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Meltdown 52

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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion
Ascension 26 said:
Vance Bateman who makes his way down to the ramp with documents in hand and receives a small pop from the fans.

Bateman: As you may have heard from the announcement made by Chuck Myles on Meltdown, a formal contract signing will take place to officially schedule the main event of this year's Kingdom Come event for the WZCW World Heavyweight Championship.

Showtime smiles and walks out confidently onto the stage in one of his custom tailor-made suits.

Ty Burna, along with Serafina, emerge through the curtain and stare directly at the ring, with Ty sporting his usual attire along with a long, dark robe and Serafina dressed in a gothic-type suit of her own. Ty raises his World title and makes his way down to the ring, with Serafina following.

Connor: Along with Showtime, Ty Burna has been dominating the WZCW locker room, successfully retaining his championship on numerous occasions and showing why he is the best in the business today.

Vance offers Ty a seat, who eventually does and sits down with Serafina standing firmly behind him with a hand on his shoulder, stilling staring at Cougar. Showtime is not put off by Ty, but instead smiles back at him shrugging his shoulders.

Bateman: Gentlemen. Chuck Myles and myself decided to arrange the contract signing tonight in public as a sign of good sportsmanship and respect. All I ask of you is to sign your name on the dotted lines in the appropriate spot and shake hands with each other after you both have finished. Showtime, as the challenger, I will allow you to sign first.

Showtime turns the pages and immediately signs his name on the contract.

Showtime: Ah... back at square one again, huh Tyrone? It always seems as if we can never get enough of each other. Every time we try to pursue our own paths and stay away from the other, somehow we end up crossing over and meeting up at a fork in the road again. We've fought over every possible conceivable thing there is to fight over... the Mayhem Championship, the EurAsian title... but the difference this time, is that you and I will be doing it during the main event of the grandest stage of them all, Kingdom Come, for the big one, that title you hold so dearly in your lap right now. Honestly, Ty, from the bottom of my heart, I can tell you it will be an honor and a privilege to rip whatever you desire straight out of your grasp and covet it for my own.

Showtime smiles and laughs as the crowd heavily boos the comments made. As he soaks in the moment, he pushes the microphone/contract/pen to Ty's side of the table, waiting for Burna's response. Ty picks up the pen and flicks through the pages. With Ty signing the contract, Showtime, who is still laughing and smiling, looks up at Serafina who notices him. He gives a playful wink in her direction and she sheepishly turns her head away, unknown of what her response should be. Ty puts the pen aside and flips the pages down on the contract, looking back up at Showtime whilst grabbing the microphone.

Burna: I'm not surprised either that we're here, with you signing your death warrant in an attempt to gain something you'll never get from me. I didn't need the Ouija to depict this predication coming to fruition. It's like we've fought each other so many times that I get some sort of sixth sense where I can sense your presence emerging. I also don't need the Ouija to tell me who will be walking out of Kingdom Come the champion, because the World Title is staying tightly fixed around my waist... and there is nothing you or your...ex-boyfriend Constantine can do to stipulate otherwise.

The crowd cheers at the comments, with Showtime dropping his expression from confident to intense, matching the same expression Ty is showing him. The two men stare at each other, leaning forward on the desk nearly going nose to nose. Showtime and mouths "I was the Elite X Champion and took on all comers", Ty counters by showing his World Title, reminding Showtime that he is fighting for the bigger prize. The crowd watches on in suspense, waiting for one of them to respond as the screen fades out to black.

*Pyros go off*

The camera pans around the arena showing different signs such as "Ty will end the Show", "Showtime for World Champion", "I came to see decapitations" among others until the camera pans down to the familiar sight of Sebastian Copeland and Jack Cohen.

Copeland: Kingdom Come edges closer and the only thing that is for certain is that the World Heavyweight Championship is a lock and officially confirmed. Hello everybody, Sebastian Copeland along Jack Cohen at ringside. Now Jack, you saw the signing on Ascension, how did those two men keep it together?

Cohen: I'm surprised too, I expect Ty to start hitting out Consecrated Banishments left, right and centre, but alas not. But you know that what happened on Ascension is the beginning of a long and gruelling road between these two, and that's just the Main Event alone! I think if they were put into the King For A Day Match, the other guys would run like hell!


Copeland: Speaking of run like hell!

Constantine makes his way out in one of his familiar grey suits, he is wearing sunglasses and makes his way to the ring, he climbs in and holds a mic ready as the crowd boo heavily at him.

Constantine: Were you expecting someone else? The World Champion Ty Burna?

The crowd cheers with approval

His challenger and my former partner Showtime Cougar?
The crowd gives a mixed reaction

Oh, I know...Austin Reynolds!

The crowd cheers once again to the sound of his name.

You people are such sheep! I mean seriously? You want the man who is branded "The Ratings Winner" when he's just a ripoff! Plus, you cheer the man who is responsible for the misery of people such as yourself and myself when all I am doing is making this company better for your benefits!

The crowd boos heavily.

I'm serious. Had it not been for Austin Reynolds, Ascension would have gone down from unoriginal programming and this company would have to release a number of its youthful members in order to just keep Meltdown on the air, along with just four pay per views!

You think I'm a liar? I have seen ratings and the feedback reports, Reynolds was costing the company money and yet I sacrificed my cause on helping the EurAsian division to save Ascension from demise! Sure, Showtime may have got a lot of benefits out of this and things can't go back to the way things are, but at least the company is in a better position at the turn of the year than it had been a month earlier and it's only going to up tonight with my victory over the World Heavyweight Champion!

The crowd boos once again

Copeland: Is he feeling ok?

Constantine: You see, Ty Burna is just smoke and mirrors, just like Reynolds. And I'm going to prove that behind that front is a man that can and will be beaten, hell if I beat him, I should certainly have a shot at the title very soon. However, there's business I feel that must be taken care of.

