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Meltdown 75

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Ty Burna

Getting Noticed By Management
We open hot to the owner of WZCW Ty Burna standing in the center of the ring, the Eurasian Championship in his hand as the crowd is already booing at a deafening pitch. Ty stares out at the crowd before raising the mic up to speak.

Ty: It came to my attention earlier today after a full and thorough audit of the contracts signed by WZCW talent, that not only has The Show become our biggest money pit in the history of WZCW, but I also learned that a certain "talent" that was masquerading in this company did not sign a legal and binding contract. While there were no issues while he showed up every night to compete, the fact that he has not been seen in over a month means that he tried to run away with the Eurasian Championship, no doubt attempting to either blackmail the company or to try and destroy the reputation of my fine company. Fortunately before he was able to escape with the prestigious belt, we were able to take the title back, though it may have required some sort of physical force to do so.

A sick grin forms on Ty's face as the crowd, realizing what happened boos loudly throughout the arena. Ty holds his hands behind his back as he let's the crowd's anger course through him.

Copeland: Is he serious Jack? This is just another one of Ty's games.

Cohen: He makes a valid point however Seabass. Without a valid contract the man could have just up and left with the title. Thank goodness the owner of this company had the clarity to see what was going on and prevent that from happening.

Ty: I will never let anyone tarnish the great reputation of the belt I put on the map.

Ty lowers the mic and throws the Eurasian Championship over his shoulder, a smirk forming on his face.

Ty: It feels just like old times. However this belt does nothing for me. While I would just put the title on one of my Apostles and be done with it, they have far more important duties to perform then become a paper champion. I was never handed a title in my career, and neither will they! Therefore, tonight we had a number one contender's match for the Eurasian Championship, that has now changed it will be for the vacant Eurasian Championship!

The crowd pops at the announcement, Ty chuckles in response.

Ty: And here you thought you didn't like me being owner. Matt Tastic or Rush will become the next Eurasian Champion here tonight.

Copeland: An explosive announcement from Ty Burna! Tonight we will see a new Eurasian Champion crowned!

Cohen: Outstanding news, now we can put the title on someone that matters, someone like Rush.

Ty turns to leave but suddenly stops and walks back to the center of the ring.

Ty: Oh and just in case you forgot, tonight I will end Barbosa inside the Cell. To ensure no interference, the Apostles of Chaos will be standing guard during the match.

The crowd's cheers quickly turn to boos at the announcement and Ty flips the mic across the ring as his music hits and exits the ring.

Cohen: Not exactly a shocking revelation there.

Copeland: You knew it was coming Jack, and we'll see that epic encounter later tonight, but our first match of the night will be three rookies, Scott Williams takes on The Angel, and Krypto?

Cohen: Seriously, who let the freaks into this company?

Copeland: I would be careful about who you're talking about Jack.

The camera turns to Ty walking up the entrance ramp, turning towards the crowd is a group of kids and adults wearing a certain mask. He smirks and taunts them for a few moments before turning and walking up the entrance ramp. One man donning the mask keeps his eyes on Ty while the others turn towards the ring where Harrys is entering as we go to commercial.
The opening match for Meltdown 75 is a triple threat match scheduled for one fall!

Already in the ring, making his debut from Atlanta GA, he weighs 218lbs, Scott Williams.

Williams greets his announcement by posing on the turnbuckles. The crowd barely boo him.

“Another no-name rookie?”

“Another new face who couldn’t resist the lure of WZCW!”

His first opponent from Mexico City, The Angel

The rookie in all white comes out and kneels down on both knees at the top of the stage. He looks up and throws his arms out. He looks at the ring, at Williams and begins to walk down, high-fiving the front row.

“What a surprise, another noob!”

“Hey, don’t knock these guys just yet!”

And finally from Out of this World, Krypto!!


Krypto shoots out of the ground and is astonished by the lights, cameras and action everywhere. He barely knows how to react. He then sprints down the ramp and around the ring high fiving all the people he can.


“You don’t like this guy? What a surprise. Give him a chance!”

When he reaches the ring, Williams pushes Krypto violently back out and chases after Angel who outspeeds him quickly. The masked man runs to the ropes and hits a springboard crossbody to Williams, Angel covers but gets pulled out by Krypto who instinctively rushes in and makes the cover but Williams already has his leg on the ropes. Krypto tries to drag Williams up but Williams slows this down and manoeuvres himself so that Krypto is in the corner. He controls Krypto with forearm strikes before whipping him to the ropes. Krypto tries to fly into a victory roll-style pinning combination but Williams catches him and drops him into position for a fishermans suplex! Cover, 1.....2.....Krypto kicks out. Angel is on the top rope and flies toward Williams but he rolls out of the way and Krypto is the crash mat that Angel lands on.

“It’s as I thought, Williams is the pick of the bunch! He’s clever!”

“Williams is controlling this thus far! He does look promising!”

“He needs to clear one of these guys from the ring.”

When both men begin to recover, Williams is already on his feet. Angel receives a snap powerslam but isn’t covered. He is focussed on Krypto and he drags the alien-man to his knees, adding in slaps to the top of the head for good measure. He goes for an inverted facelock but Krypto blocks his attempt to develop the move and hits a simple elbow to the gut. Williams tries to hit an atomic drop but Krypto kicks off the ropes and then hits a springboard kick. Angel comes back into the ring and uses the ropes to hit the Godsault on the floored Williams. Krypto falls to the floor and crawls across and lays a hand on Angel as he covers Williams, 1....2.....Williams kicks out!

“That Krypto, he....it is something else.”

“The guy’s a dumbass!”

Angel lifts Williams and drags Krypto away. Angel steps back and aims a kick at Williams’ face but Krypto grabs his leg as he moves. Williams recovers long enough to hit a chop block to the standing leg of The Angel . Krypto looks surprised and Williams goes to lift him up with firemans carry but he tries to drop him, Krypto hooks the top rope with his legs and he manages to lever Williams over the top rope. Krypto is left caught up in the ropes, Angel sees this and limps to Krypto, the luchador climbs to the second rope and hits a swift hurracanrana that stuns Krypto and sends him across the ring.

“Angel has Krypto on his own!”

“Where’s Williams, this was his match to lose!”

When the man-alien tries to get to his feet, Angel is ready and waiting to hit the twisting DDT, Gift from God drives Krypto down head-first in the centre of the ring!

Your winner by pinfall, The Angel!

"There's no doubt, costume or not, that impact would hurt."

"Scott Williams was conned out of this match because that alien thing can't fight!"

"Well Angel takes the first win. He'll be delighted with his nights' work. Up next we will have Big Dave joining us, he will be here for the rest of the night for commentary!"

"Yet another fantastic decision by the esteemed Ty Burna, though I don't trust that monster for a second."
As we come back from commercial, we focus in on the announce table where Big Dave has joined Cohen and Copeland, his music fading out as they begin speaking.

Copeland: Welcome to the team Dave.

Dave: Thank you Seba..

Cohen: Seabass!

Copeland: What is it Jack?

Cohen: There's no need to stare at Dave's face! Just because it's hideous doesn't mean you have to show how much it scares you.

Dave: Is that necessary Jack?

Cohen: You didn't bring your mask tonight did you?

Dave: Let's just get this night over with.

We cut to the stage where Harrys is standing, mic in hand.

Harrys: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!

Brad Bomb makes his way out to the top of the entrance ramp with his hood over his head. The crowd boos him loudly before he throws his hood back and stares out at the crowd. He walks down the entrance ramp ignoring the crowd's jeers before sliding into the ring. He climbs up to the second turnbuckle and holds his arms up in the air before tossing his hoodie outside the ring.

Harrys: Introducing first, weighing in at 261 lbs, Brad Bomb!

Copeland: At Kingdom Come, Brad Bomb was able to eliminate Drake in surprising fashion, tonight they face off once again where Bomb hopes to have a repeat performance.

Cohen: Bomb's stock jumped after eliminating Drake, unfortunately he wasn't able to secure the KFAD contract, but he'll look here to put himself on the map for possibly a title contention at some point.

Dave: Bomb has the power advantage tonight, but Drake is a seasoned veteran in that ring. He's got a few tricks up his sleeves.

Drake makes his way out to the top of the entrance stage, the crowd turning their boos this time in his direction. Drake stares down at Bomb in the ring before stretching his arms out. He walks down the ramp, a determined and focused look on his face. He slides into the ring and stares down Bomb as he stretches in the corner before lifting his arm up in the air.

Harrys: And his opponent, weighing in at 215 lbs, Drake Callahan!

Copeland: Drake had a complete change of personality after Kingdom Come, his sudden elimination from the KFAD match seems to have unnerved him greatly.

Cohen: He's taking his career seriously now Seabass, and it's about damn time. Drake has all the talent in the world but lacked the focus needed to succeed.

Dave: It's a shame really. Drake was a fun loving guy, albeit a bit strange, but someone that could lighten the mood whenever he walked in the door. Something in him snapped however.

The ref signals for the bell and Drake comes flying out from the gates, hitting a quick forearm to the face before Bomb can try to lock him up. Drake connects with a few more forearms before backing Bomb into the ropes and trying to whip him across. Bomb reverses and sends Drake into the ropes, sending him over with a big back body drop. Drake hits the mat and quickly rolls out of the ring, holding the back of his back as the crowd boos loudly. Drake walks around the ring as the ref begins the ten count. At five Drake slides into the ring and this time Bomb is able to lock him up, backing him into the corner where the ref begins the five count, telling Bomb to back up. Bomb backs away with his hands up but hits a kick to the midsection followed by stiff shots to the head. He turns and snapmares Drake from the corner and hits a kick to the back of the head. Bomb throws Drake's head back onto the mat and goes for the cover, 1........2...Drake kicks out. Bomb stands and drags Drake up with him, sending him into the ropes and goes for a clothesline. Drake ducks under and off the rebound hits an elbow to the side of Bomb's head. Bomb doesn't drop however until a perfect Drake dropkick sends him to the mat. It's Bomb's turn to roll out of the ring this time but doesn't get much of a chance to recover as Drake comes flying to the outside with a Topé! He crashes into Bomb and sends the big man to the ground. Drake is quick to his feet and begins putting the boots to Bomb as the ref begins the ten count again.

