Meltdown 96

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Richard Blonoff

Make America Rassle Again

The camera pans around the arena as the crowd screams and pyro explodes all over the stage, ramp and ring.

Copeland: Welcome once again to Meltdown, coming to you live from the Bercy Arena in Paris! I’m Sebastian Copeland and joining me here at ringside is my broadcast partner, Jack Cohen.

Cohen: The pleasure’s all yours Sebastian.

Copeland: We have one hell of a show in store for you tonight as we continue our European Tour. And what a main event we have planned as The Sacrificial Altar goes man to man with Drake Callahan and Los Magnificos Dragones.

Ricky Runn walks onto the stage with a mic in his hand and his full entourage in tow as the crowd makes their feelings clear.

Cohen: Alright! Ricky Runn!

Copeland: Looks like he’s got something to say Jack, funny how that only seems to happen when Barbosa isn’t around.

Cohen: That’s because unlike my boy Ricky, Barbosa spends his time between matches in an Asylum rather than on the road.

Ricky stops by the side of the ring and waits for his entourage to enter first before sliding under the ropes.

Runn: ‘Sup

The crowd chants loudly “Ricky Sucks! Ricky Sucks!”

Runn: You guys can say I suck all you want, but do you know who’ll I’ll never suck as much as? Every single one of your mothers. I’m like momma catnip. The ladies love a man with confidence, a man with style. A man with swag.

Ricky waits for a second, pausing in the middle of the ring with his arms outstretched as he invites the crowd to respond.

Runn: Do you know who ladies don’t love? The lunatic Barbosa. How can ladies love a man with so little style, so little dignity and such a complete absence of swagger. Barbosa is sick, and not in the good way. Barbosa is ill. He needs help, and when I strip the World Championship from around his waist at Apocalypse in London he will finally get the help he needs.

Copeland: Is Ricky Runn being serious right now?

Cohen: Seriously awesome!

Runn: So Barbosa, why not show us…

The instant Ricky Runn hears Barbosa’s music the microphone hits the ground and Runn is outside of the ring surrounded by his posse. They stare at the ramp until it becomes clear that Barbosa isn’t coming down the ramp. They slide back into the ring and start looking out into the crowd for him. Eventually a figure does walk onto the ramp, none other than Mr Banks who is smiling wildly.

Banks: Richard Runn, what on earth do you think you are doing? You know full well that Barbosa isn’t here tonight, that is he isn’t supposed to be. However, when I heard that you were going to come out here and talk about him I thought I should be proactive.

The crowd starts to cheer wildly as Runn and his entourage begin looking around, they all turn around and see Barbosa standing between the ring and the announce tables.

Cohen: What the hell is that mad man doing here? Shouldn’t he be in a strait jacket and a padded cell tonight?

Copeland: You know what they say Jack. What goes around comes around and Ricky Runns mouth is about to do both.

Barbosa steps up onto the apron and quickly enters the ring. Runn’s posse charge toward Barbosa who clears house effortlessly. Ricky Runn however has escaped through the crowd. Barbosa lifts Donny J to his feet and flips him into the Doppelganger! He drops him straight onto Hollywood Jameson just as Joe Mason stirs, Mason looks at what is happening and tries to run but he’s nowhere near fast enough Barbosa grabs him and unleashes with fierce elbow strikes to the head.

Copeland: Calculated Manic Fury! Barbosa really showed the Swag Pack who’s the boss tonight.

Cohen: A trio of noble sacrifices that allowed Ricky Runn to escape that dangerous maniac.

Barbosa raises his arms in the air World Championship in hand as Banks can be seen applauding at the top of the ramp.

Copeland: I still don’t know what to make of Banks but I sure like what just happened. Still to come on Meltdown, Saboteur takes on Fallout in our opening match.
Harrys: Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is scheduled for one fall!


Introducing first, from Union City, New Jersey, weighing 198 pounds, Saboteur!

