Meltdown 93

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Viola Moonlight

I'm Literally Just Here for WZCW


Copeland: WZCW has landed in Oklahoma City, and we are here at the Chesapeake Energy Arena for Meltdown! I’m Sebastian Copeland along with my partner Jack Cohen, and Jack, do we have a big show tonight or what?

Cohen: Well we’ll be one step closer to finding out who our new number one contender for the World Heavyweight Championship is tonight with not one, but two Gold Rush Tournament matches!

Copeland: Speaking of the World Heavyweight Championship, the champ is in action in the main event against the Mayhem Champion, Vega!


Vega walks out with his valet, Alexis, with a microphone in hand.

Copeland: Speak of the devil.

After an initial round of boos, the audience grows quiet as Vega raises the mic to talk.

Vega: It’s no secret by now, I am the most dangerous man in this company.

The crowd erupts into more boos as Vega cockily walks towards the ring.

Vega: I know it, you know it, Alexis here knows it, Cohen and Copeland know it.

Cohen: You’re damn right!

Vega: Everyone knows it, especially... Showtime.

The crowd cheers for their World Champion as Vega rolls into the ring.

Vega: Oh go ahead. Cheer for your fake idol. Bow to your false god. The fact of the matter is that even Showtime is afraid of me. The coward interfered in my match last week, depriving me of a win over Barbosa, a win that would have further asserted me as the biggest threat in this company.

Unfortunately, Showtime’s plan backfired, because tonight, he and I will be fighting in the main event of Meltdown, and I will embarrass him. I will humiliate him for ruining my match last week, and I will do it to him with steel chairs, kendo sticks, or whatever I goddamn please, because this match is going to be fought under Mayhem Rules!

The crowd goes into a frenzy with this announcement.

Copeland: I’m not sure I’d trust Vega with this announcement, but if what he says is true, then this is a huge development!

Cohen: Of course it’s true, Seabass, and this spells doom for Showtime!

Copeland: Speaking of Showtime, where is the WZCW World Heavyweight Champion? Why hasn’t he come out to defend himself?

Vega has already began making his way up the ramp, and Showtime is nowhere to be seen.

Cohen: Clearly Showtime fears Vega, and why shouldn’t he? Vega is the most dangerous man in WZCW!

Copeland: Showtime’s World Title says otherwise, and let’s not count out the number one contender to that belt, Barbosa.

Cohen: Oh I considered both of them, I just know that Vega is the superior competitor.

Copeland: Well nonetheless, Meltdown is underway, and we have a great opening match as The Killjoy Matt Tastic takes on our friendly neighborhood alien, Krypto! That match is up next!
Harrys: The following contest is a Gold Rush Tournament Quarter Final and it is scheduled for one fall!


The crowd springs to their feet as the "Super Saiyan" enters onto the stage, looking out to the crowd as he walks out. He slaps his face a couple of times before heading down the ramp, looking extremely focused as he keeps his eyes fixated on the ring.

Harrys: Introducing first, from Orange County California, weighing 238 pounds, "The Killjoy," Matt Tastic!

Copeland: No free food or beverages for the fans this week as Tastic looks to be taking this Quarter Finals match very seriously.

Cohen: Why shouldn't he be? This is the opportunity that Tastic has been waiting for and he cannot be playing to the fans tonight if he wants to keep his head in the game.

Tastic has gotten into the ring and looks out to the fans as they cheer him on. He gives them a slow nod as he stares out into the sea of Tastic supporters in anticipation of his opponent.


Harrys: And his opponent, from Out of this World ..... Krrrypto!

The lights go out as Harrys introduces Krypto with the fans continuing their screams of joy as the spotlights are quick to find Krypto heading through the crowd and walking down the stairs. He claps the hands of the fans as he makes his way down.

Cohen: Krypto should take a page out of Tastic's book. This is a big contest for the both of them and they need to be ready.

Copeland: Have you met Krypto, Jack? This is how he operates. Yes, this is a big match for these two competitors but if you aren't yourself then you don't stand a chance.

Krypto gets assisted over the barricades from the help of enthusiastic fans, thanking them as he runs around the ring, hyping up the fans for the match before sliding inside to greet Matt Tastic and the assigned referee for this contest, James Aubrey. The crowd begins chanting for both men as Aubrey signals for the bell.


Krypto extends his hand to Tastic who gives him a fist-bump instead before the two circle each other around the ring and lock-up in the center. Tastic, with the height advantage, gains leverage of the lock-up and twists an arm of Krypto. The alien responds by performing a quick forward roll, popping up and twisting the arm of Tastic, attempting to be the competitor in control. Tastic is quick to push Krypto into the corner before whipping him across the ring. Tastic runs behind, following Krypto closely. Krypto jumps up to the second turnbuckle, backflipping over Tastic as he goes to run into the corner. Tastic stops himself from a collision, turning around to try and catch Krypto off-guard as he lands. However, Krypto is prepared and performs a hurricanrana as Tastic runs at him, sending Tastic across the ring as the fans cheer. Krypto gets up first and charges at Tastic, managing to catch him with a tilt-a-whirl headscissors takedown, sending Tastic to the outside of the ring and crashing to the floor. Tastic is quick to get up but Krypto is able to respond with a timely baseball slide, stunning Tastic for a moment as he gets knocked into the announcer's desk. Krypto gets the fans pumped up as Tastic recovers on the outside before the alien gains speed, jumping at Tastic with a suicide dive that causes Tastic to crash into the table once again but with more force and Krypto being sent over the table and into the lap of Jack Cohen.

Cohen: Hey! Got off me freak!

Copeland: Krypto must have confused you with Santa Claus.

Cohen: Can it, Seabass. I don't even like the colour red.

Tastic begins to stir as Aubrey is up to a count of 4. Krypto manages to remove himself from behind the announcer's desk, patting Cohen on the head before moving over to his opponent as the crowd share a few laughs. Krypto uses all his strength to pick up Tastic and toss him into the ring, getting in as well and attempting a pin...

... 1

... 2

... power-out by Tastic.

The Killjoy slowly gets to his feet as Krypto pops up, ready for Tastic. He delivers a couple of elbow shots to the head of Tastic before trying to whip him across the ring. Tastic reverses, sending Krypto for the ride instead. Krypto quickly goes for the springboard crossbody but Tastic catches him with a snap powerslam in mid-air. The crowd applauds as Tastic covers...

... 1

... 2

... kick-out by Krypto.

Copeland: Great reversal by Tastic, utilising his strength to capitalise on switching the momentum.

Cohen: Practically anyone facing Krypto can use their strength to their advantage, even if they don't have strength. I could pick up that little twerp with my pinkie finger.

Tastic takes the time to "shake the cobwebs" from his head as Krypto crawls to the ropes, using them to lift him up as he clutches his back. Tastic stands up and goes over to Krypto delivering a spinning backfist, sending the alien across to the turnbuckles. Tastic traps him and delivers a series of corner kicks before grabbing him by the arm and bringing him to the center of the ring to deliver a standing spinning wheelkick. Krypto drops and Tastic attempts a cover...

... 1

... 2

... kick-out again by Krypto.

