Meltdown 87

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the Frog
Narrator: Tonight-

We see a clip of Rush winning the EurAsian championship at Meltdown 75 after defeating Matt Tastic.

The EurAsian Champion-

We see a clip of Rush beating Black Dragon at Apocalypse.

The Undisputed EurAsian Champion-

We see a clip of Rush holding up the belt.

Will defend in his toughest test yet-

We see a clip of Triple X and Westhoff winning the #1 Contendership at the Roulette Rounds.

Against two desperate men-

We see a clip of Triple X’s face after losing to Steven Holmes at All or Nothing. We then see a clip of Mason Westhoff beating Mikey Stormrage.

Who pose a threat-

We see clips from all three men competing in various matches.

A triple threat. So, will old school prevail?

We see several clips of Rush destroying various opponents.

Is faith stronger than might?

We see Mason Westhoff taking down several people.

Or are we on the brink of a new era?

We see various clips of Triple X’s accomplishments.

Only time will tell...


Pyros shootout as the sky-view camera pans over the crowd cheering in anticipation of tonight’s show. We see a graphic show up at the bottom-left of the screen that says the location for tonight: “Lincoln, Nebraska.”

Copeland: Welcome ladies and gentlemen, I am Sebastian Copeland alongside my partner, Jack Cohen, and we are glad to welcome you to the 87th edition of Meltdown!

Cohen: That’s right Seabass and tonight we have a special show in store for everyone at home. Our card tonight is designed to focus on the tag-team title scene and of course, the second-biggest title in WZCW will be on the line as Rush defends the WZCW EurAsian Championship against Triple X and Mason Westhoff in a triple-threat! I can’t wait!


The crowd erupts in boos as Rush makes his way out of the gorilla position and onto the entrance stage with the EurAsian Title draped over his shoulder. He is in a grey suit as he makes his way down the ramp.

Copeland: Well you won’t have to wait long partner. It seems that Rush is going to kick us off here tonight!

Cohen: Yes!

The crowd continues to boo until Rush finally gets into the ring. He request a microphone and gets handed one through the ropes from the outside. He holds it up to his mouth to speak, but the crowd cuts him off with boos. He shakes his head in disgust and then begins speaking.

Rush: Last time on Meltdown I opened the show just as I am doing now. It was at that moment that Big Dave told me that I would compete on free TV and defend my EurAsian Championship against two men.

The crowd lets out a semi-cheer.

Rush: Those two men being Mason Westhoff-

The crowd boos.

Rush: -and Triple X.

The crowd cheers wildly!

Rush: I am a fighting champion. I have never backed down from anyone that wanted a shot at this belt.You wanna know why? Because I have never been afraid to lose this belt.

The crowd boos.

Rush: I have never been afraid because I know that this belt does not define me. Unlike every other single superstar in the back, I know that I am pure wrestler who is above and beyond any modern day “title”. And while I may be above this belt, I’ll be damned if I am going to just let two undeserved challengers take it away from me.

The crowd boos.

Rush: I would rather hand this belt over to someone who actually deserves it. Someone like my partner Sam Smith.

The crowd boos some more.

Rush: I would rather hand it over to him before I ever let some of the filth in the back touch it. You want to know why? It is because old-school workers are a dying breed in this business. I owe it to all of them that are left to pave the way and make opportunities available where they can succeed in this company and not be overshadowed by flashes in the pan. I will not let real wrestling die.

Rush pauses and the crowd is not sure if they should be booing or not.

Rush: So tonight, neither of my opponents have a hope or a prayer-


The crowd boos, but a few of them are actually cheering that someone shut Rush up. Westhoff comes out with a microphone as he makes his way down to the ring.

Westhoff: Oh, I have a prayer Rush. Actually, I have a prophecy. In that prophecy, I see myself standing tall over you and Triple X at the end of the night with the WZCW EurAsian Championship in my hand.

The crowd boos. Westhoff is now entering the ring.

Westhoff: Don’t get me wrong Rush. I respect what you stand for. I respect tradition and I respect your disdain for the new wrestlers like Triple X.

The crowd boos loudly.

Westhoff: In fact, I think that maybe we should make a pact. A truce that no matter what, we make sure that Triple X does not leave this arena tonight with more undeserved gold. What do you say?

Westhoff extends out his hand as the crowd boos him. Rush looks down at it, but before we can figure out what he is thinking-


The crowd comes unglued as Triple X makes his way out from the gorilla position!

Copeland: The most energetic and charismatic superstar on the roster today is here!

Triple X hands out high fives as he makes his way down to the ring. He finally gets into it as Rush and Westhoff watch him. He gets a microphone from someone on the outside and addresses his two opponents for tonight.

X: Really? You guys are going to make a truce to make sure I don’t win that belt tonight.

The crowd boos at the thought.

X: Get a life.

The crowd laughs and cheers as X chuckle’s to himself.

X: Better yet, get ready. Get ready for the most extreme ride of your lives.

Triple X steps up to Westhoff as he gets serious.

X: Get ready for reality where no one but yourself can help you.

Triple X steps up to Rush.

X: Get ready.... for a new era of professional wrestling as two eras collide in the ring tonight with that EurAsian Championship on the line.

Rush steps up himself and gets into the face of Triple X. Rush is a good 10 inches taller than Triple X and the scene of the two men staring at each other is a photographer’s dream shot. The crowd is highly perked up now. Rush pulls the microphone up to his mouth.

Rush: Tonight there will not be a collision of two eras.

The crowd boos.

Rush: Tonight there will only be one era steam rolling the other over. I don't need a truce to dispose of you, or you.

Rush looks over at Westhoff. He finally steps away from Triple X.

Rush: I’ll see you boys later tonight.

Rush drops his microphone and proceeds to exit the ring as his music begins to play.

Cohen: How powerful is that man! Not only in the ring, but also on the microphone. What words of wisdom!

Copeland: This is definitely an exciting way to kick off our night.
We cut backstage and there appears to be a large commotion occurring. Justin Cooper has Saboteur up against a wall and Action Saxton has Alex Bowen in a headlock off to the side. There are dozens of backstage officials trying to pull them apart. Saboteur finally pushes Cooper away and into a group of officials. He proceeds to dive bomb into them as if it were a mosh pit. Meanwhile Saxton and Bowen are now tussling on the ground as officials try to pull them apart.

???: Hey!

We see Big Dave enter into the scene.

Dave: Stop it!

He intervenes with the shoving match that Cooper and Saboteur are in between officials.

Dave: I said stop it now!

Dave then tries to help pull Bowen off of Saxton on the ground.

Finally, after much trouble, the officials are able to pull Saxton and Saboteur to one side and then Bowen and Cooper to one side. Dave now stands in-between them as backstage officials hold onto their arms.

Dave: Look! We already know that SaboSax and The Empire are capable tag teams. Cooper and Bowen, you beat the tag-team champions last round. Saboteur and Saxton, you have already proven yourselves to be mainstays in the division. I don’t want to see that type of brawling tonight. I scheduled you four to be in single matches so that I can judge you on individual performances.

