face was torn, withered, scarred, and to make it worse, it seemed like part of her body was decaying, as parts of her jaw bone, eye socket, and skull were exposed. The woman’s right eye had been burned out of its socket, as the woman stared a hole through Celeste with her one good brown eye. The skin on the woman’s right side was dead and starting to turn a ghostly pale green. Even the clothes on the woman’s right side were burnt and withered, to match her physique.

Celeste often described such a figure when talking to her husband during their sessions. She told him that this figure haunted her, tormented her. It seemed to show up whenever Celeste was placed under an overwhelming amount of stress. Already classified as a known schizophrenic, Celeste often described herself as having 2 parts. One part, the side of her that had “humanistic” characteristics, the side that showed compassion and warmth, the side that showed empathy and mercy. Then she described another side that was almost inhuman, no it was inhuman. This side of herself showed no compassion, no mercy, no empathy to any of the people around her. This side would sooner eradicate all of Celeste’s enemies, and then go back and kill off all her loved ones out of boredom. When Celeste first got into pro wrestling, many people were concerned that she couldn’t make the jump not because she wasn’t skilled enough, but because her fragile psyche wouldn’t be able to handle the pressure. Psychologists, especially her husband, were concerned that Celeste wouldn’t be able to tell the difference between kayfabe segments and attacks and real life attacks. Her doctors were afraid that she would treat a kayfabe attack like a real one and wind up seriously hurting or even killing someone in the heat of the moment, because she wouldn’t be able to tell the difference. Celeste had guaranteed that this wouldn’t happen, but not everyone could be sure. Even Chuck Myles had second thoughts about signing her due to the dangers that she could potentially cause, not for herself but for others. Now, having to facing the ghastly figure that haunted her again and again once more, Celeste wasn’t ready for it. She wasn’t ready to face the demon again, not yet.)

Celeste: What do you want?

(The demon cracks a smile before answering Celeste)

Demon: You know what I’m here for, your losing it Celeste.

(The Demon begins to move over to Celeste, who tenses up, as the Demon begins to circle her.)

I can feel your anger, your hate, you want revenge, you want to crush these High Society guys, I can read your mind.

(Celeste only remains still as she crosses her arms and says nothing.)

Demon: Join me Celeste, and I will make your dreams come true, it’s not the High Society guys you really want, is it? The Battle Royal, Celeste, this is our change to win, to make history, to become the first female heavyweight champion…

Celeste: That’s what you want; I could care less about the title.

(The demon suddenly hisses and gets right in Celeste’s face.)

Demon: Your lying, I KNOW YOU WANT THAT TITLE, just as I know you would sooner kill everyone in that ring to get to it. Join Me Celeste, and let me take care of all that oppose us. You want to be the best? Or do you want to quit?

Celeste: I don’t need your help, I didn’t need your help on the jujitsu circuit, and I don’t need your help now.

(The Demon takes a more somber tone, before raising her voice again.)

Demon: Oh. And who do you think won all those titles and tournaments? It was me, your to much of an incompetent, spineless, c**t to have won those titles on your own AND YOU KNOW IT! You can’t deny my power or the influence I have over you. Join me, and together we will be unstoppable!

Celeste: I’d rather die then see someone else get hurt at your expense, these are good people here, and they mean no harm.

Demon: Really? So last week when High Society beat you down with steel chairs you didn’t cry out in pain and anguish?

Celeste: You don’t understand…

Demon: Oh I understand YOU would rather be walked on then fight back, you would rather be a someone’s stepping stone. You’ve gone soft on me, ever since your f*****g mother died and you showed human emotion, you become nothing but a coward.

(Celeste lashes out suddenly and bitterly.)


Demon: Or you’ll do what?

(The Demon begins to laugh, so Celeste goes to strike the Demon but the Demon grabs her first and throws her into the wall behind her. The demon then picks her back up and throws her into the mirror, shattering it. The demon then restrains Celeste on the ground before speaking again.)

Demon: Your worthless Celeste, JOIN ME, and together we can dominate this sorry excuse for a fight club. There is no other guy in that entire organization that can come close to beating us Celeste, Join me, UNLEASH ME, AND I WILL DESTROY THEM ALL!

Celeste: NOOO! I’ll never let you out, ever! You’re the reason people don’t like me or trust me or respect me, I’m tried of walking around getting everything I want by establishing fear and dominance…

(The demon gets off Celeste)

Demon: You need me Celeste, your nothing with out me, you’re a nobody.

