Meltdown 92

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Viola Moonlight

I'm Literally Just Here for WZCW


Pyros shoot around around the arena as the crowd goes wild. All of them are eagerly anticipating the follow-up show to WZCW’s biggest event of the year, Kingdom Come! The aerial camera shows the roaring crowd as the intro music continues to play. However, they re-pop in a wave as a familiar tune cracks up!

Showtime walks out with the WZCW World Heavyweight Championship in his hand. He is wearing a suit as he plays to the crowd as they eat him up.

Copeland: Welcome ladies and gentlemen to Meltdown 92! What a way to kick us off here tonight. The man that ended our last calendar year will start off our new one here tonight!

Cohen: That’s right, he defied not one beast, but two at Kingdom Come to gain his third world title reign. After a year long battle, we finally know that Showtime is the better man over Drake Callahan and Steven Holmes. Even though it pains me to say that.

Copeland: Cheer up partner, we are in store for some great action here tonight!

Showtime is now in the ring and it appears he has acquired a microphone from a ring official. He begins to speak, but the crowd continues to cheer for him. He smiles and pauses as the crowd pops. Finally, he pulls the microphone up to his mouth to begin speaking-


The arena turns into an oven as Mr. Baller of all people walks out onto the entrance stage with a microphone in hand.

Cohen: Look Seabass! It's Mr. Baller!

He is in his ring attire as he walks down the entrance ramp, but the crowd boos him so loudly that he is barely able to speak over them.

Baller: Kingdom Come V just didn’t feel as special without me Showtime.

We see Baller climb up the outside apron and climb into the ring.

Baller: Let’s cut the talking and I’ll tell you what I want.

Showtime gives him a “really?” look.

Baller: A world title shot right now!

The crowd boos.

Showtime: You want a world title shot?

Baller: Yeah!

Baller nods.

Showtime: Alright, but if I win, you get the hell out of this company because I’m frankly tired of seeing you return every few months and then leaving immediately.

Baller licks his lips.

Baller: Deal!

Baller backs into his corner as a referee slides into the ring. He asks Showtime if he is sure and Showtime nods and smiles.

Cohen: Seabass, I can’t believe it! Baller is getting a world title shot!

Copeland: And it looks like Showtime is going to defend in his suit.

The bell rings and Baller screams like a girl as he runs at Showtime. Showtime steps forward and spins for a clothesline into the neck of Baller! Baller drops to the mat and Showtime puts his hand down on Baller’s chest for the count.


Harrys: Ladies and gentlemen, here is your winner, and still WZCW World Heavyweight Champion, “Showtime” David Cougar!

Copeland: Well, that was lackluster.

The crowd pops as Showtime gets handed his belt back and his microphone. Showtime looks over at the announcer’s table. He spots someone.

Showtime: Yani, if you could, please?

A janitor looking fellow gets into the ring with a push-broom and pushes Baller out of the ring.

Showtime: Goodbye Andy Simmons.

Showtime stands alone in the ring now with the WZCW Title. He whips a bit of sweat off his forehead and speaks.

Showtime: Now, if I could be serious for a moment, it feels amazing to be standing in front of everyone here tonight once again WZCW World Heavyweight Champion!

Showtime raises the belt and a loud cheer erupts from the fans in Phoenix.

Showtime: What a year it has been for me. It feels like only yesterday that I was here in the ring defeating Steven Kurtesy at Ascension 50 to win this title for the first time. Now I wasn’t able to keep the belt long, but I was soon able to win it back in a rematch and went on to hold this title for over ten months. I wasn’t quite able to make it to my goal of Kingdom Come, but fate has a funny way of working and I was fortunate enough to get a chance to win it back in the first ever triple threat main event at Kingdom Come. I was good on my promise to win in back and in doing so created a WZCW moment that will live on forever. My career has been filled with big moment and at Kingdom Come V I delivered my biggest one yet. There are so many people I need to thank for helping and pushing me along the way and I’m going to start by thanking my lovely wife and son for standing by me. There are my biggest support right now and I couldn’t feel more blessed to have them in my life.

The crowd cheers and politely claps for Showtime.

Showtime: And of course I can’t forget about each and everyone of you. All of you in attendance and everyone watching at home. Without any of you none of this would’ve ever happened. I don’t make the show, you all make the show. Thank you for your continued support.

The crowd cheers loudly and Showtime raises the belt one more time and then speaks again.

Showtime: I’ve been doing this now for over four years. From my very first promo to my match at Kingdom Come I’ve loved every minute of it. WZCW has grown in leaps and bounds since my debut and the locker room continues to fill you new and emerging talents. The boys... and girls, robots, aliens, and just about ever kind of person in the back all have potential to succeed. I am living proof that hard work and dedication lead to success. I have had so much success in WZCW that thoughts have come out about what more I can do in life. Maybe it’s time I take The Show farther that its ever gone. Maybe it’s time I do what executives have told me and give up this silly circus for the bright lights of Hollywood.

The crowd boos and chants of “Don’t go Show!” start up.

Showtime: I would never walk out on you just like that, that’s not the person who I am, that’s not the champion that I want to be. That said...


The crowd pops as Barbosa walks out onto the stage ramp. He has a blank expression on his face as he slowly walks down to the ring.

Copeland: The number one contender Barbosa has interrupted the champion and his opponent at Redemption.

Cohen: Oh boy, we might get to see a little preview here tonight.

Copeland: I’m hoping that it will only be an exchange of words.

