Meltdown 111

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Harrys: Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the General Manager of Meltdown... Vance Bateman!

In the ring, Vance Bateman stands with a huge smile on his face. The fans welcome him relatively warmly as he struts around the ring.

Bateman: Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen of the WZCW Universe, to normal television. Did you enjoy Kingdom Come?

The crowd begin to shout at Bateman as he continues his speech.

Bateman: I thought so. Kingdom Come six broke all kinds of records, it was a commercial success and, more importantly, we entertained you like never before. Who will ever forget Daddy Mack climbing that ladder, rolling back the years and claiming the EurAsian Championship for himself? Or who could forget Cerberus finally getting what was coming to them and Hard Metal Penetration taking the Tag Team Championships back to the good guys. Huh?

The crowd go nuts again, the mere mention of some of their favourites enough to send the crowd into overdrive.

Bateman: Or better yet, who will ever forget Constantine defeating El Califa Dragon, claiming his seventh defence in the Elite X gauntlet and ensuring that he will be the next man to challenge the Heavyweight Champion after the result of Ty Burna versus Matt Tastic is known?

For the first time since Kingdom Come, the collective sound of a booing WZCW audience is heard.

Bateman: And it's on this matter, we have a bit of housekeeping to do. There can be no doubt now, Constantine is one of the finest WZCW Elite X Champions in history. More defences than any other Elite X Champion, a reign that matches some of the longest reigning Champions in WZCW history. There can be no doubt, Constantine deserves a break.

The crowd let Bateman know what they think about his decision.

Bateman: And whilst he is competing on my show, and he is competing against another Champion who cannot hold two Championship at the one time, Constantine is hereby allowed to lose the match, if that turns out to be the case, and keep his Elite X Championship. Tonight, we have a few announcements that will shape WZCW for the future and the same will be true at Ascension as John Constantine makes an announcement about his future as WZCW Elite X Champion and about the WZCW Elite X Championship in general. Until then, enjoy the show and welcome back to WZCW!

The crowd boos as Bateman leaves the ring...


Copeland: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome back to WZCW Meltdown! I'm Sebastian Copeland, alongside Jack Cohen at ringside as we leave Kingdom Come in the rear view mirror and move onto bigger and better things in Corpus Christi, Texas.

Cohen: And what a start to the show already!

Copeland: You heard it here first, ladies and gentlemen. Tonight's main event will be a non-title affair as the future of the Elite X Championship hangs in the balance amongst much speculation.

Cohen: But enough talking, folks. Let's get this show on the road!
Harrys: This match is scheduled for one fall and is a triple threat!


Harrys: Introducing first, from the Heavens Above, “The Preacher” Frank Driscoll!

: New blood entering the WZCW arena for the first time tonight.

: Let’s hope the rookie truly has god on his side tonight; a triple threat is no one’s favor.

Frank Driscoll walks out behind the curtains with bible in hand. He is holding the bible high in the air and has a huge smile on his face. He takes a second to pray still holding the bible up in the air. He walks down the ramp and opens the bible. He recites bible verses to fans who are sinning and then forgives them for they do not know they sinned. He rolls into the ring and takes his robe off. He lays it on the top rope and goes to the middle of the ring and holds his bible in the air again. He then waits for his opponents.


Harrys: And his opponent, from Moscow, Russia, “The Mauler of Moscow” Victor Makarov!

Makarov enters the arena through the curtain and stall on the stage. Placing his hand over his heart as his beloved National anthem plays out for everyone to hear, he dips his head in respect. Afterwards, a look of venom crosses his features as he stomps his way down to the ring.

Cohen: I guess you can say a triple threat match may be “foreign territory” for a newcomer like Makarov. Get it? Because he’s from Russia!

: Comedian my broadcast partner is not….


Harrys: from Erinsborough, Australia, CROCOOOOOOODILE Bruce Irwin!

Bruce comes out through the curtain and soaks in the crowd. He wears his shirt down to the ring. He slowly walks down with high fives to the crowd. He climbs in to the ring and takes his shirt off. He throws this to the crowd.

Copeland: While he’s not the most tenured of WZCW superstars you have to wonder will the experience Irwin has be enough to trump the two rookies.

Cohen: We may not know a lot about his two competitors he’d be a fool to underestimate their ability. We may just be in for a hell of a fight.

The bell rings as the three men wait in their respective corners attempting to feel each other out. The fan favorite Bruce Irwin begins to get a lot of cheers from the audience compared to the relative unknowns and he once again begins to soak it all up. This leads to a momentary sense of teamwork from Makarov and Driscoll who immediately take advantage by backing Irwin into a corner and repeatedly stomping away at him.

: And that’s what happens you get distracted by your own popularity.

Copeland: Irwin may have indeed been distracted by WZCW universe. Regardless Driscoll and Makarov are certainly not letting this opportunity go to waste.

Despite the two on one assault the big man from Australia begins to fight back. He delivers massive shot after shot eventually giving him enough breathing room to bounce off the ropes and deliver a big boot to Driscoll sending him down to the mat. He ducks a twisting clothesline from Makarov and once again bounces off the ropes looking for a big boot but is instead met with a scoop slam by the vicious Russian. The Mauler of Moscow himself bounces off the ropes and hits a running leg drop to Irwin and hooks the leg for the pin 1….2….Irwin Kicks out! Makarov does not let up however as he begins stomping away at various body parts of Bruce. He notices Driscoll beginning to stir on the apron and charges at him with a running shoulder block sending him into the barricade.