Saboteur runs out and basks in the crowd's reaction by throwing his hands in the air, turning around 360 degrees, and then pointing towards the ring. As he walks down the entrance ramp he slaps hands with some fans. He then slides into the ring under the bottom rope and hops onto the second turnbuckle to further bask in the glow of the fans.

Copeland: Always a fan favorite, Saboteur making his way to the ring, raking in the applause.

Cohen: The only good things about Sabotuer is his theme song. Have you seen the video for Sabotage, Seabass?


And making his way to the ring, from Pripyat, Ukraine, weighing in at 255lbs, Fallout!

Fallout stamps down the ramp at a fairly fast pace, whilst an orange cloud follows behind him to the ring. He completely ignores the audience as if they weren’t even there and fails to acknowledge them. He then jumps to the apron and enters the ring with haste. All he does is stare at his opponent, listening to their breathing from afar and using his eyes to gauge their reactions. He then aggressively bounces backwards and forwards against the ropes until the match begins, still staring at his opponent.

Copeland: What do you make of this Fallout Jack?

Cohen: Look at his size, he has potential, he can be a real monster. He just needs to put it all together.

The ref calls for the bell and Fallout immediately charges in, taking Saboteur down with a shoulder tackle. Saboteur pops to his feet but Fallout again put him down hard, this time with Saboteur charging in and failing to put Fallout down. Again Saboteur rushes in, and Fallout flips him over with a back body drop. He drops an elbow and quickly rolls on top of his opponent for a pinfall...
Saboteur kicks out with ease. Fallout grab Saboteur by the head and lifts him to his feet. He measures him up and connects to the underside of the jaw with a brilliant European Uppercut. Saboteur stays on his feet, but he is wobbly. Fallout connects with a couple of hard right hands that further soften up the former tag team champ. Grabbing hold of a wayward arm, Fallout Irish whips his opponent across the ring, and off the rebound he puts Saboteur on the mat with a dropkick. He again rolls into a cover..
Saboteur kicks out. Fallout slams a fist to the mat as Saboteur begins to crawl away.

Copeland: Could this be the night that he puts it together? He is in complete control thus far.

Cohen: Pains me to say it, but Saboteur is tough to put away. Fallout needs to keep focus.

Fallout grabs a leg of his foe, looking to set up a single leg Boston crab, but Saboteur tries to fight back. He manages to roll onto his back and kick at Fallout. Frustrated, Fallout grabs his leg with both hand and attempts to slam it down. Saboteur manages to use the momentum however to get to his feet. A couple of quick kicks to the leg of Fallout drop him to a knee, and Saboteur follows it up with a slap to the face, much to the delight of the crowd. He runs, rebounding off the ropes, and leapfrogs his opponent. He hits the opposite rope and this time he slides under the legs of Fallout. He follows up by driving the head of Fallout into the mat with a one handed bulldog. The crowd begins to come alive as Saboteur pumps them up, waiting for Fallout to stand. On uneasy legs, Fallout stand and Saboteur charges, hitting a running tornado DDT. He contemplates a pin attempt, but Fallout is too close to the ropes. He uses all of his strength the larger man and Irish whips him into the corner. With a yell to the crowd, Saboteur runs and leaps, looking for a big splash. Before he is able to connect however, Fallout moves. Saboteur shows his agility however, and manages to land on the second turnbuckle. He leaps and connects with a second rope Pele kick.


The spandex clad warrior hooks the leg...
Kick out! Fallout gets the shoulder up as the crowd vocalizes their disappointment. As Saboteur eyes his opponent, he begins to stroke his chin as if he had a beard, debating his next move. Fallout makes his way to his feet and Saboteur begins to work him over with a series of quick kicks. As he loads up for the last kick, Fallout catches the kick and connects with a spinning heel kick of his own. He lifts Saboteur to his feet and tosses him into the corner. After a few blows to soften him up, he sets up for Reactor 4, his version of the diamond dust. He flips, but Saboteur pushes him away and Fallout is left to land ass first on the mat. Saboteur catches his second wind and hits the ropes, coming off and connecting square with a Death Blow! He hooks the leg and the crowd explodes...

