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Meltdown 49

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Thriller Ant

Beep Bop Boop
*Pryos go off*

Copeland: Ladies and gentlemen, with Meltdown's 50th episode next week and the Lethal Lottery just around the corner, these are some exciting times here in WZCW! I'm Sebastian Copeland and as always, next to me is my broadcast partner, Jack Cohen.

Cohen: Should be a great night tonight, Seabass. More men qualify for the Lethal Lottery and we find out who will face the World Champ, whether it be Ty Burna or Everest at said pay-per-view.

“The Beginning is the End is the Beginning” hits and Phoenix comes out onto the stage, microphone in hand. He waits a couple moments for the boos to subside before he begins talking.

Phoenix: One month ago, I battled for a World Title match at All or Nothing. One mistake by myself and that opportunity was stolen from me. From there, I got a shot, along with 5 other men at the vacant EurAsian Title. I was clearly on track to win the match definitively, until one of those other men does what he does best and attacked me from behind to eliminate me. Tonight, I not only get to take revenge on those two men and beat up on an insane guy, but also will get the title shot I deserve at the Lethal Lottery. And once I get there, I will become WZCW World Champion.

“Bliss” plays and Blade comes out onto the stage with a mic of his own and the two men stand nose-to-nose before Blade steps back and begins to speak.

Blade: What I do best, Phoenix? Apparently what I do best is beating you. EurAsian match, I beat you. The first blood match, we both know what really happened that night under your face paint. You may think you deserve a title match, Phoenix, but I have proven time and time again that it is my destiny to become WZCW World Champion. You’ve never impeded me before, Gordito’s Cinderella story is due for its ending, and Barbosa will be too busy arguing with himself to cause me any trouble.

“Can’t Get You Out of My Head” hits and Barbosa comes out from behind the curtain and looks at both Phoenix and Blade.

Barbosa: I don’t like how you both are talking about us. I don’t like it at all.

We will become the number one contender and there is nothing any of you can do about it!

Yes, intimidate them. Put doubt into their minds.

Phoenix and Blade just stare at Barbosa, not sure what to make of him, as “End on 9” plays as Gordito, the final man in the main event, joins his opponents on the stage to a chorus of cheers.

Gordito: I think you all are forgetting who is the only one out of the four of us to have actually challenged for the WZCW World Title. That doesn’t necessarily make winning tonight any easier for me, and I know that. But I know what it takes to become number one contender. I’ve taken that step in my career. For me, this match is proving that I am where I belong in this company. For the three of you, it’s taking your career to the next level. I’ve survived that pressure and I don’t know if any of you can.

The four men move in closer and begin jawing even more at each other. A bit of shoving begins as Chuck Myles appears on the tron.

Myles: Hey! HEY! Back away from each other NOW! I will not have my main event spoiled tonight by the four of you goofing around now. Get back to your locker rooms and save it for later. And that’s an order!

Barbosa, Phoenix, Blade and Gordito all oblige and head toward the back, keeping a distance from each other and exchanging glares.
Harrys: The following contest is scheduled for one fall where the winner will be the next participant to qualify for the third annual WZCW Lethal Lottery!

"Amaranth" by Nightwish plays through the speakers as the lights dim and the temperature lowers, with some fans feeling the cold. The crowd boos as Jones emerges from the curtain with a smirk on his face.

Harrys: Making his way to the ring, first, from Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, weighing in at 227 pounds... "The Savior" Chris Jones!

Jones is on the apron and is ascending the turnbuckle, with his arms outstretched. He relishes in the moment and gets down from the corner, heading to the opposite side and raising one arm into the air. He removes his overcoat and is perched on the top turnbuckle as "Far From Over" by Rev Theory blasts out over the top of a cheering crowd. Lights appears out on the stage and removes his hood screaming as Lilith cheers him on. Both head down to the ring as Lights pumps up the crowd with Lilith following behind.

Harrys: And his opponent, from Philadelphia, PA, weighing in at 255 pounds... "The Justice" Jordan Lights!

Copeland: Here we have two up-and-comer's who are determined to turn some heads and impress the higher up's by qualifying for the Lethal Lottery tonight. Lights has some momentum built up from last week's squash victory whilst Jones is having his own redemption by competing in a re-match for a spot in the Lottery. It's justice against salvation.

Cohen: Can I get some fries with that seg-way too, Seabass? It's quite obvious that Saint Christopher will be picking up the easy victory here. Jordan is going to be easily distracted by his lovely manager now that isn't blind by alcohol.

Copeland: I'm not too sure about that, but Lights has come along way in beating his personal demons thanks to her. Let's see if his new direction on life can lead him one step closer to the title.

Lights is in the ring staring at Jones who slowly gets down from the turnbuckle, with Lilith on the outside. The music dies down, the referee checks on both men and signals for the bell.

Both men go for the collar-elbow tie-up and Jones locks Lights into a hammerlock. Quickly, Lights is able to switch to a side headlock and applies pressure. Jones pushes Lights back to the ropes and uses the momentum to push Lights off him, which leads to Lights hitting Jones with a shoulder block on the rebound. Lights runs to the ropes, Jones flips to his stomach, Lights jumps over and Jones gets up. Jones tries for a clothesline but Lights ducks, coming back with a crossbody. He goes for a pin... 1... kick-out. Lights gets up quickly and measures Jones who is near his feet, hitting him with a dropkick. Lights is not done however and follows up with a bulldog to Jones. He goes for another cover... 1... kick-out again. Lights picks up Jones and sends him for an Irish whip across the ring, picking him up for a sidewalk slam. Lights again goes for a cover... 1... 2... kick-out. The crowd is cheering for Lights as he applies a sleeperhold on Jones, who is slightly dazed by the flurry of offense by Lights. Jones slowly gets to his feet and hits a couple of elbow shots to Lights to attempt escape, but Lights is ready and hits some European uppercuts to the jaw of Jones. The last of the uppercuts sends Jones to the corner. Lights uses his knee to attack the gut of Jones, eventually switching to shoulder thrusts. Lights moves back from the corner and runs at Jones for a big thrust, but Jones slips out the way and Lights goes shoulder first into the post. Jones is on his all fours for a moment before catching his breath. Lights moves out of the corner clutching his shoulder as Jones grabs Lights for an modified STO backbreaker to impact on the injured shoulder. Jones recovers and goes for the cover... 1... 2... kick-out by Lights. Jones looks at Lights and applies a fujiwara armbar to the same shoulder of Lights who screams out in pain. Lilith tries to will him on as Jones smiles at his handiwork.

