Meltdown 79

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WZCW's Mr Excitement

As the lyrics command, the audience screams as pyro explodes all over the arena stage. Once the firework display finishes, the crowd volume increases even further. They’re pumped for yet another edition of WZCW’s flagship; MELTDOWN! And we’re welcomed by our lead announcer, Sebastian Copeland:

Copeland: Welcome ladies and gentlemen to the 79th edition of WZCW Meltdown where tonight we will no doubt witness some phenomenal matches and we’ll also deal with the fall-out of the shocking revelation at the end of the last Meltdown when Big Dave was revealed to be the new General Manager of Meltdown!


Just as the crowd had calmed itself down, it once more erupts in joy as the newest authority figure in WZCW arrives.

Copeland: Speak of the devil...

Cohen: ...and he’ll appear Seabass.

Dave smiles broadly as he begins to walk down towards the ring, high fiving various fans on his way down to ringside. He’s clearly ecstatic to be in this new position of power and he’s relishing every second.

Harrys: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome your NEW GENERAL MANAGER OF MELTDOWN; BIG DAVE!

Somehow the grin on Dave’s face get seven bigger as Harrys makes the announcement. He climbs into the ring and shakes the long-time ring announcer’s hand, both men smiling and enjoying the moment. Harrys hands Dave his microphone and exits the ring to take a seat down at ringside. Dave stands in the middle of the ring, licking his lips as the adulation continues. He is about to speak when the crowd cheers even louder still. Dave takes a few steps back and chuckles lightly. He looks around the arena to take in this glorious reception he’s receiving from a capacity crowd. Then, Dave goes to speak a second time and everything that is good in the world is washed away by some very old, very classic music:


The reaction to the music on Dave’s face is one of expectation. He raises his eyebrows, keeps a slight smile and nods, mouthing “its okay” as the arena’s love turns to hatred. Enter Steven Holmes. The arrogant aristocrat slowly makes his way out, his eyes narrowed, a look of utter disdain riddled upon his face. He already possesses a microphone and uses it almost immediately, despite the thunderous boos.

Holmes: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Meltdown a show that once--

Somehow, someway, the booing intensifies as Holmes speaks. He is almost drowned out by the sound of this pure, unrelenting show of disgust. Holmes’ disdain also increases as this audience attempts to silence him. He will be heard though and resumes his speech, only louder.

Holmes: --That once was the flagship of WZCW. A show that was once a home for the great and powerful in WZCW. Meltdown, the home of Steven Holmes’ first match, the home of Steven Holmes’ capture of the Mayhem Championship, the home of my destruction of the creature you can all see stood in the ring and the home of my ongoing war with it.

Holmes has reached the bottom of the ramp and is now making his way towards the ring steps, preparing to enter the ring. Big Dave has barely moved an inch and his face is still adorned with a smile.

Holmes: This show was once filled with brilliant talent that displayed why WZCW was the premier brand in professional wrestling. Now? Now, thanks to the egotistical, narcissistic and deceptive fool that is Chris K.O., now we are bearing witness to the downfall of an empire. The arrival of Big Dave...

Holmes is now not only in the ring, but getting closer and closer to Big Dave. He is mere inches from the new GM’s face. He utters “Big Dave” with real venom too.

Holmes: the General Manager of Meltdown is a decision that not only sickens me, but also signals the end of an era of quality.

Holmes pulls his microphone away from his mouth as if to allow Dave to offer a rebuttal, but just as Dave goes to move his microphone is position, Holmes speaks again.

Holmes: But do not fear I am here to prevent such a thing. I am here to restore this program to its original glory. I am here to make sure that the new era we all live in will be a magnificent one that I, Steven Holmes shall lead the way in. It will feature me as the World Heavyweight Champion standing over the rotten corpses of those who dare stand against me. The likes of Chris K.O. and the likes...

Turning to Big Dave, Holmes gets within inches of his former rivals face, a look of deep resentment etched on his face.

Holmes: ...of you.

Holmes finally removes the microphone he has from his mouth, smirking now as if to say “beat that” to Big Dave. The crowd heaves piles of heat on Holmes. They are deeply angry with his statement and they make him know it, though he is not fazed. He backs off, and now, things take a change as Big Dave lifts a microphone to his mouth.

Dave: That’s quite a statement Steven. You’re going to lead a crusade to stop me from bringing WZCW, and more specifically Meltdown down? Well I wish you luck, I truly do, and you know why?

Making a face and asking “why”, Holmes starts to move in once more, but Big Dave beats him to it, surprising the “Elite”.

Dave: Because you don’t want to cross me again!

Holmes’ eyes flash wide open out of sheer surprise. He stands still for a moment as Dave’s face crumples into a look of supreme anger. The crowd loves this. Then, Holmes’ face changes, the surprise fading away and a look of evil coming across his face. He smirks like the serpent he is and backs away, chuckling to himself. He exits the ring, and begins to march his way to back, leaving Dave on his own in the ring.

Dave: I was going to come out here and cut the standard welcome promo Holmes. I was going to do that, but I figured that you’d do something like this. So I took a look at the cards and I saw you weren’t scheduled for action tonight.

Holmes stops half-way up the ramp, and turns slightly to face Dave.

Dave: So, I made a match especially for you tonight.

The crowd roars with approval as Holmes turns fully and begins mouthing off to Dave about how this is “ridiculous”.

Dave: And because I know you loved the surprise of me becoming GM last week, I’ve decided that your opponent is going to be a surprise this evening as well. So enjoy.

The crowd revels in Holmes’s getting his comeuppance for the time being. Holmes himself considers storming down to the ring, but thinks better of it, turning and retreating into the back instead to prepare. Dave bids him farewell with a wave.

Dave: So ladies and gentlemen, I’ll try to keep this as brief as possible seeing as Steven Holmes has already taken up so much valuable time. So, I just want to thank each and every one of you who supported my career as a wrestler and who will no doubt continue to support my career as a General Manager. It’s an honour and a privilege to serve you all each and every week in whatever capacity and I hope I do you all proud. So without further delay, let me welcome you all to WZCW Meltdown! Thank you!

Dave gives the crowd a fist pump of recognition before exiting the ring and preparing to make his way up the ramp.

Cohen: That was disgusting the way Dave stole the limelight from Steven Holmes. Utterly diabolical.

Copeland: I’m sure most will disagree with you as usual Jack, but like the GM said, Holmes has already taken up much precious time. So let’s get ready for some action!
We return to Meltdown with a pumped crowd ready for an evening of excitement and entertainment. The arena comes unglued as Wizards and Warriors strike the arena with some Minibosses:


True to the theme, Alhazred enters the arena, the crowd offering a still mixed reaction. He looks out into the arena with a sour grimace on his face. His jaw is in place almost as if ready to unleash something. As he prepares to march down to the ring, the mouth is finally able to unleash a bellowing scream.

Harrys: Ladies and gentlemen, your first bout of the evening is set for one fall, introducing first, from his Secret Underground Laboratory, weighing in at 178 pounds; MISTER ALHAZRED!

Copeland: No one is quite sure what to make of Alhazred’s return to WZCW let alone his rumblings with Barbosa and S.H.I.T.

Cohen: Regardless of allegiance, Alhazred’s been formidable since returning from injury. That we can’t deny.

The doctor turned mister enters the ring, walking to the centre, before lifting the almighty Powerglove high in the centre of the ring. He bouncers in the centre of the ring, rotating in a circle and showing off the glove to all four sides of the arena, before returning to face the tron and his upcoming opponent:


As the first guitar chords are struck, the crowd begins to turn from a mixture of delight and displeasure into just pure dislike. In walks the Mayhem Champion;

Harrys: And his opponent this evening, from Brooklyn, New York, weighing in at 228 pounds, he is the MAYHEM CHAMPION; ACE STEVENS!

Stevens stares out into the audience, motioning to his Mayhem Champions as a way of declaring his superiority. He starts to walk down to the ring, slicking his hair back along the way. Meanwhile in the ring, Alhazred looks on, doing some ever so slight tinkering with his Powerglove in the ring. Stevens yells some trash talk at Alhazred as he prepares to enter the ring.

Copeland: This is an intriguing battle between two very different men and two very different wrestlers. One wonders how this will play out.