Here is your winner, Saboteur!

Copeland: Well it seems that Vance Bateman's plan to have a rookie take out Saboteur has backfired. An impressive victory and the crowd is letting him know it.

Cohen: Fallout had his moments, but he made rookie mistakes and telegraphed too many moves. If Saboteur plans to stay on top he will need to step it up against more seasoned talent.

As Saboteur celebrates, hugging the ref and rolling out of the ring to slap hands with some fans, a rather agile masked fan springs over the barricade. He tackles Saboteur, but as security rushes in, the fan evades them. As he flees, he tosses the mask he was wearing, revealing shoulder length, wavy, dark brown.

Copeland: We apologize for that ladies and gentlemen, lets go to commercial as we try to sort this out.
Backstage, Krypto is pacing around, notepad in hand, mumbling fervently. Missy is watching him, uncomfortably sitting on a bench with her hands folded in her lap.

Krypto:"Now, I need to call Suzy from catering. I'm pretty sure Facecrusher is allergic to soy, and I need to make sure that salmon dish doesn't come with soy. I think maybe if I-"

He continues on his ramblings, as Missy tries to get his attention, as he paces around her.

Missy:"Krypto... Krypto dear, can we just... Do you mind if we... Sweetie..."

She finally grabs him by the shoulders.

Missy:"Krypto. Don't you think you should be focusing on Ricky Runn, now? He's the reason you aren't the #1 contender for the World Title. Don't you think that's important?"

Krypto:"Not as important as this wedding. In getting ready for this wedding, I studied what you humans deem as experts on weddings-"

Missy: "Oh God..."

Krypto: "The Kardashians!"

Missy slinks back down onto the bench, and puts her head in her hands.

Krypto: "And what I learned is that you humans value weddings that are elaborate, and seen by as many people as possible. So that's why it's important to get this all done by next week."

Missy curiously raises her head, and looks to Krypto.

Missy:"Why next week?"

Krypto:"Why, that's when we'll be married. If I learned anything from the Kardashians, it's that weddings should happen as soon as they can. So, next week, we're going to get married, right in the middle of a WZCW ring.

Missy looks as though she's about to faint.

Krypto:"I know, isn't it great?"

Missy pulls it together for a second, and stands up.

Missy:"Krypto... Don't you think that could be a bad idea?"

Krypto:"Missy, this is your day. I will do everything in my power to make sure it goes perfectly. I mean, all I want is to make you feel special."

Missy gulps, and looks around. She stands up, and shakily walks over to Krypto.

Missy:"I'm sure everything will go perfectly."

Krypto grabs Missy to hug her tightly. Missy returns the hug, but we can see that she looks extremely uncomfortable.


The camera cuts to Ricky Runn, who is surrounded by his entourage.

Runn: Alright ninjas, you guys need to get me to the ring in one piece. If anything happens to this face or this body, there are going to be some pretty disappointed *****es tonight, and I'm not talking about my old manager's cats.


Ricky struts out once again to loud boos from the crowd.

Harrys: Introducing first, from Chicago, Illinois, weighing 225 pounds, "The Swagtastic voice of a generation", Ricky Runn!

Copeland: Runn made it very clear earlier that he believes he’ll be the next WZCW champion, despite what his critics say.

Cohen: Haters gonna hate, Seabass.

He gets to the end of the ramp and slides into the ring, smirking to himself about just how incredible he is.

Krypto makes his way towards to the ring through the crowd to loud cheers from those around him. He stands on the barrier and gets the French crowd pumped before hopping down and sliding into the ring.

Harrys: And his opponent, from Out of this World.....Krrrypto!

Copeland: Despite his loss on the last Meltdown, defeating the number one contender could do wonders for Krypto!