Cohen: All it took was one mistake by Lights for Jones to take advantage, and this is where he is most dangerous. It's only a matter of time before his arm gives way.

Copeland: It'll take a lot longer for Jordan's determination of winning.

Lights crawls to the ropes and grabs the bottom, but Jones keeps the hold applied. The referee counts to four before he releases. Jones begins stomping on the shoulder of Lights as he tries to get up. Jones grabs the arm of Lights, wraps it around the ropes and begins pummeling it until the referee reaches four again. Jones moves him away with a hammerlock variation still applied and he pushes Lights into the turnbuckle to attack the shoulder. Jones throws Lights down to the mat and goes for a cover... 1... 2... kick-out. Jones goes right back to work, this time with a crucifix armbar. Lights looks around and tries to gain focus. Lilith gets herself into Light's vision on the outside and wills him on, eventually slapping the apron. The crowd follows suit and begin cheering on Lights. Slowly, but surely, Lights begins moving towards the ropes. As Lights is about to reach out, Jones let's go of the hold and immediately stomps on Lights several times, much to the dismay of the crowd. He takes a moment to taunt by outstretching his arms and smiling, with the crowd booing at him. Jones grabs the arm of Lights, twists around and wrings it down a couple of times, before looking at the turnbuckle. Jones brings Lights to the corner and he ascends it with the arm still locked. Jones is on the top and begins walking along the top rope. He stops at the middle and jumps at Lights, who catches him and delivers a big powerslam. The crowd cheers as both men are in the middle of the ring. The referee checks both men and begins counting.

1... 2... 3... 4... 5... 6... 7... 8...

Jones is up first with Lights on one knee. He punches Lights with the crowd booing. Lights retaliates with a forearm smash from his good arm which the crowd cheers. The two men slowly go back and forth until Jones gets the upper hand. He Irish whips Jones across the ring and Lights comes back with a single leg high knee strike, then another... followed by a big boot. Lights shakes the cobwebs from his arm as he waits for Jones to get up. He positions himself and he hits a facebuster to Jones. He goes for the cover... 1... 2... kick-out. Lights shakes his arm again as he gets up and waits for Jones at the ropes. Jones gets up and Lights runs at him with a swinging neckbreaker which hurts Lights shoulder, but manages for a cover... 1... 2... kick-out.

Copeland: The resiliency by both men is amazing. This is what a spot in the Lethal Lottery means to any WZCW superstar.

Cohen: Only one will get that opportunity and though Lights is in control, it's still anyone's game.

Lights signals for the end as Jones staggers to his feet. Lights tries for the C.Y.A. but his arm gives way multiple times, allowing Jones to hit an inverted knee drop bulldog. Lights screams in pain as Jones slowly gets up and goes to the ropes. Jones ascends to the top and hits the moonsault on Lights. He goes for a cover... 1... 2... shoulder up by Lights. Jones picks Lights up and does a hammerlock, taunting the end is near. Jones tries for the Lifesaver put Lights prevents him and runs towards the corner with Jones still locking in Lights arm. Lights ducks, causing Jones to hit the top turnbuckle and letting go of the lock. Lights quickly trips Jones and using his good arm/shoulder, applies The Justification and flips over Jones. The crowd yells in approval as Jones tries to get to find a way out or go to the ropes. It's no use, prompting Jones to tap out.

The crowd cheers, referee signals for the bell and Light's music begins playing. Lights drops down to one knee clutching his arm as the referee raises the other, checking on him once before until going over to Jones to see his condition.

Harrys: Here is your winner and the next participant to qualify for the third annual WZCW Lethal Lottery, "The Justice" Jordan Lights!

Copeland: What a victory for Lights tonight. He will now be one of twenty to compete for a main event slot for the World Championship at Kingdom Come III, and after that performance he deserved it.

Cohen: Jones could have taken it many times during the match, but it seems Lights wanted it more.

Lights exits the ring with Lilith waiting. She helps him up the ramp and they both raise their hands as the crowd cheers. Jones is sitting up in the ring with a disappointed look on his face.

We see a limo pull up in the parking garage of the arena. The camera runs along its’ side and around it back, only to pull up by the door when the driver emerges to open the door.

From the right, Becky Serra rushes over with a mic in hand. She peers inside only to be met by Everest who nearly headbutts her.

“Whoa Becky! Always nice to see you but I am not a fan of space invaders.”

“Everest, you aren’t scheduled to be here tonight.”

“Yeah I know.” Everest slings his backpack over his shoulders and slams the door shut. Becky chases after him.

“So what business do you have at Meltdown tonight?”

“I couldn’t resist. Fresh air.” He smiles at her and she stops trying to keep up with him. She is clearly confused.
Harrys: The following match is scheduled for one fall!

“The Hills Have Eyes” hits and Alex Bowen comes out with his 2 bottles of Faygo. He heads up the ramp high-fiving fans.

Harrys: Introducing first, from Detroit, Michigan and weighing in at 247 pounds, “The Hardcore Juggalo” Alex Bowen!