Barbosa enters the ring and the two men stare off at each other. The crowd cheers and flashbulbs go off as they stand eye to eye a mere foot between them. Barbosa looks down at the microphone and Showtime holds it out for him to take. At that moment Barbosa grabs his arm and spins Showtime around and off the ground, driving him back onto the mat with the Doppleganger. Barbosa stands up and stares down at Showtime. The crowd is mixed mostly in boos as Barbosa bends down and places the belt on Showtime. He then rolls out of the ring and starts to walk up the ramp, paying no attention what so ever to the audience.

Copeland: Barbosa came and went, leaving Showtime lying in the ring.

Cohen: Call that a shot. Barbosa basically said I’m better than you in under five seconds.

Copeland: The champ will present a more even challenge once these two meet in the ring, but what could’ve provoked this sudden attack on Showtime.

Cohen: Maybe it was something he said?

Barbosa gets to the top of the ramp. Showtime has rolled over inside the ring and stares up the ramp at Barbosa. He turns around and looks back at Showtime before making his exit.
Harrys: The following contest is a first round Gold Rush Tournament match scheduled for one fall!


The crowd cheers as the sound of a grizzly bear roars throughout the arena. Bob walks out onto the stage as green and yellow lights shine across the crowd. He strolls down the ramp, making sure to give hi-fives to the kids.

Harrys: Introducing first, from Somewhere Up a Hill, weighing 350 pounds, The Big Bad Bear, Grizzly Bob!

Cohen: I don't know how Grizzly Bob is so happy after being stripped of the title to call himself the most manliest in the company.

Copeland: He's got an opportunity to become the newest number one contender for the World title in this Gold Rush Tournament, Jack. Bob has yet to compete in a championship match so he'd be relishing this chance. I'd be stoked.

Cohen: That's because no-one would even consider you for a shot at the champion. I'd be slapping the guy who'd be putting you in this tournament ahead of a legend like myself.

Bob slingshots himself over the top rope, throws his flannel shirt and beanie into the crowd before pumping himself up by beating his chest and letting out a primal roar. The crowd cheers once more for Bob as he starts getting ready in the ring. Referee James Aubrey waits beside Bob as the two await for the second participant to enter. The music dies down and the crowd makes some noise as they wait for Bob's opponent.


Again, the crowd cheers for another fan favourite as the music of Mikey Stormrage hits the speakers.

Cohen: Moment of truth! Will he show.

Copeland: For those of you who are unaware, Mikey Stormrage hasn't been seen since Kingdom Come and WZCW has been unsuccessful in contacting him.

The crowd gives their cheers for a few seconds more before starting to die off as it appears that nobody is coming out from the stage. Bob is asking Aubrey about where Stormrage might be but he shrugs, telling him he doesn't know. He uses his earpiece to check with officials backstage and doesn't seem to get a clear response, judging by his body language. Then, after a couple of moments, Mikey Stormrage finally appears, walking out slowly on stage with a hoodie covering his face. The crowd cheers but not as enthusiastically as the start. Stormrage stands on the top of the ramp before walking down at a normal pace.

Harrys: And his opponent, from Indianapolis, Indiana, weighing 315 pounds, Mikey Stormrage!

Cohen: About time...

Stormrage keeps his head lowered as he walks up the steps and enters the ring, standing near the middle as Bob watches on with slight confusion. Mikey removes his hoodie, revealing both longer head & facial hair, as well as a mask that covers the top half of his face only. Stormrage doesn't seem angry or happy - a neutral expression is on his face.

Cohen: I think someone forgot to buy some shaving cream.

Copeland: It's definitely... a new look for Stormrage and I'm glad his safe and sound but he seems a bit different.

Cohen: The lose to the Sacrificial Altar took a lot out of him, Seabass. It's hard to recover from something like that.

Aubrey checks on both men with Bob responding with a clear yes whilst Stormrage offers one singular nod before raising his dukes. Aubrey signals for the bell.


Stormrage immediately goes for Bob, catching him with a tie-up and being able to push Bob to the corner. Instead of offering a clean break, Stormrage sends Bob across the ring with an Irish whip, causing Bob to hit the opposite turnbuckles. Stormrage gathers some speed as he charges at Bob for a corner avalanche at a high speed but Bob evades the attack with Mikey damaging only himself as he crashes into the corner. He turns around and gets a hip toss from Bob, knocking him down as the crowd cheers. Stormrage is almost instantly up, looking for the ropes as Bob follows in hot pursuit. Stormrage turns around and he gets a headbutt to the chest for his troubles, stunning him enough for Bob to send Stormrage for a run. Mikey goes for a clothesline but Bob delivers a drop toe hold, causing Stormrage to trip over. Grizzly gets to his feet, runs off the ropes and hits a seated senton to Stormrage before going for a cover...

... 1

... 2

... kick-out by Stormrage as he pushes Bob away. He slowly gets to his feet but Bob is up and ready to greet him with a knee lift to the gut of Stormrage before setting up for a vertical suplex. He keeps Stormrage up in the air for a couple of seconds, struggling to keep the suplex delayed as the crowd watches in awe and takes photos before Bob drops him, going for the pin as the crowd applauds the feat of strength...

... 1

... 2

... kick-out again by Stormrage.

Copeland: Impressive.

Cohen: There wouldn't be too many guys out there to keep Mikey elevated for that long.

As Mikey tries to get up, Bob is able to lock in a quick abdominal stretch, putting pressure on Stormrage as Aubrey slides into position, asking if he wants to quit. Stormrage doesn't respond as he slowly but surely, attempts to get to his feet as the fans will him on with their applause. When Stormrage gets to his feet, he is able to pick up Bob and hit a backbreaker but cannot follow-up on the move as Bob clutches his back on the ground. Stormrage is on all fours, trying to use the ropes to get to his feet as Bob recovers. Bob is up first and goes for an open-handed chop to Stormrage but he catches the hand, twisting Bob's arm and deliver a short-arm clothesline to Bob. Stormrage shakes his head to get "rid of the cobwebs" as Bob looks to get to his feet. Mikey lines him up, rebounds off the ropes and hits a running crossbody on Bob with impact. He follows up this time with a pinning attempt...