With Stevens now in the ring, he continues to pose uttering numerous bits of trash talk to all that boo him. And then he squares up to Alhazred and talks some trash to him too. Alhazred’s face is deadpan, refusing to react to the “petty” insults being hurled his way. Then, Stevens reaches out to touch the Powerglove. To Alhazred this is much more insulting than a few swear words and without warning, Alhazred smacks Stevens with his non-Powerglove hand, sending the Mayhem Champion staggering backwards the referee calls for the bell. Alhazred comes right out of the blocks, continuing to swing at Stevens. The first misses due to poor judgment. The second connects. The third grazes him. The forth fails to connect due to Stevens falling backwards. The Mayhem Champion realizes that he’s in severe danger and scuttles backwards into a corner, and away from Alhazred.

With a look of surprise, Stevens uses the ropes to climb to his feet with the former Doctor fast approaching. Stevens though is a fast thinker and as Alhazred throws yet another punch, he grabs hold of an armbar, twists the master of the Powerglove around and throws all his bodyweight on top of him. He repeats the process, not once, but twice. At this point, Stevens releases the arm and backs away. With the wind knocked out of him, Alhazred grabs the ropes to lean against and regain his breath. Unfortunately for him, Stevens is persistent and splashes him in the corner. As the Mayhem Champion backs off, Alhazred flops forwards.

Copeland: Despite a strong opening from an enraged Alhazred, Ace Stevens has turned this one on its head using some street fight style tactics.

Cohen: Everything he did was perfectly legal; he merely outwitted Alhazred on this occasion. Smart thinking from the champ.

As Alhazred turns onto his back to make breathing easier, Stevens drops to one knee, runs his right hand through his hair and then proceeds to lay into Alhazred with the same hand, striking him over and over again. The referee attempts to break it up to no avail and so begins a count; 1-2-3-4-STEVENS STOPS! The loudmouth from Brooklyn gets to his feet and backs off to avoid a disqualification. Just as he lets up, allowing Alhazred to reach out in order to crawl away, Stevens stomps him right on his head. This leads to the first pinfall attempt of the match. 1...2...KICK-OUT!

Quickly to his feet, Stevens backs away from his downed opponent, and actually allows him to get to his feet. Groggily, Alhazred pushes himself to his feet; his senses dulled due to the head focused attack. This attack continues though as when he finally gets to his feet, Ace Stevens charges at Alhazred, connecting with a powerful facebreaker! Alhazred almost falls in slow motion, collapsing backwards. Stevens stands over his adversary and slicks his hair back just as he did before, only this time he drops an elbow after the taunt. He cockily pins Alhazred: 1...2...KICK-OUT!

Copeland: Stevens is merely trying to rub salt in the wounds that he has caused with such a display of arrogance.

This may be true Mr. Copeland, but it cannot be denied that Stevens is in control of the match at the moment. Barely even moving the elbow dropping arm, Stevens gets to his feet, bringing Alhazred along with him. He now goes to deliver a scoop slam, which Alhazred tries to fight his way out of. With both legs off the ground, but not quite in place for the slam, Alhazred flails in a bid to avoid the violent move. It is a bid that is partially successful as he is instead merely dropped by Stevens, and while this blow is no doubt painful, it is several degrees less so than a full scoop slam would be. Stevens is unrelenting though and smells blood in the water.

He is hot in pursuit of Alhazred, but his arrogance is shown as he allows his guard to be down for a mere few seconds. He leans down to pick Alhazred up, but instead gets caught with an inside cradle! 1...2...KICK-OUT! The Mayhem Champion pops out, stunned by this turn of events. He has to even regain his sense of direction as he stands up urgently, only to face the wrong way, allowing Alhazred time to recover. The former Tag Team Champion comes out with a clothesline. It’s fairly weak but does the business. Stevens is quickly to his feet, only to be met with a second clothesline. The comeback is on as Alhazred pops in with a third successive clothesline. With momentum on his side, Alhazred flows directly from the clothesline over top the ropes which he bounces off of, and manages to catch Stevens, once more to his feet, with a swinging neckbreaker! 1...2...KICK-OUT! Stevens is in trouble now, and it becomes even more apparent as he tries to get to a standing position only to be met with a single handed bulldog.

Alhazred looks around the arena at the people in attendance, and a strong majority are supporting him tonight. He feeds off of their positive energy, and holds his Powerglove up, shaking as he does so, before bringing it down into a fist position. At this point, he falls onto the Mayhem Champion with a fist drop. Stevens’ head takes the full brunt of the force, and as he rattles off the mat, his hair goes everywhere. Alhazred goes for a cover, trying to smother Stevens as he does so. 1...2...KICK-OUT! Stevens crawls away after cover, gasping for air, and realizing that his hair is in fact a complete and total mess.

Even though he’s in the middle of a match, Stevens is still vain enough to exclaim to the much in control Alhazred that he’s messed up the champions “doo”. Alhazred though cares not and loads up a huge right hand which he goes to slam into Stevens face, the Springsteen fan only dodging at the last second. Clutching the failed fist in pain, Alhazred grimaces, allowing Stevens to take advantage, hoisting the former Apostle to his feet and delivering an old school airplane spin. Speeding up more and more, Stevens causes not just Alhazred to be dizzy, but also himself. Eventually dropping the load that is Alhazred, Stevens almost drunkenly staggers to the ropes for support. Alhazred falls onto his backside, totally dizzy from the move.

Cohen: YES! The airplane spin may be as old as you Seabass, but it still works even to this day.

Now with the stage reset, both men are still groggy, but Stevens is less so and he moves towards Alhazred. He applies a front facelock, and looks to execute a lifting DDT, one of his signature moves. However, Stevens finds that with his attempts, come an effort to stop the moves. He looks to deliver it, only for it to be blocked. He tries again in desperation, but again it’s blocked. Before a hat-trick of attempts can be reached, Alhazred smashes his fist into Stevens’ body. This loosens the Mayhem Champions grip considerably, so much so that Alhazred can deliver a powerful uppercut. With Stevens out on his feet, Alhazred delivers the crushing final blow; a swinging right hook, devastating Stevens and sending him crashing down. Alhazred moves into the cover. 1...2...3!

Harrys: Here is your winner; MISTER ALHAZRED!

Alhazred rises to his feet, sweat pouring down his face as he allows the referee to touch the gauntlet latched onto his hand and raise it to signify him as the victor.

Copeland: The Triforce Combination surprised Stevens and allowed Alhazred to continue an impressive return.

Cohen: No doubt an impressive return, but Stevens could have had that match won. Alhazred had some luck on his side tonight.

Suddenly Connor Reese appears in the crowd and runs over the barricade. With Stevens still shaking off the cobwebs caused by Alhazred's assault, he is near oblivious to Reese taking the Mayhem Championship and raising it above his head to a great cheer.

Copeland: "It's ever so clear that young Connor truly covets Ace's championship more than ever ahead of their big match at Apocalypse."

Cohen: "And somehow Alhazred got the win and there was no sighting of SHIT or Barbosa!!"

Before Stevens can react, Connor slides the belt into the ring next to the champion where Stevens clutches it to his chest. He may be dazed but he is very much aware that Connor had put his hands on his precious belt. Connor has left as quickly as he entered.
The following match is scheduled for one fall!!

On his way to the ring from Toledo, Ohio, weighing 247 lbs, he is the King of Mayhem, Alex Bowen!!

Copeland:“After a brutal match last week, Alex Bowen should be optimistic tonight!”

Bowen storms the ring with fury written all over his face. He keeps looking around but doesn’t look at or interact with the fans.

Cohen: “He doesn’t look happy and I wouldn’t be facing this chump.”

Copeland: "I think he has someone else on his mind."


And his opponent from Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, he weighs 212 lbs, he is the White Knight of WZCW, Chris KO

Copeland: “Chris is a hero for what he has done and what he is standing up to Apocalypse.”

As the masked hero arrives, the crowd eat up his arrival with massive enthusiasm. He removes his helmet before entering the ring and staring across at Bowen. They circle around each other before the bell rings.

Cohen: “Chris KO wishes he could be the wrestler and the man that Steven Holmes is.”

