MD88: The Bearded Gentlemen vs. SaboSax - Non Title

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the Frog
Vance Bateman announced a major change-up to the Tag-Team Title match at Lethal Lottery on Ascension this past round. The Empire and Barbosa and S.H.I.T. were both announced as participating tag teams, but the GM was keen on making SaboSax reprove themselves before being involved in the match as well. Now, The Bearded Gentlemen must rally untapped strength as they try to fend off the very team they first beat for the straps. One has to wonder though if they can do it again and snap their recent losing streak.​

Deadline is Wednesday, April 24th 2013, at 11:59 P.M. (Central Time Zone)​
We see Le Gentleman Masque pacing through a crowded street, clearly anxious as his pacing quickens. Finally a man drops him off a small package. Gent gives the man a tip for his well doing before ducking into a side alley to tear apart the package. Inside a note, in which Gent reads aloud.

Promises by The Beard

What is life without the fame and glory?
When life promises you gifts and luxury
And what you get in return is sadness and disappointment
Do you turn around and leave it all behind?
Or do you stand there and fight like a man?
Life is full of promises, most of them broken
What makes life worthwhile is what you do to achieve those promises

Beard what do you mean my friend? This sounds so depressing yet so promising at the same time. I must get to the bottom of this.

Gent scurries into his pocket and shakily dials The Beard’s number.

C’mon Beard, answer. C’mon buddy pick up the phone. I can’t lose you now.

Hello friends, this is The Beard. I appreciate that you’d take the time out of your day to give me a call. I assure you I am incredibly busy, but I will return your call at my earliest convenience. Please leave a detailed message and I look forward to speaking to you in the near future. Peace, love, and beards.

Damn it Beard, it is Gent. I need to speak to you. Please call my friend, I fear for the worse. Get back to me. Good day.

Gent reluctantly hangs up his phone before dropping into a seated position in the alley, head in his hand. Gent looks depleted, but is brought back to reality as his phone ring. Ignoring who is calling, Gent answers.


No sir it is I, Liam.

Oh. Hello Liam.

A hint of disappointment can be heard in Gent’s voice. As the conversation continues.

What can I do for you Liam?

Mr. Beard is here requesting your assistance. And despite being your partner, you specifically told me not to let anyone in while you were away.

Say that again Liam.

Mr. Beard is here reques-

Beard is there?

That is what I said sir. He is getting quite frustrated with me. I’m afraid he is going to try and break in sir.

Don’t just stand there Liam. Let him in before you become his new enemy.

But sir, you told me no one is allowed in the quarters while-

Well Liam Beard is a clear exception to this rule. Let him in and keep him calm, collected, and homely and I will be there as soon as I can. Thanks.

Gent hangs up his phone as he runs out to the curb and tries to hail down a cab as we cut to Liam, who is accompanied Beard into Gent’s quarters.

I apologize for being any sort of a bother to you Mr. Beard. Is there anything I can get you?

Get me Gent damn it.

He is on his way Mr. Beard. I assure you that he will be here as early as possible.

Liam. You do not know how frustrating this is.

What is that?

This damn losing streak. It is causing friction throughout my life. Emily, Gent, the Beardos.

The Beardos?

You’ve never heard of the Beardos? They are my greatest fans. I can’t be their worship leader slash warlord if my beard is falling out. It hasn’t been a good couple of weeks Liam.

Not to be rude Mr. Beard, but I think this conversation would be more suited between you and Gent.

Well Gent isn’t here now is he? I need to vent and I guess that makes you my bitch this evening.

Excuse me?

Sorry, I get a bit of a foul mouth when I’m stressed.

Forgiven. Continue.

I can’t remember the last time we won a match man. We are the tag team champs Liam. We can’t be seen as a bunch of losers or these titles will be off our waists quicker than that one night stand I had with that crazy celebrity chick.

Care for details on that last statement?

Her name must stay disclosed, but it rhymes with Mindsey Mohan. It was a drunken night and I was off my game. But alas this doesn’t leave this room.

You have my word.

Very good. But like I was saying Liam, we are seen as losers. No championship run can be a success if you yourself are not a success.

Indeed. How do you plan to change that sir?

The only way I know how Liam. Unleashing the inner Beard. A Beard so lethal, so vicious it’ll send your momma into hiding. Though in the end she’ll want some of the ultimate Bearded badass. Meltdown is the beginning of our redemption Liam.

Who are your victims?

The very duo we defeated to win our prized possession, Saxton and Saboteur. Our greatest rival I guess you’d say. A team that is held in high regards in the WZCW history books. This is our chance to prove this whole run isn’t a fluke. They seem to be our stepping stone, our beginning you’d say. Our reign started with them and our redemption begins with them. Liam this is our chance. A win at Meltdown shows that we are for real and we are the best team in the company today. This is a proving point. Not just to the fans, the roster, but to us as a team.

Those are some powerful words sir. No wonder Gent thinks so highly of you.