Celeste: I’d rather be a nobody then go back to the hell you sent me too, yeah IT WAS YOUR FAULT I WAS BURNED ALIVE!

(At the last comment, the Demon develops a smug look on her face.)

Demon: Very well, but let me tell you this, you can’t handle yourself Celeste, your losing it, and sooner or later, I WILL GET OUT, and when I do, there will be destruction, there will chaos, and someone will get hurt! But before that, YOU CELESTE will pay!

(Before Celeste can react, her Demon look alike is upon her and is savagely beating her into a pulp. The Demon throws Celeste to the ground, then reaches up and grabs one of the lit candles form the top of the dresser. Celeste knows what’s coming and she tries to defend herself, but the Demon throws the candle on her before she can get away. The small flame suddenly bursts into a large flame as it begins to eat away at Celeste’s Clothes, and then her skin, as the Demon just watches her writhe in pain trying in vain to put the fire out but to no avail.)

Demon: BURN IN HELL, B***H!

(The Demon kicks a burning Celeste a few times before grabbing another candle. The Demon starts to laugh manically, as she throws the candle against the wall, which explodes into flames, turning the entire room into a raging inferno. The Demon exits to the sound of loud static leaving Celeste screaming, and trapped in the Inferno, burning Alive.)

(Aurelia is suddenly awakened by the sound of screams. She slowly gets out of bed and goes to check on Celeste, who is screaming her head off. Aurelia peers into Celeste’s room to find her friend asleep. “Reoccurring Night Terrors” was the term that Alex gave these outbursts whenever something like this had happened at home. The result was when Celeste went to long without her sedative medication. Aurelia stayed with Celeste until the night terrors were gone, but was careful not to wake her, then went into the living room. The clock on the wall said 4:30 am, and since Aurelia was up, she might as well stay up, as sleep probably wouldn’t come again. Aurelia thought about the upcoming Battle Royal, a chance at a title shot, for her that would be big, but she was more concerned about the safety and wellbeing of Celeste then to wanting to go solo right now. She figured Chuck Myles brought her to WZCW to help get Celeste situated and to keep an eye on her and to keep her safe and to make sure that she doesn’t lose herself and wind up hurting someone. Aurelia figured that once Celeste got to the point where she could handle herself on her own (if she can get to that point), properly, then she may want to go for a singles title. Aurelia seemed to be focused primarily on High Society. Even though she felt the full brunt of their sly and sneaky attack last week, she probably ended up taking it better than Celeste did. Revenge enough for her would be just to eliminate some of those high Society bastards. She knows a feud with them is imminent, so that’s why she talked to Gus and Kenny, as they seem to be having just as much trouble as they where with High Society, and the two teams have decided to unite against high society, at least momentarily. Maybe with the combined forces, they have a shot at taking High Society down. After sitting up, awake for an additional 30 minutes after being woken up by Celeste’s screaming, sleep finally catches back up with Aurelia. She first checks on Celeste one more time before heading back to bed. She peers into Celeste’s room and sees that all is good, so Aurelia goes back to her room to try and catch up on some much needed sleep.)
Rebecca: So Arch Angel, now lets move on to the Pinnacle Pursuit. What do you think your chances are of winning?

Arch Angel: My chance's of winning are the same as everybody. Slim. There is god knows how many men in there all at once and arms, legs and anything else attached to a human body is swinging around. Anything can happen in one of these types of matches, but all you can do is watch your own back and hope that when the numbers whittle down, your still in in the ring and not tossed out like yesterdays trash.

Rebecca: Who do you think will be the most dangerous in this match then? Anyone you will be looking out for?

Arch Angel: Who will be the most dangerous? Other than myself? It could be any of a number of people from Bishop and the High Society boys to the people that are going to be in there first match in WZCW. I am going to pay particular attention to Downward Spiral though, he has impressed me in recent times. But other than that, I don't see anyone else as a threat.

Rebecca: There is also Everest in this match as well, who you have had somewhat of a war of words with over the past few days in build up to your match which will be earlier in the Meltdown broadcast. Are you worried about him in this match?

Arch Angel: Everest? Why would I be afraid of him? He won't even make it to the Battle Royal, he is going to leave our match on a stretcher! He is a second rate wrestler who should have stuck to climbing mountains.

