Meltdown 103

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Sic Semper Tyrannosaurus


We are live for the one hundred and third edition of Meltdown! I'm Sebastian Copeland alongside my broadcast partner Jack Cohen bringing you the action of Meltdown from ringside!

Cohen: We've got Triple X ready to take on El Califa Dragon in tonight's main event, and a whole lot more coming!


A strange new music plays over the intercom as the crowd turns their attention towards the stage ramp. Smoke fills the stage and strobe lights flicker high above as a figure steps through the smoke. Standing on the stage ramp is "Showtime" David Cougar who is immediately joined by John Constantine and Michael Winters. Each dressed in expensive suits, the three men walk side by side down the ramp.

Copeland: Hello everybody, thank you all for joining us here tonight on Meltdown 102. Sebastian Copeland here alongside as always my colleague, John Cohen, and we kick things off with Showtime, Constantine, and Winters, who will hopefully shed some light on their recent partnerships last week.

Cohen: Seabass, I can tell you that I am very excited about what these three men have to say. I think that we are looking at the future of the WZCW. A few months down the road all three of these men could hold titles. That is very likely.

Copeland: There is no arguing the talent between these three wrestlers and, after what happened two weeks ago, it'll be interesting to find out what they plan for an encore this week and at All or Nothing. As of this moment, neither man has a match scheduled for the upcoming PPV.

The three men straddle through the ropes at different sides in the ring, meeting in the middle. The group collectively gather in a circle and chat in the ring as Harrys Truman walks in and hands Showtime a mic. They each stand side by side in the ring looking ahead at the audience. The crowd is booing, but there is a definite excitement in the air. Showtime looks around at the audience and goes to speak, but then turns to his side and hands the mic to Winters. Winters loosens his collar and then looks to his side at the two men standing in the ring with him and speaks.

Winters: We are resilient. Almost a lifetime ago, I was part of the biggest class of new WZCW arrivals. Barbosa, Sam Smith, Justin Cooper, were just some of the names from that group, and they all had various amounts of success in the ring. None, not one of them, are still apart of WZCW except for me. I was blessed with success rather quickly, and then one little injury forced me from competing and management decided to let me go. No reason was given and none of it made any sense. I had no idea why He led me away from WZCW, so prayed and prayed that one day I would be granted the chance to return and prove myself. I was granted that opportunity at Lethal Lottery 3. After eliminating the “legend” Titus, I was told my services would not be needed. I have no doubt in my mind that Titus played a part in that decision. The old guard went against His will, making sure that he had a place in WZCW for years and years to come. I continued to pray that I would be given the chance to rectify my past mistakes, my frustrations bottled up inside as I watched clowns and imbeciles, sinners and over the hill veterans be given chance after chance over me. Only once I took matters into my own hands were my prayers finally answered. I now understand why He kept me away from WZCW for so long. It was so that I could be united with my two brothers standing in the ring with me. David Cougar and John Constantine stand by me and they have provided me hope that my career will now flourish in WZCW. I know that together the three of us can overcome any obstacle in our path. Nothing will ever hold us back.

Winters lowers the mic and hands it to Showtime. Showtime looks around the arena and then passes the mic to John Constantine. The crowd boos loudly as Constantine raises his hand to speak.

Constantine: I've made it a point to let my opinion be known that I didn't trust what Showtime was trying to sell. It’s no secret that he reached out to me again at Unscripted after I easily manhandled Titus on Meltdown. The last thing that I wanted for my return to WZCW was to be used as somebody's puppet. When I saw Michael Winters come to the aid of Showtime, I had flashbacks about All or Nothing years ago. I didn't want Winters career to be stunted by someone obsessed only with himself. It’s only been after the fact that I realized Winters came on his own will, and not because of Showtime. Here we have a frustrated young wrestler trying to make a name for himself in this business. I think any veteran in the business can remember what that was like. I myself remember a time when my career hit rock bottom and I felt like everyone was holding me back. Speaking with Winters the past few weeks he really sounded committed to Showtime. Even the way Showtime has carried himself around backstage I could see that he was a different. Somethings around the locker room had indeed changed for the better.

When I returned to WZCW and looked around the locker room, all I saw were a bunch of freaks and weirdos. Guys dressed in boxes and wearing funny masks. Clowns more concerned about the latest social media trends and how many likes they received. Daredevils who can only do one thing inside the ring. Even after ridding itself of the dingy, cesspool known as the Mayhem division, WZCW has still turned into garbage wrestling. I came back to WZCW to give you all a glimpse of what a real wrestler looks like, to show you all what real wrestling is. Showtime reached out to me and we agreed that we can make a difference and bring real change to the locker room, not as individuals, but as one cohesive unit. Now, along with Showtime and Winters, we three can build a foundation for WZCW to truly succeed once again. I know first hand how good Showtime is in the ring, and I’m seeing more and more the potential in Winters that Showtime already saw. I know there are others on the roster who have that potential to be great like the three of us are and they are welcome to join us in our quest to fix WZCW. Everyone else though, be prepared to be taken down a few notches. We will not rest until our goals have been achieved. As Winters said, we are resilient, but we are also strong, we are powerful, we are the very best WZCW has to offer!

Constantine yells that last part out. The crowd boos loudly as Constantine passes the mic now to Showtime. The 3-time WZCW Champion removes his shades and stares at the crowd around him.

Showtime: We are The Elite. On paper we are a group of former Elite X Champions, among other accomplishments. Inside the ring we are three of the most cunning and skilled competitors in WZCW. We are the type of wrestlers that other companies would love to build around and push to the top. Even outside the ring we have found success in other fields; politics, religion, entertainment. Success has come naturally to us because quite simply we are the best of the best. We are WZCW’s elite.

And yet, despite our enormous talents and rich pedigree, we cannot seem to find success in the new WZCW we are now in. Where are our title shots? Did the company forget that Constantine and Winters defeated Cerberus not that long ago, and with relative ease I might add. Why are they not fighting for the tag titles also? And why is it that our Elite X Champion, Fallout, is defending his belt against a rookie? A man who has only a couple of contests under his belt in WZCW. That match should’ve gone to Michael Winters.

Showtime walks over to Winters and places a hand on his shoulder. Winter pats Showtime’s hand twice and thanks him.