Reynolds, your end is coming and that destination is set at Kingdom Come. I feel that there's little more that can be said about your antics and just simply put, "The Ratings Plummet" will end once and for all. I don't want a match with you, I want a means to end you and I have a plan. But knowing you won't come out right now because the producers won't allow you to just means I can get something off my chest without interruption.

At Ascension, while I celebrate my victory over Ty Burna, I want you to think about this carefully and see if you will be willing to be civilised about this. I know it's a long shot for you Reynolds, but with so much at stake for this company, I'm sure I'll have your answer come Ascension, much like I'll have your end at Kingdom Come!

Now, onto victory because I am Constantine, and I am better than all of you!

The crowd boos heavily once again as "Hero" hits and Constantine heads back up the ramp.

Copeland: Well it appears Constantine has laid down the challenge to Reynolds and expects an answer come Ascension. I don't agree with Constantine has to say about Reynolds but I damn sure hope Reynolds does what needs to be done.

Cohen: Like your opinions ever matter Seabass!

Copeland: Well anyway, we'll be back in a moment as we kick off Meltdown with some good old wrestling!
Harrys: “The following contest is scheduled for one fall!”

Wake up by Rage Against The Machine hits as Sam Smith emerges.

“On his way to the ring, from Washington DC, weighing 235lbs, this is Sam Smith!”

Taking his time to come down the ramp, Smith struts to the ring. He is interrupted by the change of music to We Fly High by Jim Jones.

And his opponent, from Miami, Florida, he weighed in tonight at 220lbs, Misterrrr Ballerrrrr!!!!!

Methodical and cocky, Baller stalks his way down the ramp, acting ignorant to the fans on his way.

“Baller and Smith are both incredibly talented but neither have any momentum going towards Kingdom Come.”

“A good performance and a win for either man would put them in line for a big match at the pay-per-view and I am expecting Mr Baller to come good.....again.”

Baller & Smith tie up and Baller forces him into the corner. Smith turns it around and then backs away, Baller comes back quickly but Smith is too swift for him and plants him with a huge spinebuster! Smith goes for a quick cover, 1.....2......Baller barely escapes. Smith picks him and wrenches his arm and then takes him down with an armdrag variation.

“Impressive dominance from Sam Smith to start.”

Baller is angered that Smith is so dominant. He tries to reach out and slap him. Baller rolls out and flips around, catching Smith in an armbar of his own. Baller allows him up and then whips him to the ropes. As he returns, Smith leapfrogs him but Baller returns with a clothesline of his own. Smith rolls outside to escape further attack and cradles his arm that was hurt slightly in the action.

“That’s a superb example of how athletic Mr Baller truly is.”

“It’s certainly a redeeming quality.”

Baller heads to the top rope and flies off with a cross body and floors Smith. The referee begins to count both men out and as he reaches five, neither man has made any progress to the ring ......6.....7.....8. Both Baller and Smith make it to opposite sides of the ring and narrowly beat the ten count.

Smith and Baller exchange forearms blows. Smith gets the advantage and then whips Baller to the ropes. He comes back with his trademark springboard back eblow, which catches Smith square in the chin. Baller goes up for the Buzzerbeater, but Smith moves as Baller crashes hard to the mat! Smith drapes an arm across his chest! 1....2.....But Baller kicks out!

“Smith really is a smart guy.”

“The guy’s a clutz.”

Smith is up first, using the ropes. He grabs Baller and lifts him up for the Final Judgement, but Baller rolls down behind him with a victory roll. Before the ref can count, Smith has grabbed his legs and turned it into the Double Jeopardy! Baller reaches for the ropes but Smith pulls him away and Baller has to tap!!

”Your winner by submission, Sam Smith!!”

“Helluva dominant performance by Smith. I wonder what he has his eye on at KC?”

“Probably a bus boy.”

“Are you jealous?!”

We cut backstage to Everest arriving at the arena as the crowd roars in delight. As he makes his way down the hall towards his locker room, he bumps into Dave's sister Dani.

Dani: Watch where the hell you going bum!

Everest: Well excuse me pretty lady, I didn't see you there.

Dani: Save your womanizing talk Everest, I don't want to hear it, and I know my brother would just love one more reason to crush you in the ring tonight.

Everest: So you're Dave's sister then? Dani right? Well when you're done taking care of your poor demented brother, call me up and maybe you can come climb the Pinnacle of Perfection.

Everest walks away with a smirk on his face as Dani flips out and tosses everything off a nearby table. She quickly walks down the hallway the opposite way in a huff.
Meltdown returns back from the commercial to find four wrestlers set for a tag team match, the referee stands ready as the bell sounds.

Harrys: The following tag team contest is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, at a combined weight of 428 pounds, Dr. Alhazred and James King!

Both men acknowledge the crowd, with King in the ring.

Harrys: And their opponents, at a combined weight of 538 pounds, Action Saxtion and Armando Paradyse!

Copeland: Bit of tag team action with some of the newer and younger members of the roster here, let’s see how they pan out.

Cohen: I heard something about Alhazred losing his ability to speak involving Saxton. This guy ruined a perfect singing voice, Alhazred was the next Sinatra!

They acknowledge the crowd too with Paradyse standing ready as the referee signals for the bell as Paradyse and King circle around the ring and lock up in the centre, King is quick to get an elbow in and follow it up with a headbutt to knock Paradyse down who decides to tag in his partner Action Saxtion which gets a good response from the crowd, Alhazred indicates he wants him, so King obliges and tag him in. Both men stand opposing each other as Alhazred has a sharp look in his eyes, they eventually exchange lefts and rights but Alhazred gets the better as he follows up with the rights, each getting more intense until Saxton dodges one and his a knife-edge chop, followed by a couple more and then an irish whip which is met with a Kung Fu Kick on the return to knock the doctor down. He gets him back to his feet and hits a karate chop to knock him back down again before he tags in Paradyse who runs in to make the cover, 1……2…..kickout by Alhazred.