As the two men tie up and their comparative strength is clear as they butt heads like bulls in the middle of the ring. Chris seems to get the advantage but Alex surprises him by taking him down with an adept takedown. Chris instinctively goes for the headscissors reversal but Alex traps his arm and shifts his position. Alex wrenches the arm around his neck and brings KO up to his knees before hitting a bulldog to drop his former stablemate to the floor. Chris gets up quickly and checks his head as he smarts from the surprisingly technical start to the match.

Copeland: “This is impressive by Bowen. He really has improved and it’s a brave choice to go toe to toe with Chris on the mat.”

Cohen: “Chris is going to be schooled by Holmes so this is a little preview for him!”

He charges at Bowen, but he gets sidestepped and Bowen sends him to the ropes but Chris comes back with a spinwheel kick that meets Bowens’ scarred forehead. He sprints to capitalize on his strike and lifts Bowen, hitting a series of uppercuts that stun the King of Mayhem before a charging clothesline drops him to the mat once more. KO goes for the cover, 1..... Bowen powers out. Chris immediately clamps on a side headlock.

Cohen: “Alex Bowen needs to slow this pace back down and break Chris.”

Copeland: “Chris has the chance to switch this back up a gear right now.”

Chris tightens the hold as he brings Bowen to his feet but the hardcore legend elbows the White Knight in the ribs. The first strike has no effect but as he repeats the strike out of desperation, the hold loosens and Chris grabs the arm and tries to switch into the Burning Crusade submission, but Bowen counters this brilliant and drops KO with a belly to back suplex!

Cohen: “OK, I'll agree, that was great counter wrestling by Alex Bowen!”

Copeland: “Bowen’s improvement is stark but I don’t know if Chris is really in trouble yet.”

Bowen hooks the leg somewhat lazily and goes for a cover, 1.....2....KO powers out. Bowen grabs his arm and uses it to drag his opponent to his feet. Bowen wrenches it over some more and then hits a smooth STO to drop Chris on the mat face-first. Bowen tries to drag Chris into the Weight of Your Sins but KO is conscious enough to fight the submission which could well end the match but Bowen isn’t able to lock in the free arm, KO rolls him up, 1.....2.....Bowen gets a shoulder up! Bowen tries to move out of the ring but KO stops him, pulls him back in and hits a German Suplex!! Chris goes for a cover, 1.....2......Alex just about kicks out. Chris pulls Alex up into a clinch and buries a knee into his ribs before slamming him down to the mat. KO goes for another cover, 1....2....Bowen rolls out. Bowen tries to roll out of the ring but Chris stops him, pulls him up and goes for the Butterfly Effect but Bowen back body drops out of it!

Copeland: “I thought Chris had it there, but Bowen dug deep to reverse it!”

Cohen: “Chris will keep on going for that move, he’s just that stupid!”

Copeland: “He’ll go for that move because he’ll be confident that he can hit it and end the match with it.”

Chris is sharply back to his feet but is met by jab after jab from Bowen; he spins and nails a discus clothesline! Bowen stalks Chris once more and then gets impatient and grabs him, setting up for his own double underhook move. Bowen gets Chris off his feet but can’t keep him up, Bowen drops him and KO pushes him away,Chris kicks him in the gut, hooks the arms and nails the Butterfly Effect! Chris hooks the leg, 1....2.....3!!

Your winner by pinfall, Chris KO!!

Copeland: “Brilliant resilience by Chris KO sees him get the win!”

Cohen: “That was easy because Bowen made a mistake!”

Copeland: “That was a solid technical showing by Alex Bowen but he didn’t quite have enough!”

We cut to Steven Holmes backstage who is watching on a monitor. The Elite superstar nods as he ruefully looks on at Chris' celebrations in the ring.

Copeland: "Whether he admits it or not, I think Holmes is have to be impressed."

Cohen: "Oh Seabass, Steven Holmes doesn't have to do anything. He would be impressed by someone achieving something remarkable, like his own recent streak. The man has been nigh untouchable since before the Lethal Lottery. That's impressive."

Bowen pounds the mat in frustration as Chris KO makes his way up the ramp. The lights cut off and a familiar lighting sequence hits, the crowd boo as they seem to guess what is coming and when the lights reappear, the Grand Mystique is standing in the corner opposite an exhausted Alex Bowen. The booing increases tenfold.

Cohen: “Oh my, could this be the meeting that been hinted at for so long!”

Copeland: “The Grand Mystique and Alex Bowen are in the same ring at last. This can’t end well!”

GM steps up to him and shakes his head. Bowen shoves him away but the larger man doesn’t budge, Bowen shoves again and this time the larger man fires back but this only fires up Bowen some more and the hardcore legend ignites! Bowen fires off punch after punch and the rapid strikes finally send GM reeling into the corner! Bowen whips him into the corner and follows this up with a charging clothesline but the big man doesn’t fall instead he rakes Bowen’s eyes before taking Bowen down with an atomic drop then a snap mare and a running dropkick to the face!

Copeland:“It’s not fair for Bowen to endure this beating so soon after a close match!”

Cohen: “Where’s the White Knight when you need him? I love this!!”

The Grand Mystique takes a step back before grabbing Bowen, lifting him effortlessly and slamming him down to the mat with all his might. He goes to grab a mic from ringside before crawling back into the ring and getting Bowens’ face.

GM: “That was the Hand of Prophecy.....and will feel its force when it smashes the legacy of the hardcore legend of pieces.”

The lights cut out once more and the Grand Mystique has vanished when they come back up.

Cohen: “Well that was a massive statement. The Grand Mystique has issued a challenge to the hardcore master.”

Copeland: “I’d say that was more of a demand, but I think Alex will accept. After this, he has to doesn’t he?”

Some of the backstage crew rush down to help Bowen but the hardcore superstar tries to refuse their help, instead he staggers up the ramp, desperately looking for some vengeance.
The following match is scheduled for one fall!


On his way to the ring from Buckingham, England, he weighs 235lbs, he is The Elite Steven Holmes!

We hear the majestic music once more, signalling the re-entry to the arena of WZCW’s Elite. He looks less than pleased to be here. When he reaches the ring, he grabs a mic.

Holmes: “This insanity needs to be stop. It’s quite unfair to me to compete without knowing who I am here to face!”

A rapturous cheer is heard as Meltdown’s GM, Big Dave appears on the Titantron from his office.

Dave: “Steven, hey over here Holmesy!”

Holmes: “Dave, don’t make me come back there and beat you, you snivelling freak!!”

Dave: “Oh such love, look I’m just here to give you a hint as to your opponent this evening. He’s small and he’s quick.”

Holmes: “Is that it? You’re ridiculous!”

Dave: “Oh no, the last clue is that he is right -”

The lights in the arena cut off as if struck by a complete power cut. At least that is our impression as we hear Dave’s voice.

Dave: “Behind you!!”


The lights come back up and the crowd roar as they realise the surprise!

Copeland: “Look Jack, on the apron!!”

Cohen: “Steven, turn around!”

The lights come back up and as Holmes looks around in confusion, he is met by Ricky Runn who has sprung from the top rope and crashed into him with a plancha that gets massive air. The bell rings as the crowd whoop and holler and Ricky feeds off the energy. He bounces off the ropes and splashes him with the Rick Roll! Holmes is up quickly as he tries to escape the high speed offense, Ricky backs off, runs the ropes and hits the RickyRana straight into a pin combination! He goes for a cover, 1....2....Holmes barely gets out of the pin attempt!

Copeland: “What a return for the youngster! Steven Holmes doesn’t know what’s hit him!”

Cohen: “This isn’t fair! What is it with all these mystery opponents recently!”

Copeland: “Are you kidding Jack. Holmes forced Dave’s hand with his protests! Clearly Ricky is ready to return after he was assaulted at the Redemption pay-per-view and I’m delighted to see him back!”

Ricky doesn’t miss a beat and immediately heads to the corner where he sits on the top rope. Holme is moving really slowly as he struggles to get his bearings. With Holmes on the opposite side of the ring, Ricky leaps off but Holmes dives out of the way. Ricky crashes and burns in the centre of the ring. As is his manner, Holmes pounces with a series of stomps focussing on the upper body. Holmes grabs a front headlock and snaps a suplex off, dropping Ricky back down to the canvas with superb technique and little effort. Holmes floats across for the cover and for added insult he grinds his elbow across Ricky’s face.

Cohen: “Haha I was waiting Ricky to botch something soon!”

