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Meltdown 35

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Meltdown 32 said:
Backstage in the parking lot area where a group of wrestlers and staff have gathered. The camera moves in to reveal Titus lying on the ground next to a parked car, the windshield shattered and glass lying everywhere. Chuck Myles comes running up to the scene.

Myles: What happened here?

Trevor Steel: Titus was attacked and two people ran off down the street before we could get a look at them.

I know who did this, it was that damned rWo. I can’t have them running around attacking my talent, especially the number one contender to the WZCW title. Heads will roll for this I promise. Starting immediately,
Ricky is suspended until further notice.

Steel and the other wrestlers look on as Titus is slowly moved onto a stretcher and loaded into the back of an ambulance as Meltdown goes off the air.

Ascension 9 said:
Ricky: At the beginning of Ascension, I announced that I knew who attacked you a few weeks ago Titus. Since you won the Lethal Lottery, your ego has grown out of control and someone had to take you down a peg. I actually commend this man for doing it. I know at the beginning of the show that I was angry but the more I think about it, the more I realise that this man was working towards the same goals as we were.

Titus grabs a mic from a stagehand and begins to speak back.

Titus: You know, Ricky. I am sick of this back and forth between us two. I have already seen Vance Bateman today. He informed me that you and I will be doing battle again next week. It’s going to be you and me in a lumberjack match to settle this thing once and for all.

Ricky looks slightly taken aback for a second but composes himself before speaking once more.

Ricky: I have to admit that you took me a little by surprise there, Titus. However, whatever you can do, I can do better.

Ricky drops the mic and begins to walk purposefully down to the ring. Titus looks ready for a fight but Ricky signals for Dave and Ace to stop halfway down and then gives a gesture high into the crowd. All of a sudden, a masked man dressed entirely in black, comes from the crowd and attacks Titus once more. Carmen jumps at him and drives him back as Titus begins to get to his feet. Ricky signals for Dave and Ace to go down to the ring. Both of them run at once and begin to take on Carmen and Titus. After beating down Titus, Dave and Ace go and help the masked assailant who is now dominating a weary Carmen. After hitting the Full House on Carmen, the rWo toss him out of the ring, leaving Titus as the only one apart from the Daves and the attacker in the ring.

Ricky enters through the middle ropes and walk over to Titus.

Ricky: Like I said, Titus. I have a surprise for you too. You see, I went to see Vance today too and he informed of our match. Little do you know that I used my new-found power around here to turn it into a lumberjack match.

The crowd go wild for the mention of the match and wait with baited breath for the reveal.

Ricky: So next week, it will be Steamboat Ricky and Titus one last time. This time, I will have the full accompaniment of the rWo and it’s newest member…

Ricky pulls of the mask.


Connor: I don’t believe it!

Cohen: Ha! I knew it! The rWo are unstoppable now, CC. Beware of the rWo!


*Pyros go off*

Copeland: The Road to Kingdom Come starts to get more treacherous as we saw last week with Karnage joining the rWo and being revealed as Titus' attacker. That issue will get solved on Ascension, but tonight here in Hamburg, Germany is Meltdown where we will look to see if more Kingdom Come matches will be reading, whilst deciding the fate of the EurAsian Championship. Hello again everybody, I'm Sebastian Copeland, alongside Jack Cohen, and we're at ringside in what will be an explosive Meltdown, the last before the Megashow before Kingdom Come!

Cohen: And no doubt it will be a night to remember! Let's start us off with some rookies now!

Harrys: The following match is scheduled for one fall with the winner recieving a WZCW contract.

The Guillotine by Escape The Fate hits as CardiffCam sprints down to the ring. He stops at the bottom and mimicks a sniper aimed at the crowd. He then slides into the ring and continues to taunt the crowd.

Harrys: Introducing first, from Cardiff, Wales, he weighs in at 190 pounds, CardiffCam!

Copeland: CardiffCam is really fancying himself a big shot in there Jack. What do you make of this first contract hopeful?

Cohen: An assasin with an attitude. I like him Seabass. He seems focused and ready for his match, and has a cocky attitude to back it up.

Copeland: Well the most important thing so far is that he showed up. He’ll get his chance to show us his stuff just like his two opponents.

Boom by POD plays as The Tornado runs down the ramp and slides into the ring. He climbs the turnbuckle and pounds his chest.

Harrys: His opponent, from Philadelphia, Pensylvania, weighing in at 255 pounds, The Tornado!

The Tornado stands in the middle of the ring and begins to spin in fast circles. CardiffCam charges and knocks him down with a forearm. He then picks him up and throws him into the corner. CardiffCam starts booting the chest of Tornado. CardiffCam picks up Tornado and hooks his head under his arm. DDT connects.

Copeland: Cardiff getting this match started before his other opponent has entered the ring.

Cohen: This is intelligent strategy from the arrogant assasin. Cardiff may get the quick win here.

The Destroyer comes running down to the ring. He slides under the ring but Cardiff is there to greet him with some rights. Destroyer is against the ropes. Cardiff Irish whips him across the ring and clotheslines him over the ropes. The Destroyer lands on his feet and slams the announce table with his hands. Cardiff picks The Tornado up, runs and throws him over the ropes onto The Destroyer. Cardif taunts at his opponents.

Harrys: A...and from Parts Unknown, weighing in at 305 pounds, The Destroyer!

The Destroyer and The Tornado are up. The Destroyer shoves The Tornado angerly to the ground and climbs into the ring. He goes for a clothesline. Cardiff ducks and feeds him some rights. He goes for an Irish whip, Destroyer reverses. He ducks to flip Cardiff over. Cardiff stops and kicks him in the chest. Clothesline by Cardiff as he starts punching The Destroyer in the face on the mat. The Tornado comes in and kicks Cardiff in the back. Tornado goes to Irish whip Cardiff, Cardiff reverses. Tornado off the ropes. High spinebuster by Cardiff. He goes for the cover and gets a 2.

Copeland: Cardiff has been really impressive all match. His opponents just can’t seem to find their groove.

Cohen: The big stage is a scary place for young wrestlers. Some men just can’t handle the spot light. The Assaisn can.

The Destroyer is up and grabs Cardiff by the chest. He throws him into the corner and lands and few rib shots. Destroyer puts Cardif on the top rope. He grabs his throat looking for a Military Press. Cardiff with some forearms, rakes the eyes of Destroyer. Destroyer realses and stumbles to the centre of the ring. He turns to see a flying Cardiff. Blockbuster hits. Cradiff jumps up. Tornado charges at him. Cardiff catches him with a backbreaker. He goes for a pin. 1... 2..., Destroyer breaks it up with a boot. He clubs the back of Cardiff and helps him up. Cardiff surprises him and lifts him into a firemans carry. Destroyer counters out of it and hits Cardiff from behind. He lifts him up on his shoulders. He goes for a running shoulder breaker. Cardiff slides down the back and pushes Destroyer into the tunbuckle. Roll up. 1... 2..., Tornado breaks it up. Tornado goes for an Irish whip. Cardiff counters, connects with an STO. Goes for the pin. 1... 2..., close kickout by Tornado. Tornado crawls to the rope. Cardiff punches Destroyer leaning on the ropes. He goes for an Irish whip, reversed by Destroyer. Tornado pulls down the rope and Cardiff goes flying over the rope.