Paradyse wastes no time in going for the top rope to look for his finishing move the Paradyse Senton but King shakes the ropes and Paradyse ends up in an unpleasant position to allow Alazhared to get back up and tag his partner in. King climbs up and hits the superplex on Paradyse and looks ready to finish this match off quickly, as does Saxton who climbs into the ring to intercept King but Alhazred leaps onto the rope and springboards off with a high flying Level 5 to take him down. King then hits My Mystery on Paradyse and goes for the cover, 1……2…….3

Harrys: Here are your winners, Dr. Alhazred and James King!

Copeland: A quick but good showing from all four men, I have a feeling they have the will to go far in this company.

Cohen: But what about Alhazred’s singing career?!

Copeland: He doesn’t even sing…

King and Alhazred have their hands raised but Alhazred can’t take his eyes off of Saxton, but he eventually snaps out of it as King says some words with him and they both make their way back up the ramp.

We cut backstage to Ty Burna's locker room, the room darkened with only candles illuminating it. Ty sits upon a plush chair while Gordito sits across from him, both men engaged in conversation.

Gordito: Ty, you were in the King for a Day match last year. I've been in countless Mayhem matches, yet I have a feeling nothing will prepare me for that match.

Ty: You're absolutely correct Gordito, in fact throw everything out that you know for wrestling, and concentrate on surviving. It is not a matter of who is the strongest or the fastest, it all comes down to who has the strongest will and the spirit to continue fighting.

Gordito: That's what I expected to hear from you Ty. Now what do I do about Baez? He was a good friend who's become misguided.

Ty: There is no such thing as a friend in our field of expertise. Baez has simply taken advantage of your good nature, and now he wants your spot Gordito. Do NOT let him take it without putting up a fight. You have deserved and earned every opportunity you have received. Regardless of his reasoning, when you are in that chamber with him, let no emotions control your actions. He is the enemy, and he must be destroyed if you want to progress down your path.

Gordito listens intently to Ty's words before nodding his head and standing up. He holds his hand out to Ty before speaking.

Gordito: Appreciate the words Ty, it's exactly the fuel I needed.

Ty shakes Gordito's hand before standing himself, staring him square in the eye.

Ty: You've done well heeding my advice Gordito. Now when you get in that Chamber, I will be watching closely. Just let it be known we may be enemies once more later on.

Gordito nods once more before making his way out of the locker room as Ty watches silently.
Harrys: The following contest is scheduled for one fall, and is a King for a Day qualifying match!


Dave slowly walks out from the back as the spotlight shines down upon him. The crowd's boos begin to cascade down around him as he makes his way down the ramp. He walks up the steel steps and enters the ring. He stands in a corner and stares down at the entrance stage.

Harrys: Introducing first, from London, England. He stands 6'1" and weighs 268 lbs, Big Dave!

Copeland: Dave looks completely focused for this match. After all this is the rubber match between him and Everest, with a spot in the King for a Day match on the line!

Cohen: I don't think Big Dave ever thought he'd have so much trouble with Everest. Hell I didn't think he would considering how dominant Dave had been up to that point. I think it's time put Everest behind him and end this old relic once and for all.

Everest makes his way out to a loud pop from the crowd. He stands at the top of the entrance ramp and soaks in the cheers before walking down the ramp and slapping hands with the fans. He eyes up a few women at ringside before sliding into the ring and raises his arm up to more cheers.

Harrys: And his opponent, from Los Angeles, California. He stands 6'0" and weighs 205 lbs, Everest!

Copeland: I know Everest would love to make it into the King for a Day match, he wants another shot at the WZCW World Title.

Cohen: Well of course he does Seabass, who doesn't want a shot at the World Title?

Dave and Everest square off in the middle of the ring when suddenly the crowd begins buzzing loudly as they shove each other away. They look around the arena as the fans start a chant for Everest, who turns to look at his rival while Dave stares him down.

Copeland: The fans showing their support for Everest, regardless of the outcome, this is sure to be a great match.

Cohen: Everest has a long night ahead of him, that's guaranteed too!.

The ref signals for the bell and Dave quickly takes advantage with a kick to the midsection and a few blows to the head. He backs Everest into the ropes and whips him across. He hits a quick powerslam off the rebound and hooks Everest's leg, 1.....2.... Everest kicks out. Dave quickly gets up and begins stomping away on Everest before lifting him up and ramming him backwards into the corner. Dave punches Everest in the midsection before backing up. He rushes forward and goes for a clothesline but Everest gets his foot up and kicks Dave back. Everest hits a clothesline and Dave bounces off the mat before quickly getting up. He gets hit with another clothesline. Dave once more gets to his feet but eats a stiff dropkick. Everest gets to his feet and the crowd cheers loudly. Everest hits a legdrop and covers Dave 1....2....Dave kicks out!

Copeland: Everest has gain the advantage to the joy of the crowd.

Cohen: It's early, Dave just needs one big move and this match and the King for a Day spot is his for the taking.

Everest drags Dave up and applies a side headlock. Dave backs Everest into the ropes and sends him across. Dave tries for a clothesline but Everest ducks and quickly snaps off a spinning heel kick. Dave crashes across the ring and quickly rolls to the outside. Everest looks out at Dave for a moment before springing off the ropes and goes for a suicide dive. Dave gets to his feet and catches Everest mid air. He slams Everest back first into the steel post, causing Everest to crumble to the ground in pain. Dave suddenly looks behind him and as the crowd heavily boo him. Some of them stand up and try to get in his face, to which Dave fakes a strike at them which makes them flinch, Dave smirks and picks up Everests and slams him back first into the steel steps. The ref's count has reached 4 as Dave lifts Everest up once more. He slams him head first into the announce table before throwing him once more into the ring apron. The crowd boos loudly as Dave rolls Everest in at the count of 8 and slides in himself. He quickly covers Everest, 1...2...Everest kicks out.

Copeland: Dave just punished Everest for his high risk move there. I don't see how Everest can recover from that assault.

Cohen: He won't Seabass, Dave has Everest on the ropes now.