Beard drapes his arm over Liam’s shoulder, nearly knocking him to the ground. Liam looks uncomfortable as he actually shows signs of emotion. A feint vibration can be heard as Beard reaches into his pocket and reads a message from his phone.

I must go Liam. Emily needs me. Tell Gent I send my best wishes. Thanks for the talk friend.

Beard gives a swift pat on the back to Liam, which knocks the win out of him. Liam is short of breath as Beard swiftly ducks out the front door. Liam immediately regains his composure as noise can be heard towards the back of the quarters and Gent storms in, winded.


You just missed him sir.

Well shucks.

He sends his best wish-

Not now Liam. I need a nap. Could you fetch me some sleepy time tea? We shall talk later.

Gent heads up to his bedroom as Liam just sighs and mumbles under his breath as he heads to the kitchen for Gent’s tea, shaking his head over the ridiculous matter.

How did Beard land Lindsay Lohan? It just doesn’t make sense.

What’s that Liam?

Nothing sir. Just making your tea. Continue on.

Gent lets out a frustrated sigh as he trudges up the stairs and Liam stirs his tea, still in bewilderment over the Beard’s one night of celebrity fame.
Signal Panic, Inc. presents
Action Saxton & Saboteur
"Sugar Rush!"

"Mmn, mmn, mmn!" the Badass Brother, Action Saxton, said, walking into the large kitchen in Saxton/Saboteur Tower. It is a bright Wednesday afternoon, with the sun shining, the birds singing, the sky blue, men and women arguing on the streets below, and Action Saxton himself fresh from a long shower that only involved punching two ninjas and dropkicking a third. "What the hell smells so good?"

Saboteur adjusted his large chef's hat and "Kiss The Cook" apron and turned towards his partner-in-crime before responding.

"These, my friend," he said, "are how we're going to turn our non-title match into a tag title match."

Action Saxton kneeled down to look into the oven window. On the middle rack, baking to a golden-brown, was a pan of delicious and soft-looking muffins. He straightened up.

"Muffins?" Action Saxton asked.

"Not just muffins!" Saboteur replied. "These muffins are especially delicious. I made them using a recipe passed down through generation after generation of the Thudley-Willops family."

"Sucka, you never told me your full-name was Saboteur Thudley-Willops!" Saxton exclaimed.

"That's because it isn't," Saboteur replied. "I was lucky enough to capture the final remaining member of the Thudley-Willops family and extract this delicious muffin recipe from him. It took many hours of kicking and screaming, but in the end, I got my muffins."

The oven dinged loudly.

"But enough of that mishmash. The muffins are done!"

Saboteur reached over and put large plaid oven mitts on his gloved hands before opening the oven door. Steam wafted out of it, filling the kitchen even more with the scent of delicious baked goods. Gingerly, Saboteur removed the pan from the oven and set it on the countertop.

"Right," he said, removing his mitts. "All we have to do is wait for these babies to cool down, and then we can use them to bribe whoever's in charge of WZCW right now and get them to turn our upcoming match against the Bearded Gentlemen into a tag team championship match."

Saxton nodded. "Sounds like a plan to me, sucka."

"That's good," Saboteur replied, "because Plan A fell through when none of the local pet stores had a Gyarados for sale."

"A what?"

But Saboteur doesn't respond. Action Saxton followed his gaze to the tray of muffins sitting and steaming on the countertop.

"Damn..." he said, "Those muffins sure look delicious."


"I thought I used the last of the sugar inventing my official Action Saxton Sugar-Powered Helicopter. Did you get Garrett to get some more?"

"Nope. I found some in Jerry's office."

"What the hell was sugar doing in Jerry's office?"

"I don't know, but it was white, it was powdery, it was in a bag, and it was in his desk drawer, so there was no mistaking it. It was sugar."

The two friends stood in silence for several long moments, staring at the baked goods. The baked goods, to their credit, did nothing except look tasty.

"We are sure them muffins are good enough to bribe WZCW's owners with, right?" Saxton asked.

"I told you, I got the recipe from-"

"I know that, sucka! I just want to be sure! This go go very bad, very quick."

Saboteur rested his chin in his hand. "You have a point. I did make a lot of muffins, so we could try them out..."

Action Saxton licked his lips again. "You're damn right we can. They ain't gonna miss two muffins, right?"

He reached out and grabbed a muffin. Saboteur did the same. After a nod, the two shoved the muffins into their mouths, crumbs falling from Saboteur's mask. Action Saxton groaned in pleasure.

"Damn, sucka," he said, "this has got to be the best damn muffin I have ever had in my life."

"So soft, so warm," Saboteur sighed. "I told you, the Thudley-Willops know how to make a muffin."

Their muffins finished, the two tag team partners look at each other once more. Then, simultaneously, they reach towards the pan...

