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Meltdown 70

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Ty Burna

Getting Noticed By Management

We open Meltdown to the sound of a raucous crowd as we see a plethora of officials and referees attempting to restore order as a melee builds on the entrance ramp. The participants in this brawl cannot be seen for the vast amount of bodies obscuring our view. It is only when the body of Barbosa is flung into a number of officials do we recognise him and his opponent; his tag team partner for this evening, Wasabi Toyota.

Copeland: Welcome ladies and gentlemen to what is already proving to be a wild night here at Meltdown 70. Tag team partners for the night have turned into opponents as this brawl erupted moments before the show went on the air. Barbosa attacking Wasabi Toyota from behind.

Cohen: From behind? Never mind that, why are they fighting, and perhaps the other immediate question is; who is behind this?

Barbosa rises to his feet quickly, leaping forward at Wasabi Toyota. There is madness in the bi-polar superstar’s eyes as he grabs the mammoth competitor by the throat, attempting to choke the air from his lungs. They both fall to the ramp, the sound of the harsh steel smacking off of Toyota’s robe back, echoing throughout the arena. There is a collective “oooh” from the audience as the pair roll down the ramp, the various other parties following. Wasabi delivers a standing clothesline, knocking down Barbosa.

He whips his robe off, freeing himself from its confinements. He looks to apply the Bearhug, but Barbosa bites into the man from Japan’s arm. Clobbering Barbosa, Toyota once more uses his strength to free himself. He then pushes Barbosa, looking to gain some distance between the two of them. This does not last for long as the former World Heavyweight Champion crashes into Toyota’s back, sending the super-heavyweight head first into the ring steps. The sickening thud stops everyone dead...well, everyone but Barbosa.

Copeland: Oh my goodness, that sick thud...Toyota may well be out cold.

Cohen: But Barbosa doesn’t seem to be done. Where is the master? Where is Ty? Why does he not stop this?

The near lifeless Toyota has his head peeled off of the steel steps. He has an indent just above his eye socket. There is a trickle of blood, and a large bruise has already begun to develop. Possibly a broken orbital bone. Barbosa observes the damage he has caused, displaying little emotion. He glances gradually at the ring steps, before returning his sights to Toyota. The various officials are now trying to get Barbosa away from the “Matsumoto Mauler”.

Barbosa though cracks Toyota’s head off of the steps again; this time with enough force to removes the top set of stairs. An official is quick to react and attempt to stop Barbosa from more damage. He grabs Barbosa’s arm, a bad move as the ex-King for a Day snaps into a violent rage. He grabs the official and throws him like a rag doll, bending his spine around the ring post. Another steps in with a similar attempt, he is tossed into others who are looking to make a move.

Cohen: I’m confused, why is Ty not trying to regain control?

Copeland: Perhaps this is what Burna’s always wanted Jack; chaos!

On that sinister note, Barbosa turns his head to see more officials advancing in an attempt to stop him. He grunts like a predator in the wild, stopping them dead in their tracks. There is a brief pause before he howls like the animal he is capable of being. This dispels them as he moves towards the steps he displaced. Toyota meanwhile lies, slumped over the remaining set of stairs. Barbosa lifts the steps he has moved towards, turns and raises them high.

The crowd begins to catch on and a mixed reaction of delight and horror comes over them. A woman can be seen in the crowd, saying “Oh my God!”. In one swift move, Toyota’s head is smashed by Barbosa, and more importantly, the ring steps. He drops the steps, the damage well and truly done. A small “Barbosa” chant breaks out as the man of multiple personalities bellows an almighty scream.

Cohen: I...wow.

Copeland: A twisted mind at work as Barbosa lays Toyota’s in-ring career to waste.

As Barbosa pants, staring at his handiwork, paramedics rush to the ring, including two with a stretcher. This obviously won’t work, and their efforts are futile, as they hope to roll the monster of a man over. They struggle for a few moments before Barbosa pushes his former ally over with his foot, before placing the same foot on Toyota’s chest. He raises his arms and screams barbarically. The crowd utters a similar response as before. Suddenly, disrupting the carnage at ringside, Chuck Myles appears on the top of the ramp, microphone in hand. He looks horribly fatigued with a small beard developing and a lack of tidiness, shirt hanging out and tie not done up. To say he’s stressed is an understatement.

Myles: Barbosa I...

Myles has to stop himself. He strokes his chin, considering his options. He seems to be in some sort of mental pain, likely due to constant harassment courtesy of Ty Burna. He pouts the mic to his lips once more.

Myles: Barbosa, I probably should suspend you, but I’d wager that Ty--I mean Mr. Burna wouldn’t want that for one reason or another. I will punish you though. You are going to still face off with Drake Callahan & Everest, only it will be a handicap match...and it takes place NOW!

A pop erupts from the crowd as they know they are about to witness some hard hitting action. Barbosa seems indifferent, returning to his catatonic state. Myles cracks a slight smile at the crowd’s approval of his decision. He returns back to business though, knowing he has to go worship at the altar of Burna momentarily.

Myles: Now officials, if you’d please escort the unconscious Mr. Toyota out of the arena and to a nearby medical facility, we have a match to get to.

Myles leaves as Barbosa enters the ring. One referee that was attempting to stop the brawl from earlier climbs into the squared circle also.

Copeland: Well it looks like Barbosa is going to pay for his aggressive behaviour, but can the combined forces of veterans Drake Callahan & Everest stop this ultra violent monster?

Cohen: I’m not sure if anyone is capable of that, let alone a drunkard and a hasbin.

Copeland: Well regardless, I think the supernova’s about to go pop as we take a commercial break!

Copeland: Welcome back to Cleveland, Ohio ladies and gentlemen. This has already been an eventful Meltdown. Before the commercial break, Barbosa assaulted the man he was supposed to be teaming with tonight; Wasabi Toyota. Subsequently, Chuck Myles has declared Barbosa still must face Drake Callahan and the man in the ring right now; Everest, only he must do it by himself.

Cohen: I still don’t understand, why would Barbosa do this, and why didn’t Ty stop the destruction of his own Apostle?

Copeland: I don’t know Jack, and I get the feeling that right now, Barbosa either doesn’t know himself, or simply doesn’t care.

We cut to a shot of Barbosa, staring blankly, Supernova Goes Pop still playing. Everest has shown little fear in squaring up to Barbosa. The match official is stopping them from coming into physical contact, but not before Everest utters a few choice words for his foe. The music suddenly changes from Powerman 5000 to Finger Eleven. The crowd roars with approval:


Harrys: And Everest’s partner this evening, from CLEVELAND, OHIO...

There is a big cheer for this homecoming...

Harrys: ...weighing 215 pounds; DRAKE CALLAHAN!

Callahan enters the arena, a large smile on his face. He looks out into the arena, grinning ear-to-ear before noticing Toyota still being dragged out of the arena. His body mass has meant that time has been taken in getting him out of the arena. Callahan then look at the ring steps, still misplaced. Finally, he looks at Barbosa. He looks on, intense. He opens up a bottle of beer, chugging it down, tossing it aside and storms to the ring, his smile returned and the fans eating up every minute of this.

Cohen: Ugh, why do these wretched idiots continue to cheer him?

Copeland: Well it’s his hometown for one, and two, because he’s beloved by ALL WZCW fans. Callahan likes to have a good time and--

Cohen: Alright, alright, you’ve made your point.