Dave stands up, dragging Everest up with him. He hits a knee to the midsection before lifting him up for a Catatonic Backbreaker but Everest counters with a head scissors take down. Dave is to his feet first and tries to punch Everest, but Everest blocks and counters with rights of his own. He whips Dave into the ropes and catches him with a belly to belly suplex. Everest is to his feet and he points to the top turnbuckle which elicits cheers from the crowd. Everest climbs to the top turnbuckle and comes off with a flying headbutt! Dave moves out of the way at the last second and Everest crashes hard into the mat. Dave quickly flips Everest over and hooks a leg 1...2....Everest kicks out! Dave gets to his knees and slams his fist into the mat in frustration. HE turns towards Everest with a glare in his eyes and suddenly puts a knee to the back of Everest's neck. He lifts Everest head up before slamming him face first into the mat.

Copeland: Dave has put on the pressure now, his attacks have become more brutal yet Everest has been able to hang in the match. Does Everest simply have Dave's number?

Cohen: Dave is merely toying with Everest now. He wants to punish him for being a constant hassle and in the way of Dave's World Title aspirations.

Dave gets to his feet and drags Everest up with him. Dave whips him into the ropes and lifts him up for a spinebuster but Everest floats over and hits a reverse DDT! Everest keeps his arm around Dave's neck and suddenly locks in the Mountain Climber! Dave struggles to escape the hold but Everest cinches in the hold tighter. Dave tries to desperately grab for the ropes, his finger tips just mere inches from them. Suddenly Everest applies a body scissors and Dave slowly begins to fade. He continues to grasp at the ropes and with one last effort he's able to grab the ropes. Everest releases the hold at the count of three and Dave quickly rolls under the ropes to the apron. Everest goes to pull Dave back in but Dave is able to counter and throw Everest to the outside. Dave gets back in the ring while Everest pulls himself back onto the apron. Dave looks to pull Everest back in but Everest hits a shoulder to the midsection. Everest goes for a sunset flip over the ropes but Dave catches him on his shoulders and suddenly drops him down with the Stamp of Authority! The crowd suddenly loses steam as Dave covers Everest 1...2....3!

Harrys: Here is your winner, Big Dave!

Copeland: Just as we expected from these two, this match came down to the very end and what a back and forth match it was.

Cohen: Yes! Now Dave can take his proper place as King for a Day but more importantly, that sod Everest won't be in the match.

Dave gets to his feet slowly and the ref raises his hand as Dave has a blank yet intense look on his face. He stares down at Everest before purposely walking over him and exiting the ring. He walks up the entrance ramp, paying no attention to the boos from the crowd.

Backstage in front of the Meltdown logo is Mayhem Champion Chris Jones with Leon Kensworth

Kensworth: Standing with me is Mayhem Champion Chris Jones, firstly thank you for taking time out of your schedule for this interview, especially with a defence come Ascension. Now a lot of question that is on people's minds is regarding the Mayhem Championship at Kingdom Come, do you expect to defend the title in singles action or hope for another Scramble should you retain tomorrow night?

Jones looks offended at Leon's words

Jones: What do you mean "should"? I think what you meant to say is "will", as for Kingdom Come, it doesn't matter what match I have. I will prove tomorrow night that if three men couldn't stop me and my reign of the Mayhem Division, then what hope does anyone have at defeating me for this title at Kingdom Come?

Kensworth: I'm sure it will be a challenge regardless. Do you have any plans for your match tomorrow night?

Jones: Again, for someone who's meant to be our top interviewer, I am disappointed! The answer is simple, win!

Jones heads off as Leon watches on.
Harrys: The following triple match is scheduled for one fall, and if Jordan Lights or Steven Holmes win, they will earn their team a place in the WZCW World Tag Team Championship match at Kingdom Come!

“We Are One” hits and Wasabi Toyota comes out from behind the curtain, wearing his WZCW Tag Team title belt over his shoulder.

Harrys: Introducing first, from Matsumoto, Japan and weighing in at 550 pounds, he is one-half of the WZCW Tag Team Champions, Wasabi Toyota!

Toyota takes off his jumpsuit and enters the ring, still carrying his belt as “Hell’s Bells” blasts over the PA and Steven Holmes makes his way out onto the stage and slowly down the ramp.

Harrys: Next, from London, England and weighing in at 240 pounds, representing the Crashin Movement, Steven Holmes!

Holmes arrives at the ring, but is visibly shaken by the sight of Wasabi Toyota and chooses to wait on the floor rather than go into the ring. “Far From Over” hits and Jordan Lights enters the arena.

Harrys: Finally, from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and weighing in at 255 pounds, Jordan Lights!

Lights makes his way down the ramp, but is attacked by Holmes before he can make it to the ring. A high knee drops Lights and Holmes begins stomping away at the smaller of his two opponents. Out of the corner of his eye, Holmes sees Toyota climbing out of a different side of the ring, so Holmes quickly picks Lights up and throws him into the ring. Holmes slides in after and goes for a pin, 1…2. Lights kicks out. Toyota has begun to climb back onto the apron, but Holmes sees him and throws Lights into the Matsumoto Mauler, taking away his balance and sending Toyota to the floor. Holmes sees his opportunity with Lights lying face down on the mat and tries to lock in the Aristocracy Reigns, but Lights tries fighting it off and eventually gets his foot on the bottom rope. Holmes breaks the hold, and Lights rolls under the bottom rope to join Wasabi Toyota, but is greeted with a massive headbutt. Lights collapses into a heap and Toyota begins pulling himself up onto the apron to reenter the ring. Holmes charges at Toyota to knock him off the apron once more, but is met with a throat thrust. Holmes is dropped by the strike, but is still able to try and roll away before Toyota can follow up. Toyota, however, is able to catch up to Holmes and drops a massive leg across the back of Holmes’ neck. He rolls Holmes over and goes for a pin, 1…2.. Holmes gets a shoulder up and rolls to the outside once Toyota gets off of him.

Copeland: Wasabi Toyota seems to still have both a physical and psychological advantage over Steven Holmes.

