Meltdown 73

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Copeland: Good evening, ladies and gentlemen and welcome to Meltdown 73. We're going to take you right into the action right now with the boss of this great show, Ty Burna.

In the ring, Ty stands with a solemn look on his face. He waits for the silence of the crowd, which is not forthcoming immediately. He raises a finger to the audience but this just causes more trouble for him as the crowd erupt in disrespect. The noise levels are insane as Ty begins to speak through the noise.

Ty Burna: Tomorrow night, I will make my way to Ascension 48 to take on a man who has plagued my career. I have no doubt that what awaits me is a test of character and a brutal test of my body before Kingdom Come. And what's more, I have to do this on the eve of the biggest show in the history of this company.

The crowd cheer at the thought of Ty having to put his body through Hell before his match at Kingdom Come. It seems the fans of Meltdown don't have the same love of it's esteemed owner.

Ty Burna: Ah, you're a fan of tests then? A fan of putting people through their paces to prove their worth?

The fans cheer, more in favour of Ty Burna having to face such a tough test than anything else.

Ty Burna: Well then we all have something in common then. For I have a few orders for the men most loyal to me. The Apostles Of Chaos are in action tonight. The men who stand closest to me have tests of their own tonight on my show and I warn them in advance... Fail me and the consequences will be dire.

There is a quiet contemplation in the fans as people begin whispering to each other.

Ty Burna: Tomorrow night, I will prove close the book on a chapter of my career with the ultimate destruction of Showtime David Cougar. In doing so, I will prove a point to Steven Kurtesy. I will prove that his days as WZCW Heavyweight Champion are numbered. I will prove that I have never been more dangerous and that at Kingdom Come 4, Steven Kurtesy will have his teeth kicked down his throat.

There is a loud disapproval of Ty's thoughts as the crowd get on his back once again. Ty seems completely nonplussed by this however and continues his thought.

Ty Burna: Tonight, you all face similar tests of character and I want you to prove a point. Prove a point to Big Dave, to Titus and to Runn Reynolds Runn. Prove to them that you are the most dangerous stable that has ever existed. And most importantly, prove to me that you are worth my time. Fail me at your peril.

The lights of the arena go out and after a second, they re-light the arena. Where Ty Burna was standing, there is now nothing.

Copeland: There you have it, folks! A message from the Master Of Chaos to his compatriots.

Cohen: He seems pissed tonight, Seabass. I'd listen to him if I were the Apostles.

Copeland: I have no doubt that somewhere in the back, the words of the boss are rattling around the brains of Apostles. A warning to not fail their boss. We'll find out if they're successful later on.

Harrys: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!


Harrys: Introducing first, from Los Angeles, California, he weighs in at 205 pounds...Everest!

The crowd pops mightily for the legendary superstar as Everest walks out from beyond the curtain by himself. He stops for a second to soak up the cheers from the crowd before heading down the ramp. He keeps his eyes open and takes the occasional look over his shoulder, wary of the possibility of deviousness from the Apostles of Chaos. He enters the ring and immediately turns to face the entrance, awaiting his foe.

Copeland: Everest has been burned fairly often of late by the Apostles of Chaos, including last week, when the man he thought was his partner, Alex Bowen, turned on him and revealed himself as the newest Apostle. No doubt he's wary of what's going to happen tonight as he tries to do some damage to a key member of Team Chaos at Kingdom Come.

Cohen: And good luck with that. Bowen is a new made man, and Everest is still the same old lug. He should really just head back to the retirement home.


Harrys: And his opponent, from Toledo, Ohio, he weighs in at 247 pounds...Alex Bowen!

Alex Bowen slowly and deliberately makes his way onto the stage to a chorus of disapproval from the gathered fans. He smirks a little as he makes his way to the ring, shadow boxing a little and laughing at some private joke. He gets into the ring and stares down Everest, before taking a seat in the corner as he waits for the bell.

Copeland: I may not like him, but I do have to say that Alex Bowen looks to be in the best shape I've ever seen him. This time off has done wonders for him.

Cohen: We all heard the story - he's been doing nothing but hitting the gym and it's paid off. He can dispatch of Everest without breaking a sweat, I bet, and he'll do the same to all of Team WZCW at Kingdom Come.

The referee checks Everest and heads over to Bowen, getting him up on his feet and checking him as well. Satisfied that both opponents are clean, he separates them into their corners and signals for the bell. Bowen and Everest leap at each other, immediately starting to trade blows furiously. It's back and forth, the crowd voicing their approval for Everest and deriding Bowen. The men brawl themselves into a corner with Bowen getting the advantage of it, but Everest quickly reverses the situation and furiously goes after Bowen. The referee comes in and tells Everest he has to back off and starts a count. Everest quickly breaks away and paces in the opposite corner while Bowen staggers out, the referee ensuring he's alright. Bowen grabs his head and waves him off, looking for Everest again. Everest closes quickly again and gets a few more shots in before hooking Bowen and hitting a fisherman suplex. He goes for the cover, but gets only two before Bowen kicks out. Everest stands up and measures the situation; the crowd cheers and Everest briefly acknowledges it, with the hint of a smile.

Copeland: Everest off to a hot start here; do you think Bowen is a little surprised at Everest's approach here? He might have expected to overwhelm him at the start of the match, but Everest is fighting back with equal fury.

Cohen: The problem for Everest is that he's giving up conditioning and youth to Bowen; he might be hot now, but he'll fade, and Bowen will be ready to strike.

Copeland: Surprisingly insightful and almost unbiased comments there, partner.

Cohen: Are you implying I'm ever anything less than professional? I'm insulted!

Bowen gets to his feet and tries a swing at Everest, but it misses wide and Everest closes, spins him around, and slams him to the mat with a German suplex. He bridges through and goes for a pin, but gets only two. He gets up and pulls Bowen up with him. He bends down a bit and tries to whip Bowen into the ropes. The heavier man puts the brakes on, though, and reverses the whip attempt. He bends down, looking for a back body drop on the rebound, but Everest sees it coming and nails a float over DDT! He goes for the pin once more but Bowen gets the shoulder up at two. Everest looks a little frustrated that his high impact offense hasn't gotten the job done yet, but the savvy veteran goes right back to work. He lays into Bowen with some stomps; Bowen rolls over to the ropes and the referee calls Everest off. Everest backs off a bit and watches Bowen pulls himself up on the ropes. Everest angrily charges at Bowen, who dips down and pulls the ropes out from under Everest, who falls over the ropes! He does just grab on to the rope and tries to pull himself up, but Bowen knocks him off with a clothesline. He catches the ring apron on his way down and lies on the ground outside dazed as the referee starts the count. Bowen retreats and recovers while the ref counts up to eight before Everest manages to stir and leap back inside the ring.

Copeland: And the aggressive offense from Everest cost him there, as he got caught by a wily opponent.

Cohen: Everest is weak minded, and the Apostles are in his head. Bowen knew that, and weathered the storm until Everest made a mistake - that's the mark of a true champion, there.

Bowen meets Everest at the ropes with stomps, but the referee calls him off. He pushes the count to four before backing off. Everest gets himself up, but Bowen is there again, whipping him into the corner and charging after him with a big clothesline. He stomps him in the corner and the ref once again has to back him off, with Bowen going to four before obliging. Everest pushes himself up in the corner and the ref checks on him. Bowen makes his way back to his opponent and hits a belly to back suplex on Everest, covering him but only getting two. Bowen levels a nasty kick at Everest's head and takes a look at the corner. He goes back and starts untying the turnbuckle padding, to the ref's obvious objection. The referee warns Bowen and backs him off, adjusting the padding. While the ref is occupied, Bowen unties the turnbuckle on the opposite side, ripping it off completely by the time the ref has turned back to the match. Bowen gets back on Everest and pulls him up to his feet, moving him over to the corner and trying to slam his face into the exposed metal. Everest puts the brakes on and refuses to let it happen. He resists all attempts by Bowen to make it happen. Frustrated, Bowen gives up on it for now and spins Everest around, going for chops at his chest. They connect, and Bowen backs Everest out to the center of the ring, where he connects with a snap DDT. Rather than trying to the pin, he gets up to the second rope, where he comes off looking for a diving knee drop. Everest rolls out of the way and Bowen crashes to the mat on his knee, clutching it in pain while Everest pulls himself up on the ropes.

Copeland: Bowen went high risk there on a move that could have spelled the end for Everest there, but let's not forget that the turnbuckle is still expose!

Cohen: Bowen doesn't even need it! He can beat Everest straight up, he's just trying to preserve a little energy heading into Kingdom Come - smart wrestling, Seabass.