Copeland: “Well Steven Holmes certainly has gained control of this one. The Second City Daredevil is grounded.”

1......2.....Ricky kicks out. Holmes hooks a chinlock, forcing the young cruiserweight to take a massive weight on the back of his neck. Ricky is soon doubled over but he forces Holmes to adjust by pushing up on his legs. But ever the technician, Holmes adapts and hits a beautiful high angle belly to back suplex! Having dropped Ricky on his neck once more, Holmes swoops in for the cover and is only interrupted by the referee spotting a leg draped across the bottom rope. The fans cheer this display of spirit from Ricky but Holmes is appalled.

Cohen: “That was three!”

Copeland: “Ridiculous, you have the same view I did. Ricky clearly put his leg on the rope in time.”

Ricky is dragged unceremoniously to his feet before Holmes lifts him onto the top rope. Once Holmes begins to ascend, Ricky comes to. He seems to recognise the danger and his fighting spirit reappears with a flurry of quick offense but it only unbalances Holmes, the time gives Ricky enough to fight into position and he dives off the rope over Holmes and hits a brilliant sunset flip powerbomb! 1.............2............3, No! Holmes kicked out!!

Copeland: “I don’t know how that wasn’t three. A brilliant counter to the superplex! Ricky’s been on fire!”

Cohen: “Holmes needs to end Ricky now! Come on!”

Ricky is gutted as he realises how close that was. Holmes is dazed but Ricky is ready. He backs off from Holmes before springboarding off the middle rope and going for a flying clothesline but Holmes ducks. Ricky lands on his feet and, without hesitating, he runs the ropes but before he can turn, Holmes grabs him from behind with a waistlock, pulls him backwards and rolls Ricky up! 1.....Holmes grabs the rights, 2......Ricky is struggling desperately but Holmes is too strong and the ref can’t see it............3!! Steven Holmes cheated and stole a win from Ricky Runn!!

Cohen: “Yes!!”

Your winner by pinfall, Steven Holmes!

Copeland: “The sneaky son of a bitch!”

Cohen: “Show some respect for the Elite, Seabass! Steven just needed to do what is necessary! It was necessary to beat Ricky here tonight!”

Steven has scarpered from the ring with Ricky feeling hard done by. Holmes grins maniacally and points to his temple, showing that he thinks he has outsmarted everyone.

Copeland: “I don’t know why I am surprised with anything Steven Holmes does anymore. If Chris KO didn’t have enough to worry about with Steven Holmes, he has to be concerned with how desperate he will be to win at Apocalypse!”

Cohen: "Chris KO will be the desperate one once Holmes gets his hands on him. Yet another pay-per-view that Steven Holmes doesn't get his deserved World Championship shot. It's going to make him mad and Lord knows what he will do."
Harrys: This tag team match is scheduled for one fall!


A spotlight shines on the stage, revealing Mason Westhoff on his knees, arms outstretched and wearing something similar to a Catholic priest’s vestments and Derek Jacobs, arms raised in the air behind him. They begin walking toward the ring, ignoring the crowd.

Harrys: Introducing first at a combined weight of 538 pounds, The New Church!

Copeland: A great opportunity for this new young tag team; they’ve been on a roll lately, but can they keep their momentum going?

Cohen: The New Church is hungry for glory Copeland, but no doubt this will be a test for them tonight.

They climb in the ring and perform the same pose in the center of the ring before Mason removes the robe to prepare for the match.


The music hits and he slowly goes out to the Stage. Angel kneels down on both knees and looks up and throws his arms out; he looks at the ring and begins to walk towards his opponents.

Harrys: From Mexico City, weighing in at 180 pounds, Angel!

Angel climbs into the ring and stares across the ring at Westhoff and Jacobs, as the New Church talk strategy.


Titus comes out to the stage. He high fives the fans and walks down to the ring. He gets into the ring he climbs a turnbuckle and points to the fans.

Harrys: And his opponent, from Keystone City, Kansas, weighing in at 225 pounds, Titus!

Copeland: Titus and Angel are one of the more prevalent mentor/mentee teams; it’ll be interesting to see how well they work together in this match.

Cohen: In other words, let’s see just how well Titus has trained Angel.

Angel and Westhoff start things off; the two superstars begin to circle each other before locking up. They grapple, but Westhoff pushes the smaller luchador backwards. The two lock up again, but Angel dodges, goes behind, and begins kicking his opponent in the leg. Westhoff pushes him off, but Angel takes him down with a hurricanrana. Westhoff slides out of the ring to regroup, as Angel plays to the crowd. He runs across the ring looking for a baseball slide, but Westhoff dodges and levels Angel with a clothesline. He picks Angel up and rolls him back into the ring.

Westhoff chop blocks Angel in the knees, and starts to pound away with a flurry of punches. He hoists him to his feet, and Angel tries to elbow his way free, but Westhoff cuts off his momentum with a knee to the gut. He picks Angel up and powerslams him. He follows up with a series of elbow drops, and drags the smaller man over to his corner and tags in Derek Jacobs. The giant of a man overwhelms Angel with clubbing blows and shots to the ribs. He picks him up and hits a double underhook backbreaker, and continues to apply pressure with Angel draped over his knee. The crowd gets behind him, and Angel tries to mount a comeback. He gets to his feet and kicks himself free by targeting the big man’s knees. He runs, bounces of the ropes, and runs right into a big boot. Jacobs drives him back into the turnbuckle and tags Westhoff in once more.

Copeland: Angel just can’t catch a break here, he’s being dominated here.

Cohen: It’s smart strategy by the New Church; isolate the smaller man, wear him down, make him an easy target.

Jacobs hits a series of elbows in the corner before Westhoff hits a running big boot, as Angel crumbles. Westhoff lifts him up and hits an Alabama slam. He goes for the cover…



But Angel kicks out. Westhoff starts to choke Angel on the ropes, but the referee forces him the break the hold. Westhoff taunts Titus on the other apron, and whips Angel into the adjacent turnbuckle. He rushes in, looking for a clothesline, but Angel dodges as Westhoff crashes hard. Angel hits the Whisper in the Wind and goes for a cover of his own…


But Westhoff gets the shoulder up quickly. Angel tries to whip Westhoff into the ropes, but he reverses it. He tries for a snap powerslam, but Angel counters and hits a reverse armdrag. Westhoff walks forward into another armdrag, as Angel starts to build momentum. He tries for a springboard crossbody, but Westhoff counters with a dropkick as both men are down. The referee starts to count as both men begin to crawl to their corners. Westhoff tags in Jacobs the same time Angel makes the hot tag to Titus, the former WZCW champion flies into the ring.

Copeland: And Angel makes it corner and makes the hot tag to Titus!

Cohen: After all that punishment the kid still managed to persevere.

Titus ducks under the big man and takes him down with a spinning heel kick. Westhoff tries a sneak attack, but Titus decks him with an elbow strike. He begins to light him up with chops to the chest while pushing him back towards the turnbuckle. He tries to whip him forward, but Westhoff counters and throws him towards a waiting Jacobs, who picks up Titus in a military press. Titus struggles, and manages to counter and hits a DDT! Westhoff charges forward, but Titus ducks and drills him with a swinging neck breaker. Titus plays to the crowd and climbs to the top rope. He stalks Westhoff, and flies off the top and nails him with hurricanrana which sends him flying over the top rope!

Cohen: Titus is on fire right now. Angel should be taking notes.

He meets a recovered Jacobs with chops to the chest, and takes him down to the mat. Titus points to Angel, and tells him to watch as he kicks Jacobs in the head. He goes for the cover…



But Jacobs kicks out. Titus tags Angel in who measures Jacobs; he tries for a handspring elbow, but Jacobs catches him. He tries for a running powerslam, but Angel counters and nails him with another DDT. Angel goes for another cover…



But Westhoff breaks up the pin. Titus and Westhoff begin to brawl leaving Jacobs and Angel alone in the ring. Jacobs lifts the smaller man on his shoulder, but Angel slips off and kicks Jacobs twice in the leg, and once in the head. He runs off the ropes and tries to follow up, but Jacobs meets him with a running big boot. He goes for the cover…



But Titus breaks up the 3 count. Titus and Angel try to double team Jacobs, but Westhoff fights them off. He whips Titus into the ropes but Titus ducks and runs to the other side, and Westhoff flattens him with a spear from out of nowhere! Angel turns and walks right into Jacobs who grabs him by the throat. He lifts him up and nails The Payday! He makes the cover…




Harrys: Here are you winners, The New Church!