Dave takes a moment to breathe.

Dave: Therefore, I am banning tag-team partners from ringside tonight during the two matches. I want it to be singles competition only! You got that?

Saxton and Saboteur shrug off the officials. Saxton extends out his strong chocolate index finger at Cooper and Bowen.

Saxton: You better bet we will see you two suckas later tonight! Especially you Bowen.

Saboteur nods and the two of them exit off camera.

Cooper and Bowen then shrug off their officials.

Cooper: After we beat those two goons tonight, you are going to hand deliver us a tag team title shot. It is time that WZCW Management stops playing favorites and awards the hard-working.

With that, Cooper and Bowen exit off camera as well. Dave scratches his head as he looks at the ring officials who were helping.

Copeland: It looks like tension is rising in the tag team division. One has to wonder if we are ever going to find out who the #1 Contenders for the titles are. We will just have to take it one step at a time; Saboteur vs. Cooper is coming up next. Don't go away!
Harrys: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!


The crowd pops loudly as Saboteur runs onto the stage. He raises his arms up and down getting them to cheer louder. He starts to run down the ramp and high fives the fans along the way and around the ring.

Harrys: Introducing first, from Union City, New Jersey, weighing 198 lbs, Saboteur!

Saboteur slides into the ring and spins around in the ring. All the fun in the arena gets sucked out when...


Justin Cooper walks out on stage and the crowd boos. Cooper with a sick smile, slicks his hair back and walks down the ramp, eyes locked on Saboteur.

Harrys: And his opponent, from Sydney, Australia, weighing 240 lbs, Justin Cooper!

Copeland: Important match between two men whose tag teams are looking to get a title match against The Bearded Gentlemen.

Cohen: In my mind The Empire already earned it. They beat the tag team champions, they should be fighting them.

Cooper enters the ring brings his arms up ready to strike as the bell rings. The two opponents circle around a bit before locking up near centre. Cooper gets behind Saboteur and locks his arms around his waist. He attempts to take Saboteur off his feet, but Saboteur gets a leg behind Coopers and blocks the attempt. Saboteur reaches down and grabs Coopers hands. He attempts to pry them apart and slowly does, pulling them out to the side. The arms of both men begin to shake, each trying to gain control. Saboteur suddenly thrusts his lower exterior back into Cooper’s waist, causing his to stumble backwards into the corner. Saboteur turns around and repeatedly strikes Cooper as he is trapped in the corner. The ref works his count up to 4 and Saboteur stops the strikes. The momentary break allows Cooper to his a big slap across the face of Saboteur. Saboteur holds his jaw as he steps back a bit. Cooper begins a charge towards his opponent, but Saboteur delivers huge chop of his own that sends Cooper hard onto the mat. Cooper grabs onto the nearby ropes and slowly gets back to his feet. He turns around to see Saboteur standing on the top turnbuckle. Saboteur leaps with a Cross body and connects, transitioning into a pin attempt. 1... Cooper easily kicks out before 2. Both men get to their feet and each go for a European Uppercut at about the same time. Saboteur is able to hit his before Cooper can, and knocks him back off the ropes. Saboteur grabs Cooper on his bounce back and Snapmares him to the mat. Cooper ducks forward, dodging the kick to the back of the head that never came as Saboteur runs towards the far ropes. Cooper sits back up to see Saboteur running towards him. Cooper brings his arms up to block a Shinning Wizard, but Saboteur instead leaps over Cooper, grabbing his neck and slamming him back to the mat. Saboteur goes for another cover. 1... 2. Cooper kicks out again.

Copeland: Saboteur is pulling out a few different moves in this match, keeping Cooper off his game.

Cohen: New moves are always something good to try, but there is a reason to stick to what you’re good at. Eventually you may make a mistake and the results could cost Saboteur if he tries something ridiculous.

Saboteur helps Cooper up to his feet and goes for an Irish Whip. Cooper reverses it and sends Saboteur into the ropes. Cooper bends over to flip his opponent, but Saboteur baseball slides underneath. Cooper turns around and Saboteur lifts him off the mat and slams him back onto the mat. The crowd pops loudly and Saboteur raises his arm in acknowledgement. Saboteur points to the corner and runs towards it. He runs up the ropes and goes for a Whisper in the Wind. Saboteur doesn’t quite get his footing right and flips awkwardly off the turnbuckle. Cooper rolls out of harms way and Saboteur lands hard on his back and neck.

Cohen: See just like that.

Saboteur slowly gets to his knees, but Cooper sends him down to the mat with a Running Shoulder Block. Cooper hooks the leg and goes for his first pin. 1... 2 Saboteur kicks out. Cooper gets to his feet quickly and drops three consecutive elbow drops. He goes for the cover again 1... 2... Saboteur kicks out. Cooper grabs the arm of Saboteur and goes for an Armbar. Saboteur clasps his hands together to try and prevent Cooper from locking it in. Cooper uses one arm and repeatedly strikes Saboteur until he loses grip. Cooper has the submission hold locked in as Saboteur screams loudly in pain. He swings his arm out wildly until he sees how close he is to the ropes. Without so much as a peep or strain, he reaches the one foot needed and grabs the rope. The ref begins the count and Cooper continues the submission until the very last moment, drawing a warning from the ref and boss from the crowd.

Copeland: Cooper using every millisecond of that 5 count to inflict pain on his opponent.

Cohen: And for good reason too. A win over Saboteur and Saxton tonight will solidify The Empire’s claim of being number 1 contenders.

Cooper grabs Saboteur and lifts him slowly to his feet. Saboteur surprises him with a push back and when Cooper steps forward Saboteur hits a Spinning Wheel Kick on him. The two men are down and the crowd is coming alive, cheering loudly for Saboteur. Cooper uses the ropes and both men slowly get to their feet. Cooper is up first and hits a finally standing Saboteur. Saboteur strikes him back, knocking his opponent back a step. Cooper strikes again, but Saboteur blocks and hits him back instead. Saboteur continues to strike Cooper backing him into the ropes. Saboteur grabs the back of his head and hits a One Armed Bulldog. Saboteur goes for the cover. 1... 2.. Cooper kicks out. Saboteur stands up and stares out at the crowd. He holds his arm up and gets a loud roar from the audience. Cooper slowly gets to his feet and Saboteur bounces off the far ropes. Cooper turns right into Super Saboteur! The masked wrestler rises to his feet and points towards the turnbuckle. The crowd roars loudly and Saboteur walks over and slowly climbs up top. He stands on the top turnbuckle and slowly wobbles as he remembers what happened earlier. Saboteur regains his balance and then has his leg clipped out from underneath him by Cooper. Saboteur falls backwards again and hits the mat hard. Cooper seizes the opportunity and lifts Saboteur to his feet. He grabs him by the side and hits Your Final Verse!

Copeland: The Final Verse connects!