Everest and Bowen are on their feet at about the same time and return to trading blows in the center of the ring once more. Everest, looking tired, isn't as willing to let it continue this time, as he tries to wrap around Bowen and hits a German suplex. Bowen, this time, plants his feet firm and doesn't allow Everest to get it off; instead, he elbows Everest in the head and backs him off. Everest staggers away into the corner with exposed turnbuckle. Bowen smells blood and runs at Everest and tries to slam his head straight into the metal; Everest slips out of the way, though, and Bowen finds himself charging into the exposed corner! He catches the metal on his chest and gasps in pain as the wind goes out of him. He turns himself around and takes a moment in the corner to rest. Everest, meanwhile, looks back at Bowen in the corner and sees him hung up there; he charges wildly, leaping for a corner clothesline, but Bowen ducks aside at the last second, and Everest goes head first into the exposed turnbuckle! Everest is staggering around blind and it looks like blood is coming out of his forehead. Bowen meets him in the center of the ring; Everest is completely dazed! Bowen kicks him square in the gut, puts on the double underhook, and nails the End of Days! Everest is knocked out cold after the abuse to his skull and Bowen easily gets one, two, and three for the victory.

Harrys: Here is your winner...Alex Bowen!

Cohen: Brilliant! Bowen has sent a message tonight.

Copeland: And I think there has to be some concern about Everest here; after that brutal landing in the corner, there has to be worry of a concussion. Let's all hope he's alright heading into our biggest pay-per-view event of the year.

Bowen stands up and gets his hand raised by the referee, though not without a disapproving glance at the exposed turnbuckle. Bowen smiles and licks his lips, gloating over the victory. He takes a long look at his handiwork as blood flows freely from Everest's head, and exits the ring with a sick smile on his face as he makes his way back to the entranceway. Everest is only just beginning to stir as the screen fades away.
We cut backstage where Mr. Baller is standing by with Leon Kensworth. Baller has a red robe, a scepter, and of course a crown placed atop his head. Kensworth clears his throat to begin speaking but Baller quickly puts his hand over the mic. He shakes his head before motioning for Leon to hold the mic up for him.

Baller: Do not speak until spoken to peasant!

Leon: Mr. Ba.

Baller: That's King Baller to you Leon!

Leon: R....right King Baller, you face the Eurasian Champion Black Dragon next, what are your thoughts heading into this match?

Baller: After those treasonous fools Rush and Bomb fed me to the wolves last week, I feel it is necessary for me to go out there and prove to all my servants in the crowd that I am still the true king of WZCW. That discreant Black Dragon doesn't stand a chance against someone of royal blood like myself.

Leon: Um...Baller, why do you have that scepter?

Baller: What king wouldn't have a scepter? Now, carry the end of my royal robes so they don't get dust on them.

Leon: I'm not carry....

Baller raises his voice and gets right in Leon's face.

Baller: I said carry the end of my robe Leon! You will do as I command.

Leon stares at Baller, his jaw dropped. As Baller turns and walks away, Leon inexplicably grabs hold of the end of the robe as we go to commercial.
Harrys: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!


The crowd boos as Mr. Baller walks onto the stage wearing a fake crown and robe. He raises his pinky high in the air and then removes his crown and robe and walks down to the ring.

Harrys: Introducing first, from Miami Florida, weighing in at 220 lbs, he is your Highness, Mr. Baller!

Soul Of The Shadow hits the arena as Black Dragon makes his way out to the stage, EurAsian Title around his waist. Dragon walks down to the ring, occasionally looking over his shoulder before turning back to the ring. He takes his title belt off and then slides into the ring.

Harrys: And his opponent, from The Halfway House, weighing in at 180 lbs, he is the EurAsian Champion, Black Dragon!

Copeland: Black Dragon set to go one on one with Mr. Baller. Both men looking to build some momentum heading into their respected matches.

Cohen: And I would say both men need it, Seabass. Mr. Baller was my pick to win King for a Day, but a couple of losses the past few shows have me questioning is Baller ready?

Copeland: As well Dragon is set to face two main-eventers in a Triple Threat match. It will be his biggest test to date and an indicator of if he’s ready to move up to the next level.

The bell rings and Baller and Dragon circle around a bit. Baller reaches out and locks up with Dragon. Dragon swiftly grabs his opponents arm and wrenches it to the side. He pulls back on it and forces Baller face down to the mat. Baller reaches out with his free arm and gets it underneath him. Baller flips forward onto his feet and gains control of Dragon’s arm. Baller gets behind Dragon and they run to the ropes. Dragon hangs onto the ropes with his free arm and Baller flies off Dragon and rolls backwards onto his feet. Dragon runs at Baller. Baller leaps up and over Dragon. Dragon bounces back off the ropes. Baller drops to the mat, Dragon jumps over. Dragon comes back off the ropes. Baller again leaps over. Dragon stops behind Baller and stares at him. Baller quickly turns around not expecting Dragon behind him. Snap Powerslam by Dragon. He goes for the cover. 1... 2 Baller kicks out. Dragon lifts Baller to his feet and Irish Whips him. Baller hangs onto Dragon’s arm, turns back and pulls Dragon into an Elbow. Baller then throws right hands at Dragon backing him into a corner. Baller begins to kick the midsection as the ref begins him count. Baller grabs Dragon at 4 and Irish Whips him into the opposite corner. Baller waits a moment and then runs at Dragon. Dragon moves out of the way and Baller hits the corner and bounces slowly away from it. Dragon Snapmares Baller to the mat and follows with a kick to the back of Baller. Dragon goes for another cover. 1... 2. Baller again kicks out. The crowd starts booing loudly and it’s because Barbosa has now appeared on the stage ramp and is slowly walking down towards the ring.

Copeland: The early going has seen Dragon control most of the match, but will that continue with the presence of Barbosa.

Cohen: I don’t think either man in the ring is aware of Barbosa yet.

Dragon lifts Baller to his feet and Irish Whips him into the ropes. Baller comes back and Dragon hits a Dropkick. When Dragon gets to his feet he finally notices Barbosa who has begun to circle the ring slowly. Baller is near a corner and Dragon lifts him up to his feet. Dragon starts throwing Stiff Forearms at Baller, keeping his eye on Barbosa as he walks around his corner. The ref counts up to 4 and has to remind Dragon of the 5 count approaching before Dragon stops. Dragon grabs Baller and Irish Whips him. Baller reverses. Dragon bounces off the ropes and right after he does Barbosa hops onto the apron near those ropes. Baller with a Clothesline. Dragon ducks underneath it. Baller turns around. Dragon grabs the head of Baller and runs him towards the ropes. Dragon throws Baller over and turns around quickly, not noticing Baller landing on the apron. He walks over to Barbosa who immediately hops off the apron. Dragon stares him down for a long while until Barbosa starts circling the ring again. Dragon turns back to his opponent who is now on the turnbuckle. Baller flies off the top rope with a Crossbody. He and Dragon crash to the mat and Baller stays on top and starts punching the face of Dragon. He then grabs him by the head and starts smashing Dragon into the mat. The ref counts to 4 and Baller stands up and drops a knee on the face of Dragon. Dragon rolls over and Baller bounces off the near ropes. He stops in front of his opponent and leaps up, dropping a big Leg Drop. Baller with the cover. 1... 2.. Dragon kicks out.

Cohen: Dragon took a few moments away from the match to worry about Barbosa and Baller has reaped the benefits and is in the driver seat.

Copeland: Barbosa has no business at all being out here and shouldn’t have been on that apron in the first place. He is looking to start something with Dragon now.

Baller lifts Dragon to his feet. He grab his head and arm and hits a Swinging Neckbreaker. Baller grabs Dragon’s arm and pulls him up to his feet. He holds Dragon under his arm and then raises his other arm pinky up, getting a loud boo from the audience. Baller lowers his arm and then lands a Bulldog on Dragon. Baller goes for the pinfall. 1... 2.. Dragon kicks out. Barbosa continues to circle the ring as Baller grabs Dragon by the waist and slowly lifts him to his feet. Baller stands Dragon up, Dragon breaks Ballers grip and starts punching away at him. Baller breaks up the barrage with a kick to the gut. Baller leaps up and plants Dragon with a Jumping DDT. The cover. 1... 2.... Dragon kicks out. Barbosa stops moving and then smiles before continuing to circle.

Copeland: Like a shark, Barbosa is out here circling his prey waiting for the right moment to strike. Win or lose, I’m afraid Dragon will be beaten down once that bell rings.

Baller is upset with the call and is vocalizing his opinion to the referee. After much complaint, Baller walks over to the turnbuckle and hops onto the second rope. He again raise his arm up, pinky in the air, and the crowd shower Baller with boos. They soon turn to cheers when Dragon stands up and strikes Baller from behind. Baller turns around and Dragon continues punching at Baller. Baller backs up to the top rope and Dragon steps onto the second rope. He grabs Baller and goes for a Superplex. Baller blocks the move and starts clubbing the back of Dragon. Baller drives knees into Dragon, breaking the hold. Baller with a Double Hand Axle knocks Dragon off the turnbuckle and to the mat on his back. Baller jumps off the ropes. Leg Drop connects! Baller with the cover. 1... 2...... Dragon just kicks out. Baller holds his head and is in complete disbelief.

