MD95: Blade vs. Krypto - KFAD Qualifier

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the Frog

Deadline is Tuesday (November 5th, 2013) at 11:59P.M. (Central Time). Extensions available upon request.
One month ago:

Mark walks to the front door and opens it to find two policemen standing before him. “Can I help you officers?”

As Mark speaks with the police, Amy rushes over to Blade. “What did you do this time?" she hisses at him.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t think they’d find me here…”

“Look, I’m not letting show up after not seeing the girls for months, only to ruin Erica’s party. You have to leave. Sneak out the back, we’ll buy you some time."

“Amy, I’m really sorry, I—“ he begins.

“Just go!” she half-shouts at him. Blade nods as he sneaks into the garden and hops over the fence. He jogs through the suburban cul-de-sac onto the main road, where he manages to quickly flag down a taxi. The taxi pulls up, and Blade gets in.

“Where to, mate?” asks the driver?

“The airport, please. As quickly as you can.”

“You got it.”

As the taxi drives on, Blade looks down the cul-de sac. The police are now in a heated discussion with Mark and Amy, as Erica looks on, tears in her eyes.


In a rundown motel room in Nowhere, USA, Blade sits on his bed, fully clothed due to the disgusting stains beneath him. He writes and doodles in his notebook before looking up to survey his surroundings. A dead potted plant to his right, tacky flowery drapes covering the windows to his left. At the wall across from him, a rickety coffee table with a tiny TV older than himself perched on top of it.

For the one hundredth time this evening, Blade sighs and checks his phone. No missed calls or voicemails. Certainly no texts from anyone. Then again, why would there be? None of his family want to talk to him. Most of his colleagues don't know what happened, and none of them particularly care. A brief e-mail exchange with Becky Serra was the most he’d talked to a person in weeks. The general managers had heard all sorts of rumours about what Blade had done, but were now keeping their distance just in case those rumours turned out to be true.

Luckily for Blade, the news hadn’t gone public, which protected his identity. The police thought they were after a very skilled thief, they didn’t know anything else. They didn’t know if the person they were after was dangerous, unpredictable, unstable or armed. They kept the manhunt a private investigation, in case this man they were after harmed others upon finding out he was a wanted man. The name Ian Lynch wasn’t on the news, and so no helpful member of the public could inform the police that they were after WZCW Wrestler Blade.

But Blade still couldn’t get over his mistake. He had assumed that the goods he’d stolen, the TV and the other expensive electrical equipment had belonged to the WZCW. If that had been the case, the matter would’ve been dealt with internally and Blade wouldn’t be going from motel. As it turned out, WZCW had rented all that equipment from a pretty major leasing company. This leasing company had some considerable influence and power. This leasing company also did not like being robbed. They demanded that the police start a manhunt for the perpetrator, and because of who was asking them, the police abided.

So here he is, cut off from the people he loved, unsure if they still loved him back. While the police only had a vague description of what Blade looked like, he couldn’t be too careful. With so much already lost, losing his career would be the final nail in the coffin. He never stayed in one place for too long, and tried to only go out at night. Which he had to do tonight so he could find out what the week had in store for him.

Blade gets up and grabs his black hoodie off the coat hook on the back of the door. He zips it up, pulls the hood over his head and opens the door. With a quick look around, he decides it’s safe to go outside.


The meeting place is a seedy bar a couple of miles down the road from Blade’s motel, the lights are dim and the jukebox plays a depressing blues tune. Strange loners and aimless wanderers sit in an isolated silence along the bar, clutching at their spirits. Grizzly Bob sits in the corner, beer in his hand, his appearance allowing him to fit in quite nicely, but he’s clearly uncomfortable.

The front door opens and in walks Blade. The heads of the regulars turn towards this stranger, his hooded, long-hair and clean cut face sticking out like a sore thumb. Blade keeps his head down, avoiding the judging glares as he walks to the back of the bar and sits across from Bob.

“Hey there, stranger!” Bob greets in a hushed tone.

“Hi, Bob.” Blade replies wearily.

“If you don’t mind, I’m just gonna cut to the chase, ‘cause I don’t wanna be in here a minute longer than I need to.”

“That makes two of us.”

“Well, you’re in a King for a Day Qualifier this week on Meltdown,” Bob begins “and it’s against Krypto.”

“Huh. I didn’t think Bateman and Myles would want me anywhere near the World Title in case I sell it.”

“Well, actually, we got someone new in charge. Some rich media guy bought up the majority of the company’s shares. But none of us have met him or even seen him yet. Some of the boys say he owns an island in the Pacific and only drinks out of cups made from solid gold.”