Cohen: Oh My God! Cooper might win this match. Pin Him!

Copeland: Cooper is going for the pin.

Cooper falls on his back on top of Saboteur and hooks the legs. He points up to the crowd with his free hand and signals the count. 1... 2.....

He looks back seeing where the ref is. The ref is standing over and points to the other side of Saboteur. Cooper looks up and sees Saboteur hand on the bottom rope. He unhooks the leg and slams his hands on the mat hard in anger.

Copeland: Saboteur with good awareness was able to grab the rope in time.

Cohen: Cooper really has to start looking at where he is in the ring.

Cooper regains his focus and lifts Saboteur back to his feet. He walks with Saboteur towards the middle of the ring and then tries to balance him standing. Saboteur surprises Cooper with a Bell Clap followed by a devastating headbutt. Cooper holds his head and Saboteur as well while he does a half spin. Cooper shakes it off and drops his hands as Saboteur hits a Pele Kick!

Copeland: More Cow Bell followed by GOAL!!!!!!!!!!

Both men lie down on the mat. Saboteur moves first and crawls towards the ropes. The ref has reached 4 when Saboteur gets to the ropes. He starts to pull himself to his feet as Cooper finally rolls over. Saboteur is standing by seven and hearing the crowds cheers. Cooper is to his knees by 8 and by the count of 9 he is hit by the Death Blow. Saboteur falls on top for the cover. 1... 2... 3!

Harrys: Here is your winner, Saboteur!

The crowd cheers loudly as the ref holds up Saboteurs arm. He rolls outside the ring and leans on ring barrier and hands congratulate him. Cooper lies still in the ring as Saboteur walks around and high fives the fans along ringside again.

Copeland: What an explosive contest to kick off Meltdown by Saboteur and Cooper.

Cohen: A competitive match by two WZCW Veterans. Saboteur gets some much needed momentum back for his team, while Cooper has to hope Bowen can pull out a win for his team.


We cut backstage and we see John Constantine instructing Alex Bowen on something.

Constantine: -that way you don't get disqualified. Got it?

Bowen nods.

Bowen: Got it.

Constantine: Alright, now hurry up your match is about to start.

Bowen exits off camera and we see Constantine looks off in the other direction until he finally stops and stares. The camera turns and reveals that it is Sam Smith with the Elite X Title draped on his shoulder. Smith swipes his own nose and then proceeds to walk past Constantine. Constantine stares back at him over his shoulder and then the camera scene fades to black.

On the upcoming Ascension, WZCW is proud too announce that they will reveal their official WZCW Lethal Lottery V Poster! Don't miss it as WZCW prepares for one of the biggest events of the year!
Harrys: Ladies and gentlemen, the following match is scheduled for one fall!


The crowd ignites as Action Saxton burst out of the gorilla position. He is punching the air like mad as he prepares for the upcoming battle with his old nemesis, Alex Bowen.

Harrys: Making his way to the ring, from Wherever He Damn Well Pleases, weighing 270 pounds, Action Saxton!

The crowd roars as Saxton makes his way down to the ring.

Copeland: Well earlier tonight we saw Saboteur take down the controversial Justin Cooper, one-half of The Empire tag team. However, Saxton was not at ringside to see it. This is because at the start of the show General Manager Big Dave issued that tag-team partners were banned from ringside during tonight’s single matches. But partner, I don’t think Saxton minds that at all.

Cohen: You are exactly right Seabass. These two men have more bad blood than an obese man in his 50’s. I wouldn't put it past either of these two men to bend the rules a little bit just to add some extra pain in tonight’s match.


The crowd immediately begins booing at the sound of his music. We see Saxton jumping up and down in the ring as he waits for the sucka to come out. SMACK! Steel to flesh is echoed throughout the arena as Alex Bowen slides in the ring behind Saxton and sends a steel chair into his back.

Copeland: What the hell!

Bowen isn’t done as he continues to beat Saxton to the ground with the chair. The referee is yelling at Bowen to get rid of it.

Copeland: The match hasn’t even started yet!

Bowen smiles wickedly and throws the chair out of the ring. The crowd rains down on him with boos as he makes his way over to a corner and just slumps down in it into a sitting position.

Cohen: This is brilliant! This must be what Constantine was talking to Bowen about earlier. Get in the shots before the match! Haha!

Copeland: Good god, do you not have any sense of morals?!

The referee is checking on Saxton and asks him if he wants to call off the match. Saxton shakes his head no and slowly crawls his way over to the opposite turnbuckle of Bowen. He finally gets to it and pulls himself with the ropes. The crowd cheers him in response. Now that Saxton is up, Bowen pulls himself up from his sitting position and therefore the referee starts the match.

Bowen quickly makes his way over to the wounded Saxton in the corner. Saxton extends out a kick to the mid-section of Bowen, which causes him to stumble backwards. However, Bowen quickly recovers and goes back to the turnbuckle. Saxton kicks again, but this time Bowen grabs the leg! With an impressive display of strength, Bowen pulls Saxton out of the turnbuckle by one leg and drops him on his back! The crowd boos as Bowen proceeds to put one boot on top of Saxton’s face and begins smothering him like a fire! Saxton gasps for air, but finally pushes the boot off of his face. Bowen responds by stomping on Saxton’s forehead!

Copeland: How is this fair? The whole reason why Big Dave said no tag-team partners was to prevent things like this. Damn The Empire! Damn John Constantine!

Cohen: What do you expect Seabass? WZCW Management once again made brash decisions that would impair The Empire. They couldn’t just let themselves be subjected to that type of treatment.

Bowen stomps on Saxton again, and this time Saxton rolls away and begins crawling to the middle of the ring. Bowen follows behind and proceeds to pick Saxton up by his afro. But wait! Saxton sends a stiff punch into the jaw of Bowen! This causes Bowen to flail backwards and then Saxton sends a kick into his gut! Bowen eats it and bends over, but Saxton uses the position to grab Bowen’s arm and whip him into the ropes, but no! Bowen reverses and sends Saxton into the ropes! Saxton bounces off of them and returns to an elbow from Bowen, but he ducks. Saxton turns back around to assault the off-guard Bowen, but Bowen is ready for him and grabs the arm of Saxton to pull him in for a STO! Bowen makes the cover,

Kick Out!

Bowen pushes his hair back after the close count. We see Saxton just grabbing onto his back in pain. Bowen gets up to his knees and crawls over to the head of Saxton. He then proceeds to lock in a sleeper hold! Saxton won’t have any of it and begins to immediately punch at the forearms of Bowen. Bowen grits his teeth as he absorbs the blows. He tries to keep the lock on, but he eventually has no choice but to let go. Saxton just falls on his back after the hold is released and grabs his neck and back in pain. Bowen is now standing and he shakes his arms after the blows. He knows that there are more efficient ways to take down the manly superstar without having to acquire welts and bruises on his forearms. The crowd boos him as he looks out to them and pushes his hair back. He then proceeds to look over at a nearby turnbuckle. He has spotted the position where he wants to attack from.