... 1

... 2

... kick-out by Bob. Stormrage looks over at Aubrey who re-assures him that the count is only a 2. He gets to his feet, bringing Bob up with him and drops him with a Russian leg sweep, rolling through (impressive for a big man) and going for another pinfall...

... 1

... kick-out by Bob, with Mikey looking over to the referee again to confirm the count. Stormrage grabs Bob by the arm and brings him to his feet, going behind Bob to hit a pumphandle drop. Stormrage hooks both legs and makes sure his weight is on Bob...

... 1

... 2

... another kick-out by Bob with Stormrage not looking too impressed.

Copeland: Mikey is really giving it to Bob and he seems to be survivng the onslaught.

Cohen: Stormrage better keep his cool though otherwise he'll end up losing yet another match.

Stormrage grabs Bob and picks him up again, locking his arms around his waist, looking for his signature belly-to-belly suplex. As he goes to toss Bob, he blocks the attempt and decides to deliver a headbutt. Stormrage shakes his head and tries again but Bob blocks it for a second time, delivering another headbutt in the process. The crowd cheers as Stormrage begins to look groggy, allowing Bob to hit one last headbutt before Stormrage lets go. Bob uses his open-handed slaps to the chest of Stormrage, creating some more distance between the two big men. Bob takes a step back and runs towards Stormrage, leaping into the air to hit a leg lariat. The crowd cheers as Bob pops up, getting them excited as he waits for Stormrage to get up. Bob picks up Mikey, delivering a gorilla press gutbuster as best as he can, dropping Stormrage to the canvas. Bob looks out to the crowd and smiles as he points to the turnbuckles, slapping the top turnbuckle as he begins climbing to the delight of the crowd. As Stormrage recovers, Bob positions himself on the top turnbuckle and lets out a roar before DIVING OFF WITH THE FLYING BEAR... BUT INSTEAD OF HITTING STORMRAGE, HE CATCHES BOB MID-AIR AND HITS THE GAME OVER! The crowd let's out a huge "oooohhh" as Stormrage covers...

Copeland: He caught him!

... 1

... 2

... 3!

Cohen: And that's all she wrote.

James Aubrey signals for the bell to end the match as Mikey's music begins to play.

Harrys: Here is your winner; Mikey Stormrage!

The crowd begins to die down from the excitement of the move that was previously performed by Stormrage, cheering for him but not as loud as they normally would. Stormrage doesn't get up off Bob, pushing up his body with his arms as he still is in a covering position, looking out towards the crowd. Aubrey goes to check on Bob as Stormrage slowly gets to his feet.

Copeland: Wow... what an amazing finish to that match. Let's take another look at what happened.

From a different angle, we see Grizzly Bob perched on the top rope before letting out a scream. He jumps off, going for his Flying Bear crossbody as Mikey Stormrage recovers, grabbing Bob as he comes down and transitions the move into a quick "Game Over" body slam with impact before going for the pinfall, leading to the three count.

Copeland: Grizzly Bob was in control nearing the end of the match and with one fell swoop, Stormrage was able to swing it into his favour long enough to get the victory.

Cohen: That's why you have to expect anything when you go high-risk. Sometimes you reap the rewards and sometimes, you crash and burn and your plans backfires.

Stormrage exits the ring and walks up the ramp, not interacting with the fans as they cheer him up the ramp. Bob is on his knees, getting to his feet as Aubrey double check on his status in the ring. Bob seems a little dejected by the fans cheer for him as he stands vertical, waving to them for their support.

Copeland: And with that, Mikey Stormrage becomes our first entrant to qualify for the quarter-finals of the Gold Rush Tournament.


Round 1: Isabel Stone
Round 1: Blade vs. Wasabi Toyota

Round 1: Winner of the Gold Rush Battle Royale
Round 1: The Beard vs. Mason Westhoff

Round 1: Dr. Zeus vs. Matt Tastic
Round 1: D.C. vs. Krypto

Round 1: Ricky Runn vs. James Howard
Round 1: Mikey Stormrage vs. Grizzly Bob


We see a very deflated Mr. Baller walking backstage. He is rubbing his neck from the clothesline he got earlier in the night. Suddenly, Big Dave appears in front of him.

Dave: I'm sorry Baller, but rules are rules. You lost the match and you are no longer a part of this company. Therefore, we are recalling a certain procedure we paid for during your tenure with us.

Baller: You can't.

Dave: Yes, I can. Hand it over.

Baller looks very sad as he grabs his head and pops it off his torso like a cartoon. Headless Baller gives it to Dave. Suddenly, backstage Bob walks up.

Dave: Here Bob, put this in storage with the other confiscated items from no-showers.

Bob nods and takes the head. Dave looks down the hallway and sees the headless Baller walking away with slumped shoulders. Suddenly, music begins to play in the background as the camera watches him walk away.

The sound of grunts and fists hitting a heavy bag can be heard as the camera focuses in on Amber Warren working the bag over with lefts and rights. A muffled voice can barely be made out as a pair of hands reach out and steady the bag as Warren takes a break, grabbing a nearby towel to wipe her face.

Warren: You ready for tonight?

The camera begins to pan to the mysterious figure.


???: Sorry for the interruption, but we are here today to convey a message from The Almighty.

David Whitman's face begins to come in clear on the camera feed. Just as quickly as it comes in, it disappears, only for the face of Grand Mystique to replace it.

