Meltdown 142 - Gold Rush Semi: Eve Taylor versus Lynx

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Da Prophet

Mid-Card Championship Winner
Destiny. Four wrestlers left. Two matches. This year the Gold Rush tournament has had so many twists and turns. With random matches every round it has made the tournament so unpredictable. From the start, Eve Taylor was one of the favourites and Lynx was a dark horse. Now these two competitors will meet with the winner going to Gold Rush and advancing into the final round. These two are just two wins away from a championship match. Who will seize the opportunity and who will fall just short?

Deadline for RPs is Monday 3rd July 23:59pm (Central)

Extensions are available on request.
Today shouldn't have been a memorable day.

The days leading up to something important are normally dismissible. Most people spend those days procrastinating, doing whatever they can to pass the time so the desired event comes quicker. Others like to prepare themselves, and make sure everything runs smoothly so if anything goes wrong, they've a back-up plan or two. When the day everybody has been waiting for arrives, everybody instantly forgets the days leading up and lives in the moment, looking to create a memory. They didn't wait this long for something to turn into a disappointment. Nobody enjoys a disappointment; nobody remembers a disappointment.

Well, today was one of those days for Eve Taylor. One of them waiting days. Although, instead of sitting in her hotel room or working out, or even shopping, to pass the time, she was appearing at a Superstar Signing. Nothing out of the ordinary for Eve Taylor. She had been advertised for many of these fan interactions events, and every time, Eve has really enjoyed her time talking with everyone who watches WZCW. The stories she heard, the admiration she received, and being told she was an inspiration: these days were some of the best relaxing days for Eve. It was hard for her to pick her favourite of these days, or to remember a particular story from a fan, because she enjoyed them all equally. Whenever Eve felt horrible about herself, she knew she could take solace in other people enjoying their lives. Even in her worst moods, and the worst times of her career, there were people out there who still cared enough to come up to Eve, give her a smile, and lift her spirits.

Eve never got this treatment as a model, so it was refreshing to see everyone come up to her with a story. In fact, it was rather odd for a fan to express their gratitude to a supermodel like Eve was; almost frowned upon by the business, unless you were an aspiring model asking for pointers (or sizing up your future competition). Any fan who got so close were automatically labelled creepy, and Eve never really got the chance to know anybody except business partners, and work colleagues. But here, in WZCW, she got the chance to interact with everyone. Eve knew she was contractually obligated to appear at these events, and these places were pre-organised with rules and regulations that fans had to abide by, or they'd be removed; however, the people still cared enough to see past all that, and meet their favourite star. Granted, Eve never had the biggest lines, or the most fans, but those who came up to her always had a great story to tell, a beautiful smile on their face, and always thanked her for the time taken to talk to them.

Yet, today felt a little different than the rest. Yes, Eve saw roughly around the same amount of people she usually meets. Yes, they all were respectful in their approach. And yes, the amount of people she saw willing to see her made her feel better than she started off in the day... but something was really off. Eve was hard pressed to figure it out, and it was gnawing at her mind all day. She couldn't shake the feeling... the feeling she was being watched. Not watched by anyone in particular, but the many that were there. Well, she was watched because she was the attraction, so of course people would be staring at her... but something different.

"Hey friend!" Eve exclaimed to the next person in line. "How are you? Thank you for coming out."

The fan looked at her and gave her a quick smile.

"I'm doing well. And you?"

Eve put on her best smile.

"I can't complain. Semi-finals in the Gold Rush tournament, and all. Not a bad achievement."

She laughed whilst the fan let out another quick smile.

"Yeah, not bad, I guess."

Eve looked at the fan, and couldn't really decipher if he was nervous or socially-awkward. She decided to tone it down a bit.

"Anything you want me to sign today?"

The fan gave her a poster; it was from the only time Eve Taylor was on the marquee for an event. The Gold Rush poster with all three members of Cerberus. All he needed was the final signature, and it was hers.

"Oh hey, nice work in getting all these signatures. This should be worth something some day."

No response from the fan as she signed it. She handed it back.

"Thank you."

The fan walked off before Eve could shake their hand. Eve didn't know how to take his sudden exit, but she decided to let it go rather quickly.