Copeland: I guess that partnership is over.

Cohen: This Makarov is a smart man, it’s every man for himself in this type of match, and he’s showing Driscoll exactly what he’ll need to do to win.

Makarov returns his attention to Irwin and picks him up for a pump handle slam. Irwin is however able to slip out and deliver a spin kick right to the face of Makarov! The Russian immediately gets back up a bit dazed from the shot and Irwin follows up with a tilt a whirl slam followed by the pin 1…2…..Driscoll makes the save just in time! Bruce charges at his recovered opponent but the preacher is ready and Driscoll takes him down with an STO Slam. He picks Irwin back up and delivers a German Suplex that folds Irwin in half! The man of god notices Makarov beginning to stir and looks to return the favor from earlier and charges straight at him only to be met with a twisting clothesline! Makarov looks to follow up with a running body splash in the corner but Driscoll moves out of the way. A dazed Makarov gets back up and Driscoll hits him with a gut wrench backbreaker and falls into the pin 1….2…..Makarov kicks out!

Copeland: These three guys are putting it all on the line tonight!

Cohen: They realize just how big the Meltdown after Kingdom Come is and they want management to notice them. If they continue like this it just might happen!

A frustrated Driscoll decides to target a recovering Irwin and charges at him only for Bruce to pull down the top rope sending Driscoll flying down to the floor! Irwin gets on the apron and waits for Makarov to get to his feet before delivering a devastating Sling shot Lariat! Makarov is flat on his back but Irwin’s not going for the pin, he’s hyping the fans up for The Dingo! He goes to the top rope and eagerly waits for The Russian to make to his feet. Little does he know Driscoll has made it back into the ring he crotches Irwin on the turnbuckle. Driscoll then kicks Makarov in the gut looking for a double under hook power bomb but the Russian overpowers him and hits a back body drop! The Preacher makes it to his feet only to be met with The Dingo from Irwin!

Copeland: One hell of a devastating top rope clothesline from Irwin! Can he capitalize and win the match?

Irwin tries to go for the cover but he is slow to get up as he holds his crotch in pain from the previous attack by Driscoll. The fans chant for the Australian once again and the motivation wills Irwin to his feet. He finally motions to go for the pin but is met with super kick straight to the face from Makarov!

Cohen: Talk about Mother Russia! Irwin never saw it coming!

Bruce gets knocked in between the ropes and to the floor and Makarov instead goes for the pin on an already in the ring and knocked out Driscoll




Harrys: And here is your winner, Victor Makarov!

Cohen: The Mauler of Moscow has overcome so tough odds in his first match up, this guy might have a hell of a future.

Copeland: Definitely an impressive victory from Makarov but you’ve got to give it up to all three men in this match.

Cohen: Yeah give them a participation award if you want but the fact remains Victor Makarov has won this match.

The victorious Russian celebrates up the ramp as the ref checks on Driscoll and a dejected Irwin begins to stir on the outside.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *​

We cut backstage to see Constantine walking alone through the halls of the arena. With the Elite X Championship strewn over his shoulder proudly, he has a permanently smarmy smile plastered on his features. However, without Steven Holmes or Ty Burna flanking him, Constantine cuts a solitary and perhaps vulnerable figure.

Constantine: There you are...

The camera pans around to show Eve Taylor, Flex Mussel and Ramparte standing in a circle in front of the Elite X Champion. All three heads of Cerberus turn to look at Constantine; perhaps eyeing their prey.

Ramparte: Brave of you coming down here on your own, Champ. Especially after what you said to us at Kingdom Come.

Constantine allows a slight laugh to escape as he fearlessly stands before the dangerous stable,

Constantine: You really think I came down here for a fight, son?

Ramparte takes exception to Constantine's patronising remark, wasting no time in moving towards him. But the arm of Eve Taylor shoots out in front of him, stopping him in his tracks. Constantine, again, smiles as Taylor urges restraint on the part of her stable-mate.

Taylor: What do you want?

Constantine: Yes, down to business then. I have come down here with a proposition for you Miss Taylor. If you have some time and you feel as though you can call off your... Dogs. Then perhaps we can have an amicable chat that might benefit both of us?

Taylor studies Constantine for a moment, considering his statements. She gives Mussel and Ramparte a nod as both male heads leave her side.

Taylor: You have my attention. Don't waste it.
Cohen: We're set for our next match! But we've got a little switch going here.

Connor:That's right. Sebastian had to run to the little commentators room. So in the meantime, I'm filling out for him.

Cohen: Haha. What a wimp.

Harrys: Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is scheduled for one fall!


Introducing first, from Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, weighing 232 pounds, Chris K.O.!

With his trusted volleyball Steve in hand, Chris makes his way on stage. The fans cheer as Chris holds Steve high above his head. He makes his way to the ring, nodding to fans with their own replica volleyballs. He rolls into the ring and hands off the ball before playing to the crowd.

Cohen: This guy is weird, like really weird. Who the hell carries around a volleyball? Let alone names it?

Connor: Chris is an accomplished competitor here in WZCW. He is a former EurAsian Champion, as well as holding wins over names like Ty Burna and Mikey Stormrage, two men who just competed in a number one contenders match.


And his opponent, weighing in at 178lbs, he is one half of the WZCW Tag Team Champions, Alhazred!