Copeland: A beautiful dive by Drake there gives him the advantage int his match.

Cohen: Yes but he better get Bomb back in the ring if he wants to pick up the win here.

Drake picks up Bomb and sends him back first into the side of the ring. Drake delivers a few blows before rolling Bomb into the ring. Drake climbs up onto the apron and to the top rope. He comes flying off with a top rope elbow drop but Bomb is able to get his knees up right into Drake's midsection, sending him flying across the ring. Drake holds his midsection as Bomb pulls himself back up. As Drake gets to his feet and turns around, he eats a big boot from Bomb and Bomb is quick to go for the cover, 1.........2........Drake kicks out! Bomb sits up for a moment to catch his breath before grabbing Drake and tossing him into the corner. Bomb begins hitting a few chops, leaving large red welts on Drake's chest. Drake covers his chest as Bomb backs up to the opposite corner, letting out a roar before running across the ring. He flies through the air going for a huge splash in the corner but Drake is able to move out of the way at the last second, causing Bomb's head to bounce off the turnbuckle. He stumbles backwards out of the corner only to receive an enziguri kick right to the back of the head. Bomb falls face first to the mat. Drake continues to cover his chest before grabbing hold of Bomb's leg and applying a single leg Boston Crab. Drake leans back deep into the hold as Bomb tries to reach for the ropes. The ref checks on Bomb asking if he wants to quit but Bomb shakes his head. Bomb slowly is able to get his other leg up and slowly Bomb stands up, bringing Drake to his feet as well. Drake quickly drops the leg, instead grabbing Bomb's arm and tripping him, delivering a forward Russian legsweep! Drake goes for the cover, 1.........2.......Bomb kicks out!

Cohen: Look at the intensity showing on Drake's face. He wants to win this match bad. Bomb is putting Drake through some severe punishment at the same time however.

Dave: Those chops are effective. It's hard to concentrate when your chest is on fire.

Copeland: You can say that again Dave. The welts on Drake's chest just have not gone away, meanwhile Drake has been able to keep the bigger man off his feet, a strategy he'll want to continue using.

Drake puts the boots to Bomb once again before turning around and posing as the crowd boos loudly before flipping backwards with a standing moonsault. He connects across the chest of Bomb before standing and going for a standing shooting star, once again connecting. Drake hooks the leg, 1..........2.......Bomb kicks out! Drake sits up and slams his fist into the mat, frustrated that he couldn't get the pin. He gets up and begins pulling Bomb to his feet. He is able to whip him into the corner and backs up. He rushes forward and goes for a huge dropkick but Bomb is able to catch his legs and slowly walks to the center of the ring with Drake in his grasp. Drake shakes his head and tries to break the grip but Bomb lifts him up and quickly drops him down with a huge Leviathan Spinebuster! Drake is laid out in the ring but Bomb is unable to capitalize and go for the pin as he lies on the ground as well. Bomb slowly rolls to his side, finally able to get an arm over Drake, 1.........2........Drake kicks out! Bomb slowly pushes himself to his feet, motioning for Drake to get up. As Drake pulls himself to his feet using the ropes, Bomb quickly wraps his arm around Drake's head and drops him back first across his knee. Bomb doesn't let go and shakes his head, signaling for a second, which he delivers with force. However he doesn't let go again and spins Drake around before lifting him up for an Alabama Slam. As he has Drake over his shoulders, Drake struggles and is able to free himself and tries rolling up Bomb, 1...........2.......Bomb kicks out! Drake is slow to his feet but Bomb is there quickly, grabbing Drake and hitting a hard knee to the stomach, Drake drops to one knee and grabs hold of the referee and uses him as a shield between him and Bomb. The ref tries to free himself but as the ref deals with both, Drake lets go of the ref, hitting a poke to the eye, causing Bomb to back off. Drake hits a kick the midsection and sets Bomb up for the Hangover! He tries lifting Bomb up but Bomb dead weights the lift, suddenly lifting Drake up in perfect position for the Detonator! He spins 180 degrees but as he begins bringing Drake down, Drake counters and hits a huge DDT! He keeps his arms wrapped around Bomb's head and neck and flips over, locking in the Last Call! Bomb has nowhere to go in the center of the ring, but he tries to reach out for the ropes. He has no choice and taps out as the crowd boos loudly.

Harrys: Here is your winner, Drake Callahan!

Copeland: Drake looks to have learned from his last encounter with the Detonator, delivering a picture perfect DDT and the Last Call!

Dave: The transition from the DDT to the submission was seamless. Just a perfect counter to the Detonator.

Cohen: I'm impressed. This new Drake can be a force to be reckoned with in WZCW.

Drake keeps the hold locked in as Bomb begins to pass out from the hold. The ref tries to get Drake to break the hold and finally does. Drake stands over the fallen Bomb before suddenly dragging him up and delivering the Hangover! Bomb remains flat on the mat as Drake looks at his handiwork before climbing to the second turnbuckle and holding his arm up, staring intensely at the crowd.

Copeland: That was uncalled for!

Cohen: He's making a statement, and that's no one will make a fool of Drake Callahan ever again!

Dave: I hope his ego doesn't get too big for himself.

Drake slowly climbs off the turnbuckle and exits the ring. He walks backwards up the ramp, holding his arms out and badmouthing the crowd as the ref checks on Bomb, who has slowly sat up in the center of the ring.
We cut backstage where a limo has pulled up in the parking lot. Becky Serra is standing by with a microphone. As the driver opens the door, Chris K.O. and Serafina exit the limo, Chris dressed in a very expensive suit and Serafina in a similarly priced dress. Becky walks up to the two with the mic.

Becky: Chris, last week it was revealed you were working against the Apostles of Chaos and the owner of WZCW Ty Burna. What is your motivation for rebelling against Ty?

Chris looks to Serafina for a few moments before turning back to Becky, a serious look on Chris's face.

Chris: It's obvious Becky. It's up to me to bring WZCW out of the darkness and back to the light. The tactics and brutality Ty has shown over the past few months cannot continue on or he will destroy this company.

Suddenly Ty walks up out of nowhere, causing Serafina to subconsciously tremble and Chris to suddenly tense up. Ty smirks and looks towards Serafina.

Ty: I tend to disagree with you Christopher, I believe the decisions I have made have been fantastic and the crowd no matter their opinion on me have no choice but to respect the value I have put on the card.

Ty's eyes haven't left Serafina, and in a way seem to roam all over her as her fear and nerves continue to heighten.

Ty: I know why you are here Chris. You wish to try and stop me in the Cell tonight don't you? By all means, come out to the ring. I'm sure the Apostles would be overjoyed to have a family reunion with you. Do enjoy your night, after all, you won't have many left once I have my way.

Ty stares at Serafina for a few more moments before laughing maniacally. He casually strolls away towards his office as Chris stands in front of Serafina, his face contorting with rage. The camera seems to pick up something in the shadows, a brief glimpse of a man standing there, only to disappear just as quickly. Chris turns to Serafina and wraps his arms around her, trying to comfort her as we go to commercial.
Harrys: The following tag team contest is scheduled for one fall!


The crowd cheers loudly as both Stormrage and Howard walk out together with their championships; Howard with his around the waist and an over-the-shoulder look for Stormrage. Howard walks down, stretching his arms as Stormrage runs down the ramp and around ringside, hi-fiving fans.

Harrys: Introducing first, at a combined weight of 538 pounds, they are the WZCW World Tag Team Champions; Mikey Stormrage and James Howard, Strikeforce!

Copeland: This young team has been a wrecking machine since debuting and have steam-rolled the competition.

Cohen: Lucky break, I say. If the Apostles got an opportunity, they'd be the champs right now.

Dave: Only because their boss runs WZCW and can impose his will on anybody.

The two men are in the ring awaiting their opponents.


The crowd continues to cheer as both Saxton and Saboteur make their way out on stage. Saboteur is pumped and is bopping up and down, ready for the match as Saxton walks down calmly rubbing his hands together. Saboteur is so excited he runs at the ring and slides inside, egging Harrys to hurry up with their introductions as Saxton enters the ring.

Harrys: And their opponents, at a combined weight of insanely manly kilometers; Saboteur & Action Saxton, the New Old...

Saboteur lowers the mic away from Harrys quickly, telling him that's not their name anymore. Harrys asks what is it and Saboteur is stunned at the question. He goes to Saxton and the two of them converse with each other about their names. After some small arguing, Saboteur grabs the mic off Harrys.

Saboteur: Excuse us for a minute folks. We are having some technical difficulties.

He hands the mic back to Harrys and goes to talk with Saxton some more but is interrupted by Harrys.

Harrys: ... H.S.T.D, Having Some Technical Difficulties!

Saboteur turns around and looks at Harrys with the most confused look he's ever had whilst Saxton raises an eyebrow, followed by a facepalm.

Dave: Is Truman serious?

Cohen: I knew he didn't have a sense of humour but this is ridiculous.

Copeland: The name abbreviation sounds contagious.

Saboteur turns to Saxton and the two men both shrug, knowing full well that if they were to talk to a man with no humour like Truman, nothing good will come from this. While all this occurs, Strikeforce are against the ropes laughing at what they've got to put up with pre-match. After composures restore to normal and everything is in order, the referee manages to get Saxton and Howard to start off the match and signals for the bell.