Copeland: And Cardiff crashes hard. This mishap could cost him the match.

Cohen: The Tornado and The Destoryer are looking for a quick victory before Cardiff recovers. Look for some quick action.

Destroyer and Tornado stare each other down. Both charge at each other. Clothesline by both men knocks them both to the mat. Cardiff slides into the ring. Tornado is up first and Cardiff stands over him. Sitdown Piledriver. Destroyer is up next and Cardiff connects with The Final Shot, implant DDT. 1... 2... 3.

Harrys: Here is your winner, CardiffCam

Copeland: Cardiff with a very impressive win here Jack.

Cohen: It was like his two opponents didn’t even show up.

Copeland: Indeed it was.

We cut backstage to Everest who arrives in his locker room

Cohen: Speaking of showing up!

Copeland: Everest is here and he'll be looking to show his dominance once again as he takes on Bratchny, it's our Main Event tonight!

Everest starts unpacking his suitcase whilst resting his title belt on a chair.

We cut to Doug Crashin who's in front of the Meltdown logo with Becky Serra

Serra: Standing with me at this time is Doug Crash...

Crashin: Excuse me, I think you me "The Incredible One, Doug Crashin".

Serra: Sorry, I just...

Crashin: You know what, I don't need you to introduce me as these fans know me. In fact, I'm going to show them the competitor that right now! This interview is over!

Crashin storms off with Becky looking puzzled at his reaction.
Harrys: The following contest, scheduled for one fall is a two on one handicap match!

Kansas hits and the arena lets out a pop. The orange lights flicker throughout the arena as Karzai and Lights come out onto the entrance ramp.

Harrys: Introducing first, at a combined weight of 458 pounds, Heavy Artillery!

They hold their fists in the air, and go down the entrance ramp and slide into the ring. They go to opposite corners and taunt for the crowd.

Cohen: I'm so sick of these guys disrespecting great wrestlers like Doug Crashin. He's more man than both of these guys put together.

Copeland: Well Crashin is certainly gonna have his work cut out for him tonight!

The lights go out of the arena. Green money signs fill the spot lights as they pan in the arena while strobes flash as ‘Black Betty’ starts playing. A spotlight shines down on the stage as Doug Crashin appears on the stage with his back to the camera. He starts walking down the entrance ramp, flipping off some fans. He climbs into the ring and tells Anderson to leave the ring and motions for a ceiling mic to drop down.

Crashin: Ladies and Gentleman! The opponent of the world's worst tag team is a man who weighs in tonight at 240 pounds! He hails from Yokohama, Japan and is The Incredible One, Doug Craaaaassssshhhhhiiiiinnnnnn!

Crashing lets go of the microphone and smirks at Lights and Karzai, who are in the corner discussing who's going to start the match. They both nod and Karzai steps outside the ring onto the apron. Lighs and Crashin walk towards each other and Crashin pushes Lights backwards. Lights runs at Crashin and takes him down before unleashing a flurry of punches. Crashing manages to push Lights off and gets to his feet but he's met with a big clothesline from Lights. Lights picks Crashin up and hits a suplex and goes for a quick pin. 1... 2... Kick out. Crashin crawls into the corner and Lights gives him a few stomps. Lights then pushes his boot into Crashin's throat. The referee counts to 4 and Lights backs off. Crashin uses the ropes to help him to his feet and Lights again runs at Crashin, but Crashing drops and hits a drop toe hold on Lights, whose head goes straight into the middle turnbuckle and bounces backwards. Crashin shakes the cobwebs out of his head and
goes for a pin. 1... 2... Kick out by Lights.

Copeland: The action is pretty back and forth so far, you wouldn't know it's a handicap match!

Cohen: That's a testament to Crashin's skill.

Crashin picks up Lights and hits him with a few punches but Lights blocks the fourth punch a hits Crashin with big boot. Lights leans against the ropes for a moment to recover before walking over to his corner and tagging in Karzai. Karzai goes straight for Crashin's already hurt head with a few stomps. Karzai picks up Crashin and delivers a big uppercut, making Crashin stumble backward into the ropes. He bounces back and Karzai lifts him up for a Spinebuster but Crashin elbows Karzai a few times before finally being able to reverse into a DDT. Both men are down and the referee starts the count. Both men start slowly getting up, and finally make it to their feet as the referee reaches 7. Karzai delivers a right hand to Crashin which Crashin instantly returns. Both men exchange shots with each one harder than the last. Crashin swings for an elbow shot but Karzai ducks under it. Karzai tries to hit a Shuffle Sidekick but Crashin catches his leg and delivers an Exploder Suplex on Karzai. Crashin picks up Karzai and Irish whips him. As Karzai hits the ropes, Lights slaps his shoulder for the blind tag. Karzai goes off the ropes and ducks under Crashin's clothesline. Lights quickly gets into the ring and catches Crashin with a running Forearm Smash. Crashin gets back up and is hit with a double dropkick from both members of Heavy Artillery. Crashin is on the mat, dazed. Lights and Karzai grin at each other, then point at Crashin while looking at the crowd who let out a big cheer. They pick up Crashin and hit the Bed of Nails. Lights covers Crahin, 1... 2... 3!

Harrys: Here are your winners, Heavy Artillery!

Copeland: No real surprises here!

Cohen: Quiet, Seabass! That was a valiant effort from Doug Crashin!
Harrys: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!

Bad Case Of Loving You (Doctor, Doctor) by Robert Palmer plays as Dr. Steven Kurtesy Stands on the entrance ramp and looks around with his hand over the top of his eyes into the distance. He walks down to the ring and slides in under the rope.

Harrys: First, from San Diego, California, weighing in at 235 pounds, he is one half of the WZCW tag team champions, Dr. Steven Kurtesy!

Copeland: This will be Dr Steven Kurtesy’s first singles match here in WZCW. Jack how well do you think he will do against Garth.

Cohen: Terrible or terrific Seabass, one or the other. We will get a close look at just how good a wrestler the good docter is. This match will be a battle of psychies, Steven Kurtesy might just be able to outpsych Garth.

P.C.P by the Manic Street Preachers hits the PA system as Garth Black comes out to loud cheer from the crowd. He is accompanied by flashing strobe lights as he appears on the top of the ramp.

Harrys: And his opponent, from London, England, weighing in at 168 pounds, Garth Black!

Copeland: Second Coming lost the WZCW tag team titles to Teach N’ Kurtesy before they really got started, and they appear as determined as ever to reclaim them.

Cohen: Second Coming got a taste of what it was like to be the champions and they want it back. But that determination could also cause them to fail. Perfection is unabtainable. If they are too focused at winning it will back fire.

Copeland: Garth indeed looks extremely focused here tonight. Were going to eb in for an exciting match.