Cohen: Try to imagine what Holmes went through after taking that Bonzai Drop, Seabass. You’d be messed up after that too.

Copeland: Valid point, Jack. I also can’t help but wonder what kind of effect it is having on Lights and Holmes to not have anyone with them as everyone has been banned from ringside for this match.

Holmes sits against the barrier on the floor, seemingly with no intentions to face off with Toyota anymore. Lights, however, has recovered and climbs back into the ring to face off with Toyota. Lights charges at Toyota, but is met with a belly-to-belly suplex. Toyota goes for the cover, but Holmes reaches in from the floor and puts Lights’ foot on the bottom rope. Holmes cracks a sly grin as Toyota gets back to his feet. Lights slowly begins doing the same, but is caught by a savate kick from Toyota, dropping Lights to the mat near the corner. Toyota sees his opening, and sets up in the corner for the Bonzai Drop. Holmes sees this from the floor and runs around the ring and up onto the apron to connect with a high knee to the face of Toyota over the top rope from the apron. Toyota doesn’t fall, but is clearly stunned on the second rope. Holmes sees another opportunity and climbs back into the ring, pulls Lights farther out toward the center of the ring, and takes Toyota down with a neckbreaker, and at the same time causes him to back splash across the chest of Jordan Lights. Toyota rolls off of Lights, ending up lying on his stomach next to Lights.

Cohen: What a great guy Steven Holmes is, saving Jordan Lights from that terrible Banzai Drop. That move should be outlawed, Seabass.

Copeland: I highly doubt that will happen, Jack. Either way, Steven Holmes seems to be on the path to victory.

Holmes sees his two opponents lying next to each other. He runs off the far ropes and drops a knee on each opponent. He pins Lights, who is already on his back, 1…2… Toyota reaches over and punches Holmes in the head, breaking up the pin. Holmes quickly gets back to his feet and stomps Toyota in the head a couple times before dropping another knee on the back of his head. Holmes turns back to find Lights struggling back to his feet. Holmes drops him with a DDT, taunts the crowd, and locks in the Aristocracy Reigns. Toyota realizes it and tries to make his way over to break up the hold, but Lights taps out before he is able to do so.

Harrys: The winner of the match, Steven Holmes! And by virtue of his victory, the Crashin Movement will challenge for the WZCW World Tag Team Championships at Kingdom Come!

Holmes releases the hold and gets his hand raised by the referee. Jordan Lights rolls to the floor and Wasabi Toyota looks on with a serious look on his face. Holmes makes his way up the ramp and poses once more before heading backstage.

We cut back to the Crashin Movement's locker room as Kurtesy and Crashin watch Holmes' victory. Crashin is elated as Kurtesy has a serious look upon his face.

Crashin: Yes! Great job Holmes, now we can take back our World Tag Team Titles. Isn't that great Kurtesy?

Kurtesy doesn't say a word as he stares at the television before suddenly moving towards the exit.

Kurtesy: Now it is my turn to secure my spot on Kingdom Come. All that stands between me and my opportunity is Barbosa, and they will all hear the good doctor's orders. Now...how does that make you feel?

Kurtesy quickly exits the locker room as Crashin watches with a confused look on his face.
Harrys: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!

Psychotically Deranged hits to heat from the crowd as Steven Kurtesy emerges as the lights flicker throughout the arena. He removes his sunglasses and looks out at the crowd before walking down the ramp.

Harrys: Introducing first, from Sydney Australia, Dr. Steven Kurtesy!

He gets into the ring and turns to the entrance ramp to wait for his opponent. Lithium hits and Barbosa emerges, looking focused and raring to go. He walks with authority towards the ring.

Copeland: Ah, so this is the Barbosa we’ll be seeing tonight...

Cohen: This is truly a match made in heaven. Or hell...

Barbosa gets into the ring and the referee calls for the bell. Barbosa goes for the Doctor, but Kurtesy holds out his arms and tells Barbosa to stop for a moment. Kurtesy puts his hand in his pocket while keeping the other one where Barbosa can see it as Barbosa stares, bemused, at Kurtesy. Kurtesy takes a card out of his pocket which says “Dr. Steven Kurtesy – Psychiatrist, Call 9243381” and tries to hand it to Barbosa. Barbosa looks at the card, then at Kurtesy, then at the card again. He shrugs before slapping the card out of Kurtesy’s hand and laying into him with a series of right hands. Kurtesy stumbles backwards into the ropes and Barbosa Irish Whips him across the ring. Kurtesy comes back off the ropes and Barbosa catches him with a knee to the cut and Kurtesy goes over onto the mat. Barbosa picks up Kurtesy and lifts him up for a Powerbomb, but Kurtesy delivers some shots to his opponents head and the doctor manages to land on his feet before hitting a big Spinning Heel Kick! Barbosa goes down and Kurtesy goes for a quick cover, but Barbosa instantly kicks out. Kurtesy keeps the pressure on Barbosa, putting him in a Single Leg Boston Crab and leaning all his weight backwards. Barbosa manages to claw his way forward towards the ropes. He reaches out to the ropes, but suddenly stops. His look of determination changes and he starts openly crying, to the confusion of the ref. Kurtesy shrugs and drags his opponent back to the centre of the ring and leans back again in the submission hold. Barbosa screams out in pain.

Copeland: Barbosa had almost saved himself until he had a.... Little mood swing.

Cohen: Maybe Kurtesy should shove some anti-depressants down his throat.