The two men immediately lock up, Saxton using his strength advantage over Howard to get him in a headlock. Howard tries to get out but ends up backing Saxton into the ropes and sends him across. Saxton hits a hard shoulder block, knocking Howard down. Saxton goes for an elbow drop but Howard rolls out of the way, getting to his feet quickly before delivering a few stiff kicks to the chest before going for a big kick to the head. Saxton blocks it however and holds onto Howard's leg as he stands up. He spins Howard around and delivers a twirling punch, connecting right to the face. Howard stumbles backwards and Saxton whips him into his team's corner. He tags in Saboteur who comes in and hits a kick to the stomach. Saboteur suddenly goes nuts, hitting repeated shots tot he side of the head before snapmaring Howard to the center of the ring and hitting a kick tot he back of the head. Howard grabs the back of his head but Saboteur throws him down and goes for the cover, 1...........2.......Howard kicks out! Saboteur pulls him up and applies a headlock, Howard reaching to tag in Mikey. Saboteur purposely moves Howard closer, Howard's hand just inches from Mikey's when Saboteur tries to toss Howard the opposite way. Howard counters however and delivers a back body drop, dropping Saboteur on the back of his head. Howard makes the quick tag to Mikey who comes in like a ball of energy. As Saboteur gets up Mikey grabs him and delivers a belly to belly suplex, driving the masked assassin right into the mat. Mikey hooks the leg, 1..........2.......Saboteur kicks out!

Dave: Solid tag team wrestling here tonight. Howard and Mikey remind me quite a bit of the Full House Daves.

Cohen: Losers just like you and Ace were?

Copleand: If I recall Jack, Dave and Ace were one of the best tag teams in WZCW history.

Cohen: Doesn't save them from being losers.

Mikey drags Saboteur up and whips him into the corner. He backs up and gets a running start, delivering a crushing avalanche splash. Saboteur starts to stumble forward but Mikey shoves him back into the corner, Mikey tells the crowd to be quiet, before delivering a wicked chop across the chest. The sound echoes throughout the arena, the crowd delivering oohs and ahhs from the impact. Mikey does it once more and Saboteur stumbles to the center of the ring holding his chest before falling to the mat. Mikey poses for the crowd who pop loudly for the tag team champion. He pulls Saboteur to his team's corner and tags in Howard. Howard climbs to the top turnbuckle and Mikey lifts Saboteur high into the air with a suplex. Howard comes flying off the top with a missile dropkick as Mikey drops Saboteur down! Mikey rolls out of the ring as Howard goes for the pin, 1............2.......Saboteur kicks out! Howard quickly applies a butterfly lock before driving his knees into the midsection of Saboteur. Saboteur struggles against the hold and suddenly flips Howard over and bridges for the pin attempt, 1............2......Howard kicks out! Saboteur tries to reach and make the tag to Saxton but Howard cuts him off, delivering a boot to the head before dragging Saboteur back to the center of the ring. Howard holds onto Saboteur's leg as he tags in Mikey. the two lift up Saboteur's knee and sends it down hard into the mat. Saboteur yells out in pain and grasps his knee as Mikey flips him over and goes for the pin, 1..............2........Saboteur kicks out!

Copeland: Sound tag team wrestling from Strikeforce. They've cut off the ring and they have Saboteur down for the count.

Cohen: That Mikey needs to hit the gym. A professional wrestler isn't supposed to look like he just walked out of the all you can eat buffet and threw on a pair of tights.

Dave: Saboteur had a good counter for the butterfly lock, but unfortunately he just couldn't make the tag.

Mikey pulls Saboteur back up and delivers a headbutt, sending Saboteur stumbling back into the ropes. Mikey hits a hard chop before sending Saboteur into the ropes. Mikey goes for a clothesline but Saboteur does a baseball slide under Mikey and gets up quickly behind Mikey. Saboteur runs forward and as Mikey turns around Saboteur jumps up and delivers a tornado DDT! Both men are laid out in the center of the ring as the crowd is popping loudly from the move. The ref checks on both before beginning the ten count. At the count of five both men begin to stir and begin crawling to their respective corners. Saxton is fired up as he reaches his hand out towards Saboteur while Howard tries to get the tag from Mikey. They make the tags simultaneously and Howard and Saxton both rush in. Saxton hits a spin kick, knocking Howard to the side before delivering hard knife edge chops to the chest. Howard covers up but Saxton isn't done, delivering kick after kick to the leg of Howard. Howard limps forward but Saxton blasts him with the Megaton punch! Howard hits the mat hard and Saxton goes for the cover, 1..........2.......Mikey breaks up the pin! Mikey lifts Saxton off of Howard and hits a knee lift before the Level Up! Saxton is laid out on the mat as Mikey climbs to the top turnbuckle. As he tries to get his balance Saboteur comes out of nowhere and connects for a GOOOOOOOAAAAL. Mikey flips over off the turnbuckle and crashes to the mat. Howard is back up however and hits a shining wizard on Saboteur as he stands up in the corner before delivering a bulldog. Saboteur is sent crashing to the outside. However as Howard gets up, he turns around and suddenly gets hit with Black Lightning! Saxton covers Howard, 1...........2...........3!

Harrys: Here are your winners, H.S.T.D.!

Copeland: A flurry of offense at the end of that match, but in the end Saxton and Saboteur have come away with the victory!

Cohen: Well I'm glad that's over. Looks like we have new contenders for the tag team titles.

Dave: Not only that, but they have put them selves in position for a shot the right way, by beating the champions straight up.

Saxton gets to his feet as the ref raises his arm in victory. Saboteur slowly rolls into the ring and runs into Saxton, knocking him out of the way and telling the ref to raise his hand. Saboteur's arm does indeed get raised but Saxton shoves him out of the way and tells the ref to raise his hand. The ref does so and this continues before Saxton and Saboteur stare each other down. Saboteur points to the corner and Saxton nods, the two men quickly climbing to the second turnbuckle in opposite corners, indicating their desire for the belts. On the outside Mikey has helped up Howard and the tag team champions quickly retreat up the entrance ramp.

We cut backstage where Leon Kensworth is standing by with Rush.

Leon: Rush, coming up next you face off with Matt Tastic, and the Eurasian Title is one the line! Having found this out just a little while ago, does your strategy change with the very title on the line?

Rush: It doesn't change a damn thing Leon. I'm going out there and I'm going to beat the hell out of Matt Tastic. You know Leon, I've been told for so long that I'm one of the best in WZCW to have never held a title. Well tonight, I end that.

Leon: How do you feel though, not defeating the actual champion?

Rush looks up for a moment before turning towards Leon. Rush puts a hand on Leon's shoulder before suddenly squeezing hard. Leon yelps in pain as Rush moves his face right in front of Leon's.

Rush: It doesn't make a damn bit of difference Leon. The idiot that held the title before didn't have a contract. All of his victories should have been wiped from the record books. Because of his stupidity, I have one less match to win to become Eurasian Champion. Would that be a problem for you Leon?

Leon: N...n.....no sir.

Rush: Good, then we understand each other. Matt Tastic is going to run into the wrong beast tonight Leon.

Rush let's go of Leon's shoulders and straightens Leon's tie before brushing his shoulder off. He walks away as the camera focuses in on the look of fear on Leon's face.

Copeland: Rush takes on Matt Tastic for the Eurasian Championship, next!

Cohen: I hope Matt Tastic has health insurance, he's gonna need it!
Harrys: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the vacated WZCW Eurasian Championship!

We take a shot of the belt sitting on a tabletop set up on the outside before we go back to the ring

Dave: Hey sweetie, you miss me?

Copeland: I wonder what Ty had to do to get that belt?

Dave: I think we all the know the answer to that question, Seb.

Cohen: Damnit Dave! It's Seabass... Seabass...


The crowd explodes just as Tastic explodes from the curtain and on stage. He is completely pumped for the contest as he walks frantically down the entrance ramp.

Harrys: Introducing first, from Puerto Rico, weighing in at 225 pounds; Matt Tastic!

Tastic is on the turnbuckles and looks out into the crowd before jumping down, waiting for his opponent.

Cohen: Big opportunity for the young gun but like history tells us, he's going to choke again.

Dave: I wouldn't doubt Tastic's chances, Jack. He's a hell of a competitor and he's got the fire to win it.


The crowd boos loudly as the big man walks out to the beat of the song, methodically massaging his palms together. He does not stare at the crowd, keeping his lock on Tastic who is doing the same thing with Rush.

Harrys: And his opponent, from Montreal, Quebec, Canada, weighing in at 322 pounds; Rush!

Rush continues walking around the ring, pacing to make a full revolution continuing to stare at Tastic.

Copeland: That's got to give you cold shivers.

Cohen: Yeah, if you're spineless. Coward...

Dave: How about you get in that ring, hey Jackie boy?

Rush hops onto the apron and climbs over the ropes, standing close to Tastic. The two of them look at each other until the referee begins explaining the rules as the music dies. He points to the title on the outside as both men look at it for a short period. The referee signals for the bell and Rush immediately knocks down the distracted Tastic with a blow across the face.

Tastic staggers to the ropes as Rush continues those clubbing shots to the back. He decides to whip Tastic across the ring and gets ready for a bodyslam but Tastic manages to slip out of it and getting in a chop block to Rush's knee to take the big man down to one knee. Tastic grabs a head full of hair and hits pulls it down to hit a backbreaker on Rush. He goes for a pin but Rush presses Tastic off him before the count of 1. Tastic lands kicks on Rush as he gets up but eventually Rush grabs one of the boots and pushes Tastic away. Tastic comes back for more and tries a DDT as the big man is still not vertical. Again, Rush pushes him away enough for Tastic to use it for momentum and run off the ropes. However, Rush is up and hits a big boot on Tastic that knocks him down. Tastic gets to the ropes and pulls himself up as Rush measures him up. Rush runs at Tastic but Matt gets the low-bridge on Rush, causing the big man to topple to the outside. Tastic shakes his head to get his bearings as he sees Rush getting up. He looks at the turnbuckles and nods, getting the crowd to cheer and get on their feet. Tastic ascends the corner and to the top as Rush gets to his feet: Top Rope Clothesline from Tastic, hitting with enough force to knock both men down to their feet. The crowd cheers loudly at the dare-defying act as the referee looks at the carnage below. He begins a count of ten to see if either man respond.

Dave: We're already up to a 10 count?

Copeland: High stakes match: high stakes manoeuvres.

