Meltdown 36

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*Pyros go off*

Cohen: Well guys and gals welcome to WZCW Meltdown and the aftermath of Kingdom Come. Before we went on the air tonight we were treated to a spectacle in a WZCW contract battle royale. As a result of that we now have two new members of the roster: Hancock and Chris Jones! Also in action will be Garth Black against Blade.

Copeland: Also we're due a great card tonight, Big dave will face USA in a non title match, Showtime will finally get his hands on Trevor Steel plus some Mayhem madness as Killjoy takes on the new champion Scott Hammond!

Cohen: Speaking of new champions, we have the King For a day winner, with the new real world champion AND the WZCW champion teaming up against Lars, Ty and of course Everest.

Copeland: Should be a good match

Cohen: SHOULD being the key word, Everest SHOULD still be champion, but what do I know?

Copeland: I think we're about to find out.

Everest gets in the ring to a chorus of boos.

Harrys: Ladies and gentlemen please welcome the former WZCW champion, Everest!

Everest: OK straight to the video.

Titus continues wrenching the Ankle lock tighter as Everest screams out in pain. He finally is able to twist around and kick Titus off of him. Titus rushes the rising Everest but Everest ducks a clothesline and connects with a thunderous spinebuster! He covers Titus but the ref is out yet again. Everest gets up and pulls the ref up from the ground but the ref is still unresponsive. He slams his fist into the turnbuckle before turning towards Titus, anger and frustration apparent on Everest's face. He grabs Titus and drags him to the corner and lifts him up to the top turnbuckle. Everest climbs up and sets Titus up for a superplex! Everest hits a few shots to the midsection but Titus counters with shots of his own before standing up on the turnbuckle with Everest and trading blows. Titus finally kicks Everest off the turnbuckle. He steadies himself and comes off the top rope and connects with the Red Comet! The ref crawls over as Titus covers Everest and gets the three count!

The crowd have a mix of cheers and laughter.

Everest: As you can see I was cheated. I had Titus clearly covered for the three, so with that I should still be the world champion. Alas I see no gold.

The crowd laugh once again as Everest looks more and more pissed off.

Everest: So everyone is after this shot at Titus. So I say, this shot is mine. I have the rematch clause and I want it tonight! So please if the World Champion would grace us with his presence I would be most obliged!

The crowd begin to chant “We want Titus *clap clap clap clap*”

Cohen: Oh come on show this man some respect, he's the rightful world champion!

‘Wanna Be Loved’ starts playing to a huge ovation as Carmen Bratchny runs down the isle. He proceeds to do his usual lap around the ring giving low fives to fans as he completes his lap with the belt raised in the air.

Copeland: Seems like we have the Real World champion here.

Everest: Not the world champion I was after.

Carmen: I am a world champion, we all know that. However after Kingdom Come I issued a challenge to Titus, a challenge to unify these belts at Redemption. A challenge that will prove which of us will be known as the best in WZCW, a challenge that does not involve you.

Everest: How about me and you, right now one on one. The winner faces Titus at Redemption to unify the titles?

Carmen: How about it, me and you right now? You're on.

Harrys: Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the WZCW Heavyweight champion...Titus!

The crowd go nuts as both men stop and look at the titantron.

Titus: Now now ladies, we have a match tonight in tag team fashion, we don't want to waste our energy here.

Two things: First Everest. I have actually been privileged with looking at your contract and I notice that the rematch clause is only in tact if it was proven you should have won the match.

Everest: I showed you all the video, that's proof enough.

Titus: Seems like someone is forgetting what happened about a minute before hand. Play the video please!
Everest hits a closed fist on Titus and sets him up for the Rock Slide. Titus counters with a knee to the mid section and out of nowhere hits the Tit Drop! Titus covers Everest but notices the ref is out. He tries to revive him but has no luck. He turns back towards Everest and the crowd goes wild as Titus then locks on the Ankle lock! Everest struggles in the hold and lunges for the ropes, catching the bottom rope.

Titus: I think the closed fist, the three count cover and the third use of a rope break all would have meant I was the true winner of the match. So quit your complaining

Carmen: So it's on me against you then old friend.

Titus: I have spoken to both Mr Myles and Mr Bateman and they have agreed with what I said. At Redemption Everest will get one more chance at the world title.

