Meltdown 26 - Rush vs Milenko

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Sic Semper Tyrannosaurus

Opposite ends of the spectrum clash, as Rush comes off a dominant victory while Milenko licks his wounds from a brutal Mayhem Championship loss, at his own match no less. Rush tries to continue his dominance while Milenko looks to recover from recent losses.

RP deadline is August 3rd 11:59 EST.
The camera turns on and we See Becky Serra standing in front of an unmarked locker room. She notices the camera is on and she motions for the cmaeraman to quietly move closer to the door so it can pick up the voices that are coming from inside.

'The Great' Milenko: Dean what makes you think you can win this match when you've lost every match you've been in for the past 2 months? You talk a big game but you always lose, it never fails. You even cost me MY match at Civil Revolution and I won't forget that easlily. Besides what makes you think you can beat Rush when you've faced him before and you lost?

After a second Becky hears another voice, that is almost the same as the first one but a slight difference can be heard.

Dean Milenklo: That's just it I have faced him before so I know what's he's going to do and when he's going to do it. I may have lost a lot but this time is goingto be different, I can feel it.

Milenko laughs at that a cold & heartless laugh.

'The Great' Milenko: Dean you won't win, you never win. Who was it who won us the Mayhem & Havok titles, Me. Who has won us every big match we've ever been in, Me. If you could get the job done on your own I wouldn't be here right now and we both know it. From now on I'm calling the shots and I promise you I will get the job done.

The voices stop for a second and Milenko starts to talk again only this time is voice sounds slightly different than it did before.

'The Great' Milenko: You can come in Becky there's no need to stand behind the door listening anymore.

Becky jumps at the sound of her name and she sheepishly opens the door and sees Milenko standing there wearing calf length black shorts and a black trench coat. She tries to talk but the words don't really come out.

Becky: I was just...what I mean is...I was expecting someone else.

Milenko laughs that cold, heartless laugh again and Becky slowly tries to get to the closed door.

'The Great' Milenko: What you mean is you were expecting Dean. Well I'm sorry to say he won't be with us for a while but you can interview me instead if you want.

Milenko notices her edging towards the door and laughs again, this moving towards Becky making her think he's about to attack her. Instead he moves behind her and opens the door for her.

'The Great' Milenko: Or you can leave as long as you leave the microphone and the camera behind.

Becky looks at the camera man and leaves in a hurry after she hands Milenko the microphone she had in her hand. Milenko takes the microphine and smiles a cold, insane smile at her as she passes out into the hallway a quicky walks down the corridor leaving the camera man behind. Milenko closes the door and stands in front of it.

'The Great' Milenko: Why are you scared I just want to talk to someone and I figured you would help me, It shouldn't take that long. You do want to help me don't you?

All of a sudden Milenko gets an insane look in his eyes as he suddenly moves towards the camera man making him back up in such a hurry that he almost drops the camera as he moves the camera up and down in a nodding motion. Milenko stops and the look in is eyes goes away as he gets a smile on his face.

'The Great' Milenko: Good then lets get this started.

Milenko moves towards th camera with the mic in his hand and a look of fire in his eyes. The camera man stays still although the camera itself is shaking a little bit.

'The Great' Milenko: Rush you're the one I want to talk to so I hope you're watching. I know you think you have this one in the bag because you've faced "me" before and won. Well let me tell you something, the person you beat wasn't me. You've have never faced me and when you do on Meltdown you damn sure won't win. Let me tell you about the man you beat. Dean is a coward he always has been and always will be. People think it was him who ran away from home when he was younger. Well it wasn't it was me. If I left it up to Dean he would never have left and odds are he would be dead right now which would have been bad for me because then I wouldn't be here either.

All the while he is talking Milenko moves closer to the camera and no he's close enough that th camera picks up the insane look in his eyes and the evil smile on hips lips.

'The Great' Milenko: People also think it was Dean who went after his brother Alex when they both got into WZCW. That also was me. The thing that seperates me from Dean is that I will find any weakness and I will do anything to myslef and others to win a match and this one is no different.

By this time Milenko is right up next to the camera and the insane ilght in his eyes is brighter than ever. Milenko turns the camera around and there are 2 posters covered by black cloth.

'The Great' Milenko: Rush if you don't think you have any weaknesses you are wrong. Like Dean your brother turned on you when he should have helped you. The 2 of you were once one of the greatest tag Teams in the world. He turned on you and left you a mess, a shell of what you once were. Someone who refuses to trust anyone, always on your own.