We are up to 4 before Tastic manages to get to his feet with Rush still recovering. Tastic is able to push Rush into the barricade and hits a couple of shots to Rush before he gets onto the apron. He jumps off and clothesline the big man but not enough to topple him over the barricade. However, Rush's grogginess allows Tastic to slam Rush his head over on the nearest steel turnbuckle pole before grabbing his arm and smacking it across the pole, damaging Rush's arm. Rush rolls into the ring as does Tastic who gets the leverage advantage, grabbing the arm of Rush and wrenching it down a couple of times before locking in a standing armbar. Tastic smiles to the crowd and gives a thumbs up to their amusement as he keeps the hold locked on tight. The ref asks Rush if he wants to submit but Rush is defiant and tries finding a way out. He seeks the best option by extending his arm and grabbing the ropes, forcing Tastic to break the hold. He does so and Rush is able to get to his knees before Tastic turns his attention from the ref to his opponent, getting hit with Rush's good arm to stagger him back momentarily. This allows enough time for Rush to get to his feet with Tastic turning around and going for more attack. Tastic gets a few shots on Rush's bad arm that does affect him but Rush manages to grab the head of Tastic to control him for a knee to the stomach before using an Atomic drop followed by a clothesline with his good arm. Rush shakes the cobwebs from his bad arm as Tastic gets up to his feet slow. Rush is ready for Tastic as he is able to pick him up for a bodyslam with virtually one arm, slamming him into the canvas. Rush is able to execute this for a second and a third time before Rush hits a standing elbow drop to transition into a pin... 1... 2... kick-out by Tastic.

Copeland: Great strategy by Tastic but that still hasn't hindered Rush's strength. Looks like he'll have to go for the stamina option.

Cohen: You mean the "not get crushed by Rush too many times and run around in circles" option? Highly unlikely, Seabass.

Rush is up and is aiding Tastic to his feet, sticking him in the corner and wrapping his arms around the ropes. He then proceeds to hit 10 forearm clubs across the chest of Tastic, all more sickening than the last. The crowd boos as Rush hits the tenth. Rush then whips Tastic across the ring into the other turnbuckle, following after Tastic to hit a running splash. Rush backs out as Tastic staggers out, allowing Tastic to hit a powerslam. He goes for the pin... 1... 2... kick-out again. Rush does not look happy with the result but the ref states that it was indeed a proper two count. Rush shakes his head as he gets up and uses both hands to grab Tastic by the throat and lift him up into a double handed chokeslam, slamming Tastic down. However, Rush keeps his grasp and picks Tastic back up into a bear hug. Rush squeezes the life out of Tastic as he frantically tries slipping and sliding out. He is unsuccessful however and cannot find a way out. He slowly slips and fades with the crowd desperate for Tastic to escape. It is too late as Tastic is now out cold and the referee checks Tastic's arm before lifting it up and dropping it. 1 count from the ref. He goes again and we receive a 2 count. He goes for a third but the arm does not drop! This sparks the crowd to start cheering for Tastic as he uses the energy from the crowd to start an adrenaline rush. He starts pumping his fist as Rush looks a bit worried. He tightens the hold once more but Tastic is able to use his free hands to clap the ears of Rush. Tastic does this a few more times until Rush lets go of the hold with Tastic dropping to the ground. Rush is rubbing his ears as the noise generated from the claps almost deafens him. Tastic slowly gets up as Rush is distracted.

Cohen: The referee should stop the match right now. Rush is clearly unable to hear!

Dave: You lock in a bear hug, you leave yourself open to those type of counters. It was Rush's choice.

Tastic is almost up as Rush turns around to see what is happening. Tastic hits him with a dropkick, staggering the big man. However, Rush is able to advance before Tastic gets to his feet and he tries grabbing him but Tastic counters it with an impressive Judo sweep, knocking down the big man who is shocked. Tastic backs off a bit, allowing Rush to try and get up struggles due to the initial shock. Tastic picks this as an opportunity to grab Rush's bad arm and hit a quick DDT with it, putting Rush in writhing pain. Tastic then uses this time to lock in the Cross Buster. He locks it in and the crowd is cheering for Tastic who wrenches back as far as he can, trying to get Rush to tap. The crowd screams along with Tastic for Rush to crown Matt the new champ but he refuses to give up. The ref continuously asks but Rush is not saying a word except for gasps of pain. Rush uses his free good arm to slowly but surely crawl to the ropes and eventually, after a long struggle, gets to the bottom rope. Tastic keeps the lock on until the count of 4 for good measure. Rush lays on the canvas almost out of it as Tastic does his best to pull Rush away from the ropes and flips over the big man for a pin... 1... 2... kick-out from Rush. Tastic slams the mat as he is confused as to what else he can do from here.

Cohen: Tastic is running out of options.

Copeland: If he keeps up the offense, Rush will be out of it completely.

Tastic wraps a headlock around the neck of Rush as the big man gets to his feet but it proves to be more of a nuisance than a deterrent from getting up as Rush still manages to get to his feet. He is able to push Tastic back and he uses that to his advantage to gain momentum, running at Rush and goes for a clothesline but Rush ducks and lifts up Tastic for a press slam. Tastic slips out and reverses it into a reverse falling DDT. Another pin by Tastic... 1... 2... kick-out. Tastic doesn't believe it but his fallen hopes quickly turn into an opportunity as Rush seems out of it to move. Tastic gets up and goes on the apron, looking out to the crowd who cheer for him before going for the Treble Boost... but Rush rolls out of the way at the last second, causing Tastic to hit nothing but canvas. Both men hurting, slowly get to their feet. Tastic is up first and tries to make some offense but Rush surprises him by lifting up Tastic for the Torture Rack. It takes some time for Rush to get into the perfect position but he manages to hold up Tastic, crushing his body by jumping up and down. The pain is unbearable for Tastic but he does not give up, forcing Rush to contort Tastic even more. The crowd cheers for Tastic to hang in there but before Tastic can do anything, Rush drops down into a seated position, causing Tastic to fall onto Rush's shoulders in a modified backbreaker. He drops Tastic and turns over for the pin... 1... 2... 3 with Tastic getting his shoulder up a split-second after the 3.

The ref signals for the bell and ends the match as Rush's music begins blaring through the arena. The crowd boos loudly as the referee raises the hand of Rush who is on his knees with both arms held high.

Harrys: Here is your winner and NEW WZCW Eurasian Champion; RUSH!

Cohen: Rush has finally won himself a championship in WZCW! Congratulations to the big man for the victory.

Copeland: It was hard-fought as Tastic never gave up and still managed to kick out on the winning fall but was too late to do so.

Dave: Either way, both men would have deserved this victory as they are both worthy to hold my former title. Congrats to Rush.

Rush is on his feet and for the first time in a long time, a smile appears on his face. Tastic is being attended to the referee and he helps Matt roll to the outside before another referee comes out to help Tastic walk up the ramp. The match ref tells Rush to stay in the ring and he'll get the title belt. Rush nods and continues smiling as the ref approaches the belt stand. However, before he grabs the belt, three people dressed in casual clothing and Black Dragon masks jump over the barricade and go to the title. Security is on them however and surrounds them before anything can happen. They get the ref clear as they grab all three men who struggle relentlessly and take them back over the barricade. Everyone is confused as they watch the scene unfold.

Dave: I guess some of our BD fans are unhappy with the results.

Cohen: Stupid idiots. You're ruining the entire show for everyone.

Security and the referee manage to get the three fans back over the barricade successfully... but suddenly, sections of the crowd cheer near the front as another man jumps over the barricade. The crowd goes crazy as they recognise this man to be the REAL Black Dragon.

Copeland: It's Black Dragon! He's here!

Cohen: Security! SECURITY!

He slides into the ring where Rush is with a weapon. He catches Rush off-guard and knocks Rush down with a swing of what seems to be a police baton, drops it and exits the ring. He grabs the Eurasian title and jumps over the barricade, escaping the swarming security through the crowd and out of the arena. The security follows as they chase Dragon with the crowd going mental. Rush is back near his feet from the shot and his smile has turned into a look of anger, fuming at what has happened.

Dave: Man, if looks could kill right about now, Dragon would be a dead man.

Cohen: Well if someone just took your title belt, you'd be livid too.

Copeland: I'm guessing that's what happened when Ty took the title from Dragon in the first place. Looks like we are in the eye of the hurricane now.

We see Rush in the ring pacing around, unsure what to do but is quite angry.

We go backstage where Celeste Crimson is preparing for her match, taping up her wrists as Titus walks into the picture.

Titus: Hey Celeste!

Celeste: Titus.

Titus: Strange to think this is the first time we're squaring off one on one with each other.

Celeste: Yep.

Celeste leans down and begins tying her boots up as Titus clears his throat.

Titus: Listen, I know things didn't go well at Kingdom Come. I know you put your heart and soul out there and all...

Celeste: I don't care. We lost, I'm over it.

Titus: Well even as that may be, I just wanted to wish you good luck on our match out there.

Celeste suddenly stands up and stares right at Titus, her eyes unmoving.

Celeste: I don't want your sympathy or your luck Titus. If I have to go through you to get what I want, so be it.

Celeste quickly walks off but runs right into Titus' shoulder, knocking the former two time World Champion to the side. Titus watches her walk away with a concerned look on his face as we go to commercial.
Harrys: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!


Harrys: Introducing first, from Petersburg, Russia, weighing in at 165 pounds...Celeste Crimson!

Celeste Crimson makes her way out to the arena. She has a slight smile on her face and casually slaps hands with a few fans on her way down, but the most part appears determined and focused on her upcoming match. The crowd reacts mostly positively, but there are a few who question her actions last week and have heard the rumors backstage, and remain silent and judging. Celeste enters the ring calmly and goes through a few last minute warm up while watching the entrance way.

Copeland: We welcome you back here, ladies and gentleman, for a truly epic contest here on the seventy-fifth episode of WZCW Meltdown. Two legends of our sport will meet in the middle of the ring for the first time ever, as Celeste Crimson and Titus will go one on one.