Copeland: How close was that kick out there Jack?

Cohen: Baller just about put this one away. Providing a miracle doesn't suddenly happen I think our King has finally returned.

Baller stands up and kicks Dragon towards a corner. Baller walks over him and stands in front of the turnbuckle. He nods his head and then jumps up going for the Buzzerbeater. Dragon just rolls out of the way and Baller crashes onto the mat. The ref begins a 10 count. At 4 Baller is to his knees. At 7 Dragon is almost standing and Baller throws a punch at 8. Dragon throws one back and the two exchange punches again. Dragon lands two in a row then goes for a kick. Baller catches the foot. Enziguri connects. Baller stumbles quickly back to his feet. Dragon boots him in the gut and hits a Snap Suplex. Dragon stands up and looks for Barbosa. Barbosa has stopped moving near a corner. Dragon turns to him and then looks back at his opponent. Baller is to his feet. Roundhouse kick by Dragon sends Baller to the mat. Dragon with the cover. 1... 2.... Baller kicks out. Dragon lifts Baller up and Irish Whips him into the corner. Dragon runs at him for goes for a Handspring Elbow. Baller gets his feet up at the last moment and hits Dragon in the back of the head. Dragon falls to the mat and Baller wastes little time going for the Buzzerbeater.

Cohen: Baller is going to win this one right here right now.

Baller goes for the Buzzerbeater. Dragon rolls out of the way, but this time Baller lands on his feet. Dragon stands up, but can’t move as Barbosa has grabbed onto Dragon’s leg. Dragon tries to pull away, but to no avail. Baller takes advantage of the situation and springboards off the near ropes. Game Changer kick connects off the face as Dragon took that one unblocked. Dragon crumples to the mat and Baller covers. 1... 2... 3

Harrys: Here is your winner, Mr. Baller!

Almost immediately after the bell rang, Barbosa enters the ring and continues to attack Dragon. Baller briefly celebrates his win before helping Barbosa lay boots into Dragon.

Copeland: The match is over, will somebody come out here and stop these two and their assault on Dragon.

Cohen: Hey, that's our future king in there. He can attack whom ever our Highness pleases.

Barbosa and Baller continue to beat on Dragon. The crowd is booing, but it soon turns to cheers as Showtime David Cougar runs down the ramp. He slides into the ring and Baller is the first to meet him. The two exchange punches before Showtime gets the upper-hand. Showtime lays down four punches in a row before landing a big fifth, putting Baller to the mat. Showtime turns to face Barbosa and the two start trading punches. Barbosa breaks the pattern and hits a knee to the gut slowing Showtime. Barbosa steps back then goes for a Clothesline. Showtime ducks under it and Barbosa ends up hitting a recovered Baller. Barbosa turns around and Showtime clotheslines Barbosa over the ropes. Barbosa lands on his feet and slams his hands angrily on the barricade rail. He turns to look at Showtime and then smiles a sick smile before slowly walking up the ramp.

Copeland: Barbosa came out here to get revenge for his defeat last week and could’ve seriously hurt one of his Kingdom Come opponents. Had it not been for his other opponent Showtime, Dragon may have seriously fallen to the hands of Barbosa.

Cohen: Just when Barbosa seems to have things under control he turns right back into that loose cannon. Showtime would’ve been smart to leave Dragon with Barbosa. Now he’s going to have to look over his shoulder for Barbosa.
Becky: I'm now joined by Big Dave who, at Kingdom Come, will take on The Elite Steven Holmes. Tell me Dave, how do you feel about your match tonight and the match at Kingdom Come?

Dave ponders the question for a second before beginning to talk.

Dave: Let me get this straight for you first, Becky, there is nothing Elite about Steven Holmes. He is a the vermin of this company and there is nothing more appealing to me than finally ridding WZCW of his infestation.

A loud roar fills the arena and filters through to where Dave is standing with Becky. He hears the applause and appreciates it before pressing on.

Dave: Tonight, I face Chris KO, the lackey of Ty Burna and the supposed Apostle Of Chaos. I've heard a lot of talk from him before the match and I've heard a lot of people question just how much influence the Apostles are going to have in the match. But more importantly, Chris KO has to climb into the ring with me tonight. A man who, as you say, will take on Steven Holmes at Kingdom Come. A man with something to prove to everyone tonight and especially to Steven Hol-

At that, Steven Holmes and John Constantine enter the picture. There is a smarmy smile etched into the features of Steven Holmes as he stares down his Kingdom Come opponent. Dave readies his fists but Steven Holmes puts him at ease by raising his hands in a surrendering fashion.

Holmes: You have something to prove to everyone tonight, indeed. You have to prove that you are worthy of getting into the ring with me at Kingdom Come. That is, of course, if the Apostles leave you alive at the end of the night. Until Kingdom Come, Dave, a gentleman's suggestion of warm luck.

Holmes extends his hand to Dave but Dave does not shake it. Holmes lets a maniacal smile appear on his face before he and Constantine leave Dave to his thoughts.
Our arena is filled with the rumbling of many fans discussing what they’ve seen so far and what is still to come. Then, the bell rings to signal our next contest is soon to be underway, but first, we throw to Truman Harrys.

Harrys: Ladies and gentlemen, this next contest is set for one fall.

A pause strikes the arena, with the murmurings and whispers still intact, only until the roof is blown away by a Dangerous New Machine and their Skeletons.


The crowd offers an amazing reception, managing to make even Harrys voice appear quiet. He is drowned out for the most part, but we can make out his announcement:

Harrys: From London, England, weighing 268 pounds; BIG DAVE!

Dave arrives a good twenty or so seconds into the song with a grin on his face. He’s clearly happy to be here tonight and looking forward to the prospect of his match. He high fives some fans on his way down the ramp.

Copeland: Big Dave is all smiles tonight, but he’s facing a very dangerous opponent here tonight in Chris K.O. He’s Ty’s apprentice after all.

Cohen: Lest we forget about the “Elite” task that awaits Dave at Kingdom Come? He’s going down hard tonight and the same will happen at the hands of Steven Holmes at KC.

Dave slides into the ring, posing on the turnbuckle to his left as he enters. The crowd rewards him with another surge of energy, before the lights drop to nothingness and the music becomes far more moody.


Harrys: And his opponent, he represents the Apostles of Chaos, weighing 212 pounds; CHRIS K.O.!

Throwing his arms out to make a cross like symbol, the Apostle makes his presence felt. He moves down the ramp at a high speed, fresh off a tag team loss at the hands of Steven Kurtesy and Celeste Crimson, something Sebastian Copeland is keen to bring up.

Copeland: Last week Chris K.O. lost his tag team main event, but not really through any fault of his own, it was Ty Burna direction that--

Cohen: Not sure I’d be quizzing our Meltdown ruler’s judgments if I were you Seabass, especially with KC just around the corner.

K.O. slides into the ring where he poses in the centre, before turning, looking to repeat this only top bump right into Dave who is stood tall, casting a long shadow. Chris does not seem deterred however. The referee checks to see if both men are ready and calls for the bell, the match underway. A brief verbal interaction between the pair ends when Dave knees K.O. square in the gut. He follows up with a snap suplex before floating over into a pin. 1...2...KICK-OUT! K.O. has his hand up as quickly as possible, and searches for Dave’s hair in order to gain an advantage, but takes a straight right hand for his troubles. Dave rises to his feet and comes off the ropes, looking to land a legdrop, but K.O. rolls away. Back to his feet, K.O. now comes off the ropes and delivers a straight knee to a seated Dave. Dropping to his knees, Chris now unloads a batch of fists to Dave, seeking to wear the former champion down. The referee commences a five count as he realises that K.O. is unlikely to relinquish his mounted position. Soon he reaches four and threatens to DQ K.O. which forces the Apostle to get to his feet. K.O. however goes right back to the repeated strikes, drawing some venom from the crowd. The referee again counts to four before forcing K.O. off the prone Dave. K.O. is clearly displeased with the activity of the referee, and gives him a talking to before turning his attention back to Dave. However, the long reigning ex-EurAsian Champion manages to sneak K.O. into a small package. 1...2...KICK-OUT!

Cohen: That referee nearly cost K.O. this match!

Copeland: I think it was mostly Chris’ aggression that nearly cost him Jack.