Copeland: Titus and Angel put up one hell of a fight; but luck just wasn't on their side tonight.

Angel is still laid out as Titus moves to check on him as Jacobs and Westhoff back up the ramp victorious and with even more momentum than before.

New Church emerges backstage from the curtain. Jacobs is very pleased with their work as Westhoff preaches to him the pros and cons of their match. A clapping sound is heard and they turn to see that Meltdown GM, Big Dave, was waiting for them.

Westhoff: Please do not clap for us, pray that future tag teams will not be hurt by our dominance in the ring.

Dave: Mason, I sure do hope that will not be the case, because looking at the product we have in WZCW so far, I am pleased to say that right now the tag team division is probably at the best talent level since... the Full House of Daves and Second Coming. Do you remember those teams.

Westhoff: No... I was not following WZCW back then.

Dave: Well... we put together some very good matches and I am happy with your performances these past two shows, so I am going to book a match here. At Apocalypse it will be Saboteur and Action Saxton verse The New Church for the tag team championships. How does that sound?

Jacobs: Praise the almighty Brother Westhoff.

Westhoff: Brother Jacobs, hold your joy for a minute. At last the almighty has awarded us for our efforts. Thank you O'Lord.

Dave: Sure... don't thank the guy who granted you the match.

Big Dave walks away. Jacobs begins to leave as well, but Westhoff stops him.

Westhoff: Brother Jacobs, there is still one thing we need to take care of before we prepare for this match.
Harrys: The following contest is scheduled for one fall, and it is a Triple Threat match!

The camera focuses on Black Dragon, standing in the ring already and bouncing from one foot to the other, looking prepared as he steadfastly ignores the crowd and awaits his opponents.

Harrys: Introducing first, already in the ring, from the Halfway House, weighing in at 180 pounds, the co-Eurasian Champion; Black Dragon!

Copeland: We welcome you to this match and our champion is once again eschewing a proper entrance tonight. Black Dragon has been the subject of a great deal of controversy of late as he's found himself embroiled in a blood feud as a co-Eurasian champion and a frankly confusing and illogical impersonator in the form of Johnny Scumm.

Cohen: It's what comes of being a wacko! You attract other nut jobs like that Scumm freak, and get beaten down by the people with sense in their head like Rush. The only reason he's even "co" champion of anything is because Chris K.O. doesn't know how to run this company!

Copeland: At any rate the distractions will be over at Apocalypse, when Rush and Black Dragon will meet one on one to determine our sole Eurasian Champion. Going into Apocalypse, how much does a win here mean to Black Dragon?

Cohen: It means a lot to him, I'm sure, but nothing in the long run. A one on one match with Rush is game over for this masked avenger.


Harrys: Introducing next, accompanied by Joe Mason, from the Crossroads of America, weighing in at 260lbs, Steamboat Ricky!

Ricky makes his way onto the ramp carrying a Gasparrrri Nutrition branded water bottle and showing it to the camera as he does so, shouting something that sounds like "14.99" and ".com" and maybe "four installments". He high fives a couple of fans on the ramp and then enters the ring. Joe Mason walks behind him avoiding the fans and settles in one of the corners, catching the water bottle Ricky throws to him with a hearty laugh and a grin. Mason looks frustrated at being forced into menial labor but he slides out of the ring to put the water bottle away and watch. Dragon slides back into the ring and shares a look with Ricky as the two await their next opponent.

Copeland: Steamboat Ricky has found himself a part of our new mentorship program, but you can't help but feel he still has his heart set on a return to glory and the World Heavyweight Championship.

Cohen: Good luck! Who has Ricky beaten lately? There's a long list of candidates in line to get a shot at the top dog and Ricky is just about at the bottom.

Copeland: Well, he's sure got an opportunity to climb up tonight. A victory over both the Eurasian Champion and Grand Mystique would catapult Ricky right back into consideration, one has to feel.

Cohen: Does the idiot mailroom worker become CEO because he finally sorted the mail out correctly for a change? I don't think so. It's a long road to the top for this guy, win or lose.


Harrys: And finally, from the deepest, darkest corner of the Universe, weighing in at 364 pounds... the Grand Mystique!

Sinister lightning descends over the arena as spotlights illuminate random parts of the ring and entrance ramp. As the music plays, the Grand Mystique makes his slow way to the ring with his arms outstretched, ignoring everyone except his two opponents, whom he stares at relentlessly. He enters the ring ponderously and his sheer size and demeanor both threaten to overwhelm.

Cohen: You want to talk about a guy waiting for a world championship shot? How about this monster! He beat our #1 contender last week in impressive fashion and...well, just look at him! He's a domination machine! Bowen found that out now and he is in the damn hospital now!

Copeland: I think it bears mentioning that his victory was, ahem, "assisted" by our esteemed world champion. Tonight, we'll see what Grand Mystique really has to offer on his own.

Cohen: 6'6", 364 pounds, and no remorse! That's what he has to offer!

Mystique takes one more moment to look over his opponents as the crowd boos fiercely. Ricky and Dragon stand apart on opposite sides of the ring, each starting Mystique down fiercely. The referee has no need to separate the three as all of them have chosen a corner, and searches them in the interest of keeping the bout clean despite there being no official disqualifications. Satisfied, he signals for the bell and we are underway. The bell rings and the three tense up for a moment, waiting for the first salvo to be fired. Ricky spares half a glance at Dragon before charging head on for Mystique, but gets a stiff punch to the gut for his troubles. Dragon charges at Mystique as well but is knocked down by a right hand from Mystique. He staggers to his feet and gets a shot across the back. Ricky is on his feet but Mystique headbutts him back down, then turns just in time to meet a kick to the chest from Dragon. Dragon tries a few more shots but Mystique is unfazed, headbutting Dragon for his trouble. Mystique takes a moment to survey his opponents and goes after Ricky, on his hands and knees. He kicks him hard in the gut and sends him collapsing to the mat, then goes after Dragon. Dragon has gotten to his feet but meets a stiff shot to the gut from Mystique. Mystique stalks around the ring once more and picks up Ricky, then whips hard into the opposite corner. Before he can pursue Ricky, Dragon leaps onto Mystique, maybe hoping for a shot to the head, but the massive Mystique grabs hold of him, hangs on, and drops him with a spinebuster.

Copeland: Total domination early from the Grand Mystique, but will he be able to keep it up long enough for a victory?

Cohen: How much longer will he need? At this rate, he'll be in the showers in five minutes!

Mystique looks over at Ricky for a moment but Dragon pops up to his feet quickly. Mystique decides to deal with him and smashes his face into the turnbuckle. Ricky pulls himself up by the ropes and tries to catch his breath, but Mystique jabs him in the head and then hits him with a hard chop to the chest. Dragon tries to attack but is hit with the same hard chop to the chest, sending him to the mat. He turns to Ricky and repeats the same move. Again, he turns to Dragon and repeats it, then finishes with a headbutt. He smirks a bit and the crowd hurls their derision at him, but he couldn't care less, it seems. As he turns back to Ricky the veteran is energized and strikes at Mystique's body with hard and fast punches. Dragon gets to his feet and joins the assault and both men try to take him down. The assault goes on for a few moments before they attempt a double suplex; but Mystique's huge weight and power advantage is too much for them to overcome, and in an incredible show of strength the big man suplexes them both! He pulls Ricky to his feet and whips him hard into the far corner, then charges in and smashes Ricky with his shoulder. Ricky rolls out of the ring and Mystique pursues Dragon. He hits him in the face and Dragon starts to sprawl out of the corner; Mystique hits the ropes and charges, but Dragon gets a desperation dropkick to Mystique's knees that sends the big man crashing to the mat!

Copeland: A clever move there has got the Grand Mystique down and we'll now have to see how Dragon follows this up!

Cohen: What can he do to him? The big man outweighs him double! He just has to weather the storm - weather the drizzle, more like it - and wait for an opening.