Showtime: A man who is both morally and competitively better that Frank Mortlock. What people seem to have forgotten about Winters is that he is a former champion in WZCW. Winters successfully defended the Elite-X Title at Kingdom Come 3 and was promptly shown the door by the time Redemption was over. Winter was shuffled to the bottom because management wanted to push somebody goofy like Mr. Baller instead. That worked out great for WZCW, didn’t it? By the way, do you know who else has successfully defended the Elite-X Title at Kingdom Come? Triple X! And he’s facing the WZCW Champion at All or Nothing. Where is the justice I tell you? Winters deserves better. Is there anyone in WZCW right now who is being more held back than Michael Winters?

Showtime paces back to the other side of the ring and stands beside Constantine.

Showtime: Well, we don’t view each other as better than the other. Some of us have been granted more opportunities for success than the next. However, I know that on any given day Winters can beat me just like I can beat him, and I know personally how good John Constantine is inside the ring. From the minute Constantine arrived in WZCW, there was this big hype around how good he was, and how did management reward this superstar in the making? They fed him Doug Crashin. The elite jobber. Constantine came in with all the potential in the world and management has continuously side stepped him, feeding him small trinkets along the way to keep him with the company. Constantine’s talents could’ve taken him all the way to Washington, but he instead chose to stay and has scratched, clawed, and, most importantly, earned every accomplishment he has made along the way. Constantine and myself have never always seen eye to eye, but I have great respect for him as a wrestler, a politician, and most importantly, as a person. I am proud to fight along side him, just as I am proud to fight along side Winters.

Showtime reaches out with his hand and shakes Constantine's.

Showtime: These two are the future of WZCW and together the three of us will reach the very top of this company. Ascension was just the beginning. The Titus’, the Runns, the Beards, The S.H.I.T.s, the Fallouts, none of them will get in our way anymore. They will all fall down to our superior talent. The time for cheap novelties and running jokes in WZCW is over. The future is in the hands of the very best now. The Elite are the future.

Showtime, Constantine, and Winters raise their hands to loud boos from the audience. Showtime walks over to Winters and shakes his hand. Constantine comes up behind him and he and Winters shake hands as the three converse in the ring.

Copeland: We've just witnessed the union of a dangerous new alliance and we've barely even started Meltdown! What's next?

Cohen: Lines are being drawn in the sand in WZCW, and I think I know which end of the line I'd rather be on...
Harrys: Ladies and gentlemen the following contest is scheduled for one fall!


Introducing first, from Beard City, USA, weighing in at 285lbs, he is the current King For A Day, The Beard!

Beard makes his way onto the stage, his briefcase in his hand. He is without Dr. Zeus tonight, though he doesn't appear worried. He methodically makes his way to the ring as the crowd voices their disapproval of the once popular star. Referee Keith Morse gives Beard his space as he stomps around the ring.

Copeland: The crowd not afraid to let Beard know how they feel. The big man doesn't appear to be letting it affect him though.

Cohen: And why would he? Even without Zeus, he is a force to be reckoned with and that briefcase in his hand guarantees him a shot at the World Champion anytime, anywhere. You are looking at a future champion Seabass.


And his opponent, from Dublin, Ireland, weighing 235lbs, Blade!

After a few seconds Blade walks from behind the curtain. Despite his recent aggressive side, the crowd is still showing their support for the Irish born star. He keeps his eyes on the always dangerous Beard as he makes his way down the ramp. He rolls into the ring and has a quick chat with the ref, making sure Beard leaves his briefcase at ringside.

Cohen: I have to admit, in recent weeks I'm liking this aggressive streak from Blade. I wish he would ditch these worthless fans though.

Copeland: It certainly does appear that Blade is turning over a new leaf, taking every opportunity available to him. Whether or not that pays off remains to be seen though.

Mr. Morse calls for the bell and the match is underway. Beard starts off by closing the gap and swinging at Blade. Blade is wise to it and ducks under, securing a waist lock. Beard throws some elbows however and breaks the hold. A kick to the midsection and Beard follows by throwing Blade into the corner. A couple of stiff right hands and Beard whips Blade into the opposite corner. The big man gets a head of steam, and runs at his opponent. At the last second Blade slips out of the corner, leaving Beard to crash hard into the turnbuckle. Blade uses the opportunity to pin Beard with a schoolboy pin. 1!...2!...but Beard kicks out. Blade works and secures a side headlock before Beard is able to get back to his feet. He drags Beard to the center of the ring and connects with a big right hand to the skull. With Beard dazed, the former EurAsian champion connects with a European uppercut. Beard stays on his feet, but a combination of rights and lefts back the big man into the corner. Blade lifts his long haired foe to the top turnbuckle and looks to suplex him off. Beard fights it and manages to block. With a mighty headbutt he knocks Blade to the ground. He follows up by dropping elbow from the second turnbuckle and then hooking a leg. 1!...2!...Blade kicks out, but Beard stays on offense, dragging Blade to his feet.

Cohen: Some very hard hitting back and forth thus far, but the big man appears to be in control.

Copeland: Don't count out Blade just yet, he has the veteran know how to battle back.

Beard lifts Blade and slams him to the mat. He follows it up with an elbow to the heart. He hooks a leg, 1!...2!...Blade kicks out. Beard drags Blade to his feet by his hair, and suplexes him down. He drops another elbow and hooks the leg again, 1!...2!...Kick out by Blade. Beard slams his fist in frustration and covers Blade a second time with a body press. 1!...And Blade kicks out with ease. Beard is on his feet and in the face of the ref, clearly pissed at the count speed. While this is going on Blade gets to his feet. He runs and clubs the big man across his back. Before Beard can turn around, Blade connects with a tiger suplex. He chooses not to bridge it, instead he goes up top and feels froggy. He leaps and connects with a frog splash. He rolls off his opponent for just a few seconds, holding his midsection. He then crawls over to cover him. 1!...2!...3, NO! Beard just got a shoulder up!

Copeland: Beard just kicks out! Blade had him, but he took too long making the cover.

Blade slams his hands on the mat in frustration, knowing he cost himself. Blade stands and calls for the end though, and lifts Beard to his feet, he readies for The Halo. Just as he does, Dr. Zeus makes his way onto the stage, giving Beard the distraction he needs to break free, throwing Blade into the ropes. Off the rebound a giant big boot puts Blade down as Zeus makes his way to ringside.