Cohen: It looks like Bowen is going up high. I love it!

The crowd boos as Bowen ascends the turnbuckle. Meanwhile, Saxton has begun to stir and is slowly making it up to his feet. Bowen is now perched up on the top ropes and sees that Saxton is putting himself in prime position to eat The Derby Shot! Bowen holds up his hands in preparation for the double axe handle slam from the top rope! The crowd is cheering for Saxton to turn around and notice the King of Mayhem! And he does! Bowen’s taunting is his folly as Saxton sprints to the turnbuckle and jingles the top ropes. Say goodbye to Alex Bowen Jr. as Bowen drops onto his manhood on the top turnbuckle. The crowd cringes over the drop. Saxton however is ready to act as he turns around and grips the neck of Bowen. He pull and flips and executes a sick rolling snapmare from the top rope! The crowd goes wild as Saxton lands on his feet after the maneuver and Bowen is in a dazed sitting position in the center of the ring. Saxton roars as he delivers a crisp sounding Kung Fu Kick to the head of Bowen!

He makes the cover,

Kick Out!

Copeland: Saxton turned the odds and delivered a stiff kick to the head of Bowen, but he still kicked out. I don't believe it!

Neither can the crowd or Saxton. He shouts out “damn!” as he makes his way back to his feet. Coincidentally, Bowen is also making his way up to his feet in a daze. Saxton notices this and holds up a fist as the crowd roars. They know what is coming. They know that Saxton is about to deliver a Megaton Punch! Bowen finally gets to his feet and is turned away from Saxton as he staggers to keep himself up. He finally turns around and Saxton goes for the million dollar punch! It’s a miss! Bowen dodges it and pulls Saxton’s head underneath his arm. He lifts him up for The End of Days, but no! Saxton jumps out of it and as Bowen turns around to find out where his opponent is, we hear a smack! Lightning strikes as Saxton sends his finishing kick into the jaw of Bowen. He crashes down onto the mat and Saxton makes the cover with the crowd cheering behind him,


Harrys: Ladies and gentlemen, here is your winner by pinfall, Action Saxton!

Saxton springs up to his feet in triumph as the crowd lifts him up in praise.

Copeland: Saboteur and Saxton are 2 for 2 tonight and they have backed up their claim at a shot at the tag-team champions.

Cohen: This doesn’t prove anything. The Empire work best as a tag-team. They are better than Saboteur and Saxton as a tag-team. This was a ploy by Big Dave to make them look weak. Everyone has their weaknesses, but why should Big Dave try to purposefully humiliate The Empire like this? WZCW Management should be ashamed of themselves.

Saxton is now making the way up the ramp as he holds his back in pain and connects with high fives to fans. The camera fades out.


We cut backstage and we see Mason Westhoff enter a dark room with a purple hue. He closes the door and kneels down in front of someone sitting in a chair.

???: Rise.

Westhoff returns to his feet. The camera turns and reveals that Grand Mystique is sitting in a throne-like chair.

Mystique: You have already proven yourself to me Westhoff. There is no need to kneel unless I request it.

Westhoff: Rush didn't take the offer. The plan to use him and then turn on him when he least expected will no longer work.

Mystique: It is fine. I knew that he would reject such a offer.

Westhoff: Then why ask?

Mystique: Because now he has a small splinter in his mind. If it comes down to it, he will think that he can rely on you. That, even how small it may be, could make the difference in your match tonight. Every accomplishment comes from planting a seed Westhoff.

Westhoff nods.

Mystique: You will do well tonight. I trust you to carry out the plan of The Sacrificial Altar alone.

Westhoff: Thank you. I will not fail you.

The camera fades out.


The camera shows Barbosa and S.H.I.T. walking down the backstage hallway side by side. Barbosa keeps looking over at S.H.I.T., but whenever S.H.I.T. checks to see if he is being looked out, Barbosa looks away.

Copeland: There they are! A fresh win over the former Tag Team Champions, Saboteur and Saxton, and now they will take on the current Tag Team Champions, Bearded Gentlemen. This team is red hot and a win tonight will definitely shake up the tag-team division! Don't go away, Technosa vs. Bearded Gentlemen is next!
Harrys: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!


Harrys: Introducing first, weighing in at a combined 467 pounds, the team of Barbosa and S.H.I.T.!

Barbosa and S.H.I.T. make their way out to the stage, S.H.I.T. stalking without passion to the ring with the occasional disdainful glance into the crowd, although with a vague air of curiosity. Barbosa, meanwhile, follows more slowly, muttering and apparently carrying on a conversation with himself. The crowd cheers, although many don't know quite how to react to the surprisingly not undisputedly strangest team in WZCW.

Copeland: Barbosa and S.H.I.T. are one of the hottest tag teams in WZCW right now, scoring big wins left and right, including a victory last week over former champions Action Saxton and Saboteur.

Cohen: They've got a real test in front of them tonight, however, as they're facing the current, defending tag team champions.

Copeland: That's right, Jack - a victory for this outlandish duo could make them the new heirs apparent to the tag team championship.


Harrys: And introducing their opponents, weighing in at a combined 460 pounds, the WZCW World Tag Team Champions, the team of the Beard and Le Gentleman Masqué - the Bearded Gentlemen!

The Beard and Le Gentleman Masqué make their way out, a pair that couldn't look more different, the Beard a rugged towering figure and Masqué a lithe figure clad in top hat and cape. They share together a shiny new championship belt strapped around their waists, however. The Beard makes his way to the ring slapping the hands of the fans on his way, while Masqué twirls his cane and nods to the fans on his side of the aisle. The two enter the ring simultaneously, Beard mounting a turnbuckle while Masqué removes his costume.

Copeland: The new tag team champions took a setback last time around, as they lost against the Empire.

Cohen: I predicted a short lived reign for these two, and so far they haven't done much to prove me wrong, losing to the Empire last time on Aftershock. The tag team scene is just too good right now to lose your step for a moment, and if they're not careful, they're going to be without those belts very soon.