Half an hour later, all that remained of the batch were a few crumbs and memories. Saboteur's gaze darted around the room erratically as Action Saxton tapped a foot in a rhythm that was getting faster and faster with each passing second. Finally, he let out a roar.

"We don't need those damn muffins anyway!" he yelled. "How the hell is the French sucka gonna take me on? The only thing French suckas do is run away!"

"Y- Yeah!" Saboteur affirmed. "And beards! What's a beard? Is he a wrestler or a bunch of hair? What if he's both, huh? Beards, what are they even good for?"

"Never trust a sucka with a beard, that's what George Washington told me!" Action Saxton said. "Socrates had a beard, and the only thing that sucka did was poison kids' minds and drink hemlock juice!"

He started to sob into his large hands.

"Those poor kids..." he said. Saboteur walked over towards Action Saxton and awkwardly patted him on the back.

"It must have been the beard," Saboteur replied. "Don't worry, buddy, you worry about France. I have a plan on how to deal with beards."

He patted his katana. Action Saxton looked up, showing off his beautiful pearly-whites.

"Sucka, I've decided that the best way to defeat France is to learn about France," he said. "And the best way to learn about France is to learn about French cuisine. And the best way to learn about French cuisine is-"

"Olive Garden?"

"Ye- No, sucka!" Saxton barked. "I know a place where some fine woman teaches kids how to cook in the French style. She lives a few streets down, and her name is Madame Croissant."

"Madame Crusoe?" Saboteur asked.

"Croissant." Saxton replied.

"Madame Courageous?"


"The Caped Crusader?"

"Sucka, I don't wear a cape."

"I don't wear a cape!"

"Does Le Gentleman Masque wear a cape?"

"What's a cape?"

"I don't know!" Saxton roared. He ripped his t-shirt in half, his bulging muscles exposed to the open air. "All I know, sucka, is that I got a date with Madame Croissant!"

He walked over to the kitchen window, flung it open, and jumped out of it, landing smoothly with his feet on the ground. Saboteur looked out at his partner sticking the landing, shrugged, and jumped out after him. He stumbled slightly as he landed. Action Saxton looked over at his friend in concern.

"You okay, sucka?" he asked.

"Oh yeah, nothing my healing factor can't handle," Saboteur replied.

"Good." Action Saxton looked from one direction to the other, and then back at his partner. "Madame Croissant's is to the right. And I hear the town center is having its annual Beardathon Convention For People With Beards. Sucka, it's go time."

Saboteur unsheathed his katanas. "Death to all beards!"

He shot off in one direction, Saxton in the other. The Badass Brother's feet pounded against the asphalt as he runs past building after building, finally skidding to a halt in front of a large, fancy-looking building. The shirtless Saxton flexed, placed a hand on the door, and pulled it off its hinges as he walked inside.

Madame Croissant's Culinary Academy was a single room full of stoves, tables, knives, and other implements usually found in a kitchen. Students diligently worked day-in and day-out creating baguettes, escargot, French Onion Soup, French Fries, and other things that are French. Today, the dish of the day was souffle.

"And now, students," the elderly Madame Croissant said, "be sure to mix correctly the eggs-"

"I could do with some eggs, if you know what I'm sayin', sucka!" came a loud voice from the back of the classroom. All the heads in the room turned towards the source of the voice. On top of a table stood Action Saxton, waving around a large wooden spoon. He hopped off the table and pointed it at the elderly woman. "Sucka, teach me how to be French!"

The old lady crossed her arms disapprovingly. "Sweetie, I can't just teach you how to be French. There is a certain je nais se quois that comes with it."

"You're teachin' all these other suckas how to be French," Saxton replied, moving slowly towards the front of the class. "Why the hell can't you teach me?"

Action Saxton flexed and stared at the old woman with bedroom eyes.

"Are you scared you wouldn't be able to handle some one-on-one time with Action Saxton?"

"Well, I never!" Madame Croissant gasped. "Sugar, I-"

"Give me some sugar!" Action Saxton exclaimed. He swept the old lady off of her feet and went in deep, giving her the type of passionate kiss only Action Saxton can give. The entire classroom gasped. One student dropped their souffle. Everyone stared.


Meanwhile, at the Beardathon Convention For People With Beards, Saboteur was on the hunt. Every which way he turned there were people with beards, but he knew that he had to find te biggest, the bushiest, the most bearded gentleman at the convention, and as luck would have it the seemed to be standing right in front of him. He sidled up to the individual, a middle-aged man with tanned skin, a shiny black jacket and white shirt, black turban, and a very large beard. It stretched to his chest, a mass of black and grey curly hairs that incorporated outrageously large sideburns and an equally curly moustache. There was no doubt about it, this man was the most bearded one of them all.

"Hey there," Saboteur said to the man, lovingly fingering his katana. "That's a pretty nice beard."

"Thank you," the man replied, nodding. "It is truly a beard worthy of Charanjeet Singh, European Tech Support Champion and Beard King five years in a row!"