"No worries."

Eve attempted to think nothing of it, but as the day grew longer, and the line dwindled down, she observed similar behaviours from a lot of the fans. Many people who came up to her today were very professional in their approach, and spoke in mostly pleasantries. Not many of the fans looked to upon up and share any personal information with Eve. Most of the fans wanted to see Eve to take a picture, or to get a signature. Even when she tried to amp up the fans by getting them to cheer (since she thought it had been a long day waiting for them), they weren't as enthusiastic as they normally were. At first, she thought it might have been the particular city she was in. Maybe it was because people needed to get their preparations for Independence Day celebrations ready... but again, she looked into the eyes of the fans. That weird feeling she got from earlier came again... like she was being watched intently.

It felt like Eve was being silently judged by everybody. They were all looking at Eve in a way that would penetrate through someone's skin, and peer into their very soul. Everyone there was looking at Eve to see if she had one. Everyone there was looking to see if there was something behind the eyes of Eve. It was like as if everyone was trying to see if there was anything left inside of her, because their belief inside of themselves for Eve was beginning to fade away. That's what it felt like. Was there passion behind the eyes of Eve to continue in the Gold Rush tournament? Was there something deep down inside of Eve that would never give up, even when the odds were against her? Did she even have what it takes to win this entire thing? That's what it felt like. The people were beginning to doubt there was even a future for Eve.

After Eve had finished with her signings, and she thanked everyone left for attending, as well as the crew for helping her out for the day, nobody was as gleeful as her. Everybody went about their own business, leaving Eve Taylor with nothing to do but sit there at the table. She looked across the table to the posters leftover from the day, and she grabbed it.


A memory of Eve Taylor at her best, when she was the champion. When she was the person to beat. The period of her life when she turned many fans to her side, and began supporting her. This is when the fan turn-outs felt great. Everybody believed in her. People want to interact. The fans were happy to be there. These days... the people didn't look at her the same way. Their hopes and beliefs in Eve Taylor as the next great wrestler were waning. It wasn't as strong as it was last year, or even the year before that. People were beginning to turn away from Eve, and they were looking for others to place their love. Eve Taylor was no longer the hottest act in the professional wrestling circuit; she was becoming an established veteran who has a storied history. Everything about Eve Taylor was about the past, and it wasn't about the future any more. She felt everyone saw her as a wrestler who had peaked, or as a wrestler who attempted to be bigger than she was... and it was beginning to feel like Eve Taylor was the only person who believed in herself.

"How can people know the future?" Eve asked herself quietly, staring at the poster. "How can they look at me today, and instantly envision failures for me?"

Eve knew she hadn't exactly lived up the words she had said in the past. When she finally lost the Elite Openweight championship, she told the world she would win the Lethal Lottery and go onto the main event Kingdom Come. Eve Taylor didn't make the Top Four. She then said she would work hard to prove herself as a new contender for the title, and all she needed was a one-on-one match. She took the pinfall against an unstoppable Flex Mussel. What did people believe when Eve Taylor said she was going to win the Gold Rush tournament, and win the World title? That was the look in their eyes: doubt and disbelief in the words that Eve Taylor said about her future.

She looked at the poster again. "It is impossible to judge the future of a person, and expect everything from them, based on their past results." Eve said to nobody.

She looked up and around, and indeed, there was no-one to listen to her talk. Yet, she kept talking... maybe it was because she needed to talk to herself, and convince herself, to psyche herself up and keep her in the fight.

"The past is known as the past because everything that has previously occurred as passed us by. It is history now. No way we can change it. No way to influence it. Only learn from the mistakes... so, when they see Eve Taylor in history, they don't see many mistakes. The only mistakes they see - or they only mistakes they remember - are the ones involving my pursuit for the World championship. Therefore, Eve Taylor is incapable of getting close to the World title, so why support a failed cause? Is that what they believe? I haven't been able to achieve what I say, so why should they show their support for me, if I fail to represent them? Why support my future when I've proven to them that I am unable to have a future with the World championship?"

Eve caressed the title on the poster; her old friend Senshuken, the Elite Openweight title.