“Wow… That could be fun…” Blade ponders out loud.

“Are you serious, boy!?” Bob exclaims, “You’re on the run for stealing from some big company and now you wanna target your new boss!?”

“Batman still fought crime when the police were after him…”

“Did you just compare yourself to Batman?” Bob groans.

“I think it’s a pretty fair comparison…” Blade says with a smirk.

“Batman wasn’t disowned by his family!”

“Well, his family was dead, so that’s no really—“

“Would you please take this seriously, Blade?” Bob interrupts, “you’ve gotta get some control over your life. Come back on the road with the rest of the boys and stop trying to play the hero. You’re going from small town to small town, no contact with anyone. How long can you keep doing this for?”

“Whenever the police stop looking for me seems like a realistic date.”

Bob shakes his head. “We’re just worried about you. You’re on this self-destructive path that won’t end well. Me, Big Dave, Becky, we’re concerned for you. Even Isabel Stone asked what was going on with you. You’re—“

“Can we not talk about this anymore?” Blade growls.

“Fine.” Bob grunts back.

There’s some awkward silence between them, where the only sound is the sad crooning from the jukebox. Bob takes a few sips of warm beer before he pipes up again.

“What are you gonna do 'bout Krypto?”

“I don’t know. That little guy did as well as I did in the Gold Rush tournament. There’s no doubt he’s a threat, but I can beat him.”

“That’s it? Don’t underestimate that green munchkin…”

“I won’t… I’m not… I know what he’s capable of, he beats the odds time and time again. He’s gets the crowd behind him in a way that people like me can only dream of. In that tournament, I was one of the favourites and he was a distant dark horse, but he did just as well as me. He can probably beat me on the right night. But neither Krypto nor the King for a Day are on my mind, I have more important things to worry about…”

“Yeah, right. Giving yourself an excuse in case you lose?"

“It’s not like that...” Blade retorts, unsure if he believes it.

Bob finishes the last drops of his beer and gets to his feet. “Wrestling’s the only thing you got left, buddy. That should make it the most important thing in your life. But hey, what do I know?”

Blade has no response. “I’ll see you at Meltdown, Blade.”


Blade walks back to his motel, slightly unbalanced due to the few whiskeys he consumed after Bob had left. The first thing he sees is a flashing light. It goes blue to red to blue to red. Suddenly, the scales fall from Blade’s eyes and he realises it’s a police siren.

“God damnit…” he swears under his breath. He turns around and begins to walk away from the motel, breaking into a jog to get away as quickly as possible…
Memoirs from Missy

My Wedding = Queen for a Day?

Missy can be seen typing into Microsoft word on her computer while glancing at the engagement ring on her finger. She picks up and scans through a nearby sheet of paper before taking a deep breath and continuing her computerized exploits.

Dear Diary,
For anybody who might be reading this at any point in time allow to explain exactly what this is. I’ve been implored by psychologist to write one of these journal entries every now and then to release any emotional stress I may be dealing with so I don’t have another….incident. The problem is I shouldn’t be feeling any stress at all, in fact I should be happy right? I’m a soon to be married woman with a fiancé that is willing to go to the Moon (or any other unearthly destination for that matter) just satisfy my every want and need. But hold on; let me bring people up to speed. I’m currently engaged to an alien named Krypto. Now I know that sounds crazy but without delving too much into the past it turns out we actually have a lot in common and he’s actually a rather harmless guy with a heart of gold. And while I love him and had no intention of severing our relationship I find myself slapped in the face with the realization I’m nowhere ready to be in a committed relationship let alone a marriage.

I bet you’re probably thinking “well why didn’t you tell him that when he proposed?” Well I wanted to, and while it may be easier for most of the people Krypto has encountered to just crush his dreams and shove him to the side over the past couple of months I have grown to care and connect with him on various levels. I was shocked when he showed me the ring, I wanted to let him down as gently as I could and tell him it just wasn’t the right time for me but I can tell how much this meant to him. The look in his big green eyes, the sensitivity in his voice, the passion and reasoning he had I just couldn’t tell him no. And to make matters worse possibly the biggest opportunity he will ever receive slipped from his grasp recently. He lost a chance at what at the time he wanted the most but the weird thing was it didn’t affect him nearly as much as I thought it would.

I could tell from his demeanor and his attitude that the loss and setback was nothing compared to the silver lining of spending the rest of his life with the woman he loves the most: me. So does this make me a selfish person? Am I terrible for having second thoughts and potentially destroying the one last thing Krypto may care about?

