MD95: Magnitúdinis vs. Los Magnificos Dragones - Non Title Match

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the Frog

Deadline is Tuesday (November 5th, 2013) at 11:59P.M. (Central Time). Extensions available upon request.
How on earth did I end up here?

The voice of Steven Holmes echoes as mystery shrouds our setting. A thick fog clouds our vision though it begins to thin out. We hear the chirps of crickets, and the noise of frogs. As we get a clearer picture of things, we see Holmes stood in the middle of a swamp. He wears a stained white shirt, the top two buttons undone. His trousers are rolled up to the top of his shin, exposing all below them to the murky waters of this apparent swamp.

This seems unusual. I live in the city. I’ve never even visited a swamp. The very idea repulses me. Wait, what the--OW!

Holmes raises his right leg up and hops around in the water. He notices a leech latched onto his leg and frantically tries to scrape it off. He rips the blood-sucker away, but falls backward into the water. Panic strikes the “Elite” and he scrambles to escape the creep and the crawl of this bayou.

Last I recall, I was winning the World Tag Team Championship’s with my darling Celeste and we patched things up when it came to our relationship. In fact, WZCW’s regular activities took a much needed extended break and we’ve barely even left our home. All our wants and desires reside in our fortress. Some may call us hermits, but I’d say it’s most convenient, much like how Vance Bateman came to our rescue, prohibiting that cretin Big Dave from taking part in our tag team championship battle. The fool, he took his role as General Manager for granted and didn’t read the fine print. You should always read the fine print. I’ve learned that since the recent events with Saboteur.

Spotting an embankment, Holmes’ eyes light up. He begins to propel himself forward at great speed, hoping to reach the land soon.

Land-ho! I would certainly appreciate some solid ground to lay my head. I’m so very tired. Who says pleasure isn’t work? That’s a point, I should write a note to whoever is next to hold the World Tag Team Championship after myself and Celeste vacate the belts when we retire; don’t kiss them without washing them first.

As that disgusting point paints a grim vision for us, Holmes leaps out of the water like some sort of overgrown predator and prepares to land on soil and mud, but the land moves back, just enough for Holmes to land face first in the water. Suddenly, he falls deeper into the water. He seems to fall deeper into the watery abyss when he spots the moonlight glistening off the top and swims toward it. Then, something reaches up and grabs him. Air bubbles begin to creep out of Holmes’ mouth. He is drowning. But what is holding him back. He turns swiftly to be greeted by a pair of red glowing eyes in the darkness. Fear creeps into his soul. Holmes turns to face the moonlight once more and he swims hard and faster than before. He is desperate to escape the darkness and what lurks within it.

I am the son of Baron and Lady Holmes. I am the “Elite”. I am an industry magnate. I am one of the richest men in the entire world. I am a former World Heavyweight Champion in the singles division and I now rule the Tag Team division with my beautiful yet deadly vixen of a beau. I am a born leader and a conqueror of all who dare face me. So why the bloody hell am I so scared of this?

Channelling his own words, and knowing he is sure to be running out of breath, Holmes turns and unleashes a devastating right hand at the demonic force holding him back. His fist connects and cracks hard off the beast’s face. It relinquishes its grip on him. He swims toward salvation. His head rises up out of the water and he takes in a huge breath gasping for air.

That was far too close. How am I in a swamp? After locking ourselves in for so long, perhaps Celeste and I are going mad from the heat of our relationship? We were cooler than a cucumber in terms of the passion between us in the run-in to Redemption. It looked like we might be headed to a cataclysm. Perhaps that is the fear I feel? No, because since our title win, our relationship has rekindled. A fire has been born that cannot be put out by petty forces like Saboteur’s or indeed divorces. She is free to embrace me fully and I gladly accept. Perhaps I fear commitment? Nay, I am a man driven and hardened. I rule and I wish to hand over that rule of my kingdom to an heir. Celeste will eventually bear that responsibility with me. Soon we--

Before Holmes can finish that thought, he is again dragged down. This time it is harder and faster. There are now too pairs of demons. Their eyes glow red like fire and a black smoke seems to pour off of them. Unlimited pairs of hands dig and claw at his face and sides. His clothing begins to tear and when it does that, it erodes. He turns left, greeted by a demonic dragon. He turns right, greeted by a demonic female. He recognises them as foes, foes he will soon face in fact. They are Los Magnificos Dragones.