Mystique: The Almighty desires another sacrifice. His desires will be fulfilled tonight and forever more.


The camera feed cuts back to Amber Warren walking out the door behind her partner.


Harrys: The following tag team contest is scheduled for one fall!


Introducing first, representing The Sacrificial Altar, David Whitman and Grand Mystique!

The two members of the Sacrificial Altar make their way to the ring, Mystique a few steps behind Whitman. They make their way into ring and Mystique takes a seat on the top turnbuckle with Whitman sitting below him.

Copeland: The absolutely despicable human beings that make up The Sacrificial Altar, coming off big wins at Kingdom Come, look to continue their reign of terror tonight against the young Amber Warren and a mystery partner.

Cohen: They got this in the bag. They sent Mikey Stormrage into hiding, sent Derek Jacobs into an early retirement, and put that punk Ricky Runn in his place. No mystery opponent can defeat them.


And their opponents, introducing first, from Las Vegas, Nevada, weighing 130 pounds, Amber Warren!

Warren makes her way from backstage, fully of energy. She jumps and and down, running around the stage. She makes her way to the foot of the ramp and pauses as she waits for her partner.


Her partner, from Culiacan, Mexico, weighing 180 pounds, El Califa Dragón!

The crowd erupts at the return of the masked superstar. Califa nods his head to the music as he walks down the ramp, soaking in the applause of the fans. He and Warren slap hands and then slide into the ring.​

Copeland: What a surprise indeed. El Califa Dragon, last seen at the Lethal Lottery, returning tonight in tag team action.

Cohen: This is the last thing we need, more flips. How can we even be sure this is the real Califa?

After a brief discussion from both teams, Warren and Mystique decide to start the match. Mystique offers a handshake and Warren foolishly accepts. Mystique pulls her in and takes her down hard with a spine buster. He begins to stomp away at the girl as she gets to her feet. As she tries to fight the larger man back, he grabs her and Irish whips her into the ropes. Off the rebound Mystique takes Warren back down with a Samoan drop. He lifts Warren and drags her to his corner and tags in Whitman. As Mystique keeps her hands tied, Whitman measures a kick to the midsection. He fires off a couple of right hands before a dropkick to the knee takes Warren back to the ground. He quickly attempts a cover...

And Warren kicks out. Whitman backs off and allows Warren to stand. As she stands, rubbing her knee, he runs at her. She is able to drop to the ground and Whitman leaps over. She quickly gets back to her feet and takes Whitman down with a wheel kick. She uses the opportunity to tag in Califa, who springboards into the ring and takes Whitman down with a dropkick.

Copeland: Some fast paced back and forth action early, with momentum beginning to swing back toward the good guys.

Cohen: Did you just refer to Warren and Califa as the good guys? Way to be impartial there Seabass.

As both men stand, Califa begins to showcase his kickboxing background with a series of quick strikes. Fists and feet fly as Whitman is backed into a corner. He grab an arm and whips Whitman into the corner. As Whitman staggers out, Califa run to the ropes to launch a springboard attack, but Mystique clubs him across the chest. The referee warns Mystique, giving Whitman time to recover. As Califa recovers from the blow, Whitman is back in his head and launches himself at the masked superstar. The semi running crossbody doesn't do much damage, but it allows Whitman to latch onto a chin hold. He wrenches on the hold, before he begins pulling at the mask of Califa. It catches the luchador off guard, and allows Whitman to drop an elbow onto the head of Califa. Whitman hits a standing moonsault and then stays on for the cover...

And Califa kicks out. Whitman grabs his foe by the hair, prompting the ref to warn him, and lifts him to his feet. A couple of punches soften Califa up for an Irish whip into the Altar's corner. Whitman tags in Mystique, who steps into the ring as Whitman hops over the top rope and out. He keeps hold of Califa, as Mystique readies to hit Down to Earth. Califa locks his arms on the ropes however and Mystique crashes to the ground. An elbow knocks Whitman off the apron, and allows Califa to hop to the second rope. He leaps and hits a tornado DDT on Mystique, planting his head down hard.

Copeland: What a reversal by Califa!

As Califa begins to crawl to his corner, Warren awaits eagerly for the tag. Mystique slowly gets to his feet as the crowd urges the returning star to his corner. Just as Mystique gets to his feet, Warren is tagged in and comes in a ball of fire. She echoes her partners amateur background, showing off her own boxing skills with crisp combinations. She swings with a final wild haymaker that Mystique ducks, but Warren retains her balance and takes The Universal Evil down with a legsweep. She gets back to her feet and turns just in time to see Whitman diving off the top rope attempting a crossbody. She rolls out of the way, causing Whitman to crash into Mystique. As Whitman gets to his feet, Califa flies into the ring, taking Whitman down with a headscissors. Whitman rolls out of the ring, but Califa launches himself through the ropes with a suicide dive, taking both men out. In the confusion, Warren has climbed to the top rope and connects with a moonsault. She hooks the leg of Mystique...


Harrys: Here are your winners, the team of Amber Warren and El Califa Dragon!

Copeland: Solid win after the miscue for the red hot Warren and the returning Califa.

Cohen: Key word, miscue. Even All-Stars have an off day, and The Altar will be back.

Califa rolls into the ring and raises the arm of Warren. The two share a friendly hug and climb opposite turnbuckles and celebrate as Mystique belittle Whitman on their way back up the ramp as we go to commercial.


The camera shows Showtime in a trainer's room backstage. An official is checking on him, but Showtime grabs his world title that is resting on a stand nearby. The official grabs his arm to stop him, but Showtime shrugs it off.