Rebecca: OK, I think that is about everything. Do you have anything else you would like to add?

Arch Angel: Yes, as a matter of fact I do. Its a simple little warning. Keep out of my way at Meltdown. In the Battle Royal I haven't got any friends, companions or allies. I only have enemy's and if you get in my way, you will lose.

Rebecca: Well, thank you for that interview Arch Angel

Arch Angel: Your welcome, see you at Meltdown. I will be the one with my arm raised.

Arch Angel stands up an walks out of the shot whilst Rebecca sorts through her things
An empty football field is seen. At one end of the field a lone individual can be seen. A small bag of Football’s lay at his feet. He is kicking towards goal, from approximately 50 metres the man is kicking the ball right thru the centre each time. He comes to the last ball and moves over to his right, towards the boundary line. Sets himself and kicks. For most of its journey the ball looks as though its going to go right through the middle, but ends up swinging at the last moment and shaving the left hand posts. The man then continues on past the boundary line, and sits down on one of the wooden benches that surround the field.

As the camera come closer the man looks towards it. We can know tell that it is Aaron Craig. Dressed in his normal West Coast gear, sunglasses on.

Craig:The count down is nearly at an end. Meltdown and the Battle Royal are nearly upon us. 18 people willing to do whatever it takes. There are many difficult opponents in the match, but ‘The Highlight’ wants to concentrate on just two. Ace Cannon and Brian Michaels.

Craig looks to his left and spits on the ground. He reaches down and grabs the water bottle that was beneath the seat, taking a long drink before putting it back. Looking at the camera and beginning to speak.

First up Ace Cannon wants to know if Aaron Craig has a death wish. Why Cannon? It’s not like you or your collection of wrestling ******s can do a damn thing about it if I do. I have seen what you, the silverback gorilla and those other 2 pieces of trash have to bring, and that’s exactly nada, nothing. Your four pieces of crap that like the sound of your own voice’s, actually has anyone else noticed that Cannon and Sincade never talk at the same time and are always close. He must like your hand up his ass ‘Ace’. You think that if the four of team up then you can all hide your individual inadequacies, well guess what Cannon you cant, do all the talking, make all the predictions you want, but that won’t change a thing.

So if I do have to compete in that Battle Royal Cannon, I want you to bring it. I want you to shut that fat gob of yours and try to prove to me that you can back up your words. Try to prove to ‘The Highlight’ and to the people that your not a piece of monkey crap, can you do it Ace? Can you do it? If you really think you can beat me, if you really think that ‘The Highlight’ will lose two matches in one night or is worried about facing you, you are extremely disillusional.

Craig again pauses, only for a few seconds before continuing.

That the leads me to the self proclaimed ‘Career Stopper’ Brian Michaels. The man with a mouth the size of Texas, and the brain the size of a sesame seed. Do you think you impress Aaron Craig by coming out here and running your mouth? Do you think it impresses me that you hire some 2 cent bimbo to be in your little promo? Well you can wipe a cockatoo’s, raccoons, sloths, hell pick an animal from the Ark and wipe their ass with what you think!

News flash for you Brian, jumping around on the trampoline with your ******ed brother does not count as a being employed by a federation, neither does jelly wrestling with your cousin Billy Bob. I’m sure even you Brian, can guess that playing drop the soap with all your ex prison buddies doesn’t count either. The only thing that counts is WZCW, and what you do whilst you are here. You, Brian Michaels have done nothing here to impress me or anyone for that matter, except talk big and perform very little.

You can run your mouth about things you ‘think’ you have done in the past, but the past doesn’t matter. It’s the here and now that matters, and here an now Michaels your nothing more than a piece of useless monkey crap. World renowned Rated X?? pfffttt out of the 25 million people surveyed, the only one who knew who the hell Rated X were, was you Brian. Congratulations.

But ‘The Highlight’ hopes and prays that if he is in the Battle Royal, that you are still there Michaels. So I can see the look of fear in your eyes before I whip your scrawny , big talking ass.

But for a second lets take a leaf out of the book of Brian Micheals. I have picked someone, totally at random to ask some questions to.

The camera then pans to Craig’s left to show a Labrador dog sitting on the grass.