Cohen: What I wouldn't give for one of these losers to be replaced by the greatest champion of all time - the immortal Joseph Rios!

Copeland: You'd rather a disloyal egomaniac like Rios instead of these true legends?

Cohen: Pah! True legends, you call them, but they lost all the same at Kingdom Come, didn't they? And Celeste lost last week too. Heck, maybe she's about to blow up just like her old self. At least that would be entertaining.

Copeland: Well, you're not wrong that Celeste hasn't managed to get the job done lately and has to be feeling a lot of frustration, and rumors have swirled about her alliance with world champion Steven Kurtesy. This match will be both a test of her abilities and an interesting indication of where her head's at, I think.

Dave: Either way a more focused Celeste is dangerous for anyone in that ring.


Harrys: And introducing her opponent, from Keystone City, Kansas, weighing in at 225 pounds...This Is Titus!

Titus makes his way out to the entrance way, all smiles as he graciously waves to the crowd, even taking a small theatrical bow before making his way down the ramp. He takes his time on the way to the ring, jawing with fans, shaking hands even. He enters the ring beaming while Celeste backs off, all determination. He notes her in the corner of his eye, but for the moment, all he cares about is taking in the moment of this milestone Meltdown. Soon enough, though, his smile fades and he takes a longer look at Celeste. His grin drops to barely a smirk, and his thoughts obviously turn to the match ahead.

Dave: I believe Titus realizes what's at stake here. I've seen this look before and he brings his best out when I see it.

Copeland: While Titus also was part of the losing team at Kingdom Come, he quickly answered his loss with a big win yesterday, taking a three way over other WZCW legends. With a victory over another one here, Titus could see himself in title contention soon.

Cohen: As if! Titus will never come closer to the world title than shining it up as long as Ty's in charge. Our glorious leader has the memory of an elephant, Seabass.

Copeland: So, just to be clear, you're calling Ty fat?

Cohen: Uh - wait now - pfff - that's not - that's not what I said!

Dave: I'd be careful Jack, my "hideous" face might just be gracing the announce table every week in place of you if you don't keep quiet.

With Sebastian Copeland wearing a sly smile and Jack Cohen sputtering, all attention turns to the ring. The referee, customarily, checks both competitors for anything illegal before separating the two into their respective corners. He signals for the bell and backs off, awaiting the two to begin. They come to the center of the ring and Celeste offers a handshake. Titus eyes it somewhat warily, before a smile comes over his face. He makes as if to take it then instead bows deeply. He bounces out of it, light on his feet, and begins circling Celeste, who only looks disgruntled at the exchange. Titus has a gleam in his eye suggesting that he hopes to get inside Celeste's head tonight. The two do lock up soon after, though, Celeste getting the better of it and forcing Titus into the corner. The two get close there, Titus trying to shove her off. Neither can gain an advantage and the referee breaks it up. Celeste backs off and Titus proceeds cautiously, still smiling, no doubt infuriating Celeste. Celeste offers another lock up and Titus fakes as if to take it, but slips around for a waist lock instead. Celeste breaks out of it and slips around Titus in turn for a headlock. Titus works to a vertical base and uses his position to leverage Celeste into the ropes, bouncing her off them and slipping out of the headlock at the same, pushing off Celeste and sending her into the opposite ropes. Titus quickly turns around and bends over, but Celeste scouts it well and floats over for an evenflow DDT! Titus is only dazed, though, this early, and Celeste knows it. Celeste backs up to the ropes for something, charges, but Titus rolls under her, getting on his stomach and popping up. Celeste rebounds and Titus leapfrogs over! She rebounds once more and another leapfrog! Once more the rebound, and this time Titus takes her down with a flying elbow!

Copeland: Incredibly, the two time world champion hasn't lost a step since Meltdown 1, it seems.

Cohen: I don't like that grin on his face. He's got something up his sleeve tonight, I bet. Brass knuckles! Green mist! Salt in the eyes! Something!

Titus goes for a quick cover but gets only one before Celeste kicks out. Celeste shakes herself and regains an advantage quickly, grabbing hold out Titus's arm and wrenching it while restoring her vertical base. Titus reverses it, but Celeste grabs hold of hair on Titus, drawing a warning from the ref. The two stagger, locked up together, into the ropes, where they're told to break it up. Celeste backs away, but not before a knee to Titus's gut. The kick sends Titus staggering to the corner where Celeste follows with a boot to his gut. She strikes him hard in the face and Titus sprawls out in the corner where Celeste presses the attack with more kicks. She intensely presses the attack and the ref backs her out of the corner. Celeste backs off and Titus crawls out of the corner on his hands and knees, where Celeste quickly meets him with another kick. She pulls him up herself this time, hitting a belly to belly suplex. She goes for a cover but her resilient opponent is out at one. She pulls Titus up to his feet once more, sends him into the ropes and following...but Titus pulls off an incredible reversal, turning and leaping into the ropes, getting his legs up while Celeste closes, wrapping his legs around and sending her flying with a hurricanrana! The crowd is in awe of the reversal and Celeste is dazed! She pulls herself up on the ropes, stunned, and Titus is charging at her with a clothesline that sends her over the ropes. Titus measures Celeste and looks to fly over the ropes, but Celeste gets too close to the apron for comfort, so he lands on the apron instead. Celeste swipes, looking to take Titus off his feet, but Titus leaps over. Celeste turns only to find Titus leaping off the apron with a crossbody! Celeste is sprawled on the outside and Titus is pumped.

Copeland: Classic high flying wrestling from Titus has Celeste completely off guard. No doubt she scouted this well, but Titus has been incredibly innovative tonight.

Cohen: Oh, he's a fancy monkey, sure. Might as well pair up with Ricky Runn to form a traveling circus.

Titus rolls Celeste into the ring, but takes too much time, as by the time he's entering the ring she's ready enough to clock him in the head with a kick. Titus is tied up in the ropes and Celeste lifts him up and drops him with an improvised reverse DDT. Celeste locks on a headlock on the ground and wrenches it on. After a few minutes Titus has rallied, getting to his feet and trying to fight out of the hold with punches. He does break free and heads back to the ropes, rebounds off, but Celeste uses her superior strength to muscle him over with a back body drop. Celeste picks Titus up, hurls him into the ropes, and repeats the maneuver. She stands over Titus and then leaps into the air, dropping on him with a standing moonsault. She goes for the cover but gets only two. Celeste gets up while Titus struggles to sit up. Celeste once again grabs Titus by the hair and lays into him with knees to the back before going to a sitting crossface. She eventually transitions it to a viciously tight headlock and forces Titus to the mat. Titus once again valiantly fights his way to a vertical base and breaks out it with strikes. Celeste lunges, going for some move, but Titus slips under her, popping up behind her, looking like he has the advantage, but Celeste immediately leaps with a backflip kick that catches Titus square in the face and sends him sprawling into the corner.

Copeland: After a burst of high energy offense, Titus has been handled by Celeste, who, despite giving up size to Titus, has a significant strength advantage.

Cohen: I'm glad she's at least keeping him on the ground. All that bouncing about gives me a headache.

Dave: Celeste's kicks are notorious for being some of the most damaging strikes in WZCW. She can hit them from almost any angle as well.

Titus rolls over to the ring apron, under the ropes, and Celeste rolls out of the ring herself. With Titus sprawled on the apron, Celeste drops a big forearm on his chest that has him sputtering for air. Titus rolls over in pain while Celeste attempts to get back in the ring. Just as she stands in front of Titus, however, he bounces up and rears back, kicking Celeste from inside the ring and sending her all the way to the guardrail. Titus rolls out of the ring and takes a moment to collect his breath, before grabbing Celeste and tossing her in the ring. He follows slowly and once more Celeste is on him, looking for the same move as before, but Titus scrambles out of it and the two move together to the center, Celeste with a grip on Titus. Titus struggles out of it and then quickly gets behind Celeste for a big side suplex! Both of them are sprawled out, Celeste dazed, Titus exhausted. The ref starts a ten count and gets to four before both are back up. Celeste charges and Titus meets her with an axe handle to the chest! Celeste gets up and tries again, with the same result! Celeste gets up dazed and Titus backs up to the ropes, jumps to the second and leaps off with a flying clothesline! Celeste is down and Titus backs up to the ropes, looking to come out and drop a knee it seems, but Celeste crawls away to the ropes. Titus grabs on to her leg and tries to get the Ankle Lock! Celeste struggles, reverses, uses her feet to push Titus away. Titus rolls out to the apron and stands up while Celeste charges, but Titus ducks in and headbutts Celeste.

Copeland: Nothing but back and forth action here, folks, as we see these two veterans try to get the better of one another.

Cohen: It's even a little exciting. I mean, it's not like Rios is here or anything, but it's okay.

Dave: Why are you so busy talking about someone that's been gone for over three years? Let's focus on what's happening now. These two are fighting to put themselves in line for a possible title shot and that's far more important.

Celeste has staggered away from the impact of the headbutt, and Titus uses the opportunity to springboard into the ring with a huge crossbody! He goes for the cover, gets one, two, but only two! Titus gets up while Celeste struggles to sit up. As she does, Titus rounds on her with a big kick to the chest. She's back down and this time Titus successfully backs up to the ropes, comes on out, leaps, and drops a big knee. Titus backs up to the corner, just waiting for Celeste to get up...she staggers to her feet, he closes, he grabs her by the head to get her set up for something! But Celeste breaks it up, gets away from Titus, leaving him alone in the center of the ring. Celeste is in the corner, Titus charges, she ducks out, leaving Titus alone in the corner. She charges herself now, but Titus is up, kicks her out of the way, he ascends to the top! He leaps off with a flying clothesline but Celeste gets up with a dropkick that sends Titus crashing to the ground! Celeste climbs over for the cover and gets one, two, but only two! They both get to their feet, Celeste looking primed and ready she charges, Titus gets behind her, tries to set her up, she breaks free, goes to the ropes, charges again, Titus tries a flying kick! She ducks out of the way! Titus turns and is met by the Spirit Crusher! The devastating kick sounds throughout the arena and the audience gasps while Celeste covers Titus, getting one, two, and three!