As Callahan slides into the ring, Barbosa backs into the ring corner, eyeing up his prey. A brief discussion takes place between Drake and Everest, the latter opting to stay in the ring for the start of the contest. The referee calls for the bell and we’re underway. Everest immediately goes for a waistlock, possibly searching for a belly-to-back suplex, but Barbosa uses his power to throw Everest forward. The crafty veteran is straight back to his feet though, this time leading with a clothesline. It hits Barbosa, who takes a tumble, but he too is quick to his feet. Everest follows up though with a spinning heel kick. Into the cover: 1...KICK-OUT! Sheer strength is displayed in Barbosa’s kick-out. Everest is swiftly behind his foe, grabbing him, possibly looking for the Mountain Climber, though Barbosa makes life difficult for the former Kingdom Come main eventer. Eventually, he settles for a fallaway reverse DDT. Another cover. 1...2...KICK-OUT! Power remains the theme of Barbosa’s kick-outs, and Everest tags out. As Callahan enters, he takes his time, milking the crowd’s reaction. He can’t help but grin.

Copeland: The fans are on their feet!

Cohen: Well I’m on my backside, so there we are.

The feel-good moment is cut short by a forearm, smashed into Callahan’s jaw. Drake’s smile may have lasted a few moments, but the bruise Barbosa has just left on him won’t disappear for a few days. Barbosa is suddenly relentless, a look of rage engulfing his formerly calm face. With Callahan slumped in the corner, Barbosa stomps away, not ceasing until the referee forces a break at 4. Barbosa though repeats the same offence. The referee looks to have words with the bi-polar gent. He shoots a look that makes a cold shiver run down the referee’s spine. As this altercation occurs, Everest whispers something in Callahan’s ear, and makes a back-tag. There is a slight feeling of disappointment in the crowd, but they realise it’s likely for the best.

Cohen: Hahahaha! Oh that’s cheered me up to no end.

Barbosa sees Everest has re-entered, but his anger remains, throwing a wild arm in the “Pinnacle of Perfection’s” direction. Everest latches onto it, using the arm to his advantage, pulling Barbosa towards him and dropping him with a Samoan drop. 1...2...KICK-OUT! Barbosa rises to his feet, even quicker than Everest. Conveniently for Everest though, he is quickly placed back to the mat with an STO from Barbosa. 1... the cover was never intentional as Barbosa has resorted to just plain choking. Simple, effective, illegal. The referee reaches a count of 4 and again forces the break from Barbosa. He warns him that should he offend once more, he will be disqualified. Barbosa looks into the referees eyes, as if trying to detect something. Worried, the referee backs away. The partially distracted Barbosa is caught by a roll-up! 1...2...KICK-OUT! Confused, Barbosa rises to his feet, looking left and right, only to be caught by an overhead belly-to-belly suplex from Everest. Callahan has extended his arm, asking for the tag. Everest obliges, and the crowd once more goes wild.

Copeland: Take 2!

Cohen: I hope it’s similar to take 1.

Alas, for poor Jack Cohen this is not the case as Callahan enters, dropkicking Barbosa into the corner, following up with another, this one to firmly establish Barbosa’s position. Drake bounces off the ropes, and blasts the former monarch with a boot to the face. Barbosa comes out of the corner, groggy, but still not fallen. Callahan concludes the montage of moves with a tiger suplex, into a bridge. 1...2...KICK-OUT! However, Drake is not slow in his response, quickly looking to lock in the Last Call! Barbosa detects some sort of trouble in his clouded mind and shifts his weight, causing Callahan to fall backwards, and out of position for the submission. Drake breaks the link between the two men, looking to rise first, the crowd willing him on. Unsurprisingly he is indeed the first man to ascend, executing a snap DDT to floor Barbosa. Again, Callahan gets back up, a chant of “DRAKE! DRAKE! DRAKE!” breaking out. Soaking it all in, Callahan laughs, before looking around the capacity crowd. He points to the top rope, and the crowd comes approves. He moves to climb the ropes, entering the position for a diving elbow drop. He takes a leap, not noticing that Barbosa has been playing a little possum. The former heavyweight champion of the world is deceptively quick and actually manages to have his knee meet Drake’s face in midair. The crowd gasps in horror.

Cohen: That was incredible! Barbosa is something else.

Copeland: I do believe that was one of the finest counters I’ve seen in some time. Excellent move from Barbosa.

Both men down, the crowd is silent for a few moments, hoping the Ohio native is okay. As signs of life can be detected, the crowd once more starts chanting a number of things for encouragement. But it is Barbosa who is to his feet first. Still somewhat groggy, he moves to the corner, half expecting a partner, and even a tag. When he realises that no one waits, he appears tragically sad. He looks for empathy from the crowd for a moment, but snaps out of it as he notes that they are pro-Drake. By the time this sinks in, Barbosa turns around to see Everest. He is in the ring illegally and the referee is attempting to forcefully remove Everest. Barbosa appears confused, but fully figures out what is happening just as Drake delivers a falling reverse DDT. The crowd approves, but not nearly as much as when Drake signals for Hangover. The roar is deafening as this boisterous crowd comes unglued for Callahan’s every step. He gets Barbosa prepared for the finish, even hoists him up, but he extends him too far, allowing him to slip forward and execute a neckbreaker. Out of instinct, Barbosa puts an arm over. 1...2...KICK-OUT! The crowd is going through one roller-coaster of a ride.

Copeland: The fans here in Cleveland absolutely love Drake and would be delighted to see him pick up the win.

Cohen: And I’d be delighted if my wife was Meryl Streep, but it simply isn’t the case.

Copeland: Meryl Streep? Really?

On this bizarre note, both of our in-ring competitors begin to stir, each rising to their feet. Barbosa continues to look a little sad and a little confused too. He takes a kick to the gut as Drake sees the finishing line in sight. He hoists him up high, and drops him down for the Hangover! 1...2...3! The crowd roars with approval, applauding the efforts of Callahan and Everest, possibly even Barbosa to an extent.

Harrys: Here are your winners; EVEREST AND DRAKE CALLAHAN!!!

Everest comes in and pats Callahan on the back, a sign of respect that Drake exchanges with a gentle smile. This changes though into a wild grin as the crowd offers him a tremendous ovation. Everest exits the ring, applauding, allowing Drake to have his moment. He begins posing for the crowd.

Copeland: A sign of integrity from Everest to say the least, allowing Drake to enjoy his moment back home. True class.

Cohen: Ugh, NEXT!
We cut backstage where Ty Burna is pacing in his office, obviously not happy about what just happened. As Chuck Myles walks in, Ty grabs him by the collar and slams him back first into the wall.

Ty: Who the hell do you think you are Myles? You have no right to making matches! That is my responsibility, and mine alone!

Myles: I did what was right for Meltdown Ty. And where were you the whole time Barbosa was taking apart one of your Apostles? Why didn't you step in?

Ty stares down Myles for a few moments before releasing his grip on his collar.

Ty: Toyota was nothing more then a hired gun. He was nothing to me, a throwaway resource.

Myles: Don't you need all the numbers you can get?

Ty: I have everything I need! Ownership of Meltdown, and soon, the World Title will be mine as well! It doesn't matter what Bateman throws at me Myles. I am unstoppable! You are trying to change the subject Myles. The fact remains you acted out of line, and for that you will be punished.

Myles: No.

Ty grits his teeth as he turns back towards Myles, slamming his fist against his desk which cracks the wood underneath.

Ty: What did you just say to me Myles? Know your place cretin!

Myles: I'm done working for you. I played along for now because I love this business and WZCW especially, but I can't take it anymore. You can take this job and shove it Burna. I quit!

The crowd pops loudly in the arena as Myles turns and exits the office, leaving Ty alone to stew in his anger. The camera looks towards the door once more as Vance Bateman can be seen with a smirk on his face before walking away as we go to commercial.
Harrys: The following contest is a King for a Day qualifying match and is scheduled for one fall!