Runn sneers as Krypto waves at the crowd from the second rope. As his music cuts, referee Keith Morse checks that both men are ready to go and calls for the bell.

The match gets under way with the two competitors circling the ring, eyes locked on each other, wary and focused. They lock up in the centre of the ring, and Ricky uses his superior size and strength to get the advantage, getting the smaller man in a side Headlock. Krypto pushes Runn off, who goes into the ropes. As he returns, he ducks and Krypto leaps over him. Runn goes into the opposite set of ropes, and bounces back again. This time Krypto drops down and Runn jumps over him, continuing his into the first set of ropes. As he bounces back once again, Krypto goes for the Hiptoss, but Runn counters it into an Armdrag.

Krypto gets up from it quickly and runs at Runn, leaping up onto his shoulders and hitting a Hurricanrana. With Runn down, Krypto runs off the ropes and goes for the Flying Saucer. Ricky rolls out of the ring to avoid it, but Krypto manages to land on his feet from the front flip. The crowd breaks into applause from the fast sequence as the referee begins to count Runn out. Runn tentatively gets up onto the apron and gets back into the ring.

Cohen: Is Ricky okay? He would only roll out of the ring like that if he was seriously hurt!

Copeland: Either that or he realised he won’t be able to out-manoeuvre Krypto like he does with other opponents.

Runn takes a step forward and raises his hand, inviting Krypto to a test of strength grapple. Krypto raises his hand and begins to step, but then quickly delivers a low Dropkick to Ricky’s legs. Ricky falls forward and ends up on his hands and knees. Krypto runs off the ropes and deliver another dropkick to Ricky’s head, and Ricky falls the last foot or so to the mat. Krypto drops a Legdrop across his neck before going for the first pin of the match,


Ricky kicks out! Krypto gets out of the ring onto the apron and waits for Ricky to get up. Runn, slowly but surely, gets to his feet and Krypto springboards off the top rope but he gets hit in mid-air with a Dropkick to the stomach! Krypto hits the mat, clutching his stomach as Runn uses the ropes to get up, still a little stunned from the earlier onslaught. He watches Krypto get up, doubled over from the pain in his stomach, before running at him and hitting a Facebuster! He rolls Krypto over and goes for the pin,

Kick out by Krypto! Runn pulls up Krypto by the arm and Irish Whips him across the ring. As Krypto reaches the ropes, he jumps to the middle one, springboards off it and twists in mid-air for a Crossbody. But Runn catches him and slams him down to the mat. Runn quickly follows up, running off the ropes and going for the YOLO Roll! But Krypto rolls out of the way! Runn hits the mat and Krypto gets up, runs off the ropes himself and hits the Rolling Saucer, getting all of it this time!

Copeland: They both use that move, but Krypto just does it better!

Cohen: What are you talking about? One is the YOLO Roll, one is the Rolling Saucer. See? Different names, different moves. Call yourself a wrestling commentator…

Krypto hooks a leg for the pin,


Runn kicks out! Krypto gets up and feeds off the cheers from the crowd. He goes to the corner and begins to climb to the top rope. As he reaches the top rope though, Runn throws himself at the rope and Krypto crotches himself on the top turnbuckle! Runn stumbles over and climbs up himself. He gets Krypto into position before hitting a top rope Superplex! Runn goes for the cover,

Kick out by Krypto! Runn pulls Krypto up and goes for the Half-Nelson, but Krypto kicks Runn in the side of the leg, causing Runn to drop down to one knee. And out of nowhere, Krypto hits the Alienator! The crowd gives a big pop, but the kick was so hard, it send Runn rolling out of the ring.

Cohen: Brilliant! Genius move by Ricky Runn!

Copeland: I don’t think he’s conscious enough for that to be intentional…

The referee begins the count, but Krypto wants to pin the number one contender! He rolls out of the ring and tries to pick up Runn, but Runn seems to be dead weight. As the referee reaches 5, suddenly Ricky comes to life, pushing Krypto away hard, sending him colliding into the steel steps at ringside.