With his gold around his waist, Alhazred makes his way onto the stage to a solid contingent of cheers. He unhooks his title belt and hoists it above of head and he makes his way to the ring. "You're gonna die Chris!" he yells before he climbs into the ring.

Connor: One half of the newly crowned tag champs, Hard Metal Penetration, Alhazred, will look to continue his luck tonight with a win over his former Apostles of Chaos stable mate.

Cohen: So a goof who talks to a volleyball and a sex offender. What a company I work for.

Referee Elizabeth Prince is charge of the action tonight. She checks both men for foreign objects, and gets a few cat calls from Alhazred as she pats him down. She calls for the bell and the match is underway.


The two men take the center of the ring and start to feel each other out. They paw at each other and slap away attempts from each other to initiate tie ups. Finally a wild swing by Alhazred allow for Chris to secure a rear waist lock. He wrenches Alhazred around, before the tag team champ is able to secure a snapmare and work to a chinlock. He throws a forearm across the chest, allowing him time to hit a dropkick to the back of the head. He quickly rolls over into a cover.
And that is all he gets as K.O. kicks out with ease. The two men both scramble to their feet and we are back at square one. They begin to throw right hands, each landing one before taking one before they tie up once again. Chris is able to secure an arm wringer. He wrenches on the hold, before he transitions into a hammerlock. He clubs Alhazred across the chest a few times before he lifts him and drops him with a suplex. He forgoes a pin and begins to stomp away at his opponent. Figuring he has done enough damage, he drags Alhazred to his feet and connects with a European uppercut, staggering his opponent. K.O. then follows up by spinning Alhazred around and planting him with a bulldog. The survivor looks for a pin.
But two is all he gets as Alhazred kicks out without much trouble.

Connor: So a bit of a back and forth affair thus far, but Chris K.O. with the upper hand for the time being.

Cohen: Wake me when something interesting happens.

The former white knight again pulls Alhazred to his feet, but this time Alhazred begins to fight back with rights and lefts, causing K.O. to cover up. With K.O. covering his face, Alhazred connects with a heart punch, causing his opponent to fall over stiff. With a bit of an opening, Alhazred makes his way to the nearest turnbuckle and climbs to the top rope. He comes off with a diving fist drop, connecting flush with his foe's chest. He takes a moment to ponder his next move, before he decides to tighten his Power Glove, to cheers from the fans. He lifts K.O. to his feet and looks for Level 5, but Chris ducks. He follows up with a swift kick to the midsection and plants Alhazred with a DDT. Both men are on the ground, with K.O. clutching his chest. The referee begins his ten count.
Cohen: Maybe we can get lucky and we end up with both men getting counted out.

Connor: That would be a shame as both of these men look to continue their momentum coming off big Kingdom Come wins.
Both men are stirring and getting to their feet at the count of eight. Alhazred looks to end it, again going for Level 5, but Chris ducks, and looks to lock on The Burning Crusade. He has the arm secured, but Alhazred is fighting and eventually he makes it to the ropes, forcing the ref to step in and break the hold. Chris shakes his head, but releases the hold, frustrated. The ref has her back turned when Alhazred sees an opening and punches K.O. square in his volleyballs, causing him to fall to the mat.

Connor: Cheap shot by Alhazred, but the fans are laughing.

Cohen: That had to hurt, and yes it looks like Alhazred is about to lock on the Face Hugger.

With the submission hold locked on, Chris begins to fight, but he has no choice but to tap to the face hold. Alhazred releases the hold and holds his hands high in victory.

Harrys: Here is your winner, Alhazred!

Alhazred allows the ref to raise his hand before he begins his cat calls at her again. He does check on his opponent, making sure he caused no permanent damage, and shakes hands with his former running mate before he takes his tag team gold and climbs the nearest turnbuckle.

Cohen: With an assist from an illegal blow, Alhazred has picked up the win. Am I the only one who is not surprised Alhazred would touch another man there though?

Connor: No Jack you aren't alone. None the less, Alhazred picks up the win.


Returning from commercial, we see Chris K.O. and Steve sitting backstage, Chris looking dejected, when a familiar voice tries to console him.

???: Tough luck out there mate, but I know what you are capable of. You will put this behind you.

Chris turns to see James Howard, in a brand new suit, walking toward him.

K.O.: James, good to see you! What are you doing here?

Howard: I had a meeting with Mr. Banks, super top secret, but I wanted to stop in a see some of the guys. Plus you and I may have a little unfinished business from our EurAsian title feud a little while back.

Before Chris can respond, James begins to walk off.


In another part of the backstage area we see Sebastian Copeland exiting the bathroom. He tosses a bottle of Pepto Bismol in a trash can as he walks back to the arena. As he does so a silhouette can be seen far behind him. He stops and turns around but see's nothing. He rubs his stomach in concern and walks off away from the camera. But in the shadows you can see a masked figure who's evil eyes pierce through as we go to commercial.
Harrys: This match is scheduled for one fall.

Harrys: Introducing first, weighing in at 192 pounds, Stephenville, Texas... He is The Warblade, Theron Daggershield!

Theron makes his way out a rapturous applause and cheering from the crowd. He looks a little banged up from the Ladder match only a couple of weeks ago but he also looks as though he is in good spirits. He has his signature sword draped over his shoulder as he begins to make his way down the ramp.

Cohen: You're back? Man, I thought I'd have the pretty girl here longer.