The crowd boos as Mr. Baller walks onto the stage ramp dribbling a basketball. He holds the basketball in both hands and raises it to the audience. The ball has a crown symbol on it and Baller's headband and wristbands also have the same crown design on them.

Harrys: Introducing first, from Miami, Florida, weighing in at 220 lbs, Mr. Baller!

Baller walks down the ramp with the basketball. He sees a young boy near ringside and walks up to him. Baller goes to hand the boy the ball. The boy is about to grab it when Baller pulls it away and throws it back up the stage ramp. Baller laughs at the boy and then slides into the ring.

The crowd cheers as The Dirty One emerges from behind the curtain. Gordito appears fired up and shakes his hands. He walks down the ramp and slaps hands with as many of the fans as possible.

Harrys: And his opponent, from San Francisco, California, weighing in at 257 lbs, Gordito!

Copeland: Gordito came so close to winning the Elite Title in that devastating Xtreme Submission match. Tonight he could advance to the King for a Day match and win a title match against the WZCW World Heavyweight Champion.

Cohen: Yes Seabass because that’s what the world is screaming for; another title match for Gordito. Mr. Baller said it right, he’s the hottest superstar in WZCW and he’s only had one match for the title, and he was screwed out of winning it.

Copeland: Title matches have to be earned Jack and Gordito earned each and everyone of those matches. Baller has been on a roll of late and he too could possibly earn a chance here tonight.

Baller paces around in his corner as the ref calls for the bell. Baller shuffles around the ring. Gordito goes to grabs Baller. Baller slides around him and bounces away. Baller starts shuffling his legs quickly on the spot and taunts Gordito. Gordito swings with a punch. Baller again dodges it. He hits a weak forearm to the back of Gordito and then shuffles back away and laughs. Gordito laughs back at him and mimics Ballers shuffling from earlier. Baller doesn’t look pleased anymore and yells at Gordito if he’s done fooling. Baller and Gordito go to lock up. Baller quickly kicks at the midsection. He takes a quick punch right at Gorditos face and then puts him in a Headlock before the Dirty One can strike back. Gordito grabs Baller by the waist and lifts him up. Baller gouges at the face of Gordito, causing him to put Baller back on his feet. Baller runs and bounces off the ropes. Gordito drops to the mat and Baller jumps over. Baller bounces back off the ropes and goes for Gorditos knee. Gordito leaps up and just jumps over Baller. Baller bounces back again. Gordito leaps and turns around. Crossbody Block sends both men to the mat for the first pinfall. 1... 2. Baller kicks out. Baller rolls over and grabs onto the ropes. Gordito stands up and hits Baller with a Double Axe Handle. He grabs Baller and Irish Whips him into the ropes. Samoan Drop! Baller reaches out and pulls himself onto the bottom turnbuckle. Gordito looks at Baller and then looks at the crowd as they begin to cheer. Gordito stands at the opposite corner and goes for a Bronco Buster. Baller rolls out of the ring before Gordito gets there and paces outside the ring.

Cohen: Smart move by Baller. Rest up now because Gordito won’t be able to make it to the fourth quarter later in the match.

Copeland: Baller better come up with a new game plan because it’s been all Gordito here so far.

Baller continues walking around the ring. Gordito slides out of the ring behind Baller. He grabs Baller and runs him towards the baricade and into the crowd. Gordito rolls back into the ring and waits as the ref is at the count of 4. Baller pulls himself over the baricade. He slides into the ring by 8, but immediately rolls out after. Gordito climbs through the ropes. Baller starts to run as Gordito gives chase. Baller rounds a corner, slides into the ring, and runs towards the ropes as Gordito enters behind him. Gordito is by Baller as he hops onto the middle rope. Game Changer! The kick knocks Gordito out onto the mat. Baller doesn’t go for the cover and instead starts stomping away on Gordito. Baller bends down and strikes Gordito in the face. The ref counts to 4 and Baller stands up and raises his arms as the crowd boos. Gordito slowly rises to his knees. Baller walks over and leaps backwards as he grabs Gorditos head. Hard DDT planted by Baller. Baller does a ‘swish‘ poses as he sits on the mat before going for the cover. 1... 2... Gordito kicks out. Baller rolls over and grabs Gorditos head. He starts driving knees into the back of Gorditos head. Baller has Gordito face down and rests his knee on the back of Gorditos neck as he locks in an Armbar.

Copeland: Baller has picked up the aggression now in the match and has Gordito in a precarious position.

Cohen: Gordito tapped out at Lethal Lottery and Baller looks to make him tap out again here tonight.

The ref checks on Gordito who is refusing to tap. Baller tries to pull further back and rip the arm form Gorditos socket. The crowd begins to cheer Gordito on as he slowly works his legs underneath him. Baller loses balance and quickly stands up. He drives and knee into the back of Gordito and then jumps and drops a double Leg Drop across the back of his neck. Baller with the cover. 1... 2... Gordito again kicks out. Baller is up and looks to hit another big move on Gordito. Baller runs to the corner and two steps onto the top rope. Whisper in the Wind misses as Gordito moves and Baller crashes onto the mat. Baller slowly gets to his feet and Gordito is up and takes him down with a Clothesline. Baller stands up and swings with a right. Gordito ducks the punch and lifts Baller up with a Back Body Drop. Gordito with the cover. 1... 2.. Baller kicks out. Gordito waits for Baller to stand. Baller does and Gordito hits a middle level Dropkick, knocking Baller onto his butt. Baller quickly gets to his feet and kicks at Gordito. The Dirty One grabs the foot and holds onto it as Baller hops on the other pleading no. Gordito stomps on Ballers other foot and then grabs both his arms. The crowd roars as Gordito drives seven Headbutts against the skull of Baller. Baller crumples to the mat and Gordito signals for Surf’s Up, Asshole.

Copeland: Gordito has come alive and looks to end the game for Baller.

Cohen: No... this man is unbefitting to be our king. Baller wake up and make the clutch shot.

Gordito tries to lock Baller up in a Mexican Surfboard Stretch. Baller is squirming trying to get free. Gordito grabs onto Baller wrist bans and locks in the submission hold. Baller slides is arms free off the sweat bans, causing Gordito to fall back from the lost grip. Baller quickly hops onto the nearby ropes as Gordito sits back up. Game Changer connects for a second time. Gordito crumbles to the mat as Baller rests against the nearby corner. Baller turns towards the corner and leaps up bouncing off the top rope. Buzzerbeater! Baller with the cover. 1... 2... 3.

Harrys: Here is your winner, Mr. Baller!

Cohen: He did it! I told you he’s do it Seabass. That man right there is our next King for a Day, Mr. Baller.

Copeland: Well it might be too early to make that claim, nonetheless Mr. Baller is the first man to qualify for the King for a Day match. Later tonight though we will find out who two of Baller opponents will be when Constantine takes on Big Dave and Blade faces the man he helped put out of commission for 2 years, Rush, in a Last Man Standing match.

Mr. Baller stands in the ring and celebrates as the crowd boos. The ref goes to raise Ballers arm and Baller scolds him for trying to touch a future king. Baller climbs out of the ring and walks up the ramp. He picks up the ball he threw from earlier and raises it up in the air, the crown facing the audience. He lowers it above his head as if mimicing putting on a real crown as he goes to the back.
Steven Holmes, the Elite Champion is backstage with the Power Trip, John Constantine and they are talking about a document in Holmes' possession.

"And that's really going to be enough?"

"Yes, it will remove any threat from the equation entirely." Holmes shuffles the big gold belt on his shoulder. The arrogance coming from the champion is immense and Constantine winces slightly in the face of it.

"That's pretty smart Steven."

Holmes raises a very posh eyebrow to his ally.

