MD94: Chris K.O. vs. James Howard - Non Title

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the Frog

Chris K.O. is out to teach all the young up-and-comers a lesson. He hopes to use the bloodied carcass of James Howard to demonstrate it, but the former two-time tag team champion is resilient. Who will get the upper-hand come Meltdown?

Deadline is Wednesday (September 18th, 2013) at 11:59 P.M. (Central Time). Extensions available upon request.
I stood staring at the show order. It was still there in black and white, totally unavoidable. Howard vs KO. My blank gaze must have caught the attention of a producer as he tapped me on the shoulder and told me I was about to go on. I thanked him, mostly because I didn’t know what else to say.

So now I stood staring at a curtain, I could see the signs with crudely drawn barcodes with my name beneath. The lights afforded us a one- way view through the gauze. I kicked lightly at the chain in the curtains hem as I heard my music begin to play. I couldn’t think about the past, the loss at Kingdom Come, being eliminated from the World Championship tournament by a guy I called a friend not a week before. Losing to KO’s new minion Dustin Hunter.


Nothing mattered anymore; the rush of my professional life collapsing under its own weight had to wait. I needed to prove myself; I needed to beat the hell out of Chris KO for catharsis as much as anything else. The Eurasian Title was my goal now. My only focus was to teach him not to poke the bear.

You are alone in the black curtain box; your psyche gives you a few seconds to adjust to the fight ahead of you. I had that odd feeling of the hairs on the back of my neck standing up, not from nerves. The feeling is hard to describe but the nearest I can get is that nervousness you sometimes feel when you’re in a large crowd. My brain was whispering to me as I made my first step throwing the gauze aside and pulling up the hood on my top.

The bright lights burned into my vision and there was a moment of clarity. I stood paused at the top of the ramp, arms outstretched to the sides and I heard my own voice in my head, the whispering I’d heard for weeks, months even. I realised KO had made a mistake as I span round with a smirk on my face, as I whispered faintly what my brain had been telling me since Los Angeles.

A Grudge

The scene opens with a brilliant looking WZCW EurAsian Champion, Chris K.O. He is under a set of lights as he sits on a wooden stool, opposed to a man in a black suit. The man in the suit is clutching a handful of papers as he smiles behind a set of cameras, all of them facing Chris. The EurAsian Title is glimmering in the limelight on top of Chris’ shoulder as he sits proudly in his blue jeans and artful tank-top.

Chris smiles and speaks to the man in the suit.

Chris: And quite honestly, I don’t see myself walking out of Redemption as anything, but the EurAsian Champion.

Chris sports a cocky smile as he re-adjust his belt on his shoulder.

Man: Well, thank you Chris for your time here tonight. And thank you America, don’t forget to catch WZCW’s Pay Per View, Redemption, this Sunday! Good night, and best wishes.

???: Cut!

With that, the lights fling on and it appears the interview has ended. The scene immediately transitions to a shot of K.O. walking down a path that is outlined by set workers and various studio equipment. Chris casually looks off to his sides until looking straight ahead, which prompts a pompous smile. Astrid Kulman his making her way down the path towards Chris. She rolls her eyes as she looks at Chris’ grin.

Astrid: Well, Mr. K.O. I must admit that you actually made my job easy today. When Bateman called me and told me that you were going to cut a raw interview on James Howard for NBC Newstimes, I was a bit worried. However, it went well and dare I say it, actually came across as entertaining, no matter how delusional your reasons may be. It’ll be a fine piece to promote Redemption as it airs the week before.

Chris pulls out his rose-colored sunglasses off of the top of his tank-top. He slides them on as he responds to Astrid.

Chris: Well, that’s good. At least I don’t have to hear you bitch.

Chris casually walks past Astrid, as her mouth is left ajar.

Astrid: Excuse me?

Chris stops and looks back.

Chris: Yes?

Astrid: Maybe I wouldn’t have to “bitch” about anything if you were not such a grade-A dick when it comes to promotional material.

Chris chuckles as he turns to face Astrid.

Chris: Listen sweetheart. Welcome to the wrestling world. The good guys wipe their asses and stay all squeaky clean for primma donas like you. However, there are guys like me who tell it like it is. We know the morals of the squeaky clean “heroes” are fallacies, and that the fans are full of shit. You think I’m the first one to say “fuck” in an interview or beat down a referee or two? Yeah, right. Stop living in your fairy-tale world.

Astrid is red in the face as she steps towards Chris.

Astrid: You’re an asshole!

Chris yanks off his glasses as he glares at Astrid.

Chris: Yeah, well you’re a bitch!

Astrid: Douche-bag!

Chris: Cu-

The camera cuts to a shot of Astrid and Chris passionately kissing on a bed. Astrid yanks off his shirt and the two of them continue to embrace. The camera slowly fades to black as Chris begins to remove Astrid’s clothing.

The scene reappears, but now Astrid is swaddled in nothing but the covers of the bed as Chris sits on the side of it. A clock rest on the nightstand next to him and it shines 3:00 A.M. in bright red. Chris looks over his shoulder and sees Astrid sleeping peacefully. He looks away again. He then proceeds to rub his shaved head vigorously before letting out a huge sigh. Immediately after, Chris reaches for his jeans down on the floor and proceeds to put them on.

The scene transitions to a shot of Chris sitting outside in a hotel, presumably the one he was just in, parking lot. His back is rested up against a light post as he has one leg bent in a triangle fashion. One of his arms rests on the bent leg as a cigarette hangs out from an aperture between his index and middle finger.

It’s not her. It’s not him. Hell, I don’t think it’s even them. It’s me. But, I like me. If they don’t, then fuck’em. I’ve worked too hard to get where I am to stop now. It involved sacrifices that some are just not willing to make. So if they aren’t willing, then why should they take what I am willing to? My time, my friends, my family. My life. All of it tarnished only for me to be spectated by the WZCW elect and WZCW Universe. I sat in the hot seat. I wore their make-up and became what they wanted; a "hero". I know the past is the past, and there is nothing I can do to change that, but I’m holding a grudge.

And that grudge is deep-rooted. I won’t adhere to the garbage that produces factory made superstars. James Howard, the beloved member of team Strikeforce, the fallen hero of War Games. He is a product of design. The fans love him because of his story, and so it is only a matter of time before they do to him what they did to me. Chew on him and then spit him out.

However, as they savior the taste, he will need a foe to vanquish. Someone to oppose the fan’s pop. I could envision it had I been so naive as Titus. James Howard, the shooting star out of the two-time tag team champions Strikeforce, vanquishing Chris K.O. for the EurAsian Champion. I know if I let my guard down that it will surely be my fate. That is why I’m going to end Howard before this ever gets to that point. That’s why I’m going to take him and use him as an example for every factory-made superstar. The path the fans want him to take will no longer existence. I intend to make it broken.

Chris pulls the cigarette to his mouth and takes a long drag.

No one will ever have to walk the horrid path that I once did. No one.

The scene fades to black.
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