MD88: Triple X vs. Grand Mystique - Non Title

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the Frog
On this championship edition of Meltdown, Triple X returns to the same show where he captured the EurAsian Title last round and looks to continue his momentum into Lethal Lottery by slaying the mystic Grand Mystique. Mystique was stunned by Sandy Deserts last week, but one has to wonder if it was a true loss or just another part of Mystique's grand plan. He will be looking to damage the friend of Stormrage as he awaits Mikey's reply to his scetchy offer to join TSA.​

Deadline is Wednesday, April 24th 2013, at 11:59 P.M. (Central Time Zone)​
“You cannot create something of your future without sacrificing something from your past.”

“What do you mean my liege?”

Mason Westhoff and The Grand Mystique are sitting around a small table. GM is engrossed in his crystal ball while Mason is trying to engage his master.

“Victory will rise from the smouldering ashes of defeat.”

Mason winces at the indirect comment regarding their recent defeats.

“I trust you above all but this is not your most enlightening address.”

“Mason, I need you to do something for me.”

“Anything sire.”

“Rediscover the fire that burned bright at All or Nothing because in a matter of days, we scar Mikey Stormrage into submission.”

Understanding that comment as a direction to leave, Mason nods and leaves without further comment.

“Destiny can be borne out of many things. A defeat should sting but I feel numb to it. Feeling itself is a poor description for what I am enduring right now. I am full of what can only be described as belief.”

“Brother Mason is never shy in stating his life revolves around a belief system and despite our successful union to this point, we are very different creatures in that respect. But our belief spectrum is based around that of guidance.”

“I firmly believe that the hand of Destiny places her hand on my shoulder but it goes beyond that. This is an opportunity that I have been waiting for since my return. Is it not enough that I have pinned David Cougar and haven’t been given my rightful Championship match. Our dominance over the tag team division has been ignored. If I have to sacrifice more and more helpless souls like Jimmy Flynn then that is what I will oversee.”

GM’s obsession with the crystal ball continues as he moves it around, playing with its refraction of the light.

“Destiny is far from a smooth path and anyone who is blind to the enlightenment could be confused but I know why this opportunity has been given to me. It would be easy to dismiss the role of Destiny here. Who remembers when my brother and I dominated Triple X only weeks ago so it is only right that when he flukes his way to the Eurasian championship, that I am the man to bring him down from his high.”

“Of course this could be another episode of the Triple X show, a chance for a young superstar to show off some more and show that his last match wasn’t just a one-off, fuelled by adrenaline and who knows what else. I hate that the WZCW universe would love nothing more than to see that show. But I refuse to accept that this is anything but Destiny guiding me in her own way. There will be twists and turns and the path will never be direct but there will be a very familiar ending to the Triple X show. His misfortune, of which there will be plenty in his future, is the beginning of a stark new direction. I will defeat the new Eurasian champion and when I claim his championship for my own but it will not be our crowning glory as we will claim a new addition, a fresh sacrifice who will become a new brother and revitalise us going forward.”

“I will be honoured to welcome Mikey Stormrage to our group; with him and the Eurasian title in our ranks we would be unstoppable. A storm is brewing.”

There is a knock at the door. The Grand Mystique barely acknowledges it with a tilt of his head. The heavy door creaks open. GM looks over and sees a slight man entering the room. GM shows no concern at his presence as the slender figure enters from the shadows.

“Why are you here?”

“It’s time for me to stop fucking around.”

He bravely approaches GM who considers his response and looks him in the eye. The visitor is not nervous but he does swipe his long and straggly hair out of his face.

“But that’s what you do best.”

“Look G, I need to revaluate my life.”

“You need more than that DC.”

GM stands and nearly dwarfs the guest.

“You’re right. I need more. I make some sacrifices.”

The man acknowledged by GM as DC kneels down in front of GM who places his hand on his head.

“You will become stronger and you will make us stronger.”
A young, male announcer is standing in the middle of the ring. He's no older than his mid-twenties, and doesn't really announce other than in house shows like these. He's passed the card with the details of the next match on it, and a small smile creeps onto his face as he lifts the microphone to his lips in front of the Chicago crowd.

Announcer: And his opponent. From Phoenix Arizona…

A huge cheer goes up as my home town is called out.

Announcer: Weighing in at two hundred and twenty pounds…

The cheer is growing, almost ear-bursting.


The roof has virtually been blown off, as my heart is now pumping out of my chest.

Announcer: TRRRRRRRRRRIPLE X!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My music hits, and I burst through the curtain with my newly won championship wrapped around my waist, and am nearly knocked back with the sea of noise that greets me. The small arena WZCW is using to host a house show feels as if it’s full of fifty thousand rabid fans, as I pose on the ramp for everyone. I walk to the ring, and clock eyes with my opponent; a young local wrestler. I remove the belt from my waist and hold it up high to another deafening response, before handing it to the referee and awaiting the start of my match for the evening.