"You sound surprised John dear boy. It's quite simple and I've covered all possible outcomes. This title will be around my waist by the end of the night and when I attend Ascension to go on Austin Reynolds' petty talk show, the world will find out exactly what I have planned for Big Dave."

We go to commercial.
Harrys: The following contest is scheduled for one fall, and is a King for a Day qualifying match!

Constantine makes his way out to a pop from the crowd. He holds his arms up as he looks out at the crowd before making his way down the ramp, remaining focused on the ring. He climbs up the steps and enters the ring, standing directly in the middle before lifting his arms up once mroe.

Harrys: Introducing first, weighing in at 265 lbs, Constantine!

The crowd pops loudly as Big Dave emerges from behind the curtain and stands at the top of the entrance stage. He nods his head and points to the crowd before making his way down the entrance ramp, slapping hands with the fans before sliding into the ring and staring at Constantine before turning around and climbing to the second turnbuckle and holding his arm up in the air.

Harrys: And his opponent, weighing in at 268 lbs, Big Dave!

Copeland: Big Dave shocked the world during the Lethal Lottery, coming in at number 29, and nearly winning the Lottery itself!

Cohen: However, thanks to our Elite Champion Steven Holmes, Big Dave came up short, yet again!

Copeland: Meanwhile, Constantine has continued to align himself with Holmes, yet he seems to be more hesitant each week with working alongside him.

Cohen: He'd be wise to get over his doubts. Steven Holmes can lift Constantine to greatness!

The ref signals for the bell as the two square off in the center of the ring. They tie up and struggle for position until Constantine backs him up into the corner. The ref signals for a break, and Constantine backs up with his hands in the air. Dave watches him closely, knowing full well what Constantine has done in the past. Dave walks out of the corner and the two lock up again, this time Dave gets a knee to the midsection before whipping him across into the ropes. Off the rebound Dave connects with a quick clothesline, dropping Constantine to the mat, however he bounces up quick and drops Dave with a clothesline of his own. Dave is quick to his feet as well as the two stand tall in the center of the ring staring each other down. Constantine goes for a right but Dave blocks and connects with a right of his own. He keeps connecting before hitting a shot to the stomach. Dave snaps off a suplex and floats over for the pin attempt, 1........2...Constantine kicks out. Dave quickly applies a rear chinlock, wrenching on Constantine's neck. The ref checks on him but Constantine turns and gets to his knees. He hits a few elbow shots before standing up suddenly and dropping Dave with a back body drop. Constantine gets to his feet and backs into the ropes before getting a running start, dropping a knee across the temple. Dave reacts in pain but Constantine throws him back down and goes for the cover, 1.......2....Dave kicks out! Constantine looks to do more damage when suddenly....


Copeland: You know it was only a matter of time....

Cohen: Yes! We're about to be graced by the presence of the Elite Champion!

Sure enough Steven Holmes makes his way out onto the stage, the Elite Championship resting comfortably on his shoulder as the crowd boos loudly. Holmes saunters his way down the entrance ramp, taking his time to let the jeers from the crowd surround him. Constantine watches him for a moment before turning back to Dave. It proves to be a disaster for him as Dave suddenly flips him on his back and begins delivering stiff right hand shots. As Constantine lies flat on his back, Dave rises and turns towards Holmes. Dave's eyes narrow at him as Holmes paces back and forth in front of Dave, keeping his attention away from Constantine. Just then Dave is attacked from behind by Constantine, sending him through the ropes to the outside. The ref quickly exits the ring and warns Holmes to back off, which he does and goes to sit down by the commentary table. Constantine doesn't allow the opportunity to escape him as he exits and stomps away at Dave. The ref gets back in the ring and begins the ten count as Dave is lifted up and rammed back first into the barrier. Dave winces in pain and holds his back but Constantine hits a stiff shot to the head, dropping Dave to a sitting position. He grabs him and throws him back into the ring at the count of 5, sliding in himself and going for the cover, 1.......2......Dave kicks out!

Copeland: With the distraction from Holmes, Constantine has taken control of this match!

Cohen: Dave better concentrate on Constantine. I know he wants his shot at Holmes, but Constantine is not someone to take lightly, especially with the guidance of the Elite One!

Holmes claps his hands as Constantine lifts him up and tosses him into the corner. He backs up and gets a running start, hitting a hard corner splash. Dave stumbles outward, allowing Constantine to lift him up for a vicious back breacker. He shoves Dave off his knee and goes for the cover again, 1......2.....Dave kicks out once more! Constantine looks a bit frustrated, but gets up immediately and begins stomping away at Dave. He drops an elbow, which connects right to the chest. Constantine stands and lifts his arms in the air, getting an nice pop from the crowd, a few boos mixed in. He motions for Dave to get up as he prepares for the Axis of Evil. Dave pulls himself up by the ropes and turns towards Constantine. Constantine lifts him up but Dave gets an elbow to the head, forcing Constantine to drop him. Dave responds back by connecting with a Catatonic Backbreaker! Constantine arches his back in immense pain as Dave tries to recover from the damage he's taken. The ref begins the ten count as both men lie flat on the mat. Dave is up seven, and Constantine is right behind him. Constantine turns and gets it with the two roundhouse kicks! Constantine drops face first to the mat as Dave quickly goes for the cover, 1........2......Constantine kicks out!

Copeland: Dave just barely escaped the Axis of Evil, nearly getting the victory with those kicks!

Cohen: Dave is showing far too much ring rust in there. Constantine will find a way to capitalize on that!

Dave is back to his feet, the crowd cheering loudly for him. Dave feeds off of this and gets fired up. As Constantine stands up, Dave connects with a hard right before whipping him into the ropes and connecting with a big powerslam! Dave is back to his feet as he motions for Constantine to stand. As Constantine struggles to his feet, Dave rushes forward and connects with a big spear, sending Constantine crashing into the corner. Dave gets back up and runs forward, connecting with a hard clothesline in the corner, dropping Constantine down to the mat. Dave grabs hold of his arm and drags him up to his feet before suddenly lifting him up for the Stamp of Authority! Constantine struggles against the hold and desperately grabs for the ropes. Holmes suddenly jumps from his chair and onto the apron, grabbing hold of Constantine's arm and pulling him to the ropes. The ref gets in Holmes' face, warning him not to interfere as Dave lets go of Constantine. Dave faces off with Holmes but Holmes points behind Dave. As Dave turn, Constantine pops up and lifts him, delivering a devastating Axis of Evil! He hooks the leg, 1..........2.........3!

Harrys: Here is your winner and qualifier for the King for a Day match, Constantine!

Copeland: Constantine gets the win, with some help from the Elite Champion Steven Holmes!

Cohen: He didn't do anything wrong, Dave lost his focus and the match by staring down Holmes. Constantine won that match all on his own!

Constantine gets to his feet, holding his arm close to the midsection as the ref raises his other arm in the air. The crowd pops for Constantine's win but immediately begins booing as Steven Holmes enters the ring and stands over Dave, holding the Elite Championship in the air. Holmes looks towards Constantine and claps his hands. The support doesn't seem to be welcomed as Constantine shoots Holmes an angry look before dropping down and rolling out of the ring. Holmes exits the ring quickly and walks after Constantine, trying to smooth things over as Dave sits up in the ring, his eyes locked on Holmes the whole time. Constantine disappears into the back, leaving Holmes standing at the top of the stage. He turns towards Dave and a smug smile forms on his face. The two stare each other down before Holmes disappears to the back himself.

Copeland: Some tension has risen between Holmes and Constantine, but the bigger news is that Constantine has qualified for the King for a Day match at Kingdom Come.