Carmen looks seriously annoyed at this as Everest begins to gloat.

Titus: Cheer up Carmen, I love you really. You get a chance to. It will be Everest v Real World Champion Carmen Bratchny v World Champion Titus in a three way Dance.

The crowd pop massively for this.

Titus: And because I've been screwed in the past by losing a belt without being pinned, and I just know Everest will cry if he doesn't get pinned but loses....It will be an elimination match. The man who is not pinned will be the Unified World Champion!

Copeland: Oh wow that is huge! Join us after the break.
Harrys: The following contect is scheduled for one fall and is for the Mayhem Championship!

‘10’s’ by Pantera hits as The KillJoy walks onto the ramp pushing a shopping cart full of various weapons. He starts pushing it around the ring with him, handing off to people in the front row assorted weapons like trash lids, broom sticks, and a bag of rotting oranges.

Harrys: Introducing first, from Sabana Grande, Puerto Rico, weighing in at 225 lbs, The Killjoy!

KillJoy rolls into the ring with a kendo stick and eagerly awaits the arrival of the champion. ‘When I’m Ere’ by Rolls Deep plays as Scott Hammond walks onto the stage, Mayhem title around his waist.

Harrys: And his opponent, from London, England, weighing it at 275lbs, he is the current Mayhem Champion, Scott Hammond!

Copeland: Well folks, KillJoy has brought himself a mother load of weapons. We’ll see how the new Mayhem champion fairs against the former champion.

Cohen: Two time former champion Seabass, don’t make me remind you again. Wait, did I just defend The KillJoy?

Copeland: Yes you did.

Scott makes his way slowly down the ramp. He climbs onto the ring apron and KillJoy charges at him. Hammond quickly jumps down to the concrete just in time as KillJoy misses him with the kendo stick. Hammond grabs KillJoys legs causing him to fall and drop his kendo stick. Hammond pulls him to the outside and starts nailing him with some hard fists. He takes KillJoy and Irish whips him into the ring barrier. Hammond walks up and grabs a trash can lid from a fan, he uses it twice over the head of KillJoy. KillJoy retreats along the wall, Hammond close behind. Hammond grabs a broom stick from a fan and swings at the legs of KillJoy, knocking him down. Hammond on top of KillJoy, uses the broom stick to chock out KillJoy. KillJoy is gasping for air as the crowd boos Hammond. Hammond releases and raises the broom high in the air before snapping it into two with his knee and throwing the pieces at KillJoy. Hammond grabs a fire extinguisher and waits for KillJoy to turn around. KillJoy does and is greeted by the exhaust. KillJoy turns and continues to retreat. Hammond tosses the weapon away and gives chace. KillJoy grabs a weapon from the fans. Hammond right behind, KillJoy turns and swings the rotting bag of oranges at Hammond. The bag molds to Hammonds face. KillJoy does a running superkick, knocking Hammond to the floor, bag still against his face.

Copeland: I don’t think even Hammond could describe just how disgusting that was Jack.

Cohen: KillJoy is a freak who will use any tactic to win. Fortunately the English Enigma is pound for pound one of the best wrestlers so he should have no problem recovering.

KillJoy picks Hammond up and throws him into the ring. Hammond slides the bag off his face with some pieces of orange still on him. KillJoy in the ring now. He picks up the kendo stick and waits for Hammond to stand. KillJoy swings and cracks the stick over Hammonds head. Hammond falls to the mat and rolls over to his knees. KillJoy walks up lifting the stick high before stricking across Hammonds back. KillJoy taunts him to his knees before delivering the same blow, this time snapping the stick into two. Hammond grabs his back as KillJoy rolls out of the ring to his shopping cart of weapons. He proceeds to throw the remaining contents of the cart, a garbage can, a stop sign, a 2x4, and a cow bell and bull rope, into the ring. KillJoy slides in as Hammond gets to his feet. KillJoy from behind, lifts Hammond up for a backbody drop and drops him onto the trash can. KillJoy with the cover 1... 2... Hammond kicks out. KillJoy to his feet, grabs the bull rope and swings it around waiting for Hammond to stand. Hammond does and KillJoy comes up from behind, wraping it around his neck and applying a leg scissors taking him to the floor. Hammond is gasping for air and KillJoy squeezes tighter. Hammond reaches out and gets ahold of the 2x4. He swings back and strikes KillJoy in the head, a second time and KillJoy releases. Both men slow to their feet. KillJoy has the cow bell in hand and runs at Hammond. Hammond grabs the stop sigh and holds it in front of him. KillJoy stops short and stares at the sign. Hammond throws the sign at KillJoy, stunning him. Hammond grabs the other end of the rope and pulls KillJoy into a vicious clothesline. KillJoy up, Hammond hooks him and hits a snap suplex on him. Hammond picks up KillJoy and lifts him for a military press. He walks to the topes and eyes the shopping cart. He throws KillJoy to the floor and he lands inside the shopping cart.