Showtime: I don't need this. Barbosa is a loose canon, I just have to accept that. But if he's going to accelerate this feud between us, then I'm just going to have to keep up.

Showtime stands up and exits the room with a serious look upon his face as the scene fades to black.


We see Backstage Bob come out of the "no-show storage" room, wiping his hands off with some bacterial wash. He whistles as he washes until he hears a door open, seeing that it is James Howard who is in street clothes and appears to be in a rush. He looks around before heading over to Bob.

Howard: Hey man, have you seen Mikey Stormrage? I saw that he was here tonight and I came as quick as I could. Where is he?

Bob: I'm sorry, James. Mikey left as soon as his match was over. He never said where he was going.

Howard sighs with disappointment before thanking Bob.

Howard: Looks like I'll have to try and get his attention.
Harrys: The following contest is a first round Gold Rush Tournament match scheduled for one fall!


Harrys: Introducing first, from Dublin, Ireland, weighing 235 pounds, Blade!

Blade makes his way to the ring with a few nods and grins toward his fans, but he's clearly focused on making an impression in the tournament tonight.

Copeland: We welcome you back to Meltdown for this contest between Blade and Wasabi Toyota, a part of the ongoing tournament to crown a new number one contender for the world championship.

Cohen: And it'll be an interesting match up here, Seabass, as both of these men were losers during the Kingdom Come festivities; someone is going to turn their fortune around here, while someone else is really going to be in trouble.


Harrys: Introducing next, from Matsumoto, Japan, weighing in at 130 pounds, Wasabi Toyota!

Toyota makes his way to the ring with a more enthusiastic look than Blade, slapping hands with fans and sharing a brief joke with a young lady on his way down. He slides nimbly into the ring and waits for the match to begin.

Copeland: Back to your point, Jack, Blade was a loser in a triple threat for a bye in this tournament, while Toyota lost a contest for the Elite X title. But you've really got to put that in your past and focus on the task at hand.

Cohen: I have to disagree with you there, actually, Seabass. I think you need to take that loss and use it as motivation to get an extra edge on your competitor tonight.

The two men face off in the ring with referee Keith Morse between them. Morse signals for the bell and we are underway. Both men circle briefly but break off and head toward opposite corners. Blade takes the aggressive approach and charges Toyota, aiming a kick at his gut. The kick backs Toyota back up into the corner, and Blade goes after him with a flurry of punches and kicks. The referee backs him up and Blade obliges with a clean break. Toyota recovers quickly and leaps at Blade, locking him into a waistlock. Blade reverses quickly into a waistlock of his own. Blade breaks it off, whips Toyota into the ropes; Toyota rebounds and Blade hits him with a dropkick to the jaw. Toyota recovers and Blade waits for him; Blade elevates Toyota over the ropes when he draws near. Toyota lands on the apron and Blade turns to face him; Toyota nails him from the outside with a shoulder to the gut. Blade backs off and Toyota leaps, springboards, and takes out Blade with a dropkick! Blade rolls to the outside and gets out of the ring before Toyota can attempt a pin. Toyota clambers to the top rope - but Blade sees him and gets out of the area before Toyota can even think about it. Toyota drops to the ring apron and charges Blade, but Blade quickly gets near him and takes his leg out, dropping Toyota hard onto the apron. Toyota rolls off to the mat outside as Blade goes after him, lifting him up and slamming him back first into the ring apron. Blade rolls Toyota into the ring before following him.

Copeland: Blade's really doing a nice job keeping Toyota grounded here in the early going.

Cohen: There's definitely some obvious rust on Toyota still, in my opinion. I just don't think he's fully adjusted to the idea of wrestling without the power and strength advantage, and it's showing here.

Blade hits the ropes, rebounds, leaps and hits a high elbow drop. He goes for the cover and gets one, two, but only two as Toyota kicks out. Blade pulls Toyota off the ground and elevates him, keeping him up high in a vertical suplex position. Toyota offers some resistance, but Blade keeps him up high to the delight of the crowd before slamming him hard to the mat. He goes for a headlock on the ground instead of a cover, wrenching it hard as Toyota struggles to get to his feet. Toyota does force his way to a vertical base, throwing elbows hard into Blade's gut as the crowd encourages him to fight out. Toyota breaks out and tries to whip Blade into the ropes, but he just can't get the force to do it as Blade pulls up short. Blade turns rapidly and nails Toyota with a hard clothesline. Blade goes to the top rope quickly, measures Toyota, flies off with a frog splash! - but he misses as Toyota rolls out of the way! Both men get up slowly, Blade throws a punch but Toyota blocks it. Toyota throws one of his own and connects. Toyota hits another one and tries to whip Blade into the ropes, but Blade reverses. Toyota rebounds off the ropes, Blade goes for a back body drop, Toyota slides to the mat, and punches Blade square in the jaw! Blade straightens out, reeling, as Toyota tries once more to whip him into the ropes. Blade blocks it this time, pulls Toyota in close, and knees him in the gut hard. Blade lets Toyota falls to the mat. Blade whips Toyota into the corner and follows him closely, but Toyota leaps up and over Blade, getting behind him, turning around and rolling him up! He gets one, two, but only two! Blade gets to this feet quickly and Toyota aggressively hits him with a leaping clothesline. Toyota goes to the top rope, slowly, his midsection clearly troubling him. Just as he gets to the top, Blade gets to his feet and kicks the top rope, sending Toyota crashing on top of the turnbuckle and then to the mat. Blade grabs him, drags him to the center of the ring, gets the double underhook - and nails the Halo! He covers and gets one, two, and three!

Harrys: Here is your winner, Blade!