"Nobody believed I could be a credible champion when I lost the Eurasian title as quickly as I won it. Not my stablemates. Not the fans. Not even management. I had to earn my way to winning the Elite Openweight title. I fought every day one step at a time, proving my worth until I earned that opportunity. When I won the title, everybody saw me as another paper champion... but I proved to everybody that I was the best, and I became the longest reigning Elite Openweight champion in the last decade; the entire time this federation has existed. I already showed everyone I can do it once. I can do it again. Just because they are losing interest, doesn't mean you'll lose them forever."

Taylor looked more intently at the poster, and attempted to envision herself as the World champion, holding that title instead of the Elite... but before she could create that image, she put the poster face-down on the table, not wanting to look at it.

"No! I can't see into the future. I must not look towards the future. Every time I looked into the future, and proclaimed to be the best, I was promptly met with a smack in the face, and another failure in my record books. It happened when I thought I was Queen Bee as the Eurasian champion, and it happened with the Lethal Lottery. I have to take it day-by-day, and I have to stick with the present, like when I was the Elite Openweight champion and focused on the number one contender. I didn't dream of being the greatest champion; I fought in the present. That's what I must focus on: the here and now. No more looking toward the future. No more dreaming of what I could be. No more envisioning myself as the first-ever female World champion. I haven't earned that right to proclaim myself as such. For all I know, Yemrez could pull the biggest upset in recent memory, and win it all. Anything can happen, and nobody knows the future. Nobody knows. Not even Lynx."

She shook her head, and smiled to herself.

"How can Lynx even thrive on the looking towards the future? How has he managed to be almost undefeated in WZCW whilst betting all his stock on the future occurring in a vision he expects everything to follow? How can someone like myself fail under the pressures of setting a future goal, a person who has been for three years and going into my fourth; yet, Lynx has a few matches and he's proven himself a successful commodity? How does he have the confidence to say what will happen, and the convert? It's uncanny. It's unreal. I don't believe it. I don't believe anything he says. He can't know the future. He can't know my future."

Eve stood up out of her chair.

"I will not allow someone like Lynx take advantage of the future everybody seems to assume I will follow. The future belongs to the actions I make in the present. They do not blindly pursue a known prophecy that is unavoidable no matter how much I fight... and if, by chance, it does, I will fight against the prophecy that my future does not deserve a World championship opportunity it. I must not give up in the present because the unwritten future believes I do not succeed. I must not believe in the words of someone like Lynx to psyche me out, and I must prove to everyone that I still have what it takes to give everything my all. I showed everyone that I can hang with the very best such as Matt Tastic, and beat him. Despite my loss, I gave everything I had against Flex Mussel, and it took Flexicution after Flexicution to put me down. Nobody has ever had to endure the amount of punishment I took to remove me from the championship opportunity. I am still here. I am still standing here, ready to go. I am still in the Gold Rush tournament. I am in the semi-finals, damnit! I have survived past most others who were thought to be in this position. I am still willing to go. How can anyone discount me from a future when I, here in the present, am standing tall. I have my fists up. My mind is ready. My body will endure the challenge."

Eve goes around the table, and looks up to the sky. She shouts towards it.

"You hear me?! I'm still here, Lynx! I am not going anywhere, Father Time. You can't control me. You can't tell me what to do. I am in control of my own future, and I will do everything I have to do in this present time to make sure of that! No one man, nor does any one entity, wield that much power over anybody. There is nobody up here pulling on the strings. I am the one who pulls my own strings. I am the one who dictates what I will do. And I am the one who will show you that in our semi-finals match Lynx. Screw the past. Screw the future. You are here. With me. In the present. And I am not going anywhere. Our match in the semi-finals will not result in your vision. It will result in Eve Taylor finally taking control of her own life! I get to decide what will happen. Not you. Not time. Not anyone.

"You are not the person who gets to take that away from me. You will not take this away from me!"