Both men rise to their feet simultaneously though it is K.O. who is clearly the fresher of the two men, offering a dropkick which connects right on the sternum. It packs enough weight to bounce Dave off the ropes. On the return, K.O. attempts to lock in his finishing manoeuvre; The Burning Crusade! Dave however has more than enough strength to block the dangerous submission. He has so much strength in fact that Dave lifts K.O. off of his feet in scary display of his raw power. K.O. flails frantically, nailing Dave right across the skull with a stiff elbow. Dazed, Dave staggers in the middle of the ring, where he is welcomed with a nasty looking European uppercut. Dave throws a sloppy punch, which K.O. goes under with relative ease, hooking his arms around the waste and going for a German suplex. He delivers with gusto, but refuses to let go, going for a second. Dave is surely knocked loopy, but in order to round it off, K.O. goes for the hat-trick. The third is in fact a release German, which sends Dave across the ring. K.O. beckons for Dave to rise to his feet, knowing full well that he has, at least partially, worn down the past monarch. This draws some extra heat from the crowd which K.O. smiles sinisterly at.

Cohen: It seems that Ty has taught K.O. well.

Copeland: True and we all know of the long storied rivalry between Dave and Ty, so I for one wouldn’t be surprised if Ty sent his Apostle here to weaken Dave before the No Holds Barred battle at Kingdom Come.

Clutching his back, Dave rises to his feet, using the ropes for a slight bit of leverage. K.O. looks to bait Dave out of the corner however as he seems to be working on a grand plan of some sorts. This backfires though as Dave launches himself at K.O. with a spear, taking both men to the floor. A flurry of fists and feet fly all over the place as the pair roll over one another until they both pass the bottom rope and gravity comes into effect. They land hard on the matted outside. It is only this that separates them with the disciple of chaos’ head hitting the mat. Dave’s back unfortunately also suffers this fate and as such, they both break. K.O. checks on his head by rubbing it repeatedly and shaking any cobwebs while Dave uses the ring apron to rise once again, this time using the apron for leverage. The fresher man still, K.O. unleashes another harsh uppercut, before whipping Dave over into the steel pole holding up the ring. Dave exclaims in severe pain. K.O. now brings the powerhouse to his feet, only to lift him off them again with a scoop slam right on the outside. The crowd “oohs” and “aahs” along with these nasty moves. K.O. rolls into the ring and out again to break the referee’s count which is up to eight. He does the same thing again, only this time he brings Dave along for the ride.

Crawling along the mat, Dave is clearly in great discomfort, which is not aided by K.O.’s persistence in working over the back, complete with repeated stomps. Dave attempts to block further punishment by rolling onto his back, thus protecting it. However, K.O. has been waiting for this and grabs one of Dave’s legs, looking to turn him right back onto the front with a half-crab. Dave tries to kick furiously, but it is in vain as K.O. locks in the dangerous submission. The ex-world champion screams in agony as they sit right in the middle of the ring. Dave digs his claws right into the mat, trying to take the pain out of his back. He makes a little progress towards the ropes before K.O. modifies his position, sitting on the spine, preventing any further movement, and cranking the hold on tighter. Both men scream; Dave in pain and Chris begging for the submission. The referee constantly asks Dave if he wishes to give in, but he refuses to acknowledge this, though the thought does cross his mind. K.O. utters a few curse words, demanding his foe tap to end the contest, though he is relishing the pain inflicted, knowing it likely pleases his master no end. Dave buries his head right into the mat, holding it, attempting to block out the referee’s quizzing and the pain. A fan in the back begins to clap to try and give some of his energy to Dave. This is repeated by another, and another until a whole section is doing it. Eventually, the entire crowd is doing this as to support Dave. Feeling the power of the people, Dave begins to catch a second wind, feeling the adrenaline rushing all over his body, numbing the pain he has almost succumbed to.

Copeland: Dave’s adrenaline seems to be kicking in!

Using all his might, he pushes upwards, surprising K.O. and forcing him forwards. He is so surprised in fact that he lets go of the submission. Dave rises to his feet as K.O. charges right at the former Full House Dave. He eats a clothesline for his troubles. They repeat the process a second and third time. By the forth, Dave has upgraded his offence to a powerslam. He yells, feeling a whole lot better and seeking to launch his comeback. K.O. climbs to his feet, but walks right into the catatonic backbreaker. Rather than go for a cover, Dave wants to complete the big comeback and signals for the ultimate end; the Stamp of Authority! He ushers the winded, confused and startled K.O. to his feet, where he turns him around for the big finish. However just as he gets him onto his shoulders, a dark presence enters the arena; Steven Holmes. Dave looks surprisingly pleased with this and believes the result shall be the same as Blade’s fate on Ascension last time round. Holmes on the other hand looks unmoved, and even offers a smarmy smirk. Concerned, Dave delays the finisher, buying K.O. enough time to sneak off of his back. He spins Dave around, kicks him in the gut and executes a swift, if not sloppy, Butterfly Effect. K.O. makes the cover. 1...2...3! Holmes grins wildly, starting to make his way into the ring.

Harrys: Here is your winner; Chris K.O.!

Copeland: I can’t believe it! Dave was just about to win the match when Holmes’ appearance cost him.

Cohen: Yes and it seems our favourite Englishman has something else planned also.

K.O. slides out of the ring, still celebrating this big win for him, but wary that Holmes is deeply unstable. Meanwhile, Dave is crawling towards the corner, still bewildered. He puts his hand out to grab the turnbuckles for leverage when a shiny object strikes his wrist. Scratch that, the object wraps around his wrist. He glances at it; handcuffs! Holmes has wrapped one end to Dave’s wrist and quickly wraps the other end around the steel post Dave smashed into earlier. There is concern in Dave’s eyes as he is in real trouble here. Sliding into the ring, Holmes has a vast, sinister grin. He slips off his jacket and folds it neatly, delicately, taking his time to prepare for what is to come.

Copeland: I don’t like the looks of this at all.

Dipping into his trouser pocket, Holmes pulls something shiny out. Whatever it is it’s dangerous, and that’s apparent as Dave who is trying to free himself and attack Holmes’ concern grows. Holmes sticks his fingers into what can now be confirmed as brass knuckles. His grin now escalating into a brutal laughter that would make any man’s skin crawl. Dave attempts to dodge the first swing, and while Holmes does not connect on the temple, he still strikes with enough force to cause visible damage. A chunk of Dave’s flesh is missing and in its place is a slowly rising claret. Holmes strikes again, but with a cleaner punch. Still he does not connect with the full fist, enraging him. It’s third time lucky however as the third is clean and brutal. The crowd is booing mercilessly with nothing but hatred ringing out. Dave tries to slump to the ground but the handcuffs hold him up. Holmes holds Dave’s near unconscious head up in order to execute an even more devastating forth strike. He repeats the process over and over, not stopping for anything. Many in the audience are stunned as Dave’s face is engulfed by a mass of red.

Copeland: Where are the officials? The other wrestlers? Why does no one stop this? DAMMIT STOP IT!

Cohen: Holmes has deep pockets and we already speculated that Ty would assist in Dave’s demise in any way possible Seabass.

Completely out of his mind, Holmes’s strikes are more sloppy though no less sinister. The look on his face is pure insanity. It appears that Dave may even...die in the ring until a figure sprints into the ring; John Constantine. He spins Holmes around before he can land what may as well be a death blow. Constantine stares right into Holmes’ eyes. The two “allies” audibly yell at one –another.

Constantine: What on earth is wrong with you? What happened to you?

Holmes’ face drops from it’s blissfully joyous state to one of anger, perhaps ready to strike Constantine, but instead he verbally responds.

Holmes: What has happened to me? My dear John, what has happened to you? You were once a war machine built to destroy and conquer much like myself, only my direction was much better than yours. I steered you towards the path of greatness that you deserve to be on. No you question me. If I knew anything, I’d say I see fear in your eyes. You fear that I may kill Dave right here in the ring. Well I shan’t. I will save the final blow, the curtain call for Kingdom Come. Save your sympathy for then.

Holmes’s words leave Constantine angered, but he stands his ground as Holmes exits, the crowd’s violent boos ringing out, overruling all as we go to commercial.
Harrys: Ladies and gentlemen, this match is a 6-man Tag Team match, scheduled for one fall.

As their entrance music begins to cry out around the arena, a keen Ricky Runn and Austin Reynolds emerge to a massive cheer from the live audience. With the tag team championships wrapped tightly around their waists, Reynolds give it a slow, methodical tap as Ricky darts from one side of the stage to the other. After a moment, both men meet in the middle of the ramp and begin walking towards the ring.

Harrys: Weighing in at a combined weight of 390 pounds, they are the WZCW Tag Team Champions... Runn Reynolds Runn!

Copeland: Our tag team champions look up for this one tonight. With Kingdom Come, and a TLC match waiting for them in the near future, you could understand if their was any apprehension on their part tonight.

Cohen: No way! These guys are professionals. Even as they walk to their impending grave, they do it with smiles on their faces.

Copeland: The TLC match is one of the most dangerous matches we have but Ricky Runn and Austin Reynolds will do their homework. It is their hope to crown themselves as the best tag team this company has ever seen and a win at Kingdom Come might do that.

Ricky and Austin stop as they reach the ring before they point towards the stage that they stood on only seconds before. Their music cuts off for a second before another theme begins to blare.