"Five years, huh?" Saboteur said.

"That is correct," Singh replied. "My beard is in a powerful state, powerful enough to dwarf other beards. I use it to talk to women and they add me on their Facebook accounts."

Saboteur nodded. "Yep," he said. "That's a pretty great beard. It sure would be a shame if something were to..."

He unsheathed his katanas. Charanjeet Singh looked at them in horror.

"...happen to it!"

"No!" Singh squealed as Saboteur jumped on top of him and started hacking away at the man's beard. "You cannot do this! I am Charanjeet Singh! I will inform the authorities!"

After several moments of wild hacking and slashing, Saboteur stood up. In one hand he held the man's beard high, the man himself sobbing on the ground.

"Death to all beards!" Saboteur screamed. Suddenly, something caught his eye. He turned his head to see a large statue in the center of the convention, and his eyes grew wide.

It was not an ordinary statue. It was a statue of Sophocles, and it possessed the grandest beard Saboteur had ever seen. It took being poofy to a new level, its majestic curls radiating outwards from its stone face, each lovingly sculpted with as much attention to detail as possible. And as Saboteur looked at his katanas once more, he knew he had to destroy it.

With a scream, he charged forward, swinging his katanas wildly.

Sirens started blaring in the distance.


Action Saxton was furiously mixing ingredients in a large bowl, twice as fast as the other students. Madame Croissant, looking shaken and rustled but otherwise none the worse-for-wear, continued her instruction.

"Be sure to mix the ingredients correctly, mon amis," she was saying. She demonstrated by mixing some ingredients herself.

"Miss," a student said, raising his hand, "I'm having trouble chopping."

"I'm sure if you ask another student, they will be happy to help," Madame Croissant replied.

"I'll do it!" Action Saxton piped up. He walked over to the student as Madame Croissant continued to speak. "So, what the hell is your problem?"

In response, the student tried to cut his cucumber. The knife slipped from his fingers and buried itself, tip-first, into the cutting board.

"Naw, that ain't how you chop," Saxton said. "Fix your technique!"

The student tried again, this time causing the knife to do a backflip and clatter harmlessly next to the cucumber. Action Saxton grunted.

"Sucka, you have to grip it and go horizontally!" he said.

"I'm trying!" the student protested.

"You ain't tryin' hard enough!" said Saxton as the knife narrowly missed impaling the student's foot. "You gotta chop!"

The student tried again. The knife went shooting out of his hand, narrowly missing Action Saxton's afro as it buried itself in the wall.

"Dammit, sucka!" Action Saxton roared. "That ain't how you chop! This is how you chop!"

He reared back, and with a kung-fu scream, chopped the student's chest with a smack.

"Ow!" the student exclaimed.

"What's that? you still don't know how to chop?" Saxton reared back and chopped the student again. The class gasped. Madame Croissant ran over to the phone. Action Saxton chopped the student again and again, his kung-fu yells getting louder and louder.

"Who else wants to learn how to chop?" Saxton asked, turning around to the students staring at him. "How about you?"

He pointed at a rotund student, and started chopping him as well, his hands bouncing off of the fat rolls. Saxton's kung-fu yells drowned out the heavyset individual's protests as Saxton chopped again and again, the large person jiggling more and more.

"Take this, sucka! Again! And again!"

Chop after chop, until-


Men in blue with large caps, sunglasses, and thick moustaches came pouring through the door. The sirens outside blasted loudly, echoing through the culinary school. One cop ran up to Saxton, who was still chopping the fat kid.

"You're under arrest!" said the cop, grabbing one of Action Saxton's hands.

"What the hell for?" Saxton asked, finding it very hard to chop people when cuffed.

"Disturbing the peace, scumbag!" the cop said. "You're going down to the station, just like your little friend here!"


In response, the cop opened the back of his police cruiser. In the back seat, covered in stone dust and hair, was none other than Saboteur, bouncing up and down and waving wildly at his tag team partner.

"Aw hell no!" was all Action Saxton had the time to say before he was kicked into the police cruiser, the door slamming shut behind him. With lights flashing and sirens blaring, the car roared down the street, taking our boys downtown.
Saxton and Saboteur are sitting in a police interrogation room. Both men find themselves in handcuffs and sitting very uncomfortably as they wait to find out their fate.

Saxton: I can’t believe I let you get me into this mess! I should have known that I should never eat your baking, it always leads to trouble! Remember that time you made cookies?

Saboteur: How could I forget? Some of those cookies are still stuck on White House's roof.

Saxton: And now look, we stuck in this police station for who knows how long. We got a match this weekend, and an important one too!

Saboteur: Uh, duh! That was why I was making the muffins in the first place, remember? So we could bribe our way into the tag title match at Lethal Lottery.

Saxton: One day you’re going to have to learn that their ain’t no such thing as shortcuts, fool!

Saboteur: If that was true then how come I can make it from the grocery store to Saboteur Tower in 5 minutes instead of the usual 20?

