MD88: Showtime vs. Rush - Non Title

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the Frog
Showtime has been troubled by shrouded secrecy these past few rounds, but now he must clear his mind as he prepares for the mammoth known as Rush. Rush ascended from the EurAsian Division last Meltdown whenever he dropped the title to Triple X. Now he returns to the main-event once again in hopes of making a huge impact before the Lethal Lottery. Showtime must stand his ground with the uneasy thought of Steven Holmes lurking in the darkness, even though the two are barred from touching each other outside of matches until the Lethal Lottery PPV.​

Deadline is Wednesday, April 24th 2013, at 11:59 P.M. (Central Time Zone)​

Leon Kensworth and Rush stand in the confines of the backstage interview area. The layout is quite simple: Lights on the floor shine upward and illuminate a plain backdrop that hangs from steel trusses. The trusses also provide the border for the makeshift interview area which allows Leon, Becky or Stacey to obtain a quick word from the WZCW roster. A television, seemingly floating in midair, also occupies a portion of the set and displays a standard WZCW message.

LEON KENSWORTH: Ladies and Gentleman; my guest at this time is the former EurAsian Champion, Rush.

Rush stands in silence, unimpressed with Leon’s choice of words.

LEON KENSWORTH: Rush, After no-showing a number of WZCW sponsored events, you were forced to defend your EurAsian Championship last week in a Triple Threat match against Mason Westhoff and the winner of the match and new EurAsian Champion, Triple X.

This week you are scheduled to compete against the current WZCW Heavyweight Champion, “Showtime” David Cougar. How do you plan on coming back after such an important loss and restoring your momentum heading into the Lethal Lottery Pay-Per View just over a week away?

[Color=RoyalBlue3]RUSH: Loosing the EurAsian Championship won’t be the defining moment of my career but winning the title from me will be Triple X’s.

I elevated that title to level that it hadn’t been to ever before and in the process, I showed the entire world what a true champion of professional wrestling really was. Triple X reached his peak when he rose to my echelon and managed to take my championship away from me. In his victory, he also hit his glass ceiling and now he has no where to go from here but down. Unfortunately for X, he now has a twenty pound gold anchor around his waist to drag him to his decent.

I benefit more from losing the title that I had benefited as its champion. Finally, I am free from the EurAsian bonds that prevented me from attaining my proper position at the top of the wrestling world.

This week I will step into the ring against the one man who represents today’s generation of wrestling even more than Triple X: “Showtime” David Cougar.

In terms of similarities, Showtime and I couldn’t be any farther part from one another. We are polar opposites in every sense of the phrase.

Leon, the microphone that you hold in your hand right now is all I need to deliver my message. My words aren’t covered up under flashing lights and cameras or props within my own private studio like David Cougar’s. My words carry weight as soon as they leave my mouth and don’t need any of the misdirection that Cougar uses to dress up his.

And inside the ring, my success isn’t depended on pandering to the crowds with all style and no substance like Showtime’s flash and magic. I’m raw. Gritty. Never afraid to get down and dirty in the trenches with my methodical approach to destruction.

No one works hard to be a future Number One Contender, everyone dreams of being a champion. It’s the champions that we immortalize and imitate in our living rooms as we grow up.

Today, David Cougar is more than the World Heavyweight Champion; he’s a Champion of an entire generation.

Kids watch David Cougar week after week and they’ll want to be him. They’ll buy his shirts and they’ll re-enact his entrance and moves in their backyards. They’ll cut promos against him in the shower, grow out their hair and bleach it blond. They’ll conform right into the cookie cutter mould that he has helped solidify as being the measuring stick of the next generation of wrestlers.

Future stars won’t have to work a minimum wage job just to be able to pay for their admission into a professional wrestling school. They won’t drive four hours away from home and sleep in their cars just to attend classes in the morning.

They won’t get scouted as they are paying their dues by wrestling in front of a dozen drunken slobs in sleazy strip clubs with the hopes of just making enough money to pay for enough gas to make it back home. They’ll get their big break by handing in their headshot photograph at a casting call held by a modelling agency.

“Showtime” David Cougar doesn’t just carry the Championship on his shoulder; he’s carrying the weight and the sins of an entire generation.[/COLOR]
"Mountains weren't made to be climbed. They were made to be fucking conquered!"
- "Showtime" David Cougar; Just now.​

A small metal pic smashes into the side of a rock surface as the camera pans out. We see "Showtime" David Cougar scaling a very steep mountain side. Snow and wind are howling beside him as he slowly continues his ascent up the mountain.