Bowen slides into the ring hand does his hand sign as “We Are One” plays and Scott Hammond bursts out from behind the curtain. He stands at the top of the ramp and raises one arm in the air. He then turns his attention to the entrance curtain, and points both hands towards the entrance, as Wasabi Toyota steps out from behind it.

Harrys: And his opponent, accompanied by Scott Hammond, from Matsumoto, Japan and weighing in at 550 pounds, one-half of the Brothers in Arms, Wasabi Toyota!

Hammond slides inside the ring as Toyota climbs the stairs and enters with him. Toyota stands behind Hammond in the centre of the ring as Hammond drops to his knees. Toyota raises his arm as pyros go off in the ring behind them. Hammond exits the ring and the referee calls for the bell.

Bowen paces along one side of the ring, trying to figure out how to go at the Matsumoto Mauler. The two men finally lock up, and it ends with Toyota shoving Bowen flat on his back a couple feet back. Bowen just looks up at Toyota from his backside with a look of shock on his face. Bowen gets back to his feet and goes to lock up once more. Toyota goes to grab Bowen, but Bowen goes behind instead. He clubs Toyota with a couple forearms to his massive back and then hits a strong right hand to the back of Toyota’s head. Toyota seems stunned so Bowen runs the ropes and tries for a one-handed bulldog. Toyota shoves Bowen away though, but Bowen is able to control himself in midair and hit Toyota with a dropkick. He caught Toyota off balance and Toyota stumbles back and bounces off the ropes. Bowen gives chase and bounces off the ropes as well, and this time scores with the bulldog. He goes for the cover, 1…and Toyota kicks out, tossing Bowen across the ring.

Copeland: It’s going to take a lot more than a couple strikes and a bulldog to keep Wasabi Toyota down.
Cohen: That’s because that fat slob doesn’t belong in a WZCW ring. He should be over in Japan with other obese guys in diapers.

Bowen scrambles back over to Toyota and begins hitting him with mounted punches. The referee begins counting and Bowen stops and points toward the corner. He climbs to the top rope and comes off, going for the Eat My Ass. Toyota is able to roll out of the way and both men are down as the referee begins the 10 count. Toyota is the first one back to his feet around 6, and Bowen is up soon after at 7. They stare each other down and Bowen connects with a chop to the ample chest of Toyota. Toyota answers with a headbutt, but Bowen comes back with a headbutt of his own. Toyota stumbles backward a bit, giving Bowen a chance to hit a bionic elbow. Toyota is stunned and Bowen makes his way to the second rope. He comes off, going for the Hatchet Chop, but Toyota greets him with a savate kick. Bowen doesn’t go down, instead stumbles backwards and bounces off the ropes. He swings and misses wildly at Toyota who is able to pick up Bowen from behind, aim, and drop him with a belly to back suplex. He signals to the crowd and Hammond, who all start getting excited, and crushes Bowen with a Banzai Drop! He stays seated for the pin, 1…2…3!

Harrys: The winner of the match, Wasabi Toyota!

Hammond slides into the ring and celebrates with his tag team partner as the referee checks on Alex Bowen. The Brothers in Arms leave the ring and head up the ramp as the referee helps Bowen to his feet. Suddenly Cory Allen appears on the stage and stops them from leaving, he gets up in their face and isn't approving of what just occured, he shoves past them and heads down to check on his partner.

We're backstage with Austin Reynolds who's in front of the Meltdown sign, he's pacing back and forth in deep thought as Leon Kensworth is standing nearby.

Kensworth: Austin, Austin. You're about to go into a Lethal Lottery Qualifying match next. Do you expect the Showtime Power Trip to make an appearance?

Reynolds takes a moment before he looks directly at Leon.

Reynolds: Naturally, I expect them to, but here's a firm message that I plan to make clear. Showtime, Constantine, you are continuing to try and make me feel like a Ratings Slump because I can get the crowd going much better than the two of you.

He grabs the microphone from Leon

But my goal tonight is to enter the Lethal Lottery to guarantee that the pay per view delivers in buyrates. But if either of you get in my way tonight, I plan to make sure Constantine doesn't get into that match either and I will make sure that Showtime Cougar has his precious championship imprinted on his face. Your trashed car was the first warning, this is the second, nothing is stopping me from getting into the Lottery and once that is done, I'm coming after the both you!

Reynolds shoves the mic back into Leon's hand as he heads off.
Harrys: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!

The crowd let’s out a huge pop as Austin Reynolds emerges, with a grin on his face. He poses for the crowd before making his way down to the ring.

Harrys: Introducing first, weighing in at 190 pounds, Austin Reynolds!

Copeland: He’s on a mission to take out Constantine and Showtime!

Cohen: But there’s no way he will.

He gets into the ring and poses again for the crowd. He turns to face the entrance ramp and waits for his opponent. We Die Young hits and DK Wilton emerges, throwing up the devil horns on the top of the entrance ramp.

Harrys: And his opponent, weighing in at 234 pounds, DK Wilton!

Wilton gets into the ring and starts trash talking the former Elite X champion. Reynolds shakes his head before running at Wilton, taking him down. Reynolds angrily unleashes a string of punches at Wilton, who tries desperately to cover up. The referee counts to 5, and Reynolds gets back up. Wilton gets up, looking shaky, and turns around into a big discuss lariat from Reynolds. Reynolds goes for the first pin of the match, 1... 2... Wilton kicks out. Reynolds picks up Wilton, and goes for a standing Leg Lariat, but Wilton dropkicks him out of the air. Both me get up quickly and Wilton goes for a Belly to Belly Suplex, but Reynolds reverses and hits a monkey flip. Reynolds goes for another cover. 1... 2... Wilton kicks out. Reynolds rolls Wilton out of the ring and throws him into the announce table. Wilton crumbles to the ground and tries to crawl away but Reynolds kicks him in the stomach.