Saxton: It’s Saxton Tower! And it’s because you drive on the sidewalk!

Saboteur: Still saves me a precious fifteen minutes, even if I have nearly killed 12 people.

Saxton: I wouldn’t bring that up when the officer comes in to talk to us.

Saboteur: Oh I am so excited for that! What routine do you think he’ll use? Good cop/bad cop? Try to turn us against each other? Threaten to torture us? This is just like TV!

Saxton: I don’t know, but what I do know is that these handcuffs are starting to get mighty uncomfortable.

Saxton struggles to get his hands above his head and starts pulling both hands in opposite directions. The handuffs prevent him from extending very far, but with a few grunts and a single bead of sweat, Saxton manages to break the chains clean off his handcuffs, allowing him to use his hands once again.

Saxton: Awww yeah, that’s much better!

Saboteur attempts to replicate Saxton’s success, but after a great struggle he yields no results.

Saxton: Watch out before you hurt youself, sucka. Hold out your hands and pull the chain on the handcuffs tight.

Saboteur sticks out his arms and pulls them apart as far as the handcuffs allow him. Saxton blows on his right hand and measures the chain for a strike. After a few slow practice chops, Saxton winds up and chops the chain of Saboteur’s handcuffs in half.

Saboteur: Whoa! Impressive!

Saxton: It’s like my momma always said, “Ain’t no problem that can’t be taken care of with a karate chop.” Now come on, I’ll punch a hole in this wall and we can make like a snack and cheese it!

Saboteur: No way! I want to see the show!

Saxton: Sucka, this ain’t one of your hokey pokey TV shows, this is real life! If we stick around we could go to jail!

Saboteur: I’ve been to jail, it’s not that bad. Three warm meals a day, a nice bed, and there’s usually a guy that will braid your hair for you too!

Saxton: Well you do whatever you want, I’m about to blow this popsicle stick.

Saxton winds up, ready to punch a hole in the wall, but the door to the interrogation room swings open as Officer Deputy walks through.

Officer Deputy: So, you gentlemen think you can… wait, how’d you get out of your cuffs?

Saboteur: I’m not answering any questions until my lawyer is present!

Saxton: Sucka, we don’t have a lawyer. You fired him after he refused to sue Mister Alhazred for sexual harassment.

Saboteur: You saw it though, he was all over me and touching me in inappropriate ways!

Saxton: That’s because we were wrestling him!

Officer Deputy: OKAY! Gentlemen, I’m just here to talk to you about what happened today. Mind if I sit down?

Officer Deputy doesn’t wait for a response as he pulls out the chair on the opposite side of the table from Saxton and Saboteur. Saxton, who seems to have given up on escaping, sits down next to Saboteur.

Officer Deputy: So you guys built up quite a rap sheet in the past few hours. Disturbing the peace, aggravated assault, destruction of private property, destruction of public property, and possession of a controlled substance.

Saboteur: Controlled substance? We didn’t have any substances, controlled or otherwise!

Officer Deputy: That’s not what these tox-screens say. Seems like you were riding the white pony.

Saxton: Now Action Saxton knows how to do many things, but riding a horse ain’t one of them! I never trusted them with their abnormally large teeth…

Officer Deputy: I mean cocaine! Your tox-screen showed that you were doing cocaine!

Saboteur: Yeah? Prove it!

Office Deputy: Um, I just did… the tox-screen showed…

Saxton: Look, Saxton and Saboteur are too cool for drugs. The only high we need is the love and admiration of the WZCW fanbase.

Saboteur: And the natural high we get when we drink Pepsi. Pepsi: The soft drink of Saxton and Saboteur.

Saboteur winks at the camera.

Officer Deputy: Did you just wink at me? You know what, don’t answer that. Obviously I’m not getting through to you, so I guess I’m going to bring in my partner. I’m warning you, though, he’s not nearly as understanding as I am.

Officer Deputy gets up and leaves the room. As the door closes behind him Saboteur turns to Saxton with a look of excitement on his face.

Saboteur: Oh boy! They're going to do the good cop/bad cop routine!

Saxton: How do you know that?

Saboteur: Every time they switch partners in the middle of an interrogation it’s because they’re pulling the good cop/bad cop routine! Trust me, McGarrett and Dano did this thing all the time on Hawaii Five-O.

Saxton: Original or new version?

Saboteur: Original, duh! But hey, just remember, as long as we stick together there’s no way that they’ll break us.

Saxton: Man, Action Saxton has it locked up tighter than WZCW’s secret alcohol fund. You know, the one we broke into.

With that, the door opens and a new officer, Officer Major, walks into the room.

Officer Major: So, you punks think…

Saboteur: He did it!
Saxton: He did it!

Saboteur and Saxton turn to each other angrily in response to their simultaneous betrayal.

Officer Major: Oh we already know it was you, we just want you to admit it. And boys, when I’m through with you…

Officer Major slams his hands down on the table for dramatic purposes.