Tastic grabs the arm of Krypto, twisting it again and trying for a simple hammerlock. After a few seconds of being grounded and a small chanting section comes to life in support of Krypto, he manages to get to his feet. A couple of elbow shots and Krypto is free from the hold but Tastic tries a clothesline. Krypto ducks, managing to hit a low dropkick to the knees of Tastic that brings him to one knee. Krypto builds up some steam and rebounds off the ropes. Tastic feigns the injury as he pops up, delivering a flapjack to Krypto, causing him to fall onto the top rope. Krypto bounces back, still standing but stunned as Tastic gets to his feet quickly. Tastic hits the running lariat neckbreaker and goes for the pin...

... 1

... 2

... third near fall for Tastic.

Tastic looks at Aubrey and he confirms the 2 count before looking down at the alien, holding his sides as he tries to think for a second. He gets to his feet and signals for the end, getting the crowd behind Tastic as they begin to cheer.

Copeland: Matt is preparing for a premature ending here with the crowd solidly behind Tastic.

Cohen: When Krypto tried destroying WZCW property, they were behind him!

Krypto gets to his feet and turns around with Tastic looking for the Headache Driver but Krypto reverses it with a tilt-a-whirl arm drag, sending Tastic away. The crowd cheers as Tastic pops up, running at Krypto who has gotten to his feet as well. Krypto instantly does the splits as Tastic jumps over him, stopping in his tracks and turning around. Krypto delivers a monkey flip to Tastic and gets to his feet, heading to the ropes. Tastic stands up and gets hit with a springboard kick for his efforts, knocking him down! Krypto calls for the roll as he gains momentum, going for the Rolling Saucer! Instead of attempting a pin, Krypto gets to his feet and this time, he is the one stalking his opponent. He hypes up the fans as he waits for Tastic to get half-way up to a vertical base. Krypto sees his chance and goes for the Alienator but Tastic ducks, catching Krypto with his signature Samaon Drop. Tastic lays on top of Krypto, allowing the referee to count...

... 1

... 2

Suddenly, Krypto wraps his arms and legs around Tastic's sprawled out arms and performs a crucifix pin as the crowd cheers wildly...

... 1

... 2

... Tastic manages to kick-out.

Cohen: That little bugger almost got the surprise victory!

Tastic rolls through as Krypto gets up, managing to grab him and set-up for the Headache Driver. The crowd is conflicted as Tastic struggles to keep Krypto locked in.

Copeland: Tastic desperately wants to end this match but Krypto is defiant.

Eventually, Krypto manages to slide out of the hold and runs off the ropes, delivering a successful springboard crossbody. Krypto rolls out and hits the Alienator as Tastic tries getting up. He quickly pins...

... 1

... 2

... 3 as Tastic gets the shoulder up!

James Aubrey calls for the bell and the crowd erupts in cheers. Krypto gets to his feet and holds both his arms in the air, excited that he has advanced through to the semi-finals whilst Tastic is in a seated position, looking at the referee and trying to argue (in a civil manner) that he got the shoulder up.

Harrys: Here is your winner; Krypto!

Cohen: I can't believe he won!

Copeland: Krypto's been hearing that his whole career, Jack. That isn't anything new for him as he continues on through to the semi-finals at Redemption. Congratulations Krypto on the victory.

Tastic gets to his feet with a look of dejection on his face as Krypto celebrates on the turnbuckle. He jumps down and sees Tastic, unsure of what is going to happen. The crowd chants for him to shake the hand and slowly but surely Matt does. He raises Krypto's hand up high in support.

Copeland: What a class act. I feel sorry for Matt losing but that is a true-

* Bam! *

Copeland is cut-off mid-sentence as Tastic has turned Krypto over and delivered the Headache Driver! Tastic gets back up and pulls on his hair as he looks down at Krypto. The crowd has no idea how to react as they watch Tastic go to a nearby corner turnbuckle and begin punching it.

Cohen: Woah... didn't see that coming!

Matt gets out of the ring and heads for the announce table. Kicking it and slamming the cover and monitors on it with Cohen throwing his arms up in the air in the background. He pushes the nearby timekeeper and slams his chair down before grabbing a mic.

Tastic: I AM SO SICK OF THIS!! 4 years! 4 years! I've busted my back for 4 years here! Literally busted it! And this is the bullsh*t I need to put up with?! I've done nothing but pour my blood and bruise my body in this ring just to have a damned little midget with green skin beat me and take away my chance at the World Heavyweight Championship?! What the f*ck is this?! I signed up for WZCW and last I checked it didn't stand for William Zanchez' Circus Weirdos. It was WrestleZone Championship Wrestling!! Wrestling! That's what the marquee says, right? Why the f*ck do we have a man with clear psychological issues and in dire need of a shrink competing for the World title?! Why the f*ck do we have an alien running around? Why do we have a doctor who clearly escaped a sanitarium? Why do we have another doctor who drenches his fingernails in odd.... whatever the hell it is and talks like freakin' Snakes from the Powerpuff Girls? Why is there a cardboard “robot” running around with the Elite X title?! Nobody bats an eye to any of this non-sense?!

The crowd is shocked to hear these words coming out of Matt Tastic's mouth, a guy that the crowd has loved for so long. They don't react with boos or cheers, just discussion and gasps.

Copeland: He is out of line here.

Cohen: What do you mean? We do have a bunch of weirdo's here.

Tastic: For 4 years I've done nothing but be a good boy and do whatever is asked of me. But that's not enough. I'm not “gimmicky” enough to get a push around here. I'm too “bland”. Too simple. I don't fit the corporate picture. I'm not what's best for business am I?

Tastic turns to Sebastian Copeland.


He then turns towards the stage, looking at the titantron.


There's always been biased for these damn clowns because you people keep cheering them on! Mikey Stormrage had to vacate his Tag Team titles because he didn't have a partner. Why isn't Saboteur vacating the titles? It's the same bullsh*t backstage. It took me 4 years to be made into a road agent. Then I find out that I never had a single mention for a spot. Even though I've never left this damn place. Loyalty! Hard work! All thrown aside for goofs in masks and a damn cardboard robot. But fine. It's clear you people want freaks.

Matt covers his face, dishearted by the loss, but that quickly turns into a sick wide smile.

And if its a freak you want... then its a freak you're going to get!

Matt heads into the ring again and once again attacks Krypto as the crowd begins to boo. Before any major damage can occur, he's interrupted by security who come in to take him and his mic away. He tries to fight them off but they're too many.


Copeland: What in God's name has gotten into Matt Tastic?

Cohen: I think he just had a mental breakdown, Seabass. After years of working his arse off for this company, he loses to that pathetic excuse of a wrestler and his dreams of becoming World champion are crushed, just like that.

Copeland: But he lost fair and square. No reason for him to go psychotic. Let's hope that Krypto is okay.
Harrys: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!

The crowd boos as the arena plunges into darkness. As the lights come up, Grand Mystique stands on the ramp, ignoring the hatred from the crowd.

Harrys: Introducing first, from The Deepest, Darkest Corner of the Universe, weighing 364 pounds, The Grand Mystique!

Mystique gets into the ring and keeps ignoring the boos, turning his attention towards the stage and waiting for his opponent.

The crowd gives a big pop as Garth Black walks through the curtain, grin on his face.

Harrys: And his opponent, from Wales, weighing in at 15 Stone, Garth Black!

Copeland: We saw Garth Black make a big comeback last time on Ascension, facing off another returning star, Justin Cooper.