Copeland: Blade advances in the tournament to become the next number one contender and Wasabi Toyota faces another disappointing loss.

Cohen: I think it's clear he really needs to reconsider his offensive strategy. I think he tried to match Blade one for one here, and that's just not going to work with his new frame.

Blade lets Morse raise his hand in victory before sliding out of the ring and heading up the ramp. Toyota looks on in dismay as he realizes the opportunity he's lost.

Cohen: Looks like we've got ourselves the second man to get through.


Round 1: Isabel Stone
Round 1: Blade vs. Wasabi Toyota

Round 1: Winner of the Gold Rush Battle Royale
Round 1: The Beard vs. Mason Westhoff

Round 1: Dr. Zeus vs. Matt Tastic
Round 1: D.C. vs. Krypto

Round 1: Ricky Runn vs. James Howard
Round 1: Mikey Stormrage

Copeland: Blade will now go on to face the very same person who defeated her to earn having a bye this round, Isabel Stone.

Cohen: I'm sure Blade has some reserved thoughts about Izzy. That match is going to be good.


We head backstage to see Becky Serra standing in the interviewing area.

Serra: Congratulations to Blade for his recent victory and getting himself into the Quarter Finals of the Gold Rush Tournament, as well as Mikey Stormrage earlier on in the evening. Although we only have two first round matches tonight, another WZCW Superstar has already managed to qualify themselves into the tournament and I'm standing here with the competitor that won the Gold Rush Battle Royale match at a recent house show event...

The camera turns to the person who won.

Serra: Justin Cooper!

He steps into the camera and the crowd can be heard booing in the background.

Serra: Justin, you've only just came back to WZCW and already you're well on your way to getting a future shot at the World championship. How does it feel?

Cooper takes the microphone.

Cooper: I threw a few guys over some ropes to get to this spot, Becky. It's not a big deal to accomplish yet I was able to defeat some of the company's "bigger" superstars to get here. Hell, isn't that what I've always done in this company? Beat the big guns with relative ease and save this company from embarrassment as I remove idiots from getting close to championships? I was the true mastermind behind the Empire and ambushing Barbosa & S.H.I.T; I was the man who removed Armando Paradyse from his abysmal reign as Mayhem champion; and I was the guy who defeated Constantine & Chris K.O in the same night... and look what happened to them. One's left due to inadequacy and the other somehow wormed his way into becoming a champion for this company, a man representing this company as one of the best.

Cooper lets out a laugh before looking into the camera.

Cooper: You're lucky I'm in this tournament, champ. You now have a few more weeks of holding that title across your shoulders.

Justin hands Becky the microphone before walking off.

Copeland: Did he just threaten...?

Cohen: I think he did, Seabass.


Round 1: Isabel Stone
Round 1: Blade

Round 1: Justin Cooper
Round 1: The Beard vs. Mason Westhoff

Round 1: Dr. Zeus vs. Matt Tastic
Round 1: D.C. vs. Krypto

Round 1: Ricky Runn vs. James Howard
Round 1: Mikey Stormrage
Harrys: Ladies and gentlemen, the following match is our main-event of the evening and it is scheduled for one fall!

The arena lights fade out.

A white light begins to emerge as Vega walks out with a trench coat and the WZCW Mayhem Championship in his hand. His valet, Alexis, is standing by his side as he surveys the audience, who boo him with strong heat.

Harrys: Introducing first, accompanied by Alexis, from New York City, weighing 185 pounds, he is the WZCW Mayhem Champion, Vega!

Cohen: Vega went into Kingdom Come V and took down one of the greatest Mayhem Champions in Ace Stevens. If there was ever any doubt about his validity as the greatest Mayhem Champion of all time, they were abolished at that event. Not only that, but it one week, Vega will surpass one of the greatest records in our industry, and that is Alex’s Bowen’s longest reign as Mayhem Champion.

Copeland: It is very easy to not like him, but you have to respect his tenure as champion.

The camera shows Vega removing his trenchcoat in the ring and handing the Mayhem Championship over to Alexis, who proceeds to exit the ring.

Barbosa comes out to a huge pop, with a few boos here and there, presumably in response to his actions earlier. Speaking of his actions, he seems to hyped up during his entrance because of them.

Harrys: And the challenger, from Bedlam, weighing 237 pounds, Barbosa!

Copeland: We saw the return of the loose canon earlier tonight. Some had wondered if S.H.I.T. had normalized him into a sense of predictably, but just when you think you know Barbosa, he comes out and does what he did earlier in the night.

Barbosa enters the ring and the two men stare off at each other. The crowd cheers and flashbulbs go off as they stand eye to eye a mere foot between them. Barbosa looks down at the microphone and Showtime holds it out for him to take. At that moment Barbosa grabs his arm and spins Showtime around and off the ground, driving him back onto the mat with the Doppleganger. Barbosa stands up and stares down at Showtime. The crowd is mixed mostly in boos as Barbosa bends down and places the belt on Showtime. He then rolls out of the ring and starts to walk up the ramp, paying no attention what so ever to the audience.

Cohen: I love it. One minute he's ruthless, and how here is excited for his match for Vega. Barbosa is the ultimate wild card.

The camera shows Barbosa get into the ring and find a corner that is opposite of Vega.

Copeland: Barbosa, the #1 contender for the WZCW World Heavyweight Champion and former WZCW World Heavyweight Champion, is standing opposite to who may be the greatest WZCW Mayhem Champion of all time, Vega.

Cohen: This match has been on my radar ever since I spotted the official card earlier in the week, Seabass. I have a feeling that we are in for a real treat!