The bell sounds. Both men circle around the ring and then lock up. Kurtesy works it into a headlock. Garth goes to push Kurtesy off. Kurtesy runs still holding Garth and drops to the mat. Garth still trying to fight Kurtesys headlock gets back up to standing position. Garth goes for a Judo Throw. Kurtesy still holds on and Garth flips on top of Kurtesy as they fall on the mat. The ref checks Garth. He starts swinging some elbows and Kurtesy finally lets go. Both men stand up and again lock up. Kurtesy again applies a headlock. Garth fights out of it and pushes Kurtesy into the ropes. Kurtesy runs back and drops Garth with a shoulder. He bounces off the ropes, Garth rolls under. Garth leaps over a running Kurtesy and then catches Kurtesy running back with a missle drop kick. Kurtesy up quickly goes for a clothesline. Garth ducks and runs off the ropes. Spinning wheel kick connects.

Copeland: Kurtesy was keeping Garth grounded early with those headlocks, but now Garth is picking up the pace.

Cohen: And that is exactely how Garth Black likes it. Smart strategy by Kurtesy early, he’ll have to find a way to get back there if he wants to finally win a match on his own.

Garth picks up Kurtesy, Roundhouse kicks him into the corner. Garth throwing some punches now. He Irish whips Kurtesy. Kurtesy reverses. Garth grabs the ropes and leaps over a charging Kurtesy. Kurtesy reacts. Low Side kick to the gut of Garth. Kurtesy snapmares Garth into the corner. Garth resting against the bottom two turnbuckles. Kurtesy backs up and charges. Dropkick connects, bouncing Garth off the turnbuckles. Garth begins kicking his legs in pain. Kurtesy covers. 1... 2..., kickout by Garth. Kurtesy pulls him to the centre. Goes for a leg drop. He hits it. Goes for the cover and gets a 2. Kurtesy grabs Garths leg. Goes for a Single Leg Boston Crap. He locks it in. Garth is crying out in pain. He begins to struggle towards the ropes. He makes his way closer and reaches out his arm. Kurtesy releases the hold and pulls Garth back to centre. Elbow drop by Kurtesy on Garth’s knee. Kurtesy then twists Garth legs. He locks in the Indian Deathlock. Garth screams frantically as the ref checks if he’s tapping.

Copeland: And Kurtesy has really been trying hard to end this match, giving an all out assault on Garths upper and lower body.

Cohen: Kurtesy’s strategy is to put Garth in as many painful submission moves as he can and the results are working.

Ref checks on Garth again. He is desperately trying to crawl to the nearest rope. He reaches out and just gets a hand on it. Ref counts to 3 and Kurtesy lets go. Garth struggles to his feet as Kurtesy chuckles. He Irish whips Garth who falls to the ground before hitting the ropes. Kurtesy laughs and struts over. He picks up Garth and goes for another Irish whip. Garth comes off the ropes, ducks a kick by Kurtesy. Black Out connects leaving both men out on the mat. Ref counts to 8 and both men are on their feet. They exchange fists. Garth hits two that daze Kurtesy. He bounces off the ropes, ducks a clothesline and jumps on the ropes. Springboard crossbody hits. Garth waits for Kurtesy to stand up. Leaps onto his shoulders looking for Hurricanrana. Kurtesy holds him and looks to powerbomb. Garth withsome punches, flips backwards and lands on his feet. Garth kicks, Kurtesy catches it. Garth goes for enziguri. Kurtesy ducks. Garth lands on his hurt leg and falls. Kurtesy picks him up, Release German suplex. Kurtesy with a pin. Anoter close 2 count. Kurtesy picks Garth by the throat. Goes for Shock Method. Garth leaps onto the shoulders of Kurtesy, spins and hits a hurricanrana. Garth is up first. He charges Kurtesy, running enziguri connects. Garth goes for Black Death, he locks it in. Kurtesy near the ropes, manages to reach them quickly. Garth lets go. He walks to the corner and climbs up the turnbuckle, Kurtesy to his feet. Garth with a flying body splash. Kurtesy catches him by the throat, Shock Method. Garth rolls to the side. Kurtesy covers Garth. 1... 2....., Garth gets his foot on the rope.

Copeland: So close Kurtesy was to picking up the win.

Cohen: Yea, but Garth doesn’t have much left. The good doctor is in the zone.

Kurtesy picks up Garth and puts him on the turnbuckle. Kurtesy climbs up looking for a superplex. Garth with some punches trying to fight out. He kicks the leg of Kurtesy and Kurtesy falls to his feet on the mat. Garth hooks his head. Black hole by Garth. Garth crawls to the corner and climbs the turnbuckle, looking for Black Magic. Kurtesy is up and arm drags Garth to the mat. Kurtesy still holding the arm goes for an armbar. As Kurtesy falls backward to lock it in, Garth rolls over, grabs Kurtesys legs and flips over. 1... 2..... 3.

Harrys: Here is your winner Garth Black!

Copeland: My word Jack. What an exciting contest we just witnessed. Both men hitting big moves throughout and a quick roll up via a reversed armbar wins the match for Black.

Cohen: I never doubted Garth for a second. The Doctor may be smart but Garth out smarted him this time.

The ref raises Garth’s arm. Kurtesy with and look of anger in his face, looks shocked and then rolls outside the ring. Garth approaches the ropes and moves his hands over his waist, saying he’ll take that belt. Kurtesy grabs his belt and holds it up as he walks to the back, staring angerly at Garth.

We cut backstage to a splitscreen of Corey Payne and Ty Burna with Serafina walking past the tech crew as they head to the arena.

Copeland: Up next is another warm up match for the King For A Day Elimination Chamber Match at Kingdom Come. Corey Payne was successful in taking down Matt Royale, how will he fair against his next opponent, Ty Burna?

Cohen: It's hard to say, especially when you can't class a singles match as a warm up for an Elimination Chamber. Can we see them go at it in a cage? No?

Copeland: Anyhow, it's live and it's up next!
Harrys: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!

"Down With the Sickness" by Disturbed begins playing as Corey Payne makes his way out to a loud cheer from the crown. He throws a few punches and kicks into the air before making his way down to the ring. He slides in and hops up onto the second turnbuckle and holds his fist up into the air.

Harrys: Introducing first, from Las Vegas Nevada. He stands' 6'3" and weighs 250 lbs, Corey Payne!

"Blackened the Sun" by Tech N9ne begins playing as Ty Burna and Serafina make their way out to the entrance ramp as the lights go out and static white light begins flickering. They make the slow walk down to the ring. Ty hands his Ouija scroll to Serafina and takes his hoodie off and stares down Payne.

Harrys: And his opponent, from Parts Unknown. He stands 6'3" and weighs 235 lbs, Ty Burna!

Copeland: Payne was able to defeat Royale last week and now faces another KFAD opponent tonight in Ty Burna.

Cohen: Payne got lucky last week Seabass. This week his luck has run out and he will get mauled by Ty who I think is the favorite going into the KFAD match.

The ref signals for the bell and the two men walk towards the middle of the ring. Payne suddenly goes for a roundhouse kick, but Ty ducks and hits a quick kick to the midsection. He whips Payne into the ropes and hits a clothesline off the rebound. He picks Payne up and whips him into the corner. He follows up and goes for a big splash in the corner, but Payne moves out of the way and goes for a roll up, getting a two count. Ty quickly gets to his feet and connects with a right hand, knocking Payne backwards. Ty rushes forward and goes for a running high knee, but Payne moves out of the way and lifts Ty up and hits an elevated side slam. He covers him and gets a two count.