Officer Major: You WILL admit it!

Saboteur shrugs.

Saboteur: Eh, I’ve seen better bad cops. I say break something against the wall or go home.

Officer Major leans right into Saboteur’s face.

Officer Major: Oh, a funny guy, eh? The only thing I’ll be breaking today is your skull!

Saboteur: Pffft, I’ve been sat on by Mikey Stormrage. I think I can handle you.

Officer Major turns his attention to Saxton and plants his face right across from Saxton’s.

Officer Major: Maybe you should tell your friend here what serious trouble he’s in before I *POW*

Action Saxton cold cocks Officer Major in the face, resulting in Officer Major to collapse to the floor, unconscious.

Saxton: If you’re gonna get all up in a brotha’s grill, at least have the common courtesy to pop in a tic-tac before hand, damn!

Officer Deputy comes rushing into the room.

Officer Deputy: Oh my goodness, you punched Major… you realize that we’re going to charge you with assaulting an officer now, don’t you?

Saxton: Man, that fool assaulted my nostrils with his breath!

Officer Deputy: I just don’t understand why you two caused so much trouble today! Usually you’re upstanding members of the community, hero to the common man and rich man alike. Why did you guys go on a coke binge and cut off beards and ruin French cooking classes?

Saxton: Hey Saboteur, is it just me, or do you see a pattern in our destruction today?

Saboteur: I see it too… we both attacked things we’re unable to achieve. You’ll never be French, and I’ll never grow a beard, and for that I’m deeply ashamed.

Saxton: Man you trippin’, the pattern is that we attacked stuff that reminds us of the Bearded Gentlemen!

Saboteur: Well yeah, that too, I was getting to that!

Saxton: Man, this whole losing streak we’ve been on must have really gotten to us. I figured it would go away when we beat those Empire clowns last week. Hell, I took it to Bowen so hard that I sent him to an early retirement.

Saboteur: I’ll admit, all I’ve been able to think about since All or Nothing is how we’re going to get those belts back. That’s why we made those muffins in the first place, so we can get the title shot we deserve.

Officer Deputy: Wait… muffins?

Saboteur: Yeah, I made muffins with a secret recipe and a special bag of sugar I found in our agent’s desk.

Officer Deputy: This sugar… it didn’t happen to be in a Ziploc bag, did it?

Saboteur: It was.

Officer Deputy: And he kept it in his desk… you say?

Saboteur: Yeah, I thought it was strange too, but I keep an unpopped bag of popcorn under my pillow, so who am I to judge?

Officer Deputy: Gentlemen, I think you accidentally baked cocaine into your muffins.

Saxton: Damn, I guess it’s a good thing we didn’t send them to Vance Batemen then, huh?

Saboteur: We’ve just been so busy figuring out how we’re going to beat Beard and Masqué that we didn’t even realize we were potentially drugging one of the most important men in WZCW!

Saxton: Well Saboteur, it’s time to face the facts! We got a match coming up this weekend and it’s against a team we have a score to settle with. As far as I’m concerned, those suckas have our belts, and it’s our job to take them back.

Saboteur: But it’s a non-title match! We still won’t be champions, even if we beat them.

Saxton: That’s true, but if we beat them we’ll show the world that Saxton and Saboteur haven’t lost their mojo. We’re still the real deal, sex appeal, flyin’ so high make a grown man cry, illin’ and thrillin’ all over the buildin’, team supreme, and we’ll show the world that by beating the tag team champs, even if the belts aren’t on the line. If we can do that, Bateman HAS to put us in the title match at the Lottery!

Saboteur: I have to admit, all that beard cutting today has given me the urge to stuff that furry eyesore on The Beard’s face down his throat… or at the very least kick him in the face.

Saxton: And I wouldn’t mind taking a few swings at Masqué after spending all that time with that annoying French lady. I don’t know why they call it a French kiss, that lady’s mouth was drier than the Sahara Desert.

Saboteur: So what do you Saxton? No more shortcuts, no more bribes, no more excuses! It’s the rebirth of Saxton and Saboteur: after a week apart WZCW’s favorite duo reunites to remind the world exactly why we are the best team the world has ever seen!

Saxton: You damn right! The only mask WZCW is the one covering your ass ugly face, and the only beard WZCW needs is the one I can grow in 6 hours if I try hard enough. All we gotsta do is work our Saxton/Saboteur magic and take it to those suckas on Saturday!

Officer Deputy: Aw heck you guys, that was inspiring! You fellas have a match to win: get out of here and win it!

Saxton and Saboteur pop up out of their seats and run for the door, patting Officer Deputy on the back on the way out.

Saxton: Thanks Officer Deputy, you the man!

Saboteur: And remember, tune into Meltdown this Saturday to watch Saxton and I win our match and a shot at the titles!

Officer Deputy: Wouldn’t miss it for the world, gentlemen! Bye bye now!