Dragon takes a while to get his feet and catches his breath, long enough for Mystique to get to his knees. Dragon tries to allow him no further, following up with a brutal kicking combination that weathers the big man but doesn't keep him from shakily standing up. Black Dragon looks fired up and enraged as he hooks Mystique around the chest - he's looking to finish this one off early, setting up for Darkness Falls! But Mystique fights out of it quickly and takes Dragon by the head. He wrenches him upright and smashes him in the chest with a brutal chop. Suddenly, Ricky is in, he kicks Mystique in the gut and sets up for the Blunderbuss! But Mystique dropkicks the big man from behind, sending both of his opponents sprawling to the mat. Everyone takes time to recover from that but Dragon goes for a cover on Ricky, getting one, but only one. Mystique is back up by that time and goes after Dragon, forcing him into the corner where he strikes at Dragon. A hard shot to the gut collapses Dragon and Mystique backs off to consider his next move. Mystique looks at Dragon, on his back, and decides rather simply to stand on top of his opponent, leaving even the disciplined Dragon screaming in pain. He steps off and lets Dragon get to his knees before whipping him hard into the corner; a whip so fierce that it sends Dragon vaulting over the top, leaving him to slide down with his body facing the corner. Mystique turns him around and strikes him, mixing up gut strikes and chops to the chest Mystique turns and sees Ricky on the apron, and charges over to knock him off. He turns back to Dragon and whips him to the corner; he charges and goes for a splash but Dragon slides out of the way and onto the apron, leaving Mystique to crash into the corner alone. Dragon leaps onto the top rope and flies off, but Mystique catches him! Mystique hangs on, shifts Dragon, and turns it into a Samoan Drop!

Copeland: What we're witnessing here is frankly one of the most impressive performances I've seen in a while. Mystique is dominating not one, but two of WZCW's best.

Cohen: You might be overselling the other two chumps in there, but you're right on the important part - this here is what I call a domination!

Mystique pulls Dragon to his feet and gets him in a lock for what appears to be the Big Bang! He charges into the corner with his arms around Dragon, but just before he can get it off Ricky is in the ring and breaks it all up, striking Mystique from behind. He beats Mystique into the ropes then runs back, hits the far ropes, charges - and gets caught with a spear to the gut from Mystique! Mystique goes for a cover, getting one, two, but only two! Mystique looks frustrated but gets to his feet and surveys his opponents. He ignores Dragon and picks up Ricky, elevating and dropping him with a wheelbarrow suplex. He follows for a pin but Dragon desperately breaks it up at the last second, leaving all three men down for the moment. Ricky rolls out of the ring while Dragon is the first to his feet, leaving him to go after Mystique. He tries a few kicks but Mystique is up quickly, charging and forcing Dragon to the ropes. He sends Dragon over the top and finds himself the only man in the ring, so he goes out the side and pursues Ricky. Ricky pulls himself to his feet only to get a hard strike from Mystique. Dragon has come around the ring to face Mystique but is caught, elevated, and spinebustered into the ring apron! Ricky has rolled himself into the ring and Mystique pursues. Mystique pulls Ricky to his feet and Ricky fights desperately, striking wildly to fend off Mystique. Mystique elevates him and hits a Protoplex. He gets up and surveys the ring again, noticing Dragon on his feet on the outside. He goes to the ropes and Dragon leaps up and grabs hold of Mystique's neck, then drops back down to smash Mystique's head and neck into the ropes. Staggered, Mystique is defenseless against Ricky coming from behind with a running knee to the back! Mystique staggers around and is met with a double arm DDT that sends him to the mat!

Copeland: After the kind of dominance we haven't seen from anyone in a long time, it seems like Mystique may finally be about to be stopped here by Steamboat Ricky!

Cohen: It's just about weathering the storm, Seabass! No different now than it was then!

Ricky takes a long moment to steady himself and then decides to climb to the top rope. He takes his time getting up and we see Dragon on the apron by the time Ricky is righting himself. He shouts "MAN OVERBOARD!" and flies off - and is caught by a furiously charging Black Dragon and a brutal clothesline that takes him out of the air and to the mat! Dragon shakes his arm out from the force of it and Ricky rolls out of the ring. Dragon heads to the ropes himself now, climbing to the top and measuring an elbow. He flies off and connects with the diving elbow to Mystique and goes for the pin, getting one, two, but only two! Mystique struggles to his knees and Dragon hits a few hard kicks before one kick sends Mystique face first into the mat; Dragon takes advantage and locks in his signature stepover toehold Fujiwara armbar!

Copeland: This could be it! It's Shades of Gray!

Cohen: What, all fifty of them?

Mystique struggles with it for a long while but eventually Mystique is able to brutally force his way out from sheer strength, using his free arm to break the death grip of Black Dragon. He strikes Dragon on his way out of the hold and Dragon rolls to the apron to regroup. Ricky gets back into the ring and hits the ropes. He connects with a flying shoulder block that sends Mystique to the ground, and then sets him up for his signature submission - locking in the dreaded Boo Box! Mystique struggles again to break out of it but can't do so, forcing him to weather the storm for long moments. Dragon sees it and desperately breaks it up, but his own momentum in doing so sends him back to the apron on the opposite side of the ring. Mystique is slow to his feet and Ricky is faster, going to the second rope and flying off, but again is caught by Mystique, tonight's master of shutting down the aerial game. He lets Ricky down and turns it in an atomic drop and Ricky collapses to the mat. Mystique takes a breath and turns just in time to catch Dragon springboarding off the ropes to catch him with a flying lariat! Mystique flails wildly and winds up in the corner and Dragon charges and connects with an enzuigiri! He retreats to the opposite corner, charges, and repeats the move! Mystique is still reeling in the corner and Dragon goes back to the corner, charges...and connects with the third enzuigiri! Mystique looks to be out on his feet and Dragon pulls him out, but in a desperate flail Mystique knocks Dragon off his feet. Meanwhile, Ricky has clambered to the top rope! He flies off and connects with Mystique on a flying forearm smash!

Copeland: It seems as though momentum has shifted in favor of Ricky and Black Dragon, but the question is - which of the two has what it takes to put the Grand Mystique away?

Cohen: Neither! No one in this business does, Seabass!

Everyone is down but Dragon is back up first. He takes advantage of the situation to lock in Shades of Gray once more! Ricky is on his feet quickly though and breaks it up! Dragon slams the mat in frustration and gets to his feet and into Ricky's face; Ricky responds with a kick to the gut and a BLUNDERBUSS! Dragon, though, rolls all the way out of the ring after the devestating move and Ricky has to turn and pulls up Mystique. He gets Mystique to his feet and looks about to hit the same kick to the gut and connects with it, dropping Mystique with a Blunderbuss as well! Mystique rolls a bit, but not as far as Dragon did and Ricky looks to pursue and cover, but suddenly -


Copeland: What's this?

Mason Westhoff and Derek Jacobs make their way out onto the stage and Ricky looks up at them dumbfounded. Mystique drops to his knees and Ricky lets him fall away as he looks on at the New Church. He shouts something at them but they only smirk on as Westhoff lifts a microphone.

Westhoff: Would you take a look at this poor, poor, pathetic mess of a man, Brother Jacobs? It's a wonder he's even still employed. When's the last time you won a match, Richard? 2007? Tsk tsk tsk. And it's no wonder that they would pair the most pathetic veteran with the most pathetic rookie, is it? It makes me shudder that you and I share a name, Joe Mason. At least Richard here won a match at some point in his career.

Jacobs smirk grows even wider and Ricky looks furious, Mystique totally forgotten. But he hasn't got much time to be furious as his mentee, Joe Mason, charges up the ramp and screams obscenities at the New Church. Westhoff drops the microphone and Jacobs meets the charge of Mason, leveling him with a massive clothesline. Ricky looks about to step out and protect Mason when suddenly Mystique is behind him, turning him around and elevating him with a massive HAND OF PROPHECY! He goes for the cover immediately and gets one, two, and three!

Harrys: Here is your winner, the Grand Mystique!