Cohen: Am I the only one who doesn’t really remember this guy?

Black walks down the ramp, and stops at a fan who has a sign saying “Drug Free for 45 Days!” Black points at the sign and nods. He gets into in the ring and stands on the second rope, looking out into the crowd. Mystique looks on as Black jumps down onto the mat, and referee Elizabeth Prince calls for the bell.

The two men lock up in the centre of the ring. GM uses his superior strength to back Black into a corner. The referee tells GM to break it up. It looks like it’s going to be a clean break until GM knees Garth in the gut to boos from the crowd. With Black double over, GM grabs him by the throat with his left hand and forces him to stand up straight. Mystique looks Garth in the eye before hitting him with a stiff right hand to the skull. After a warning from the referee, Mystique lets go of Black throat. Black stumbles out of the corner and falls to one knee. Mystique walks over and grabs him by the hair to pick Black up. He hits an Atomic Drop before running of the ropes and hitting a big clothesline. Black goes down and GM makes the first pin of the match:



Kick-out! Mystique sits Black up and locks on a Bear Hug. Garth is clearly in pain as he reaches for the ropes, despite being in the middle of the ring. Mystique gets to his feet, bringing Black with him. He swings Black from side to side like a ragdoll as the crowd clap in unison. Black, getting energy from the crowd, begins to battle out, elbowing Mystique in the head. After a particularly hard shot to the temple, Mystique drops Black. Black quickly runs at the ropes, and comes back with a flying forearm smash! Mystique goes down to the mat, looking dazed. Black quickly climbs up to the top rope and waits for his opponent to get up. With Mystique on his feet, Black leaps off the top rope, but Mystique catches him.

Copeland: Uh-oh!

Cohen: I’ve always said, strength will beat speed and heart every time!

Realisation of what’s about to happen sets in on Black before Mystique drops him across the knee. GM stands up straight and delivers another Rib Breaker to Black. He stands up again, still holding Black and effortlessly throws the Welshman over his shoulders before hitting a Samoan Drop! Mystique hooks the outside leg:



Kick out by Black, as the crowd collectively let out a sigh of relief. Mystique is remaining relatively calm despite Black’s resistant, picking up Black and hitting a Snapmare. He kicks Black in the chest before running at the ropes. As he returns Black kips up to his feet, leaps in the air and catches GM with a Hurricanrana in one fluid motion! The crowd erupts by the counter as both men use the ropes to get up. Black gets up first and runs at Mystique, hitting a dropkick, sending the larger man over the top rope onto the apron. As a dazed GM gets pulls himself up, Garth Black takes a quick run up and leaps to the top rope, hitting an Enziguiri! GM falls off the apron to the ground. Black points to the Grand Mystique on the outside and the crowd cheers him on. Black runs off the ropes, runs across the ring and dives through the ropes. But Mystique moves out of the way at the last second, and Black hits the crowd barricade! The crowd groans from the sickening impact as the referee begins the count.

Copeland: Garth Black likes to take risks but not all of them pay off.

Cohen: In fact, that risk literally helped his opponent. Good strategy, Garth.

Mystique picks up Black, who is heavily favouring his shoulder, before Irish Whipping him into the steel steps. Black crashes hard into the steps, and screams out in pain as he clutches his hurt shoulder. As the referee reaches 6, Mystique picks up his opponent and rolls him into the ring. He goes for the cover:



Black gets his good shoulder up! Grand Mystique pounds the mat before getting up and signalling for the end. He picks Black up and lifts him over the shoulder, about to hit the Hand of Prophecy. But Black struggles out of it, eventually slipping through Mystique’s grasp and landing on his feet. Black dropkicks Mystique in the back, which sends him into the corner. Black quickly gets up, backs into the opposite corner, before hitting the Getting off the Wagon! Mystique falls out of the corner to the mat and Black grabs his legs and twists them into the Cold Turkey submission hold! Mystique stretches out his hand to grab the ropes, but it’s no use, they’re just out of reach. After a few more moments of resistance, Grand Mystique has now choice but to tap out! The bell rings and Prince tells Black to break the hold.

Harrys: Ladies and gentlemen, here is your winner, Garth Black!

With Black still favouring his right shoulder, the referee raises his good arm as Mystique looks on, furious with himself.

Copeland: Well folks, Black has completed his return with a big victory tonight!

Cohen: With a performance like that, he may have put himself in line for a EurAsian or Elite X title shot!

Copeland: Speaking of which, coming up next is the clash of the champions. Chris K.O vs. S.H.I.T, next!


We see Krypto sitting backstage in the medical room who is holding an icepack to his head with the EMT's looking a little confused at him, trying to figure out how to check his pupils. Leon Kensworth enters into the room, looking to get an interview with WZCW's resident extraterrestrial.

Krypto: I keep telling you! This is my natural head size; its not swollen... oh, greetings Leon. How may I be of assistance?

Krypto gets up from his seat and puts the icepack down.

Kensworth: First of all, I'd like to congratulate you on your victory tonight against Matt Tastic and advancing to the semi-finals.

Krypto: Yes, now there is one less human in the race for Krypto to defeat to become the champion of the entire World and then eventually, the Universe, where I shall represent this planet as their greatest warrior!

Kensworth: That's... not a thing? Is it?

Krypto stares at Kensworth for a few seconds, not answering. Kensworth is taken aback by the alien's stance before Krypto decides to break the silence.

Krypto: Although, for reasons slightly unclear for Krypto, I am wondering why the Super Saiyan decided to assault me after the match. Is that a customary thing for the ending of every Quarter Finals match on Earth?

Kensworth: Er... no, not at all.

Krypto: Well, okay then. If Matt Tastic wishes to ambush every opponent after their matches from now and complain about not being interesting enough, that is his prerogative. Krypto will continue to focus on this Gold Rush Tournament and make sure all the Kryptonites are satisfied with my performances.

Kensworth: Just like Missy?

Again, Krypto just looks at Leon before leaving, exiting the room with an embarrassed Leon staying behind. As he closes the door, he takes a couple of steps forward before bumping into the Elite X champion, S.H.I.T. The two look at each other for a moment, attempting their best version of a human stare-down.

S.H.I.T: S.H.I.T offers his congratulations on your victory, despite S.H.I.T's calculations dictating a loss for you.

Krypto: I thought the match would go differently as well my non-human friend but maybe one day in the future when Krypto isn't on the journey of becoming the best, the two of us could face each other.

S.H.I.T: S.H.I.T will keep that in its database.

The robot walks off as Krypto watches him for a moment before leaving.
Harrys: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and is a champion versus champion match-up!


Harrys: Introducing first, from Mechanical Mecca, weighing 230 pounds, he is the WZCW Elite X Champion, S.H.I.T.!

The current Elite X champ makes his way to the top of the ramp, pausing for the briefest of moments. The crowd is mostly cheers as he makes his way down the ramp and up the ring steps, taking a place in the corner of the ring, awaiting his foe for the evening.​

Copeland: Current Elite X champion, S.H.I.T. coming off a disappointing loss due to a less than stellar performance by Jimmy Flynn, will be looking to get back into the win column tonight over a very game Chris K.O.

Cohen: The mechanical man has the savage side to beat a bright young star like Chris K.O. but I have a feeling K.O. will have a trick or two up his sleeve.