Califa and Warren. They dare stand up to the might of Holmes and Celeste? They dare face greatness. They dare try and rob me of my glory and my grandeur. I’ve had that done to me far too often. Never again will Steven Holmes be forced to take a back seat to the petty antics of those unworthy to even be inside the squared circle with me. They want to be the first to face the power of greatness. They want to be the first to deal with our might? Then let them come!

As these words are spoken and heard, Holmes has begun to curl into a ball and darkness has begun to engulf him. The air bubbles stop. It appears darkness has prevailed. There is a pause. Then, a white light begins to stir. It grows larger. An explosion throws the darkness away. Holmes stands arms and legs extended. He glows bright and brilliantly.

We are Magnitúdinis!

The white light begins to overcome everything. Even Holmes himself. His brilliance grows too great and unstable. The screen whites out. It is almost as if the pearly gates will be waiting on the other side. Instead there is a flash of something much darker, much worse and it laughs at Holmes. Its darkness is unbound. Its laugh is blood curdling. Its look disturbing beyond description but it is only seen for a moment. Then we find ourselves elsewhere...

Holmes gasps for air. He awakes in his chamber, in a cold sweat. His eyes are wide and he hurriedly looks around. He sees Celeste lying their peacefully next to him, a white sheet pulled over her. He is at peace and he should be too. For they are on the eve of war and their titles must be defended soon!
Nate: Have you heard from Califa lately?

Amber: No...he was still in the gym when I left earlier.

Nate: Something's changed in him. I'm suspicious.

Amber: He's just focused Nate, you know as much as I do how much this team means to him.

Nate: I guess, still ever since he ran into Drake he hasn't been himself.

Amber: He'll come around. I trust in him. I'm gonna get some sleep though, goodnight Nate.

Nate: Night sis.

The screen remains black, though suddenly a loud thud can be heard followed by the sound of a light switch. Light invades the screen as Amber sits straight up in her bed. She rubs her eyes as she looks over at the clock in her room, reading 2:00 AM. Sliding out from under the sheets she walks into the living room of Califa's vista, a yawn escaping her as she stretches.

Amber: Califa, is that you?

She calls out softly, though there is no answer in the darkness. She fumbles for the light switch, finally flipping it on to reveal the same messy room as always. The only change is a trophy lying in the middle of the floor, fallen from its perch on the wall. Amber walks over and picks it up, reading the inscription "Wrestler of the Year" with the wrestling federation's logo emblazoned underneath. She quietly walks over and places the trophy back on it's mantle before looking quietly at all of Califa's achievements. A worried look forms on her face before she grabs her phone. She dials a number and holds it up to her ear, the empty sound of the line ringing only returning her worries. Soon Califa's voicemail picks up and she ends the call.

Amber: That's it, I'm going to the gym.

She slides her phone into the pocket of her hoodie and grabs her keys, flipping the light switch back off before leaving the villa as the scene fades away to black for the time being. It returns and now inside Califa's gym, though all the lights are off except for the one around the four sided ring. Shattered glass can be suddenly heard echoing through the gym, and the camera soon focuses in on El Califa, slumped to the ground with his back to the ring, a large bottle in his right hand. His mask is pulled up, his mouth revealed as he soon takes a long draw from the bottle. He starts coughing as he pulls the bottle away.

El Califa: Siempre es pobre de mí, pobre de mí. Sin embargo, mientras se vive la vida de lujo, El Califa lucha con los demonios del año pasado. (It's always poor me, poor me. Yet while he lives the life of luxury, El Califa fights with the demons of the past year.)

El Califa leans his head back, his speech slurred as he speaks when he suddenly begins laughing as he falls to the ground, holding the bottle upright in the process. He begins coughing again, almost as if fighting back vomit.

El Califa: Of course El Califa and he would face off once again. Did he expect anything else?

Just then the door to the gym creaks open, and the sound of light footsteps walking in can be heard.

Amber: Califa?

Hearing the voice of his tag team partner Califa tries to sit up straight but instead manages to fall over to the otherside. Gripping the ring apron he tries to pull himself up as Amber hears the commotion and makes her way over.