Copeland: It’s rare to see Reynolds using such ugly offense, but he has frustrations he wants to take out on this rookie!

Reynolds rolls in and out of the ring to break the count before picking up Wilton and going to Irish whip him into the crowd barricade. Wilton reverses and sends Austin into the barricade but Reynolds uses his agility to jump onto the barricade before hitting Wilton with an Asai Moonsault off the barricade! The crowd jumps out of their seat as Reynolds gets up and plays to them. He rolls Wilton into the ring and goes for the pin, 1... 2... DK gets the shoulder up. Austin backs into the corner, measuring up DK to hit the Millions and Millions. Wilton uses the ropes to pull himself to his feet before turning around. Reynolds rolls forward and goes for the kick, but Wilton ducks under it and goes behind Reynolds before locking in the Chicken Wing submission! Both men fall back on the mat as Austin tries to elbow off Wilton, who won’t let go. Reynolds starts to fade as Wilton pulls back on Reynolds’ throat. But Reynolds uses his flexibility to kick away Wilton’s arm and delivers a few elbows to Wilton’s ribs. Reynolds runs at the ropes and tries to return with a shoulder charge, but Wilton grabs him and throws him across the ring with a Belly to Belly Suplex. Wilton goes for the pin, 1... 2... Kick out by Reynolds. Wilton picks up Reynolds and ties him in the Tree of Woe in the corner before backing up. Wilton runs forward and goes for the splash but Reynolds manages to sit up! DK crashes into the turnbuckles and falls backwards as Reynolds stands up on the top rope and hits a 450 splash! Reynolds goes for a pin, 1... 2... Wilton gets a shoulder up!

Copeland: Wow! Reynolds pulls out something different to send a message to Cougar and Constantine!

Reynolds gets up with the crowd cheering him on and goes outside to the apron. He springboards for the diving headbutt, but Wilton gets his knees up. Austin rolls around on the mat, clutching his bloody nose. Both men slowly get to their feet and Wilton hits a roundhouse kick to Reynolds’ stomach before hitting a DDT. Wilton picks up Reynolds and places him on the top rope before going for the Encore. Wilton stands up, but Reynolds swings and reverses into a Tornado DDT from the top rope! Reynolds rolls onto the apron as Wilton pulls himself to his feet. Wilton turns around and he’s hit with the Ego Crush! Reynolds goes for the pin, 1... 2...3!

Harrys: Here is your winner, Austin Reynolds!

Reynolds gets on the second rope a poses for the crowd, who chant his name. He gets out of the ring and starts making his way up the ramp as the referee try to get Wilton conscious again.

Well a loud statement made by Reynolds tonight!

Cohen: He can make all the statements he wants, but his days are numbered!

We're backstage in Chuck Myles' office who's listening to the ramblings of Cory Allen.

Allen: ...he could have been permanently injured and he only debuted last week. I demand that Wasabi Toyota be thrown out before I make an example out of him!

Myles: Is this going anywhere? Is that all you want? Wasabi Toyota? Fine, I'll put you in a match with him.

Allen: Erm, no. I don't want a match with him personally, I want the chance for both of us to get revenge on both of them.

Myles: Despite the fact Hammond didn't do anything. But I tell you what, you want Brothers in Arms so bad, then it is settled. Next week, you and Bowen will take them on, and the winners of the match, go on to face the Crashin Movement at the Lethal Lottery. Is that clear?

Allen: That's absolutely fine with me sir!

Myles: Good, now get out!

Allen heads off as Myles goes back to his seat

Some real nutcases here at times. At least I know they're not going anywhere near the World Heavyweight Championship, compared to you.

The camera pans around to show Everest sitting on the sofa opposite to Myles' desk.

Everest: Most definitely!
“Enya Stomp” plays as Chris Beckford appear at the top of the stage, he spreads his arms out, presenting the EurAsian Championship before he bolts down to the ring and slides in. He’s quickly on his feet again before jumping onto the bottom left turnbuckle. He spreads his arms again and does a backflip off of it to present the championship to the crowd

Harrys: The following contest is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, from Leeds, England, weighing in at 226 pounds, he is the WZCW EurAsian Champion, Chris Beckford!

Beckford had a narrow escape with his EurAsian Championship last week, but he no doubt will look to put things right as he takes on hot newcomer Michael Winters here.

Cohen: Not sure I feel disappointed in, the fact that Barbosa is not EurAsian Champion or the fact that Michael Winters could earn himself a shot due to former’s misfortune!

“Invisible Wounds” hits as Michael walks out to stand in the center of the stage. He crouches down, looking at the floor until the music picks up in pace where he looks up and crosses his forehead and chest before he methodically makes his way to the ring.

Harrys: His opponent, from Chicago, Illinois, weighing 267 pounds, Michael Winters!

Copeland: Winters continues to impress the WZCW fans week in and week out, after his emphatic showing against Big Dave and Ty Burna on Ascension, he deserves credit where credit is due.

Cohen: I would have given credit had he actually beat them!

Winters climbs into the ring and nods at Beckford in appreciation which is returned by the champion, Beckford hands over his EurAsian Championship as the referee signals for the bell as this bout gets under way. Both men pace a bit around the ring before locking up, they keep it nice and tight but Winters is able to get the advantage with his weight, forcing Beckford back into the corner. While still locked up, Beckford uses the ropes to climb up in the corner and spring himself forward to knock back Winters to the mat as they let go of the hold and are back at square one. They lock up again as Winters tries to overpower Beckford again, but Beckford this time rolls onto his back and sends Winters forward who stays on his feet, Beckford gets back up is met with a clothesline from Winters. He gets Beckford up and irish whips him, he swings at him with a right but Beckford ducks under so Winters runs at him and hits a flying forearm to take the champion down. He gets Beckford up and goes for a neckbreaker but Beckford counters out of it and hits an atomic drop he runs at the ropes and uses it to lift him up and drop the double knees to abs of Winters before going for a cover, 1…….2…kickout by Winters.