After a few more moments in the submission hold, Barbosa shakes his head. He manages to turn onto his back and kick Kurtesy off him before getting up. Kurtesy runs at Barbosa, but Barbosa catches him with an Inverted Atomic Drop before following up with an STO. Barbosa goes for a quick pin, 1... 2... Kick out by Kurtesy. Barbosa gets Kurtesy in the Front Facelock and picks him up to his feet for delivering knees to the doctor’s chest. But Kurtesy catches his leg and counters into a Dragon Screw! Both men are down now and the slowly start to get to their feet. Kurtesy hits Barbosa with a series of kicks. After the kicks, Barbosa backs off, look angry, before charging at Kurtesy and hitting a clothesline. Kurtesy quickly gets up and Barbosa hits him with another one. Kurtesy gets up again and Barbosa kicks him in the gut before hitting a Piledriver. He goes for a pin, 1... 2.... Kurtesy manages to kick out. Barbosa stays surprisingly focused and picks up Kurtesy, hitting a DDT without letting go. He gets up and hits Duplicity! He gets up again and goes for the third, but Kurtesy reverses into a Northern Lights Suplex with a bridging pin, 1... 2... Kick out by Barbosa. Barbosa gets to his feet and shouts at the referee, not quite understanding what just happened. Barbosa turns around and Kurtesy rolls him up into a Small Package, 1.... 2.... Barbosa kicks out again. He starts shaking his head and staring at Kurtesy. Kurtesy slowly starts getting up, but Barbosa kicks him squarely in the head.

Cohen: ....Nice.

Copeland: I guess that mood swing actually paid off for Barbosa.

Kurtesy crumbles to the mat and Barbosa goes for the pin, hooking both legs... 1.... 2..... Kurtesy gets a shoulder up! This time, Barbosa actually stays calm and signals for the end. Kurtesy gets up and Barbosa grabs him for the Doppelganger, but Kurtesy reverses with a Headlock Takedown. Barbosa gets up and runs at Kurtesy, but Kurtesy dodges and Barbosa collides with the turnbuckles. Kurtesy turns his opponent around and lifts him onto the top turnbuckle before climbing up after him. Barbosa swings some right hands, trying to fight out of it, but Kurtesy hits a Palm Strike. Kurtesy turns around on the second rope, grabs Barbosa’s head and hits the Prescripted Sedation on Barbosa from the second rope. Kurtesy covers, 1.... 2.... 3!

Harrys: Here is your winner, Steven Kurtesy!

Kurtesy slowly gets up and raises his arms. He rolls out of the ring and makes his way up the ramp as the referee checks on Barbosa.

Cohen: What a move by Kurtesy to finish off the psycho!

Copeland: Well WZCW management will have been watching this match, and they’ll know exactly what to do with Kurtesy for Kingdom Come!

Backstage we see Chuck Myles watching the match that just took place.

Myles: Hmmm...think we might our si...

He gets up and heads out of the door, he walks down the hallway through the backstage area, he runs into one of the tech crew.

You! Get Dr. Steven Kurtesy into my office immediately, no questions just go!

The crew member heads off as Brad Bomb approaches Myles.

Bomb: I just wanted to say sir that I appreciate the opportunity you've given me for an EurAsian Championship shot. I am sure to make sure that last week is a repeat performance!

Myles: Well I haven't seen Blade in the arena, so it certainly won't be! But best of luck...champ!

Bomb heads off as Myles looks unsure about a few things until Stacey Madison walks up with a microphone

Not now!

He heads off as Madison looks on, annoyed.
Harrys: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the EurAsian championship!

The crowd cheer for what will be an exciting championship match. Enya Stomp hits and the crowd let out a big pop for the EurAsian champ. Beckford emerges with his title around his waist, looking focused, but still showing a hint of concern about what might happen tonight.

Harrys: Introducing first, from Leeds, England, the EurAsian champion, Chris Beckford!

Copeland: Well this match has come about after Bomb managed to beat the champ in a non-title match.

Cohen: After Blade came in and livened up what was a very boring match...

He spreads his arms and runs down to the ring. He takes off his belt and holds it up to the crowd. Becoming the Bull hits and Brad Bomb gets a pop from the crowd as he emerges, with a grin on his face.

Harrys: And the challenger, from the United Kingdom, Brad Bomb!

Bomb throws his hoodie into the crowd and gets into the ring. He stares into the eyes of the champion, who gives his belt to the referee. The ref holds up the title and calls for the belt and the men start circling each other. They lock up, but Bomb is far too powerful and pushes Beckford backwards. The champion stumbles backwards into the corner and shakes his head before getting to his feet. Before Bomb can react, Beckford runs forward and delivers a dropkick to Bomb’s leg, causing the big man to go down to one knee. Beckford follows up with a quick Enziguiri, taking Bomb down, and Beckford goes for a pin. 1..... Bomb powers out. The challenger gets back to his feet, rubbing the side of his head as the champion backs off. Beckford goes for another low dropkick, but Bomb manages to move his leg in time. He follows up with a Leg Drop while Beckford is still on the mat. He goes for a cover, 1.... Beckford kicks out.

Copeland: Both men want to finish this match early, but they’ve both got a long way to go!

Bomb gets up and picks his opponent up before pushing him backwards into the corner. He delivers a series of Shoulder Thrusts. Beckford crumbles, falling forward, clutching his gut. Bomb stomps on Beckford’s head before going for an Armbar. Beckford tries to reach for the ropes, but he can’t reach it. Beckford rolls backwards and manages to wrench his arm free and runs at the ropes. Bomb quickly gets up and Beckford returns off the ropes, but Bomb hits him with a huge Clothesline, flipping Beckford inside out. Bomb covers the champ, 1... 2... Kick out by Beckford. Bomb picks up his opponent and Irish Whips him. Beckford returns off the ropes and Bomb goes for a Sidewalk Slam, but Beckford reverses it into a Headscissors, sending Bomb over the top rope to the outside! Beckford gets up and the crowd cheer loudly as he points to the outside, where Bomb is starting to get to his feet. Beckford climbs up to the tope rope and leaps off to the outside; going for a Cross Body, but Bomb catches him and hurls him into the crowd barricade! Beckford rolls around, agony showing on his face. Bomb breaks the count and starts to measure up Beckford, who is using the ring steps to get to his feet. Bomb runs at Beckford, but the champ delivers a quick dropkick to Bomb’s leg, and Bomb crashes into the ring steps! Beckford quickly gets to his feet and, seeing Bomb get up over the ring steps, hits him in the back with a dropkick. The impact causes Bomb to collide with the steps and flip over them! Beckford plays to the crowd, who are cheering him on. He breaks the count before standing up on the ring apron. Bomb is getting to his feet and Beckford runs forward and jumps off the apron, getting Bomb with a Head Scissors, sending him headfirst into the ring post! Beckford uses all his strength to pick up Bomb and rolls him into the ring before going for the pin, 1 ... 2.... Bomb gets a shoulder up!