Cohen: This crowd is showering The Good Doctor with boos, but all he is doing is simply coming out here to support his friend.

Blade is trying to get to his feet, using the ropes, but Beard is all over him. The ref begins to pull Beard off, but Zeus jumps to the apron and distracts the ref. As he does, Beard slides out of the ring, grabbing his King For A Day briefcase, sliding into the ring and blasting Blade in the head. He throws the case outside the ring just as the ref turns around. He is about to go for the cover when Zeus begins to bark orders, pointing at the top rope. Beard nods and climbs to the top rope. With a mighty tug of his beard he leaps. Blade manages to roll out of the way at the last second though and leaves Beard to crash face first into the canvas. Just as Beard stumbles to his feet, Blade kicks him in the stomach and connects with the Halo! Zeus is furious as Mr. Morse slides into place and counts, 1!...2!...3!

Here is your winner, Blade!

Zeus slides into the ring, grabbing Blade as he has his arms raised in victory. He holds him in place and he yells for Beard to stand. Slowly the big man is on his feet. He loads up for a big double axe handle smash, but Blade again escapes danger, managing to low blow Zeus and slide out of the ring. Beard gives chases, but Blade picks up the briefcase and throws it in the direction of Beard, slowing him up enough to escape up the ramp.

Cohen: Clearly Blade cheated somehow!

Copeland: What a victory for Blade! He overcame blatant cheating and the numbers game to sneak away with his one, and luckily he was able to get out of the ring before War and Death had their way with him.

The Beard storms back into the ring, still fuming. He grabs the microphone from Harrys, as The Beard begins to yell. Dr. Zeus follows shortly thereafter, looking serious, but not altogether angry.

The Beard: We aren't done here yet! We still have unfinished business! Vega, get out here... We need to have a little talk...

The crowd buzzes with a sort of concern. The arena is silent, waiting to see what Vega will do.


Vega makes his way from the backstage area, coolly looking into the ring. The crowd greet him with tepid cheers... Some concerned for what may happen in the ring. Some skeptical of Vega's intentions. Vega stares down Beard and Zeus, as he slowly, deliberately makes his way to the ring. The Beard looks on, with a scowl on his face, awaiting his new potential team member. Zeus looks on, staying silent... But always watching Vega. Vega enters the ring, and awaits for what Beard has to say.

The Beard: Last week, you showed me great potential, when you and Zeus took down two more heroes. You proved to me that you are worthy to stand among us. That you are a worthy fighter. But I... I'm not convinced you're a worthy agent of God yet.

Vega licks his lips, before accepting a microphone from a ringside attendant.

Vega: Alright, chuckles... Humor me. What does it take to be a good agent of God?

The Beard: Sacrifice. You see... The Doctor and I sacrificed, to work for the lord. Dr. Zeus lost his wife... I lost my wife, and my child. But the most humble shepherd knows that his work means self sacrifice. Last week, you left The Doctor, alone, to get beaten down by demons.

The crowd cheers this, as Dr. Zeus' look of stone silence turns to anger.

Vega: I'm pretty sure I made this clear already, I had nothing to do with them.... I'm just better at getting out of the way...

Dr. Zeus takes the microphone from The Beard.

Dr. Zeus: A good servant of the Lord stays during the fight.
Though we don't ask much for you to make things right.
A simple token will bring you eternal paradise,
All we ask for you is one simple sacrifice.

Vega mulls this... Before bringing the microphone to his lips.

Vega: And pray tell... What... Or who, am I sacrificing?


The crowd cheers for Theron, as he makes his way down to the ring. They roar their approval, as he marches towards the ring, microphone in hand. He gets right into Dr. Zeus' face.

Theron: Who the Hell do you think you are?

The crowd cheers this statement, as Zeus looks to be getting more angered.

Theron: And where do you get off? Playing God may be fine enough for you, but you are pure evil. I don't trust Vega... But I know he has good in him. I believe in him. And I don't just believe I can beat you, Zeus... I know I can. In fact... I already have.

The crowd cheers this, but their cheers turn to concern, as The Beard jumps Theron. He starts throwing clubbing blows, as Zeus leads him on. The crowd boos, as Vega sits back and watches. But he springs into action, using a judo throw to get Beard off Theron!

Cohen:What a dumb move!

Copeland: Maybe there is good in him yet!

The Beard gets up in a rage, and grabs Vega by his neck. He lifts him in the air... But Zeus stops him. Though Zeus looks on with a controlled rage, he orders Beard to let go. Zeus stares down Vega... And squares off with him. The crowd cheers the staredown between these two warriors... And neither man is moving an inch. Vega goes to tend to Vega... To help him up. The crowd cheers this act by Vega, finally showing the goodness within.


Just like that, Vega has grabbed Theron's head, and brought it to the mat with a Critical Hit...

Copeland: What?! No!

Cohen: Smart move, Vega...

Vega gets up, and looks down at Vega. He looks at Zeus and Beard... Who are pleased with the attack. Vega rolls out of the ring, however, leaving Zeus and Beard alone with Theron. Security and officials enter the ring, as Vega walks away, the crowd booing him as he walks out of the arena, backed turned to the fans.

Harrys: The following contest is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, from Las Vegas Nevada, she is one half of the WZCW World Tag Team Champions, this is Amber Warren!!

Amber comes out on stage with the Tag Team title belt draped over her shoulder. She slowly walks to the ring with a rather angry look in her face as she's set for the match.

Cohen: The girl looks dead set on the match. She's got no love what so ever for Young Justice. Then again, she shouldn't have any for those goofballs.


Her opponent, from Los Angeles, California, weighing 225 pounds, Jonathan Hyada!

Hyada comes out saluting fans with bows and heads down the ring. He gets in as referee James Aubrey checks on both competitors.

Sebastian: Jonathan Hyada has a chance here to knock off one half of the tag team champions before heading to the title match at All Or Nothing.

