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Meltdown 20

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Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No it's Supermod!

Meltdown 20 takes place in the Quicken Loans Arena, Cleveland, Ohio. It is a sell out with no seats taped off. Harrys is the ring announcer with Copeland and Cohen commentating.

Red Mask v Bratchny

The following match is scheduled for one fall, the winner will pick the stipulation for the Elite X title match at Unscripted. Red Masks theme hit as the crowd give him a nice pop...making his way down to the ring from Keystone City, Kansas...Red Mask. Red Mask makes his way out to the ring carrying a ladder in his left hand. He puts it down on the floor outside of the ring.

"Paint it Black" by The Rolling Stones hits as both Carmen Bratchny and Swindle McKenzie make their way out, there is obvious tension between the two as both men head to the ring. There are plenty of boos and the crowd are pretty into this match already.

The match starts with Bratchny eyeing up Red Mask...you culd cut the tension with a knife...Bratchny eventually pushes Red Mask as it catches him off guard and he loses his balance a little. Bratchny starts off in control using his superior power on Red Mask. This lasts a few minutes with Bratchny using his big power moves (big boot, clothesline etc.). Bratchny sets Red Mask up for the Brain Buster, but he manages to quickly reverse this into a reverse DDT.

Bratchny is down as Red Mask gets him in the sleeper hold, this lasts for about a minute as Red Mask picks up Bratchny and gives him a spinning heel kick, Bratchny looks in a daze as he goes to run at Red Mask with a clothesline, Red Mask ducks it and brings him down with a Swinging Neckbraker. Bratchny is down once again as Red Mask goes for the Ankle Lock. This is held in for some time as Bratchny manages to eventually break it by grabbing onto the rope.

Both men are now stood up as Bratchny gives Red Mask an irish whip into the corner aas Bratchny then goes for a spear, Red Mask quickly dodges out of the way as Bratchny hits himself off the turnbuckle. Bratcxhny gets back up as red mask kicks him in the mid section and gives Bratchny the Thunderra. Red Mask then climbs out of the ring and sets up the ladders, the crowd goes nuts as Red Mask climbs the top and signals for the Red Comet. Bratchny is in the middle of the ring as Red Mask jumps off the ladder into the middle of the ring...Bratchny manages to lift his legs up and kick Red Mask, this is sickening as Red Mask crumples. Bratchny picks him up and gives him the Petrov Driver for the 1...2...3. Here is your winner...Carmen Bratchny.
Chief Anoki & USA v Kyle Christiansen & James Baker

First out is James Baker & Kyle Christianson who come out together and get some serious heat. Next out is Chief Anoki who gets a nice pop considering this is his WZCW debut...next out is USA and the crowd are really behind him.

The match starts with a physical bout between James Baker & USA both men really going at it, with some very strong offensive moves in. This game's all about power. Baker tags in Christiansen where the tempo switches straight away as USA is on the offensive. USA gives Christiansen the Bunker bomb and goes for the cover. Kick out after two.

USA tags in Anoki as Chritiansen tags in Baker. Anoki is quite a fast guy with lots of kicks on theoffensive by Anoki. Anoki gives Baker the Buffalo chop which knocks Baker into hisown corner as he tags Christiansen in. Christiansen gets some nice offense in, but it is pretty much back and forth. The match ends with Anoki giving Christiansen the Swallow kick followed by the Eagle Dive for the 1,2,3.

Backstage we see USA & Anoki chatting to each other after the match. They bump into Red Mask who is on his way out of the arena, he tells them they did a good job and did what he couldn't do tonight and that was win. Red Mask then leaves through the arena back door.
Drake Callahan v Dan Stokes

"Ladies and Gentlemen" - Saliva hits. Drake walks to the ring with a confident smile and swagger as he high fives all the fans. He jumps onto the ring and looks out, smiling, at the whole crowd. In the ring, he spreads his arms and poses for the crowd, and then goes to the top rope and performs the same gesture...
The crowd are very hot for their hometown drunk!

"Down Under" - Men at Work hits. The sound of thunder echoes through the arena. The music "Down Under" hits and the lights flicker like lightning. Daniel "The Thunder" Stokes appears and raises his arms in the arm. He starts walking down the entrance 5-Fiving a few people, as well as pulling his arm away from a few. He enters the ring and gets on the turnbuckle and raises his arms.

The match begins with traded right hands back and forth between the two young stars. Stokes gains the early advantage, hitting knife edge chops and a headlock takeover. While on the mat, Stokes on the Callahan's right arm, then locking it into an arm bar.

Callahan eventually breaks the hold and gains an advantage of his own hitting a few moves including a dropkick, knee drop, and scoop powerslam. He goes for the cover...1...2...kickout. The match goes back and forth for awhile, and neither opponent seems to gain a clear advantage.

Finally, Stokes hits Head Down Below, then sets up Callahan for a Stokes Drive, but somehow, without the referee seeing, Callahan pulls out his trusty beer bottle and whacks Stokes in the head without breaking the bottle. Callahan gets rid of the evidence and goes for the cover...1...2.....3.