So my friend can I ask you, do you know who Aaron Craig is?
Dog: Bark, Bark, Bark

Craig: Yeah I thought so, and what do you think of his in ring skills?:

Dog: Bark, Bark, Bark

Craig: Well that’s great you must be a true fan. What about Brian Michaels? Have you heard of him?

The dog suddenly begins to lick his own balls as Craig asks the question about Michaels.

Craig: No? doesn’t ring a bell?? Surely you must have seen some of his matches or promos? I mean the guy thinks he is so ‘great’?

Dog continues to lick his balls, not paying heed at all to what Craig is saying.

Craig: No, no comment at all?? Well that’s too bad, thank you for your time.

There you go Michaels, seems my totally ‘random’ guest doesn’t know who you are. Just reaffirms that you aint s$*t.

The camera then pans back to where Craig is sitting. He has removed his sunglasses and tucked them inside his shirt. He looks directly at the camera, thinking for a moment.

But the time for talking is nearly at and end. Soon it wont matter who said what, who predicted what. Actions will soon speak a hell of a lot louder than what any words can. The people will rise as one and cheer, driving their favourites on to feats of strength or endurance. Empowering those that can no longer go on. It will be every man and woman for themselves. Forget partnerships, forget friendships. Because in the end each person in the Battle Royal is out there for just one person, themselves.

Aaron Craig has one match to make sure that he doesn’t have to go through 16 others to go onto Unscripted for a chance to claim the WZCW World Title. But if to get to Unscripted I have to go thru 16 others, well that’s exactly what ‘The Highlight’ will do. He will go thru them, one, by one, by damn one, throwing their asses over the top rope. Then when the dust has settled and all the smoke has cleared, the crowd will be on their feet cheering. ‘the Highlight’ Aaron Carig will be the one left standing in the ring, ‘The Highlight’ will be the one going onto Unscripted and remain in the hunt to be the first ever WZCW Champion. First ever WZCW champion.

Craig lets these words hang on the breeze for a second. He looks away from the camera, obviously in deep thought. He then stands and walks of off he screen as the camera fades to black.
The scene opens up and a sign can be seen. The sign reads Duval County Jail. The camera moves through the front door and through many corridors with pisoners yelling profanities as it goes by them. The camera stops as get gets to one cell. In the cell a man is sitting on the bed with his elbows on his knees and his head in his hands. As the camera goes into the jail cell, the man can be identified as Jack Harris. He slowly looks up into the camera. It looks as if he is choosing ihs words carefully. After a few moments of silence he begins to solemnly speak.

Jack Harris:6 months. 6 months of my life wasted away here, in this very cell. Why? Trying to make a name for myself. I was a nobody out there on the streets. I was trying to climb the ladder to the top. Now I come back here. As I can tell by listening to the other wrestler's promos, I am in the same position. I am a nobody in WZCW.

The scene cuts to the clip of Aaron Craig saying: .Ahh who? Who the hell is that?? The new janitor? Who??

Jack Harris:I find myself back to where I started, tyring to make a name for myself. So I tried doing what I did on the streets. I beat down the first person I could find. That person just happened to be Chemical Blue.
A clip of Jack Harris giving Chemical Blue the Duval Bomb plays, then cuts back to Jack Harris.
Jack Harris:Does that make you remember anything? Craig, I'm talking to you.
Jack Harris gets a dangerous, somewhat crazy, look in his eyes. His voice begins to rise out of anger.
Jack Harris:You may not know me now. But after this week, you will never be able to forget me, dawg. I will make the beat down I gave Blue look like a a small cut after I'm done with you and everybody else in the Battle Royal. There will be no distraction, just destruction. And dawg, there will be destruction
Jack Harris lets out a little laugh. Looking like he had weight lifted off his shoulders, he stood up off the bed a took one last look around the cell. Then Jack Harris walks out, leaving the camera to watch him go. When Jack Harris can no longer be seen, the scene fades to black.
(Sincade and Bishop are walking around the backstage and it seems that they are looking for someone or something. Then Sincade spots Leon Kensworth at the vending machine.)

Sincade: There he is. Bishop Snatch his ass up and Drag his ass with us.

(Without hesitation Bishop grabs Leon by the collar and starts draging him down the hallways)

Leon:*Coughing* wher.....where...are you taking me?

Sincade: Shut the hell up. You see when you get there.