* Ding Ding Ding *

The bell rings and James Aubrey signals the start of the match. Hyada stands on guard but Amber just stands looking dead serious with her arms crossed. Hyada also drops his guard and that he's sorry to Amber. He approaches her apologizing but as he reaches her, he receives a hard-hitting slap to the face. The crowd visibly groans at it as Hyada goes from his usual excited self to a far more serious look. He rubs the blow and turns back to Amber who just seems mad in general. He charges at her with powerful forward punches that send Amber backtracking looking to block them. She does, but Hyada pushes onward and finishes the flurry with a thrusting Sidekick knocking Amber off her feet. Hyada takes a standing pose and respectfully takes a bow to the crowd.

Sebastian: If this were a martial arts tournament, that would be a point for Hyada.

The crowd cheers Hyada's entertaining offense as the rebel child slowly gets back up angrily rubbing her stomach. Hyada takes the defensive and Amber charges and pounces on him. Hyada tries to block, but Amber just shoots off haymakers. Hyada manages to push her off, but she rushes back with a Spinning Heel Kick to knock the man down. She paces the ring as the crowd seems unsure about how to react to her. She manages to calm herself down a bit and locks up with Hyada after he gets up. He throws a punch, but Amber catches him with an Armdrag. A second one leads to a kneeling Armbar to keep one half of Young Justice on the mat.

Cohen: Seems like the hellcat calmed down and took control of the match.

Hyada tries to flail out and gets to his knees as Amber tries to hold on. Hyada then leaps and hooks a Cross-Armbreaker to put her in a submission position. She starts to panic as referee James Aubrey checks for the submission. She screams no as she tries to reach for the ropes. She stretches out with Aubrey steadily watching, but to no avail!

Cohen: By God, I think Hyada has her beat.

Sebastian: We just need that tap out and he might score his first singles win. At least I think it would be.

Amber, in desperation, turns a bit. And starts throwing punches with her free arm at Hyada's chest. This forces Hyada to release the hold to defend himself. Amber rolls out of the ring clutching her arm as Hyada recomposes himself. He spots Amber outside and goes to get her, but as soon as he peaks his head through the ropes, Amber runs and hits an Enzugiri leaving Hyada draped on the ropes. Amber clutches her arm, but that doesn't slow her down as she goes to the top rope and dives with an Ax Handle to Hyada's exposed back. She gets back into the ring and pulls Hyada in for a quick cover.




But Aubrey signals a two-count. Amber grabs her arm again and stands Hyada up but as he gets up, he catches her off guard and hits a Hammerlock Nothern Lights Suplex! He takes a while, but gets his own cover.



Thr- Kickout!

Sebastian: Hyada almost had it there. Very smart targeting the arm of Amber.

Amber clutches her arm as Hyada gets back up measuring his opponent. Amber slowly gets back up as Hyada measures and then attempts the Dragon Force. He pulls Amber down, but she rolls out of the hold. The two stand ground for a brief second before going at it again with Hyada attempting the hold again. Amber still rolls out of it. This time, as she gets back up, she quickly keeps going and Springboards off with a Dropkick to Hyada! She runs to the ropes and double jumps for the Sin City Express, but Hyada rolls out of the way! Amber lands on her feet though. She turns and as Hyada comes in, she leaps with a Huricanrana and hooks the Livewire Stretch! Hyada is caught ring in the middle of the ring as Amber twists on the arm. With no space to move, Hyada has no choice and taps.

Harrys: The winner of this match, Amber Warren!!

Amber gets her arm raised by James as Hyada clutches his arm in the middle of the ring. Amber pulls her arm away and yells at Hyada who just looks on in frustration. Amber points and mocks him before walking away. James Aubrey asks him if he's alright and Hyada nods “yes” before getting up.

Sebastian: That was a nice display by both, but Amber managed to slip around enough to catch Hyada in the middle of the ring perfectly.

Cohen: I tell ya, Seabass. That girl has a hell of a streak in her. The “Rebel Child” is a pretty fit description. You just can't contain her.

We go backstage where the Eurasian Champion Mikey Stormrage and Matt Tastic are sitting in the locker room, each holding an SNES controller. The 16 bit sounds can be heard as Mikey and Matt are clearly having a good time.

Mikey: Oh dude! Where did you learn that sick combination with Ken?

Tastic: There weren't too many games in the arcades in Puerto Rico. One of the biggest ones was Street Fighter II. Lines for days Mikey, if you wanted to play for awhile you had to be good.

Mikey laughs as the two set the controllers down after the match is over.

Mikey: Look at you Matty boy, you're really loosening up finally.

Tastic shrugs as he reaches for the athletic tape, slowly beginning to tape his wrists up.

Tastic: Figured it can't hurt to give it a try Mikey.

Mikey: Though for you to have a good time it might kill you.

Mikey laughs as he gets up, with Tastic looking up at him slightly confused.

Mikey: Tonight we got Constantine and Winters. We'll take those blowhards out and look damn good doing it. You with me bro?

Mikey holds his fist out, as Tastic looks hesitant. Finally he smirks and bumps fists with the Eurasian Champion.

Matt: Sure thing Mikey.

Mikey walks off as Tastic continues taping his wrists as we cut away.
Harrys: The following contest is scheduled for one fall, and it is for the Elite X Championship!


Harrys: Introducing first,on loan from Gloom County Police Force, weighing 218 pounds, Detective Frank Mortlock!

Frank walks down to the ring, hat and coat on, as the crowd lustfully boos.

Cohen: I like the cut of this guy's jib.

Copeland: ... You know, what is a jib, anway?

Cohen: Only people that have one, know what it is, Seabass.

Mortlock walks to the ring and hangs his hat and coat on one of the ring posts. He rolls up his sleeves and does a few shadow-boxing punches, waiting for his opponent.


Fallout stands imposingly on the top of the entrance way. A large orange cloud bursts from the stage as Fallout stamps adamantly through the smoke.

Harrys: His opponent, from Pripyat, Ukraine, The Elite X Champion, Fallout!

Copeland: I don't think I've seen a wrestler quite as dominant as Fallout.

Cohen: He has been an absolute force. Now let's see if he can do what no one thinks possible, and complete the Elite X challenge.

Fallout is in the ring, aggressively leaning against the nearest turnbuckle and delivering a virulent glare at Mortlock, Fallout waits for Keith Morse to ring the bell.