The referee gets a nod from both men and signals for the bell. Vega immediately charges out of his corner and Barbosa replicates his actions. The Mayhem Champion leaps upon meeting in the center and strikes the top of Barbosa’s left shoulder with a stiff chop. This sends him falling down on his back. Barbosa quickly rolls and returns to his feet. Vega is already following up his strike and comes at Barbosa with a swinging kick, but no! Barbosa ducks under it and rolls behind Vega. However, the champ quickly recovers and goes to grapple Barbosa, Barbosa pushes his arms away and lunges in for a quick grapple around his waist. Vega has no chance to defend himself and Barbosa lifts him up, only to drop him down on his knee for an inverted atomic drop! Vega groans in pain as he reaches back for his tailbone, but Barbosa isn’t finished. He steps up to Vega and grabs his neck to take him down with an STO! The crowd pops as Barbosa quickly makes the cover,


Copeland: Partner, this crowd seems to still be confused by Barbosa’s actions earlier in the night. We have seen Barbosa teaming up with the lovable S.H.I.T. for so long that perhaps we all forgot about his true motives, and that is to capture what he refers to as the “big shiny belt”, aka the WZCW World Heavyweight Championship.

Cohen: It’s a cut-throat business Seabass. You can’t blame Barbosa for attacking Showtime earlier in the night. He wants to strike fear in him in any way possible. I don’t blame him at all for wanting to mental game.

Barbosa picks Vega up by his head after the failed pin attempt. However, Vega is still fairly fresh and breaks out of Barbosa’s grasp. Then, he reaches in and grabs the arm of the former world champion and whips him to the ropes on the other side of the ring. Barbosa bounces off of them and returns with momentum. Barbosa runs right into the arms and sweeping leg of Vega for a judo side throw! Barbosa’s back hits the ring mat hard, but he quickly springs back up to his feet. However, Vega has already ran past him and has jumped up onto a set of ropes. He springboards off the second one and returns to Barbosa with a falling knee into Barbosa’s chest! Vega lands on top of Barbosa, knee first, and he remains on top of the ultimate inmate after they land on the ring mat. He puts himself into a mounting position on top of Barbosa and begins swinging with a flurry of punches. Barbosa shields his head with his arms, but Vega keeps going! The crowd boos as Barbosa eats each punch.

Copeland: Vega has Barbosa pegged and those MMA style punches are draining the former world champion.

Cohen: It's a good way to wear him down early on in this match.

Vega stops the punches and begins kneeing the side of of Barbosa, which prompts him to removes his arms from his head to block the knees. Vega uses this to his advantage and reaches for the head of Barbosa. He flings his head forward and smashes Barbosa with a headbutt. The crowd gasps, but Vega isn’t done. He keeps hold of Barbosa’s head, who seems to be in a daze now and goes for another headbutt! The crowd gasps again. Vega shakes his own head now, but looks to go for another one! He lifts his head high and prepares for one more blow! He dives his head, but no! Barbosa reaches up and grabs the head of Vega. Vega shakes his head in disbelief, but Barbosa pulls Vega’s head in to deliver his own headbutt! The blow causes Vega to rise off of Barbosa and stagger away in pain. Barbosa slithers up to his feet and comes up behind Vega. He turns and reaches for Vega’s chin! Now, they are both back-to-back as Barbosa pulls on Vega’s chin for an elevated reverse chinlock! Vega shakes his head “no” as Barbosa prepares to lift him. Just as he does, Vega pushes off the ring mat and is able to use the momentum to flip over Barbosa! The camera shows Alexis clapping in joy at the manuever.

Cohen: What a reversal! Now, both men are standing face to face!

The crowd is buzzing now as Vega looks to capitalize on his reversal, but his ears are still ringing from the headbutt from Barbosa earlier. He throws a strong right hook at Barbosa, but Barbosa ducks and comes in for a side-slam backbreaker on his knee! Vega groans in pain, but Barbosa picks him off his knee and drops him down with a side slam on the ring mat for a pop! We see Alexis slamming her hands on the mat for Vega to get up. Barbosa stays on for the cover as the referee slides in for the count,


Barbosa hunches over Vega after the failed pin attempt, but we see that Alexis has climbed onto the outside apron. The referee takes notice and Alexis begins arguing about something. The referee tries to tell her to get down off the apron. Barbosa takes notice and comes up behind the referee to yell at Alexis. However, as he does this, Vega crawls over to him and hooks an uppercut into the crotch of Barbosa. Barbosa screams in pain as Alexis jumps off the apron. Vega pulls Barbosa back and rolls him up for a pin. The referee notices and makes the count,


Copeland: Woah! Close one there as Vega and Alexis do their dirty work. Disgusting.

Cohen: Cut-throat Seabass. Cut-throat!

Vega grabs Barbosa by the hair and pulls him up into a standing position. He sends a stiff uppercut into his jaw, which puts him into a dazed state. He takes him by the arm and pulls him over to a nearby turnbuckle. Vega climbs up it and walks out on the rope in an impressive display of finesse while still holding the arm of Barbosa. Vega raises his free arm in pride and the crowd boos. The camera shows Alexis very pleased. Vega then leaps off of the rope and lands on Barbosa’s shoulders in a sitting position. He quickly pulls back and performs a beautiful hurricanrana! Vega crawls over to him for a cover after the maneuver,


Vega roars in defiance at the two count. He quickly begins sending a series of punches into the cranium of Barbosa. One after another, until he finally picks him up into a standing position. Vega appears to be going in for a grab, but then leaps up for a flying guillotine choke out of nowhere!

Cohen: Oh my god!