The two teams are both in the ring now and the referee instructs them to separate. Barbosa looks to be starting for his team, squaring off against Masqué. The referee looks over both men briefly before signaling for the bell and we are underway. The two circle around for a moment before Barbosa closes the gap and takes hold of Masqué with a headlock. Barbosa transitions quickly to a quick whip of Masqué into the ropes, meeting him on the rebound with a stiff shoulder block. Masqué gets to his feet quickly and goes after Barbosa with a quick assault of strikes to the head and body, backing Barbosa into the corner. Masqué tries to whip Barbosa across the ring but the bigger man reverses it, sending Masqué into the opposite corner and charging after him. Masqué quickly grabs the ropes and lifts himself up, trying to close his legs over Barbosa's head, but Babrosa hangs on, puts Masqué over his shoulder, and takes him into the center of the ring. Masqué senses that Barbosa is looking for devastation and gets out of it quickly, leaping over to his corner and tagging in the Beard. Beard charges at Barbosa with a boot aimed at the chest, but Barbosa catches it, and shoves him down to his back with a push to the boot. Barbosa drops a quick elbow before picking Beard up by his head and dragging him to the corner, smashing his face into the turnbuckle and hitting him with a forearm to the back. The referee backs Barbosa up and he takes a step back. Beard takes the opportunity to pop out of the corner and reverse positions with Barbosa, forcing him into the corner and following with a sequence of hard knees to his gut. Barbosa falls to one knee and the referee backs Beard out of the corner, leaving Barbosa to catch his breath. Beard goes back after him quickly, but Barbosa is able to reverse it, whipping Beard into the opposite corner. Barbosa charges and nails him in the gut with a shoulder, then hits him with a running bulldog out of the corner! Beard manages to stagger back to his feet and Barbosa tries to elevate him for a powerbomb, but the big man gets out of it and Barbosa stumble back to the ropes. Beard charges at him and Barbosa quickly grabs hold of him and uses his own momentum to send him over the ropes, but Beard just catches himself on the apron! He's in a precarious position as Barbosa tries to knock him off, but Beard quickly grabs Barbosa's head and drops down, smashing Barbosa's face into the ropes as he hits the outside!

Copeland: A very hard hitting match early, with both teams not wasting much time in going right after each other.

Cohen: These are two teams with something to prove - they're not interested in a feeling out process. This is what these fans paid to see!

Beard grabs hold of Barbosa's leg and pulls him out of the ring, the two in front of the announce tables as Beard swings a wild right at Barbosa. Barbosa catches it and throws one of his own - a blatant closed fist! It knocks Beard to the ground and Barbosa surveys his work - but Masqué out of nowhere leaps onto the announce table and flies off with a kick right to Barbosa's skull! The referee has begun a count on the outside as the two men groggily stir. Masqué helps Beard to his feet while the referee argues with S.H.I.T. about something unclear, and the tag team champions work together to roll Barbosa into the ring. Beard gets into the ring himself and tags Masqué back in, where Masqué gets right to work on Barbosa with a headlock. Barbosa struggles for a good while before fighting to a vertical base; Masqué separates immediately and hits a high dropkick that drops Barbosa right back down! Masqué goes for the cover and gets one, two, but only two as Barbosa kicks out. Barbosa staggers to his knees and drapes himself over the middle rope, trying to stand, but Masqué goes after him with shots to the back, the referee having to back him off of Barbosa. Masqué tags in Beard and then turns Barbosa to face Beard, grabbing hold of his arms, Beard coming in and kicking Barbosa right in the chest hard and following with a headbutt! Masqué exits the ring and Barbosa is flat on his back for Beard, who lifts Barbosa to his feet and then elevates him, and then CRUSHES HIS BACK WITH A HUGE BACKBREAKER! The strength of Beard is on full display with that huge move, and Barbosa somehow manages to roll to the ring apron to avoid the pin. Beard slides out of the ring and goes after him, but Barbosa somehow manages to grab Beard by the hair and headbutt him from his back! Barbosa is desperately fighting to counter Beard and he continues the headbutts until Beard backs away, letting Barbosa roll back into the ring in search of his tag team partner. Beard gets back in quickly as well and tags in Masqué, who immediately closes the gap and stomps Barbosa in the back, stopping his move toward his own corner.

Copeland: The tag team champions are quickly taking control of this one, and it's going to be very hard for Barbosa and S.H.I.T. to win if S.H.I.T. never enters the ring.

Cohen: Tag team wrestling 101 - isolate one of your opponents and cut the ring in half. If one of them never gets into the ring at all, you know you did your job exceptionally well.

Masqué continues the offense on Barbosa with a quick leg drop, after which Barbosa rolls into the corner. Masqué gets to his feet and follows, Barbosa standing himself up in the corner, Masqué hitting a quick shot to Barbosa's gut before pulling him out and forcing him to his knees with more shots to the body. Barbosa keeps himself on his knees by holding onto the ropes as Masqué tags in Beard - Barbosa makes a quick move to his corner, he's about to tag in S.H.I.T. ! But no, Beard is there to stop him with a hard kick to the back that collapses Barbosa. Beard pulls Barbosa to his feet and tries a suplex, but Barbosa blocks it and stays on his feet. The two are locked up in the center of the ring, Barbosa hits a shot to the gut, gets a knee in there, he's creating some separation, but Beard cuts him off with a hard strike to the jaw that sends Barbosa staggering into the corner. Beard hits him hard with a boot to the gut and the referee backs him off again, but Beard get right back in there - Barbosa counters with a shot to the gut! Barbosa is fighting off Beard from his knees, hitting strikes to the body to back him up, but again Beard cuts him off with a fierce boot to the head! Beard backs up to the opposite side of the ring and waits for Barbosa to get to his feet, looking for a big corner splash, Barbosa is on his feet, Beard charges - Barbosa gets the boot up! Beard is backed up violently and staggers to one knee, Barbosa is trying to get to his corner, Barbosa - BARBOSA FLIPS UP AND OVER TO THE TOP ROPE! He got to the top in a feat of acrobatics that has the crowd in awe, Beard turns to face him and is met with a flying clothesline from Barbosa!

Copeland: I've never seen Barbosa do anything like that before! What a maneuver!

Cohen: The old Tiger Corner Flare '89! I practically invented that move, Seabass!

Both men are down in the center of the ring and reaching for their corners, both men are reaching, Beard tags in Masqué - but Barbosa reaches S.H.I.T., and both men charge at each other! S.H.I.T. hits a clothesline, Masqué pops up, S.H.I.T. hits another, Masqué gets to his feet, S.H.I.T. hits another and Masqué stays down! S.H.I.T. calculates his next move - and goes right for the Industrial Strength Vice! He's got it locked in right in the center of the ring, Beard is nowhere to be found - and Masqué taps! Masqué taps!

Harrys: Here are your winners, the team of Barbosa and S.H.I.T.!

S.H.I.T. gets to his feet and Barbosa limps over to him, raising his arm as the two celebrate their victory. Masqué rolls out of the ring to join Beard, just now recovering from the onslaught he faced. The tag team champions look stunned at the sudden loss.

Copeland: A submission victory out of nowhere! S.H.I.T.'s first appearance in the ring was enough to get a tap out victory!

Cohen: That just goes to show you the power and unpredictability of the Industrial Strength Vice - and it's a move like that that could bring these two to become tag team champions!


We cut backstage and we see Ricky Runn, Thrash, and Krypto in a hallway. Ricky Runn is just smiling and nodding his head as Thrash rubs the sleeve of the massive coat Runn is wearing. Meanwhile, Krypto is rubbing the tail-end of the coat on his face. He then looks to see if Runn or Thrash is watching him. After confirming that they are not, he begins rubbing the coat on his crotch.

Runn: I'm telling you guys, this is the luckiest coat on the planet.