Cohen: And Steven Holmes one ups Big Dave yet again!

Copeland: Very true Jack, and speaking of bitter feuds, coming up next is Blade facing off against Rush in a Last Man Standing match, for a spot in the Chamber!
We see Johnny Klamor backstage with Mr Baller following his win over Gordito.

"Baller, that was a damn impressive display! Even if it was against an ingrate the calibre of Gordito. You must be very happy to qualify for the King for a Day match."

Baller has a big grin on his face.

"I'm delighted Johnny but it was a matter of time. You see, I know I'm better than Gordito, I'm better than everyone here but I've never had the chance to show it. I have chance after chance taken away from me but at Kingdom Come IV, it's my time. I'm the star of this show. And Johnny, I know you are good at your job so you can just send the memo around now. I want to be called Your Highness from now on!

Baller walks away with the basketball skilfully resting on his head like a crown.
Harrys: The following contest is a King for a Day qualifying match and is going to be fought under Last Man Standing rules!


The crowd pops and Rush walks out to a very respectful applause. Rush moves down the ramp and waves at many of the fans he passes by. Rush grabs onto the ropes and pulls himself up to the apron and into the ring.

Harrys: Introducing first, from Windsor, Ontario, Canada, weighing 361 lbs, Rush!


The crowd now boos as Blade walks out from behind the curtain with his Sons of Destiny. He seems very focused on Rush as he startes down at him in the ring.

Harrys: And his opponent, from Dublin, Ireland, weighing in at 235 lbs, Blade!

Copeland: These men have a long standing feud that dates back to Kingdom Come over 2 years ago. Tonight Rush will look to settle the score.

Cohen: Rush had his retribution at Lethal Lottery when he screwed Blade out of winning. Tonight Blade will march towards his destiny of winning King for a Day.

Blade looks up at the towering Rush. The bell rings and Rush slowly advances on Blade. Blade moves swiftly around Rush and clubs him in the back. Blade grabs Rush by the waist and tries to German Suplex him. Blade is unable to get the larger Rush off his feet. Before Rush can knock Blade off, Blade leaps onto his back and applies a Sleeperhold. Rush stumbles in the ring, but then regains his balance and backpedals Blade right into a corner. Rush grabs Blades arm and Irish Whips him across the ring. Rush with a Big Splash in the corner misses as Blade just moves out of the way. Blade continues the offensive and strike the back of Rush. Rush turns and Blade uppercuts the jaw of Rush. Rush’s head snaps to the side, but he turns it back to Blade and grabs him by the throat. Rush backs Blade up into the corner and continues to chock the life out of Blade. Blade frantically swings his arms out and then starts kicking at the legs of Rush. Rush breaks the hold and Blade hops onto the second rope. Now standing over Rush, Blade starts driving fists into the face of Rush. Blade grabs Rush by the head and goes for a DDT off the turnbuckle. Blade leaps off the turnbuckle. Rush holds onto him in midair, lifts him up and then throws him over the top ropes and onto the floor.

Copeland: The power of Rush is showing in this match. Blade can hardly do any of the big moves he normally does.

Cohen: Rush is out to take two years off Blade’s career. Rush should be disqualified for trying to injury our future World Heavyweight Champion.

Rush climbs outside the ring. He lifts Blade to his feet and with both arms throws Blade head first into the steel stairs, the top section rolling off the base. Rush grabs Blade by the neck and lifts up up off the ground. Double Handed Choke. Rush holds Blade for about ten seconds before dropping him onto the steel base. Blade rolls off the stairs as Rush goes and looks underneath the ring. He pulls out a table and sets it up on the outside. He pulls out another one and sets it up beside the other table. Rush goes to retrieve Blade, who has rolled back into the ring. Rush grabs the steel stairs and throws them into the ring. Rush slides in and grabs the steel stairs.

Copeland: Rush is taking this match very personally. I have a feeling this is going to get pretty ugly quickly.

Rush goes to smash the stairs onto Blade. Blade trips Rush at the legs. He goes crashing down and drives his face into the stairs upon landing. Rush rolls off the stairs and onto the mat. Blade places the stairs on top of Rush. He slowly bounces off the ropes and then runs and kicks the stairs right into Rush. Blade rolls out of the ring and looks under the apron. The crowd explodes as Blade pulls out a steel ladder. He slides it into the ring and then climbs in and picks the ladder up. Rush stands up and Blade drives the top of the ladder into the face of Rush. Blade holds the ladder and stands on the gut of Rush. He starts pushing the top of the ladder into the face of Rush. After five seconds Blade hops off and places the ladder on top of the stairs. He grabs Rush’s legs and places them over the ladder. Blade leg drops one of Rush’s and then begins trapping Rush’s other leg between the ladder and his and Blades leg.

Cohen: Look at that Seabass, Blade has Rush locked in an Indian Deathlock submission through the ladder. He is going to break Rush’s leg.

That seems to be the plan as Blade snaps backwards and Rush cries out in pain. Blade sits himself up and drops back again as Rush’s leg continues to be stretched. After thirty seconds he breaks the hold. The ref goes to check up on Rush’s leg.

Copeland: Rush might not be able to stand up right now, but the ref has deemed Rush is not knocked out enough to begin a 10 count.

The ref gets Rush’s leg free from the ladder. Blade takes the ladder and balances it on the stairs. Rush is unaware what’s going on and is bent over the ladder trying to pick himself up. Blade bounces off the ropes and jumps on the opposite end of the ladder. Rush just pulls himself to a vertical base and the end of the ladder just misses him. Blade lands hard on the ladder as it hits the mat. Rush stood up to quickly and collapses on top of his end olding his leg. The teeter-totter set up causes Blade's end to jump straight up, throwing Blade in mid air for a second before he crashes onto the mat. Both men are down as Rush continues to hold his leg. Blade pushes the steel stairs out of the ring and grabs the ladder, using it to help himself to his feet. Rush is by the ropes and is using them to get back standing. Blade has the ladder in hand and looks to drive the base of it into Rush. He runs towards Rush. Rush moves from the ropes and delivers a half force Pounce, knocking Blade to the mat with the ladder on top. Rush slowly bounces off the side ropes and jumps up with a Leg Drop. He connects on top of Blade and the ladder. The move didn’t help Rush’s leg, who again needs the ropes to help him stand back up.

Cohen: Rush’s power may have been his advantage, but if he’s unable to get up from the damage done to his leg then he will never be able to put Blade away.

Rush is slowly getting to his feet Blade has slithered from underneath the ladder and ascends the top turnbuckle. He stands on top and waits for Rush to turn and face him. Rush gets to his feet and turns towards Blade. Blade with a Crossbody. Rush catches him and almost falls backwards. Rush wastes little time and hits a Sitout Swinging Backbreaker, the move shakes the whole ring. Rush grabs the ladder and places in on top of the second ropes near a corner. He picks Blade up and slams his face into the ladder repeatedly before rolling him on top. Rush straddles through the ropes and slowly climbs up to the top rope.

Copeland: If Rush hits this move this match and maybe Blade’s career could be over.

Rush gets to the top rope and slowly stands up on it. Blade instinctively rolls off the ladder and punches Rush square in the groin region. Rush lowers himself as Blade hops onto the bottom rope and grabs Rush’s waist before looking back quickly. Huge Spinning Spinebuster puts Rush through the ladder, snapping it into two. Rush is out as the ref tries to pull the broken pieces out from under Rush and get them out of the ring. Blade scolds the ref and yells at him to begin the count. The ref starts counting.


Cohen: Rush hasn’t moved once yet. Blade is advancing to King for a Day.


Rush begins to stir and tries to roll over and grab the ropes.


Copeland: Unbelievable will by Rush as he’s trying to beat the 10 count.