Making his way to the ring, from Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, weighing 232 pounds, he is the reigning WZCW EurAsian champion, Chris K.O.!

K.O. walks out from the back with a black mouth piece in his right hand. The WZCW EurAsian Championship is strapped around his waist. He stops at the top of the ramp and looks around at the crowd. He notices a group of fans in the front row dressed as robots with a sign that reads "S.H.I.T. Heads" He proceeds to snatch the sign and tear it in half before rolling into the ring.

Cohen: You hear him say it nearly each time he comes out, K.O. is the new era. We see a lot of young stars come through our doors, but this star has to be the brightest.

Copeland: The potential is there, no doubt about it Jack, but I think Chris needs to his ego in check before he collapses under it.

Referee Elizabeth Prince checks both men for foreign objects and calls for the bell. The two men each take a few steps toward the center of the ring, but refuse to wildly engage. The show of respect between the two stable mates continues as neither man wants to be the first to show their hand, slowly circling. Finally K.O. engages with a series of quick right hands, backing the Elite X champ into the ropes. The ref calls for a break, but K.O. sneaks in a few extra shots before the count of ten. As S.H.I.T. shakes his head, K.O. again unleashes crisp right hands, followed by an uppercut with a European flavor. It shakes up his foe enough for K.O. to scoop him up and slam with down. He looks for an early pin...

And S.H.I.T. is able to kick out. The EurAsian champ keeps up the pressure with an armbar, wrenching on hold. The Elite X champion is able to power his way to the ropes however and grab hold of the bottom rope. Again however, K.O. takes full advantage of his five count, not releasing until a count of four.

Copeland: K.O. keeping up the pressure early.

Cohen: This is the type of aggression that you need to beat S.H.I.T.

The former White Knight pulls his opponent to his feet and sets him up for a bulldog, but S.H.I.T. is able to push his opponent away. With K.O. in a seated position, S.H.I.T. runs and connects with a clothesline to the back of the head. He takes a moment to shake his arm out as K.O. stands. The Elite X champ advances on his foe with a series of punches and kicks, backing K.O. into the corner. S.H.I.T. takes a few steps back and then connects with a running knee, dropping K.O. to the mat. The robotic man takes a page from his opponent's playbook and mounts his foe, unleashing a barrage of punches. K.O. does his best to cover up, to little avail. He is only saved by the intervention of the referee. She steps in and gives a stern lecture to both men, clearly upset at the liberal use of the five count. Just as the action is about to get back underway, K.O. connects with a low blow, unseen by the ref, and rolls up his opponent...

S.H.I.T. manages to kick out. K.O. is quickly to his feet, kicking S.H.I.T. in the midsection and connecting with a quick DDT. He hooks a leg...

Thr...No! Kick out at the last second! K.O. slams the mat in frustration and slaps his hands quickly in the direction of the ref. She insists it was only two, but K.O. has had enough and unsheathes the sword in the near corner. As soon as S.H.I.T. makes his way to his feet he runs, but misses a ducking S.H.I.T. K.O. turns around, right into the Piston Chop! Both men fall to the canvas, the ref begins her ten count.

Copeland: K.O. had been in near total control of the match up until S.H.I.T. managed to hit that devastating maneuver.
Finally S.H.I.T. begins to crawl over to K.O. and drapes an arm around him...

K.O. manages to kick out as the crowd gasps in shock!

Cohen: Pure grit and determination by the future of this company right there.

As S.H.I.T. kneels next to his opponent, pondering his next move, K.O. finally begins to roll away. S.H.I.T. tries to grab hold of his opponent, but Chris fights him off and rolls out of the ring. As the Elite X champ slides out of the ring in pursuit, K.O. begins to unleash a series of clubbing blows to the back and head.

The blows have little effect however as S.H.I.T. manages to power through. K.O. manages to stop the advance however with a European uppercut. With the mechanical menace temporarily halted, K.O. decides to launch himself off the steel steps attempting a spinning wheel kick. The move backfires though as S.H.I.T. connects with a second Piston Chop!
S.H.I.T. rolls back into the ring just as the ref hits...9!

Here is your winner as the result of a count-out, The Elite X champion, S.H.I.T.!

The ref raises the hand of the champ just as K.O. begins to stir on the outside. The two keep eyes locked as K.O. angrily grabs his EurAsian title and heads back up the ramp. The ringside attendant hands S.H.I.T. his title and he stares at it curiously before walking out.

Copeland: So the Elite X champion back in the win column tonight after a hard fought victory. It will be interesting to see where he goes from here as we are just weeks away from Redemption.

Cohen: S.H.I.T. may have walked out the winner but I'm more impressed with K.O. tonight. He showed why he is the future of this business, taking two Piston Chops before being put away.


In a darkened part of the backstage area, we see D.C & Whitman talking quietly with each other. Westhoff nudges the two of them as they see a fuming Grand Mystique enter their area, not saying a word as he looks at his followers. Nobody says anything until GM breaks the silence as he pushes flips over a table before walking off past the rest of the Sacrificial Altar.

Westhoff: Let me handle it. David, you've got your match to compete in. Make the Almighty proud.

Whitman nods as he walks off in the direction GM came from. Westhoff approaches D.C.

Westhoff: Keep an eye on him.

D.C goes after Whitman as Westhoff tries to find GM.

Harrys: The following contest is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, representing the Sacrificial Altar, David Whitman!

David walks out to a chorus of boo's and heads for the ring. Not a single emotion expressed in his face.

Cohen: This man is the epitome of focus. Look at his vision. Eyes on the ring.

Copeland: You sure? Because to me, he just seems lost half the time.

Harrys: His opponent, from Cleveland Ohio, the 2013 Lethal Lottery Winner, Drake Callahan!!

Drake walks out with his arms held out in a cocky manner to a rather supporting audience. He smugly walks into the ring where he faces Whitman. Referee Elizabeth Prince starts the match.

Copeland: His receptions are getting warmer and warmer.

Cohen: People just realize how good and charismatic he is.

* Ding Ding Ding *

The bell rings and the two are quick to lock up. Drake takes the advantage quickly with a hammerlock but David sneaks away into one of his own. Drake rotates and Armdrags his way out and then catches David with a second one followed by a grounded Armbar on the mat. Drake tries to keep Whitman grounded, but he gets to his knees and rolls forward onto his back and then nips up for an arm wrench and a Russian Legsweep. Whitman takes a quick breather before pressing the first pinfall of the match.



Elizabeth Prince signals that it doesn't go past one with Drake raising his shoulder. As he gets back up, Whitman goes for the arm himself but Drake does his own series of rolls to impress. A clothesline knocks the TSA member down.

Copeland: These two are going even right now. They're both crafty as well as fast.

Whitman gets to his knees as Drake begins to gain momentum. A bounce off the ropes leads to a speedy Dropkick. A second rush leads to a jumping Kneedrop on Whitman's sternum and Drake's first cover of the match.



A “two” count according to Prince. Drake puts on a Headlock, grounding David on the mat. He shifts sides to keep Whitman from figuring his way out, but the man still gets to his knees. A few elbows to the ribs leads to Drake releasing the hold and David slipping onto Drakes back with a German Suplex. He bridges it leading to a cover.



Thr--- But Drake slips out.

Cohen: It's just awesome how Whitman is taking it to the former Champ. He is skilled.