Beckford backs away to allow Winters a chance to get up, when the time is right, Beckford runs at him but Winters ducks under so Beckford rebounds off the ropes and uses it to springboard himself up but Winters catches him and spins around but Beckford uses the momentum to get a hurricanrana to knock Winters forward with rolling momentum as he follows up with a leap but is caught with a sidewalk slam and Winters goes for a cover, 1…..2… as the crowd applaud the action. Beckford is quick to his feet with a kip up as Winters tries to be one step ahead but Beckford runs at the ropes again and goes for a dropkick but Winters uses the moment to hit a fallaway slam variation onto the ropes which Beckford is shaken by and Winters uses this opportunity to get a pumphandle slam for extra measure and goes for a pin attempt, 1……2…kickout by Beckford.

Copeland: Nice back and forth action here

Cohen: But Winters with the weight advantage having the upper hand here.

Winters gets Beckford up and goes for a Fireman’s carry but Beckford rolls out of it and climbs up the turnbuckle, he leaps off and catches Winters with a tornado DDT to take him down, but not stopping, he drops a quick elbow and ascends the turnbuckle again but Winters is quick to his feet and meets him at the top of the turnbuckle, both men exact some rights but Winters gets the upper hand and tries to go for a superplex but Beckford blocks it, holding on tight to the top rope before he kicks Winters away who rolls backwards and back to his feet, Beckford leaps up and Winters catches him with a powerbomb, he goes for the cover, 1…….2….hand on the rope.

Winters uses the chance to get some breath but shakes it off as he stands behind Beckford, waiting for him to get up, once Beckford is ready, Winters grabs him and goes for a Crucifix but Beckford uses his weight to send him forward and counter with a Cross Drop. With the momentum, he climbs the turnbuckle again and measures the distance, he goes for the Cross County but Winters gets his knees up and Beckford holds his abs in pain from the impact. Winters slowly staggers up, using the ropes as Beckford is still down, he grabs Beckford who pulls him with an inside cradle, 1……..2……3. Beckford picks up the victory here.

Harrys: Here is your winner, the WZCW EurAsian Champion, Chris Beckford!

Copeland: A great match by these two where the Champion uses a small classic to earn a victory over the hard fought newcomer.

Cohen: Winters needs to up his game if he’s going to stand a chance against the likes of Beckford again.

Beckford is presented with the EurAsian Championship and has his hand raised much to the approval of the crowd. He heads over the Winters and offers to shake his hand, which Winters accepts and then raises his hand in a mark of sportsmanship. They both head out the ring and walk up the ramp as Beckford gives a minor pep talk to Winters on the way back up.

We're backstage with Gordito who's wrapping tape around his wrists, he gets a pat on the back as Blade stands next to him.

Blade: Listen Gordy, I know we haven't faced off, but we have one thing in common, that is we're better than Phoenix. I don't care what you do to him tonight but I need one guarantee from you, that being you don't get the way of my victory tonight!

Gordito rolls his eyes, but before he can say anything, Phoenix stands opposite to him.

Phoenix: There's not going to be any flukes tonight from you Gordito, and well Blade, there's nothing else I can say really, just, good luck!

Phoenix walks off his way as Blade walks off in his direction, leaving Gordito with his wrist taping.

Gordito: There's only one person who's getting the victory tonight and it's the man who had a title shot already!
Harrys: “The following match is scheduled for one fall.”

Ecstasy of Gold by Enrico Morricone starts as Kravinoff heads to the ring. He walks quickly with his shoulders hunched, carrying his portrait of Freud protectively.

“On his way to the ring, from Medicine Hat, Alberta, Canada by way of the East African Republic of Uganda, he is being accompanied to the ring by the father of psychoanalytic theory, Sigmund Freud, this is Hunter S Kravinoff!!!”

Kravinoff gives the crowd a cold, murderous stare as he enters the ring.

“And his opponent.”

Big Dave makes his way out to booing from the crowd. The spotlight shines down on him as the lights dim low and he makes his way down the ramp, his eyes focus on Kravinoff. He enters the ring and raises his arm up and the crowd boos him again.

"And his opponent, from London, England. He stands 6'1" and weighs 268 lbs, Big Dave!"

An initial tie-up ends both men dragging each other to the corner. Dave shoves Kravinoff violently out of the way and immediately goes on the offensive. Kravinoff takes Dave down with a vicious clothesline from behind, followed by stomps to the forehead. Kravinoff then picks him up and holds him in the hammerlock. Dave tries to escape but Kravinoff retains the leverage, turning it into a high wristlock. He climbs the turnbuckle to get the height advantage. Dave brings him down but Kravinoff lands on his feet and immediately throws Dave down in a variation of an arm drag. Cover!

1...2...kicked out by Dave

“Both men have qualified for the Lethal Lottery match at the pay-per-view and this match will see one man get a huge push towards that event.”

Dave fights back, catching Kravinoff with a running knee strike. Dave then goes to DDT Kravinoff but he reverses this into a back body drop! Kravinoff puts Dave in a side headlock but Dave quickly shoves him off and Kravinoff ends up going clumsily through the ropes. Dave follows quickly with a pissed off look on his face.

“But Seabass, we both know Dave is the odds-on favourite for that match. Kravinoff is in but do you really think he has a chance?”