Callahan gets the win and scurries to the back.
Phoenix v Garth Black

Walking Dead" by DJ Z-Trip and Chester Bennington hits the PA system as the arena sits calmly, with no change in lights as the song starts with "Suppose you were to die tonight. What would you say?" Then all of the lights turn off until a single spotlight turns on and points at Phoenix who is now standing on the stage as the lyrics begin. He looks up at the crowd, and then puts his arms straight out, like Y2J used to except facing the crowd and with his palms open. He then slowly walks to ring and uses the steps and goes between the second and third rope to enter. Finally, he faces the main camera and makes the same pose as he did on the stage.

Archives of Pain, Manic Street Preachers as the lights dim as Garth Black walks slowly to the ring wearing a black poncho, he steps in to the ring and takes it off as the lights turn back up.

The match starts with Black and Phoenix circling each other each looking for an opening. after a minute of this the lock up in the center of the ring. Phoenix throws black off of him, knocking him into the corner of the ring. Phoenix then hits him with a shinning wizard and hits a bulldog out of the corner going right for the pin. 1...2 kick out by Black.

Phoenix goes to pick Black up off the mat but Black shoves him away and hits Phoenix with a few rights and lefts of his own. With Phoenix staggered Black hits a huge DDT.

Black picks Phoenix up off the mat and hits an enziguri Black them goes to the top rope and hits the Black Magic (Shooting Star Leg drop) and goes right for the pin 1...2...3. Here is your winner Garth Black! Black gets up off of Phoenix and helps him up off the mat. Phoenix is a a little wary at first but Black sticks out his hand and Phoenix shakes it.

Garth Black leaves with Phoenix stood in the ring...out of the crowd carrying a chair in his right hand is Red Mask who proceeds to thump Phoenix with the steel chair just as he had done with Eric Derf the week before. Before garth Black can run back to the ring to make the save, Red Mask has already hopped back over the fence and out through the crowd.
Everest v. Milenko

Milenko comes out first to a chorus of boos. "The One Man Dynasty" enters the ring holding his Mayhem Title highly with great pride as he is jeered.

Everest comes out next to a great ovation, wearing the WZCW World Heavyweight Title. He gets in the ring and that match gets underway.

The action goes back and forth for a bit, leaving neither star with a distinct advantage. Milenko hits a few suplexes and a sidewalk slam, but he is unable to pin Everest with a cover. Everest then gets some momentum, hitting a fisherman's suplex and float over DDT. An unsuccessful pin attempt by Everest. Milenko then regains the advantage, hitting a neckbreaker followed by an attempted "Murder-Go-Round." However, Everest ducks the kick, hits the Rock Slide, and gets the pin.
Ricky v Manzo

Manzo comes out first to a shower of boos. Walking with him is Magnus Maximillion, and it is clear that he enjoys the heat being dished their way. They enter the ring where Manzo looks determined and ready to dominate.

Ricky comes out next to a rousing ovation, sporting his new entrance music "Over the Seas" by Alestorm. He hands a few lucky kids some toy steamboats and some others a couple of his signature non-alcoholic grog. Ricky slides in the ring, backs into his corner, and the match begins.

Ricky runs at Manzo, but the sheer size of the former yokozuna stops Ricky dead in his tracks, causing him to fall immediately to the canvas. Ricky looks frustrated, but he attempts to run into Manzo yet again...still resulting in failure. Manzo picks up a deflated Ricky, hitting him with several headbutts and striking moves.

Manzo continues to overpower the pirate, but Ricky musters some energy and hits Manzo with some striking moves of his own, though he's still unable to get the big man off of his feet. Manzo quickly regains his composure, hitting a belly to belly side slam. Manzo then signals that the end is near for Ricky, and it looks like it's time for the Hiroshima Bomb. Manzo runs, goes for the Bomb, but Ricky moves out of the way! The force of Manzo's fall has him out on his feet, and Ricky hits his new finishing maneuver The Blunderbuss! Manzo is down...Ricky covers....1....2.....3! Ricky is the new No. 1 contender for the WZCW World Title!

As Ricky celebrates in the Ring, Downward Spiral and Celeste come out and begin beating down Ricky. Almost simultaneously Big Will hits the ring to even the odds. Ricky and Will gain the advantage on the two attackers, sending them both out of the ring. As the two duos stare each other down, Meltdown goes off the air!
Vengeance v Anthony Michaels

Micahels comes out first as heget a very mixed reaction from the crowd, he steps in the ring as the lights go out. O fortuna hits as Vengeance comes out, this is the most evil Vengeance has seemed since he first turned up...with a look of ruthless aggression he steps in the ring as the match gets underway.

Vengeance starts on the offensive completely totally decimating Michaels straight off the mark with lots of big power moves and suplexes. Daniel Stokes makes his way to the ring and waits outside. Vengeance manages to give Anthony Michaels a roundhouse kick to the face which causes him to lose his balance and fall out of the ring. Daniel Stokes begins stomping on Anthony Michaels as the referee calls for the bell as the match ends in DQ.

Vengeeance does not look best pleased as he climbs out the ring and throws both men in. He gives Dan Stokes the Judge, Jury and Executioner and then gives Anthony Micahels the Trial and Retribution as he palces one hand on each men and he gets the referee to count to three. The referee does so and once it hits three O Fortuna hits, the lights cut off and when tey return Vengeance is no where to be seen.
Matches were written by Ricky, myself and Milenko. Apologies on the delay of the show, and the poor Everest/Milenko match, I accidentally deleted the original one!

As ever feedback is appreciated.
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