Harrys: Ladies and gentlemen, here is your winner, Celeste Crimson!

Celeste is quickly back on her feet, though she has her hands on her knees, winded. Titus struggles in a daze. Eventually he pulls himself to the ropes and manages to sit himself up. He takes a long look at Celeste with a regretful look on his face. Celeste looks back calmly. She comes over and offers a handshake once more. Titus takes it. They exchange a few words and a smile while the audience applauds.

Copeland: An exciting and well fought contest there, Jack, between two of WZCW's best ever. In the end, it was Celeste with the victory to stop her losing streak. Where do these two go from here?

Cohen: Make no mistake, Seabass - Celeste still wants the world championship, and she'll use this as a way to get a shot at it. Titus, well, maybe if we're all very lucky, Titus will go back to Hollywood.

Copeland: Up next we have the Kingdom Come III rematch between Austin Reynolds and John Constantine before our epic Hell in a Cell main event.
We go backstage where Austin Reynolds is walking towards the entrance stage. On his way he runs into Ty, and the two enemies stare each other down until Ty smirks towards him.

Ty: Do you recall how your career changed all so suddenly Austin?

Austin: What do you mean?

Ty: First Showtime takes away your prized Elite X Title. Though, I suppose that's not anything too serious. After all, what Constantine did to Dom was far worse wasn't it?

Austin: What are you trying to get at Ty?

Ty: Right now your former partner or leech, or whatever you may call him is wishing ill will upon you. Doesn't that seem to be along the same lines as to what Showtime and Constantine first started against you?

Austin: And you of course when you abducted Hayley.

Ty laughs maniacally and walks past Reynolds, stopping right next to him before patting his shoulder.

Ty: No my dear Reynolds, that was just to see what deeper fire was within you. I had no personal qualm with you, but Constantine and Showtime certainly did. Now, why don't you go out there and show them just what makes Austin Reynolds tick. Show them the anger the fuels your hatred and your desire for revenge. He hasn't learned his lesson yet has he Austin?

Austin stops and listens intently before nodding his head. The two begin walking their separate ways but Ty stops and yells towards Austin.

Ty: Eliminate the leech Reynolds. He will sap you of whatever is left of your career.

Reynolds stops and looks back, a bit unnerved but sees no one there but a flickering light as we fade to commercial.
Harrys: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!


Austin Reynolds walks out on stage and gets a mild applause. He yells and gestures to the crowd to get louder and then throws his arms up, getting a bigger cheer. He still seems disappointed with it as he walks down to the ring with a determined look.

Harrys: Introducing first, from London, England, weighing in at 190 lbs, The Ratings Winner, Austin Reynolds!

Austin climbs up to the top rope and points to the crowd and back at himself. He throws his arms up but then...


The music hits and the crowd pops even louder as John Constantine walks out onto the stage, King for a Day briefcase in hand. Austin looks back from the top rope to his opponent, who is giving high fives to many of the fans along the stage ramp, and letting the younger fans touch his briefcase.

Harrys: And his opponent, from Washington D.C., weighing in at 265 lbs, he is the King for a Day, John Constantine!

John walks to the opposite end of the ring from Reynolds and slides in. Austin finally hops off the top rope and into the ring. John stands up and holds his briefcase up in the air before giving the case to Mr. Harrys who takes it over to the ring bell.

Copeland: What a huge match about to start here on Meltdown 75 and guys this isn’t even our main event, which will take place in a Hell in the Cell.

Cohen: The storied history between these two alone makes the match intriguing. Dave, you’ve been in the ring with both these two wrestlers. Who do you think will come out on top?

Dave: Jack, this could be the match of the night right here. No disrespect to Barbosa or our “great” new owner Ty Burna, but these two are capable of stealing the show. Austin’s speed verse John’s strength will make for an exciting contest, and both men have had many matches against one and other and will no each others strengths and weaknesses.

John walks over to Austin as the bell rings and extends his hand to shake. Austin looks at the hand and rather than shake it, gives it an overly hard slap and starts moving around the ring. Constantine accepts the gesture and starts to move in on the dancing Reynolds. Constantine swings with a punch and Austin ducks under it. He swiftly kicks the knee of John and follows up with an elbow to the head. John turns himself around quickly and Austin moves back to prevent any counter. He and John move towards each other. John fakes a punch that Austin tries to dodge and grabs him by the waist from behind. John lifts Austin up off his feet. Austin tries to break free of Constantine’s arms and then reaches back and grabs John by the head. He pulls them forward, countering into a Headlock take down. Austin has John to the mat and starts striking the face of John. The ref starts counting to 5 and John breaks free by 3 and pushes Austin off. Both men get to their feet and John goes for a Lariat. Austin ducks the clothesline and jumps onto Constantine’s back, locking in a Sleephold.

Copeland: Austin using his speed well into this contest. Constantine has been unable to start up any offense.

John tries to swing Austin off his back first, but to no avail as Austin holds on tightly. John is standing near the middle of the ring and reaches back to grab Austin. He swings his body forward and throws Austin off him. Austin lands on his butt near the ropes. John quickly bounces off the near ropes and lowers his body into Austin. Hits a Lariat on Austin in a seated position. The crowd ‘ooh’ upon the big impact as John goes for a cover. 1... 2 Austin kicks out! John lifts up Austin to his feet and holds his head. He then hits a Headbutt, causing Austin to stumble be remain on his feet. John grabs Reynolds and tucks his head under his arm. Constantine lifts Reynolds up in the air attempting a Vertical Suplex. He holds Austin up vertically as the crowd applauds. Austin kicks his legs and manages to roll him and John forward into a pinning predicament. 1... John kicks out! Austin gets to his feet first and runs at John. John surprises Austin with a Drop toe hold. He then starts to position Austin, trying to lock in a STF. Reaches and grabs onto the ropes and pulls himself forward. John lets go and Austin kicks back at him to keep their distance. Austin gets to his feet and starts to circle John in the ring. The two lock up and John twists the arm of Reynolds. Austin grunts in pain and then rolls forward and counters the hold. He then jabs at the eyes of Constantine and lets go of his arm. The King for a Day holds his face as Austin delivers a Roaring Elbow that backs John against the ropes. Austin grabs John and goes for an Irish Whip. John reverses. Austin comes back for the ropes, goes for a Shoulder Charge. John is stronger and knocks Reynolds down to the mat. John bounces off the ropes. Austin rolls over. John jumps over. Austin gets up as John comes back off the ropes. Austin leaps up and over John. Constantine comes back off the ropes and Austin goes for a crossbody. John grabs Austin in midair and holds up. Swinging backbreaker. The crowd pops loud for the big boom in the ring and John goes for the cover. 1... 2. Austin kicks out!

Cohen: Constantine is beginning to wear away Austin with his more powerful moves. This is not the same John Constantine that lost to Austin last year at Kingdom Come. This guy is a future King!

Dave: John has made leaps and bounds in the last year. No doubt he has improved tremendously in that ring. But this is still Austin Reynolds. The same Austin who did go the distance last year when many said he couldn’t. You can never count him out of a match.

John lifts up Austin and Irish Whips him across the ring. He grabs Austin coming back and goes for a Sidewalk Slam. Austin flips over with the momentum and lands back on his feet instead. He kicks John in the ankle, causing him to stumble back. Austin turns around and comes running off the ropes. John ducks down and lifts Austin over top. With one hand Austin grabs the top rope and with the over he has the back of Constantine’s neck and pulls him into the ropes. Austin lands on his feet and John flops back into the ring holding his neck. The ref checks on John and Austin stands outside seeing he has done. He jumps up on the apron and John in still on the mat. Springboard diving headbutt by Austin connects, landing near Johns neck. Austin goes for the cover. 1... 2... John kicks out. Austin grabs the neck of John and has him in a Side Headlock on the mat.

Copeland: Austin has picked the spot he want to target on John and it is the neck that Austin hung up on the top rope.

Dave: You know Seabass, backstage a lot of guys view the use of the top rope as a weapon which is why many try to land on the apron. I’m not calling Austin out here, but I think he may have done it on purpose.

Cohen: Calling out wrestlers. I love having an ex WZCW wrestler commentate.

Dave shoots Jack an upset look at the comment as the action continues in the ring. John has managed to get back up to his feet with Austin still applying the Side Headlock. John begins to elbow Austin in the gut and then pushes him into the ropes. He throws Austin running across the ring. Austin bounces back and hits a Leg Lariat. He again goes for the cover. 1... 2... John kicks out! Austin pulls at his hair and then gets up and starts stomping on John. He grabs John from behind and locks in another Sleeperhold. Joh swings his arms trying to his Austin. Constantine slowly gets up to his feet and takes the Ratings Winner up off his. John grabs Austin and tries to flip him over again. Astin holds on tighter this time and flips John onto the mat as well, still holding the move. John appears groggy but is now closer to the ropes and manages to grab them. Austin releases and hits John with an elbow to the neck. Austin helps him to his feet and goes goes the Five Star. John elbows him in the head and breaks up the move. Austin holds his head as John takes advantage and lifts him up off the ground. John carries Austin to the centre of the ring and goes for a Fallaway Slam. He throws Austin over. Austin grabs John by the neck with both hands and swings behind him and falls behind him, both knees planted behind his back and neck. Lung Blower! Austin goes for the cover. 1... 2..... John just kicks out!

Copeland: Another kick out by John Constantine. Folks this is the resilience you saw from him at Kingdom and you are seeing it again her tonight verse Austin Reynolds.

Dave: Absolutely Seabass, that’s something that makes champions great, but John will not be able to take much more of this kind of punishment from Austin. He is in the zone here tonight.

The crowd is cheering loudly and Austin can’t believe he did not get the three count. He argues with the ref and then turns his attention back to John. Constantine is slowly getting to his knees. Austin stands near him ready to attack. The crowd is cheering loudly and growing in volume as John rises.

Copeland: The crowd has come alive her. Austin is looking to hit the Ego Crusher. Will he put this match away?