Copeland: Payne has taken the early advantage here with that side slam Cohen, how much would this mean to him to gain victory over two of his KFAD opponents?

Cohen: It won't happen first of all Seabass. Ty has way too much stamina compared to Payne's penchant for going only 5 minutes at a time. Eventually he will wear down and that is where Ty is at his best.

Payne goes for an armbar suddenly and stretches Ty's arm out. Ty winces in pain but quickly gets a foot on the rope, causing the ref to break the hold. Payne gets to his feet and motions for Ty to get up, and rushes forward and goes for a Superman punch. Ty ducks and catches him in mid air and suddenly drops him down hard with a spinebuster! Ty gets up and bounces off the ropes and connects with a knee drop across the head of Payne. He goes for the cover but only gets a two count. Ty lifts Payne to his feet and tries whipping him into the ropes. Payne reverses and goes for a roundhouse kick but Ty ducks under, hooks Paynes leg and drops him with a russian legsweep. He covers again and gets a two count.

Copeland: Ty has taken control of this match Cohen. He has taken it to Payne and is keeping him grounded.

Cohen: Ty is faster, stronger and most importantly smarter. He's showing all of that in the ring.

Copeland: So you think Ty has all the advantages over Payne?

Cohen: You're fast on the uptake today Seabass. Did you take your ginseng this morning for once?

Payne suddenly gets a rollup on Ty and gets a two count. Both men get to their feet slowly. Payne hits a few punches and kicks and knocks Ty into the corner. He hits a knee into Ty's midsection then lifts him up to the top turnbuckle. He climbs up and lifts Ty up into a superplex position. Ty punches Payne in the stomach and gains leverage, knocking Payne down to the mat. Ty stands up on the 2nd turnbuckle and flies off with a spinning wheel kick, connecting against the rising Payne. Ty gets up and lets out a feral roar before suddenly going for The Final Seance Triangle Choke! He locks it in and Payne struggles in the hold, desperately reaching out for the ropes.

Cohen: Tap! Tap you miserable MMA wannabe!

Copeland: Payne is in serious trouble here. Will he succumb to The Final Seance?

Payne begins fading and his body goes limp within the submission hold. The ref checks his arm twice, and it falls both times. He checks it one more time but Payne is able to keep his arm up. The crowd begins cheering on Payne as Payne shakes his fist in the air and in desperation he lunges and finally gets an arm on the rope. Ty holds the submission in until the count of four before finally breaking it. Ty gets to his feet and drags Payne up and whips him into the ropes. He goes for his bicycle kick but Payne ducks. Ty turns around and suddenly Payne hits a power slam on Ty, dropping him on his neck. With both men down the ref begins the ten count. At eight they both reach their feet and Payne gains the advantage with a few well placed punches. He whips Ty into the ropes and ducks a clothesline from Ty. He jumps onto Ty's back and locks in The Protolock!. He tries dragging Ty to the ground but Ty grabs the ropes, forcing Payne to break the hold. Payne then lifts Ty up fort he Proto Slam but Ty floats over behind Payne and lifts him up into a torture rack and suddenly drops him with The Ouija Flame! He covers Payne and gets the three count!

Harrys: Here is your winner, Ty Burna!

Cohen: And yet again I was right Seabass, Ty picked up the victory and proved my claim that he is the favorite going into Kingdom Come.

Copeland: Payne has nothing to be ashamed of Cohen, he put up a good fight and looked to have the match won multiple times.

Ty gets to his feet and the ref raises his hand. Serafina jumps into the ring and pushes the ref away, raising Ty's hand. They exit the ring and walk up the ramp, stopping at the top to look at Payne struggling to get to his feet as the ref checks on him. The crowd boos Ty and Serafina loudly.
Harrys: Ladies and gentlemen, the following match is scheduled for one fall and is part of the EurAsian Championship, number one contender’s league.

“When I’m Ere” by Roll Deep hits as Scott Hammond appears on top of the stage. He looks far into the crowd as he prepares for the match. The boos of the fans are met with a disapproving look from the Enigma. After a few seconds, he raises his right hand and a single shot of pyro shoots off behind him.

Harrys: Introducing first, weighing in at 275 pounds, from London England… The English Enigma, Scott Hammond!

Copeland: A very disappointing league for Scott Hammond thus far, Jack. He is only new to WZCW and should take some comfort in the fact that some that occupy the EurAsian league are veterans of the business.

Cohen: It makes no difference, Seabass. Hammond will be out here tonight to make sure that he gets off the bottom of the league. I wouldn’t want to be in Blade’s shoes tonight.

Hammond continues down the ramp at a very comfortable pace. He doesn’t look to the sides and just concentrates on the ring as the boss from the fans become more prevalent. Once arriving at the ring, he slides into the ring and mounts the turnbuckle before hurling abuse at the fans.

“Bliss” by Muse hits the arena as the crowd erupt into wild flurries of cheers. After a few seconds, the guitar riff of “Bliss” accompanies Blade as he emerges on top of the ramp. He looks out to the fans and as a dark red light fills the arena, Blade does his signature taunt.

Harrys: And now introducing his opponent, from Dublin, Ireland, weighing in at 235 pounds… The Zero Hunter, Blade!

Copeland: Here is a man that has everything to gain from this match. Blade still has every chance of winning this league and with a good match up tonight; he could put some pressure on Big Dave at the top of the EurAsian league.

Cohen: A man who has been making a lot of waves recently, Seabass. We already know his troubles with the bosses around these parts. He might have some more trouble with Hammond right now.

Blade continues his descent down the ramp and slaps a few hands the way. Once arriving at the ring, he walks up the stairs and gets into the ring. He walks past Scott Hammond, who shoots a dark look at him. Blade mounts the turnbuckle and does his signature taunt once more. From nowhere, Scott Hammond rushes him and lands a clubbing blow to the back of Blade, causing him to tumble to the outside. The referee pleads with Hammond to stay in the ring but Hammond disregards this and goes out of the ring to meet his opponent. He goes over to Blade and lands a few shots to the head and then picks up Blade. With some velocity, Hammond swings Blade into the outside of the ring post. Blade crumples into a heap as the crowd boo heavily. Hammond looks intense though and moves over to the announcers table. Picking up an empty chair from that area, Hammond goes back to his opponent who is getting to his feet. Hammond quickly folds up the chair and raises it above his head. As he brings it down, Blade lands a drop toe hold that takes Hammond the floor. Like an animal, Blade is all over him and I rabid in landing a few shots to the back of the head of his opponent.

Copeland: Blade is like an animal. I have never seen him attack an opponent like this before.

Cohen: I don’t know about you, Seabass but I like this new Blade.