On the outside, Kravinoff walks into a clothesline, a shoulder block and then eats a DDT in quick succession as Dave’s intensity comes to the fore. Kravinoff is reeling and tries to crawl away. Kravinoff heads around the corner of the ring but this doesn’t stop Dave as he runs up the ring steps and catches him with a superb diving kick!

Favouring his right arm a little, Dave chucks Kravinoff face first into the ring post then instantly throws his own weight at Animal and a leaping knee strike connects with Kravinoff s cheek. Dave looks up at the crowd and gets a decisively mixed reaction from the crowd. Kravinoff rolls in to the ring to try and avoid this quick offense but Dave notices. They meet in the ring but Dave connects with a series of kicks which finish with a roundhouse kick to the head

“It’s moves like this which is why Big Dave is so feared in WZCW at this time.”

1...2........barely kicked out by Kravinoff

“And Hunter Kravinoff is doing everything that he can to fight the irresistible force of Dave at the moment.”

Dave is more than a little frustrated now. He rises to his feet and dares Kravinoff to do the same. Dave kicks him in the gut and tries to hit the Checking Out but Kravinoff fights out of it. Dave runs at him but gets caught with a lariat. He covers, 1...2...Dave kicks out.

Kravinoff picks Dave up and kicks him in the gut before applying a double underhook. He tries to drop and hit the Ugandan Death Knell but Dave pushes him off and kicks him in the face. Kravinoff is up quickly. He instinctively goes for a straight kick to the head but Dave dropkicks him in the knee! Kravinoff drops and Dave spears him to the floor.

Dave grabs Kravinoff’s leg and applies a single leg crab. Kravinoff screams and tries to claw his way to the ropes. He does make a little progress before Dave reaches back. Kravinoff pulls again and eventually makes it to the ropes.

“Kravinoff is giving as good as he is getting and this is turning into one heck of a contest.”

Dave pauses and waits for Kravinoff to get up. He lifts him for the Stamp of Authority but Kravinoff elbows him in the head. Dave loses his balance a little and Kravinoff is able to grip the ropes. Dave shoves Kravinoff off. He then attempts to hit the Checking Out but Kravinoff drops him with a belly to belly suplex! Hunter turns him over and hooks the leg! 1...2...Dave kicks out!

“Kravinoff is being forced to show a real intensity to match Dave here.”

Kravinoff gets to his feet a lot quicker than Dave and in an instant, drops Dave with a body slam and then he locks in the Anaconda Vice. Dave is screaming in pain and is trapped by Kravinoffs’ weight and strength. Dave begins to drag himself closer to the ropes but he twists his hips and lands a foot on the ropes.

Kravinoff is fuming as he realises Dave’s achievement. The ref begins to count to five but Kravinoff releases just in time. He eyeballs the ref as Dave gets up, clutching his neck. Kravinoff jabs at Dave as he begins to get up but as he goes for the big punch, Dave ducks and hits the swinging catatonic backbreaker! The desperation move by Dave leaves both men floored. Slowly Dave moves and drops an arm over Kravinoff. The cover gets 1...2... Kravinoff kicks out!

“That’s one of Dave’s signature moves!! This has got to finish it!”

Dave gets up quicker this time and slowly, he stalks Kravinoff. He goes to hit the Stamp of Authority, falls behind him and applies a rear choke. Dave struggles and rushes back into the corner. Kravinoff is squashed and relinquishes the hold. Dave turns around and lifts him, he hits the Stamp of Authority this time and covers!!!


Harrys: “Your winner by pinfall.....”

The announcement of Dave’s victory is interrupted by Everest running down to ringside. He climbs on the apron and begins to protest with the referee.

“What the hell is Everest doing here?”

“And what is he trying to say to the referee?”

Everest is gesturing vehemently. Dave is fuming and Kravinoff appears confused as well. The referee is clearly arguing his point with Everest. Dave tries to interject but Kravinoff pulls him back and inserts himself between the official, Everest and his opponent. He is clearly quite interested in what is going on know that he knows what is going on.

The music of Chuck Myles hits.

“It seems like we have a little controversy gentlemen. As Everest is saying, based on the use of video technology, Hunter Kravinoff’s foot fell within the vicinity of the ropes, which makes the pinfall illegal.”

The crowd roar with approval.

“So Everest, you can leave the ringside area. This match will continue immediately so ring the damn bell!!”

Dave screams at Myles and then at Everest. Dave is furious and unable to believe what has transpired but Everest has a delighted grin on his face as he leaves ringside. Kravinoff grabs him by the leg and rolls him up with a school boy! The ref slides in, 1...2....Dave barely escapes!

“What a match this has turned into! The action has been back and forth and the intervention of Chuck Myles and a big assist from Everest mean that this is not yet over.”

“That brat Everest had no right being out here. This should be over already!”

Both men are up quickly but Kravinoff is firing off furious punches faster than Dave can know what to do. He whips him off to the ropes, nails a lariat which flips Dave inside-out. Kravinoff roars and kicks the ropes. Kravinoff gets up and hits a tiger suplex, but as Kravinoff lifts him, Dave turns around and arm drags him to the corner!

“Kravinoff restarted this match on fire but maybe that move can put him back on track.”

Kravinoff comes back running immediately and Dave answers with a huge powerslam! Cover!!! 1...2...Kravinoff kicks out at the last second!! Dave stands up, silently daring Kravinoff to get up too. As he does slowly, Dave pounds his back viciously to send him back down. He drags him back up and lifts him up for the Stamp of Authority. Suddenly Everest appears back at the top of the stage and as Dave has Kravinoff in position, he sees the Pinnacle of Perfection at the top of the ramp and hesitates.

“What the hell? Why is Everest back out here?”

Kravinoff begins to struggle and drops back into a crucifix!!!! Cover, 1....2..........3!!!!!