The regal chimes of Titus' theme music fills the arena as the long-haired hero emerges to a rapturous applause and cheers from the audience. A wide smile is plastered across his face as he heads down the ramp immediately. He stops half way down to take note of his welcome and look around the audience. Fans throw their hands out in his direction in an attempt to just touch the former Champion and Titus duly obliges. He smacks a few hands before joining Ricky Runn and Austin Reynolds at ringside.

Harrys: And their tag team partner, weighing 225 pounds... Titus!

Cohen: What a poser.

Copeland: Poser or not, Jack, these people love Titus. He's a former World Champion and one of the most resilient characters in the history of WZCW. He rounds off of this team quite nicely.

Titus and RRR get into the ring through various means and stand in the ring, tall and proud. Titus mounts the turnbuckle and raises on arm to the crowd. The fans explode once more as the lights dim in the arena and his music disappears.

Harrys: And now introducing their opponents. Weighing in at 428 pounds... The Forgotten Powers!

James King and Dr. Alhazred appear on the stage after a few moments. The fans, who so avidly applauded the team of RRR and Titus have turned suddenly. The booing from the crowd is overwhelming for some as King and Alhazred begin their solemn walk down to the ring. Their faces are a picture of focus as they remain fixed on the three men who stand in the ring before them.

Copeland: I don't need to tell you, folks, this match is going to be an absolute battle. King and Alhazred look up for this match.

Cohen: And why wouldn't they be? This is a chance to kill two birds with one stone. They can weaken an integral part of team WZCW with only two weeks to go before Kingdom Come. And a win over the tag team champions will put their names in the title picture should they decide to take that route post-Kingdom Come.

Alhazred and King, just like Reynolds and Runn, wait at the bottom of the ramp before the lights dim once more.

Harrys: And their tag team partner, weighing in at 230 pounds... S.H.I.T!

SHIT appears on the stage and attempts to take in the continuing booing that is thrown his way by the live audience. He stands motionless on the stage for a second, scanning the crowd for any reasoning to their noise levels. Giving up, he begins to walk, mechanically, towards his would-be team-mates who welcome him with a hand on his coverings.

Copeland: SHIT has proven to be a ruthless and dangerous man... Robot... Thing, these last few weeks, Jack.

Cohen: You know what I like about SHIT, Seabass? He doesn't care about emotions. He doesn't show any mercy to those who would seek it. He is all about getting the job done and that is showing in his matches. At Kingdom Come, he's going to be a very valuable asset to his team.

All three men enter the ring and there is a face off therein. The referee comes between the 6 men and pushes them back to their corners. Alhazred and Reynolds decide that they are going to be legal men to start off the match and the other participants leave the ring. The referee makes his final checks and then signals for the bell to start the match.

Copeland: And here we go with this multi-man match. Something which is going to further everyone's cause heading into the biggest pay-per-view event in history.

Reynolds and Alhazred begin to circle the ring with both eyes locked firmly on each other. With every circle of the canvas, both men to their team-mates and steer clear enough of their opponents standing on the apron. After a second, the noise of the crowd builds to a crescendo and both men tie up in the middle of the ring. Austin quickly gains the upper hand and begins to push Alhazred into the corner of his tag team. SHIT stands motionless as King quickly bemoans the situation to the referee. To their credit, Titus and Runn do not strike Alhazred but the same cannot be said of Reynolds who lands an impeccable knife-edge chop to the exposed chest of his opponent. Alhazred tries to recoils out of the corner but Reynolds quickly pushes him back in and lands a few more chops for good measure. Reynolds pulls Alhazred out of the corner and whips him across the ring. As he bounces off of the ropes, Reynolds runs towards him and catches him, flush, with a shoulder charge that takes his opponent down. Alhazred climbs to his feet quickly, his chest glowing red from the chops that went before. Reynolds immediately lands a discuss lariat that takes Alhazred to the canvas once again. The crowd roar on their favourite as Reynolds goes for the early pin but only managing to secure a count of one before Alhazred rolls the shoulder out.

Copeland: Just like I imagined it would be, this is starting out as a tense affair.

Cohen: There is a lot to be won and lost in this match, Seabass. And that often happens in the opening of any match. You want to get out of the traps early and put the screws to your opponent. That's what Reynolds is doing here.

Reynolds gets to his feet and quickly tags in Ricky Runn, who leaps over the top rope and into the fray. By this point, Alhazred has gotten to his feet and as a keen Runn reaches him, nails his opponent with a strong right hand that takes Runn to the canvas for the first time. Alhazred presses home the advantage he has gained quickly by hitting a fist drop to the rising opponent. Reynolds and Titus screw up their face in pain as the fist makes contact with the head of their tag team partner. Alhazred quickly gets to his feet once more and slowly walks over to his corner. He and James King exchange some words before King signals that he wants the tag. Alhazred gives a quick look to the downed opponent in the ring before, reluctantly, tagging in his tag team partner. King enters the ring and immediately goes to work on his opponent with a falling headbutt. King gets to his feet once more and drops another headbutt onto Ricky's sternum. On the canvas, Titus and Reynolds begin a cheer to get their fallen team mate back in the action and it quickly takes off. King waves away the cheers of the audience and picks Runn up quickly. Runn looks a little weary but as King looks to land a elbow to the jaw of the Tag Team Champion, the wily Runn ducks under his arm and catches him with a well-executed snapmare that is quickly followed by a heavy legdrop across the throat. The relief of the crowd tells a story as Ricky takes a moment to catch his breath.

Cohen: Don't just stand there... Go after him!

Copeland: These man are not machines, Jack... Well, not all of them at least. They need time to recuperate the same as you need time to be an egotistical blowhard.

Cohen: Ouch.

King, after having recovered from Runn's leg connecting with his throat, gets to his feet and runs at his opponent. Ricky has King scouted though and lands an enzuguri that takes King to the canvas once more. The crowd go nuts as Runn rises from one knee and slowly moves towards Titus. Ricky limps on one leg to reach Titus but before he can make the tag, SHIT nails him with a heavy shot to his back, causing him to fall out of the way of the tag. King gets to his shaky feet as the referee orders SHIT out onto the apron to a volley of boos from the now hostile crowd. King pulls Ricky to his feet before tossing him into the enemy corner. SHIT extends his claw/hand and King immediately tags in the human-robot hybrid. SHIT immediately goes to work on the tag champ with some heavy, clubbing shots to his face and ribs, causing Ricky to bend over in pain. Sensing a great opportunity to take advantage to the humanoids frail body, SHIT pummels Ricky with a spinebuster that takes him to the canvas once again. SHIT covers the tag champion but, with a little extra help from the audience, Ricky manages to roll his shoulder out to avoid the loss.

Cohen: That's what I like to see, no mercy. You pound your opponent until they can't stand any more. And when they're done, you pound them some more.

Copeland: This match has almost come to a conclusion a few times already, Jacko. You have to believe that neither of these teams wants to lose this match. So much so that they'll do everything it takes to win.

Getting to his feet once more, SHIT looks to take advantage of the Champions weakened state and picky him up. Ricky looks as though he has had about all he can take and SHIT sees it in his eyes. He whips Ricky off of the rope and, unbeknownst to the hybrid machine, allows Titus to slap his shoulder and become the legal man. The referee signals for the tag and Titus in the match. SHIT awaits Ricky coming back from his bouncing off of the ropes and attempts to nail him with a devastating headbutt. However, the athletic champion utilises a baseball slide and goes through the legs of his opponent. He manages to summon the strength to punish SHIT with a great dropkick to the back, sending him into the path of the oncoming Titus. The crowd bursts into life as Titus unleashes an arsenal of attacks on the robot, starting with an excellent heel kick and then a glorious reverse DDT. Titus immediately crawls onto SHIT but it isn't enough to put his opponent away as he raises an arm at the count of 1. Titus quickly gets to his feet and stalks his opponent as it tries to get back to a vertical basis. The crowd bays for blood as Titus looks to press home his advantage and finish off the match. Waiting patiently until SHIT gets to his feet, Titus finally manages to lock in a well-executed sleeper hold in the middle of the ring. SHIT seems impervious to the pain for a minute but as Titus levers the hold into full effect, the hum/robot hybrid begins to fade, dropping first to one knee and then falling to the ground with Titus. The referee checks on SHIT as Titus applies the hold with more tenacity than normal. SHIT seems to have faded but with a burst of energy, he begins to stand, managing to get to one knee and then to a vertical basis. A look of shock crosses the face of Titus, who is stunned by what he is seeing. SHIT forces Titus against the ropes and Irish whips him across the ring. On his return, both men go for a body splash and, inadvertently, take the other man out along with themselves.

Copeland: Back and forth, back and forth. This match has been an unsteady and brutal affair with neither team really pressing home the advantage that they have worked for themselves.