Amber: Califa? What is wrong with you?

She kneels down and tries to help him to his feet but shrugs her off, leaning against the edge of the ring as his breathing labors. Amber crosses her arms as she takes in the sorry sight of her tag team partner.

El Califa: El Califa is just great Amber Warren.

Amber: You're full of it. You're stumbling over drunk. Is this what you've been doing every night since Redemption? Califa, we have a match against the tag team champions coming up. Do you realize how important that is to us? We have to win this match and instead of working out or studying film you're hear drowning yourself in alcohol.

El Califa: You don't get it do you?!?

Amber cringes as Califa snaps at her. He pushes himself up and stumbles towards her, pulling the bottle up and taking a drink once more. He throws the bottle to the side and again this bottle shatters against the ground, sending tequila everywhere.

El Califa: You want to know why El Califa is like this right now Amber? Because of that man Drake Callahan, El Califa suffered through the worst year of his life since my sister died. His life became a personal hell. And while he claimed to be the one suffering injustice, El Califa was the one who truly suffered. Accused of being someone he was not, that Demonio del Caos, Ty Burna.

Amber: And so what? Everyone knew that you weren't Ty Burna. Drake was out of his mind.

El Califa: Was he Amber? Or was there truth to his words? El Califa suffered not only such claims, but also haunting visions. His mind had become decimated, a mere plaything for that demon. El Califa's nightmares consumed him, leading him down a path of darkness. Do you realize how long it took me to recover from that Amber? Do you? Would you have any idea what it is like to face true King of Darkness? No, you don't have any idea what I have been through! From my sister's death being used against me, to being coerced into becoming the catalyst for Chaos's return, El Califa was the play thing of a demon that only came to exist once more because of Drake Callahan. It was his fault that Califa spent the past several months in exile!

Amber: You knew he was still in WZCW El Califa, shouldn't you have confronted this right away when you returned? It's not like Drake was just going to go away.

Califa goes silent as he falls backward against the ring, keeping his head down as he slumps to the ground again, his hands placed on his head as the room begins spinning for him.

El Califa: That smug smirk, now he wants to be a hero after putting El Califa through hell. No! He's nothing more than a venomous snake that's faking out everyone. He doesn't fight TSA for the reasons we have. He has no honor, all he gives a damn about is himself. El Califa just saved that man. I should have let him get destroyed!

Amber suddenly drops down to her knees, trying to pull El Califa to his feet with no success. Finally she slaps the back of his head as Califa snaps his head up towards her.

Amber: Listen to yourself Califa, the whole reason we fought TSA is because of their attacks on other. They're the ones with no honor. Drake's stood his ground against him, and in the face of all the odds he's succeeded just as we have. Hasn't he redeemed himself Califa? He's showing the very honor that you want to throw away!

Another slap to the back of the head and Amber tries to pull him up once more. Califa resists, using his shoulder to push Amber away.

El Califa: Drake can do whatever he wants. El Califa has no interest in forgiving a man like that. In fact once we're done with TSA and the tag team champions. I'm going to.....

And just like that Califa's head drops to his chest and goes silent. Snoring soon follows as Amber sighs and walks to the locker area. Soon she returns with a couple pillows and blankets. She tosses the pillow to the ground and gently shoves Califa down to it. She covers him with a blanket before placing her own pillow down. Pulling a mat over she lies on top of it and pulls the blanket over her. She stares at the now sleeping Califa, her eyes full of concern as she watches over her sleeping partner.

Amber: Whatever demons plague you Califa, me and Nate are gonna be there for you. You can count on us. Whether in the ring, or in our personal lives, we're a team, and we'll always come out on top.

As she closes her eyes, the snoring from Califa stops momentarily, as if Amber's words had gotten through. However shortly after the snoring resumes, as the camera zooms away from the sleeping Dragons, fading to black.
The cameras pick up on Amber Warren who is slowly waking up as she turns to her side after sleeping on the cold, hard floor the night before. The young dragon sits up straight and begins rubbing her eyes, getting the gunk out. She quickly looks over to where she tucked El Califa in and notices that nothing remains. Amber gets up scanning the gym for El Califa. She spots El Califa near the ring apron where El Califa is sweeping up the mess he made the night before. Still in a sleepy state, Amber walks over to her tag team partner.