As Saxton and Saboteur make their way out of the police station, Officer Deputy looks down at his partner, who is still unconscious on the floor.

Officer Deputy: Yeah, I probably shouldn’t have let them go, huh?
The Hospital, one of the most loving and depressing places in the history of mankind, and just like every other place in the world that could fit that description, Jail, A Police Station, School, the Department of Motor Vehicles, there's one in every town. We open up to the scene of a hospital room, one Hope Hospital. It's here, we see one half of the WZCW Tag Team Champions, laying in bed not too far from a window, Le Gentleman Masque. We see the bed-ridden Gent leaning his head away from the window towards his visitor, his always faithful butler, Liam Banks.

"I see. So, that explains why he headed over to the mansion this morning then left before I had gotten there. Is he angered at me for it?"

"No, sir. He seemed rather angry at himself, mostly."

With the words out of Liam's mouth, The Gent takes a deep breath before exhaling a sigh. He looks down from his bed towards the ground in reflection.

"Quite an ironic situation. If anything, I blame nobody but myself for our losses since we've won the titles. I simply haven't been able to live up to my title yet. In fact, I would say if anyone let down anyone, I let down my partner, The Beard and myself. To say that I gave full effort since I had won the title would be an exaggeration. Don't mistake my words, Liam, I am certainly happy that I, Le Gentleman Masque, now hold one half of the WZCW Tag Team Championships. HOWEVER, I find it that I don't see myself on the same level as S.H.I.T., or Barbosa, or Alex Bowen, or Justin Cooper, or even the men we've beaten for the title. I have yet to see proof of myself that I am superior to them, and I am not happy saying that. After all, I am the WZCW Tag Team Champion. Liam, is there something wrong?"

We see Liam pull shake his head before responding.

"Perhaps, sir, you're simply underestimating yourself. Perhaps, that is why you've been on the losing end."

Turning his head towards the window, The Gent once again sighs.

"I would like to believe that, Liam. I would like to believe that it's all in my head and then when I have my rematch against Action Saxton and Saboteur, we shall see an encore of the very match that won us these titles in the same place, yet..."

Rising up from his bed, we see The Gent once again turn his head towards his butler.

"I can't see that scenario happening. As much as I hate to admit it, the only reason I felt we had won the titles was out of pure luck. It disgusts me to say such words, and to be a title holder when I see myself not fit to hold this championship. Frankly, part of me wants to reti--"

Before he can finish his sentence, we see his butler, rising from out of his chair, as he slaps his owner right across the face.

"You've made this speech multiple times before, sir. When you were in correction, you found yourself unable to resist your old ways during the program once and you said "I should just be sent back to jail". When you were designing your costume, you went through an entire sketchbook for it's design, and said "Maybe I should just retire peacefully and live my life out as just the man who was a thief and nothing more". When you took wrestling training, after you injured your leg, you said "I'm done with wrestling, I can just stay as a superhero". Why is it I have to always be the one to get you to not quit?"


After an almost unreal outburst from the normally calm Gent, silence falls over the room as The Gent takes breaths as he lowers his voice and brings himself to calm down.

"I have made the world's biggest mistake, and I have regretted it every single day of my life. It may sound cliche, but every time I wake up and look at the mirror, I find the need to punch myself a little bit more. It's because of the mistake, that I constantly feel the need to ask myself if I can be trusted to do the right thing. I've already proven myself as a man with little morals. I've robbed the wealthy into lower middle class, I've robbed the middle class into becoming the homeless, and I've done it all for no other reason then the fact I was bored and wanted a challenge."

Finally regaining his composure, The Gent looks up towards the ceiling.

"I say to myself that the reason I wear this mask is because I want to have the world have a new face to look at instead of the same one who robbed Paris ages ago as inspiration, but perhaps that is not. Every time I think about it, a thought pops into my head about the real reason why I wear this mask, and it's a lot more selfish, so I simply do not say it. I wear this mask to hide myself from me. I completely hate the man behind the mask, and it's only since I made this mask I was able to look at myself in the mirror and not feel like I am the biggest failure in the world."

Sitting back down, Liam nods to The Gent, showing that he is listening.

"I realize why you feel so negative about yourself. You can't simply move past what happened in your past, and as such it tortures you to no end, but I do think that you shouldn't have to move past what happened when you were younger, just make out the future brighter than the past. Remember that Malcolm X started out as a criminal, yet towards the end of his life, he made people see him as a good man."

Starting to smile, Gent turns to his butler once again.

"Liam. I want to thank you for everything you've helped done for me over these years. If you will, might I request that the next time I act foolish again, you'll slap me once more?"

"You requested the same thing the last two times this happened."

"Huh. So I did."

Interrupting the conversation between the two friends, the sound of the door crashing into the hospital room makes a crashing noise loud enough to be heard from a hospital on the other side of the country. As the tag partner and his butler turn towards the door, entering the room is none other than the other half of the WZCW Tag Team Champions, The Beard.