His eyes are slightly glazed over, but Runn grabs Krypto and rolls him into the ring, before climbing up onto the apron and then onto the top rope. He leaps off, nails the R&R and hooks both legs,



Harrys: Here is your winner, Ricky Runn!

Runn lies on the mat, slightly cross-eyed from the earlier kick to the head. The referee raises his arm as Runn’s posse comes down the ramp and pulls him out of the ring. They help him walk up the ramp, all the while telling him what a swagtastic win it was.

Cohen: A perfect strategy by Ricky Runn there, played possum to catch Krypto off guard.

Copeland: Again, I’m not sure he was fully aware of what was happening, he just regained consciousness then pushed Krypto away.

Cohen: Potato, pohtato…
Vance Bateman is sitting at his desk, signing some documents but is interrupted with a knock on his door. He gets up to answer it and is greeted by a man in a white pinstripe suit and a porkpie hat.

Porkpie: Candy gram!

The candy gram man pulls out a tuner and blows into it to find his pitch before launching into a jaunty tune.

Porkpie: Listen up Vance Bateman, you smell like an apeman, and Saboteur is the beeEEEest!

Courtesy of Saboteur, in honor of beating Fallout tonight!

The candy gram man throws a handful of candy that bounces of Bateman’s face. Bateman does not looked pleased.

Bateman: Is that all?

Porkpie: Um, Saboteur told me you’d pay me?

Bateman closes the door in the candy gram man’s face and returns to his desk.

Bateman: God damn Saboteur…


The areans goes dark for a moment as the music hits. The crowd gives a somewhat mixed reaction as Triple X emerges for his first match in months.

Harrys: Introducing first, from Phoenix, Arizona, weighing 220 pounds, Triple X!

Copeland: For those of you at home who missed it, on the last Meltdown, Triple X returned, coming through the crowd, and attacked Blade with a steel chair!

Cohen: I always thought that Blade needed a good chair shot to the head. Triple X is doing what I’m thinking.

Instead of high fiving the fans as he usually does, X actually seems to dislike or even hate the fans that hold out their hands as he walks by. He slides into the ring and does his pose, but doesn’t play to the crowd. This is a very different Triple X.

This time, the crowd his unanimous in their adoration as Steven Kurtesy walks out, a grin on his face.

Harrys: And his opponent, from Sydney Australia, weighing 226 pounds, "The Professor" Steven Kurtesy!

Kurtesy gets to the ring and poses for a moment before turning his attention towards his opponent.

Copeland: Kurtesy looks like a weight has been lifted from his chest since he defeated Zeus at Redemption.

Cohen: Yet somehow, I don’t think Zeus is finished with Kurtesy…

Keith Morse checks both men then calls for the bell, and the match is underway!

Kurtesy seems cautious as he approaches, but, out of nowhere, Triple X explodes at the doctor and takes him down before unleashing a series of right and lefts with startling aggression. Keith Morse has to pull Triple X up to get him off Kurtesy, and Triple X doesn’t hesitate to argue with the referee. Meanwhile, Kurtesy uses the ropes to get to his feet, stunned from X’s early onslaught. Kurtesy swings at Triple X, who sees it coming just in time and manages to duck under the right hand, which instead hits the referee. Kurtesy looks annoyed with himself, checking on the referee, who’s knocked out from the stiff shot. As Kurtesy turns back around, Triple X runs at him and hits the Cactus Clothesline, sending Kurtesy to the outside before he skins the cat back into the ring.

Cohen: This version of Triple X is awesome! He’s all over Kurtesy!

Copeland: But with the referee knocked out, this thing could get out of control!

Cohen: I know, it's great, isn't it?

As Kurtesy gets up on the outside, leaning on the announce table, X springboards from inside the ring and goes for a Shooting Star, but Kurtesy moves out of the way and X hits the announce table! Understanding that he’s in a brawl, Kurtesy is quick to take advantage, picking up X and Irish Whipping him hard into the steel steps, which he hits with a thud. Kurtesy walks over to X and picks him up by the hair before lifting him up and dropping him chest first onto the crowd barricade.