Drake gets back his feet and catches the oncoming David with a Scoop Slam. He looks onto the crowd with a smug look before flipping in the air with a Standing Shooting Star. Another cover follows.




Whitman gets the shoulder up. Drake gets back as Whitman tries to get up. As he does, he finds his opponent on the turnbuckle. Lounging and looking on.

Copeland: Don't get too cocky, Drake. This Whitman can be a danger.

Whitman gets angry and charges ahead but Drake jumps over him. Whitman turns as Drake goes for am Enzuigiri but it gets ducked. That allows David to grab Drakes arms and Straightjacket him but no cover. Instead, he heads for the ropes and climbs. Leaping for a Moonsault. Nobody home though as Drake rolls out of the way. He quickly bounces to his feet himself and up the ropes to drop down with an Elbow. The crowd cheers as he takes an arrogant bow.

Cohen: That's the mark of a true showman right there. Well hey, look who's here.

As Drake plays to the crowd Whitman's partner and TSA member, DC, walks down and pounds on the ring apron to rally up David. Drake notices and grabs Whitman for his next move. But Drake stops to taunt DC. DC gets one knee on the apron as if he's about to come in, but doesn't. That's enough to let Whitman attack Drake by surprise and catch him from behind with a Reverse Frankensteiner. He goes for the cover quickly as DC cheers on.




Drake kicks out at two as Whitman quickly stands him back up and whips him across the ring. Drake holds himself with the ropes and Whitman charges. But Drake ducks and pulls the ropes down, sending David down to the floor. That's quickly followed up by a Plancha from Drake as DC looks on. Drake gets up and smugly extends his arms and plays to the crowd. But his attention turns to DC who is off to the side. Drake looks at him as he tries to get Whitman back the ring. DC teases to approach but Drake simply tells him to “bring it on” as Elizabeth Prince orders Drake to get back in the ring and DC to stay away. DC looks on frustrated as Drake rolls Whitman back in.

Copeland:DC doesn't want to risk the disqualification.

Cohen: Well it's not like David Whitman has been outmatched here.

The action returns to the ring as Drake taunts to finish the match. Whitman gets back up and gets kicked low by Drake, but as he tries to lift him for The Faded Memory, David slips behind him and lifts Drake on his back. He attempts the Burning Hammer but Drake Armdrags out of it. Both men get up and Drake charges but runs into a high Dropkick from Whitman who quickly climbs up the ropes to await his opponent as DC slaps the apron at ringside. Drake gets up and David measures him and leaps for a Diving Spear, but Drake himself jumps and throws his legs back as he hooks a mid-air front facelock to avoid damage! As both men land, Drake rolls and bridges to lock on The Bitter End! DC yells at Whitman to not submit, but to no avail as Whitman is forced to tap!!

Harrys: Here is your winner by submission, Drake Callahan!

Copeland: Wow that was a beautiful counter. A front facelock in mid-air. I don't think I've seen that one.

Cohen: Nicely done. And Whitman was not bad himself.

Elizabeth raises Drakes hand in victory as DC slips into the ring. He pushes Drake and the two are quick to get into a heated argument. Drake shoves back and the two keep on going. Whitman gets up and measures Drake but he turns around leading David to back off and out of the ring. As Drake looks on though DC gets a cheap shot from behind before running off. Drake gets out of the ring and follows but the duo is already gone as Drake looks on angrily.

Copeland: That snake. What was that about?

Cohen: I don't know. But I doubt Drake will let that one go unpunisheded.


We see "Showtime" Cougar walking into the building with the World title over his shoulders and his carry-bag in tow. Before he has a chance, Stacey Madison is nearby and walks up to Cougar, blocking his path.

Madison: It seems like somebody is a little late to the party.

Cougar: Thanks for the update Stacey but if you don't mind, I've got to get prepared for my match.

Cougar goes to bypass Stacey but she steps in front of his way.

Madison: What's the rush? Your match isn't next, Show. You've got time for a short interview.

Cougar: What would you like me to talk about Stacey?

Madison: How about we talk about what happened last week? Wasn't there something you were going to say?

Cougar: Yes I was Stacey but what I was going to say isn't relevant any more. That moment has passed and there is no reason to go backwards. I've got to move forward and think about the moments that are going to happen in the future, such as my match with Vega tonight contested in his backyard - a Mayhem Rules match. Well, lucky for Vega, he's going to get the challenge he wants because as a former Mayhem champion, I've got a few tricks up my sleeve and one of those is when I beat Vega at his own game and make a new moment for people to remember.

Thanks Stacey, this was fun.

Cougar smiles as he walks past Madison, heading towards his locker room.
Harrys: The following contest is a quarterfinal match in the Gold Rush tournament!


Harrys: Introducing first, from Dublin, Ireland, weighing 235 pounds, Blade!

Blade makes his way to the ring with a few nods and grins toward his fans, but he's clearly focused on his upcoming match and his chance to advance closer to the world championship.

Copeland: Welcome back to Meltdown for this very interesting match up in the Gold Rush tournament. In one corner, Blade, a WZCW veteran who has never held the world championship, though not for lack of trying.

Cohen: And in the other corner, the woman who deserves a shot at the championship and whose rise in WZCW can be described as nothing short of meteoric!


Harrys: And his opponent, from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, weighing 152 pounds, Isabel Stone!

Isabel Stone enters the arena to a hot crowd that wants nothing to do with her. A sly smile crosses her face as the audience rains hostility upon her, but she just puts her hands on her hips and shrugs off the hate before making her way to the ring. She gives a long and outright hostile look to Blade before turning her back on him and stretching in the corner.

Copeland: Yes, that's right, Jack, Isabel Stone, who earned a bye into this tournament by defeating Blade and Triple X in a three way contest. That bye earned her a lot of early praise and speculation as an early favorite to win it all.

Cohen: It's a huge advantage, Seabass, it really is. She took it easy last time around with a joke of a match against Angel, whereas Blade had to go through a seasoned veteran in Wasabi Toyota. She's ready and raring to go in this one, no doubt about it, and she's definitely got Blade's number.

Referee Jorou Akiyama looks at both competitors sternly, making sure they stay in their corners, before signalling for the bell as we are underway. Blade and Stone circle each other for a moment before Stone charges wildly, leaping and knocking Blade to the ground. She finds her feet steadily and lays into Blade with a series of vicious stomps, forcing him toward the ropes. She grabs onto the top rope for leverage as she keeps on stomping, before Akiyama forces her to break and back away from Blade. Blade rolls back toward the center of the ring a bit, where Stone pulls him to his feet before slamming him headfirst back into the mat. Blade stumbles back to his feet but Stone hits him with her elbow, knocking him to his knees. Stone pulls him to his feet and tries to whip him across the ring, but Blade reverses it, Stone hits the ropes, she rebounds and Blade hits her square in the gut with a hard knee! She rolls over and gets a knee before Blade starts laying into her with a series of kicks to her body. Blade pulls her to her feet and uppercuts her, holds onto her and whips her into the ropes. He readies himself but she holds onto the ropes and stands her ground. Blade charges with a clothesline and nails her, both of them going up and over to the outside!

Copeland: Very physical in the early going here as Blade takes the momentary advantage.

Cohen: Blade has a definite size and strength advantage, but Isabel has the mental advantage in this match. She just needs to capitalize on his inevitable mistake to take control of this one.