Rush has used the ropes to get to his knees and is almost standing when Blade breaks the count by striking Rush. He repeatedly punches the back of Rush’s head until his neck is on the bottom rope. Blade stands on Rush’s back and with the ropes pushes his neck into the bottom rope. Blade eventually lets go and straddles out of the ring. He yells at the Time Keeper to move and grabs his steel chair he was sitting on. Blade has the chair and sees Rush’s head between the ropes. He runs up and swings the chair. Rush pulls back his head and Blade bounces the chair off the ropes. The moves causes Blade to lose his balance allowing Rush time to get to his feet. Blade turns back to the ring to find Rush two stepping and jumping at him. Suicide Dive by Rush through the ropes. The chair smashes against Blades face as both men are now down outside the ring.

Copeland: We are witnessing a very personal and very violent match here tonight. One man will advance to KFAD, but I promise you both men will be hurting when this match is done.


Both men start to move with Blade being closest to standing up.


Blade is up and walks away from Rush and towards the crowd.


Rush just gets to a standing position in time. He sees Blade straddling over the barricade. He walks over to Blade and just grabs the back of his hair before he can escape. He grabs Blades shoulders and throws him back over the barricade and onto the floor. Blade grabs the nearby steel chair, but Rush knocks it out of his hands. Rush takes the chair and slams it against the back of Blade. He rolls Blade into the ring and then slides in after with the chair. Blade is crawling away from Rush. Rush with chair in hand towers over Blade who rolls over to face Rush. He pleads with Rush not to strike him again. Rush shakes his head no and slowly raises the chair up high. Blade reacts quickly and kicks the leg of Rush. Rush buckles and drops the chair. Blade quickly picks it up and swings at Rush’s knee. A loud crack his heard and Rush falls to his knees, but refuses to go down. Blade takes the chair one more time and hits Rush over the head with it. The chair is useless now, but Rush is still on his knees. Blade discards the chair and grabs both of Rush’s arms.

Cohen: Blade is going for The Halo. This match is over.

Blade has Rush hooked and goes to roll over him. Rush breaks his arms free and lifts Blade over top of the ropes towards the tables set up from earlier. Blade just grabs onto the top rope and manages to stay on the apron. Rush turns to attack. Blade hits low in the gut and pulls Rush through the middle ropes. Both men are standing on the apron right near the tables.

Copeland: Both men standing on the edge of a very bad landing. I think you’re right Jack we are going to find out who wins this match right now.

Blade strikes the back of Rush repeatedly to keep him down. Blade locks his head and goes for a DDT. Rush pushes Blade backwards and the two drive into the turnbuckle, breaking the hold. Rush grabs Blade and sets him up for a Powerbomb. Rush grabs the waist and lifts Blade up. Blade reaches out and frantically tries to grab the top rope. His fingers latch on, but the strength of Rush pulls Blade away from the ropes as he goes flying through the two tables on the outside. Rush lands on the floor just short of the tables and the corwd is now the loudest it's been all match

Cohen: This can't happen... where are Blade's partners?

The ref begins to make his 10 count.


Overlast and Hammond run out and try to help there leader. Rush is quickly on him and three men begin to brawl.


Rush is trying to hold his own but is exhausted from the match.


Overlast and Hammond have finally worn down Rush and move to grab their leader.


Overlast and Hammond grab Blade and almost have him standing.


The bell rings and Hammond and Overlast drop Blade as they are in disbelief.

Harrys: Here is your winner, Rush!

Copeland: What an unbelievable match we have just seen. More than 2 years in the making and both men gave everything they had here tonight.

Cohen: Well Seabass I am mortified that Blade is not advancing to King for a Day I will agree that we have just seen a brutal encounter that these two men will not soon forget.

Hammond and Overlast help Blade to the back while a few refs come down to check up on Rush. Rush holds his chest but assures them all that he is fine. Rush raises his arms and the crowd chants his name loudly.


We are backstage to see Celeste Crimson sitting in her locker room with her head bowed. She looks up and her face is determined as ever with her eyes suggesting she is staring into space, in deep thought. The noise of her door opening breaks her train of thought and gets her on her guard but she lowers it as Steven Kurtesy walks into the picture with the World Heavyweight championship on his shoulder.

Sandy told me that you wanted to see me?

Celeste extends an arm out to Kurtesy.

I know how much trouble you've caused for the Chaos: I want to form an alli...

Kurtesy puts up his hand to signal for Celeste to stop talking. He immediately shakes her hand.

We've been in an alliance since the beginning, comrade... and I'll be keeping a close eye out tonight during your match. Expect your match to be... "Chaos free."

Kurtesy smiles as Celeste nods.

Thank you.

Kurtesy goes to walk away but Celeste holds onto the handshake.

Just one thing though... when all of this is said and done: I'm coming for that.

Celeste points to the title on Kurtesy's shoulder. He continues smiling and nods, before Celeste lets go of the handshake and Kurtesy exits the room.
Harrys: The following contest is a tag team match scheduled for one fall!


There are loud boos as Mister Alhazred emerges onto the stage with S.H.I.T at his side. Alhazred points at the ring and S.H.I.T walks down the ramp before Alhazred follows.

Harrys: Introducing first, representing the Apostles of Chaos, Mister Alhazred and S.H.I.T

Copeland: Well these two might yet be a formidable tag team!

Cohen: Might?

Both men get into the ring and stand in the corner as Alhazred gives his partner instructions for the match.


Copeland: Speaking of teams that might yet be formidable!

Saboteur strides out to a great crowd reaction. He stands on the stage, soaking in the reaction. He beckons to the back for someone and Action Saxton walks out, looking disgruntled at having to use Saboteur’s entrance music. Saboteur darts towards the ring with Saxton following.

Harrys: And their opponents, at a combined weight of 468 pounds, Saboteur and Action Saxton!

After discussing strategy, Saxton starts in the ring against S.H.I.T . Saxton wastes little time, going straight for his opponent and unleashing a punch combo that S.H.I.T wasn’t expecting. Saxton backs him into the ropes before hitting a few Knife-Edge chops. He whips S.H.I.T across the ring and hits a Shuffle Sidekick as he returns. The crowd are cheering loudly for Saxton with Saboteur playing cheerleader on the apron. As S.H.I.T gets up, it looks like Saxton is preparing to hit the Black Lightning but Alhazred pulls his partner out of the ring. He grabs S.H.I.T’s head and shouts at him before sending him back into the ring. Saxton and S.H.I.T circle each other before tying up in the centre of the ring. Saxton gains the advantage with a headlock, but S.H.I.T pushes him off into the ropes. As Saxton returns, S.H.I.T hits a Back Body Drop and suddenly the momentum changes. With Saxton down, S.H.I.T begins a vicious attack, kneeling over him and hitting powerful punches to the head. He picks Saxton up and brings him over to the corner, smacking his head several times off the top turnbuckle and following up with a Roundhouse Kick. Saxton goes down and S.H.I.T makes the pin, 1… 2… Kick out by Saxton. S.H.I.T tags his partner and Alhazred who drops a fist on the head of the downed Saxton.

Copeland: Saxton came bursting out of the gate but Alhazred clearly said something to S.H.I.T to change all that…

Cohen: Yeah, it was “remember who you’re facing”!