(Sincade and Bishop bring Leon to there locker room and throw him inside and force him to sit in a chair. He see Ace Cannon whispering in a sexy female ear she starts to giggle, AJ is at the bar Mixing Jack Daniels and coke. Both Ace and AJ look over at Leon withs disgusted looks on theirs faces thens Sincade walks in and sit on the Leather couch. Ace looks over at the Female)

Ace: Excuse me for a minute I got business to attend to.

(The female kisses Ace on the cheek and leave the locker room. When AJ finishs making himself a drink he sits on the barstool behind the bar.)

Leon: Why....why have you brung me here?

Sincade: Listen up Ass cake. Your so in love with giving interviews. So we are going to give you a impromptu interview so just get your little pen and paper out and shut the hell up!

Leon: but.....

Sincade: Didn't I just said shut the hell up.

(Then lean back in the couch and look at his platinum and diamond watch, then crosses his legs)

Sincade: Now all I hear is people complaining, whining, and bitching about how High Society did this and High Society did that. Well the only thing I got to say to that is kiss between my back pockets! It seem that High Society been on every Jackoff in the WZCW minds. From that old fart Chuck Myles to that dipsey doodle Gus. You have people like.....people likes Brian Micheals..The so called Career Stopper.... *chuckles a lil bit* AKA Downward Spiral Shadow. He talk about he`s been wrestling since the age of 17 at some summer camp like that suppose to impress us. When you mention "Sex & Violence" its always Downward Spiral and the other guy. It hard being the other guy huh Micheals? It hard being someone lackey.
Downward Sprial been carrying your dead weight so much I'm suprise you still know how walk, I wouldn't be suprise if Downward carry your dead weight right over the top rope.

Leon: But.......

Sincade: Shut the hell up, You got this pop tart name Everest who can be the Bastard child of A C to the E *pointing at Ace* but that anoth......

(Ace Cannon stand up and place his hand on Sincade Shoulder)

Ace: Now....Now J-Sinn let me take if from here starting with that little son of a bitc* Everest. You run around here talking about being rich and shopping on Rodeo Drive and this and that. Well you know what's funny? That's what Ace Cannon does! Know what else is funnt Everest? That little press confrence you held. Who did it first? Ace Cannon. You see this trend right here. Whatever Ace does you must do. Why, because you want to be Ace Cannon, but you can't. Ace is one of a kind. Lets just end it like this, Ace is the hope diamond, big beautiful and worth a lot of damn money. You, Everest are cubic zarcomium you can be bought in the Wal-Mart jewelrey department for next to nothing and your just plain old average! So average in fact that I wouldn't be surprised if I tossed your ass over the top rope within five minutes of the battle royal, becasue it is a safe bet your noting going to win! So with that said Leon follow me over to the bar.

(They walk over to the bar Leon is walking cautiously and Ace makes himself a gin and tonic and sits down on a barstool across from AJ and takes a few drinks and begins to talk again)

Ace: Now onto Celseste Crimson and her big ******ed monster Aurelia.. Let me start off by talking about Aurelia. I don't know anything about you other than the fact your a big ******ed russian monster. When High Soceity was kicking the hell out of you we felt no remorse because we thought you were a man. Hell, when Ace first saw you he thought Chuck Myles brought in Dolph Londren of Rocky fame for some publicty stunt, but it was just you. Now onto Celeste, what in the holy hell is wrong with you? Ace says that becasue he hears your a basket case and constantly having to see WZCW psychological stuff and all this because your crazy. Ace doesn't know what your deal is and he doesn't care. But I will tell you what Ace does care about and that's kicking the living shit out of you. So Celeste get your Frankenbitch ready becasue in that battle royal High Society is guning for you and her and the beat down will be vicious just like it was on Meltdown!

(Ace drinks some of his gin and tonic and grabs a cigar on the table and lights it up. He takes a few puffs of it and finishes his drink. He takes another couple puffs off the cigar and pulls it from his mouth and starts to speak again)

Ace: Now Ace wants to finish with you Brian Michaels.. The so called Career Stoppa. Well you know what Brian you just need to stop cutting promos why you are ahead. The more you say the bigger the ass whipping your going to get. I mean you talk about wrestling for three diffrent companies becasue your so good and all this. Well let Ace Cannon tell you something. When I came to this place Chuck signed me to an excluisve deal let me say that one more time EXCLUSIVE deal! You see Brian, Chuck told Ace Cannon he was the future of this company and didn't want Ace going to these other two bit companies with shitty wrestlers such as your self Brian, and risk getting hurt. So Brian keep talking yourself up because it is quite apparent that you are your own biggest fan and your in a fan club of one. So Brian, let me Ace end on this when that battle royal rolls around don't be expecting a win because it won't happen so just be prepared for heartbreak because it is inevtiable, and maybe if your a good boy that manbeast Aurelia will take you back to her love lair. Well I'm done here I got a lady that needs me.