... minutes pass before Eve looks away from the sky, and observes her surroundings. Nobody was listening to her. Despite her yelling at the sky, nobody took notice. Nobody was watching her... and that's just the way she wanted it. She wasn't giving a speech to every one of her fans. She was giving a speech to herself. It was a speech that helped her build confidence in herself, and feel empowered to embrace herself, and not the perceptions others had for her. She needed to feel empowered to take her own life in her hands, and create the life she wanted... not a world which Lynx predicted. It was her life, not his. He had no idea what her world is, and what her world will be.

Today wasn't supposed to be a memorable day, but for Eve Taylor, it will be a day she will remember, for it was the day she took control of her future.
July 2nd, 2017
17:28 PM

It was almost time. Lynx had been scheduled to give a special live message for all his fans through social media. His friend Doreen was keeping an eye on the time for him so that he could begin at precisely the right second, with the account ready to log in. Lynx is sitting on his couch at his apartment in Phoenix AZ. Doreen is standing next to him with her iPhone out.

Lynx: You ready for me to start yet?

Doreen: Almost. Just let Doreen know and she will start the live feed. All of your fans will be able to see live just as you requested.

Lynx: Give it about ten more seconds then. I want to start before 17:30.

Exactly ten seconds pass and then Doreen logs in. She turns her iPhone's camera over to face Lynx, who is sitting relaxed with his right foot on his left knee, on the couch. She holds the iPhone in one hand and counts down from 5 to 1 on her other hand, then pointing her index finger at Lynx to signify they are live.

Lynx: Hey everyone. Lynx here. Thanks for joining me here today for this special message I have prepared to share LIVE for all of those who have been following us at The Grand Dream on social media as well as all my fans who have been supporting my WZCW career. As you can see tonight I'm at my home, which is bigger on the inside.

He pauses for a moment.

Lynx: I've been getting lots of emails and messages ever since I first announced that I would be going live today to talk to you all. Lots of you had asked what exactly this was going to be about. If you've been following The Grand Dream since our Apocalypse Prevention Rally two months ago then you would know that my biggest goal in life is to stop the Apocalypse. Friends, we are coming in very close proximity to another fixed point in time. It is at the WZCW Gold Rush 2017 pay-per-view event.

He changes to where his left foot is on top of his right knee now instead.

Lynx: Which brings me to the next round of shows that I'll be wrestling at. I've been told I will be facing Eve Taylor at Meltdown 142. The winner of our match goes on to Gold Rush to compete in the final of the tournament. You know.... I was once in another tournament similar in structure to the Gold Rush Tournament. What happened that day was-

Before he is able to finish, Lynx's best friend Masamune walks into the den and stands to the right of Lynx by the couch. He can be seen by those watching on social media.

Masamune: We got a problem, bro.

Lynx: Well, can you.... I'm in the middle of something right now. What is it?

Masamune: Some rude guy from WZCW's Benefits Department is here to see you, dude.

Lynx rolls his eyes.

Lynx: Tell him I'm busy and it will have to wait.

Masamune: He said this can't wait. Why not just talk to the guy and then start your video over again afterwards.

Lynx: We can't just start over! This is live, man!

Masamune hesitates for a bit before in answering.

Masamune: Groovy. I'll see what I can do, bro.

Masamune walks off. Lynx scratches his head and looks back into the camera.

Lynx: Sorry about that, everyone. Now, where were we.... Ah, yes. So the last time I was in a tournament like the Gold Rush Tournament it was an experience that I still think back to very often. In fact, I would say that it was-

He is unable to finish his story due to a rude man barging in. He'll be referred to as "Rude Benefits Man" and he looks like Cedric the Entertainer. His first name really is "Rude", like that guy from the Turks in Final Fantasy 7. He doesn't have a last name though since he's never coming back again after this RP.

Rude Benefits Man: Mr Lynx. We need to talk.... Wow, it really is bigger on the inside in here.... Umm, yeah, so this is about your benefits package and your benefactor.

Lynx: Seriously!? This is not a good time. Can we discuss this later?

Rude Benefits Man: No. We are going to talk and we are going to talk RIGHT NOW.

Lynx gets up in anger and faces the iPhone Doreen is holding up, which is still recording.

Lynx: My apologies, everyone. We are going to take a brief break due to this RUDE interruption! Cut the feed, Doreen.

Doreen goes offline. Lynx gets up off the couch.