Kurtesy goes to roll X back into the ring, but X elbows Kurtesy in the gut followed by a hard Dropkick, that sends Kurtesy back-first into the barricade. He grabs Kurtesy’s legs and trips him up before Slingshotting him into the ring post. Kurtesy is barely conscious on the ground as X walks over and stands over him. The boos are starting to become loud from the crowd as X rolls Kurtesy into the ring. The referee has recovered now and is there to make the count as X goes for the first pin,


Kick out by Kurtesy! X picks up Kurtesy and hits a series of right hands before grabbing his head and going for the Reality Buster. But as X falls to hit the DDT segment of the move, Kurtesy catches him with a European Uppercut! Both men are down and the referee begins to count. Triple X is the first to stir, getting to his feet across from Kurtesy, who is getting up in the corner. Triple X charges at his opponent, but Kurtesy uses the ropes to push himself up and he’s able to counter X’s attack into a Sunset Flip pin,

Kick out by X! X rolls back from his kick out and ends up on his feet and, before Kurtesy can even react, X hits him in the face with a Dropkick! X goes for a pin of his own,

Kurtesy kicks out! Triple X wants to end the match, dragging Kurtesy to the corner before making his way up to the top rope. But before X can get his balance, Kurtesy is up and hits a throat thrust on X, causing him to crotch himself on the top turnbuckle! Kurtesy grabs X by the head and hits the Downward Spiral! He goes for a pin,


X gets a shoulder up! Kurtesy takes advantage of his downed for by crossing his legs and applying a Bow and Arrow submission hold! Triple X grimaces in pain, unable to reach the ropes as his spine is stretched of Kurtesy’s knees. Triple X does the only thing he can, swinging hammerfists at Kurtesy’s head. After a few attempts, one of the fists connects and Kurtesy lets go of the hold, as a trickle of blood runs down his nose. He gets up and begins stalking his opponent, who’s is having trouble with his back.

Kurtesy grabs X around the throat from behind, trying to lock in Hypnotherapy, but Triple reverses it with a Snapmare. Kurtesy quickly gets up and Triple X goes for the X-Rated, but Kurtesy catches his foot! He pulls X towards him by his leg and grabs his head the Prescribed Sedation. But X pushes Kurtesy away. Kurtesy turns around and BOOM! Out of nowhere, X has hit the X-Rated Superkick! Kurtesy crumbles to the mat and X goes for the pin,



Harrys: Here is your winner, Triple X!

As soon as his arm is raised, Triple X rolls out of the ring and head up the ramp, not looking back or having any interaction with the fans as he does so.

Copeland: What on earth has gotten into Triple X?

Cohen: I have no idea, but I wouldn’t want to be Blade right now…
We return from commercial break to see Amber Warren and El Califa Dragon in their dressing room talking strategy. Whatever they are saying is inaudible, until a knock on the door interrupts them. Still wary of their recent run ins with The Sacrificial Altar, they cautiously approach the door. As they slowly open it, Drake Callahan slips inside.

They go back to talking while the camera tries to pick up what they are saying. Drake and Califa begin to argue, both standing and in the face of the other until Amber separates them just as the audio picks back up.

Warren: Enough! I know you two have your difference, you have to squash that. We have bigger issues tonight. I don't care about your conspiracy theories or you honor or anything else but The Altar. If we don't go out there one hundred percent focused, we are screwed. Now bring it in!

Amber puts her hand in, and Califa and Callahan look at each other reluctantly, before they put their hands in. The three raise their hands in unison and Amber pumps them up as they walk out the door.

Copeland: It looks like Amber Warren has gotten her boys on the same page tonight, and that may very well spell doom for their opponents. They take on The Sacrificial Altar next.