Ace: Aaron Craig, the quote on quote Highlight. Who in the flying fuc# do you think you are talking to Ace Cannon and High Society like that? I mean calling us crap and ******s? What is that? Did you just recently hang out at a damn preschool and learn some witty insults? Or are you just so damn stupid that's all you know? Either way your already dumber then seamen in a used condom for insulting Ace and High Society. You see Craig we got everyone in this lockeroom hating us and you know what? We love it! So take a number and get in line because your not that important to deal with right out the gate, but Ace can assure you that somone in High Society will get to you and drop your ass over the top rope and you will be a two time loser in one night, and you Aaron Craig can bank on that!

Leon: I make sure I tell them. I think I be going no....

(Leon start walking quickly toward exitThen Bishop grabs Leon by the neck and throws him back in the chair. Sincade get up off the couch and poke Leon in the chest.)

Sincade: Man Seat your dumb ass down. you leave when we tell you to leave..*seating back down on the Couch* Now you got Slogan Boy Aaron Craigs who called himself "The Highlight." Aint it funny that the only highlight you had was being in the same ring with us. He should be happy that I'm wasting my damn breathe on him, but I see he needs a little attention. Not to take anything away from Ace but were like a Expensive bottle of wine....always getting better with Age. He just a pitcher of kool aid cheap and with a lot of sugar. You see Craig your the piss stain of this goddamn company. You need to go work for your wife Jenny and help these fat Bitc*es lose weight. Your last match you barely made it out alive, The only reason your still breathing is because Bishop doesnt want his third stike. That he-bitch you call a partner...we made her look like her tampon, bloody and used.

(Then AJ walk from behind the bar and hand Sincade a drink. He then sits down and places his drink on a glass and mable coffee table. He then takes his glasses off and lay them next to the glass he lean towards Leon)

AJ:Look here I dont give a shit about WZCW or any of its so called "superstars". The only people i care about are the ones in High Society. You know everyone is talking about this and that and how they will win the WZCW championship but when it comes to everything who ever holds the belt it wont mean crap as they will have to deal with all of us in High Society. See Chuck Myles and company and i dont give a crap as we run this company and we will leave our mark. See I liek to compare us to a modern day nWo mixed with a little evoultion. We get paid, laid, and made and well we cause a little destruction as well. It dont matter who they are by the time WZCW realizes be too late as WZCW will be run not buy chucky but by High Society...

Sincade: So do you see where we are coming at huh Larry? Are you comprending it? Is it sinking in? I said it from day one we are the best the best thing that happen to WZCW in a long time. People hate us because they can't be us. People don't tune in every 2 weeks to see people like DC and Strife, They don't want to watch a person who use to work for 7/11 that complain about america and how high our gas prices are. They tune in to see what High Society is going to do next. We are rating, we carry this god damn show! Now you take that back to your boss.

Leon: You..... you mean I can leave?

(Sincade looks over to his right at Ace, and Ace nodded his head then Sincade looks over to his left at AJ he also nods then Sincade looks at leon and nods leon slowly gets up and cautiously walk to the door when Bishop steps in front of him, Leon Quickly looks back at Sincade.)

Leon:You said I can go.

Sincade: Yeah but you can't leave thru that way

(Suddenly Bishop grabs Kenworths with both hands around his neck. Then Bishop lifts Kenworths off his feet and with all his strength throw him thru the sheet rock wall to the hallway. Then the camera examine the unconscious body of Kenworths and quickly looks back at all the Members of High Society standing, looking thru hole with AJ with a Sinister grin, Sincade laughing and Ace Grining with the cigar still in his mouth)

OCC:This was a long Rp Damn!
(After Gus and Heidi walk away, Celeste ends up leaving, when Leon Kennedy walks up)
Leon: Kenny, can i get a few comments?

Kenny: Sure, i guess...

L: Are you excited about the battle royale?