Blade gets Hammond to his feet and tosses him into the security barrier as the crowd begin to cheer. Blade removes his entrance-wear and tosses it aside as he goes to work on Hammond. Blade waits for a groggy Hammond to get to his feet and rushes in to land a clothesline to his opponent. Blade gets to his feet once more and signals to the crowd. A loud cheer is heard filling the arena as Blade begins to pace around the outside of the ring. Blade picks Hammond up and looks him in the eye. After a moment of hesitation, Blade launches him into the outside of the ring post, gaining some retribution for Hammond earlier act. With Hammond incapacitated for the moment, Blade paces again. He notices something on the ground and stops dead. Looking down, the folded up steel chair lies at his feet. Blade picks it up and stares at it intently, devising a plan inside his head of how to make nest use of it, if any. Blade shows a renewed sense of anger and frustration and begins to move over to Hammond, who is getting to his feet. After a few seconds of thought, Blade swings the chair at Hammond who ducks just in time. The steel of the chair meets the ring post and stings the hands of Blade. Blade drops the chair and swivels away. Hammond uses this opportunity to land a reverse DDT to his opponent before sliding him into the ring.

Copeland: Thank God he missed with that chair shot. It would have scrambled Hammond’s brain.

It would also have been perfectly legal, Seabass. He was just taking advantage of the rules, just like Hammond would have seconds before.

The referee finally signals for the bell as the match officially gets underway. Hammond quickly throws himself on top of Blade and goes for the win. However only a one count is managed and Hammond quickly gets back to his feet. He lands a few kicks to the torso and head of Blade. The referee again tries to restrain Hammond but he looks intent on hurting his opponent. Hammond raises Blade to his feet and quickly Irish whips him into the corner. Hammond runs at Blade and lands a heavy lariat that causes Blade to recoil of the corner. Hammond anticipates this and lands a German Suplex that sends Blade across the ring. Hammond gets to his feet once more and looks frustrated and angry. He taunts the crowd and gets a loud reaction from them. Hammond goes over to Blade and attempts another pin. Again, he can only manage a long one count but quickly gets to his feet and raises Blade to his. Hammond drives Blade into the corner with a few hard punches and moves across the ring to the opposite corner. He looks at his opponent and then rushes at Blade. Blade moves out of the way at the last second and causes Hammond to meet with the corner at a high velocity. As Hammond comes out of the corner, Blade lands an enziguiri that takes both men to the canvas. The referee begins his double count.

At a count 6, both men shakily get to their feet, Hammond attempts to land a clothesline but Blade ducks under the flailing arm of his opponent and as Hammond turns back to his opponent, Blade lands a belly to belly Suplex that sends Hammond across the ring. Blade staggers over to him and grabs his legs. With some trouble, Blade locks in the Texas Cloverleaf and the pain that is etched across Hammond’s face become evident. Hammond stretches out a hand and is almost able to reach the bottom rope. Blade notices this and drags him further across the ring. Hammond’s pain is renewed again as he attempts to make it to the nearest bottom rope. Blade applies some more pressure but Hammond is slowly making his was across the ring. With one final attempt, Hammond reaches the bottom rope and the referee urges Blade to break the hold. Blade keeps the hold locked in momentarily and after the referee reaches a count of two, Blade breaks the hold. Hammond struggles with the pain and Blade looks happy with his work.

Copeland: Blade looks like a different man here tonight, Jacko.

Cohen: Finally Blade has realised that he needs to unleash an animal within him. He keeps talking of impressing this mystery person and this has certainly been an impressive display from him.

The crowd are now mixing reactions towards Blade as he does his signature taunt once more. Blade goes back over to his opponent and picks him up by the hair. Blade drives him into the corner and lands a heavy elbow to the side of the head of Hammond. Hammond recoils out the corner and Blade lands a spinebuster that lays Hammond out. Blade loos over to the corner once more and begins to walk towards it. He goes out onto the apron and begins to climb the turnbuckle. As he gets to the top rope, the lights in the arena cut out. For a moment there is nothing and only the palpable anticipation of the crowd is heard or seen. The stage becomes lit and the all too familiar sound of the rWo music begins.

Copeland: What the Hell!?

Cohen: It’s the rWo, Seabass. Get on your knees!

After a few seconds, the lights of the arena go back up and the titantron stops. Blade looks up at the stage with no emotion on his face but a renewed sense of emotion. Blade launches himself off of the turnbuckle for a frog splash. Hammond rolls out of the way as Blade is about to make contact. Both men are down and the referee begins his count once more. Blade is the first to get to his feet on a count of 7 and moves over to Hammond who quickly rolls up his opponent. The referee begins to count and Hammond manages a 2 count on Blade. Blade gets to his feet and Hammond immediately takes him back down with a hip toss and then another as Blade comes back for more. Hammond gets to his feet and taunts the crowd some more. The crowd boo loudly as Hammond goes over to Blade and lands a few punches to the face of his opponent. Hammond whips Blade across the ring and tries a hard lariat. Blade sucks under his arm and lands a clothesline once more that takes Hammond down. Blade picks up Hammond and lands the Halo. He covers Hammond and gets the 3 count. Blade gets to his feet and looks disgusted with his opponent. He stares up towards the ramp and a look of tension is seen upon his features.

Harrys: Ladies and gentlemen, here is your winner and recipient of one more point in the EurAsian league, Blade!

Copeland: What a strange match this was for Blade. He gets the win though and gets one step closer to the top of the league.

Cohen: He will need to pray that his compatriot, Big Dave, gets his first loss in the competition a little later on.


Carmen Bratchny is standing backstage with Karen Swindle in front of a Meltdown logo as Becky Serra stands with them with a microphone.

Serra: Carmen Bratchny, tonight you're facing Everest in our Main Event tonight. What messages will you be looking to send him and your Kingdom Come opponent Steamboat Ricky in this encounter tonight?

Bratchny: The message I simply want to send is that my time is drawing near, Carmen Bratchny's ready to called the World Champion. Now while I respect Everest for being the World Heavyweight Champion for so long, beating him tonight will mean that Kingdom Come will half as easy, given that Ricky is more of a coward and less of a man than Everest is. But being able to beat two World Champions will be a feat for itself. I'll try my best not to have too much fun before Titus has his match as well! But I will look to make my impact felt!

Swindle: And you will Carmen, I'm very certain of it!

Serra: Ok, well thanks and good luck in your match tonight!

Bratchny and Karen leave with a smile on their face.
Harrys: The following EurAsian League match is scheduled for one fall!

Cohen: Looks like we’re finding out the fate of the EurAsian League right now!

“Enya Stomp” plays as Chris Beckford appear at the top of the stage, he spreads his arms out as he bolts down to the ring and slides in. He’s quickly on his feet again before jumping onto the bottom left turnbuckle. He spreads his arms again and does a backflip off of it.

Harrys: Introducing first, from Leeds, England, weighing in at 226 pounds, Chris Beckford!

Copeland: Chris Beckford has got the best chance to put himself top of the league if he beats Big Dave tonight. But the question remains, can he do it?

Cohen: Of course not, Big Dave has dominated everyone else in the league, what chance does Beckford has?

Copeland: Well he’s unbeaten in the league much like Dave.