Amber: Quite a night you had yesterday El Califa. You feeling alright now?

El Califa remains silent, sweeping up the glass shards from the alcohol he consumed. Amber looks at El Califa with concern but doesn’t interrupt him from cleaning up. Finally, El Califa looks up at Amber.

El Califa: El Califa would like to apologize for his behavior last night Amber Warren. El Califa was not in a good place. El Califa was in a place he had never been in in a long time.

El Califa continues on sweeping the glass on the floor. Before long, he’s finished sweeping the mess he made. Amber just looks as him, not quite sure how to respond.

Amber: Don’t worry about it El Califa. Everyone has their bad days. Yesterday was just one of the many bad days we’ll have together. But that’s what so great about a partnership. We have each other’s back. Not just me, Nate has your back as well even if it doesn’t seem like it at times.

El Califa: El Califa is thankful for you and Nate. El Califa hopes to limit those bad days you’re talking about Amber Warren. But again, El Califa would like to apologize for snapping at you. It was uncalled for and selfish on El Califa’s part to trouble you with my nonsense.

Amber lets out a smirk almost laughing even. She taps El Califa on the shoulder making sure that El Califa knows that it’s no big deal.

Amber: But anyway, we’ve got bigger things to worry about partner. At the pay-per-view, we solidified ourselves as a force to be reckoned with when we beat Grand Mystique and Mason Westhoff. That’s huge man! And you know what’s next…

El Califa seems to be not paying full attention to Amber who is oblivious to the fact. Amber continues babbling on to her partner. Her words falling on deaf ears.

Amber: Up next, we have a non-title match with the tag team champions! They’re calling themselves Magnitudinis, whatever that means. El Califa, I can’t tell you how much of a huge opportunity this is for the both of us. I know you’ve achieved great things in Mexico, but to me, to me this is special. My first shot at gold here in WZCW.

The Mexican Dragon seems to be snapping back into reality as he nods his head at Amber Warren. Warren hesitates a little before talking once again, clearly seeing that El Califa may still be out of it.

Amber: At Redemption, Holmes and Celeste took the easy way out and won the tag titles after besting Saboteur, 2-on-1. Just how honorable is that huh? Not honorable at all if you ask me. Not to mention that Saboteur almost pulled it off against them. What that tells me is that they aren’t clicking on all cylinders like we are El Califa. It sickens me knowing that Holmes and Celeste are the standard of the tag division.

After Amber’s rant, El Califa has his hands on his head, trying to shake off the pain he’s feeling right now. Amber gets close to her partner and tries to calm him down but El Califa holds out a hand to Amber, signaling for her not to come close. Amber has had enough of this and decides to make her way to El Califa’s office.

The young dragon is locked out of El Califa’s office but this doesn’t stop her. She flings her shoulder at the door to open but no budge. She tries it a second time and finally the door to El Califa’s office opens. She walks inside instantly spotting what she’s looking for. In clear sight, we see about a dozen mannequin heads wearing El Califa’s mask. Amber scans through all of them and chooses to take off a black mask with red and gold composing the other colors of the mask. The shiny red and gold go well together as it glistens in the light.

With a scowl on her face and a hop to her step, Amber backs down El Califa to one of the four steel posts that surround the ring. El Califa is sort of taken aback from this as Amber has a forearm on her mentor’s chest.

Amber: Do you see this?!

Amber holds up the mask she got from El Califa’s office and positions it infront of El Califa’s face. El Califa is not fighting Amber Warren here, looking to hear what his mentee has got to say.

Amber: This is one of the many masks that you El Califa have worn over the years. Each mask tells a different story and each story has you coming out on top. What I want you to know is that each mask you’ve worn, you’ve garnered the attention of the fans. The applause, the grandeur, the admiration all came from the fans no matter what mask you wore.

El Califa looks at the mask Amber is holding up seemingly looking back at the memories he had with that mask.

Amber: Now I know that this mask may just be some random one that I picked from your office but it’s not. Wearing a mask is one of the highest honors in Mexico and one of the biggest no-no’s if it’s taken off. So that’s what I want you to do El Califa.

The young dragon may be up to something here as El Califa is clearly seen nodding his head. Amber then takes her forearm off El Califa’s chest.