John is almost to his feet. The crowd is on their feet as he turns around. Austin leaps up and grabs John’s neck. John throws Austin off and he lands on his back. John then hunches over, still tired and hurt. Austin gets back to his feet and runs at John. John stands up and delivers a huge Lariat. Austin gets up and John clubs him down with another Lariat. John lifts Austin up to his feet and hooks his head. Vertical Suplex! John rolls over top of Austin in a mounted position and starts punching the face of him. After five strikes he picks Austin up to his feet and kicks him in the gut. Flowing DDT! John with the cover. 1... 2... Austin kicks out. John slowly rises to his feet and signals for the Axis of Evil. He picks Austin up and Irish Whips him across the ring. Austin runs back and John lifts him up for the Spinebuster. Austin turns in midair and manages to roll John up into a pinning predicament. John however rolls throw it and is back standing up holding Austin in his arms. He walka around the ring taunting to hit the move before delivering a big Fallaway Slam! Austin holds his back and as John stands near the ropes to take a breather.

Copeland: John is in control of the match right now. He could end it shortly.

Dave: The timing and execution of both men has been stellar, but it’s been the patience of John that has...

Cohen: Oh Dave... look who's here.

The crowd’s cheers have turn to boos as Steven Holmes has emerged from the crowd and is by the ring announcers, holding John’s King for a Day briefcase. Holmes looks at the belt and then back at John in the ring. Constantine has taken notice of Holmes and reaches over the ropes. Holmes takes a swing at John with the briefcase and John catches it. The two fight over control of the briefcase when Holmes lets go and John lets it fly back, landing near the other side of the ring. John yells at Holmes as Austin puts his hands on the briefcase. John turns his attention back to his opponent as Austin stands up. Austin swings and hits Constantine in the head with the briefcase. The ref sees the action and calls for the bell.

Harrys: Here is you winner by disqualification, John Constantine!

Austin stands over John with the briefcase and then drops it. He shows the slightest twinge of remorse from the attack and then exits the ring in a hurry showing no emotion on his way up the ramp.

Copeland: Austin has just gotten himself disqualified. I don’t know what to think of his actions lately.

Cohen: Eat or be eaten Seabass. Austin saw the case, knew it was in play, and used it. I don’t think he feels bad about it at all.

Dave: Austin is changing Jack, Seabass. I think we all know that I think maybe Austin just realized that. What the future holds is up to him now.

John is still down on the mat and Holmes has no entered the ring. He stands over John and begins to punch him in the face. He places the briefcase down in front of him and locks John in Aristocracy Reigns over the case. The ref is yelling at Holmes to let go. He finally does and throws John’s face in the case. Steven brushes the dirt off his jacket and adjusts it before exiting John in the ring.

Copeland: Holmes continues to get the sneak attacks in on his opponents. This battle between former friends continues to get heated.

Dave: Holmes has a way to get under people’s skin. He won’t be having a good day when John Constantine gets him in the ring. I can assure you of that.
We cut backstage where Barbosa sits in a darkened area of the arena, his head lowered and his face expressionless. He rubs his hands together slowly as he begins to sing

And so he spoke, and so he spoke,
that lord of Castamere,
But now the rains weep o'er his hall,
with no one there to hear.
Yes now the rains weep o'er his hall,
and not a soul to hear.

Barbosa repeats the lyrics once more, his voice echoing throughout the room as we slowly fade to commercial.
Harrys: The following contest is...HELL IN A CELL!

With the Cell still lingering overhead, the crowd explodes at the announcement of the main event for later tonight as they prepare to witness two warriors, similar in a number of ways but different in possibly just as many, tear each other limb from limb in order to assert their dominance inside a structure built to contain only those with the greatest pain thresholds.

Harrys: And it is set for one fall...

Cohen: The time is now Seabass.

Copeland: Destruction waits for two, but victory is a right reserved for one.

Dave is silent, clearly wishing to observe what is to follow. The crowd remains strong and loud but quietens down in anticipation for the first of the two to enter the arena. Then, it hits:


As Change hits, the crowd erupts in a mixture of blistering hatred and beautiful love as the ever psychotic, though now stoic Barbosa enters the arena. The volume increases further upon his standing on the top of the ramp.

Harrys: Introducing first, from Bedlam, weighing 237 pounds; BARBOSA!

The slow methodical pace at which Barbosa walks allows him to soak up his environment and survey the structure that still dangles high above the ring, the Cell not just yet lowered. A fan reaches out to touch Barbosa, assuming his explosiveness is contained. He guesses wrong. Before the fan can even get a fingertip to the monstrous man, he contorts his head in an awkward fashion, but still so it faces this fan. The fan retracts the hand out of fear. Still Barbosa has a lack of expression as he returns his focus to the ring, which he enters.

Copeland: Barbosa is an animal bred for destruction, and inside this Hell in a Cell, he may feel completely at home.

Dave: Maybe, but I’ll be keen to see how his “new” persona handles the Cell.

As Barbosa stands tall within the ring, the fans continue to offer their mixed reaction, until the lights go out in the arena, and darkness rules. The flashes of hundreds, possibly thousands of camera’s go off as the sound of unrivalled hatred fills the ears of all watching.

Cohen: Here he comes!


A red veil descends upon the arena as a robed individual makes his way into the arena. His hood up, we can only assume it is the second participant. He raises his arms upwards; flames erupt before him, illuminating the stage, revealing that this is indeed Barbosa’s opponent. Suddenly, the Cell begins to lower, almost in tune with the arms being raised and the flames.

Harrys: And his opponent, weighing 235 pounds, the Harbinger of Chaos and the Owner of WZCW; T-Y BUR-NA!

The crowd unleashes a torrid of unbridled hatred. This typhoon of negative energy descends upon Burna who cares not, making his way to the ring as hell itself comes down on top of Barbosa who seems un-phased by all the grandiose.

Copeland: Mind games from Ty normally work, but I wonder if they will only serve to boost the desire and motivation of Barbosa?

Cohen: I’m not sure, but I’m certainly relishing every second of this!

Dave: It should be a fine battle of attrition, that’s for sure.

As Ty reaches the bottom of the ramp, the Cell finally lands down, confronting Burna. The door opens, almost on command and Ty steps in. He slams the door behind him. Truman Harrys has escaped the confines of the structure and a referee has taken his place within the ring. Another official lurks on the outside, ready to pad-lock the demonic steel shut. Both men are now in the ring. Ty remains robed, though he raises his arms upwards, and much like at Kingdom Come, the robe ignites, falling away from his body in near mystical fashion. Both men appear ready. The referee signals for the match to begin.

Copeland: And here we go with perhaps the nastiest match in the company’s history.

Dave: I was in one of these at the last Unscripted PPV and rest assured, it’s not a lot of fun...unless you’re Ty I guess.

As Burna looks prepared to sink his claws into Barbosa, the latter shows little emotion, not even bother to move out of the corner he’s been waiting in since he entered. Ty unleashes a number of kicks and punches, looking to knock something out of Barbosa perhaps, but very poor coverage of those kicks is all the bi-polar superstar can offer. Ty just keeps on pounding with Barbosa doing nothing to help himself. Eventually the referee steps in to try and see what is happening. Ty voluntarily backs off, intrigued by this turn of events.

Cohen: What on Earth is Barbosa doing?

Copeland: Is it tactics?

Dave: I think the current personality is wholly indifferent to the situation between himself and Burna.

The referee is attempting to communicate with Barbosa, but is only in return receiving a blank stare. He puts his hand on his shoulder to make sure he’s completely aware of his surroundings and such. This is a wholly bad idea on the part of the official. Barbosa suddenly grabs the arm and rises out of the corner. The referee falls to his knees in pain. Barbosa’s face remains stoic, but there are flashes of anger, almost as if there is a war for control. The referee pleads for Barbosa to release him. Ty smirks, pleased with this turn of events. In one swift movement, Barbosa pulls the official right into an STO. The crowd is completely unsure of what to do and a horrific mixed reaction follows. However, Barbosa still is unfinished with the official and puts him in position for a powerbomb. Rather than throwing him into the turnbuckle though, Barbosa opts for something much more sinister.

Copeland: Oh dear God!

Cohen: The official shouldn’t have stuck his nose where it didn’t belong.

Dave: Maybe, but he certainly did not deserve something that evil.

The referee has been thrown into the steel that surrounds the ring. He’s totally out of it as the crowd now fairly unanimously boos Barbosa. Slumped, the official is certainly not getting up from that anytime soon and requires some sort of medical attention for sure. Other referees begin to pour down to ringside, looking to free their comrade from his confinement. As they come down, Ty laughs heartily. He’s enjoying every second of this. He puts his hand on Barbosa’s shoulder, almost in the exact same place the referee did. Barbosa’s head contorts to confront Ty.

Copeland: Wait...I think I just had a flashback to the Lethal Lottery.

Cohen: Oh Lord have mercy...

Barbosa’s face is now rich with hatred and anger, resentment possibly. Much like at the after mentioned Lethal Lottery IV, there is a hint of fear in Ty’s eyes as his smile is now gone and any expression that remained has been whipped off with a vile clothesline. The crowd now returns to it’s mixed reception for Barbosa, though it’s predominantly cheers. As Ty looks to clamber back to his feet, Barbosa comes off the ropes and delivers a kitchen sink running knee, knocking Ty right out of the ring, Barbosa almost too. Meanwhile, the officials have the key which opens the Cell door and have managed to open it. They are in. Wary of their surroundings the attempt to take the destroyed referee and replace him with another, but just as they reach the door, Ty rises, looking to use the cage to get himself back to his feet. He is in fact using the door and realises that this could be a useful weapon. Barbosa comes out after him and nails him with a knee to the gut. This looks to set up a running swinging neckbreaker as he backs off before charging right at Burna. Instead of the swing though, he is met with steel as Ty slams the cage door right into Barbosa’s face.