Krypto is startled by Runn speaking and positions himself in front of Runn with Thrash.

Runn: At first I thought it was bad luck, but just as I was paying $20 for it, I was told that it was half-off! Then, on the way to the arena today, I found out my aunt died by some weird peanut allergy. But guess what, she left me $10! So the coat was basically free!

Krypto: Yes, yes, but you said it possessed some kind of magical powers that would increase a chance of winning matches. How do I unlock it and use it so that I can win the Lethal Lottery?

Runn backs away.

Runn: This coat is mine Krypto and for my use only. I'm going to use it to beat Connor Reese on Ascension and then go on to win the Lethal Lottery. Only then will I allow you to use it for those purposes

Krypto: That is not fair! I heard you let Donny J use it earlier in the evening.

Runn: What?!

Thrash: Yeah, I actually saw him humping it in a locker room earlier. I would of intervene, but come on. You understand right?

Runn: Ahhh!

Runn rips off the coat and throws it on the ground.

Runn: That coat isn't lucky. It is cursed!

The three of them walk away from it and exit off-camera. The camera then looks down at the coat and it suddenly spontaneously com-busts. We hear this in the back ground.


We cut backstage and we see Triple X sitting on a bench inside of a locker room. He is wrapping white tape around his wrist as we hear the crowd cheering inside of the arena. He finishes and proceeds to pull out a red sharpie from a gym bag down at his feet. He takes the cap off with his mouth and writes a red "X" on each of his wrists. The screen begins to turn grainy and then black and white. Finally, it statics out and we now see the WZCW EurAsian Champion walking down a hallway with the strap around his waist. The filter of the scene remains grainy and black and white as the old-school champ makes his way to the the gorilla position for tonight's main event.

Cohen: Faith, New School, and Old School collide in our main event! Don't go away!
We return to Meltdown a night full of action and drama already behind us, but there is still one more event to come, the main event in fact. The crowd is waiting as Truman Harrys begins his pre-match duties:

Harrys: Ladies and gentlemen, your final match of the evening is a triple threat contest set for one-fall and it is for the EURASIAN CHAMPIONSHIP!

The crowd lets out a small cheer, hoping to conserve their energy for the actual contest. Then they come unglued as the first participant is introduced:


Harrys: Introducing the challengers, first, from Phoenix, Arizona, weighing 220 pounds; TRIPLE X!

X jumps out from behind the curtain and is clearly extremely excited. He is like a ball of energy as he moves from end to end on the entrance stage, trying to get the crowd even more in his corner. Eventually, he sprints to the ring, determined and focused.

Copeland: Former Elite X Champion Triple X looks to try and claim the EurAsian Championship tonight and make himself one of the few men in history who can brag about holding both prestigious championship’s.

Cohen: That may be what he hopes will happen Seabass, but I can’t see it happening. There are just too many factors working against him.

Copeland: Oh really, name one.

Cohen: The fact that he’s an idiot who instead of capitalising on his opponents when they’re down decides he’s going to risk not only the match but his life with some stupid flippy move. That sort of factor.

Copeland audibly groans at Jack Cohen’s response and rolls his eyes as Triple X poses with his signature X taunt before the music and mood in the arena changes:


Harrys: Introducing next, from the ashes of Bridge to Salvation Church in Texarkana, Arkansas, weighing 238 pounds and representing the Sacrificial Altar; MASON WESTHOFF!

Westhoff’s traditionally ceremonial like entrance begins. He looks skyward towards his Almighty. As the music begins to ramp up, he climbs to his feet and makes his way to the ring, a sole spotlight shining on him.

Cohen: This guy right here is the dark horse and might even just be my pick to win this...

Copeland: There can be no doubt that Mason Westhoff has been impressive lately and his recent run of good form would be capped off perfectly by bringing some gold to the Sacrificial Altar.

Now Westhoff sits in the ring in the same pose as the start of his journey to the squared circle. X watches on, prepared for him and the final entrant whose music now kicks in:


Harrys: And finally, from Montreal, Quebec, Canada, weighing 322 pounds he is the reigning and defending EURASIAN CHAMPION; RUSH!

The monster who has been champion since Meltdown 75 enters the arena very slowly. He wears the glittering EurAsian gold around his waist and smiles. He walks very slowly to the ring as if making his challengers for the evening think very carefully about facing him.

Copeland: It was last July at Meltdown 75 when Rush became the EurAsian Champion. He would claim sole rights to the gold at Apocalypse back in October and since then he has been a dominant force. No one man has been able to stop the reign of the beast known as Rush. Can two men do it Jack?

Cohen: I don’t know Seabass, but I’ll tell you this, if there ever was a night, tonight is it. Rush looks in great shape though and I don’t think I’d ever bet against the champ.

Copeland: But you already said you’d take Westhoff to surprise the world.

Cohen: Well I’ve changed my mind. I’m allowed to do that it’s a free country after all.

As Rush enters, all three men stand across from one another, Rush holding his EurAsian Championship up high as if to provoke his enemies for the evening. X looks at Westhoff who stares intently at the belt. The straight-edge superstar notes the distraction and charges at the distracted Westhoff. He nails a forearm to send Westhoff through the ropes. The bell rings and Rush smirks at this sudden development. He prepares to clock X with the title, but the high-flyer ducks the shot of gold, in fact holding down the ropes to send Rush and his EurAsian Championship to the outside. X looks left and right before letting out a scream of intent. He backs off swiftly before sprinting like an athlete, twists and hitting what can only be described as a Fosbury Flop! His body crashes onto his opponents and all three men are down! The fans chant Triple X’s name.

Copeland: Well that’s one way to start a championship contest.

X is the first man to his feet following the flop. With one hand he holds his back and the other he pumps his fist in the air. Rush is not too far behind and neither is Westhoff as all three men begin to rise. Highly focused on X now, Rush does not notice Westhoff behind him and the Sacrificial Altar member nails Rush in the back of the head with a stiff elbow. X decides to capitalise on this opening and executes a beautiful enziguri to down Rush. The champion is in trouble early. Westhoff though picks his spots well and as Triple X climbs to a standing position, Westhoff delivers a facebuster, giving him control of the contest. He notes that with Rush down, victory will be easier. He picks the lighter Triple X up and tosses him back into the ring. He soon follows. X grabs the ropes trying to get to his feet while Westhoff stalks him like a predator. Grabbing X’s skull, Westhoff tosses his foe like a rag doll and sends him crashing into the mat. He walks over before following up with a standing leg drop He moves over into a cover, making sure to push X’s skull into the mat whilst doing so; 1...2...KICK-OUT!