*Ding, Ding, Ding*

Mortlock starts by throwing jabs, though Fallout avoids them. Mortlock's background takes control, as he begins to angle to use a throw to neutralize Fallout. He attempts a sambo throw, but Fallout scoots out of the way. Mortlock keeps a hold of a single leg, though, almost like amateur wrestling. Fallout jumps on one leg, as Mortlock takes control. From out of nowhere though, Fallout attempts an enziguri kick. Mortlock ducks, though, and Fallout crashes to the ground with a thud. Mortlock then gets on top of Fallout, but Fallout scoots away. Fallout seems startled by this approach of Frank's; using Fallout's momentum, to be his worst enemy. Fallout assesses the situation, and tries to attack Mortlock from the side. He attempts a kick to the stomach, but once again, Mortlock has the leg. Mortlock this time gets a double leg takedown, and starts throwing mounted punches on Fallout. Fallout is able to throw off Frank, but not before some damage is done. Mortlock shadow boxes some more, as Fallout realizes the threat in the ring with him. Fallout realizes he can't be so aggressive with a wrestler like Mortlock... And invites him to the middle of the ring. Fallout waves Frank on, as Frank walks in with his guard up. He throws jabs, but this time his arm is caught by Fallout. Fallout now has the upper hand, using a jiu jitsu throw to ground Mortlock. Still holding on to Frank's arm, Fallout keeps an armbar in, frustrating Mortlock. The Gloom County detective tries to fight out, but instead Fallout wrenches the arm more. Fallout then sends Mortlock into the ropes, and as Frank bounces off the ropes, he's met with a spinning heel kick by Fallout. Fallout goes for a cover. 1... Just a one count! Fallout forces Mortlock down again, for another cover. 1... Still just one... Fallout stalks his prey, waiting for Mortlock to get up this time. Mortlock gets to his knees, and Fallout gets a running steam, looking for an axe kick. Fallout misses though, and lands on his feet, as Mortlock gets his hands up. He lands the Old One Two, connecting with jabs, before sending a hard right into the face of Fallout. This floors the Elite X Champion, as he falls to his knees. Mortlock continues the onslaught, hitting a knee drop to the back of Fallout's head! Mortlock goes for a cover. 1...2... Just two. Mortlock keeps the pressure on Fallout, and seems to be rocking the champion.

Copeland: Fallout has looked so dominant, I don't know if we've seen him on the ropes so much.

Cohen: This Mortlock guy may just be the real deal, Seabass.

Fallout rolls out to the apron, to try and get a breather. But Mortlock grabs his head, and prepares him for Hard Justice! Mortlock dangles Fallout from the second rope, and plants him to the mat with a DDT! Mortlock floats over for the cover. 1...2... No, two count! Mortlock argues with the ref, feeling as though the rules aren't being set to his liking. Unfortunately, this gives Fallout the chance to recover from an otherwise brutal attack. Fallout makes it to his knees, and notices Frank arguing with official Morse. Morse doesn't concede an inch to Frank, in spite of the detective's protests. Fallout sees the chance, and knees Frank in the small of the back. Mortlock lets out a long bellow, as Fallout grabs his head, and drives him to the mat with a neckbreaker. Fallout decides that it's time to go to the air, and climbs to the second rope, for a Critical Mass elbow drop. He leaps off of the ropes, only to find no one there, and land on the canvas! Fallout holds his arm in agony. Mortlock then decides to use the Prison Stomp, stomping down on the fallen Fallout. Three to four brutal stomps, followed by one last stomp, to the side of Fallout's head. The brutality of the detective is noticeable, and Fallout has to roll out of the ring, to regain himself.

Morse begins his count, as Mortlock looks out to his opponent.



Mortlock follows him out of the ring, and actually throws Fallout into the ring post!

Cohen: Mortlock is doing what any good competitor should do... He isn't letting up

Copeland: We may have a new Elite X Champion!



Fallout stumbles near the announcers table, as Mortlock doesn't give any space. But Fallout connects with a european uppercut. Fallout takes a breather, but is clearly looking frustrated.


Fallout walks near Harrys, and demands him to get out of his chair. Harrys does so, after much behest, and Fallout grabs the chair. Morse decides he can not have this, and goes out of the ring, to confront Fallout. He stands in the way of Fallout using the chair, ordering him to put it down immediately, or risk disqualification. Fallout throws Morse, though, and swings the chair! But Mortlock moves out of the way, and hits Police Brutality, outside the ring! Fallout's face lands on the chair, and Mortlock lays on the ground, stirring to get to his knees. When he does, he realizes now is the chance to roll Fallout back into the ring. He hurriedly tries to lift Fallout's dead weight, and roll him back into the ring. But by the time he's rolled in, and is covering Fallout, the bell is already ringing.

*Ding, Ding, Ding*

The crowd waits, as Morse and Harrys coversate about these events.

Harrys: Ladies and gentlemen, referee Keith Morse has decided to disqualify Fallout! Therefore, your winner, Frank Mortlock!

The crowd actually cheers this, though Frank looks a little disturbed in the ring. The crowd seems excited by this, until...

Harrys: However...

The crowd realizes what has happened, and begins to boo.

Harrys: Because a title can only change hands via pinfall or submission... Still Elite X Champion, Fallout!

The crowd lustfully boos, having been cheated out of a title change! Mortlock is loudly arguing with Morse's decision, as the crowd seems to agree with him. Fallout has rolled out of the ring, and has made his way towards the belt. He tries to get out of dodge, as Frank Mortlock realizes that he has been absolutely shafted.
Harrys: The following tag team contest is scheduled for one fall!


Harrys: Introducing first, representing the Elite, the team of Michael Winters and Constantine!

Constantine and Winters step forth from the entrance way, side by side. They look smug as can be at their debut as a new unit, and they both jaw with the fans on their way into the ring. Constantine slaps Winters on the back when they enter the ring and they stare out over the crowd, Winters leaning in to share some joke with his partner.

Copeland: Constantine and Michael Winters became two thirds of the Elite at the top of the show, and now we'll see them in action for the first time as a team.

Cohen: What's more interesting is their teaming up this week. Could it mean Showtime and Winters have an eye on the tag team titles?


Harrys: And their opponents, the team of Matt Tastic and the WZCW Eurasian Champion, Mikey Stormrage!