Harrys: Introducing First, at a combined weight of 315 pounds, the team of Drake Callahan and Los Magnificos Drágones!

The trip appears together at the enteance, with Amber and Califa motioning to the fans. Drake Callahan stares stoically into the ring, arms crossed, and marches to the ring with determination. Califa and Amber Warren run past him, slapping the hands of the frenzied fans, as they prepare to roll into the ring.

Cohen:I still find it hard to believe that Califa and Drake can cooperate in a setting like this, Seabass. Too much bloodshed between these two men.

Copeland: The enemy of my enemy is my friend, Jack. If Drake Callahan is serious about ridding WZCW of all traces of Ty Burna, this may be his best chance to.


The lights go out, as the fans boo, knowing what this signifies. A single spotlight falls upon the entrance way, which reveals.... Nobody is in the spotlight. DC and David Whitman stand in the shadows, though seem a little confused as to where there partner is. They walk down the ring, sometimes looking behind them, almost expecting their partner to show up.

Copeland: Now, where is Mason Westhoff? This has to be some form of mind game by The Sacrificial Altar.

Cohen: Must have missed his press conference, and what happened to him. I don't know if we'll see Mason Westhoff in a WZCW ring for some time, and it's a damn shame.

Copeland: Then where's Grand Mystique? Either The Sacroficial Altar is holding an ace up their sleeve, or they really need to get organized as a group.

The Altar heads into the ring, and prepares for their showdown. They look confident, in spite of the issue at hand. In the other corner, Califa and Drake stare each other down, to see which man will blink first, and leave the ring. Amber Warren walks in between them, and pushes them aside, making it known she will start the match. Callahan and Califa look at each other, and nod in agreement, before exiting the ring.

DC and David Whitman stand on the other side of the ring, trying to figure out who will start. Senior official Jurou Akiyama attempts to hurry their process, but both men seem to want to start the match.

*Ding, Ding, Ding*

Akiyama orders the bell to be rung, but both men are still in the ring! Suddenly, out of nowhere, Amber Warren runs out of her corner, and hits a vicious running dropkick on Whitman! David Whitman's head whiplashes from the impact, as he falls to the ground. Amber goes for a quick pin!



Break up by DC!

Akiyama finally gets DC to the apron, as Amber Warren picks David up. She throws David into the corner, and begins a round of speed punches, treating David Whitman as her own personal punching bag. With eac punch, she grunts harder, until her tenth blow. David stumbles out of the corner, which allows Amber the chance to climb the ropes. She springboards off of the second rope, and flips her body, connecting with a springboard forearm smash! She starts throwing punches, wildly connecting with each blow.

Copeland: Amber Warren seems to be on a personal crusade to destroy The Sacrificial Altar all by herself!

Cohen: Someone really needs to get control of her, immediately!

Akiyama pulls Amber off of Whitman, as he admonishes her to be wary of the rules. David Whitman stumbles to his knees, and hurriedly crawls to DC to make a tag. DC seems in no rush to enter the ring, as Amber stares him down. The crowd is going nuts, as Amber paces her side of the ring.

Am-Ber War-Ren! *clap, clap, clap, clap, clap* Am-Ber War-Ren! *clap, clap, clap, clap, clap*

DC gets into the ring, and blows Amber Warren a kiss. Amber stands, just waiting for DC to come closer. He offers his opponent a hand, signifying a handshake.

Cohen: What a gentleman that DC is! You got to respect that, Sebass!

Copeland: I have a funny feeling Amber isn't buying this.

Amber responds to his offer with a palm thrust, right to the nose! DC slinks backward, holding his nose, and comes back to slap Amber in the face. He pushes her into a turnbuckle, across Amber Warren's tag team partners. He mocks Califa and Callahan, as gives clubbing forearms to Amber's chest.