Copeland: Shut up. 6 years and zero moves on your part. But what a match Theron found himself embroiled in at Kingdom Come. Maybe it didn't go his way but it was a very strong showing from The Warblade. Onto bigger and better things hopefully.

Theron finally makes the ring, slashing his sword as he goes. He goes up the steps before rolling his dice in the centre of the canvas. Giving a warm smile as he looks at the result, he waits for his opponent.

Harrys: And his opponent, weighing in at 285 pounds... The Beard!

The Beard storms down the ramp, not stopping at al. He looks absolutely driven and intense as he does so. He reaches the ring within seconds and climbs the steel steps with purpose. He moves towards Theron but the referee quickly intervenes and sends him back to his corner.

Cohen: Well, I guess we know what kind of mood The Beard is in tonight, Seabass.

Copeland: A disappointing loss for The Beard at Kingdom Come as he looked to reclaim the World Heavyweight Championship from Matt Tastic. In what was an amazing match, he just couldn't get the job done.

Cohen: I wouldn't like to be Theron tonight, that's for sure.

Both men stand in their respective corners as referee calls for the bell. Without hesitation, The Beard rushes Theron, who is unprepared for the beast that he is about to face. Beard immediately drives Theron back into the corner, clubbing at him with heavy shots as Daggershield is reduced to a seated position. The Beard continues the beating, stomping a mud-hole in Theron as the referee signals for him to stop. He begins his five count as Beard finally stops the beating. He comes out of the corner and roars loudly into the crowd; an act that is met with fierce animosity from the assembled masses. The Beard looks absolutely intense as he menacingly lurches towards Theron, who is finally getting back to his vertical base. Beard looks to continue the onslaught but Theron is in no mood to be the whipping boy in this match. As Beard stomps towards him, Theron quickly drops him with a drop-toe hold; Beard's hairy face smashing into the turn-buckle. The crowd roars with appreciation as The Beard finally gets a taste of his own medicine. Theron rolls out of the corner as The Beard gets onto his knees. Without a seconds hesitation, Theron nails him with a swift kick to the jaw; sending a resounding “snap” around the arena. Beard's eyes roll as his brain gets scrambled with the tremendous impact. With Beard now lying flat on the canvas, Theron pulls him out of the corner for the first cover of the match. 1... 2... Kick out! The Beard powers a shoulder off of the mat.

Copeland: What a start from both of these competitors. We told you that both would have something to prove after their performances at Kingdom Come and it was turned out that way already.

Cohen: The Beard looks intense tonight, Seabass. I feel sorry for Daggershield. He could get hurt.

Copeland: Don't worry about Theron, Jack. As he has shown tonight and every other night he performs, he can look after himself. And he is on top here.

Theron pulls The Beard to his feet, his brain still scrambled. Backing him into the corner this time, Theron whips him across the ring. Without a seconds hesitation, Theron runs after him and as The Beard's back hits the corner, his chest is absolutely pulverised by a running drop-kick from The Warblade! The Beard once again falls to his knees. Theron marches across the ring before unleashing an “X” as he targets his downed opponent. He walks back towards his adversary as the crowd get excited about what is to come. Once again, he looks to nail The Beard with a devastating kick to the skull but as Theron swings his leg, The Beard ducks under. Theron losing his bearings for a moment but he soon knows where he is when The Bears absolutely crushes him with a beautifully executed meat-hook clothesline. The Beard gets to his feet quickly and puts a finger to his mouth. As he takes it away, the crimson shade of his blood greets him as the anger within The Beard begins to grow. With Theron toiling on the canvas, The Beard moves back towards him, picking him up; he looks like he is in no mood to waste time anymore. He backs him into the corner before ramming him with some repeated shoulder strikes that take the air from Theron's lungs.

Cohen: The Beard is an unstoppable machine, ladies and gentlemen. It doesn't matter what you try against him, he is completely indestructible.

Copeland: I hate to have to agree with you, Jack. But The Beard does seem to have a huge amount of gas in the tank. His strength is a bonus because when you can simply outlast your opponent, you have every chance of taking every match.

Cohen: Think how motivated you have to be when The Beard just keeps coming at you. Probably safer and easier just to give up. Someone tell Theron that!

After six separate shoulders to the chest of his opponent, The Beard allows Theron to stumble out of the corner. But his mercy comes at a price for Theron as he is soon nailed by a belly to back suplex; The Beard throwing Theron halfway across the ring. Slowly and with a shade of menace, The Beard gets to one knee, looking across the ring at his downed opponent. He gets up and moves across the ring before dropping a devastating leg drop to the throat and chest of The Warblade. The crowd cannot hide their suspense as The Beard finally covers his opponent. The referee makes the count. 1... 2... Kick out! It was close but Theron just gets his shoulder out. The Beard shakes his head as he looks at the referee. With Theron struggling, The Beard knows that his time to make his advantage count is now. Without a moment's hesitation, he gets to his feet, turns Theron over and locks in a Boston Crab in the middle of the ring. The painful yells from The Warblade give everyone within earshot a reminder of the trouble that Theron now finds himself in. The Beard arches his back, mercilessly levering more and more pressure onto the lower back of his opponent. Theron reaches for the ropes but he is far too far away and showing no signs of getting closer.

Copeland: This is big trouble for Theron, folks. The Beard is merciless and he is not going to let Theron out of this without a fight.