Mikey Stormrage enters to a strong reaction from the crowd, and surprisingly, Matt Tastic enters behind him! It's an unexpected show of unity but it appears the two will be on the same page for the night.

Copeland: Hard to believe it but reports coming out this week seem to indicate that Tastic and Stormrage are on the same page tonight.

Cohen: I'll believe THAT when I see it, Seabass.

Referee Elizabeth Prince signals for the bell and we are underway. Stormrage and Tastic have a moment of apparently intense discussion before Stormrage steps forward and Tastic shrugs, leaving the ring. On the other end, Constantine exits the ring and Winters steps forward. The two circle each other for a moment before closing, Winters forces Stormrage to his knees and lock in a headlock. Stormrage has enough gets to a vertical base and Winters whips him into the ropes, Stormrage rebounds, and Winters takes him down with a big sidewalk slam. Constantine calls for a tag and Winters makes it. Constantine enters but Stormrage gets to his feet and hits Constantine with a big clothesline. Stormrage drops down and goes for a chinlock, rearing back on it. He then switches over to wrench on the knee, before he pulls Constantine to his feet. Stormrage tries to whip Constantine toward his corner but Constantine reverses it, and Stormrage hits the ropes. He puts the breaks on and stands still. Constantine goes after him but Stormrage elevates him and tosses him over the top rope! Constantine hits the outside hard and Stormrage goes after him. He pulls Constantine to his feet but Constantine slips behind him and slams him hard into the ring apron. Constantine turns Stormrage around starts slamming him in the gut hard until he rolls him back in and tags in Winters.

Copeland: The Elite so far looking just like their name.

Cohen: We’ve only seem them team up once so far but they looked good back then, even though they were apparently at odds then.

Winters takes over and powerslams Stormrage to the mat. Winters take to the second rope, tags in Constantine, and then leaps with a diving elbow onto Stormrage. Constantine follows it up with a diving headbutt! He goes for the cover and gets one, two, but only two. Constantine puts Stormrage into the corner and then tags in Winters once more. Constantine holds Stormrage in the corner and Winters measure him and NAILS him with a well-placed kick to the gut. Constantine exits the ring and Winters covers, getting one, two, but only two as Stormrage kicks out. Winters pulls Stormrage to his feet, elevates him, but Stormrage reverses and slams Winters head into the mat! Stormrage gets to his knees, but he stumbles and falls! Tastic is calling for the tag and Stormrage reaches, leaps – AND TASTIC DROPS OFF THE APRON! The crowd boos thunderously and Stormrage is left hanging as Winters gets up behind him.

Copeland: I don't believe it!

Cohen: You don't? Seriously, Seabass? Have you been paying attention?

Tastic begins heading up the ramp and Stormrage staggers to his feet. HE starts to turn but Winters is behind him and HE NAILS THE CRUCIFIX! HE COVERS AND GETS ONE, TWO, AND THREE!

Harrys: Here are your winners, the Elite!

Copeland: Damn it! Is Tastic even still out here?

The camera pans out and reveals that Tastic has indeed returned to the back. Constantine steps into the ring and he and Winters have their hands raised by Prince. They smirk and talk for a moment while the fans boo heavily. They take a look toward Stormrage and Constantine points. Winters nods with a laugh and pulls him to his feet. Winters shoves him toward Constantine and NAILS THE AXIS OF EVIL! Constantine shoves himself off of Stormrage before he pulls him back up and positions him with his back to Winters. Winters goes for the Crucifix again, but TASTIC IS BACK WITH A CHAIR! HE SWINGS WILDLY AND THE ELITE ARE CHASED FROM THE RING! THE CROWD HAS NO IDEA HOW TO REACT!

Copeland: After abandoning his partner and leaving him to lose, Tastic has returned to save him. What the hell is going on with him?

Cohen: If you want to get inside that head, you're welcome to it, Seabass.

Stormrage is out as Tastic stands over him with a chair. Tastic himself looks slightly confused as the scene cuts out.

We cut backstage where Fallout can be seen walking down the hallway, clutching his Elite X Title close when suddenly Frank Mortlock walks in front of him. Mortlock looks incensed as Fallout stares right through his mask at him.

Mortlock: That title belongs to me. I had the match won until your dirty tricks.

Fallout merely tilts his head to the side as he looks down at his Elite X Championship, breathing heavily.

Fallout: Nothing will get in the way of my destiny. Not you, not anyone else. And if that means I have to prolong my title defense by any means necessary, then so be it.

Mortlock: This is a travesty of justice, give me that title now.

Mortlock grabs for the title but Fallout steps away from him, readying the title as if to strike. Suddenly Vance Bateman walks in between the two of them, holding his hands out between them.

Bateman: I will not allow this to happen on my show! Fallout, while you are still the Elite X Champion, and therefore still eligible in the gauntlet, I do not accept such things from my champions!

Fallout lowers his head as he stares at Bateman, clutching the Elite X Title to his chest.

Fallout: So what do you propose?

Bateman: I'll make this very clear Fallout. At All or Nothing you will defend that Elite X Championship, against Frank Mortlock!

Mortlock grins at the announcement as Fallout is clearly seething.

Bateman: Oh and one more thing, that match, will be under No Disqualification rules!

Bateman walks off as Fallout stares down Mortlock, suddenly going to attack him with the belt. Mortlock ducks under and delivers a quick One-Two, knocking Fallout to the ground. Mortlock picks up the Elite X Title and holds it in front of Fallout's face.

Mortlock: Justice will be served at All or Nothing Fallout!

Mortlock shoves the title in Fallout's chest and walks off as we go to commercial.
We go backstage where Leon Kensworth is standing by.

Leon: Ladies and gentlemen, my guest at this time, El Califa Dragon and Amber Warren, the WZCW Tag Team Champions, Los Magnificos Dragones.

El Califa and Amber walk into the picture, El Califa shaking hands with Leon as Amber smiles innocently. Both carry their respective Tag Title on their shoulders.

Leon: Now El Califa, a couple weeks ago you had the World Champion Ricky Runn pinned after the Dragon Del Vuelo. And now tonight you face his number one contender Triple X. What are your thoughts coming into this match?