Blade rolls Stone back into the ring and takes a moment before following her. She's on her feet by the time he enters the ring and she hits a quick knee to his abdomen before hitting a snapmare. He drops to the mat and rolls back to the outside, Stone giving chase. Stone pulls him to his feet and smashes him headfirst into the ring apron. She rolls him back into the ring and lays him out headfirst on the apron, before she backs off on the outside toward the ring steps. She charges and gets her knee up, smashing him in the side of the head! Blade rolls away dazed and she slides into the ring, covers, getting one, two, but only two as Blade kicks out. Stone transitions to a quick headlock but Blade soon powers his way to a vertical base, trying to fight out with right hands to Stone's gut. Stone breaks the hold before slapping Blade hard across the jaw! Blade answers with an elbow to her face! They trade slaps and elbows for a moment before Blade takes the advantage with a series of elbows, backing Stone up into the ropes. He whips her across the ring, she rebounds, Blade readies himself, Stone drops to the floor sliding under Blade's legs, flips onto her back and kicks Blade hard in the gut from the floor! Blade is doubled over and Stone gets to her feet quickly, grabs his head, but Blade breaks away rapidly, locks her into a waistlock and hits a German suplex! Stone lands flat on her head and bounces away into the corner as Blade recovers on the mat.

Copeland: A vicious landing for Stone after that suplex. She really took the brunt of the blow to her head.

Cohen: Everyone tries to make it seem like Blade is some great guy, but look at what he's just done to this perfectly nice young lady! She probably has a concussion! Blade is the most cutthroat of the cutthroat, whatever little Robin Hood act he wants to put on.

Copeland: Perfectly nice young lady is being a bit generous to Isabel Stone, Jack...

Cohen: And now she has her character insulted on national television! What have we come to, Seabass?

Stone has somehow managed to get to her feet in the corner, using the ropes to stabilize herself. Blade gets to his own feet with the roaring crowd behind him; he turns, sees Stone, charges and smashes into her with an elbow. Stone stumbles out of the corner but Blade grabs her, sets her on the top rope, follows her up - she fights weakly, punching him in the side, but he ignores it, lifts her up, and POWERSLAMS HER OFF THE TOP ROPE! He holds on for the cover and gets one, two, but only two as Stone kicks out! Blade takes a moment to breathe before pulling Stone to her feet. He tries to drag her into the corner but she fights out with a desperate knee to his gut, sending him backing up toward the ropes. She shakes her head before charging at him, but he blocks her, grabs her head again, and smashes her headfirst into the turnbuckle! She stumbles back as Blade takes the top rope - but Stone leaps and NAILS AN ENZUIGIRI! Blade falls all the way from the top rope to the outside! Stone gives no quarter, following immediately the outside, pulling Blade to his feet and smashing him face first into the ring steps. She charges with his head in hand, hurling him shoulder first into the other set of ring steps opposite the first!

Copeland: One quick trip to the top rope when he thought he had an opening has really landed Blade in a world of trouble here as Stone is punishing him for that mistake.

Cohen: I seem to recall saying something about a mental advantage, Seabass. Here it is in full effect. Blade was going to make the mistake sooner or later - the question was if Stone could take advantage, and here she is, doing just that.

Stone catches her breath before rolling Blade back into the ring - and now she springboards in, nailing Blade with a legdrop and covering him! She gets one, two, but only two! She pulls Blade back to his feet, shoves him hard into the ropes, using the leverage to send him reeling across the ring. He rebounds and ducks under her outstretched arm, and he slides out of the ring! Stone charges and ducks through the ropes, Blade turns and nails her in the face with an elbow! She stumbles backwards and Blade slides into the ring, gets to his feet, he grabs her, gets the double underhook - AND NAILS THE HALO! HE COVERS AND GETS ONE, TWO, AND THREE!

Harrys: Here is your winner, Blade!

Blade gets to his feet unsteadily as Akiyama raises his arm. Isabel Stone merely clutches at her head and rolls as far as she can into the corner. Blade celebrates, pumping his fist to the sky as the crowd cheers for him.

Copeland: Something about mental advantage, right, Jack?

Cohen: Luck! Pure luck! Isabel Stone had him right where she wanted him!

Copeland: I saw Blade take advantage of one critical mistake by Isabel Stone and get the win.

Cohen: A fast count! Pure luck! This is a travesty of justice!

Blade continues to bask in the crowd's cheering as a grin comes across his face, while Akiyama has waved in medics to make sure that Isabel Stone is alright after the blows to her head. Blade takes a long look at her, his face impassive, before turning away and heading back up the ramp to the entranceway, slapping the hands of a few fans as his grin returns.


An angry Drake Callahan storms the backstage area, looking to exit the building. Becky Serra can be seen running up behind him, trying to get his attention. Callahan doesn't seem to be stopping.

Serra: Drake! Drake, wait up! Can I get a word?

Callahan turns around to see that Becky isn't letting up and decides to stop, allowing her to catch up. He looks at Serra and brings the microphone closer to his face.

Callahan: Sure, why not? Since I'm feeling generous, I'll add in a few more words for free. D.C is going to regret getting involved in my match, even if it was only because him & Whitman are buddies. Nobody gets involved with Drake Callahan like that and gets away with it.

Callahan walks off with Becky deciding to let him go without any further chase.

Copeland: It sounds like Callahan doesn't appreciate the antics of the Sacrificial Altar.

Cohen: He better watch what he says, Seabass. The last time somebody got involved with the Altar, their lives got consumed by them. Callahan might want to take cover.

Copeland: Well, whatever is going to happen, I hope it doesn't get as nasty as our main event tonight as "Showtime" Cougar will take on Vega in a Mayhem Rules match, next!
Harrys: The following contest is set for one fall, and will be fought under Mayhem Rules!


Vega comes out from backstage and walks into a beam of light. On his left arm is the beautiful Alexis, on his right the beautiful Mayhem Title. After taking a moment to absorb the scenery, Vega gets to his feet and walks down to the ring.

Harrys: Introducing first, hailing from Las Vegas, Nevada, weighing in at 175 pounds, he is the Mayhem Champion… VEGA!

Copeland: Ladies and gentlemen we have a very special guest tonight to join us on commentary, Titus!

Titus: It’s a pleasure to be here, Sebastian.

Cohen: Shouldn’t you be out hobnobbing with the Kardashians or something, Titus?

Titus: You seem to have me confused with a vapid, talentless hack, Jack. I’m an actor, though I can see how you’d be mixed up.

Cohen: Oy vey, just admit that the only reason you’re out here is to get revenge on Vega after last week’s Ascension.

Titus: Quite the contrary, Jack. I’m just here to share my talents at the announce booth. Lord knows you need all the help you can get.

Copeland: Gentlemen, let’s try to stick to the match here. Vega’s tactics may be questionable, but Titus, is he the most dangerous man in WZCW?

Titus: He’s certainly one of them, but I think Showtime will show you tonight that, as dangerous as Vega is, the world champ has more than a few tricks up his sleeve that make him even more dangerous.

Vega climbs between the middle and top ropes which Alexis is currently holding open for her client. Vega walks into the ring and poses with his belt, but as he lowers his prized title he gives Titus a cold glare.