Cohen: Do yourself a favour, Daggershield, give up! The Beard has got The Warblade right where he wants him. Theron should quit now whilst is still able to fight another day. The Beard isn't messing around tonight.

The hold carries on as Theron begins to drag himself across the ring, the manoeuvre taking it's toll on the smaller man. The crowd are right behind Theron as he inches closer and closer to the ropes and, in turn, his salvation. But just as Theron is about to reach the bottom rope, The Beard pulls him back into the middle of the ring. The crowd sigh in disbelief but Theron is in no mood to allow himself to be put in that situation again. He turns onto his back, The Beard struggling to control his opponent. Theron pulls his legs towards his chest and then kicks out at The Beard. The Beard tumbles across the ring and crashes into the ropes on his back. A look of pure hatred and venom as he rests on the ropes. He gets to his feet, almost completely synchronised with Theron. With both men finally back to their vertical base, the crowd shoe their appreciation. But The Beard is absolutely livid. He runs towards Theron, looking to put himself back in control of the match. But Theron has other ideas, nailing The Beard with an elbow smash to the side of the head. He follows it up with an enziguiri kick to the back of the Beard's head. The Beard stumbles forward as Theron presses home his advantage. He wastes no time in executing a brilliant hurricarana that finally puts Beard on his back and Theron back in control of the match. The crowd voice their excitement as Theron launches himself into the cover. 1... 2... Kick out! So close!

Copeland: Wow! The heart of Theron is just awe-inspiring. He simply will not give up or be beaten; even when the odds are well against him.

Cohen: That's not courage, Seabass. That's stupidity. Know when you're beat, Theron. Before The Beard takes you apart limb from limb.

Theron looks disappointed by the count but he has Beard right where he wants him for the first time in the match. The Beard lies on his back as Theron gets back to his feet. He puts his right hand to the small of his back as the damage of the earlier submission takes its toll. But Theron needs to press home his advantage and put the Beard away once and for all. The crowd light up as Theron moves over to the near turn-buckle and begins to climb. With The Beard still toiling on the canvas, The Warblade has the match in his hands and he knows it. It looks as though Theron is looking for the LIMIT BREAK! Theron steadies himself on the top rope as the crowd go wild. Finally, he launches himself from his elevated position, looking to put The Beard away. But The Beard manages to roll away at the last second, causing Theron to collide with the unforgiving canvas and, perhaps more importantly, give away his hard-fought advantage. The Beard now lies on the edge of the canvas and, as he comes around fully, decides to roll out onto the floor below. Finally reclaiming his vertical base, The Beard lets out an angered scream. He moves around the steel steps at ringside before grabbing a steel chair from beside the commentary table. He snaps it shut and looks at Theron lying helplessly in the ring.

Copeland: Oh no! This could be bad for Theron. It seems that The Beard has lost all patience for this match and just wants to take his anger out something or someone.

Cohen: I told you, Seabass. The Beard is not in the right frame of mind for this match. Theron had every opportunity to just leave the ring and none of this would have happened. But now he's going to have to pay the piper.

The referee signals for Beard to drop the chair but The Beard is completely transfixed with the steel that now rests in his hands. He allows a sick smile to cross his features as he finally goes up the steps and into the ring. The referee continues to remonstrate with The Beard as he moves further inside the ring, Theron now on his knees and at his mercy. A venomous looks crosses The Beard's features as he quickly elevates the steel above his head. The referee is taking none of it though and grabs the steel, only seconds before The Beard can bring it down onto the head of Theron Daggershield and possibly do more than lose the match. The referee tosses the steel out of the ring under the bottom rope as The Beard turns around to see him. From nowhere, Theron grabs the tights of his opponent and rolls him up with a schoolboy pin! The referee counts the fall. 1... 2... 3! Unbelievable! Theron quickly rolls out of the ring as The Beard launches himself to his feet, a look of utter shock on his features. Like everyone else in the arena, he simply cannot believe what has happened.

Copeland: I do not believe what I just witnessed. For all of his offence and fury, The Beard was not able to take Theron out of the game. And when you don't put the match away when you can, you always run the risk of something like this happening.

Cohen: What are you talking about, Seabass. The referee helped Theron Daggershield win the match. How about our referees simply learn to do their jobs?! They don't get involved in the match, they are just there to count the falls and that's it! There is something not right about all of this, The Beard has to feel hard done by.

Copeland: Hard done by? He could have ended Theron's career. I say good on the referee for looking out for our superstars.

Harrys: Here is your winner, Theron Daggershield!

Outside the ring, Theron gets his hand raised by the referee as The Beard begins to vent his fury in the ring. Yelling at Theron, The Beard can barely control his anger. He rolls out of the ring and pulls the cover from the top of the commentary table. He is absolutely furious!


Backstage we see Stacey Madison with a mic at the parking lot for an interview.

Stacey: Ladies and gentlemen, last week breaking news came in as it was announced that Chuck Myles has resigned from his position as general manager of Ascension. Mr. Myles.... Why? And what's next?

Chuck: Stacey, I was once the most influential man in this company. For years np one could stop me. I then sold my shares to Ty Burna. I was then humiliated and turned into a pack mule. By my own idiocy. It humbled me in a way. I was then given a second chance to head Aftershock. Then Ascension. What's it been, 6 years of me running the circus in some way, shape or form? It's a stressful job, Stacey. With Becky, Vance and Mr. Banks around to carry the load, me leaving is no big deal. I think it's time a pursue my dreams, Stacey.