Copeland: Beckford is doing stuff we’ve never seen before to try and take out Brad Bomb!

Cohen: Slightly less boring than last week’s match but still, I want Blade!

Beckford gets up and goes for the top rope, looking for the Cross County, but Bomb manages to get up and push the ropes, causing Beckford to crotch himself on the top rope. Bomb climbs up and delivers some clubbing forearms to Beckford’s back. Bomb gets Beckford up in Powerbomb position and turns around, leaping off the top rope, hitting Beckford with a Powerbomb from the second rope! The crowd are speechless for a moment before letting out a collective cheer. Bomb puts an arm over Beckford’s limp body, 1..... 2.... Beckford gets a shoulder up! Bomb uses the ropes to get to his feet and signals for the end, measuring up Beckford for the Detonator, but Beckford still hasn’t moved. Bomb walks forward to pick up Beckford, but Beckford suddenly gets Bomb in a Small Package after playing possum! 1.... 2.... Bomb gets out of it. Both men slowly get up. Bomb hits Beckford with a strong right hand, causing the champ to stumble backwards into the ropes, but he quickly responds with his own right hand. The two men exchange punches, with the crowd cheering after every one! Beckford goes for another right hand, but Bomb dodges it and catches Beckford in the De-Activated submission hold! Bomb wrenches his opponent from left to right as Beckford screams out in pain. Beckford drops to his knees and rolls Bomb forward. Bomb gets up and runs at Beckford, but Beckford hits the Cross Drop out of nowhere! Beckford covers Bomb, 1..... 2..... Bomb gets a shoulder up! The crowd go wild, not believing their eyes, with Beckford looking amazed himself.

Copeland: This is Bomb’s moment, the match of his life, and he is not going to give it up!

Cohen: Beckford just can’t put away the challenger!

Beckford gets up and points to the top rope, again wanting to go for the Cross County. Beckford slowly starts climbing up the ropes, but Bomb manages to get to his feet and runs forward, clotheslining Beckford off the second rope onto the apron. Bomb drops to his knees and shakes his head, clearly just running on adrenaline now. Beckford uses the ropes to pull himself to his feet on the apron but Bomb quickly kicks him in the gut through the ropes, and Beckford slumps over the top rope. Bomb gets Beckford in a Front Facelock and lifts him up into Suplex position. Bomb walks backwards with Beckford still in Suplex position. Suddenly, Beckford starts to struggle out of the Suplex and twists in mid-air before hitting the Cross Drop again! Both men are down, not moving before Beckford slowly crawls over to his opponent and drapes an arm across Bomb, 1..... 2..... 3!

Harrys: Here is your winner, and STILL EurAsian champion, Chris Beckford!

Beckford rolls onto his back and the referee lays the title belt across Bomb’s waist. Neither men move for a moment, before Beckford weakly raises his arm. He rolls onto his front and pushes himself onto his knees. He clutches the belt to his chest and gets up onto his feet. The crowd all stand up, applauding the fantastic title match as Beckford goes to the far corner and gets up onto the second rope. He raises his title high, smiling out into the applauding crowd. Suddenly, Blade comes down the rope with a steel chair in his hand.

Cohen: Yes! Finally!

Copeland: Blade shouldn’t be here! Beckford deserves this moment!

Blade slides into the ring and raises the chair, getting ready to hit Beckford. Beckford gets off the rope and turns around. He locks eyes with Blade and stumbles backwards in shock. Blade lowers the steel chair and smirks before suddenly smashing Brad Bomb, who had just gotten up, in the head. Bomb collapses to the mat again and Blade throws the chair to the floor. He mouths “Not yet” to the champion before rolling out of the ring and going up the ramp, his eyes still locked with Beckford, who looks amazed at what’s just transpired.

Cohen: Blade is in Beckford’s head and the champ knows it.

Copeland: Beckford had no time to celebrate his great title victory. Blade has always been relentless, but this is too far!

We cut backstage to Becky Serra standing alongside Ty Burna and Serafina.

Becky: I'm here with our WZCW World Heavyweight Champion Ty Burna. Ty, up next you have a highly anticipated match with John Constantine, what are your thoughts on facing Showtime's former partner

Ty: Let me put it like this Becky, Constantine is nothing without a strong backing, and now that he's a fish out of water, I'm going to be the trident that puts an end to his miserable career.

Becky: Any other thoughts on the match tonight?

Ty: John, it's time you learn your proper place in my realm known as WZCW. You are nothing more but a secondary warrior, good for taking care of the dirty work and once your usefulness has been used up, you're discarded just as you were last week. And now, the WZCW World Heavyweight Champion is going to discard your carcass outside of the ring.

Ty quickly walks away towards the entrance ramp while Serafina looks disinterested before staring down Becky who quickly backs away as we cut to commercial.
Harrys: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!

“Hero” plays as the crowd boos heavily as Constantine heads out, he ignores the crowd as he just heads down with a smirk on his face.

Harrys: Introducing first, from St. Louis, Missouri, weighing in at 265 pounds, Constantine!

Copeland: Constantine wants to prove a point to both Showtime Cougar and the World Champion that he will not be taken as a joke.

Cohen: I think losing Showtime did the man some good, he didn’t need him anyway!

Constantine rolls under the ropes and stands firm, observing the arena and takes no notice of the crowd before he turns towards the stage.


The arena goes loud in excitement as the lights go down with the World Heavyweight Champion heading out with Serafina behind him. He stands in the centre of the stage before raising his hands the lights come up and resume down the ring before removing his hood and dropping his cloak down the ramp.