Fireworks explode as Showtime’s music fills the arenas and the crowd gets on their feet for their World Heavyweight Champion. Showtime bursts through a paper screen and gestures excitedly to the crowd, playing to their admiration. The crowd explodes with enthusiasm for Showtime, and the Canadian superstar starts to make his way down the ramp.

Harrys: And the challenger, hailing from Winnipeg, Canada, weighing in at 219 pounds, he is your WZCW World Heavyweight Champion… Showwwwwtiiiiiime!

Copeland: Titus, you and Showtime share a spectacular milestone in that you have both held the WZCW World Heavyweight Championship twice in your careers. Tell us, do you think Showtime can improve on his already impressive premier title reign, or will he prove that sequels are never as good as originals?

Cohen: I’ll answer that question for you, Copeland: this title reign is doomed. Showtime has lost his focus with these retirement rumors, Barbosa breathing down his neck, and now Vega getting into the champs’ head. Showtime lack’s a champion’s focus, and that spells doom for any champion.

Titus: I believe the question was addressed to me me, Jack. No doubt, Showtime is going to face a huge challenge in Barbosa for his first title defense, but he can’t look past Vega tonight, especially with this match’s stipulation.

Showtime slides into the ring and does some posing on the turnbuckles much to the delight of his adoring public. After one final look at the audience, Showtime hops down from the turnbuckle and relinquishes his world title to the referee. The ref has a word with both of the combatants, and with that he calls for the bell.

Copeland: And we are underway!

The two men meet in the middle and Vega goes for a closed fist punch, but the wily veteran Showtime ducks the punch and wrestles Vega down to the mat with a one legged takedown. Showtime plants one elbow into Vega’s neck and uses his other arm to send punches into the ribs of his grounded opponent. Vega struggles to break free but finally does, and locks Showtime into a headlock. Vega attempts to roll his opponent onto his back, but Showtime breaks out of the headlock and gets to his feet with Vega quickly following suit. Showtime is waiting for Vega, however, and sends a stiff kick into Vega’s legs. Vega gets caught hard on the first kick, allowing Showtime to land more kicks into Vega’s legs. Vega drops to a knee and Showtime steps forward to capitalize, only for Vega to shove the champ back. Vega starts to struggle to his feet, but Showtime charges forward and sends a running dropkick right into the chin of Vega! Vega collapses like a bag of cement. Showtime falls onto the cover.




Vega gets a shoulder up and Showtime gets to his knees. He is breathing heavily, but Showtime flashes his signature smile to the crowd to let them know he’s ready to keep on fighting.

Copeland: The fight is still young, but Vega has been unable to get much of anything going. Right now the story reads that Showtime’s experience trumps Vega’s viciousness.

Titus: Yes, but these happy beginnings never seem to last, now do they Sebastian?

Showtime is on his feet and waiting for Vega to join him in his state of verticality. Vega obliges, and Showtime immediately sticks Vega in a side headlock. Vega shoves an elbow into Showtime’s ribs, but Showtime drops to a knee and flips Vega, taking him down to the mat before striking a stiff elbow into the temple of Vega. Vega grabs his head in pain and rolls away from Showtime, and Showtime lets him. As the Mayhem Champ struggles to get back to his feet, the World Champ works the crowd by slicking his hair back and bowing for his fans. As Showtime returns his focus to his opponent, he finds that Vega is sprinting right at him. Showtime side steps the charging Vega, grabs him by the back of the neck, and tosses the would be attacker soaring over the top rope. Vega crashes to the mat outside and Showtime celebrates back in the ring by stomping his feet. He looks to the ref to start the count, but the ref merely stands there to observe the action.

Cohen: Dummy David Cougar forgot that there are no count outs in Mayhem Rules.

Showtime nods as he realizes what’s going on, and slides out of the ring. He attempts to pursue the crawling Vega, but is interrupted when Alexis steps in front of her injured comrade. Showtime attempts to get around the valet, but Alexis keeps positioning herself in front of Showtime. Showtime finally manages to get by her with a swim move, but Vega has already gotten on his feet and has taken off running around the ring with Showtime giving chase. Vega slides into the ring and Showtime goes after him. Vega gets to his feet and stomps at Showtime as his opponent slides in, but the wily Showtime pulls himself out of the ring before he fully enters, and Vega gets nothing but mat. Showtime grabs Vega’s leg and yanks him down. Showtime attempts to pull Vega out of the ring, but Vega grabs onto the bottom rope. Showtime continues his attempt to yank Vega out of the ring, but Vega holds on tight and hits Showtime in the face with the bottom of his boot. Showtime stumbles backwards, and Vega slides out of the ring.

Showtime clumsily turns his back on Vega, but Vega rips him down from behind by yanking backwards on a handful of hair. He quickly goes full mount on Showtime, and starts landing punch after punch on Showtime. Showtime attempts to cover up, but his arms are pinned beneath Vega’s legs. He finally gets one free, but it does little to stop the brutal onslaught of Vega’s strikes. Vega inexplicably stands up and releases Showtime from the mount, but it is soon obvious why Vega has relented on his assault. Alexis comes from around the ring and hands Vega a steel chair, and the crowd boos as the Mayhem Champion prepares to use this heinous weapon on Showtime. Cougar stirs and gets to his feet despite the crowd’s pleas to stay down. Showtime gets to a vertical position and turns to Vega, but is met with a chairshot to the skull. A stream of blood flies from Showtime’s forehead as he falls backwards to the floor. Vega casually hands Alexis his weapon and adds insult to injury by dragging his foot across Showtimes’ face.

Cohen: I told you it was only a matter of time until Vega turned it around. Even I have to admit Showtime is a great wrestler, but Vega is an even better fighter, and that’s why Showtime is the guy gushing blood right now.

Contrary to Cohen’s words, Showtime’s wound has turned into a trickling cut, but it is enough to have given the Canadian superstar a crimson mask. Showtime groggily gets to his feet, but is immediately grappled by Vega. The Mayhem Champ whips the World Champ towards the steel stairs, and Showtime is helpless as he slams into the steel structure with velocity. Showtime tries to standup by pushing off of the stairs, but Vega comes from behind him and slams a knee into Showtime’s back, causing his chest to crash into the stairs again. Showtime flops backwards and is gasping for air. Unlike his opponent, Vega doesn’t use this opportunity to showboat, and instead grabs Showtime by the back of the head and rolls him into the ring. Vega climbs in after him and immediately goes for the cover.




Showtime gets his shoulder up in the nick of time, but Vega shoves him back down for another pin.




Showtime gets his shoulder up again. This time, Vega retreats to the far corner of the ring, but Vega has a trick up his sleeve. As Showtime fights to regain both his breath and his balance on the opposite side of the ring, Vega goes to work on the turnbuckle cover, the only thing preventing the cold steel of the corner from being exposed. Vega makes short work of the strings holding the cover on, and soon enough the top left corner of the ring becomes a veritable danger zone. Vega turns around and sees that his opponent has finally gotten a stable vertical base. The Las Vegas native grabs Showtime by the arm and Irish whips him towards the exposed turnbuckle. Showtime seems helpless but to crash into the corner steel, but against all odds he stops cold by stretching his arms out and grabbing the ropes to kill his momentum. Vega is already charging at Showtime in an attempt to salvage his devious attack, but Showtime rolls out of the way and Vega crashes face first into the steel turnbuckle. Showtime drops to the floor out of exhaustion, but Vega is likely even worse for wear as he grabs his bleeding lip with blood seeping from in between his fingers.