Krypto: Hey Missy, I’ve been talking with the catering crew and we have to decide between the Jumbo shrimp and the Rock lobster. Which do you think will be more appetizing for your family and my co-workers?

Missy: Have any of the other people even RSVP’d yet?

Krypto: I think Backstage Bob did but I haven’t heard back from anyone else yet. But I’m sure they’ll call, Redemption was a big show, and everyone’s just busy right now. So are you okay with the Jumbo shrimp?

Missy: Yeah….sure.

The alien then wonders off to call in the preparations.

Regardless of what I currently feel I have to give him credit for taking as much initiative as he has though. Apparently on his home planet civil union duties are handled entirely by the males while the females are pampered like Queens. He’s been handling the seating, catering, invitations, albeit he has had help from some wedding planner named Maria Kingsley or something. I mean I love that he’s dedicated to this but I just feel he should be focusing more on his match this week. He’s facing a seasoned veteran and if he can overcome him he’ll be right back in the position to gain what he most desires. Maybe if he can do that he won’t be as focused on the Wedding, maybe then I can re-evaluate what I want from this relationship…

Krypto: Hey Missy, do you know of any locations that have good parking validation? Ones that allow space cruisers would be preferred please.

Missy: Krypto let’s just take a break from the planning for a minute okay, you’re just a couple of days away from facing Blade and if you beat him you’ll be entered into the King for a Day match, which if you win it’s almost guaranteed you’ll become World Champion. Remember that; remember how much that meant to you a couple weeks ago?

Krypto: Missy there is more important things that I should be concerned with right now. I said before Redemption that if I couldn’t win there then my focus would be solely on our relationship, and making you Queen for a Day. The thing about Blade is that no matter how many times he fails to obtain the biggest prize in our industry he somehow finds a way to gain another opportunity to step up to that next level.

Missy: But shouldn’t that get you motivated? Shouldn’t that get you fired up that Blade has continuously choked at winning the big one and yet is suspiciously handed another chance while you had to scratch and claw your way to where you’re at now?

Krypto: Look I’m not giving up; I’m not going to just let Blade win because he’s he has been longer and might feel he deserves it more because you’re right he doesn’t. If Blade wants to beat me he’s going to have to truly earn it. We both failed in our respective matches at Redemption but I take solace in the fact that a loss won’t affect me anymore than it did at Redemption. On the other hand I sympathize with a person like Blade who is always regarded as great but is never listed or thought of in the same regards as Showtime Cougar, Titus, or Ty Burna.

The faint sound of a cell phone can then be heard ringing in the distance.

Krypto: Oh that must be Maria; she said she was calling me back about decorations. I apologize for my rambling but you’re going to love this floral pink I’m picking for the walls!

The extraterrestrial then scurries into the next room.

Well that didn’t work. I hate when he acts all spiritually uplifting and wise, makes it harder to manipulate him. I guess we’ll just have to wait and see what happens on Meltdown. Unfortunately trying to get this wedding postponed isn’t my only problem.

Missy then picks up the nearby piece of paper again and then begins simultaneously type and read.

A few days ago I got this letter in the mail that read “Dear Missy, a trusted source has led me to believe you’re currently engaged to be married. Firstly, let me congratulate you and secondly, let me apologize for being the one break the bad news. This wedding of yours is only going to end with that little green midget of yours squashed into the pavement and his insides smeared all over your pretty white dress. You may not remember me but I’ll give you a little hint, we used to be classmates back in high school. I used to have a little crush on you; you rejected and humiliated me in favor of one of the many jocks you slept around with. Yeah I remember, you’re naïve little alien fiancé might not be aware of your past but I certainly am. You used to call me small all the time, said I was never as big as the rest. Well things have changed sweetheart, I’m bigger now and I’m bring your small world crashing down. I’ll be seeing you soon. Love, Mr. Big.”

Now on the Brightside this may be the justification I need to get this wedding cancelled. On the other hand the last thing Krypto needs to know is how I was back in high school. With Mister off always parading around with Alhazred never paying me the attention I wanted I desperately craved the admiration of my male peers. Let’s just say it led me to do some things I’m not exactly proud of. But I’m changed now, I thought I put the past behind me, but whoever this Mr. Big is plans to reopen old wounds. I don’t want Krypto to see me in that light, I’m not sure how things can get much worse….

Krypto: Hey Missy, the UPS man just delivered a package from some guy named Mr. Big. The label on the package is titled “Missy’s Casting Couch Spectacular”. What is that?

Missy: Oh god….
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