Lynx: I already told another guy from your department that I have no living relatives. What is it going to take to get you people to stop bothering me about this? I'm not taking any benefits and I have no benefactor to name.

Rude Benefits Man: Mr Lynx, I have been advised to get an answer out of you. Your time is about to run out and I highly recommend you name your benefactor at this time.

Neither speak for a couple of seconds.

Lynx: What happens if I don't?

Rude Benefits Man: Then this might have to get escalated up further than necessary.

Lynx: Good! Let it escalate! I'm going to email Human Resources management now and put a stop to this. There's nothing in the employee handbook that says I have to name a benefactor.

Lynx points to the door.

Lynx: Now, do me a favor, and get out of my home!

Rude Benefits Man: You have until the night of Gold Rush, Mr Lynx.

Lynx: OUT!!!!

The Rude Benefits Man leaves. Lynx sits back down on the couch furious.

July 2nd, 2017
21:52 PM

By now Lynx had calmed down. He had Doreen update his fans on social media to inform they would resume the live recorded message around 22:00. He allowed some time to relax. He had eaten a dinner which consisted of mesclun greens, chives, truffles, and nectarines. As soon as he finished eating he was in a better mood. Once Lynx had successfully sent an email to upper management within Human Resources requesting that he not be asked about the benefactor again, he was sure the agents would stop bothering him about this benefits nonsense. He sat down once again on his couch in the same position he was in before he had been interrupted a few short hours earlier. Doreen walks over to Lynx with her iPhone out in her hand.

Doreen: Should Doreen begin recording now?

Lynx: Yep. I'm ready to go. It's almost 22:00 and we had told my fans we would start before then so let's go.

Doreen does the same countdown from before and points to Lynx to inform they are back on the air again on The Grand Dream's social media account.

Lynx: Hey everyone, sorry about the unexpected delay. I wasn't expecting such a rude interruption. Let it be known that it has been taken care of. What I was trying to say before we were so rudely interrupted by that Benefits guy was that in the last major tournament I was in I got placed into a similar situation to where I stand now. In the semi-finals I faced the one person everyone expected to win the whole tournament. Much like some fans have said about my next opponent, Eve Taylor.

He taps his fingers on his leg a little bit before speaking again.

Lynx: Actually, let's talk about Eve Taylor for a moment.

He pulls out a New International Version Bible and opens up to Genesis 1, showing it to the camera of Doreen's iPhone for all the fans to see.

Lynx: The first woman to ever live. Her name was also Eve.

He puts the Bible down on the coffee table in front of him and flips to Genesis 3, before facing the camera again.

Lynx: Then came the fall. For the Eve from Genesis it was when a serpent convinced her to sin, causing her to no longer be able to live in paradise like her destiny would have foretold. For Eve Taylor, one would say it was at the Lethal Lottery that she fell, causing her to no longer be able to main event Kingdom Come 8 like she thought she was destined to.

He pauses for a moment.

Lynx: Life is full of unexpected frustrations and interruptions. Whether that be a rude person barging into your home during a live message to your fans, or you losing a match everyone thought you would win. Unlike Eve Taylor, I am not going to let an unexpected interruption get in the way. I addressed the problem, and made a revision to my plans. Now I'm proceeding with my live message as originally planned. The interruption didn't put a stop to what was going to happen either way. Eve has yet to deal with the big interruption that has prevented her from proceeding further. No, I'm not talking about her loss at the Lethal Lottery.

Lynx cracks his knuckles and a serious look can be seen on his face.

Lynx: The interruption I am talking about is me. Eve, at Meltdown 142 your plans of competing in the Gold Rush Final at the pay-per-view are going to be interrupted by me. Sorry. It's nothing personal, it truly isn't.... Watching over the time space continuum is just a little bit more important than you winning a tournament. There's a fixed point in time at the Gold Rush pay-per-view and you better believe that Lynx will be there to ensure that WZCW does not come any closer to a moment that must never take place.

He picks up the Bible from the coffee table in front of him and closes it.

Lynx: I'll see you at Meltdown 142, Eve.

He walks away from the couch as Doreen cuts off the live feed.
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