Cohen: KillJoy is checking out Seabass. This match is bagged up and ready to go.

Copeland: KillJoy is in a pretty bad situation, we’ll see if he can slip his way out of it.

Hammond rolls out of the ring and hits KillJoy with a few punches. He gets behind the cart and eyes the steel stairs. He runs and pushes the cart full force towards the stairs. The cart crashes and Killjoy goes flying out onto the concrete. Hammond walks over a grabs the fire extinguisher. He walks over the a crotched KillJoy and smashes the extinquisher on the back of KillJoy. He goes for the cover. 1... 2... KillJoy just gets an arm up. Hammond picks him up and quickly hits him with a neckbreaker. Hammond reaches under the ring and pulls out a table. He slides it into the ring and sets it up against a turnbuckle. While Hammond is doing this KillJoy appears to be taking something out of his pocket. Hammond rolls out and throws KillJoy in the ring. KillJoy stumbles to a turnbuckle and Hammond follows. He throws a few fists before going for an Irish Whip into the table. KillJoy counters and uses the item, a small bottle of hair spray, on Hammond. Hammond holds his face as KillJoy signals for the Noogie. He applies a headlock and starts noogieing Hammond to the delight of the crowd. Hammond powers out a pushes KillJoy towards the table. KillJoy stops short. Hammond runs at him with a clothesline, KillJoy ducks it. KillJoy hits a dropkick sending Hammond head first into the table. Hammond crashes through it, then falls backwards. KillJoy is excited and starts clapping his hands. He goes through the ropes and stands on the apron. He points to the crowd before jumping on the ropes, going for Death From Above. Hammond is up and catches KillJoy on his shoulders. KillJoy struggles to escape, but Hammond still hits London’s Calling. The pin, 1... 2... 3.

Harrys: Here is your winner, and still Mayhem Champion, Scott Hammond!

Hammond wipes his face, his eyes still burning a little. The ref brings him his belt, which he snatches away and holds high above his head. He rolls out of the ring and walks slowly up the ramp. KillJoy rolls to his belly and crawls to the ropes. Hammond turns around one last time, looking at KillJoy and raises his Mayhem belt.

Copeland: Hammond picking up the tough win here in his first offical title defense.

Cohen: You’re right there Seabass. Scott Hammond, greatest Mayhem champion of this decade.

Copeland: Perhaps a little too much there Jack, but coming up next, Garth Black, formally of Second Coming, takes on the Zero Hunter, Blade!
Harrys: The following match is scheduled for one fall.

“P.C.P” by the Manic Street Preachers hits the arena as the crowd cheer in anticipation of Garth Black. As pulsing lights flash around the arena, the music speeds up. As the strobe lights get more intense, Black appears on top of the ramp. He spins with his arms outstretched and begins to run down to the ring.

Copeland: There was been a lot of disharmony between Black and his partner Phoenix lately, Jack. Do you think that will play on Black's mind tonight.

Cohen: Of course it will, Seabass. These men were really close and now they seem to be drifting apart. He may hide it well but there will be a part of him that is thinking about it. He just needs to hope that it doesn't get the better of him.

Garth runs up the steps of the ring and gets into the ring. He takes of his attire and tosses his t-shirt at the fans. He turns to the ramp and waits for his opponent.

“Bliss” by Muse its the arena and the crowd immediately boo. Blade appears after a few seconds as the guitar riff of his entrance music plays. Blade sneers at the crowd for a moment and then does his signature taunt as one solitary shot of pyro shoots up from behind him. He begins to make his way down to the ring.

Cohen: That's my kind of reception, Seabass.