Harrys: “Your winner by pinfall, Hunter S Kravinoff!!!”

“Dave lost this because of Everest’s presence served as a huge distraction. He had no right to be here”

Everest begins to clap and then leaves. Dave rolls out of the ring and seeths about the sequence of events while Kravinoff celebrates with his painting of Freud.

“I don’t doubt that but he took his eye off the ball and let Kravinoff in. Maybe a less accomplished performer would not have taken advantage but Kravinoff has a killer instinct which ultimately got him the win - a huge one at that.”

We cut backstage to Everest who's walking backstage, he's heading at a gentle pace towards the parking lot

Hey Everest!

He turns around and moves to avoid Big Dave slamming a trash can over his head. Everest then shoulder barges Dave back against the wall. He then grabs Dave and drags him over but Dave elbows him and then slams him into a nearby stage box. The two continue to brawl until security comes running and separates them, Dave has to pinned back against the wall while Everest tries to keep himself calm as Chuck Myles comes standing between the two of you.

Myles: Alright, this is getting out of hand! I'm going to decide what to do with the two of you at some point because you two just can't seem to co-exist. However, I can't do anything next week because you have your title shot next week. Everest, get going as you have to be on Ascension tomorrow!

Everest walks off as Dave tries to get out of the grip of the security guards while Myles tries to get close enough without feeling in danger.

As for you, that ban of yours is due to expire at the Lethal Lottery. Just stay in line or maybe I'll see to it that you lose your place in the Lottery itself, then you can say goodbye to any hopes of getting that World Heavyweight Championship shot.

Dave tries to break free as Myles stands stern.

You're done for the night, go home!

Myles walks off as Dave breathes heavily in angry as he is still kept in restraint by the security guards.
Harrys: The following contest is a fatal fourway scheduled for one fall and it is to determine the Number One Contender for the World Heavyweight Championship at the Lethal Lottery!

‘Can’t Get You Out of My Head’ plays out as the crowd laughs and s******s as Barbosa walks out onto the stage, he walks down with a menacing presence as he ignores the crowd who mock him for his music

Harrys: Introducing first, from Bedlam, weighing 237 pounds, Barbosa!

Copeland: Barbosa has been on a great roll of late, quite impressionable for the rookie here.

Cohen: You say he’s a rookie but it feels like he’s been here for a good while now!

Barbosa enters the rings and rubs his wrists as he awaits his opponents, “The Beginning is the End is the Beginning” hits with Phoenix making his way out to a loud chorus of boos. The lights dim low and flashing lights begin going off around the arena, he looks side to side but keeping attention on his opponent in the ring.

Harrys: From The Great Beyond, weighing in at 213 pounds, Phoenix!

Copeland: Phoenix will want to silent the critics tonight and no doubt will aim to make sure he gets the pin over his rival Blade to get closer to the World Championship.

Cohen: Did they start nicknaming you Captain Obvious or did I only call you that?

Phoenix gets into the ring and remains unfazed by Barbosa who stands right nearby as “Bliss” bursts throughout the arena to a massive hearing of boos as dark red lights start to flash. Blade walks out on to the stage, he looks disappointed but also unfazed by the crowd but he makes his way down, keeping his eyes firmly on Phoenix in the ring.

Harrys: From Dublin, Ireland, weighing in at 235 pounds, Blade!

Copeland: You can see the look in his eyes, he only wants to take down Phoenix, I doubt these two are going to wait.

Blade slides into the ring and immediately goes for Phoenix as they unload, Barbosa just stands watching over and letting them go, but keeping eyes on them and the ramp as the bell hasn’t even sounded yet but “End on 9” hits to a great ovation as Gordito bursts straight down the ramp.

Harrys: From San Francisco, California…

Gordito slides straight and begins to exchange lefts and rights with Barbosa as the referee signals for the bell as Phoenix and Blade still continue to have a fist fight on the ring, rolling out of the ring as Gordito is backed into a corner by Barbosa who hits out some paced lefts and rights before grabbing Gordito’s head and rolling him out of the corner and then kicking him in the back of the head which gets a smile turned on out of the man from Bedlam. He gets Gordito up who then shoves him away and hits a chop block across the chest of Barbosa and again before knocking some rights, he goes for an Irish whip but it’s reversed by Barbosa and then Phoenix leaps up onto the apron to pull the top rope down, making Gordito fall to the outside with Blade. Phoenix leaps up onto the top rope and flies towards Barbosa who assists with making him land on his shoulders and tries to go for a powerbomb but Phoenix keeps hitting Barbosa in the head before leaping off to run at the ropes and uses the momentum to leap up and grab Barbosa’s head to take him down with a snapmare and follow up with a kick of his own to Barbosa’s head. Blade rolls back in and takes Phoenix down with a clothesline and goes for a quick cover, 1…….2..kickout by Phoenix.

Blade gets Phoenix up to his feet and lifts him up in the air with a vertical suplex with a delayed action as Gordito slides back in with a cover on Barbosa, 1……..2…kickout by Barbosa as Blade only notices what just occurred opposite to him. He goes over and kicks Gordito who’s on his way to his feet, he grabs him and lifts him up with a sideslam and drops him down. He’s up on his feet and isn’t sure who to go for out of his opponents until Barbosa makes his move onto his feet using the ropes so Blade heads over and tries to grapple him but Barbosa elbows him in the abs and follows up with an STO to take down Blade and the follows with a knee drop onto Blade as Barbosa keeps a close eye on the surrounding area. He smirks as he gets Blade back up again he lives Blade up in the air and places him onto his shoulders only for Phoenix to run at him from behind and hit a shoulder block into the knee which drops both Barbosa and Blade to the floor as Phoenix and Gordito are now the ones vertical.

Copeland: Phoenix in avertedly saved Blade there, maybe there’s some sort of truce going.