Copeland: Both men have drawn blood now, and to be quite honest, I don’t know who is worse for wear here.

Titus: This is the first test for Vega tonight. We know Showtime is able to fight through this type of pain, but can Vega?

Showtime and Vega reach their feet at about the same time, but Showtime is the first to get his offense in as he hit Vega with an uppercut strike. Red mist flies as Vega’s head snaps backwards, and Showtime continues the assault by rebounding off the nearby ropes and hitting Vega with a running elbow! Vega spins around as more blood drips from his mouth as he spits out a good mouthful of juice. Vega is on his knees, but is soon yanked backwards by Showtime and hit with a Backstage Reverse DDT! Showtime shoves a forearm into Vega’s face as he pins him in the middle of the ring.




This time it is Vega kicking out with no time to spare. Vega, unable to muster the strength to get to his feet, starts crawling for the ring ropes, looking for some salvation from Showtime’s assault, but there is no escape for the Mayhem Champion. Showtime grabs Vega by the legs and pulls him back to the middle of the ring. Showtime twists Vega’s leg and contorts his body, and soon enough, Vega is stuck in the middle of a Commercial Break!

The crowd roars in approval of the maneuver as Vega struggles to fight free from Showtime’s vicious submission. Vega uses all his upper body strength to crawl towards the ropes, but progress is slow, and Showtime is quickly draining the energy from Vega. Things look bleak for Vega as he fades. He grabs his head and grits his teeth and reaches out for the ropes one last time, but he’s a good foot away from freedom… but a pair of hands reach out and grab Vega’s! Alexis locks hands with Vega and tries to pull him towards the apron, but Vega barely budges! Showtime senses an extra tug at his back. Showtime stands up but keeps the submission locked in and pulls Vega back towards the middle of the ring. All hope seems to be lost for Vega… when Aleixs comes to his aid one more time as the steel chair used earlier in the match is slid to him. Vega uses the last bit of his strength to pick up the chair and swing it backwards over his head. The chair makes solid contact with the back of Showtime’s head, and the World Champ falls forward, releasing the hold. Vega gets to a knee and uses the chair as a sort of crutch as he very slowly gets to his feet. He has spaghetti legs, but he opens the chair up so that it is set up in the middle of the ring.

Titus: Looks like Vega needs a spot of rest here in the final stages of the match.

Copeland: I don’t know why Vega has that chair open, but it must be for some dubious purpose.

Vega turns around and limps towards Showtime, grabbing his opponent by the hair. He drags the world champ to the open chair in the ring with little resistance. Vega wraps his arm around Showtime’s head and sets him up for a DDT… but Showtime spins out of it! Showtime counters the DDT by kicking Vega in the gut and hooking his arm over the shoulder for a suplex! Showtime hoists Vega in the air and steps forward as he prepares to give Vega a very rough landing… but Vega kicks his feet and breaks out of the suplex, landing right in front of Showtime! Vega thrusts his shoulder into Showtime’s abdomen, hoists the World Champ into the air, and plants him into the chair! The steel chair collapses into pieces under the impact of Showtime’s crashing corpse, and Vega uses the remaining strength he has to turn Showtime over and he makes the cover.




Cohen: NO! I don’t believe it!

The ref waves his arms calling off the three count! By some miracle, Showtime was able to fight through the pain and get his shoulder up a millisecond before the final count.

Titus: This is what will determine whether or not Vega deserves the accolades he thinks he does. If he can finish of Showtime here, he may truly be the most dangerous man in WZCW.

Vega stands up in the ring and makes his way to the ropes near the announce table. He leans over and calls to Alexis.

Vega: Get my belt!

Copeland: Vega is calling for his belt and it looks like… hey, where is Titus going?

Alexis hustles over to the timekeeper and grabs the Mayhem Title, but as she pulls it away Titus grabs the other end! A short tug and war ensues before Titus forcibly yanks the title away from Alexis. Alexis starts yelling at Titus, and she’s not the only one upset with the hero of Keystone City. Vega rolls out of the ring and approaches the announce table.

Vega: That’s my title. Get your damn hands off of my title, ass(mute).

Titus nods and extends the titles towards Vega, but as Vega reaches for it Titus yanks it back and drops the belt on the floor. An insane frown crosses Vega’s face as he lunges at Titus across the table. Vega is able to get a few punches in but Titus is much fresher and is very quickly able to turn the attack around. Titus sends Vega falling backwards across the table with a powerful right hook, and then he walks around to grab Vega by the back of the neck. He pulls Vega to the ring apron and slams Vega face first into the side of the mat before he rolls the Mayhem Champion into the ring.

Cohen: What the hell was that? I told you Titus was only here to get revenge on Vega! Ladies and gentlemen, you are looking at the most selfish man in the history of professional wrestling!

Copeland: I don’t know why Titus got involved in this match, but I’m sure he has a perfectly reasonable explanation.

Cohen: Jealousy, Copeland! He’s just jealous of Vega! It’s the only explanation!

Vega and Showtime are both in the ring, both exhausted from a brutal match, both of them slowly climbing to their feet. Vega is the first to get vertical, and he crow hops with his fist cocked back, ready to unload on Showtime… but Showtime ducks the punch, rolls around behind Vega, and pins him to the mat with a schoolboy.




Vega kicks out right after the three count, and is livid. He clumsily gets to his feet and starts berating the ref. The ref simply pushes his way past Vega and walks to Showtime to raise the champ’s arm. Vega immediately turns his attention to Titus. Vega slides out of the ring and sticks his face in Titus’, but is met with a stiff shove from Avison. Vega wipes his hair out of his face and then throws a punch at Titus, causing a brawl to break out at ringside. This attracts the attention of the official in the ring, and the ref slips out of the ring to attempt to break up the fight between Titus and Vega. Showtime walks over to the rope to observe… but Barbosa slides into the ring from nowhere! The crowd cheers as the disturbed monster charges towards Showtime and slams a running forearm into the back of Showtime’s neck. Showtime’s legs buckle as he falls to his knees, but Barbosa isn’t done. He grabs Showtime from behind, lifts him up, and plants him to the ground with the Doppelgänger.

Copeland: All hell has broke loose in the arena as Vega and Titus continue to brawl on the outside of the ring and Barbosa is standing over Showtime after a vicious Doppelgänger!

Cohen: Vega was screwed, Copeland! Vega was screwed!

The crowd’s attention is split all around the arena, some sections cheering for Barbosa’s attack, other’s booing, some cheering for Showtime, and some investing their remaining emotion in the ringside brawl. The mixture of cheers and boos is all the audience at home can hear as the show’s end logo comes up, the remaining image a long shot of Barbosa standing tall in the ring as security attempts to separate Vega and Titus outside the ring.

JGlass - Opening Segment, Vega vs. Showtime
Killjoy - Drake Callahan vs. David Whitman
Blade - Grand Mystique vs. Garth Black
Yaz - S.H.I.T. vs. Chris K.O.
Harthan - Blade vs. Isabel Stone
FalK - Tastic vs. Krypto, All Segments

Enjoy the show.

EDIT: I suck because I forgot to add my awesome boss to the credits. Sorry Falk, love you.
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