Cougar: When I told Allen I was facing 'a Mountain' this week in Rush, I think he took it a little too seriously. With no help and no formal training at all, this seems a little bit dangerous.

Showtime slams his pick into the mountain and climbs another step up when the sound of a phone ringing can be heard. The mountain shakes, causing snow and small rocks to fall down on Showtime. He brings his arm up to block them and then continues going up the mountain. The phone ringing sound returns, this time only louder. A huge rock breaks off the mountain and falls down towards Showtime. At the last moment, Showtime lets go off one of his rock picks and dangles on the other, narrowly avoiding the rock. A huge sign of relief expels from Showtime, but it is ended quickly as he loses grip of the handle of his pick. Showtime begins a long fall down towards a dark black hole.

Showtime shakes his head and wakes up. He looks around at his surroundings and sees that he is still in the plane he boarded hours ago. The movie he was watching, Cliffhanger, has ended and the screen is now black. Showtime rubs his eyes, still tired after his interrupted sleep and signals to the stewardess that he would like another drink. His thoughts can now be heard.

Even in my sleep, I still can't avoid the obsessive calling.
Showtime scans the first class section that he is seated in. Most of the people are sound asleep, and he doesn't recognize anyone personally.
I have disconnected my phone, and promptly threw it out the window when I woke up to it ringing in my hotel room. Little good that has done as whenever I'm at home, on the road or by a pay phone, I'm still receiving calls.

The stewardess hands Showtime his drink. He nods his head as she walks away and Showtime turns to see the man beside him answer his cell phone. He looks at the phone after answering it and soon hangs up.

Nobody else can hear him, but as long as I answer it, I can hear him. I feel as though I am completely losing my mind, again. It is of little satisfaction that Allen and Sandy Deserts and others can hear my phone ringing. In fact, it makes it more nerve racking that this could be something more that just a little voice in my head.

Showtime takes a sip of his drink. The plane begins to shake a little and the seat belt sign lights up. The pilot can heard telling the passengers about there being some disturbance and to please remain seated. Showtime places his drink down and buckles up.

Could Holmes be the one behind all of this? I must say he does possess the means to pull off something this elaborate, but these calls I've been receiving at all hours of the day and night, the voice that speaks to me, it knows things about me that nobody else would know, not Holmes, not Brenna, heck even I had forgotten plenty that he has said to me.

Showtime looks down the hall towards a group of stewardess. One answers the phone beside the cockpit, but hangs up when no one responds back.
I hope I can find some sort of sanity on this trip. Or at the very least a little bit of sleep.


Scene reopens in a large suburban community. “Showtime” David Cougar is inside a limo and watches the house they drive by. He appears really nervous and the glass in his hand shakes as he slowly brings it to his lips. The limo pulls to a sudden stop and Showtime almost drops the glass as the rest of his liquor falls out onto the floor. Relieved to have not gotten any on himself, Showtime adjusts his shades and steps out of the limo. Showtime walks up towards a large house and rings the door bell. He looks around to make sure nobody is watching him. The sound of the door knob turning draws his attention back in front of him as a beautiful brunette opens the door. Her face shows a look of surprise, followed by a smile.

Women: David!

She steps forward and hugs him tightly. Showtime appears caught off guard, but then relieved by the warm reaction. The women steps back and Showtime smiles at her before receiving a slap across the face.

Cougar: Oww, Brenna, what was that for?

Brenna: Because I can and I know that you like it. Now step inside, quickly.

Before Showtime can walk inside, Brenna grabs him by the shirt and pulls him inside before slamming the door behind him.

Still as frisky as always I see. Where can I put my jacket?

You can leave it on, and make sure your pants stay zipped up also. What the hell are you doing here and without calling?

I figured you’d be happy to see me.

Well don’t take this the wrong way because it is good to see you, but no, you’re not supposed to be here.

I paid for this house so I am allowed to be here.

You bought the house, but I pay the bills and it’s under my name. You can’t just show up unannounced like this. What if Clayton saw you?

And what if? He doesn’t know who I am.

You’re joking right? David either get out of that bubble you’re always trapped in or pull your head out of your ass.