Dragon is just barely stirring on the outside and seems to barely perceive what's happened in the ring, and Mystique has his hand raised as he grins devilishly. Ricky is still dazed and confused from the devastating Hand of Prophecy, but all attention turns to the entrance stage where the brawl - or more appropriately, beatdown - is ongoing. Mason is curled on the ground as Westhoff and Jacobs destroy him, picking him apart like vultures and without a hand raised to stop them. Mystique skulks out the side exit as the brawl continues; Dragon and Ricky remain down and out where they lay. Just as Ricky stirs enough to look and perceive the situation on the stage and try to get to his feet, the Jacobs elevates Mason in a powerbomb position. Westhoff, grinning like a lunatic, points to the edge of the stage and screams something. Jacobs nods and TOSSES MASON OFF THE STAGE, HITTING A FIFTEEN FOOT POWERBOMB! The crowd gasps in shock and disgust and most look away; Ricky's face goes white in the ring as he perceives what's just occurred. The New Church laughs their way off the stage as EMTs rush to Joe Mason and Ricky can only run to his mentee's side, useless now that the damage is done.

Copeland: Folks, well, the Grand Mystique may have won this match, but the real story here is what's just happened to Joe Mason. This...this is just sickening, really.

Cohen: I'm not much more comfortable with it than you are, Seabass, but I understand it. The New Church just made a statement, and anyone who wants to tangle with them is going to remember this moment.

The EMTs are getting Mason on a stretcher and Ricky continues to look pale face and distraught as we go to commercial.

We are in the backstage locker room. Rush is standing with the EurAsian Title and we can hear the sound of someone looking through bags.

Rush: Come on Smith, our match is next.

Smith: Have you seen my trunks. I swear that they were in my bag, but they're not there.

Rush: Well simply go out there in your black pants.

Smith: These pants... hundreds of dollars. And I wouldn't be able to run in them.

Rush: Put on something and meet me out in the ring. Our match is about to start soon.

Rush leaves the room as Smith checks his bag one last time.

Smith: I was sure I didn't take them out and... oh here they are. How did I miss them, they were hiding under..... no... no... NOOOOOOOO!

A few people hear Sam Smith's yell and Big Dave enters the room.

Dave: What's wrong Smith. You got a match that's about to start and you're not even ready.

Smith: Somebody stole my tights and look what they left me.

Big Dave peers over and looks down at the tights. He chuckles to himself and then gets serious.

Dave: Hey look... if there was more time to fix this or if he was even still in the building I would do something about this, but he's not and our Main Event, which you are in, is about to start so I suggest you quickly put those tights on and meet your partner out there.

Smith: Are you serious man. I am not going out there with these on.

Dave: You will put them on and wrestle because you will not want to disappoint our fans and ruin the Main Event. I promise I will talk to Bateman about what to do, but you need to get over this, put those tights on and get into that ring.

Smith is left speechless and nods as Dave leaves the room.

Copeland: What sort of tights will Sam Smith walk out with. We will find out after this commercial break.
Harrys: The following tag team contest is scheduled for one fall!


Harrys: Introducing first, being accompanied to the ring by Arashi, from Petersburg, Russia, weighing in at 165 lbs, Celeste Crimson!

Celeste walks out to a good applause and waits for her mentee to join her by her side. Arashi takes his usual time, not wanting to walk beside Celeste, but she grabs him by the arm and makes sure he walks beside her and interacts with the fans.


Harrys: And her partner, being accompanied to the ring by Scott Williams, weighing in at 225 lbs, "The Super Saiyan of Pro Wrestling" Matt Tastic!

Matt Tastic comes out to a great reaction. He gets the crowd worked up as Scott Williams raise his arms behind him. The two run and slide into the ring and shake hands with their partners.


Harrys: And their opponents, first, from Montreal, Quebec, Canada, weighing 332 lbs, he is the Co-EurAsian Champion, Rush!

Rush walks slowly out onto the stage ramp. He raises his EurAsian Title belt high over his head and then waits there for his partner.

Cohen: That right there is the true definition of a champion. Rush has power and knowledge and has been a much better EurAsian Champion than Black Dragon ever was.

Copeland: Are you kidding me Jack, aren't you forgetting the record number of title defenses Black Dragon successfully had as champion.

Cohen: He left us when he was needed most, Rush was there to pick up the ball and has so far ran with it.


Harrys: And his partner, from Washington D.C., weighing in at 235 lbs, Sam Smith!

Rush stands on the stage ramp waiting for his partner to walk out from behind the curtain. For a long while Sam Smith does not come out. Finally we see his head poke out from behind the curtain and the rest of his body soon after. The crowd begins to hoot and holler and laugh as Smith is wearing the smallest, tightest, pair of trunks ever seen in WZCW ring. Le Gentleman Masqué is written on the butt cheeks and MG on the front. Rush holds his face in pain for his partner while Tastic laughs in the ring and Celeste hides a chuckle.

Copeland: This is what Sam Smith was yelling about backstage. The Masked Gentleman has pulled the old tights switch-a-roo.

Cohen: This is outrageous. Sam Smith shouldn’t have to be embarrassed like this. The Masked Gentleman should be fined and suspended and Big Dave ought to be fired for making Smith compete like this.

Rush climbs into the ring and raises the EurAsian Title above his head. Smith stands on the apron and shouts and fans whistling at him near ringside. The ref calls for the bell and Rush and Tastic start off the match. Rush waits for Tastic to move closer and goes for a lock up. Tastic ducks under and behind Rush. The towering Rush turns around and Tastic low dropkicks the leg of Rush. The giant stumbles and Tastic rises to his feet and begins to strike the champion with punches and kicks. Tastic goes for an Irish irish whip. Rush stands in his place and pulls the smaller Tastic the other way. Tastic bounces off the ropes and is able to his another low dropkick. Tastic rises to his feet and runs towards the other rope. He leaps at Rush, but his opponent gets an elbow up and knocks Tastic to the mat. Rush picks up Tastic from behind and hits an atomic drop. Tastic stumbles to the middle of the ring as Rush tags in Smith. Smith straddles through the ropes and runs at Tastic. Tastic turns and hits a flapjack on Smith. Tastic tags in Celeste and he then holds Smith while he’s on his knees and slaps his rear end, getting a painful look out of Smith. Celeste runs up and hits an evenflow DDT. She stands up beside Smith and lands a standing moonsault. Celeste goes for the pin 1... 2. Smith kicks out. Arashi looks on keeping a close eye on his mentor while Tastic instructs Williams. Celeste grabs Smith and goes for a fujiwara armbar. Smith slips out before it’s locked in a drops an elbow. He then waits how Celeste to get on her knees and roundhouse kicks her in the chest. He connects a second time, but the third kick is blocked by Celeste, who grabs the foot and proceeds to trip the other with her hand. Smith falls to the mat and Celeste rolls him onto his stomach and goes for Divine Intervention. Smith reaches out and is able to grab the ropes. Celeste lets go before the 5 count ends.

Copeland: Good offense from Celeste Crimson and Matt Tastic so far in this contest. The new tights just aren’t working for Smith tonight.

Smith gets to his feet by the ropes as Celeste approaches him. Smith kicks low and hits Celeste in the gut. He grabs her neck and turns around with her. Snap suplex by Smith throws Celeste into their corner. Smith tags in Rush and the EurAsian Champion climbs into the ring and casts a shadow over Celeste on the mat as she looks up.

Cohen: Oh boy Seabass, this could be the end of Celeste. When was the last time she faced a wrestler as large as Rush.

Rush allows Celeste up to her feet and he dares her to strike him. Celeste doesn’t shy away from the challenge and starts to punch and kicks away at Rush. Rush has arms up, blocking all the punches while absorbing the kicks until the right moment. He grabs Celeste’s leg and trips her other one with his foot. He holds onto her leg and goes for an elbow drop. Celeste gets her leg free and just dodges it. Celeste charges at Rush on his knees, but he gets an arm up and grabs Celeste by the neck Rush gets to his feet and then lifts Celeste high above his head going for a military press slam. Rush has no problem holding her up there and takes too long performing the move as Celeste slides down behind him. Rush turns around and is met by a jumping enziguri from Celeste. Rush remains on his feet and Celeste gets up to hers and hits the move a second time. Rush really begins to wobble, but still remains on his feet. Celeste climbs onto the top rope and hits a flying trust kick that finally knocks Rush to the mat. Celeste crawls over and quickly covers him. 1... Rush throws Celeste off and she almost lands on the ref. Celeste pants for a moment showing fatigue so Tastic reaches in and tags himself. He runs over to Rush and keeps the big man down by jumping on him and throwing punches at him. Tastic gets up before the 5 count and the crowd cheers loudly. The cheers turn to boos as Smith enters the ring to sneak behind Tastic. Matt turns around and hits a spinning backfist, knocking Smith to the matt. Tastic turns and Rush is standing. Rush grabs Tastic neck with both his hands and hits a double chockslam on him. Rush gets to his feet and then looks down at Tastic. He puts a boot on his chest and proceeds to walk over him. Tastic grabs his chest and Rush lifts him to his feet. Rush lifts Tastic off the ground and hits a bodyslam. He goes this two more times successively before going to for the pin. 1... 2.. Tastic kicks out. Rush gets Tastic to a sitting position then starts to club him across the chest from behind. He does this ten times before letting Tastic drop to the mat. Rush points down at Tastic and then tags in Smith.