Amber: Wear this mask with pride. No matter what problems you’re facing, no matter how much pain your opponents cause you, wear this mask with pride. Know that this mask means you're one of, if not, the best. We're going to need your best against the likes of Holmes and Celeste. And also know that this mask is a symbol of you being one of the good guys. No matter how big your demons are, good will always prevail over evil. Honor will always prevail over injustice.

El Califa nods his head in approval of the words from his mentee. He puts his hand on the shoulder of Amber Warren which gave Amber the sign that he understands what she said.

El Califa: El Califa thanks you Amber Warren. El Califa thanks you for reminding him that he’s no longer a lone warrior in his journey because El Califa now has companions. With the desire, the heart, the honor, the teamwork Los Magnificos Dragones has displayed, El Califa has no doubts that the tag team titles are within grasp.

Amber: That’s what I wanna hear partner! So like I said, we’re up against the tag team champions at Meltdown. I know they’re the tag team champions, but let’s show them why you never mess with a Dragon in the ring. We’ll show them that we’re the standard of the tag team division and soon enough, we’ll be gaining weight…because we’ll be carrying gold.

The dragons then share a hearty handshake as they now go on to prepare for their battle against the supposed best tag team that WZCW has to offer.
The air was dry and chilly, not uncommon for this time of year, but uncharacteristic due to the warm winters of yesteryear. I was currently going solo since Steven was still at the manor trying to mentally prepare for the days ahead. I was the spokeswoman for the team, and I had been doing so many interviews that they were starting to leave me physically drained. I was currently about to engage in a video interview with Becky Serra from the States. Steven and I were flying back in the morning. The interview was sanctioned by the WCZW, and a technician had come to set up the computer inside one of the office buildings owned by WZCW in its European branch.
The inside of the building was warm, so I was quite comfortable wearing my green sweater. The technician turned on the monitor and a few minutes later everything was up and running. From the other side I could see Becky inside one of the offices at the WZCW corporate headquarters. She greeted me like an old friend, but for me this interview was strictly for the sake of business. I held my title belt in my lap; it was my badge of honor.
“Greetings Celeste,” she replied.
“Hello Becky.”
“How’s the weather in England this time of year?”
“A bit cooler than what I’m used to.”
There was hardly any lag on the video at all. The techie pressed another button and soon the images of Becky and I were seen side by side. The brunette sat in a chair in front of a backdrop, as did I on the other side. Becky formally introduced me as the ball got rolling. This wasn’t a live interview, but a taped one, so that relieved some of the pressure. Live interviews tended to require much more focus, and I wasn’t really in the mood to repeat the answers to questions I’m sure Becky had that I hadn’t just spent half the day answering.
“At Redemption you made history by becoming the first woman in WZCW to hold championship gold. I know you must be proud. I am. So many of your fans have waited for this day, and will want to see you and Steven holding onto those belts for as long as possible.”
“It took me six years to accomplish this, and now my name will be etched in the history books forever. I really should be prouder, but I’m not.”
Becky tilted her head to the side in question.
“Don’t get me wrong, I love being a champion, and it would have happened eventually with the way I was going. With the drive I had I could have easily have set my sights on the Eurasian or the Elite X or the Mayhem titles and won any of them easily. But I wanted to shoot for the moon and set my sights on the biggest prize in the industry. And the man that beat me at Kingdom Come was the man that is now world champion. I don’t regret losing, in fact I happy. I proved to everyone what I could do when truly motivated; and that I joined forces with Steven Holmes not as a lackey, but as an equal.”
“And what an impact you and Steven have had over the past few months, winning the tag belts from Saboteur was not an easy task.”
“No it wasn’t…”
Saboteur’s heart had not been fully there, we had all known that. If Action Saxton had still been with the company we would have had a much harder time wrestling the belts away. But still we would have done so anyway, and if not at Redemption, then shortly thereafter. Just like Steven I too had my pride. We had both suffered great losses at Kingdom Come, but at the end of it all we still had each other, and that’s the only thing that mattered.
“… Saboteur held those belts with Axtion Saxton with pride for many months. The two of them went through hell to win them, lose them, and then win them again. Saboteur was just treating them like an old picture at that point; nostalgic memories coping with the fact that his beloved partner was no longer around. There’s no love lost between Saboteur and myself, but win I won this…”