Heading over to the bed of his tag team partner, The Beard has a worried look on his face as he looks down at his partner.

"I came here as soon as I heard the news that you were hospitalized. So, what happened? Injuries from our last match? Action Saxton and Saboteur send ninjas after you? "

The Gent and Liam look confused at The Beard, before simultaneously understanding and laughing.

"My apologies Beard. I've never told you this, but before I made my debut in WZCW, I was recovering from an injury I suffered towards the end of my wrestling training. I was simply checking up on the Doctor. After all, it has been my one year anniversary since I was cured of my accursed broken foot. As for why I'm in a hospital room, the rest of the hospital is filled up so I'm here at the moment. Now, I simply have to wait for the Doctor to get here, but afterwards, since you came all this way to France, how would you like to spar to prepare ourselves for our upcoming match against the team often shortened to 'SaboSax'."

Shrugging it off, Beard pulls up another seat to look at Gent.

"Ugh...that Jacob LeBork and his fake headlines. Yeah, why not? That could help...I hope."

"Hear my words, Beard my partner. I understand that you must feel pure anger considering that ever since we've won the Championships, we haven't won a single match. The fact is obvious and there's not a way to make it seem like it's a minor issue. No, we are the champions. As such, we should be considered the best in our field, yet we've yet to back up that claim. It frustrates you, and you very well should believe it frustrates me. As such, I feel as if we can bond over simple frustration, and I think we should look to fix this problem as a team. What do you say?"

We see The Gent hold out his hand towards his partner. Looking down at the hand, The Beard lets out a small "Heh heh", before grabbing on tightly to the arm of his partner and giving a handshake.

"I'm all up for ending this problem as fast as we can. Let's do it."

"Yes, excellent. Just, might I ask a request?"


"Could you let go of my hand?"

Realizing how hard he's grabbing his partner's palm, The Beard let's go.

"Not to worry, sir. If he ends up breaking your wrist, you're in a very good place to break it."

Snickering at his own joke, Liam looks towards the other two to see their reactions. In response, they give a slight laugh out of respect. As the Tag Team Champions and the butler talk, they are cut off by the sound of a young lady of considerable beauty shivering in 75 degree Fahrenheit weather entering the room, a Nurse.

"Uh...uh...e-excuse me, c-could you two leave the room so the doctor can check up on M-M-M-Mister MASQUE? OH GOD IS THAT RIGHT? DID WE GET THE WRONG NAME? WHO IS NAMED MASQUE? AHHHH! ...AND WHY IS THEIR AN INDENT ON THE WALL FROM SOMEONE SLAMMING OPEN THE DOOR?"


Looking at the Nurse in a love struck awe, The Gent speaks up first.

"Why certainly, Miss. Anything for a lovely lady such as yourself. Now then, Beard, Liam, would you mind leaving for the miss?"

"Sure. You want me to meet you wherever we're going to 'spar' or back here?"

"Back here, preferably. So I may take in every possible second I can with this lovely assistant to the medical practitioner."

"Alright, you have fun."

We cut to an hour later, as The Beard returns to pick up Gent. We see the same Nurse, but now with a more stern, as well as also considerably attractive Doctor, staring over a sleeping Masque.

"Hey Gent, Liam headed home, but he wanted me to tell yo-- What happened here?"

Turning to face The Beard, the female Doctor has a stern expression on her face.

"I take it you're this man's friend?"

"Yeah, I am. Is he hurt?"

"No, the good news is that his foot is still in great shape, but he was put in a state of pure joy that put him into a comatose state. We've tried several methods to get him to wake up, but nothing seems to work."

"Hold on, I have this."

As the Doctor and the Nurse clear a path for the Beard, The Beard grabs the mask from off the head of his partner, before The Gent stops him, holding onto his partner's hand as he wakes up.

"Interesting. Nurse, take note of this."


"Mental note, Nurse. Though remember to write it down somewhere in the patient file later."

"O-Oh, O-O-Okay."

"Beard, I believe I have told you on multiple occasions that I prefer to be the one to remove the mask, if anyone."

"Hey buddy, your leg's just fine. Are you ready for our sparring contest"

"That was a completely different subject, but no matter? I've had a great rest and I'm ready for a battle myself. So, you say that you are desperate for a brawl, eh? Then a brawl you shall get!"

As the tag team partners start to head out, however, The Beard is met with a paper airplane, crashing into his namesake. Stepping onto his feet, The Gent takes the paper from the facial hair of his tag team partner, opening it up to see a message, before reading it aloud.

"Sucker, wait a second. First, Gent, it's suck-ah, not sucker. Now then, let's try this again. Sucka, I'll have you know that I beat up ninjas, not send them after people. See ya'll later, Action Saxton. P.S. Yes, I threw this paper airplane all the way from Milwaukee. It's not even my record."
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