Beckford stands in the ring, looking ready for action as a hoodieless Big Dave comes out to a series of heavy boos. He stands on the stage staring at his opponent in the ring intensely, the strong feeling of hatred creates a strong tension when both competitors are not even in the same ring. Dave finally heads down the ramp but doesn’t take his eyes off of Beckford who stands at the opposite side of the ring, keeping eyes peeled for any additional rWo members at bay. Dave slides under the rings and goes immediately for Beckford who drops to the mat as Dave goes diving through the ropes, landing on the mat as the bell sounds. The ref starts a ten count as Dave slowly gets back to his feet after the misfortunate start, the moment he’s up, Beckford runs at the opposite ropes, running back he leaps over the top rope and lands on top of his big opponent, much to the excitement of the crowd as the referee restarts his count.

Both men get back up, Beckford looks for a quick move but Dave shoves a knee into the abs and then slams his head against the announce table. He then tells the time keeper to move as he grabs a steel chair but the ref gets in the way and tell him “No!” reminding of the potential disqualification, to which Dave realises, drops the chairs, grabs Beckford by the head and forcefully rolls him into the ring as he looks to get into some serious business as he follows suit. He leaps in the air and hits a leg drop on Beckford’s head and goes for the cover 1…..2…. kickout by Beckford. Dave gets Beckford onto his feet and irish whips him, before Chris hits the ropes he leaps up onto the second ropes and bounces off hitting a dropkick on his opponent followed by a dropsault and a cover of his own 1…..2. kickout by Dave.

Copeland: Beckford looking to get Dave down and out as quick as possible

Cohen: Good luck with that offence!

Beckford runs at the turnbuckle, climbing up to look for the Cross County but Dave is back up and gives him a few hits to making Beckford become disorientated as Dave climbs up to the top rope before sitting into his usual position for the spider suplex, grabbing Chris by the waist, looking to throw him from the top but Beckford starts unloading some rights to get Dave to break the hold and out of the seating position. Beckford then measures the distance and seemingly leaps over Dave and hits a sunset flip on his large opponent. Beckford goes for another cover 1…..2….kickout. Beckford wonders if it was three but doesn’t argue with the ref about it.

Beckford tries to get the slight deadweight of Dave up to a vertical basis and locks on to his left side, he taunts to the crowd signalling for a big move but Dave lifts Beckford up and slams him back first into the mat, leaving both men on the mat. Both men get up at opposite corners, using the ropes to help each other up, Dave takes a moment to compose himself while Beckford stands ready to attack when Dave turns around. He does and Beckford runs at him, to be caught by a hand on the throat. Dave lifts Chris up but somehow Beckford hooks his feet around Daves head and takes him down with a hurricanrana. Dave looks shocked at the counter from Beckford but turns around with a disapproving stare as Beckford slowly gets to his feet as Dave goes to lay back on the mat. Beckford heads over to pick Dave up but he was playing possum and goes for a roll up 1……2….. kickout, Dave can’t believe the kickout.

Copeland: What will it take for either men to go down? Both are throwing everything at each other, including the kitchen sink!

Beckford is just delaying the inevitable!

Dave is up to his feet first as he signals the end to the crowd, which receives a heavy amount of boos. He stands poised and ready for Beckford who isn’t aware of his opponent stalking him from behind. Beckford is up and Dave looks for the Checking Out, but Beckford elbows out of it, Dave holds his head in disorientation as Beckford kicks him in the gut and signals for the Cross Drop but Dave makes Beckford overspin and gets him on his shoulders, getting ready for the Stamp of Authority. But Beckford elbows Dave in the head and leaps off his shoulders. He goes for a dropkick but Dave ducks and hits an enziguri.

Both men look exhausted from the amount of action that is going on with counter after counter, they eventually start moving and race to a vertical basis once again. Both are back up again as both look speechless from the effort both men have given each other. But Beckford uses that moment to run at Dave who ducks a clothesline and goes for a big boot on Beckford’s rebound but it is ducked. Beckford then leaps at the ropes like before and goes for another springboard dropkick but he turns around for the move, Dave hits a thunderous spear on Beckford, he goes for the cover 1……2…….3.

Big Dave holds his head in disbelief as his music kicks in and the victory sinks in. He gets back up onto his feet and holds onto the ropes with the ref finally raising his hand.

Harrys: Here is your winner, Big Dave!

Copeland: Big Dave’s done it! With one match spare, he’s managed to conquer the EurAsian League, having defeated everyone without a two pointer match! Big Dave is going to Kingdom Come to face the EurAsian Champion!

Cohen: Like I said, it was inevitable, while Beckford gave a great performance, I’ll give him that, Big Dave winning was always set in stone!

Dave climbs the turnbuckle and raises his arms in celebration as his fellow rWo team mates come down and joins him. They all congratulate him and raise his hands in unison despite the boos from the crowd. They all eventually leave, heading up the ramp with smiles on their faces.

The rWo showing their mark of respect as they have a chance to bring more gold into their collective. But Ladies and Gentleman, the question that remains is while Big Dave will be challenging at Kingdom Come, who will be the EurAsian Champion that he faces? Will it be Showtime Cougar or Lars Reidar? The answer? Find out in a few minutes as the third and final round of the EurAsian Best of Three Series concludes where the EurAsian Championship will be decided before Big Dave’s shot arrives at Kingdom Come.
Harrys: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and it is the third match in the EurAsian two out of three falls contest!


Showtime makes his way onto the ramp with the Eurasian championship around his waist. He walks down the entrance ramp, looking more focused than usual.

Harrys: Introducting first, from Winnipeg, Canada, weighing 213 pounds, the EurAsian champion, David Cougar!

The crowd boo heavily as Cougar makes his way into the ring. He takes off his belt and hands it to the referee before looking towards the entrance ramp.
"Broken Soul" by Original Sin begins playing as Lars makes his way down the entrance ramp and enters the ring.

Harrys: And the challenger, from Ragnarog, weighing 275 pounds, Lars Reider!

Reidar gets into the ring and walks towards the corner. He turns and looks at Cougar, who stares at him from the other side of the ring.

Copeland: This fall will truly decide who deserves to be the Eurasian Champion. I'm sure Big Dave is watchin intently.

Cohen: They're both so great! Reidar or Cougar? Cougar or Reidar? I can't decide!

The bell rings but neither man moves. They both keep staring at each other for a few moments. Finally Reidar looks away from Cougar, but Cougar walks over to Reidar and slaps him. Reidar touches the spot where Cougar slapped him and shoots a look of rage at Cougar, who slowly starts to back off. Suddenly Reidar hits Cougar with a big right hand. The referee calls for the bell as Reidar deliver a second and a third punch. Cougar stumbles back into the corner and Reidar irish whips him with tremendous force into the opposite corner. Cougar bounces off the turnbuckles and is met with a big boot from Reidar. Reidar circles around Cougar, who's getting up while trying to get feeling back in his jaw. Reidar grabs Showtime by the hair and starts to lift him up, but Cougar delivers an elbow to Reidar's ribs before quickly getting to his feet and delivering a quick dropkick to Reidar, taking him down. Reidar gets up quickly and Cougar hits him with a few right hands before attempting an Irish whip. But Reidar reverses, sending Cougar into the ropes. Cougar bounces back and Reidar goes for the clothesline but Cougar ducks under it, runs off the opposite ropes and hits a clothesline of his own on Reidar. Reidar gets back up again but is hit with an Enziguri from Cougar upon reaching his feet. Cougar goes for the cover, 1... 2... kick out by Reidar.