Alhazred picks up Saxton and Irish Whips him across the ring into the corner. Saxton hits the turnbuckles and is quickly hit by a Clothesline from Alhazred. Alhazred sends him across the ring again and goes for the Clothesline again but as he runs at Saxton, Saxton jumps out of the corner and catches Alhazred with a big kick to the face! Alhazred goes down and Saxton attempts a weak pin, 1… 2… Kick out! Saxton tags in Saboteur, who hits several stomps to the body of Alhazred. He picks up his opponent and executes a Snapmare followed by a hard kick to the back of Alhazred’s head, the noise of which causes a groan to ripple through the crowd. Saboteur makes the cover, 1… 2… Kick out by Alhazred! As Alhazred tried to pull himself up, Saboteur backs into the corner and poses for the cheering crowd for several moments. With Alhazred up, Saboteur turns towards him and shouts “Super Saboteur” as he runs towards Alhazred. But he gets caught with a full on right hand from Alhazred and crumbles to the mat and Alhazred makes the cover, 1… 2…. Kick out by Saboteur! Alhazred shouts a the referee, who insists it was two. He tags in S.H.I.T who picks up Saboteur. Saboteur suddenly hits a Double Leg Takedown and hits a series of punches to S.H.I.T’s head. The referee counts to five and Saboteur gets up, looking irritated that his superb combo was broken up so unceremoniously. The referee tells Saboteur he reached the count of five and as S.H.I.T goes for Saboteur from behind, Saboteur hits a low blow on him that the ref misses! The crowd cheer, delighted at what just happened.

Cohen: Do robots feel testicular pain?

Copeland: Apparently.

Saboteur finally turns away from the ref and picks up S.H.I.T before quickly putting him down again with a DDT. Saboteur drags his opponent over to the ropes and climbs up to the top and poses for a moment before going for the Airborne Assassin, but S.H.I.T gets his knees up! Saboteur writhes in pain on the mat and S.H.I.T uses the ropes to get himself up before tagging in Alhazred. Alhazred climbs up to the top rope and leaps half way across the ring, hitting an Elbow Drop. He goes for a pin, 1… 2… Kick out by Saboteur! Alhazred remains focused as he gets up and readjusts his power glove. Saboteur starts to get up and Alhazred goes for Level 5 but Saboteur ducks under it and Alhazred’s momentum sends him into Saxton, who catches Alhazred’s stray fist on the apron. Saxton then grabs Alhazred’s other arm before hitting a series of headbutts. Saxton lets Alhazred go and Saboteur rolls him up from behind, 1... 2… S.H.I.T breaks it up! S.H.I.T quickly rolls out of the ring and Saboteur tags in Saxton. He picks up Alhazred and Irish Whips him across the ring. S.H.I.T gets back up on the apron to make the blind tag and Alhazred ducks under another attempted Black Lightning! S.H.I.T comes in and hits the Head Chop from behind! Alhazred knocks Saboteur off the apron as S.H.I.T gets to the top rope and hits the Frog Splash! He hooks the outside leg, 1… 2…. 3!

Harrys: Here are your winners, Mister Alhazred and S.H.I.T!

The crowd aren’t happy as Alhazred celebrates inside the ring with S.H.I.T looking on. Alhazred raises his hand for a high five but S.H.I.T doesn’t quite understand as he raises his own hand in the same manner. Alhazred high fives it and S.H.I.T looks from his raised hand to Alhazred and back again. Alhazred shrugs and leaves the ring, with S.H.I.T quickly following as Saboteur slides in to check on Saxton.
We go backstage to Ty's office, a reserved Chris K.O. sitting in front of Ty's desk, Ty standing tall behind it. Ty has his gear on, his eyes focused on Chris.

Ty: You're coming out to ringside with me Chris.

Chris suddenly looks up, his eyes widen as he hears the news.

Chris: For what? You don't need me out there.

Ty: On the contrary Chris. I want you to watch your precious Celeste destroyed right in front of you. She has become your weakness, and I will personally snuff that out.

A wicked grin forms on Ty's face as Chris immediately looks conflicted regarding it. He puts his hands on his head as Ty begins laughing maniacally.

Ty: You will soon know what it means to have that last fading light destroyed in front of your very eyes, and soon there will be nothing but darkness, and your heart will turn as cold as mine!

Ty begins walking towards the door, Chris grits his teeth but doesn't move. Ty notices and swiftly turns and grabs Chris by his shirt, lifting him out of the chair.

Ty: You will not disobey me Chris! I have put up with your pathetic excuse for effort the past few weeks. You're coming with me now!

Ty drags Chris through the door and towards the entrance as we go to commercial.

The crowd heavily boo's as the Ty Burna marches towards the ring, dragging Chris K.O. like a rag doll behind him. He proves to be a struggle but Ty eventually gets him down the ramp and to ringside.

Copeland: This is disgusting: how can Ty do this to Chris?

Cohen: The Chaos works in mysterious ways, Seabass. Let's be glad Ty's not dragging either of us by the hair.

Ty lifts K.O. to his feet and pulls out a pair of handcuffs. He bonds the arm of K.O. and the bottom ring rope together, making sure they're tight before dangling the key in front of him. K.O. has no idea what to do as puts the key on top of the announcer's table. He tells Cohen & Copeland not to touch and they nod their heads as Ty enters into the ring. He points at Harrys and tells him to start the introductions.

Harrys: The following contest is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, being accompanied by Chris K.O., weighing in at 235 pounds, he is the General Manager of Meltdown; TY BURNA!

The crowd erupts in more boo's after the announcement as Ty has a huge grin on his face, relishing the kind words of Harrys.


The crowd turns from boos to cheers as the theme music of Celeste plays through the arena. Ty's expression has gone from confident to unamused as the audience goes wild.

Harrys: And his opponent, from Petersburg, Russia, weighing in at 165 pounds...

The crowd erupts as Celeste walks through the curtain slowly with her head down. She stands on the middle of the stage and lifts her head.


Celeste points at Ty Burna who is smirking at her. She then proceeds to motion the cutting of her throat, indicating that this is the end of the line for Ty.

Cohen: Celeste should be careful what she wishes for: she is walking into a death trap against Ty here.

Copeland: She wants to take down the Chaos and a match against their leader is what she got: this is her chance.

Celeste runs down the ramp and goes to slide into the ring with Ty at the ready but at the last second changes direction, going around ringside to help out K.O. She almost makes it to the announcer's desk but Ty manages to slide out and stand in-between her and the desk. He smiles as the two face off out at ringside. The crowd is tense to see who is going to hit first. Celeste pushes Ty out of the way and goes for the key but Ty turns Celeste and backhands her across the face. The crowd is in disbelief at the slap as Ty stares her down. Celeste keeps her head to the side before she turns to face Ty and delivers a harder open handed slap across the face of Ty. The crowd is pumped at the amount of hatred between the two individuals with K.O. in the background looking on in concern. Celeste turns around and goes to grab the key once more but Ty locks in a sleeper hold as she's turned. Celeste quickly flips Ty out of the hold and hits him with a series of strikes and kicks as he recovers, which the crowd is going crazy for. Celeste measures Ty up with a shuffle side kick but he blocks the attack and hits a clothesline on Celeste onto the floor. Ty picks up Celeste and chucks her into the ring, following after her. The referee can now ring the bell to officially start the match.

Ty stalks Celeste as she tries getting to a vertical base. He slaps her a couple of times before kicking her in the back of the head. He lifts her up and talks trash to her face until she breaks free hitting some more kicks on Ty before finishing off with a jumping enzuigiri. Celeste takes a glance at K.O. who is still locked up, hesitating for a second but decides to take care of Ty. K.O. looks at where the key is and tries stretching out for it. In the ring, Celeste has got Ty by the waist and hits a belly to belly suplex on him. Ty clutches his back but gets up quite quickly, prompting Celeste to wrap her arms around the waist of Ty from behind and hit a release German suplex. She looks outside and sees K.O. doing his best to reach the keys, so she exits the ring and tells Chris not to worry. She strokes his face and for a brief moment, K.O. is happy and in a world of bliss. The feeling is stripped away as Ty attacks Celeste from behind, knocking her down. Ty smirks in the face of K.O. before Ty picks her up and hits the Mo' Murda on the outside. The crowd does not look pleased at Ty as he gets up laughing manically.