Copeland: No doubt that Blade is becoming a hated man around these parts, Jack. However, success speaks for itself and he has a mid-card championship spot waiting for him whenever he wants it.

Blade gets to the ring and walks up the steps. He gets into the ring and walks past Garth and onto the second rope in the opposite corner from where he entered. He does his taunt once more and removes his entrance attire. The referee makes his final checks and signals for the bell.

Both men start out the match cautiously as they circle the ring, waiting for the other man to make the first move. They tie up in the centre of the ring and Blade lands a knee to the gut of his opponent. He quickly unleashes a volley of punches to the head of Garth that staggers him. Blade pushes him back onto the ropes and whips him across the ring. As Garth comes back, Blade attempts a lariat. Garth ducks underneath Blade's outstretched arm and hits the ropes again. As he returns for the second time, Garth launches himself at Blade and lands with a crossbody and holds for the cover as both men hit the canvas for the first time. The referee goes to count the pin but Blade powers out before his count has even begun. Both men spring to their feet and Blade runs at Garth. Garth is too quick for him and lands an arm-drag on Blade that tosses him across the ring. Blade gets to his feet and rushes Garth again. Once more, Garth lands a deep arm-drag that sends Blade flying. The crowd cheer loudly as Blade gets to his feet, clutching his back. Garth tells him to “come get some” and motions with his hand as the crowd cheer louder.

Copeland: The crowd are loving this match so far, Jack.

Cohen: That's because this crowd is stupid, Seabass. They are neglecting the sheer talent of Blade.

Blade rushes him and takes Garth down with a clothesline. Blade lifts his arms to taunt to the crowd, taking his eyes off of his opponent. Black takes advantage of this and rolls Blade up with a small package. The referee makes a count of 2 before Blade kicks out. Garth gets to his feet as a wide smile appears on his face. Blade looks shocked and his face shows this. His features turn to that of anger and he gets to his feet once more. Both men circle the ring again and stare each other down. Blade rushes Garth as he looks to change his fortunes in the match. However, Garth pulls the top rope down and Blade goes flying over it as his momentum turns against him. Blade tumbles to the floor below as the crowd cheer again. Blade gets to his feet and his anger is now over-flowing. He tosses his arms out to the side and begins to laugh maniacally. He looks at Garth, who is standing inside the ring, with disdain and then shakes his head as the crowd boo him. Blade walks around the outside of the ring and reaches the ramp. He shakes his head again as the referee begins his count.

Copeland: Garth Black has been mightily impressive thus far and Blade doesn't look comfortable in this match, Jack.

Cohen: That's because he doesn't have an opponent that is on his level, Seabass.

Copeland: Right now, he needs to show that he is better than Garth instead of moaning on the outside of the ring.

Blade turns and begins to walk up the ramp. Garth cannot believe it and turns to the crowd in question. The referee's count has reached 4 and Blade is some way up the ramp. Blade stops and puts his hands on his hips for a second. He turns once more and walks back towards the ring. A muted applause goes around the arena as he makes his way back. The referee reaches a count of 8 as Blade gets to the ring, all of a sudden, Garth launches himself out of the ring to meet Blade with a flying body splash. The crowd roar loudly as Garth launches a volley of punches to his opponent as they scrap it out on the floor outside the ring. Garth picks Blade up and tosses him into the ring. Blade gets to his feet and runs against the ropes as Garth is getting into the ring. Blade meets him with a knee that knock Garth out of the ring once more. Blade does his signature taunt as the crowd boo loudly. Garth gets to his feet and slides under the bottom rope. Blade grabs him by the hair and pulls him to his feet. Garth gets to his feet slowly with some assistance from Blade. Blade throws his arm at Garth, looking for a lariat to connect. However, Black sees it coming and ducks under Blade's arm once again. He launches himself off of the ropes on the opposite side of the ring from his opponent and on his return, lands a hurricarana. This takes Blade to the mat once again. Garth covers him and manages a two count as Blade powers out.

Copeland: I cannot believe how dominant Garth has been thus far, Jack.

Cohen: ...