El Califa: El Califa is excited Leon. To defeat the two men in the World Championship match at All or Nothing would be huge for not only El Califa, but for Amber Warren and everyone back at his gym in Culiacan.

Leon: Now it's clear that you and Amber are arguably the fastest wrestlers in WZCW. Triple X however is the one man that could arguably match your speed. Do you have a strategy against him?

El Califa crosses his arm and nods his head, a confidence beaming off of him.

El Califa: El Califa has been working on a new maneuver for tonight Leon. He believes it will be the catalyst to his victory!

Leon: We'll all be looking forward to seeing that El Califa. Now aside from all that, you two will be defending your tag team titles at All or Nothing against Cerberus and Young Justice in a TLC match. Amber, do you have any words on your title defense coming up?

Amber walks up slowly to Leon, wrapping her hand around Leon's hand and the microphone, her eyes looking up to him in an almost sultry manner before smiling sweetly again.

Amber: I just hope we go out there and steal the show Leon. I wish our opponents nothing but the best at All or Nothing.

Leon: Very well said Amber.

Amber: And tonight, I will watch ringside as my partner El Califa continues our impressive collective streak against Triple X.

El Califa: El Califa must do this alone Amber.

Amber and Leon turn towards El Califa, a look of confusion on Amber's face.

Amber: What do you mean? You don't want me out there with you?

El Califa: He do this by himself Amber. He will return victorious and we shall celebrate!

Amber's eyes gaze down for a moment, but she suddenly perks up and nods.

Amber: Ok! I'll see you back in the locker room. Good luck Califa!

El Califa nods as he walks out of the picture, but the camera focuses in on Amber, her innocent smile suddenly twisting into a look of disgust and her eyes narrowing. She swings her hair back and walks off, her head tilting up word and a harrumph escaping her.


Harrys: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!


El Califa comes running from the back, nodding his head to the music. The crowd goes wild, as Califa nods his head. He shadow boxes on his way to the ring, preparing for this gigantic match.

Harrys: Harrys: Introducing first, from Culiacan, Mexico, weighing 180 pounds, El Califa Dragón!

Copeland: Califa looks ready for to take on Triple X tonight?

Cohen: How can you tell what he looks like, you pinhead? He's wearing a mask!

Copeland: Well, I'd imagine he-

Cohen: You can imagine all you want. I just don't think he's ready for Triple X, tonight.

Califa slides into the ring, and quickly runs over and hops up onto the second turnbuckle, tossing the hood of his robe off as he continues nodding to the music before pointing out to the crowd and yelling out to them.


The lights dim, until only a spotlight remains as Triple X emerges from the curtain, standing centre stage. He looks left to right and walks halfway down the ramp. He looks down, soaking in the atmosphere, before throwing his hands up in an X above his head, as pyro shoots off, and the crowd boos.

Harrys: His opponent, from Phoenix, Arizona, weighing 225 pounds, Triple X!

Cohen: So, Triple X beat Amber Warren. If he beats El Califa, can we just give him the tag belts?

Copeland:.... No. Why... Why would you want to do that?

Cohen: Well, I was thinking it would be a cool idea if Triple X and Ricky Runn fought in a match to unify the Tag Team and World titles. I mean, think; who's ever done that?!

Copeland:... There's a reason no one's done that, Jack...

Triple X slides into the ring and runs the ropes a few times before throwing the X up again, getting right in the face of El Califa. Jun Akiyama steps in the way, to make sure things don't escalate before the bell rings. But Triple X is already pushing at El Califa, as Jun summons for the bell.

*Ding, Ding, Ding*

Califa, the known street fighter, is able to defend Triple X's barrage of punches, getting in jabs to the ribs of Triple X. Triple X is still able to back Califa into the corner though, and starts hitting kicks into the stomach of Califa. Triple starts stomping into Califa's stomach, getting the upper hand, much to the dismay of the crowd. Triple X backs up, and starts to get a running start, jumping for a running forearm smash. But Califa manages to get out of the way, just in time, and Triple X eats turnbuckle. Triple X holds on to his arm, and turns around to a chop, right to the chest. After that, Califa hits a punch, right to Triple X's face. The crowd cheers as Califa begins to build up steam, throwing violent chops and punches to Triple X's head. Califa rears back, and hits one final punch, as the crowd goes wild. Triple X staggers out of the corner, and is met with a roundhouse kick, as he falls to the mat! Triple X rolls out of the ring, as he tries to regroup from Califa's onslaught. Califa yells to the crowd, who roar their approval for Califa. Califa starts to get a running start, bouncing off of the ropes and preparing for a massive aerial attack. Califa jumps in between the second and third rope, leaping out to Triple X with a suicide dive! But Triple X dives out of the way just before Califa jumps on him. Califa crashes and burns, landing face first in the guardrail. Triple X points to his head, and has a good laugh at Califa's misfortune. The crowd boos as Triple grabs Califa's head, preparing to throw him back into the ring. Triple X climbs onto the apron, and slingshots himself from the second rope, hitting a slingshot legdrop. Triple X covers Califa, and Jun counts the fall. 1... 2... 2 Count!

Califa gets his shoulder up, as Triple X continues his onslaught. Triple X immediately starts stomping on Califa's head, and locks in a hammerlock on Califa. Califa moves to his knees, as Triple X stays on him, applying pressure as he moves to make sure Califa doesn't get any space. Califa tries to reach his arm with his free arm, but Triple X kicks him in the stomach. Califa holds on to his arm in pain, but begins to flip out of Triple X's hold. Califa begins to sommersault to relieve the pressure, and causing Triple X to break the hold. The Dragon then throws a side kick, to the stomach of the Straight Edge Show Stealer, and hits a dropkick. This rocks Triple X back into the ropes, and allows for El Califa to get a running start. Califa jumps for a spinning head scissors. He spins around Triple X's body, moving seamlessly around towards Triple X's head. But Triple X catches Triple X's body, holding Califa up for a tilt a whirl backbreaker! Triple X throws Califa's back onto his knee with an authority, eliciting more boos from the crowd. Triple X goes for another cover. 1...2... Just two!

Copeland: Califa and Triple X seem to be able to catch one another's mistakes

Cohen: That can happen with high flying wrestlers. But Triple X is too smart to try too high a risk, and let Califa capitalize.