K: what kind of question is that? Of course i am, i finally get a shot at a legit
World title, but, are you okay, did those high society bast***s hurt you at all?

L: no , i'm fine,

K: Ok, but anyway, Gus, myself, Celeste, and Aurelia and possibly a few more people are going to eliminate High Society out of the battle royale, i mean does Chuck Myles honestly want, no, does WZCW need one of High society as world champion?

L: Well, in my opinion... no, i think it would be bad for the business...

K: No sh*t, did you figure that out all by yourself, just kidding.

L: o...k...

K: anyway, after High society is gone, its going to be interesting to see who will be left for ME to eliminate.

L: Those are mighty powerful words from you, Kenny

K: So what? i'll back them up, you wait and see... and i'm tired of you always asking such dumb questions,

(Kenny slaps Leon in the face)

L: You as**ole


L: Nothing

K: Thats what i thought...
(The scene opens up as we see a lockerroom, empty except for a bag on the floor, and a towel on the chair, a moment later Everest emerges from around the corner having just finished his main event match in an unnamed fed, fulfilling a previous commitment. He's got his wrestling pants on and grabs the towel to wipe off the sweat from his forehead. Just as he gets ready to head for the showers he hears a knock on the door)

EVEREST: Who is it? What let me guess? Leon is that you?

(from the other side of the door)

LEON: Ah, why yes it is?

(Everest doesn't even hide his sarcastic tones as he rises from his seat and heads to the door. Opening it and motioning Leon inside as he heads back to the locker)

EVEREST: What can I do for you?

LEON: Yeah, first of all how did you know it was me?

EVEREST: Easy Leon, first of all it's less that 3 days till Meltdown, I've heard many WZCW superstars talking about EVEREST and you haven't bugged me in 2 days. 2 and 2 equals you needing one final ratings boost interview.

(with that Everest takes the mic from Leon and motions him to the chair)

EVEREST: Leon have a seat, you're not going to wanna miss this one. I'll be simple and two the point. I'm going to talk about several of my opponents in Monday's battle royal.

First off Ace Cannon and his set of cronies that would make Raven's old flock seem competent. Ace you whine about me following you with this and that, saying I emulate you and that I want to be you. Ace you fail to set out all the facts. The Rock Slide isn't your little Rock Bottom wanna be. It's better, I've taken it and made it BETTER! Your little press conference, I took it and made it BETTER! You see you had to CALL your press conference, all I had to do was show up and people flocked to me. I remember you in Japan Ace, you had a lot of potential. I heard you signed over here in WZCW and thought to myself, good move, he'll make that a better federation. Then you go and connect with those other has beens and never will be's and you been reverted to groupie beat down status. Don't worry though Ace it seems I've ruffled your feathers and I somehow get the feeling we'll be seeing more of each other for a long time.

Next I'll say a few words to Celeste, I remember you from Japan as well, you were competing in MMA matches over there. All I'm going to say is take care of yourself and if you ever get into something and need help with Ace and his soap droping shower buddies you give me a call.

Aaron Craig, I'm not real sure why your talking about me, but for now I will let your comments slide cause it seems we have nothing to disagree about.

Finally my other opponents at Meltdown, Archangel and Mohammed. Guys don't think I've forgotten about you. You say all I do is run my mouth, well guess what guys, it seems to have worked. Angel your temper is getting to you, and from what I hear that's an advantage for me. Mohammed personally I don't think you even have the balls to show up at Meltdown and until you finally step into the ring, I'm not wasting my time on you.

For anyone I might have forgotten don't worry, come Monday when that Battle Royal starts you'll realize that I didn't forget you. As I toss body after body from the ring, you'll know and remember Everest. I assure you of that.

(With that Everest gives the mic back to Leon who sneaks in one last question)

LEON: Hey Everest what about Titus trying to get Myles to put him in a match at Meltdown

EVEREST: Ah I heard about that, Titus your movies are entertaining and I said before that I feel bad that I couldn't help you out last week when your partner walked on you, but getting involved in the heated match between Angel and Myself may not be in your best interest at the moment. Keep your distance Titus if not for the simple reason that I really want a one on one shot against Angel.

Take care Leon, I'm sure you can show yourself out.

(With that Leon exits the room, shutting the door behind him as Everest heads for the showers)

OCC-sorry I had a better version of this but my computer decided it would rather eat it then print it.
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