Garth gets Blade to his feet and gives him and Irish whip. As Blade returns, Garth lands a spinning heel kick. Blade gets to his feet and is met with an enziguiri from Garth. Blade hits the canvas again as Garth begins to mount the turnbuckle. The crowd go crazy as they see the end of the match in the near future. Garth looks as though he is going to hit the “Black Magic” but Blade sees this coming and immediately rolls out of the ring. Garth looks disappointed as Blade looks at him from the outside. Garth drops from the top rope and invites Blade back into the ring. Blade puts his hand to his face as a stream of blood begins to trickle from the corner of his mouth. Blade turns once more and heads up the ramp. The referee begins to count as the crowd boo intensely. Blade reaches the top of the ramp and looks at Garth. He mouths “I have better things to do than toy with you” and slowly makes his way through the curtain. The referee continues his count and reaches ten as the crowd boo and Garth looks disappointed.

Harrys: Here is your winner by way of countout, “The Welsh Dragon”... Garth Black!

Copeland: What a cowardly move by Blade to hand Garth the match.

Cohen: He was absolutely right, Seabass. He does have bigger fish to fry. I don't blame him one bit.
Harrys: The following contest is a non-title match, scheduled for one-fall!

Big Dave walks onto the ramp, grinning from ear to ear with the EurAsian title throw over his shoulder.

Harrys: Introducing first, from London, England, the new EurAsian champion, Big Dave!

Cohen: Mmmm, can you feel it? There’s nothing like seeing a truly worthy champion with the belt.

Copeland: You said the exact same thing when Cougar won the belt...

The crowd boo loudly as Dave slides into the ring and goes up onto the nearest turnbuckle. He raises his title belt over his head, taking in the crowd reaction. USA’s music hits and the crowd pops as he walks through the curtain and down the ramp

Harrys: And his opponent, weighing in a 257 pounds, USA!

USA gets into the ring and salute’s the crowd as Dave watches on . The referee calls for the bell and both men lock up in the centre of the ring. Dave backs USA into the corner and the referee breaks the tie-up. Dave takes a step back and slaps USA and shouts “I’m the champ, you understand?” Suddenly USA erupts from the corner, delivering rights and lefts to Dave, who stumbles backwards. USA Irish Whips Dave into the ropes, Dave runs back and USA hits a Samoan Drop. He quickly goes for the cover, 1... 2... Kick out by Dave!

Cohen: The brave EurAsian champ showing his resiliency!

Copeland: We’re only 20 seconds into the match....

USA picks up Dave and starts throwing right hands to his head. He backs Dave into the corner and takes a few steps back. USA tries to clothesline Dave in the corner, but Dave rolls out of the way, and starts hitting USA with some right punches of his own. Dave runs at USA and spears him in the corner. Dave then Irish Whips USA into the opposite corner, USA bounces off the turnbuckles and stumbles into the middle of the ring where he’s met with a big boot from Dave. With USA down, Dave walks around the ring with his arms raised as the crowd boo. Dave picks USA up and grabs him by the throat, but USA pushes Dave’s arm away and hits a few punches to Dave. He goes for a clothesline, but Dave ducks under it. USA turns around and is met with a big DDT from Dave. Dave places his foot on USA’s chest, cockily pinning him, 1....2... USA kicks out. Dave starts stomping on USA’s head, but suddenly Blade walks out onto the entrance ramp!

Copeland: What is Blade doing here?

Cohen: He told us he had bigger things to worry about and he wasn’t lying! He’s got his title shot and he’s scouting his possible opponents!

Dave stares down Blade, who smirks back. Dave turns around and USA comes out of nowhere, kicking Dave in the gut. He lifts Dave up and Bombs Bursting in Air! USA goes for the pin, 1... 2... Dave gets a shoulder up! Blade sarcastically claps from the entrance ramp as USA pounds the mat in frustration. USA kicks Dave in the gut again to go for the Jacknife Powerbomb, but Dave grabs USA’s legs, trips him up and locks in a sharpshooter. Dave is barely conscious, but still leans back with all his weight on USA, who is screaming in agony. USA crawls forward, inching towards the ropes. Just has USA is about to grab the ropes, Dave drags him back into the centre of the ring. Blade casually starts walking down the ramp and locks eyes with Dave. With this momentary lapse of concentration, USA quickly pulls himself forward and grabs the ropes. Dave turns around and goes to pick up USA, but he’s met with a right hand to the face. USA quickly gets up and hits Dave with a Fall Away Slam. USA signals for his finishing move, waiting for Dave to get up. Dave shakily gets to his feet and USA kicks him in the gut. USA puts Dave’s head between his legs and gets ready to lift up Dave for the Rocket’s Red Glare Powerbomb, but suddenly Blade jumps up on the apron. USA stares at Blade, who is still smirking. Dave takes the moment of hesitation, grabbing USA’s legs and tripping him up. Dave jumps over into a Jacknife pin, 1... 2... 3!