Both men struggle to get to their feet but Titus is the first man to reclaim his vertical basis. He holds his gut as he quickly tags in Austin Reynolds for his second run in the match. Reynolds launches himself into the action by picking up his opponent and nailing him with a few punches to the torso. SHIT feels the pain of the match and looks to rally back in desperation. With a few shots of his own, SHIT manages to turn the balance of the match back in favour of the crowd targets. SHIT back Reynolds up into the corner and slowly mounts the turnbuckle, launching a few scathing headbutts to his opponent. Reynolds slumps into the corner as SHIT takes this time to tag in James King who is eager to finish the match off for his team. Reynolds is still slumped in the corner as James King runs at him and lands a forceful dropkick to his downed opponent. Reynolds hold his abdomen in agony as the heavy shot lands and sends him into a world of pain. King gets to his feet and smiles widely towards the crowd. Realising that he is losing precious time, he picks up Reynolds, only to be caught in a surprising roll up by the tag team champion. 1... 2... King manages to break the fall just in time!

Cohen: Amazing!

Copeland: This match continues to rumble on as James King manages to, somehow, roll a shoulder out to keep this one alive for his team.

King gets to his feet and rushes at Reynolds, who seems to be rallying a little after a devastating shot from King earlier in the match. He launches an offensive that floors King, landing a beautiful lungblower and a few snap suplexes that really begin to put the match in jeopardy for the Forgotten Powers and SHIT. King seems tired now and Reynolds seems to know it. He covers King but a long 2 count is the result of said cover. Running out of ideas, Reynolds invites Ricky Runn back into the match. Runn, who has taken some punishment in the match seems less than delighted but eager nonetheless as he goes through the ropes and into the action. Titus and Reynolds exchange words as Titus questions why he didn't tag in the fresher man. Reynolds, however, puts trust in his partner and as Titus nods in a reluctant acknowledgement of Reynold's decision, the lights in the arena go out. There is noise in the dark emanating from the ring but no one is any the wiser as to what is going on. The familiar symbol of the Apostles Of Chaos flashes up on the titantron before the lights begin to rise once more. In the ring, there is carnage. Ricky Runn, and the referee are lying motionless on the canvas as King rests himself against the ropes in the corner.

Copeland: I don't like this at all, Jack. Something sinister has just happened here!

Cohen: Look at Chris KO!

Copeland: Ty's right hand man is in this match and there is not a damn thing that anyone can do about it. The referee has been incapacitated and everyone is falling victim to the Apostles Of Chaos!

Outside of the ring, a brawl has ensued between Chris KO, SHIT and Titus. KO and SHIT press home their numbers advantage as they land heavy shot after heavy shot into the former Heavyweight Champion, even throwing him into the barrier that separates the fans from the action. Titus' face is a picture of pain as he connects with the sturdy barriers. On the apron, Alhazred and Reynolds struggle to come to terms with what exactly has gone down but without hesitation, Reynolds embraces the chaos and jumps to the defence of Titus. Jumping from the apron, Reynolds catches Chris KO with a glorious version of the Ego Crush that seems to have evened the scores. With that, SHIT attacks Reynolds as all Hell breaks lose at ringside. SHIT leaves Titus on the floor as he targets the Tag Team Champion who has interrupted the savage attack of the team WZCW member. He nails him with the Head Chop. Reynolds, who only seconds ago seemed to have turned the tides in his favour, is strewn out on the floor as Titus and SHIT begin brawling once more. Titus, sensing that SHIT is weary from the match now, lands a brutal European uppercut that sends SHIT over the barriers and into the crowd. After a moment, SHIT begins to get to his feet but Titus has scouted his opponent well, launching himself from the barriers and devastating SHIT with a great cross body splash.

Cohen: This match is moving away from the ring now as Titus and SHIT attempt to settle a score on the outside of the ring. This could mean bad things for Titus' team as Reynolds lies motionless on the floor.

Inside of the ring, Runn is beginning to come to as King stands over him. In the corner, the referee is beginning to pull himself towards the bottom rope, hoping that he can utilise them to get to a vertical basis once more. Runn slowly gets to his feet, using the legs of the triumphant King to aid him in this quest. King smiles at Runn with glee as he senses that the end is nigh. The champion, however, seems to have other ideas as he lands a punch to the face that sends a resounding noise around the jam-packed arena. King's face swivels back to face Ricky with a scowl now fixed to it. Irish whipping him into the ropes, King looks to put the match away as he beats Runn down once more before setting him up for the Alpha Bomb. Runn wriggles and eventually manages to break the grip of King as the crowd believe that there is still fight in the Champion yet. They explode as he falls from the shoulders of his challenger and runs towards the ropes. Alhazred, however, is wise to the plan of the champion and nails him with the Level 5, sending him recoiling towards King who hits My Mystery as the referee reaches his standing position. 1... 2... 3!

Harrys: Here are your winners... The team of The Forgotten Powers and SHIT!

Copeland: What a match we just witnessed, Jack! Titus and SHIT are still brawling up the aisles, I don't even thing that they know this match it over. Reynolds is just coming to on the outside of the ring and one half of the tag team champions has been decimated by the forgotten powers one week before Kingdom Come.

Cohen: And there's still more to come tonight!
Backstage we can see Ty watching the match from his monitor, a smirk on his face as he takes a seat in his chair.

Ty: Soon we'll be in control of it all.....

We cut to a different area where Drake Callahan is seen prepping his ring gear as Showtime walks past him. The two former rivals nod to each other as Drake stands up completely.

Showtime: Take him down Callahan. I know you have it in you.

Drake: Who? Barbosa? Why would I do that?

Showtime looks at him incredulously before shaking his head.

Showtime: I forgot talking to you was more infuriating and one sided then talking to a brick wall.

Drake: Maybe, but at least I'm not a jackass like you.

Drake begins walking away but Showtime grabs his arm.

Showtime: Look I know we don't have the best history.

Drake: You stole the Mayhem and the Eurasian titles from me, of course we don't.

Showtime: I know you can beat Barbosa, take it to him out there.

Drake: I already planned on it, watch how it's done.

Drake shrugs off Showtime and walks towards the entrance.

Copeland: Drake Callahan squares off with the schizophrenic Barbosa, who will prevail?

Cohen: The psych ward doctors!

We go to commercial.
The following match is scheduled for one fall!

Firstly from Cleveland, Ohio, he weighs in at 215lbs, Drake Callahan!

Drake walks to the ring with beers in hand but he raises them to the crowd before shaking them and throwing to the crowd when he reaches the ring.

“Drake Callahan is looking to go into the Chamber with some momentum!”

"Ugh, the drunk."

And his opponent, from Bedlam, Barbosa

“But the ever dangerous former World Champion is more than just a tune-up.”

As Barbosa walks to the ring, his ‘tron video is more than a little shaky. It disappears for a second before it reappears again.


“Barbosa will hope that these technical gremlins don’t follow him to the ring.”

The bipolar superstar looks thoroughly irritated by these events but he makes his way to the ring regardless, sneering as he does and he doesn’t take his eye off Callahan when he gets to ringside. He rolls in the ring and Callahan enters through the middle rope. Barbosa frowns at him and circles his opponent.

“Our former champ is distracted enough without that kind of technical hiccup bothering him.”

Barbosa goes after Callahan immediately after the bell rings but Callahan evades him. Barbosa sneers before going after him again. They hook up in the middle of the ring and Barbosa gets an advantage with a knee to the gut. Barbosa scoops him up and hits a body slam and then a knee drop to the face. Callahan tries to roll away but Barbosa pursues him, grabbing a rear chinlock but Drake shoves him off to the ropes. Barbosa tries to hit an inverted atomic drop but Drake blocks it and hits a twisting neckbreaker.

Drake goes for a cover and gets a quick two only. Drake picks him up and lays into him with forearm smashes. Barbosa fights back with a poke to the eyes but it doesn’t stop Drake going for a enziguri but it misses and Barbosa hits a belly to back suplex. Cover, 1....2....Drake kicks out as he doesn’t hook the leg. Barbosa pauses as if debating which side of himself to listen to but he eventually goes for a powerbomb but Drake flips backwards into a headscissors before Barbosa can drop him. Barbosa lands in a heap in the corner. Callahan charges and hits a dropkick to the crumpled Barbosa.

“A very fast start by both men. Drake looks to have started faster but it’s hardly a decisive advantage.”

“That was too soon by Drake. He is clearly intoxicated.”

“I would say Drake is working as smooth as I have ever seen him. His new lifestyle seems to be working.”

Drake sets up for the Last Call but Barbosa easily fights out of it with elbows and hits a hangmans’ neckbreaker and then a kitchen sink knee strike to the face. Barbosa brings Drake to his feet before grabbing his arms and hitting the Split Personality! Barbosa covers Drake, 1.....2.....Drake just gets a shoulder up!