The crowd collectively “oooohs” knowing they’ve witnessed a painful moment. As Ty moves away from the door, the near petrified officials slowly edge there way out of the cell, leaving only one man behind to attempt to officiate. They shut the door, but leave it unlocked. Barbosa checks his face for wounds, and from the camera angle, we don’t see the face, only the blood on his hand. Like a shark, Ty smells the blood in the water so to speak and goes to town with a couple of stiff kicks. He completes a hat trick with one to the back of the neck. He goes to apply a choke when Barbosa catches the choke hand and using nothing but pure strength, lifts Ty off his feet and throws him into the Cell. Barbosa scrambles away, blood trickling down from his face. He reaches the steel steps, hoping they are a sanctuary. Ty however is recovered and comes out going for the former monarch. Barbosa rises and Ty sprints at him. Something snaps in Barbosa once more and in a sudden move, he lifts the steel steps up, twists his body and throws them with great force right into Ty. Burna has little time to react and does well to even get his hands up to attempt a block. It offers little protection though as Ty crumples into the floor. Barbosa breathes heavily, aware of his narrow escape and then the adrenaline seems to hit him. He poses like an animal and let’s out and almighty scream. The crowd roars with him.

Dave: One of the few memories I have of losing my World Heavyweight Championship was that very sound that we just heard. I can’t tell you how intimidating that can be if you’re only semi-conscious.

Like a great beast, Barbosa stalks his fallen, wounded prey. He stands over Ty, and turns him around to confront him, and he is surprised by the sight he is met with; a devilish smile. Through the blood and pain, Ty remains grinning wildly. Barbosa for the first time appears concerned, unsure what to make of this. He’s used to fear in the enemy’s eyes, not this. The momentary distraction allows Ty to regain his foothold, using his long legs to wrap them around the head of Barbosa; The Final Séance! Barbosa is frantic seeking a way out. For the first time since entering the match, the new referee is getting involved, checking for the submission. Barbosa certainly isn’t tapping, but he is fading. The packed audience though is offering him their support and as the old cliché goes, Barbosa begins to feed off of the energy. He hooks his arms around Ty’s powerful legs and again throws Ty into the Cell wall. It’s almost a modified Mood Stabilizer. Ty slumps to the floor. Barbosa again stands over the fallen Ty. This time Barbosa isn’t worried or freaked out and actually applies a strangle hold onto Burna. Ty though still has that bizarre, mad grin. Barbosa screams at him while strangling, but Ty hits Barbosa’s strangle hold out of the way and uses a facebreaker DDT onto the Cell wall, separating the two combatants once more.

Barbosa is slumped against the Cell while Ty takes a breather for a moment. An idea seems to pop into his head and he lifts the ring apron up, looking for something underneath the ring. After a moment or two of searching, he discovers what he seeks; a steel chair. With Barbosa still on the Cell wall, his back is prone and Ty knows this, unleashing several sickening shots to his spine with the chair. Writhing in pain, Barbosa turns around, seeking to find a way out of his predicament. He looks to power through Ty, but takes another chair shot which drops him to his knees. Feeling he’s used the chair sufficiently, Ty rolls the fallen Barbosa back into the ring. Burna climbs in after him and seeks to finish this one as he stand opposite him, loading up for some Consecrated Banishment.

Copeland: Ty is loading up for the grand finale.

Cohen: Barbosa certainly took him through hell to get here.

Dave: ...

Ty is begging for Barbosa to get to his feet. Getting frantic, Ty begins to circle Barbosa and when he’s right in front of the bloodied and beaten bi-polar, he pumps his legs. Barbosa catches him though! Ty’s expression is one of astonishment. Barbosa uses the errant leg to pull Ty in for an overhead sambo suplex. Barbosa seems to have gotten a second wind suddenly. He goes behind Ty who is slowly getting to his feet. He puts Burna’s arms in a straightjacket position and drops backwards using his knees; Split Personality! Ty is in real trouble and the crowd is totally behind Barbosa.

Cohen: Barbosa’s gotten that second wind. But how?

Copeland: He’s been waiting a long time for this match Jack, that’s likely how.

Dave: When you’ve been waiting as long as Barbosa has, you’ll do anything to make the moment last.

Rolling around in agony, Ty is in a real predicament. Barbosa seems to be in control and may well be setting up for his closing sequence when suddenly the crowd’s cheers become engulfed by a typhoon of boos. Barbosa is swift to confront the entrance ramp, knowing what may well be coming.

Cohen: Here comes the cavalry!

Naturally the Apostles of Chaos comprised of Alex Bowen, James King and S.H.I.T. make their way down to the Cell. Barbosa exits the ring, deciding to confront the terrible trio. As Barbosa reaches the door, King kicks it open. Barbosa dodges the door, and throws a vicious forearm King’s way, knocking him out of the way. Then, he attempts the same to Bowen, but the former Mayhem Champion ducks it. This allows for S.H.I.T. to unleash a head chop which staggers Barbosa. He collapses into the ring apron as the three apprentices of Ty surround Barbosa. The former WZCW World Heavyweight Champion looks up, a fire burning in his eyes. He goes to fight off Alex Bowen when James King nails him from behind with a clothesline. It appears to be a beatdown on the way as King and Bowen kick and stomp, S.H.I.T. following their example. They set Barbosa in position for the End of Days from Bowen.

Copeland: The numbers game is too great for Barbosa to overcome. Someone has to do something Dave?

Dave cannot help and he knows it. Ty is still on the mat, but he’s been observing the carnage and he turns to look right at Big Dave who he grins at, peering through the cage, knowing that he holds his career over him. Dave is deeply frustrated, his fists clenched. Ty continues to beam a grin until...


The crowd comes alive and Ty’s face first morphs into one of shock, and then anger. He gets to his feet, ordering his Apostles to be wary. Bowen releases Barbosa. Soon enough, Chris K.O. emerges on the top of the ramp, chair in hand. He points at Ty before sprinting down to the ringside area. It’s Bowen who comes out first with a right hand, but he may very well have broken it as K.O. nails the chair shot over the fist. King goes for a clothesline to the back of K.O., but Chris anticipates his former allies move and nails him with a chair to the gut. Ty screams at S.H.I.T. to get involved and he does, grabbing the chair much like K.O. He goes to fire off a shot which K.O. blocks with one of his own. They trade attempted chair shots when a kitchen sink knee comes from out of nowhere to take down the robotic S.H.I.T. Barbosa is back and Ty is now outnumbered. He sinks to his backside out of fear more than anything else when K.O. suddenly feels the pain of a cruel chair shot. Barbosa is responsible and the crowd is once again offering a mixed reception for the match combatant. He throws the chair down, before re-entering the ring, looking to finish Ty off. As soon as he enters though, the devious Burna has loaded up and executed Consecrated Banishment!

Copeland: The Banishment from out of nowhere!

For the first time in this match, Ty rolls Barbosa onto his back and goes for a pretty meek cover.

Cohen: This is it!


Copeland: Not sure Barbosa can kick out...


Dave: ...



The crowd ignites in a flurry of emotion. While a number of boos are apparent, the cheers almost completely overwhelm them. Ty, beaten, and battered is almost weeping, but that soon disappears instead we get a look of anger. Burna is exceedingly displeased. He gets to one knee and stares almost right into the very soul of the referee who backs off. Sneering, Ty climbs to his feet fully and almost as a second nature heads towards the referee. The official; is quick to move away from Ty and is pleasantly surprised to see him going after something different to himself; the corner.

Cohen: Uh, oh. Barbosa kicked-out of that devastating Consecrated Banishment, but he won’t be able to kick out of SUPER Consecrated Banishment.

Dave: Maybe not, but there’s more than one way to skin a cat.

Cohen: I hate clichés Dave...

As our two colour analysts banter back and forth, Ty begins to gingerly make his way out of the ring and uses his remaining strength to attempt to hoist himself onto the top rope. Barbosa has begun to get to his feet. He’s staggered, but that suits Burna just fine as he tries to regain his footing. After a few minor moments, the crowd begins to fall silent, observing this moment in time as Ty leaps forward, pumps the legs, lunging at his disturbed opponent. But the tone changes as Barbosa counters, catching Ty and throwing him with a modified version of the Mood Stabilizer! Ty bounces out and with the adrenaline flowing in his veins Barbosa picks the despicable owner up and slams his down as hard as he ever has with a Doppelgänger! He collapses into a cover. 1...2...3!

Copeland: He did it!

Cohen: I don’t believe it...

Dave: I told you Cohen.

Harrys: Here is your winner; BARBOSA!

Barely even moving, the referee moves over to the fallen victor and raises his hand. The crowd is going ballistic with cheers drowning any boos that remain. The Cell begins to lift off the ground signalling the end. Chris K.O. starts to get to his feet and backs off slowly, recognising that he’s taken a step closer to bringing down his former master. The Apostles are stirring also, but stay down as they hear the wrong music as Kylie Minogue plays the demented Barbosa out.

Copeland: Well tonight Barbosa finally got the moment he was looking for for months. He’s conquered Ty Burna and survived the living embodiment of hell. With a little help from Chris K.O., he saw off the Apostles of Chaos and in the end he pinned Ty Burna. This has been a historic 75th Meltdown, and we embark on an even more historic Ascension 50 as the World Heavyweight Championship is decided between David Cougar and defending champion Steven Kurtesy. From Jack Cohen--

Dave: --and Big Dave--

Copeland: --and Big Dave, we wish you a good evening. Thank you for tuning in!

We close out with K.O. backing down the aisle, Barbosa slowly coming to and the Cell lifting upwards. The hell over...for now.
Who wrote what:

Numbers: Scott Williams vs. Krypto vs. Angel
Falkon: Rush vs. Matt Tastic
Harthan: Celeste vs. Titus
Showtime: Constantine vs. Austin Reynolds
Funkay: Ty Burna vs. Barbosa
Ty: Opening, Backstage, Drake Callahan vs. Brad Bomb, Sab/Sax vs. Strikeforce

Rep these gentlemen for their hard work. I hope y'all enjoyed the show, Ascension will likely be posted up tomorrow pending work schedules and what not. Thanks guys.
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