Checking to see if the champion is stirring, Westhoff notes that the mammoth Rush’s hand is on the apron. He rises to his feet, taking no note of Triple X’s movements. Rush’s top half is now leaning forward on the apron and he prepares to reach upwards when Westhoff gets up a sprint to try and throw a move at Rush. However, what Westhoff meets isn’t Rush but the ropes as the champion dodges the manoeuvre. Taking notice of his enemies predicament, Rush wraps Westhoff’s arms around the ropes, exposing his chest to the open air. He clenches a fist and strikes not once, not twice, but over and over again until he has clobbered Westhoff a total of ten times! Eventually he allows Westhoff out of the ropes and the Texarkana native collapses forward. Rush steps over the ropes and sees Triple X getting to his feet. He recalls the earlier attacks by Triple X and moves towards him with pain suffering in mind. He grabs a risen X by his neck with both hands and reduces him quickly to his knees. He screams in X’s face:

Rush: You do not disrespect me! I am your champion, understand you arrogant little man?

There is no response and Rush hoists the former Elite X Champion into the air and dropping him. He then allows himself to drop with an elbow falling onto Triple X’s midsection. A cover follows: 1...2...KICK-OUT! Triple X continues to show solid resolve.

Copeland: Triple X has sustained a plethora of punishment after the early advantage he had developed...

Cohen: Well that ought to teach him for being an ‘arrogant little man’.

Now motivated from the earlier ‘disrespect’ shown to him, Rush picks X up effortlessly. He uses a mere one hand to execute a hard bodyslam. This display of raw power continues as Rush alternates the arm he uses, picking Triple X up for a second bodyslam. Only with the third bodyslam does the defending champion use both arms. He turns as if prepared to drop another elbow over X, but is met face-to-face with Mason Westhoff much his and the crowd’s surprise. A stiff kick is thrown and Rush is briefly winded. It allows Westhoff the opportunity to do something unbelievable and using every fibre of his being he begins to lift Rush off his feet and high into the air with a gorilla-press! The arena gasps and cheers.

Copeland: The power! The strength! I cannot fathom it!

Freaking out and flailing like mad, Rush eventually manages to wriggle free. Taken aback, Rush heads to the corner and stares at Westhoff in surprise.

Cohen: Rush is used to being the powerhouse in a match. Westhoff’s strength is underrated as he just showed.

It is not often Rush is put in such a predicament. Triple X meanwhile has rolled out of the way and found sanctuary in the opposite corner. Westhoff stands in the middle between his two opponents. The fans clap and cheer, anticipating a greater second act to this already enticing contest. Westhoff looks at both men before deciding he should pursue the fresher Rush. Westhoff invites Rush out of the corner for a lock-up. With sweat creeping down his brow Rush smirks slightly and nods, accepting. The two men lock up neither wanting to give up ground. They are like two beasts in the wild and neither wishes to back-down. Eventually Rush though manages to gain the advantage, shoving Westhoff back. Westhoff is quickly back to his feet and tries to lock up again, but Rush this time smashes him down with a straight big boot. Angered by the earlier display of power by Westhoff, Rush decides to upstage his foe by lifting him off the mat. He does exactly the same feet, but with much less surprise as he raises Mason high into the air with a gorilla-press. He walks around the ring as if to show off and display a real sense of superiority. Meanwhile, Triple X has managed to get into position for a springboard. He bounces off of one set of ropes into an Arabian Press off another, before flipping onto Rush who collapses backwards, dropping Westhoff. Holding his body in pain, X covers the champion; 1...2...KICK-OUT! Rush throws X high into the air with his kick-out.

Copeland: Just as we suspected this is a clash of styles as the high-flying Triple X uses an unorthodox display of offence just as Rush attempts to use a vast array of power.

Not to forget Mason Westhoff, the other challenger rolls away from the action for the time being. He finds solace in yet another corner of the ring. Rush on the other hand is right in the midst of the fire and rises to confront Triple X who is also back to his feet. X throws a few forearms at Rush, but the champion appears un-phased and pie-faces X before shoving him down. The offence of X seems to annoy Rush more than anything else and the already angered giant is starting to boil even more. He wishes to end X once and for all and to do that he requires a finisher. So the big man throws his leg into X’s midsection to drop him to his knees. He puts him in position before using a throat slit taunt. He picks X up into a powerbomb position, prepared to put this one to bed. However, just as Rush prepares to throw X, the challenger wraps his legs around Rush’s bulging neck. This exposes the midsection of Rush something which Mason Westhoff looks to take full advantage of. He sprints as fast he can and charges, executing a spear on Rush! All three men fall, but it is Westhoff who squirms into a cover on Rush!

Cohen: This is it, a new champion!

1...2...BREAK-UP! Triple X boots Westhoff off of a cover and jumps into one of his own: 1...2...BREAK-UP! Westhoff returns the favour grabbing X off of the pin. Westhoff and X face-off for a moment, standing over the fallen Rush. They prepare to do battle when suddenly the big man sits up! Both men step back in surprise as Rush holds his ribs. He starts to get to his feet when Westhoff and X look at one-another and nod. They both attack Rush, but the veteran throws his arms at them, cracking the both in the head. He turns, grabbing Triple X who is closest to him and whips him into the corner. Westhoff attempts to jump him, but Rush sees him coming and whips him into the corner also. Both men are now stacked. Rush smirks at this development. He backs away from the two challengers prone in the corner before swiftly turning and charging at their corpses. He gains momentum before slamming right into the two man stack. The sheer ferocity of three men’s bodies crashing together makes even the turnbuckle and its metal supports buckle slightly. Rush backs out, rubbing his chest as Westhoff, top of the pile, falls backwards out of the corner. X, bottom of the pile, slowly slinks out tripping over the fallen Westhoff. Rush laughs heartily and raises his arms in mock victory. Then a new idea creeps into his head. He turns slowly to analyse the destruction he has caused and one side of his face lights up with a smile.
Copeland: Uh, oh, this can’t be good.

Moving over to his fallen foes, Rush picks up Mason Westhoff first before lifting X to his feet also. They are stood as if waiting in a line and indeed they are as Rush grabs their limbs, pushing them together before hoisting them both high into the air! Both men are in real trouble as the crowd gasps in awe at a Double Torture Rack!

Copeland: Oh my God!

Cohen: That’s how you put an exclamation point on things!

As Rush laughs at his dominance, he doesn’t realise that his grasp of the hold is weakened due to its larger load. This allows the man on top, Triple X, to slip out fairly unharmed as Westhoff continues to take the full brunt of the attack. X, desperate to end the submission and save his title hopes, does what he does best; he flies high! Running up the turnbuckle he had earlier been squashed against, he throws himself at Rush and Westhoff with a whisper in the wind! This happens just as Rush turns to see what has become of X and thus the challenger’s body smashes the champion square in the face. Westhoff is freed but in no state to capitalise at this moment and X has managed to land on top of Rush! 1...2...KICK-OUT! Using his vast strength, Rush powers out of the pin again, throwing X off of him. Rush rises at the same speed as X and it appears we have another stand-off suddenly. With strategies devising in both men’s heads, Triple X chooses to act first. He charges at Rush, but as the big man tries to grab him he moves away. X then turns and without stopping, charges at him again just as Rush turns. He is nailed with a flying forearm, but Rush is merely staggered. X rises swiftly and repeats the effort, nailing a second forearm. Again, the giant is merely staggered. Then a third attempt. This time the big man goes down. The crowd roars as Triple X completes the sequence with a kip-up! He takes in the crowd’s adulation for a few seconds before looking at the top turnbuckle with a steely determination. For better or worse Triple X begins to climb.