Copeland: I hope Celeste is alright, Jack. First the Lethal Lottery attack and now that drop to the floor? How is she going to continue the match?

Cohen: You and I both knew that this wasn't going to be a match: it's a fight... a war.

Ty picks up Celeste and chucks her in the direction of K.O., smacking him in the face. Chris sees the dazed look in Celeste's eyes before Ty grabs Celeste and chucks her into the ring. He follows as K.O. turns around to see what's happening in the ring. She tries getting up to her feet but Ty knocks her down with a running high knee, following up with a knee drop to the throat. He keeps his knee on her throat for the pin... 1... 2... kick-out by Celeste, coughing from the knee choking her. Ty then grabs Celeste by the throat, forcing her to her feet still choking her, proceeding to hit her with a Reverse STO. He sits up after the move with a smile on his face and goes for another cover... 1... 2... kick-out again by Celeste. K.O. looks on worried as Ty shrugs and tells him he'll have to do more damage. K.O. turns around desperately to reach for the key as Ty smiles at his effort. Ty sits in front of Celeste who is trying to get up slowly and starts talking to her, before grabbing her chin. He lifts her up by the chin to a standing position, saying something in Russian before hitting a Russian legsweep. Ty laughs as some of the crowd members boo at the symbolism Ty just made.

Cohen: Ty's been doing his homework.

Copeland: The insult to injury wasn't needed there. He's just using Celeste as an example now.

Ty grabs both the arms of Celeste and wraps him around her neck, forcing her to a standing position again before he hits the X-Plex, flipping around to lock in Ty's stranglehold. He pulls back the arms of Celeste so that way her head is cranked up enough for her to make eye contact with K.O., showing her pain as Ty continues the hold. K.O. is doing his best to get the key but has no chance of reaching, almost giving up hope and looking back at Ty wrenching Celeste's neck. The referee asks if she gives up and she doesn't respond for a moment. She opens her eyes and looks directly at Chris, then responds for a "no." K.O shakes his head and tells Celeste to give up and fight another day but she says no again. K.O cannot take looking at Ty continuing the submission, which irritates Ty. He knows he cannot force Celeste to tap and lets go, rolling to the outside to where K.O stands, looking away. Ty says Chris must witness this but he refuses. Ty grabs Chris by the check and says he has no other choice before letting him go and getting back in the ring. Ty goes to lock in the strait-jacket strangehold once more but Celeste counters and locks in an omoplata. The crowd erupts in cheer as Ty is caught by surprise with Celeste using all her energy to wrench the arm of Ty. He is in more pain than Celeste was and thinks about tapping but manages to move forward and grab the bottom rope. Celeste holds on to the count of four before letting go and dropping in exhaustion.

Copeland: She almost had Ty! Looks like Celeste has got some fight still in her.

Cohen: But how much gas does she have left in the tank?

K.O is telling Celeste to get out of harms way but she ignores him as she slowly gets to her feet. Ty, however, beats her to the vertical position and picks her up. She pushes him away and creates enough space to hit the shuffle side kick she missed earlier. Ty is a little dazed as Celeste staggers towards Ty and hits a backflip kick, sending Ty to the corner. Celeste gets up and runs at Ty, hitting a flip kick off Ty's body, followed up by a back handspring. Celeste almost botches the land of the spring and gets back to a vertical position, allowing Ty to stagger out of the corner himself. She quickly uses the turnbuckles to hit a flying trust kick from the top rope. Both competitors are down but Celeste manages to crawl over and get an arm draped over Ty... 1... 2... kick-out by Ty. Celeste slams the mat and gets to a standing position, stalking Ty as he gets up. She goes for the Spirit Crusher but Ty evades the attack, back peddling towards the ropes near K.O. who is doing his best to get the key. Celeste turns around and runs at Ty, going for a dropkick. Ty avoids the contact again and Celeste accidentally lands and kicks K.O in the head underneath the bottom rope. K.O. is knocked down to his knees and Celeste observes what she has done, covering her mouth. K.O looks up in despair as she turns around with Ty hitting the Consecrated Banishment on Celeste. She drops to the ground with Ty following up by locking in the Final Seance. The referee sees no response from Celeste and automatically calls for the bell.

The crowd boo's as Ty continues to lock in the submission hold. K.O gets up and sees what Ty is doing, conflicted at the sight. The referee tries breaking it up.

Harry: Celeste Crimson is unable to continue: therefore, your winner; Ty Burna!

Cohen: Did Ty just defeat the submission queen with a submission?

Copeland: Forget about the victory: someone needs to stop this.

The referee cannot stop the submission as K.O watches on, trying to get him to stop. K.O calls out to the referee and asks him for the key to help. The ref is hesitant but exits the ring to assist K.O. He grabs the key and goes to unlock the cuffs: however, at that moment, Mister Alhazred and S.H.I.T. come down the ramp to help out with containing K.O. The crowd boos as they reach K.O and S.H.I.T. holds back K.O as Alhazred pushes away the referee. Ty still has the lock on Celeste as K.O does his best to struggle.


Copeland: Thank the heavens!

The crowd erupts as Kurtesy bolts down the ramp with a chair in hand. Alhazred is the first to take care of Kurtesy but fails in his attempt as Kurtesy smacks Alhazred across the face, stunning him. S.H.I.T. throws K.O to the ground and goes to help Alhazred as Kurtesy hits him in the gut with a chair and across the back to take Alhazred down. He sees S.H.I.T. and throws the chair at the robot, who catches it. Kurtesy hits a rolling savate kick to the chair, smacking S.H.I.T. with enough force to take him down. K.O. enters the ring to try and stop the submission but Ty is alert enough to get out of the submission. Kurtesy slides in with the chair and goes to attack Ty but he grabs K.O, using him as a shield. There is a brief stand-off before Ty throws K.O at Kurtesy, which he side-steps causing K.O to fall out of the ring and allow Ty enough time to escape without Kurtesy causing any harm. Kurtesy protects the fallen body of Celeste as Alhazred has gotten back up with S.H.I.T. to help K.O up and restrain him. Ty grabs a microphone from the announcer's desk.

Ty: It would only be a matter of time before I saw you and Celeste forging an alliance together to take me down... but since you so badly want to interfere in my business Kurtesy, I'll grant you your wish.

Kurtesy looks confused as he still stands on guard.

Ty: On the next Meltdown Kurtesy: you will be facing off against every member of the Chaos by yourself in a gauntlet match.

The crowd boo's at the announcement.

Ty: This time, however: there will be no help as everyone will be barred from ringside... except any member of the Chaos.

Ty laughs manically as Kurtesy shakes his head and curses under his breath at him. The arena goes to darkness for a few seconds before lighting up again, with everyone except for Kurtesy and Celeste disappearing from sight. Kurtesy looks around before tending to the unresponsive Celeste.
Who Wrote What:

Blade: Action Saxton/Saboteur vs. Mister Alhazred/SHIT
Showtime: Last Man Standing & Baller vs. Gordito
FalKon: Ty Burna vs. Celeste & Ending
FunKay: Opening & Barbosa vs. Drake Callahan/Everest
Ty Burna: Constantine vs Big Dave & Segments

Rep these fine gentlemen for their work being on-time as always... for real though, sorry. This was my fault for being late this round due net issues and stuff I had to take care of at home. Everything should hopefully run smoother for Ascension.

Make sure to rep them, not me this time.
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