Twenty Minutes Later…

I stand in the corner, pumping the crowd up, waiting for the young guy to make it to his feet. He does, and I lunge forward and catch him with an inch-perfect Superkick to the jaw. He collapses like the proverbial ton of bricks, as I go to the corner and leap up in one bound to the top rope. The fans in the arena all stand as I straighten, and dive down, twisting and flipping, dropping down with the Firefly. I hook a leg, and three seconds later it’s all over. I roll over and pull myself up with the ropes, and look back at the young man I'd just beaten. In many ways, he reminds me of myself when I first started in this company; he clearly had talent, but just wasn't ready for the big leagues this time. Still, he'd given me a great little match, and for that I was grateful.

Before I can think further, I am handed my Eurasian championship. I look at it and smile, and ascend the turnbuckle , with yet more posing. I jump down, and catch the eye of one of the people at ringside, requesting a microphone. The crowds infectious roar eventually dies down, but there are still a few “TRI-PLE-X" chants near the top of the arena.

X: CHICAGO!!!!!!!

I say the name with what can only be described as a freaking roar, which is met with one right back at me from the people in attendance. I wait again for the noise to die down, which eventually, it does.

X: Now I know what you’re all thinking; you’re saying to yourself “Where the hell’s Rush?”

The line is met with a few laughs, but mostly boos for the mention of the man I beat for the championship.

X: But fear not, fans of the extreme. It is I…the high flying, death-defying straight-edge superstar, and your NEW EURASIAN CHAAAAMPION, TRIPLE X!

Another roar goes out, and another chant of my name begins. I hold the mic to my mouth and most of it dies down for me to speak.

X: Rush and Mason Westhoff are two of the most difficult guys I’ve ever faced. To have both of them against me in the same match felt like a ridiculous barrier placed in front of me. But I don't let barriers stop me; I smash through them. Just like I did against Steven Holmes a year ago…

The mention of my Elite X title victory gets another big cheer.

X: …I overcame the odds, and showed the entire damn world that this… (I lift the belt up in the air to another solid pop) …was NO fluke!

The cheer escalates even more as I raise the championship, and my smile remains plastered on my face.

X: But I’m not out here to talk about Rush. Or even Mason Westhoff. No, I’m here to talk about Westhoff’s puppet-master, the Grand Mystique.

A chorus of boos reign down upon the ring.

X: As many of you may or may not know, this coming week on Meltdown, I enter the ring with the embodiment of pure evil in a non-title match. Triple X vs Grand Mystique.

The announcement is met with mostly cheers, with a few boos for Mystique.

X: And, for me, it’s difficult to think about this match without thinking of one of WZCW’s brightest stars, Mikey Stormrage.

Another massive cheer, this time for the mention of the Prince of Pwnage.

X: Mikey has been gunning after Mystique for quite some time now, and all I can think about is how I feel somehow in the way of his quest for redemption. And how he should be the one in this match, and not me.

A small booing reverberates around the arena.

X: Who here wants to see Mikey Stormrage get his hands on Grand Mystique???

The roar equals almost anything I’d heard since walking through the curtain.

X: I know, I know. So do I. So Mikey, I promise you right here and now that I’ll make sure that on Meltdown, after my match with Mystique, I’ll be sure there’s a decent amount left for you to kick the crap out of when the time comes, my friend.

Another huge shout of approval goes up around me, and I can’t help but smile as I look all around me.

X: Now, truth be told, I’ve never face anyone like Mystique before. He’s a big, scary cat who likes to torment people. And all joking aside, he has an incredibly loyal servant in Mr Westhoff. And after losing against Sandy Deserts last week, I’m sure he’ll be looking to get back on track with a win against little old me. But see, I remember when I’d faced no-one like Steven Holmes before. I remember what happened when I’d faced no-one like Sam Smith before. I remember when I’d never faced anyone like the greatest Mayhem champion of all time; Alex Bowen, before in my career. I beat every, single last one of them, became the Elite X Champion, and became one of the most popular superstars around!

Many fans are now on their feet, applauding and cheering towards the ring.

X: Mystique, last week I realized just who I am. I’m not the young upstart trying to prove he belongs in this company. I’m not the fresh-faced fan favourite looking to prove he can hang with the big boys. I am the undisputed Eurasian Champion of WZCW. I am part of the history that holds names like Big Dave, Showtime Cougar and Ty Burna. And it’s gonna take a lot more than smoke, mirrors and a Disney villain to get the better of me!

And with that, I drop the mic and hold my championship up into the air, soaking in the incredible live atmosphere. I close my eyes, and the masked eyes of the Grand Mystique are there, staring at me through my eyelids. Yet I keep them closed and stare into the very pit of fear, as I realize the crucial ingredient needed to face Grand Mystique.

I am not afraid. Of him, or of anyone.
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