Cohen: What is this doofus doing? He has Rush on his back. Go for a cover you moron!

Copeland: That’s not Triple X’s style Jack. He’s a high-flyer and he’s going to try and end it with a high-octane move.

Reaching the summit, Triple X tries to reassure his footing. This takes his eyes away from his opponent. This costs him though as Rush throws himself at the ropes to shake X and crotch him. Now to his feet, Rush grabs X’s skull and throws a vile right hand at his foe. He then stands on the bottom rope and repeats before rising to the second rope and again repeating. He does so a third time as his large frame tries to balance on the top rope along with X. The fans sense something big is coming.

Copeland: Both men now in a dangerous area. This turn could turn out really bad for both of them.

Both men up top, Rush throws his foes arm over his neck. He prepares ready to set up a massive superplex. He takes a deep breath and a moment to compose himself when suddenly his expression changes. He begins to panic as he tries desperately to see what is occurring behind him, but we can see as Mason Westhoff rises up once more, this time beneath Rush. He has Rush in an electric chair like position. The crowd’s anticipation and excitement rises and a cheer begins to grow louder and louder. Rush still has X in the superplex position as Westhoff falls backwards! The tower of doom hits as the superplex connects along with a massive electric chair drop! The arena explodes for the carnage.

Copeland: What a move! All three men crashing to the mat below!

Cohen: Westhoff’s in a prime position to pick up the win though, look!

Sure enough, Mason Westhoff is the freshest of the three and crawls over into a lacklustre cover on the champion. 1...2...

Cohen: He’s got it in the bag! We’ve got a new champion!

...KICK-OUT! Rush throws his arm in the air and Westhoff can’t believe it. He looks at the referee who holds two fingers to him in confirmation. He shakes his head and looks like he’s about to cry, the emotions riding high. He looks to the sky, to his almighty before remembering that there is another man he can defeat in this match; Triple X! He clambers over Rush and throws his anatomy onto X for another cover: 1...

Copeland: Surely this time!?!


Cohen: Mason Westhoff, welcome to the big time...

...BREAK-UP! Rush pulls Westhoff off of the cover. The two men glare at one-another as Westhoff thought he had it. He throws a stiff foot into Rush’s face and follows up with another, finally sending Rush away. Westhoff gets to his feet and looks at his two adversaries. He looks at the fallen X and then glances over at Rush who holds his face, but is preparing to get back to a standing position. Westhoff backs off for a second and waits for Rush to take his hands from his face so he can charge and deliver a big lariat. The thud of the move is solid and Rush is taken off his feet. Westhoff begins to feel in total control and shakes, knowing he is in the driving seat. Westhoff peels Rush from the mat and whips him into the corner. With Rush in prime position, the Sacrificial Alter member sprints straight at his enemy and unleashes a big boot.

Copeland: Westhoff appears to be getting closer to that win he--

Cohen: Not so fast Seabass, take a look!

Rush has Westhoff’s leg having moved his head at the right moment. He smirks as Westhoff panics. Using his strength, Rush lifts Westhoff up before grabbing Westhoff’s other leg; this puts Mason in position for the Rushing Powerbomb! The EurAsian Champion runs forward a little at first, preparing to toss his opponent, but just as he lifts Westhoff, a resurrected Triple X makes an appearance! The second challenger delivers a swift, precise and downright devastating X-Rated superkick square to Rush’s jaw! The crowd cheers loudly, stunned by this sudden turn of events. Rush collapses, Westhoff falling on top of him in a seated cover:

Copeland: What a move by Triple X, but the awkward landing!

1...2...X-RATED TO WESTHOFF! The finisher strikes Westhoff this time and he rolls off of Rush. Both his opponents down, and adrenaline pumping, X flashes a look at the top rope, then to the crowd and finally to his opponents, noting their heads are right next to one another only Westhoff is lying face-front. The crowd roars X on and he sprints as fast as his body will take him over to the corner. He jumps to the top rope, takes a deep breath and leaps backwards for his trademark finisher; The Firefly! The moment seems to pass in slow-motion as the crowd watches X’s death-defying flips and twists in mid-air before ultimately he crashes down on top of not just Rush and not just Westhoff, but both men. There is a moment’s pause for the move to register, but the crowd cheers like crazy seconds later. They are jumping up and down like mad, delighted with what they have seen, but then it sinks in, X is in position for a cover on top of both men! The referee is in place; 1...2...3! The eruption that follows the third slap is deafening! Harrys has to practically shout over the fans.


X drags his wounded carcass off of his foes, unsure if it’s all over, but he looks around to see the referee retrieving the EurAsian Championship. The official, Jurou Akiyama hands X the title whilst holding his hand up high, X crumbles to his knees, emotion overriding his being. He smacks the title several times in recognition of his accomplishment and sheer delight.

Cohen: He did it...he actually did it...

Copeland: The reign of Rush is over! The reign of Triple X has begun!

Cohen: Well, hats off to him. Perhaps I don’t say it often, but X has defeated the greatest EurAsian Champion of all time and in some style. His high-flying may irritate me to no end, but when it pays off, it does so in spades.

Holding his newly won prize high in the air, X is jubilant. There is a huge smile on his face and perhaps a tear in his eye too. In stark contrast, the fallen Rush very slowly rolls out of the ring, the damage done. Westhoff remains flat on the mat with little movement; the match official is next to him, checking up on his status. X starts to climb the turnbuckle with his new title and holds it up high for all to see. He raises it high in the air to thunderous cheers.

Copeland: Well ladies and gentlemen, this was a show for the history books. We saw a new champion crowned as another was defeated. Triple X has climbed his way to the top of the EurAsian mountain that is Rush and he’s claimed his most prized possession too. From all us here at WZCW, I’m Sebastian Copeland, he’s Jack Cohen and we’ll see you tomorrow for Ascension! What a night!

Our final shots are that of Westhoff finally beginning to stir some more, Rush lying on the outside and Triple X standing tall with his music in the background holding his championship up high in ultimate victory.

Funkay: Rush (c) vs. Triple X vs. Mason Westhoff
Harthan: Bearded Gentlemen vs. Barbosa & S.H.I.T
Kermit: Alex Bowen vs. Action Saxton, Opening, Segments
Showtime: Saboteur vs. Justin Cooper

Hey guys! I hope all of you enjoyed the show as we draw closer and closer to the Lethal Lottery! Rep these fine gentlemen as we look forward to bringing you Ascension and Aftershock!

Congrats to Triple X on capturing the EurAsian Title! All three men did a great job in the RP thread.
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