Stacey: What would that be, Mr. Myles?

Chuck: Chuggin' beers in Cancun and doing nothing for hours, Stacey. I'm stressed, old and rich. I've got investments here. I don't need a new job, I'm set for life.

A red Ferrari Murcielago rolls up to the shock of Stacey as a valet gets out and hands the keys to Chuck. Chuck is then winged from each side by James Aubrey and Dillon Morse. Both carrying big bags.

Chuck: You guys ready? Alright, Stacey. It's been nice knowing you.

The three men throw their bags in the truck and get in. Chuck peers his head out of the drivers seat.

Chuck: Good luck in all your future endeavors.

The Ferrari speeds off as Stacey waves them off.

Harrys: Ladies and gentlemen the following is..... Champion vs Champion!! This is a non-title exhibition contest set for one fall!! Introducing first from Boise, Idaho, he is the reigning Eurasian Champion, Daddyyyyyyyyy Maaaaaaack!!

The Mack Attack himself peeks his head out of the curtains with a gleeful smile as the crowd cheers him on. He goes back in for a bit before coming out with the Eurasian title clad in boa decor. He marches down the aisle high fiving fans.

What disrespect. The title looks ridiculous!

Copeland: Oh, would you relax? The man beat 4 other guys in a Ladder Match to win that thing.


The lights dim and one sole spotlight shines over the Elite X Champion. He raises his head and yells out as the lights turn back on. He walks proudly to the ring holding his title up high.

Harrys: And his opponent, from The Kings Court, representing The Elite, he is the Elite X Champion..... This.... Is.... Coooooonstantiiiiiine!!

Cohen: He has secured a World title shot. Now both members of The Elite have a shot at the World title.

Copeland: What if it boils down to Ty Burna vs Constantine?

Cohen: Well great. That means Matt Tastic is gone.

The two face off at each other and both raise their respective titles. The two mouth off before the referee Jurou Akiyama separates them. He takes both titles and puts them away. Constantine and Daddy Mack taunt at each other from their respective corners before the bell rings.

*Ding Ding Ding*

The two quickly run at each other right off the bat. Daddy Mack quickly Bear Hugs Constantine and shoves him to very corner he came from. He hits a few shoulder thrusts before he mounts Constantine. He looks at the crowd and punches off as they count each blow. As Mack reaches five though, Constantine shoves him off. He then tackles Daddy Mack and slams him against the opposite corner. He hits his own series of shoulder thrusts before mounting Daddy Mack. He taunts the crowd with a cocked fist. But before he can punch off, Daddy Mack slaps him hard in the sternum knocking the Elite X Champion down. Constantine gets back up quickly and tries to go on the attack but Daddy Mack knocks him back down with a series of running Clotheslines. He follows up with a Scoop Slam before going for a cover.



But Consty gets the shoulder up at two!

Copeland: The two champions are evenly matched here.

Cohen:Wait 'till Mack gets exhausted.

Constantine tries to get back up, but Daddy Mack puts a side headlock to keep Constantine down. He tries to scramble out but Daddy Mack takes him back down to hold him down. Constantine tries to get out and starts punching Daddy Mack in the face for him to let go. Mack covers his face in pain as Constantine gets back up. Constantine trips up Mack and quickly locks an STF. Constantine tries to apply pressure but Daddy Mack manages to scramble to the ropes to force the Elite X and future World title contender to let go. Daddy Mack tries to keep things in his favor and runs but Constantine powers Mack into a hard hitting Backbreaker. He quickly hits a Knee Drop and follows with a cover.



3-But Daddy Mack powers out at two.

Consantine quickly pulls him back up and Irish Whips him across. He tries to catch Mack for a Fallaway Slam, but gets a Crossbody from the Eurasian Champion instead!




Constantine spring up freaking out but Daddy Mack is right there! He hits a series of punches before winding up one big one square in the face. Constantine nails the canvas and bounces right back up to be met by an Atomic Drop from the Mack Attack himself. Daddy runs the ropes, but Consty cuts him off with a Swinging Neckbreaker!

Copeland: Back and forth they go! Neither man capable of getting the better of their foe.

Cohen: What are you talking about? Constantine is in full control. He's been so all match long.

Copeland: Including being in a Headlock?

Cohen: It's called drawing your adversary into a false sense of security, Seabass.

Constantine measures Daddy Mack intently and when he gets up, he hooks the Collateral Damage. But Daddy Mack gets out of it. Headlocks The Elite member and clubs him right in the forehead with a hard shot before charging with a Shoulder tackle. Consty gets up quickly so the champion of Europe and Asia repeats the dosage. Consty is back up so Mack hits a trifecta. Back up again, Daddy Mack raises Consty in a Fireman's Carry and begins to rotate. And girate. And spin. 'Round and round he goes until finally stopping and just dropping the dizzy politician on the ground. Daddy stumbles but signals for the big elbow. He heads to the ropes and measures but Consty rolls away. Mack gets down to get to Consty. He tucks the Elite X Champions head between his legs for a Piledriver, but Consty fights it and body slams Mack away. Consty falls down collapsing to his knees to catch his breath and holds himself with the ropes. Daddy comes at him but Constantine counters into the Axis Of Evil! But Mack hooks the head DDT'ing Consty instead! He heads for the ropes and measures before....

The Daddy Mack Attack!!

Copeland: Daddy Mack has done it!

Mack hooks the leg.