Harrys: Here is your winner, the EurAsian champion, Big Dave!

Blade jumps off the apron and starts walking to the back. Dave rolls out of the ring as he’s handed his belt and watches Blade walk away looking confused and USA looks livid inside the ring.

Copeland: He’s playing a dangerous game here, messing with both the EurAsian champion and the Elite X champion at the same time....

Cohen: Well Blade was looking to make a statement tonight to his possible opponent, and I think he was quite successful.

"Meet The Monster" by Five Finger Death Punch plays as Trevor Steel makes his way out. He walks down the entrance ramp, not raising his head or acknowledging the fans at all. He enters the ring and sits down in the corner, waiting for his opponent.

Harrys: Introducing first, from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He stands 6'1" and weighs 270 lbs, Trevor Steel!


Showtime makes his way onto the ramp. He walks down the entrance ramp, looking more focused than usual.

Harrys: Introducing first, from Winnipeg, Canada, weighing 213 pounds, David Cougar!

The crowd are really warming up to Cougar with more cheers than boos.

Cohen: This should be a good match, both have been adversaries for such a long time.

Copeland: My money's with Showtime on this one, Steel hasn't been with it for quite some time.

The bell goes as Steel runs to the right of Showtime and off the ropes. Showtime looks confused at this as Steel attempts a running bulldog. Showtime manages to duck it and he grabs Steel. Cougar then gives him the "Showstopper" as Steel crashes down on the mat. Show then goes for the "Commercial Break" as Steel taps almost immediately.

Harrys: Here is your winner....Showtime

Copeland: My goodness, Steel does not look well at all. Join us after the break for our main event!
Harrys: The following six man tag team match is scheduled for one fall!

“Broken Soul” plays throughout the arena as Lars Reidar starts his slow walk down the isle focused on the ring, not looking back or to the sides. He climbs between the second and third rope and walks to the corner and stares at it deeply

Harrys: Introducing first, from Ragnarog, weighing in at 275 pounds, Lars Reidar!

‘Blackened the Sun’ plays throughout a blackened arena as the static like flash of white light goes off and on as Ty Burna emerges onto the stage and slowly makes his way to the ring, cloaked in his hood as always. He holds his old Ouija scroll in his outstretched hand as normal and climbs into the ring.

Harrys: Weighing in at 235 pounds, Ty Burna!

‘Supernova Goes Pop’ kicks in as Everest comes out onto the stage and strolls straight down the ramp, looking focused and ready for combat.

Harrys: From Los Angeles, California, weighing in at 205 pounds, Everest!

Cohen: Who would have thought that after Lethal Lottery Lars Reidar and Everest would be teaming up with Ty Burna. Talk about a powerful team.

Copeland: More like a huge mismatch if ever there was one.

The lights go down as “Down with the Sickness” starts to play, once the momentum of the music picks up the lights come back with Corey Payne on the stage punching away at the air with a beautiful display of white and gold pyros going off. He walks down the ramp and takes the time to high fives some adoring fans. He backs up a few steps from the ring to stare the Chamber that awaits him

Harrys: Their opponents. First from Las Vegas, Nevada, weighing in at 250 pounds, he is your King For A Day, Corey Payne!

‘Wanna Be Loved’ starts playing to a huge ovation as Carmen Bratchny runs down the isle. He proceeds to do his usual lap around the ring giving low fives to fans as he completes his lap with the belt raised in the air.

Harrys: From Moscow, Russia, weighing in at 230 pounds, The Real World Champion, Carmen Bratchny!


The crowd erupts as Titus comes out onto the stage, he is clearly moved by this reaction as he gives hi fives to the crowd. Once again he gives Bellamy the Disco Spider another huge hug as Bellamy is almost moved to tears.

Cohen: Who on Earth is that fan? Titus seems to always hug him.

Copeland: That would be Bellamy the Disco Spider.