Cohen: That right there, Rush is sending a message to Black Dragon that he will destroy him next time they meet.

Smith gets into the ring and grabs both of Tastic’s legs. Smith cross them and goes for a Sharpshooter. Smith is unable to turn Tastic over and lose grip. Tastic brings his feet in and then kicks out as Smith goes to grab them, causing him to fall to the mat. Smith gets back to his feet as Tastic gets to his and runs at him. Smith bends down and lifts Tastic up as he gets right to him. Spinebuster hit by Smith on Tastic, Sam follows up with a cover. 1... 2... Tastic kicks out. Smith gets to his feet and yells that it is time for the ‘Nightmare’. Smith grabs Tastic and puts him in a firemans carry onto his shoulders. Smith holds him there, but Tastic is able to slide down the back. Tastic grabs Smith’s waist and hits a release german suplex from no where. Both men are down in the ring.

Copeland: The opening Matt Tastic needs to make a tag to his partner will he be able to make it.

At ringside, Scott Williams is cheering on his mentor as Tastic inches slowly to his corner. Smith was much closer to his and tags in Rush. The big man walks up to Tastic and stops him in his tracks with an elbow drop. Rush grabs Tastic by the hair and lifts him onto his feet. Rush steps back and delivers a big boot. The blow knocks Tastic back into a corner occupied by neither partner. Rush steps backwards and lines up to run at Tastic. Rush charges and goes for an avalanche. Tastic moves and Rush eats corner. Rush turns around and Tastic boots him in the gut. He follows up with a swinging reverse DDT. Again both men in the ring are out and start to move towards their corners.

Copeland: One more opening for Tastic and maybe his last, he needs to make that tag.

Cohen: Tastic is a long way from his corner and Rush is inches away from his.

Tastic continues to crawl to the corner while Rush slowly rolls to his. He reaches his arm out and tags in Smith. Smith straddles through the ropes and, upon hearing the tag, Tastic leaps off the mat and just reaches his corner, tagging in Celeste. Celeste runs in and is able to knock Smith down with a clothesline. Smith gets back to his feet and Celeste goes for a roundhouse kick. Smith ducks the kicks and hooks both of Celeste's arms from behind. He pulls Celeste backwards into a backslide pin. 1... 2. Celeste kicks out. Smith goes to grab Celeste as they both stand, but Celeste reaches down and grabs the legs of Smith, flipping him onto the mat. Celeste flips over into a pin, holding onto both legs. 1... 2... Smith kicks out. Meanwhile, Rush has rolled outside the ring and is trying to recover. Scott Williams bravely walks over and gets in the face of Rush. Rush disposes of Williams quickly with a huge overhand forearm. He grabs Williams and sets him up for a powerbomb when Tastic runs up from behind and hits him, breaking the move up. Smith and Celeste continue to battle inside the ring. Smith begins to gain the advantage in striking and pushes Celeste back into the ropes. Smith grabs her and irish whips her across the ring. Smith bends down to flip her over, Celeste circles around Smith and grabs his waist. She goes for a german suplex, but Smith uses his leg to block the move. Celeste tries again to hit the move, but is unsuccessful. She lets Smith go who turns around quickly and walks right into a belly to belly suplex from Celeste. She covers him. 1... 2... Smith just kicks out in time. Arashi is staring close at ringside and seems not impressed his mentor couldn't finish the match.

Copeland: It's anybodies match now. Rush and Tastic are battling at ringside. Smith and Celeste are evenly matched with neither backing down.

Cohen: This match will come down to their partners, and even though Celeste and Tastic have two supporting partners at ringside, the partnership between Smith and the EurAsian Champion Rush is still the strongest.

Tastic is on Rush's back and has a headlock applied. Rush is trying to swing around and throw Tastic off, but to no avail. Scott Williams has recovered and runs at Rush, but is taken down by a big boot from him. Rush keeps the forward momentum and starts running to the barricade. He stops short and bends over, causing Tastic to lose grip and flip over, landing on an empty concrete patch in the stands. Back in the ring, Celeste is slowly helping Smith to his feet. Smith appears lifeless, but shows life in a second as he kicks Celeste in the gut and hits a DDT. He drapes an arm over for the pin. 1... 2... Celeste kicks out. Smith is irate and grabs both of Celeste's legs. His tights have gotten incredibly high on him as he tries to pull them down. The fans hoot and holler and Smith yells at them. Celeste uses her legs to push Smith back and prevent the move. Celeste gets up as Smith advances towards her. Side shuffle kick from Celeste connects. Smith hits the mat, but is slowly getting back to his feet. Celeste seems ready to hit her Spirit Crusher roundhouse kick. Rush has returned to the ring apron near Celeste. Celeste turns around and attempts the Spirit Crusher on Rush. Rush grabs the leg and holds it as Celeste was just able to get it over the top rope. Rush drops to the mat, causing Celeste's leg to bounce off the top rope. The move has tweaked her leg bad. Celeste stumbles to her feet and Smith is ready for her. He lifts her onto his shoulders and hits Nightmare. Smith with the cover. 1... 2... 3.

Harrys: Here is your winner, Sam Smith and the EurAsian Champion, Rush!

Smith appears thrilled by the victory in the ring as Rush grabs his EurAsian Title and walks up the stairs to enter the ring. Smith is to his feet and can be heard cussing and yelling about the Masked Gentleman as Rush greets him in the ring.

Copeland: What a main event tag match we just saw Jack. Rush and Smith continue to plow through the competition here. Maybe they are the future of WZCW.

Cohen: Seabass what many don't understand is, they aren't the future, they are the present and soon they are going to be the ones to hold every major title in this company.

Rush and Smith pat each other in the back and then begin to make their way out of the ring when...

The crowd cheers as Big Dave walks out onto the stage ramp, mic in hand.

Dave: Well done and congrats are in order to both of you. See Smith... I told you those embarrassingly tight Masked Gentleman tights wouldn't be so bad. Don't worry I will speak to Bateman about them, but right now I need to talk to you Rush. You have been a dominant competitor since returning to WZCW and have already won a WZCW title since your return. And while you've demonstrated to be a great champion so far... the one blemish against you is you did not beat the man who defended that title more times than even I myself had. You didn't win the title off him, and you didn't beat him in a fair rematch. So at Apocalypse... I am going to book a rematch between you two and I don't want someone like Sam Smith or The Masked Gentleman ruining it, so your match at Apocalypse verse Black Dragon will be inside a steel cage!

The fans cheer loudly and Rush is not happy, yelling at Big Dave from inside the ring as he drops the mic and leaves.

Copeland: Well folks you heard it here first, and explosive match announced for Apocalypse. Rush has to defend the EurAsian Title against the man who was never defeated while holding it, Black Dragon, and it will be inside a steel cage of all places.

Cohen: Seabass, this is a complete and total misuse of power by our General Manager. Black Dragon had his rematch and he didn't win. Should've been end of story right there.

Copeland: Well Jack that story is far from over, but our show is tonight. Thank you all for tuning in and watching. Seabass Copeland alongside Jack Cohen saying goodnight. We are just two shows away from Apocalypse and you don't want to miss a single minute.
Who wrote what:
Numbers: Backstage, Ricky Runn vs Steven Holmes, Chris KO vs Alex Bowen
Funkay: Opening, Stevens vs Alhazred
Echelon: New Church vs. Titus/Angel
Harthan: Black Dragon vs. Grand Mystique vs. Steamboat Ricky
Showtime: Celeste Crimson/Matt Tastic (w/ Arashi & Scott Williams) vs. Rush/Sam Smith, Backstage
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