3---Foot on the ropes!!

Cohen: No he hasn't! Foot on the rope! Foot on the rope!

Daddy Mack gets up completely shocked by the ref's call. He argues as Jurou points to Constantine's foot on the rope. Daddy refutes how long it took for Jurou to realize that and delayed his decision. As that happens though, Consty slowly gets back up and hooks Mack from behind!! Collateral Damage!!



3-But Mack kicks out at the last second!

Constantine is the one angry now and begins to argue with the ref. To him. That was a 3! But Jurou shoves Consty off. The two keep on bickering as Daddy Mack gets back to his feet groggy. Consty turns to him back as soon as he does, Mack nails a Big Boot to the skull! Constantine bounces off the canvas from the impact as Mack catches his breath. Mack raises the Elite member up and presses him. But Constantine rakes the eyes! He falls behind and hooks a rollup!



He pulls the tights!!

3-But Jurou see's it and stops!

Constantine quickly and loudly argues with Jurou over the call. Mack breaks the issue up and Presses Consty up again. He turns around displaying power but..........

Copeland: Eve?!

Eve Taylor is on the apron. Standing with a gleeful smile in her face. Daddy Mack is caught off guard by it as the female head of Cerberus simply smiles happily and waves "Hi!" at Daddy Mack. The Political Powerhouse uses that chance and slides out the back. Jurou goes over, he himself confused, and orders Eve off the apron. She happily obliges. As Constantine sneaks out of Daddy Mack's press, he drops this knees and hits Mack low. The foul shot goes unnoticed as the crowd loudly boo's and Consty hits the Axis Of Evil! Constantine calls Jurou over as he finally turns back to the match without seeing what happened off the distraction.


Copeland: Are you kidding me?!



Harrys: Here is your winner, the Elite X Champion.... Constantine!!

Cohen: He won!

Copeland: Are you kidding me? He had to strike a deal with a supermodel AND sneak a low blow to win?

Cohen: The referee was the one distracted there and he saw nothing. If he didn't call it, it was not breaking the rules. It's business world, Seabass. Wrestling is a business.

Eve simply skips away smiling at what she's done. On the top of the ramp she turns her head and the gleeful smile turns into an evil one as a nasty smirk forms. Back in the ring Constantine raises his title up proudly as Mack is down after the low blow. Constantine goes over to him and taunts him raising the title right above him. Daddy Mack swings a kick while down to send Consty walking away. He walks up the ramp celebrating with the title up high.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

We cut backstage as the boos from Constantine's win continue to circulate the arena. However, those boos are soon turned around when the image of Theron Daggershield flashes up on the titantron. Backstage, a doctor looks over his wounded back as Theron points out where the pain is worst. Theron lets out a pained grunt as the doctor touches his back.

Theron: Yeah, right there.

From nowhere, The Beard smashes into the back of Theron with a double-axe handle. He pounces on Theron as he lies on the stone floor, trying to cover himself up from the ongoing onslaught. The Beard picks up Theron after more stomping and tosses him into the wall. Theron is still stunned by the attack but is taking a huge beating from the former World Heavyweight Champion.

Beard: Make a fool out of me!?

The Beard takes a chair from where the doctor was sitting only seconds ago. He hoists it high above his head before bringing it down onto the back of Theron, who yells out in anguish and pain. The Beard repeats the process a further three times before tossing the chair away and letting a smile appear on his sick features. With Theron on the floor, Beard simply walks away menacingly.

Copeland: We knew that the match between The Beard and Theron Daggershield wasn't finished tonight but this is taking things too far. Even from The Beard.

Mr Banks enters the arena with a huge smile on his face. He stands on the stage for a second as he allows the emotion of the moment to sink in. The crowd knows that only big things are going to happen when the owner of the company turns up. And this should be no different.

Harrys: Ladies and gentlemen, please help me in welcoming the owner of WrestleZone Championship Wrestling... Mr Banks!

In his hand, Mr Banks has a silver briefcase. He continues to soak in the adulation from the crowd before finally heading down the ramp towards the ring. He stops from time to time to shake people's hands or take a photo with them. After a moment, he climbs the steps and enters the furnished ring. In the centre of the ring, a wooden table lies waiting with a chair at either side. Mr Banks grabs a microphone from ringside and walks back into the middle of the ring, placing the briefcase down on the table. The crowd continue to cheer as Mr Banks starts talking.

Banks: Thank you, ladies and gentlemen. And let me just tell you one thing, there is nowhere else I would rather be than right here in Texas.

The crowd erupts once again as Mr Banks smiles again.

Banks: And no place in America deserves to see what we, at WZCW, are about to show them. At Kingdom Come only two weeks ago, the world of wrestling was shaken to it's very core. As promised, legends were created and moments in history were made in abundance.

Mr Banks pauses for a second to silently the ramifications of what did happen at Kingdom Come.

Banks: Of course, in relation to what happened at Kingdom Come, WZCW has to change as a result. Steps need to be taken to ensure that WZCW moves into the future with the best of intentions at it's heart. That's why, over the next few week, we will be making some announcements that will deliver that progress.

A cheer goes around the arena again as Mr Banks opens up the silver briefcase.

Banks: Tonight, we have the first of those announcements. At Kingdom Come, Matt Tastic successfully defended the biggest prize in WZCW against the monstrous Beard. Similarly, Ty Burna was able to, once again, rise to the big occasion, and defeat Mikey Stormrage for the right to be called the number one contender to the Heavyweight Championship.