Milenko takes the cloth off the first picture and it shows Rush and his borther proudly holding up the AJPW Unified World Tag Team Titles. He goes to the second picture and takes off the cloth and this shows Rush laying on the mat a bloody mess with his brother standing above him getting his hand raised by the ref.

'The Great' Milenko: You see Rush the 2 of us are alike in so many ways but our 1 difference is enough to make me despise you with every fiber of my being. You lost to your brother in Japan and you crawled away like a coward. I however not only beat my brother like yours did you I ended his career. If I could I would get ahold of your brother and have him at ringside so he could watch me do what he didn't and that's end your career. See you at Meltdown.

Milenko goes to the door and opens it for the camera man so he can leave. As the camera fades to black the camera man mutters something under his breath.

Camera man: I never want to be around that guy again he's a nut job.
The bell rings and Rush stands tall over Milenko. He shoves Milenko nonchalantly and Milenko retaliates violently, kicking and chopping Rush down to the ground. Rush is on his knees and Milenko surprisingly goes for the Buzz Saw Kick, but Rush ducks out of the way and quickly charges Milenko, hitting a shoulder block to stagger him. He whips him into the corner and nails a big splash. He backs away quickly and Milenko staggers out. Rush charges and decimates him with a big boot. He covers Milenko but only gets two. He pulls Milenko off the ground and lifts him easily up, showing his power.

He drops Milenko down with a Samoan drop and covers him for a two count. He stands up and is calling for the Powerbomb! He crouches in the corner, but suddenly, a racous fan tries to jump the rail. Security quickly forces him back but the ref is distracted. Milenko staggers up and rush knees him in the gut, going for the Rushing Powerbomb, but Milenko low blows him behind the ref’s back! Rush staggers around and Milenko catches him with a bulldog! He covers Rush and the ref comes back to count only two! Rush quickly gets up but he’s dazed. Milenko kicks and chops him into the corner, and somehow forces Rush up to the top rope! He gets up top as well, and Rush stands...Milenko knees him in the gut, butterflys the arms…but Rush is just too big! Rush violently shoves Milenko off the top, turns around, and nails a moonsault! He covers Milenko for 1, 2, 3!

Hours upon hours I have sat, surrounded by the warm glow of the TV watching the first match between Milenko and myself. The first of, assumingly, many victories inside the WZCW ring.

It was a battle that I had to win. Especially, after being unsuccessful in the hard fought challenge that I found in Celeste Crimson. Meltdown 23 was truly the biggest test I have faced to date.

But now I fear that the once cleared path of my destiny will now be blocked by debris and downfall. When Milenko and I clashed in the past, his mind, body and soul was clouded. He was confused and unfocused. More concerned with facing Drake Callahan for the Mayhem Championship. I was overlooked and hungry. Hungry to feed my destiny with a win. Hungry to put me back on the road destiny has kindly paved at my feet. It was easy to single out Milenko’s weakness then.

Milenko’s journey has run parallel against mine. We both had a brother. And with the pairing each respective brother, some of the greatest tag-teams to world has ever seen were formed. And just as both brothers quickly climbed separate ranks, all of our destinies were already played out without anyone being even aware of its existence. Blindly we ran. Faster and faster, reaching the fame that has gone missing in the tag-team division.

And as quickly as it took to travel up, both roads came to an end on top of the wrestling mountain. And rather than pausing to absorb the surroundings together, as a team, one partner was doomed to fall. My destiny was stolen from me from my brother. And in a very similar act, Milenko, it was you who robbed your brother Alex of his.

I crawled away from the wrestling business but I did not myself fade away from it like your brother. I realized that I still was able to hold onto a shred of my destiny, a sliver of my own fate. I followed whatever providence that I had left and I busted my ass to get back to the shape and mental ability that you will see again this week at Meltdown.

Make no mistake about it Milenko, this week, it may be your name that escapes the ring announcers lips as you make your way down the ramp and into the ring. But I will see nothing by the man I used to call brother when I look into your eyes.

Last time his weakness was not being prepared to deal with what I was capable of doing to him. He wasn’t focused on facing me in our match and the outcome of the match proved it.

This week, a transformation has taken place and the unguided Milenko of the past remains only a shadow. The weakness of his that I took advantage of last time has disappeared. He is as focused as he has ever been.

So now I sit.

Leaned in close to the TV.

Confined to this chair.

Looking, no hunting, for a weakness of Milenko’s that I will be able to exploit and use to continue onto my journey to the top.

But now I fear it will not appear.

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