Cohen: Every man for himself here, just take out the main guy who’s still standing while you can.

Phoenix and Gordito stand for a moment with a short stare down, giving us a reminder of their previous match, right before they kick Blade and Barbosa out of the ring and then proceed to circle the ring waiting for each other to make the first move. Phoenix obliges by going for an enziguri but it’s ducked by Gordito who gets a dropkick in to take Phoenix down and follows up with a Samoan drop, he goes for a cover, 1……..2….kickout. Gordito then rolls Phoenix on his front and looks to try and lock in the SUA but Blade jumps up onto the apron, grabs Gordito’s head and drags him through the ropes to the floor. Blade then tries to lock in the cloverleaf but Phoenix had enough chance to recover to kick Blade away and get back up onto his feet. Blade tries for a clothesline but Phoenix ducks under it and counters with a German suplex, he keeps holding on tight to Blade’s waist as they get to their feet but Blade then elbows Phoenix in the head and then gets behind Phoenix himself to throw a German suplex of his own and keeping hold himself as they get upright. Phoenix then sandbags any effort for a second and rolls Blade forward to relinquish his grip and Phoenix goes for a follow up but is caught with a belly to belly suplex which has the crowd cheering from the sequence of moves here.

Barbosa gets back up onto the apron, which Blade notices and hits a shoulder barge between the middle and top ropes to knock him back to the floor onto the outside as Blade goes back to Phoenix who was playing possum and rolls up a small package, 1…….2….kickout by Blade. Both men get back up as Gordito has ascended the turnbuckle and goes for a flight with a crossbody, he goes for a cover on Blade, 1…..2.. Phoenix stops the pin attempt, and then waits for Gordito to get up to hit a right but Gordito grabs it, Phoenix tries with a left but Gordito grabs that too and hits a series of trapping headbutts which has Phoenix dazed and Gordito follows up with a Russian legsweep. Barbosa is back on his feet outside and is arguing with himself, having some doubt while trying to motivate himself into winning his, Gordito heads over towards and climbs out of the ring, Gordito is unsure what to make of this and is hit from being and Barbosa then throws him into the steel steps as a possessed look appears on his face as he gets into the ring and grabs Blade and picks him up to put him on the top rope.

Copeland: Barbosa is looking to end this one here.

Cohen: I’d hate to be the person who attempts to stop him.

Barbosa hits a couple of rights to keep Blade in a dazed position and feels ready to go for the victory, only when he turns around to check on the situation, he’s met with a Rebirth from Phoenix who was standing there waiting. Phoenix doesn’t go for the cover but climbs up the turnbuckle to Blade as he hits some rights of his own as he looks ready to superplex Blade from the top rope, but Gordito gets up onto the apron and tries to distract Phoenix who only kicks him away, leaving him lying on the apron. This allows time for Blade to knock some rights of his own, he pulls Phoenix up to his level and hooks both arms in a lower position and hits The Halo from the top rope which has the crowd cheering in awe as all four men are down. Barbosa reaches out slightly, still reeling from the effects of the Rebirth as Gordito budges himself to the fallen two. With the strength they can get, Barbosa gets a hand on Blade while Gordito gets an arm over Phoenix at the same time, the ref is unsure what to do and goes for a double count, 1……..2…….3!

The crowd looks surprised and confused as the bell rings, the referee heads over to Truman Harrys and briefs him on the situation, Harrys understands this.

Harrys: Ladies and Gentleman, the referee has just informed me, as Barbosa and Gordito made a cover at the same time, they have both been rewarded with the victory. Therefore your Number One Contenders are Gordito and Barbosa!

Cohen: Wait? Two Contenders? That can’t be right?

Copeland: It’s the referee’s call, he double counted the pins, he could have restarted the match but has opted to give both men the title shot.

Cohen: You can be serious? With Barbosa there are always multiple contenders in the first place!

Gordito and Barbosa slowly make it to their feet still unaware of the situation, they stare each in the eyes and are about to go at each other but the referee halts them and raises both their hands in victory. Barbosa shoves away from the referee and gets in Gordito’s face. As they continue to dispute the lights go out "Blackened The Sun" starts playing throughout the arena as the titantron suddenly shows Ty Burna’s who’s standing on top of the arena’s roof with the World Heavyweight Championship.

Ty: I would offer congratulations to the both of you, but my attention is on Ascension with taking apart the Crashin Movement. While you both are guaranteed to be at the Lethal Lottery, I will do everything in my power to be there, I imagined that the both of you would provide a challenge individually but the fact of the matter is this. Come the Lethal Lottery, I will be walking into there as champion and I will be walking out in the same position…

The titantron goes to black as the arena stays dark with "Blackened The Sun" continues to play throughout the arena.

Copeland: Well Jack, the challengers have been named, the course has been set for the Lethal Lottery, the question remains as to whether Ty Burna or Everest will meet them. Ty has made his guarantee to be there no matter what and leave there too, the first message has been sent to his challengers.

Cohen: I may like Ty, but he’s got a hell of a challenge, he surely can’t deal with these odds?

Copeland: It will be a tough challenge no doubt but we still have a week to see how the first stage pans out. For now we will move forward to Ascension tomorrow where Ty will team up with Everest to take on the Crashin Movement. After what has been an exciting edition of Meltdown, I can’t wait. Until then, alongside Jack Cohen, I’m Sebastian Copeland, we’ll see you next time!
Who wrote what:
Lights vs Jones - Falkon
Reynolds vs Wilton - Blade
Bowen vs Toyota, Opening - Thriller
Contender's Match, Beckford vs Winters, Backstage - Phoenix
Dave vs Kravinoff, Backstage - Numbers

Rep them, love for their hard efforts and like always, we appreciate hearing your feedback about the show


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