Copeland: Some great back and forth action to kick off the match here!

Cohen: Damn right, Seabass. They're both so good that they're gonna go back and forth until they pass out!

Cougar gets Reidar up and hits him with a few punches. Cougar then hits a chop on Reidar's chest, causing an echo to go through the arena. He trash talks Reidar a bit before delivering another chop, which again creates a huge noise. Cougar turns around, shouting "It's my title!" to the crowd, whose boos completely drown out Cougar. Cougar turns around and walks right into a roundhouse kick, taking him down. Reidar starts to work on Cougar's shoulder, stomping on it while Cougar's on the mat. He picks up Cougar and delivers a big shoulder breaker, which makes Cougar scream out in pain. Reidar again picks Cougar off the mat and starts wrenching his arm, who tries to look for a way out. Reidar wrenches Cougar's arm again, stopping Cougar from trying to escape. Reidar lifts Cougar up into the Torture Rack position, but Cougar delivers some elbows to Reidar's head. Reidar stumbles backwards into the ropes where Cougar slips off his back and lands on the apron. Cougar grabs Reidars head and jumps of the apron, snapping Reidar's neck off the top rope. Reidar moves backwards, clutching his throat. Cougar slides back into the ring and delivers the Ratings Crash to Reidar. Cougar goes for the cover, 1... 2... Kick out again by Reidar. Cougar goes to the nearest turnbuckle and climbs to the second rope, getting ready to deliver the elbow. Reidar manages to get to his feet, gets to Cougar and grab him by the leg before he can react, pulling him off the turnbuckle. Cougar falls to the mat with a crash, landing on his back. Reidar goes for the pin, 1... 2... Kick out by the champion. Reidar picks up Cougar and is about to deliver a Russian Legsweep but Cougar gets Reidar in a side headlock and delivers a bulldog. Both men are down, as the referee begins to count. Both men are up by 6, with Reidar leaning against the ropes, trying to shake off the effects of the bulldog. Cougar runs at Reidar and clotheslines Reidar over the top rope, who lands on his feet outside the ring, but is still dazed. Showtime hesitates for a moment, but runs and jumps through the ropes to deliver a suicide dive. Reidar catches Cougar in mid air and is about to powerslam
Cougar on the outside, but Cougar reverses it into a DDT.

Copeland: Wow, Reidar showing both his power and his quick reactions there, only to be outmaneuvered by Cougar!

Cohen: Great work by Cougar. But also great work by Reidar! I still can't decide who I'm rooting for...

The referee starts to count both men out. Cougar gets up quickly and slides into the ring by 3, but Reidar is still recovering from the DDT. The referee is at 6, Cougar is getting to his feet, urging the referee to count faster... referee counts 7, Reidar is on his knees, Cougar is on his feet, leaning backwards on the top rope... the referee counts to 8 and finally Reidar rolls back into the ring. Cougar quickly moves over to him and delivers some stomps to Reidar's head. With Reidar on his hands and knees, Cougar goes for the Showstopper but Reidar pulls Cougar towards him by the arm and delivers a big spinebuster. Reidar goes for the pin, 1... 2... Cougar kicks out again. Reidar picks up Cougar, but Cougar pushes Reidar out of desperation and Reidar collides with the referee, who goes down. Reidar then stumbles backwards into a lowblow by Cougar. Reidar crumbles to the mat and Cougar breathes for a moment before rolling out of the ring. He walks towards the
announce table, asking for his belt. He grabs it from a ringside member of staff and rolls back into the ring with it. He squats, measuring Reidar who's slowly making his way to his feet. Reidar straightens up and Cougar swings the championship belt at his skull, but Reidar ducks under it and kicks Cougar in the gut before delivering the Judge, Jury and Executioner. Reidar collapses to the mat again, still feeling the effects of the low blow. Suddenly, Tarja appears on the entrance ramp holding a steel chair. She gets to the ring and slides the chair in the ring towards Reidar, but the chair slides too far and ends up right beside Cougar. The referee gets to his feet but Tarja grabs his leg. The referee turns around and starts arguing with Tarja, who's trying to keep the referee distracted. Reidar starts crawling towards the chair but Cougar reaches out and grabs the chair before Reidar can get to it. Cougar swings the chair and it connects with Reidar's head, giving a sickening crack!

Copeland: Tarja's plan backfired! Cougar got the chair before Reidar could reach it!

Tarja hears the sound of the chair shot and quickly walks away from the referee and starts making her way back up the ramp, thinking it was Cougar who got hit. Cougar slides the chair out of the ring before the referee turns around and pins Reidar, 1... 2... 3!

Harrys: Here is your winner and still EurAsian Champion, Showtime David Cougar!

Copeland: Cougar keeps his title! Which means that at Kingdom Come, we're going to see David Cougar versus Big Dave for the title!

Cougar scoops up his title belt, rolls out of the ring and quickly makes his way up the ramp to the back. Tarja turns around at the top of the stage, realising what happened. Cougar smirks as he walks past her, holding his title over his head. Reidar uses the ropes to pick himself up then looks at Tarja with rage plastered across his face. Tarja looks back momentarily, looking frightened, before quickly going backstage.

Cohen: I can't believe she came out here to ruin this match!

Copeland: It's true, Tarja's distraction did cost Reidar the match. I would not want to be her right now.

We cut backstage to Cougar coming in through the curtain, smiling with the victory he just got over Lars Reidar. He gives smiles at passing tech crew as he continues down the hall. He gets to his locker room door and opens it. He's about to step in, but he jumps back as Big Dave emerges from the room.

Big Dave: Congratulations...I guess the Show will go on...for now!

Dave walks out of the doorway, followed by Ace and Karnage of the rWo who stare at the EurAsian Champion, who looks on before finally getting into his room and locking it.

We cut inside Chuck Myles' Office where Lars Reidar storms in.

Reidar: You saw it Chuck! I got screwed out of my rightful championship reign. You will have hell to pay if you do not give me a rematch right now!

Myles: I'm sorry Lars, but as you made the terms, it was Best of Three and you've had your three matches. Now with that being said, there was a small something I added to the stipulations of this match...

Reidar: ...

Myles: I added in that the loser of this Series was to be automatically entered into the King For A Day Elimination Chamber Match at Kingdom Come. So, where I would say sorry about your unsuccessful title attempt, I say congratulations on being the Fourth Entrant in the King For A Day Match. I'm sure you'll top last year's performance.

The camera zooms in on Lars' face that starts turning into a sick looking smile.


We then cut to Everest walking backstage with his World Title over his shoulder.

Copeland: Well Ladies and Gentleman, from one epic encounter to another. From the EurAsian Champion to the World Champion. Everest will take on Carmen Bratchny as he looks to send a strong message to Titus this week with Kingdom Come drawing near. Our Main Event is next!
Harrys: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!