A thoroughly mixed reaction from the crowd greets the owner's words.

Banks: At WZCW Redemption, Heavyweight Champion Matt Tastic will face his biggest challenge yet. And tonight, we make that match official. In my hand, I hold the contract that will seal the match. So, at this time, I would like to invite Matt Tastic to the ring.

A huge ovation from the WZCW faithful lights up the arena as the Heavyweight Champion Matt Tastic makes his way out onto the ramp for the first time since his amazing victory at Kingdom Come. The Heavyweight Championship is slung over the Champion's shoulder as he begins to make his way down to the ring. Inside, the owner of WZCW of claps enthusiastically as Tastic finally gets into the ring.

Banks: Thank you for joining us, Matt.

Tastic: It's an honor to be here. And even bigger honor to still be the WZCW Heavyweight Champion! Uff! I actually defended a title.... Successfully! OH MY GOD!

Again, unparalleled cheers greet the World Champion as he begins to smile widely.

Tastic: Speaking of “being here”, I guess it was too much to ask for the number one contender for my Championship to be here. I guess he is just running scared of little ol' me. Or maybe age is getting to him. Or maybe because of Serafina he had too much turkey to handle.

There is a laugh from the crowd as Tastic turns to Mr Banks.

Banks: You are right, Matt. Ty Burna cannot be here right now, that much is true. Much like yourself, Ty Burna went through a tremendously dangerous match at Kingdom Come. So much so, in fact, that is still injured from the match and cannot be here tonight.

This information that Ty Burna will not be at Meltdown is met with a decidedly mixed reaction too. Some people in the audience would like to see Ty Burna finally get what he deserves at the hands of Tastic. And some are just glad that he is not around to cause trouble.

Tastic: You're kidding me, right? Big bad Ty Burna is not here. Seriously, what's the angle? Is he coming down from the rafters? Are lights gonna dim and he's gonna pop out here? Come on, boss. This can't be all the fearsome Ty Burna, the Harbinger of Chaos and leader of The Elite has to offer.

Banks: However! I have already met with Ty Burna earlier in the week and he has signed the paperwork. His signature is already right here. So, Mr Tastic, let us make this match official. The biggest challenge of your career waits for you at Redemption. Can you rise to it?

Matt Tastic smiles widely again as he pats his Heavyweight Championship on his shoulder.

Tastic: You know, people didn't think that I would be able to win the Lethal Lottery. But I did. They didn't think I would be able to go into Kingdom Come and beat The Beard to keep the Heavyweight Championship around my waist. But I did. And now, people may not believe that I can stand toe-to-toe with Ty Burna at Redemption and send him and The Elite back to whatever corner of Hell they emerged from. But I've got news for you, people!

There is an air of suspense as Matt purposely waits.

Tastic: Imma do it! I can and I will beat Ty Burna! Imma Deliver them some Kickassery!

Matt furiously grabs the contract from the hands of the WZCW owner and signs it before holding it up in the air to a great reaction from the fans.

Copeland: What?! Ty Burna is not scheduled to compete here tonight!

There is an awe and silence from the crowd as they wait for Ty Burna appearing for the first time since Kingdom Come and his amazing win over Mikey Stormrage. But after a few minutes, there is still no sign of Ty Burna. That is until the lights in the arena begin to flicker and then shut off completely. After a moment, the lights come up, and there in the middle of the ring is none other than Serafina!

Cohen: No way!?

Matt stands with his mouth ajar, the same emotion reflected on the face of Mr Banks. Serafina stands motionless, her eyes closed and silent. Matt moves towards her, obviously shocked and angry. But from nowhere, a masked man slides under the bottom rope and takes Matt down with a clubbing blow to the back of the head. Serafina slowly opens her eyes as the carnage continues in front of her. The masked man climbs on top of Matt, hammering him with shot after shot; Matt finding it difficult to cover up. The Masked man gets to his feet as Mr Banks exits the ring. The Masked Man picks Tastic and tries to land a few more punches.

But the crowd bursts into life as the Heavyweight Champion fires back, landing a few shots of his own; his back to Serafina. However, Serafina drops to her knees and low blows the Champion from behind. Matt crumbles to one knee as The Masked Man quickly picks him and powerbombs him through the table. The crowd are absolutely stunned as the Masked Man looks down at his work before heading over to Serafina; who is back on her feet. The Masked Man drops to one knee and bows his head. Serafina hovers her hand over the head of the man before tearing off the mask; revealing none other than...

Dorian Slaughter!​

Copeland: You've got to be kidding me!?

Cohen: Dorian Slaughter has joined The Elite seemingly. And what's more, he has absolutely decimated the Heavyweight Champion.

Copeland: No doubt at the behest of Ty Burna and John Constantine. This has the Elite written all over it!

Inside the ring, Serafina motions Dorian Slaughter to his feet before raising his arm into the air. The crowd are white hot with rage as the lights flicker again before going off completely. As they come back on, Serafina and Slaughter are gone and all that remains is the wreckage of Matt Tastic in the destroyed table as Meltdown goes off the air...

Daddy Mack vs Constantine-Killjoy
Theron Daggershield vs The Beard Dave
Mister Alhazred vs Chris KO-Yaz
Bruce Irwin vs Victor Makarov vs. Frank Driscoll-Dynamite

Yaz is a *****-head.
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