The crowd begins to buzz furiously as Barbosa remains standing, but Vega keeps wrenching the head. He frantically tries to pull back with all his weight to bring Barbosa down onto the mat, but Barbosa is wiggling his body in panic, refusing to fall. The referee is closely watching to see if Barbosa will tap. Vega roars and Alexis just slaps the mat in anticipation on the outside.

Copeland: Barbosa needs to stay on his feet or this is all over!

Cohen: The number one contender is going down!

Barbosa wiggles and wiggles, but then suddenly gets a brilliant idea. He slowly stumbles over to some nearby ropes, while still in the hold. Very fortunate for him, because he begins to fall just as he reaches them. However, he is able to land on the top rope and topples over it with Vega still on him. They both crash to the outside mat, Barbosa on top of Vega, hard! The submission is released! The crowd pops as the referee runs over to the side of the ring where they are at and begin counting them out!

Copeland: Defying all odds, Barbosa fights through the pain and is able to live to tell about it!

Cohen: He is not human!

Alexis runs over to where Vega is and begins to help him get up. Meanwhile, Barbosa slowly crawls to his feet via help from the outside apron. The referee is at 6 now as Barbosa rolls into ring. Immediately after, Alexis helps Vega up and into the ring, under the bottom rope. Barbosa walks over to him and catches him as he is rising to his feet. Barbosa pulls him in and tucks him in-between his legs. He wastes no time and lifts him up for a hot-shot powerbomb into the nearest turnbuckle!

Copeland: Mood Stabilizer to Vega! We know what’s coming next!

Vega is able to remain in a standing, albeit slumped, position after the powerbomb into the turnbuckle. Vega is panting for breath as Barbosa comes in for a grapple. In a vanishing act, Vega drops to the ground and gets pulled out of the ring by Alexis! The referee is furious as he runs over to the ropes and yells at Alexis, however the charade is not enough for him to disqualify the two. Little does he know, Vega doesn’t care one way or the other! Vega begins shouting profanity as Alexis tries to council him. Barbosa watches all of his unfold from inside of the ring. He takes advantage of the temporary breather. We hear Alexis yell at Vega, “what about the win?”, as he angrily stomps over to the announcer’s table. He replies coldly, “it’s not about the win, remember? It’s about killing Barbosa!” Vega grabs his Mayhem Championship, that is next to the announcer’s booth!

Copeland: Vega is going to sacrifice the match to permanently damage Barbosa!

Alexis and Vega argue all the way up to the apron. Alexis wants Vega to win “cleanly”, but Vega disagrees. He jumps onto the apron with the Mayhem Championship in hand, oblivious due to his argument with Alexis, and eats single swinging elbow strike from Barbosa! Vega falls back off of the apron and drops the Mayhem Champion!

Copeland: Yes!

The match is still going as Barbosa prevents Vega’s foreign object assault! Barbosa backs up to the middle of the ring as he looks out at Alexis tending to Vega, who is dazed on the outside ring mat. The referee is counting him out slowly as he reaches the number 7! The crowd is buzzing, but then go into a frenzy as the camera shows Showtime running down the entrance ramp with the WZCW World Heavyweight Championship in hand. Barbosa is completely unaware as Showtime slides into the ring and drops the championship. He gets into a crouched stance as Barbosa continues to watch Alexis and Vega squirm outside, but the referee takes notice of Showtime and stops his count out! Barbosa notices this and turns around to address what the referee is looking at. A standing Final Act from Showtime puts Barbosa sprawled out on the ring mat! The referee calls for the bell!

Harrys: Ladies and gentlemen, here is your winner by disqualification, Barbosa!

The crowd doesn’t know how to react, but they mainly cheer. Showtime goes over to grab his championship as he looks down at Barbosa, who is wailing in pain. Showtime yells out, “an eye for an eye.” Showtime then exits the ring. The camera shows Vega sitting up against the announcer’s table as Alexis comforts him, but he seems clearly frustrated. The camera then shows Showtime walking up the ramp while holding the WZCW World Championship high into the air.

Copeland: Showtime saying that it is in “eye for an eye” for what Barbosa did to him earlier in the night. He is facing an opponent that is different from anyone he has ever faced before, but he is not backing down. It’s only our first show of the calendar year, but things are already heating up. I’m sure that there will be more to see on Ascension and Aftershock, so stick with us over the weekend. Thank you all for joining us for Meltdown 92! Goodnight everybody.

Cohen: Barbosa is not going to be happy about this!

The last shot we get is of Showtime holding the title high, a shot of Barbosa looking up at the entrance ramp in pain, and a shot of Vega slamming the outside mat in frustration as he sits up against the announcer’s table.

FalK - Stormrage vs. Bob, Battle Royale winner segment, Howard/Bob segment
Harthan - Blade vs. Toyota
Kermit - Opening, Baller vs. Showtime, Barbosa vs. Vega, Baller segment, Showtime segment
Showtime - Showtime promo
Yaz - Sacrificial Altar vs. Warren/??? + pre-match segment

I'll take the delay on the chin - the no-shows caused me to begin switching up the shows for no reason and sent me into a crazy jealous girlfriend rampage just like the time where my boyfriend was hanging out with another girl he knows really well and gets on like a house on fire and I don't like seeing him like that because he knows that I'm really special and she's not because she's just a skanky wannabe who doesn't know how to apply make-up and I get really sad and emotional causing me to spiral down into depression and make irrational decisions like take a job as a stripper to get my boyfriend jealous so he knows how it feels to be rejected and jealous because a full-bodied woman has her needs but when he embraces the fact that I'm a stripper and decides to go to my shows I quit my job and decide to work at a truck stop and my boyfriend decides to hang out with her more because he thinks I need my space.

Ascension should be up tomorrow & hopefully, the boards will be up on time as if the shows weren't delayed.
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