‘Wanna Be Loved’ starts playing to a huge ovation as Carmen Bratchny runs down the isle. He proceeds to do his usual lap around the ring giving low fives to fans as Karen slowly walks down the isle and stands waiting for him complete his lap.

Harrys: Introducing first, from Moscow, Russia, weighing in at 230 pounds, Carmen Bratchny

He climbs up to pose on one of the ring buckles and then head to the opposite corner and poses again. He slides out of the ring to talk over tactics with Karen as they await Everest’s arrival.

Copeland: Bratchny will definitely be motivated here, especially after beating Second Coming last week and having to spend half the match without Titus thanks to Everest.

Cohen: Everest was simply doing him a favour, why would you want Titus as a partner? Everest is making sure no-one relives that mistake again!

“Supernova Goes Pop” kicks in as the World Champion comes out with the title resting firmly on his shoulders, he just strolls down the mat, looking focused and ready for combat.

Harrys: His opponent, from Los Angeles, California, weighing in at 205 pounds, he is the WZCW World Heavyweight Champion, Everest!

Copeland: Everest will be looking to silence the fans of Bratchny while he will hope to send a strong message to his challenger as Kingdom Come looms near.

Cohen: Are you a mind reader or did you actually just come up with that yourself?

Everest slides in the ring but doesn’t bother with posing to the crowd as he just hands over the belt to the referee and signals to get the match going. Bratchny climbs back in the ring as the referee hands the belt over to the timekeeper and signals to get underway. Both men pace around the ring for a bit before locking up in the middle with neither looking to back down as Karen looks on with interest and support for her client. They both break up their hold on each other and pause for a second before going for a second lockup, only this time Everest gains some upper hand on Bratchny, forcing him back a few paces before they cease moving again. Everest then releases the grip to allow Bratchny to fall into a waist lock, followed by a belly to belly suplex from the champion who then gets himself on top of Bratchny to unload a few rights until the ref counts up to four and Everest stops to argue before resume on his assault again until Bratchny blocks Everest’s fists and counters with a headbutt that knocks Everest back a bit while Bratchny gets back up to his feet as Karen claps him on.

Bratchny then Irish whips Everest and catches him on the rebound with a Lou Thez Press and unloads with a few rights of his own on the champion until it’s blocked and both men are on their feet where Everest unleashes an almighty chop on Bratchny, followed by a second and a third before Bratchny responds with some chops of his own. The chops turn into a fist fight with both men exchanging lefts and rights at each other, with neither looking to back down until Everest ducks a shot and hits a Russian leg sweep on Bratchny and goes for a cover 1…..2..kickout. Everest gets up and starts stomping away on his opponent while Karen tries to protest these actions at ringside, she jumps up onto the apron, and the ref goes over, telling to her get down, Everest notices this and heads over before Karen drops back down to the apron, where Everest gives her some trash talk over the ropes. He turns around and gets kicked in the gut before being hoisted in the air by a delayed vertical suplex by Bratchny until he finally lets gravity take its course with Everest’s back hitting the canvas.

Copeland: Nice good offence from both men here

Cohen: Bratchny only got his shot in thanks to his wench at ringside!

Bratchny waits for Everest to get back up on his feet to lift him up with a sidewalk slam, hitting his back against the canvas, to which Bratchny uses the moment to get a cover 1……2…kickout by Everest. Bratchny rolls Everest onto his front before getting onto his feet and then hitting an elbow into his opponent’s back, he then rolls him over and grabs both feet to apply the Boston Crab on Everest who starts screaming in agony given the earlier assault on his back. Everest reaches out to the ropes which are quite a distance away while Karen and Carmen both call at him to tap but the champion refuses to let the pain defeat him on this occasion. He uses what he has of his strength to pull him nearer to the ropes, but the more the hold stays in, the more pain gets worse on his back. Everest then fades out for a moment where the ref goes to raise his arm, but before the first drop hits the floor, Everest revives and goes for the ropes again, with one swift swing, he grabs hold as the referee gets Bratchny to release the hold while Everest holds onto his back.

Bratchny tries to drag Everest into the centre of the ring but he keeps himself holding tight to the ropes as he slowly gets to his feet, the referee tries to separate the two but during the mix, Everest mule kicks Bratchny with a low blow but the ref doesn’t see it as Everest uses the time to recompose himself with his back in pain. He walks slowly to the turnbuckle while Bratchny is still rolling on the floor, he starts climbing up whilst padding his back gently to hold off the pain from the Boston Crab. Karen then jumps up onto the apron again and the referee is on the case while Everest calls at him to get her thrown out of the arena. But she drops down the moment Bratchny is back on his feet again. He runs at the top riding Everest who swings a foot out to knock his opponent to the floor and he uses the chance to leap off the top with a flying headbutt on Bratchny. He slowly crawls over and gets an arm over him 1…….2…..Bratchny gets a shoulder up.

Copeland: He should have hooked onto his leg to have applied more pressure

Cohen: I’d like to see you try that after a flying headbutt like that!

Both men are slow to getting to their feet while Karen is slamming the mat on the outside to get Carmen motivated as well as the crowd who join in a unison clapping. They both use the ropes to get up until they’re finally on their feet. They both turnaround and Bratchny catches Everest in his hold for The Rock Slide, he tries to hit it but Everest jumps out and hits an enziguri to take him down, while holding his back again. Everest is slow up to his feet, but Bratchny still remains on the ground. He stands posed and ready to take out Bratchny, but out comes Titus who runs down the entrance ramp and slides into the ring, to stand poised behind Everest. Karen points Everest to turn around, who does so and sees Titus just standing there staring at him with Everest just staring intensely back. They both stand there staring until Bratchny breaks it up and holds Everest in a headlock and looks for From Russia With Love while Titus slides back out of the ring but Everest shoves Titus off and grabs him with The Rock Slide which connects. Cover by Everest 1……2……3.

Harrys: Here is your winner, Everest!

Everest sits up in a position that’s comfortable for his back but sits there staring at Titus who stands outside the ring next to the apron. The ref gives Everest his belt back and holds it tightly while staring at Titus still. Titus eventually heads up the ramp while Everest gets back to his feet, raising his belt in the air, watching on Titus who turns back around and stares back. Bratchny sits on the apron where Karen consults with him over the loss. But they keep watch of the current staredown between Everest and Titus who stand in the ring and on the stage, none of them giving off a single emotion towards each other.

Copeland: Everest gets the victory here, but the story is a bigger one here. No doubt both men are getting under each other’s skin but they will have to wait, like us, until Kingdom Come. But what will happen when Titus finally gets the thorn that is Ricky and the rWo out of his side so he can focus on this match at Kingdom Come? Find out tomorrow night on Ascension. Until then, I’m Sebastian Copeland with Jack Cohen, good night!
Who wrote what:

Big Dave/Beckford, Everest/Bratchny, Backstage - Phoenix
Hammond/Blade - Dave
Lars/Cougar, Crashin/Heavy Artillery - Blade
Kurtesy/Black, Contract Match - Showtime
Payne/Ty - Ty

Love them.

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