Barbosa grabs a front facelock that helps him land a succession of knees, unguarded to Drake’s face. He pauses again before falling to hit a DDT. Drake stops struggling after his head hits the mat. Barbosa is relentless and lifts him up again and hits Duplicity!! Barbosa goes for the cover, 1....2...Drake doesn’t kick out but is able to get a leg under the rope. Barbosa sees that and begins to aim some more punches at Drake. Callahan tries to cover up and Barbosa allows him to roll under the rope. He soon follows and Barbosa picks him up and goes for the Mood Stabilizer on the apron but he drops Drake who grabs the rope and kicks Barbosa away. As Barbosa comes back, Callahan launches himself and connects with a diving elbow from the apron to the floor!

“Spectacular action from both men, Drake Callahan is really fighting to find a way back in this match!”

Both men struggle to their feet and begin to crawl to the ring. Barbosa then reaches the corner of the ring and charges at Drake who sidesteps him and then pushes him towards the ring steps! Barbosa crashes into them head first, the steps go flying. Drake takes a step back as he considers the situation. Barbosa is somehow moving despite wrecking the ringside steps. Drake goes over and shoves him in the ring. Drake then climbs in, runs across the ring and hits a shooting star press! Cover, 1....2......this time Barbosa breaks the count by somehow getting his leg on the second rope!!

“I don’t quite know how but Barbosa had the wherewithal to escape that pin cover.”

“That was remarkable, that is Barbosa is in the match to win both the Eurasian Championship and the number one contendership.”

“I get the impression that if either man can hit their trademark finishers, then this may be over.”

Drake sees this and chuckles. He grabs Barbosa’s leg, pulls him away from the ropes and tries to lock in a Boston crab but Barbosa fights it. Drake switches up the hold to set up for a catapault, Barbosa goes flying into the turnbuckle, taking another impact to the head. Drake then rolls him up! 1....2....Barbosa counters with a cradle of his own, 1....2....Drake kicks out and counters into the Last Call! Barbosa flails and struggles! His legs stretch, his arms flap and his foot somehow grazes the bottom rope. The referee forces the break. Barbosa crawls away cradling his neck when Drake frees him from the hold. Callahan pursues him, hoping to capitalise on his submission hold.

“Barbosa escapes again.”

“I gotta wonder if that was more luck than judgement from Barbosa in this case”

Drake goes for an enziguri but Barbosa hits a boot to the face. Drake comes again, Barbosa goes for a Sambo style throw but Drake blocks it and counters with the Hangover, Drake holds him, looks shaky but manages to drops him on his head with a crash, 1.....2.....3!!!

“Drake hit it! Barbosa is done”

“Your winner by pinfall, Drake Callahan!!!”

“Barbosa’s gonna be hurting after this one. Black Dragon and Showtime will probably revel in his pain.”

“Drake Callahan just dented Barbosa before Kingdom Come. This is a huge win for Callahan before the big show.”

“Not that this win will do him any good ahead of the big show. This may be the most even King for a Day Chamber we have even seen.”
We got backstage where Celeste Crimson is walking towards the entrance stage when she stops, her face suddenly changing to a look of contempt as the general manager of Meltdown Ty Burna walks into the picture, flanked by Chris K.O. and James King.

Ty: Don't think for a second I won't be watching your match closely Crimson. If you or Kurtesy even remotely hold back against one another, neither of you will get to Kingdom Come. That isn't a threat, it's a promise, do I make myself clear Celeste?

Celeste stares down Ty, her hand balling into a fist but looks over at Chris and James before deciding against attacking.

Celeste: You have nothing to worry about.

Ty: Good, now carry on, I don't take tardiness very lightly when it comes to my employees, and that's something you better get used to Celeste after I take over the entire company at Kingdom Come.

Celeste: Not if I have anything to do..

Ty: Did you hear me Celeste? Get to the ring now!

The two stare each other dead in the eyes until Celeste silently stalks away as Ty watches her from the corner of his eye, a wicked smile on his face as we go to commercial.
Harrys: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!


Celeste makes her way out to a huge pop from the crowd. She waves politly at the crowd as she walks down the ramp and then slides into the ring and ascends up onto the second rope.

Harrys: Introducing first, from Petersburg, Russia, weighing in at 165 lbs, Celeste Crimson!


The crowd pops loudly as Steven Kurtesy makes his way out to the top of the entrance stage, the WZCW World Heavyweight Title wrapped around his waist. He bows at the top of the stage to the fans before standing straight and walking to the ring.

Harrys: And her opponent, from Sydney, Australia, weighing it at 228 lbs, he is the WZCW World Heavyweight Champion, Steven Kurtesy!

Copeland: And now it's time for our main event. Partners last week, now Steven Kurtesy and Celeste Crimson face off in a non title match.

Cohen: These two have a deep mutual respect for each other, so we know this match up won't get ugly, but this is a very important match for both so I don't expect either to go easy on each other.

Kurtesy enters the ring and hands the belt to the ref who hands it to the time keeper. The bell rings and Kurtesy and Celeste shake hands before beginning the match. Both competitors shuffle around the ring before locking up. Celeste knocks Kurtesy hands up and circles behind him holding onto his waist. Kurtesy reaches back with both arms trying to grab at Celeste. He at last grabs onto her head. Kurtesy goes for Prescribed Sedation, but Celeste releases her opponent and backs away from him. Kurtesy turns around and the two look like they're about to lock up. Celeste than goes for a High Speed Roundhouse Kick, Spirit Crusher. Kurtesy ducks just underneath the kick, and trips Celeste other leg causing her to fall to the mat. Kurtesy grabs a leg and goes for a single leg Boston Crab. Celeste tries to fight out of it. She then turns over onto her stomach and uses the momentum to turn back onto her back. She pushes Kurtesy back with her free leg and then quickly gets up. Both competitors lock up again and Celeste again gets behind Kurtesy. Kurtesy reaches back and grabs onto Celeste’s head as the two back into the ropes. Both spring off and Kurtesy goes running into the opposite ropes. Celeste with a low Shuffle kick connects with Kurtesy’s gut. Celeste bounces off the ropes to the side. Kurtesy drops down and Celeste jumps over him. Kurtesy stands up and catches Celeste coming back with an Arm Drag. Celeste gets back to her feet and Kurtesy runs towards her. Celeste counters with an Arm Drag of her own, this time holding onto Kurtesy arm. Kurtesy gets to his feet and Celeste goes for an Irish Whip, Kurtesy reverses. Celeste runs back at Kurtesy who takes her to the mat with a Headlock Takedown Kurtesy has Celeste trapped on the mat until Celeste kicks up with her legs and connects off Kurtesy head twice. Kurtesy lets go and Celeste nips up to her feet. The two stare off and the crowd applauds them.

Copeland: Some exciting reversals we have seen from both wrestlers here so far in this contest.

Cohen: It’s never easy to fight someone you respect or like. These two are putting on a good show now, but eventually they are going to have to stop going easy on each other and take this match to the finish line.

Both stand close to each other, not ready to lock up yet again. Celeste changes it up and kicks the side of Kurtesy. Kurtesy hobbles but the returns the favour with a kick of his own. Celeste goes for another kick. Kurtesy catches the foot and quickly turns it into a Dragon Screw. Kurtesy has Celeste on the mat and again goes for a single leg Boston Crab. Celeste refuses to turn over this time. Kurtesy bends over to pick her up and Celeste ends up grabbing Kurtesy into a pinning roll up. 1... 2 Kurtesy kicks out. Kurtesy back to his feet quickly, Celeste leaps up. Jumping Enziguri connects. Kurtesy crumples to the mat. Celeste stands beside Kurtesy back facing him. Standing Moonsault. Celeste with the cover. 1... 2. Kurtesy kicks out. Celeste helps Kurtesy to his feet and then drapes her leg over the head of a bent of Kurtesy. She pulls back his arm and locks in an Octopus Stretch, The Pyromancy. Kurtesy reaches out for the ropes, but he is dead centre in the ring. The ref checks on Kurtesy who shakes his head no. With his free arm he grabs Celeste’s leg and unhooks it from his leg. Kurtesy rocks back and then leans forward, flipping the lighter Celeste off him and onto the mat. Kurtesy leans back on the ropes to rest as Celeste gets up to her feet. She runs at Kurtesy leaning on the ropes. Kurtesy ducks down and flips Celeste over the ropes. She lands on the apron and goes to grab Kurtesy. Kurtesy heard his opponent land and swings back, hitting a Backhand Chop, knocking Celeste down who is able to stay on the apron as one hand held onto the rope. Kurtesy lifts Celeste to her feet and goes to Suplex her inside the ring. Kurtesy lifts her up, Celeste turns around and lands back on her feet. She then rolls Kurtesy up into a pinfall. 1... 2. Kurtesy kicks out. Celeste moves towards Kurtesy standing up and swings at him. Kurtesy ducks the strike, hits a Arm-trap Neckbreaker. Kurtesy with his first cover. 1... 2 Celeste kicks out.