Harrys: His opponent, being occupied by Serafina. Weighing in at 235 pounds, he is the WZCW World Heavyweight Champion, Ty Burna!

Copeland: Ty Burna will see this match as target practise, edging closer to getting his hands on Showtime Cougar, knowing that Kingdom Come will get nearer and nearer as the match goes on. It’s almost like a minor preview.

Cohen: Despite the obvious size and moveset difference, sure!

Ty climbs into the ring and unhooks his belt as he stands in front of Constantine and raises the World Heavyweight Championship high in front of him as Constantine keeps one eye focused on the belt and the other on the champion. He gets up in Ty’s face and says a few words to him, speaking full of confidence to try and get a reaction out of Ty who stares back at him and then turns away to face the crowd and raise the championship. Constantine doesn’t take too kind to this and tries to move in but the referee gets in his way, he then grabs him and throws him to the floor, to which Ty turns and hits him with the belt face on before sliding it to Serafina, the ref regains composure and rings the bell, Ty steps a foot on Consantine, 1…….2….kickout. Ty rolls Constantine onto his feet against the ropes and goes for an Irish whip, on the rebound Constantine takes him down with a lariat and tries to shake off the effects of the belt to the face, he gets Ty up and hits a vertical suplex before standing up and leans in the corner.

He paces out and hits a few stomps to the champion, he looks up and goes to get him up, but Ty was playing possum and tries to lock on the Final Séance but Constantine leans his foot on the ropes to get the referee to break the hold, both men stand tall and lock eyes with each other and walk up chest to the chest, Constantine tells him that he doesn’t appreciate the cheap tactics and Ty responds with an uppercut, followed by a right, then an even harder one, which Constantine rebounds off the ropes into knee drop, Ty then clothesline him off the top rope, making him fall straight to the floor.

Cohen: Hey, don’t let them near here, I don’t want him destroying this table!

Copeland: Let’s not get involved and just hope for the best Jack!

Ty follows Constantine to the outside, he allows Constantine to get on a knee before trying to resume offence but the politician elbows him in the abs and then slams his head against the apron, he then irish whips him over the steps which Ty means head on. Constantine breaks the count before going straight to the announce table, he removes the panel as well as the monitors, with his back turned, Ty is back up and kicks him to the back of the head, which sends him over the desk and onto the seats that Copeland and Cohen have vacated. Ty breaks the count again before following after his opponent who rakes him in the eyes to give him some room from the champion and then slams his head against the announce table. Constantine then takes Ty a few paces, eyes up the table and then hits the Collateral Damage on Ty, sending him right through the table, which has both men down and out.

Serafina is looking on, concerned for her master as the referee does a check on them before resuming the count of them. The crowd get up on their seats as Showtime Cougar runs down from the stage, he paces around the ring and stands behind Serafina with a black sack behind her, he pulls it over her unaware and takes her on his shoulder and heads back to where he’s come from, despite the resistant kicking from her. Showtime keeps nothing but a smile on his face knowing that’s getting away with daylight robbery, he turns back towards to his foe before continuing to head backstage.

Copeland: Jack? Can you hear me? If you can, Showtime just took Serafina!

Cohen: Seabass? You there?

Ty and Constantine are on one knee as the referee’s count has hit seven, they take one step of energy to stand up completely and head back into the ring by the count of nine, which the crowd is pleased about. Ty is the slower of the two to get back up in the ring and Constantine uses the advantage to go for a DDT attempt, he hits it as Ty rolls forward and back on his feet, which the crowd pops at as he takes a deep breath in connection to the Ouija as Constantine looks in shock at this event, but he stands behind him ready as Ty turns around, he goes for a quick kick, but Constantine catches him with the Axis of Evil and slowly rolls on top of him to make the cover, 1…..2…..kickout by Ty and Constantine is livid as he holds his head in disbelief, he rolls out of the ring and looks under the apron for a weapon as he drags out a steel chair and stares intently at it before looking at the champion.

The referee tells him not to bring it in or he will be disqualified, Constantine places the chair by the ropes as he climbs in the ring and threatens the ref to not get in the way, while he is focus, Austin Reynolds runs down and grabs the chair through the ropes and takes it with him while heading back up the ramp, Constantine turns to find the chair is gone and notices Reynolds up the ramp who points behind him, Constantine turns and Ty is back up and goes for the Consecrated Banishment but Constantine ducks and hits the Collateral Damage on him one more time, he goes for a cover but Ty once again has him in the Final Séance in the middle of the ring, Constantine can’t reach the ropes as he screams in pain and refuses to give up despite the pain. He tries to roll to get Ty off of him but nothing work as Ty has the move locked in tight, Constantine reaches one more time and the hand drops suddenly. The referee checks on him and then calls for the bell as Ty releases the hold.

Harrys: Here is your winner as the result of a submission, the World Heavyweight Champion, Ty Burna!

Copeland: I don’t think Ty realises Serafina is gone!

Cohen: Screw Serafina! Constantine was hard done by Reynolds again!

Ty Burna has his championship returned and has his hand raised in victory. He looks around and can’t find Serafina anywhere in sight, he asks the referee what came of her. Suddenly the titantron cuts to a live feed from the parking lot where Showtime Cougar is carrying the bagged Serafina over his shoulder still, with a limo nearby, he drops her off and throws her into the back area of the limo and shouts “Drive!” when he gets in with her it screeches out of the arena. Ty gets out of the ring and runs up the ramp without any hesitation, heading through the curtain and straight to the backstage area, with the carpark in sight, he reaches there and the limo is gone as Ty stands there staring intensely at the exit as Meltdown fades out to black.
Who wrote what:
Ty Burna vs. Constantine, Tag Match, Opening, Backstage - Phoenix
Big Dave vs. Everest, Backstage - Ty
Barbosa vs. Dr. Steven Kurtesy, Chris Beckford vs. Brad Bomb - Blade
Wasabi Toyota vs. Steven Holmes vs. Jordan Lights - Thriller
Sam Smith vs. Mr. Baller - Numbers

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