But with each blow, Amber only appears to be getting angrier. DC backs away, as Amber shows no signs of pain, as DC raises his hand to striker her again. Warren blocks it, and throws DC into the corner. She starts to knife edge chop him.... And then punches him... And then another hard chop.... Then a punk, even harder than her last. She continues striking him, with a rage I each blow. Amber Warren is actually using Violent Fury, a move often used by her partner El Califa. With each blow, she screams louder, and hits. harder. The fans get louder with each strike, until they are going absolutely crazy! Finally, after what feels like a minute, Amber finally let's out a violent howl, and walks away from the corner. DC, barely conscious, makes an effort to walk out, and is met with a roundhouse kick to the back of his head, for his troubles. The chants pick up again:

Am-Ber War-Ren! *clap, clap, clap, clap, clap* Am-Ber War-Ren! *clap, clap, clap, clap, clap*

Drake passes a glance to El Califa, almost amazed at what he's seen. El Califa continues to look on in the ring, gives a glance to Drake, and shrugs his shoulders. Amber makes a tag to Califa, who climbs the turnbuckle. As DC makes his way to his feet, Califa connects on a middle dropkick. Califa does for the cover



Kick out by DC! Califa goes to pick up DC, who hits him in the stomach. He hits a European uppercut, finally regaining his balance. He sets up Califa, and executes a crisp snap suplex. He rolls over for a cover...


Kick out by Califa! DC picks up Califa, and sets him up for a Russian leg sweep. He connects, and drops down an elbow drop for good measure. Califa lies on the ground, holding his ribs, as DC invites Drake Callahan into the ring. DC returns to the task at hand, to find Califa is up, and hitting hi with side kicks, to the back of the knee.

Copeland: DC should have kept his eye on the ball.

Cohen: DC knows what he's doing. Why don't you stop worrying about what his strategy is?

Califa bounces off the rope, and jumps in the air, for a spinning head scissors. DC springs up, and is met with a thunderous kick, right into the solar plexus. Califa looks over to his corner... Where Drake Callahan is asking for the tag! Califa looks over to the man he used to fight such violent wars with, and ponders the situation for a second. Reluctantly, he tags in Callahan, who runs after DC, as hits an emphatic running big boot! The impact causes DC's head to bounce off of the canvas. Callahan hits a standing moonsault, and goes for a cover...



Kick out by DC at the last second!

Drake Callahan stomps on DC, as he prepares for another move. He waits until DC gets up, and sets him up for a forward russian legsweep. DC elbows free, and begins to punch Drake into the corner. He walks over to the other side of the ring, motioning that he's going to attempt a big move.

Cohen: Can't wait to see what DC has in store here.

Out of nowhere, David Whitman slaps DC on the back!

Copeland: David Whitman just tagged himself in!

Cohen: He remembers Redemption; now he wants some payback, and he sure looks like he's going to get it!

DC seems angered that Whitman would tag in, and begins to argue. Whitman steps into the ring, and the two begin to fight over who is legal. Out of nowhere, Drake hits a clothesline on both men. He picks up David Whitman's body, and sets him up for Faded Memory. DC recovers, and is met with a springboard dropkick by Califa. Drake lifts up Whitman, and drops him on his head, as Whitman lay limp on the ground. Callahan makes the cover




Callahan rises up, as Amber Warren comes in the ring to congratulate. Califa is getting up from the dropkick, as Akiyama goes to raise the winners hands.

Harrys: Here are your winners; Drake Callahan, and Los Magnifones Drágones!!!!

Copeland: The Sacrificial Alter looked in complete disarray.

Cohen: Can't argue that, but missing Mason Westhoff may have proved the biggest issue. At full strength, they would have wiped the flow with them.

Copeland: Makes you really wonder where they go from here.

Yaz: Saboteur/Fallout, segments
Blade: Krypto/Ricky Runn, Kurtesy/XXX
Haiku: 6 Man Tag, segments
JGlass: segments
Shotaro: segments

Rep all of these fine mofos for their hard work, and welcome Haiku aboard for his first show. Ascension goes up Sunday.
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