I held up the belt for reference.
“… I received all the pride that came with being a tag champion with it, and I take that very seriously. To me this belt is as precious to me as the world championship, perhaps even more, because I get to share all the glory with Steven. Ultimately this is what we wanted; the true form of our utopia.”
“You’ve spoken to me many times about that paradise. I always thought it was a state of mind.”
I shook my head, “Steven I were on the same wavelength since the start. The only thing that was holding us back was the fact that there was only one belt. And while neither of us cared who was champion at the time, our opponents tried to exploit that and it got to us. But now we represent the same goals, and the same ideals. And I’ll be damned if I don’t try to do everything that I can to hold onto these belts.”
“And now you’ve got your first contenders: Amber Warren and El Califa. You and Califa have tangled before, but what about Miss Warren? Does it mean anything to you to have another mixed tag team gunning for you?”
I laughed and shook my head again. “It does not matter what kind of team we face. Two men, two women, two giants, two monsters, two psychopaths, two dissentients, it doesn’t matter. I don’t care what kind of team challenges us because their all the same: rivals. And their goals are all the same: to take us down and destroy the utopia Steven and I have finally built for ourselves. And I’m not going to let that happen!”
I grabbed my belt and slung it over my shoulders.
“Amber Warren shocked the world when she brought El Califa back to the company. None of us, especially me, have forgotten just what that man’s game was. Is he a follower of Ty Burna, or the man himself? Well quite frankly I don’t care because the game has changed now. For so long I was always chasing after those that had success trying to prove myself, to knock them down off the mountain. And time after time I failed. No one doubted that I could reach the top, it was only a matter of when I was going to get there. And now that I’m there I here everyone asking me the same thing: what’s it going to take to throw me off? And the answer is nothing short of a miracle! Now that I’m the champion this prize…”
I grabbed the belt and held it forward before placing it back on my shoulder.
“Is not something that I will relinquish so easily, and it doesn’t matter who I face or what kind of history we might have had in the past, it’s their turn to chase me. Los Magnificos Dragones think they understand what they are getting themselves into this week on Meltdown, but really they haven’t gotten a clue.”
I shot Becky a smirk and a glare that would have done Steven proud. “If anyone has the right to be arrogant it’s me. For so long I’ve waited for the opportunity to have others grovel at my feet, to seek me out instead of having to go to them, to have a target on my head just to see what the feeling was like. And it’s awesome. Such a rush. Now I understand the strength of those I couldn’t defeat before: Sam Smith, Ty, Steven Kurtesy, and even my beloved Steven. They all had something driving them to make them better. And it wasn’t about pride, it was about honor. And El Califa and Amber Warren have none! At Meltdown I will humble them both and show them that they need to work much, much harder if they want any hope of defeating Magnitudinis.”
“Strong words from a strong woman,” said Becky, as she began to wrap up the quick interview.
It would be online for everyone to see within a few hours. The fans that wanted to see me succeed have gotten their wish, now I will show them how far I can hold that spot. Those that are underestimating me, expecting me to choke, wanting me to fail, I’m saying to hell with all of them! Nothing in this world is gained easily and nothing in this world is lost easily. Los Magnificos Dragones, you will learn this lesson soon.
It was after midnight by the time I made back to the manor. Steven was already asleep in our bed. I was exhausted. As I undressed and got ready for bed I turned to watch him sleep; he seemed so peaceful, as one of the few times he wasn’t totally full of energy. I had come to find his avarice to be a noble quality. What he desired I wanted too, and that motivated me to perform the best I could.
‘What do you think Steven,’ I wondered to myself as a sat on the side of the bed.
‘You’ve been a champion many times before, so this isn’t anything new for you, but I need part of your fiery passion now. Will you show me the meaning of what it means to carry yourself above and beyond? To tap into that hidden reservoir of willpower that lets you smite your opponents. I have been hit by that energy so many times in the past that I fear I may have forgotten how to channel it myself. Will you channel it with me, so that I can know what it feels like to be a fighting champion?’
So that I don’t end up being a burden to you after all…
This paradise that we created, where we can fight as equals, its power is still unknown. I threw back the covers and climbed into the bed.
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