Cohen: Oh that fool who writes for I have no time for him, this should be an easy win for team Everest

Copeland: I wouldn't be so sure!

Harrys: From Keystone City, Kansas, weighing in at 215 pounds, he is the WZCW World Heavyweight Champion, Titus!

The two teams have a debate amongst each other who goes first and it’s decided that Titus and Everest will start off against for their teams as the referee signals for the bell, Titus makes a few steps forward towards Everest who suddenly turns and tags Ty Burna in to a huge boo from the crowd. Ty climbs in with a smirk on this face as Titus stands there staring at his tall opponent, he then shrugs and hits some rights on Ty followed by a European uppercut before slamming him to the mat and dropping a knee. He then gets Ty onto his feet and goes for the irish whip but Ty uses his power to counter it and catch Titus with a spinebuster.

Cohen: Oh clever work by Everest there, he knew to be careful

Copeland: Ty with the quick advantage, this should be a cover.

Ty gets up and leans against the corner, waiting for Titus to get back up, he measures up on Titus and goes for he bicycle kick but Titus ducks and then rolls Ty in a schoolboy 1……2….kickout by Ty. Titus then tags in Corey Payne to a huge ovation from the crowd but gets a sinister look from Ty who walks up to Payne and talks down at him stating Payne was only lucky. Payne turns around and quickly catches Ty with a backfist out of nowhere. He gets Ty back on his feet and gives a kick to the gut, followed by a right to the head and then locks on Ty’s head and hits a DDT.

Copeland: He failed to capitalise and Payne is one man who won't back down, he's going at this with a knee injury and hasn't even slowed.

Payne is up on his feet and walks by the ropes and looks behind to check where Lars and Everest stand but Lars is somehow not in his team corner. Payne, the ref and Everest debate where Lars is who appears from the opposite side and grabs Payne to throw him into the ring post before getting back into his corner. Ty gets back up and then rolls Payne onto his shoulders and uses his feet on the ropes 1…..2….kickout by Payne. Ty goes over and tags Lars in to a series of boos from the crowd, despite this he gets Payne on his feet, picking him up and then slamming Payne’s shoulder into his knee with the shoulderbreaker. Lars then drops to a knee and forces Payne’s shoulder against it in a submission like move, Payne tries to hold off the look of pain on his face before reaching for Lars’ head with his free arm and then counters into a small package 1…..2….kickout by Lars.

Cohen: It will take a lot more than that to beat Lars Reidar

Payne crawls over to his corner and tags in Bratchny who has no hesitation going after Lars with a strong kick in the chest while Lars is still down. He gets Lars up and hits a sidewalk slam, he signals that he’s going from the top rope and heads over to the turnbuckle. He climbs up but Lars stirs back to his feet, so Bratchny tries for a missile dropkick but Lars ducks down, leaving Bratchny landing on the canvas. Lars gets up quick and takes Bratchny by the head and drops the inverted DDT followed by the cover 1……2….kickout by Bratchny. He doesn’t argue with the ref and quickly gets Bratchny onto his feet and signals for the Judge, Jury and Executioner, he gets Bratchny up in the air and plants him into the canvas. He goes for the cover as Ty and Everest climb in to stop Titus and Payne from helping Bratchny 1……2….kickout to the shock of Lars, Everest and Ty.

Titus and Payne climb in and start brawling with Everest and Ty as Lars gets caught up in the brawl and is taken down by a clothesline from Titus. Payne irish whips Ty against the ropes one way as Titus does the same to Everest in the other direction and both hit a spinning heel kick to knock their opponents out of the ring. Payne goes back to his corner as Bratchny crawls nearer. Titus taunts to the crowd and points at Lars who is slowly getting back up onto his feet, he hits the Tit Drop on his long time adversary right when Bratchny tags Payne in. He runs right over to the fallen Lars and goes for the pin 1……2……3.

Copeland: That is what you call team work!

Cohen: That is what you call cheating!

Harrys: Here are your winners, Corey Payne, Carmen Bratchny and Titus!

Cohen: They won't coexist for long. Anyhow tune in to Ascension tomorrow night where I will have a much more attractive assistant!
Who wrote what:
Intro/SteelvCougar - Lee
Six man tag - Phoenix
Mayhem - Showtime
Blade/Black - Thunder Dave
USA v Phoenix - Blade
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