Califa stumbles to to his feet, as Triple X measures the masked superstar for another attack. Triple X bounces off of the ropes, prepared to hit a springboard attack. He leaps at Califa with a forearm smash... But the dragon catches the arm, and executes an arm drag. The masked street fighter holds on to the arm, rolling over towards Triple X's side. Califa wraps his other arm around X's neck, and locks in a cobra clutch. Triple X fights out, though doesn't seem all too concerned. All of that changes... When Califa bridges, and places all of the pressure on the Show Stealer's neck! Califa now has a bridging cobra clutch, and Triple X is panicking!

Cohen: What... What in the hell is that?!

Copeland: It looks like a brand new move to Califa's arsenal... A bridging cobra clutch!

Triple X is moving frantically, trying to get out of this hold. But Califa has it synched in perfectly, and Triple X can't escape! The crowd is going crazy, as they can feel Califa is close to victory! Triple X tries everything, kicking and trying to wiggle out of the hold. Triple X looks desperate to break out of this hold, but also seems to be losing consciousness. He tries to move towards the ropes, which actually are not that close, since Califa caught Triple X in the midst of a springboard attack. Triple X is inching closer to the ropes, but is seeming a little more lifeless. Triple X fights and fights to get towards the ropes! As X seems to be finally losing consciousness, he makes one last gasp towards the ropes. Triple X is out cold... But he managed to get his leg underneath the bottom rope. Jun notices that his leg is under the rope, and instructs Califa to break the hold. The masked dragon does... Though realizes how close he was to victory.

Copeland: Triple X is certainly lucky... If that hold was locked in the middle of the ring, that would be the end of it,

Cohen: Whatever, Seabass. That's speculation at best.

Triple X rolls out of the ring, trying to get another breather, as the crowd boos his cowardice. Califa wants to continue the attack, and pulls Triple's body back up to the apron. But Triple X manages to punch out of Califa's grip, settling himself on the apron, and then thumbing Califa in the eyes! Triple X springboards off of the ropes again, and connects with a missle dropkick! Califa falls to the mat, as Triple hurries to crawl and cover Califa. 1...2... Just two! Triple X pounds the mat in frustration. He lifts Califa up by the head, and looks towards the turnbuckle. Triple X decides to irish whip Califa into the turnbuckle, but Califa reverses, sending Triple right into the turnbuckle. But Triple X just runs up the ropes, and connects with a Whisper in the wind! Triple X's leg comes down on Califa's head, and he rushes for another cover. 1...2...Thre, no just two!

Triple X seems to be growing more frustrated, as his covers can't put the Dragon down.He picks up a fairly limp Califa, and takes him towards the corner. He lifts a lifeless Califa to the top rope, and holds up an X, signaling a move to finish off Califa. Triple X climbs to the top, but Califa throws stomachs to Triple X's stomach. The crowd comes alive, sensing that Califa is still very well in this match. He knocks Triple X off the ropes, as he stumbles back into the ring. Califa climbs to the top rope, and gets ready to fly again. He jumps out legs stretched out, and hits a top rope hurricanrana on Triple X! Califa hooks the leg, and Jun counts the cover. 1...2... He got, no, just two!

Califa seems stunned, and so does the crowd. The audience was clearly expecting that to be the finish of the match. But Califa goes back to work, trying to lock in his bridging cobra clutch again. Triple X desperately fights out, though, and kicks Califa away. Triple X gets to his feet in a panic, and jumps at Califa with a flying forearm, sending both wrestlers crashing to the ground.

Copeland: In a match with so much at stake, both Triple X and Califa may have exhausted themselves.

Triple X lays on the ground for a second, and kips up to his feet!

Cohen: Ha! Eat it, Seabass!

Triple X measures Califa... And prepares for the X Rated! He places his hands on his knees, and stalks Califa, ready to strike.


Copeland: Oh... Damnit...

Ricky Runn and his Swag Pack make their way to ringside, to the disapproval of the crowd. The crowd boos thunderously, as Ricky soaks in the cheers. Triple X looks to his opponent for All or Nothing, with hatred. But he realizes he needs to finish the match, and turns to Califa. On command, Joe West goes to hold Triple X's foot. Triple X takes his eye off Califa, to free himself. But with his back turned to Califa, Triple X is caught with a german suplex! Triple X lands neck first, as Califa baseball slides Joe West, taking him out. Members of the Swag Pack walk towards the ring, but Califa backs them off. Ricky looks on with a smug grin on his face... His job has been done. He orders his pack back.... As Califa climbs to the top rope. Califa flies into the air, for the Dragón de Vuelo! He connects, and hooks the leg! 1...2...3! Akiyama calls for the bell, and raises Califa's hand.

Harrys: The winner of this match, El Califa Dragón!

Cohen: Of course that foul vermin takes Ricky's help!

Copeland: Ricky had no business being out here, he ruined what was a great Meltdown main event!

Ricky slides into the ring, to taunt Triple X, who is stirring in the ring. X stays down for some time, before making it up to his knees. Triple X makes it to his knees, as Ricky holds the title over his head. Ricky backs away... And walks right into El Califa. Califa stands behind Ricky, arms folded, as Ricky realizes what has happened. He gives a look of horror, as he slowly turns around. Ricky cowers at Califa... And hits Triple X, who seems to have recovered enough from Califa. He holds his ribs, but shoots Ricky a death glare. Ricky looks panicked... And realizes he's up a creek, without a paddle. He yells for the Swag Pack to help, as they run to Ricky's rescue. Triple X and Califa beat down the remaining members of the Pack.... But it allows for Ricky to flee the ring, belt in hand. Ricky holds the title over his head, as Califa and Triple stand together in the ring.

Cohen: Ricky Runn, always one step ahead of you!

Copeland: We've run out of time, but mark my words... Ricky Runn is going to get his, some day!

The WZCW logo appears, as the last image we see is Ricky Runn,holding the world title over his head.

Opening, Segments, XXX vs. Califa, Fallout vs. Mortlock - Haiku
Blade vs Beard - Yaz
Tastic/Stormrage vs. Winters/Constantine - Harthan
Amber vs. Hyada - KJ

Thanks especially to Haiku for filling in for Blade on a match. Stay tuned for Ascension!
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