Copeland: The match continues to be back and forth with a lot of quick pinfalls, neither opponent letting the other have any offense for too long.

Kurtesy lifts Celeste to her feet and Irish Whips her across the ring. Celeste bounces back and Kurtesy goes for a Palm Strike. Celeste ducks under it and grabs Kurtesy by the waist from behind. She tries to lift her opponent for a German Suplex, but Kurtesy blocks her. Celeste changes up and grabs Kurtesy legs and lifts them up, dropping Kurtesy to the mat. Celeste grabs onto the ankle and has Kurtesy in the Divine Intervention submission. Kurtesy reaches out the grab the ropes. He then lifts his body off the mat and flips forward, sending Celeste over and near the ropes. Kurtesy quickly follows up behind Celeste and locks in a Sleeper Hold, Hypnosis!

Cohen: Kurtesy has Celeste in the Hypnosis submission. Looks like it might be lights out for her tonight.

Celeste reaches her arms out and grabs onto the head of Kurtesy. She drops down suddenly, Jaw Breaker breaks the hold and has Kurtesy holding his jaw. Celeste wastes little time after she stands up and grabs Kurtesy by the waist. Belly to Belly Suplex. Celeste covers Kurtesy. 1... 2... Kurtesy kicks out again. Celeste stands up and walks over the the corner. She moves her hair off her face and then climbs onto the top rope. She turns around and Kurtesy is almost to his feet. Kurtesy turns to face her. Top Rope Flying Trust Kick connects. Celeste again with the cover 1... 2... Kurtesy kicks out. The ref explains the call to Celeste. She nods her head agreeing and claps her hands in support of her opponents will. She helps lift Kurtesy to his feet and walks him over to the corner. She lifts Kurtesy up from behind and puts him on the top rope. Celeste climbs up behind him and looks to be going for a Top Rope Back Body Drop.

Copeland: Celeste has now been in control for the longest stretch so far in this match. Can she put Kurtesy away here right now?

Celeste gets onto the top rope and tucks her head under Kurtesy arm. Kurtesy has come alive and starts elbowing Celeste trying to stop her move. Celeste begins to wobble and then drops back to the mat landing on her feet. She paces around the ring and then turns back to Kurtesy. Kurtesy on his feet. Moonsault connects. Kurtesy with the pin 1... 2... Celeste kicks out. Both opponents lie exhausted in the ring as the ref begins a 10 count. By 4 Celeste has begun to move and by 7 both are up to their feet. Celeste strikes first with a few kicks to Kurtesy side. She then readies herself and goes for a Big Roundhouse Kick. Kurtesy ducks underneath it. Celeste turns back to her opponent. Prescribed Sedation by Kurtesy.

Copeland: Prescribed Sedation!

Cohen: Cover her you fool.

Both lie down in the ring for a while. Kurtesy begins to show a bit of life and starts to crawl over to Celeste. He drapes an arm over her 1... 2..... Celeste just kicks out in time.

Copeland: An unbelievable contest so far here on Meltdown. I don’t think either wrestler is ready to give up just yet.

Both wrestlers slowly rise to there feet. Kurtesy throws out a punch and Celeste returns the strike. This happens three more times until Kurtesy strike misses and Celeste locks in a standing Fujiwara Armbar. Celeste tries to force Kurtesy to the mat. Kurtesy moves around the ring and just grabs onto the ropes. Celeste breaks the hold and then irish Whips Kurtesy towards the ropes. Kurtesy reverses. Celeste runs back and Kurtesy with a Japanese Arm Drag puts Celeste to the mat. Kurtesy goes to follow up with a Arm bar, Celeste rolls Kurtesy up into a pin. 1... 2... Kurtesy rolls over and has Celeste in a pin 1... 2... Celeste rolls Kurtesy back over into a pin 1... 2.... Kurtesy kicks out. Both stand and Kurtesy throws a punch and Celeste blocks it. She then grabs onto the arm and jumps onto Kurtesy back in a Crucifix position, while also chocking Kurtesy. Sea of Serenity! Kurtesy is no where near the ropes as Celeste has the move locked in.

Cohen: The Champion is trapped in the submission. Huge upset on our hands.

Kurtesy leans forward looking like he’ll fall. He then jumps backwards onto his back. The weight crushes Celeste and she lets go of the hold on impact. Kurtesy stands a little groggy and waits as Celeste gets to her feet with her back facing Kurtesy. Kurtesy grabs her arms and crosses them in a Straight Jacket position. Strait-Jacket Double Knee Backbreaker, Solitary. Kurtesy then locks in a Body Scissors to complete Confinement. Celeste struggles for a little while but then taps out.

Harrys: Here is your winner, the WZCW World Heavyweight Champion, Steven Kurtesy!

Copeland: What an unbelievable match to end Meltdown here this evening. Wouldn't you agree Jack?

Cohen: It was an exciting contest worthy to close out Meltdown. I'm just relieved that nobody decided to intrud...


The lights dim and the crowd boos as Ty Burna and all the members of The Chaos appear on the stage ramp. Steven Kurtesy stands up in the ring and checks on Celeste to see if she is alright. Ty and his men slowly start to approach the ring. King and Alhazred run down the isle and get to the back of the ring to prevent any excape from Kurtesy. Kurtesy has helped Celeste to her feet as the rest of The Chaos have made it around the ring. They all hop onto the apron and then enter the ring surrounding Kurtesy and Celeste.

Copeland: This does not look good at all for Kurtesy and Celeste.

Ty nods his head and his men start to attack the two. Kurtesy and Celeste begin to fight valiently, but the numbers game is beginning to over power them. S.H.I.T. and his mighty arms grabs onto Celeste and pulls her towards a corner while K.O., King, Alhazred, and Bowen continue to stomp on Kurtesy. They all then lift Kurtesy up to his feet and hold him so that he faces Ty.

Cohen: Ty Burna has Steven Kurtesy right where he wants him. It does not look good for our champion.

Copeland: Gordito is not here this evening. Titus and Everest are both in the back receiving medical attention. Is there anyone who can save Kurtesy.

Ty holds Kurtesy by the neck and then laughs. The lights flicker on and off and Ty lets go of Kurtesy and looks back at the stage.


The crowd explodes at the big return of a WZCW legend. Carrying a 2x4 wrapped in Barbed Wire, and leaner and meaner looking Steamboat Ricky walks down the entrance ramp.

Copeland: Ricky has returned to WZCW and looks like he'll be evening the odds here tonight.

Ty points to him and K.O., King, and Alhazred all leave the ring to attack Ricky. K.O. gets there first and Steamboat knocks him down with a shot to the mid section. King is next and Ricky knees him in the gut and then throws him over the barricade and into the audience. Alhazred hits Steamboat from behind. Ricky turns and smashes the 2x4 off the masked face of Alhazred. Steamboat looks back at the ring and continues to march there. Steamboat slides into the ring and Ty rolls out so Bowen can attack Ricky. Bowen dtrikes Ricky, causing him to drop the weapon. The two exchange strikes until Bowen starts to cause Ricky to stumble back. Bowen bends over to grab the 2x4. He does and raises it to strike. Ricky kicks the midsection of Bowen and hits the The Blunderbuss! The crowd pops as Bowen springs off the mat and rolls out of the ring. Steamboat picks up the 2x4 and looks at S.H.I.T. still holding Celeste. S.H.I.T. looks back at Ty and then releases Celeste and exits the ring. The AOC regroups on the stage ramp as Steamboat Ricky checks on Celeste and Steven.

Copeland: What a return by Steamboat who saves the day for Steven Kurtesy and Celeste Crimson. Could we be looking at the final member of Team WZCW?

Cohen: It would look that was Seabass, and it looks like Ty is not at all happy about what has transpired.

Copeland: Will this be the last Meltdown Ty is in control of? Or will Ty open Meltdown 74 as owner of the whole compnay. You'll have to order Kingdom Come to find out. That just about does it for us this evening. He's Jack, I'm Seabass, Kingdom Come is just 2 shows away. You don't want to miss what happens next on Ascension. Goodnight everybody.
Who wrote what:

Showtime - Steven Kurtesy vs. Celeste Crimson, Black Dragon vs. Mr. Baller, someone I owe a bottle of Crown Royal for his hlep.
Numbers - Drake Callahan vs. Barbosa
Funkay - Big Dave vs. Chris K.O.
Harthan - Everest vs. Alex Bowen
Ty - Backstage
Dave - RRR/Titus vs. FP/S.H.I.T, Opening, Backstage, MVP Writer of MD

Rep these gentlemen for their hard work, sorry for the show being late, we'll have Ascension up tomorrow night barring any interruptions (I don't see any happening). Special thanks to Showtime for covering for me so I could go see my friend's band play for possibly the last time, and Dave for helping with the opening and segments.
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