Brenna leads Showtime down the hall and opens the door. It is a child’s play room filled with an assortment of toys. Prominent among them are WZCW action figures standing on the table and the shelves. There are the popular characters like Triple X, Saboteur, and Action Saxton. Heels like Sam Smith, Drake Callahan, and Chris K.O., and legends like Big Dave, Titus, and Ty Burna. By far though, the most displayed wrestler in the room, is “Showtime” David Cougar. Several different action figures can be seen lying in the room. Posters hang up proudly on the wall and on the floor lay an assortment of Showtime toys and accessory. Showtime picks up a Pez dispenser of his likeness off the floor.

Geez... the kids got everything except the Easy Bake Oven.

Believe me... I had to talk him out of buying it for a long time at the store.

Showtime stares around at the room in awe and disbelief.

You’re his favourite wrestler, and he talks about you daily. He’s drawn to you, you have that affect on people.

Showtime turns and sees Brenna look up to him.

He’s asleep right now, let’s talk. Why are you here?

Have you been receiving many phone calls?

Is this about those tickets and Steven Holmes?

He knows about you now and I’m worried about what me might do.

David, it’s a fucking wrestling show. I thought none of this stuff was real.

None of it is real? Do you think Holmes million dollar bounty of Xander Knight was real?

The two stare blankly at each other for a few moments.

David it’s illega-

Look, Holmes is a diabolical person who will go to great lengths to get what he wants, there’s no telling what he might do. Now, answer the question, have you been getting a lot of phone calls.

I get calls all the time David. From telemarketers or charities and such.

And such? Like from who?

I dunno. Sometimes I give them time to speak, other times I don’t.

Have they been occurring more frequently?

I get a lot of calls David.

I need to know this if they are after me or after you. Has he been trying to contact you?

Damn it David, no, nobody has tried to stalk us-

Ring..... ring.... ring.....

Showtime and Brenna turn and look towards the living room phone. Brenna walks over first with Showtime close behind. Brenna slowly reaches out and picks up he phone, quietly saying hello. She listens for a few long seconds and then says hello again before hanging up.

There was no answer.

They stare at each other for several long seconds.


Brenna drops the phone, startled by the sudden ringing. Showtime looks at her and slowly bends down and picks up the phone. He stands up straight and looks around the room, trying to see a camera or someone watching them. He looks down at the pone an answers it. Showtime listens for a few seconds then hangs up the phone. He slams it on the table then slowly sits down on the floor, burying his face in his arms. Brenna bends down to be close to him.

What did you hear?

Showtime lifts his head from his arms.

Doesn’t matter what I heard, just the fact I did hear it.

Have you been taking your medication?

Showtime ponders and then turns to Brenna.

Let me take care of you two, I want to be with you.

David, your a wreck right now. I would love to take you upstairs and take care of you, but this isn’t the life you wanted to live. You got problems and I got some of my own.

But what if it is what I want now. I’m there, I’m at the top and I feel free to walk away at any time. I can have the best of both worlds with you.

Brenna looks at Showtime. She stands up and helps him back to his feet and looks at him.

Call me when this thing with you and Holmes is over and your all better, then we’ll talk. Been waiting all these years in this house and you finally decide to come now.

I thought you didn’t want me here at all in your life.

When were you ever one to listen to what girls had to say.

They both laugh and share a smile. Suddenly footsteps can be heard and they both turn to and entrance way to the stairs where and small boy stands, rubbing his eyes. He looks up and sees Showtime standing in his living room. The boys jaw drops as he stares at his favourite wrestler in sheer disbelief. Many seconds pass before Showtime speaks.

Hi, I’m “Showtime” David Cougar.

The answer doesn’t register, as the boy is still staring open mouthed at Showtime.

Clayton, I forgot to tell you, you won a... meet and greet with a WZCW wrestler and look who they sent. I’ll get a camera.

Showtime turns and sees her run out and leave and then nods his head at Clayton. The boys open mouth turns to a smile as he races full tilt to Showtime.

Oh my god, oh my god, this is unbelievable. Wait till I tell my friends. This is awesome. I got so many questions. Did you bring your title belt? How much does it weigh? No, how much do you weigh? What’s it like making Drake Callahan tap? What colour tooth brush is your favourite? No, who’s you favourite opponent? Is Saboteur a suit come alive? Would Count Chocula make a good wrestler? What happened to Joshua the Baptist?

Okay you two smile for the camera.

Showtime and Clayton turn to face the camera and they both smile and they picture is taken.

Clay I would love to answer all those questions, but some I can’t, so how I give you a couple autographs and we’ll play with some Mini Slamming WZCW Action Figures and other cool accessories you can have you mom purchase off the website.

Clayton looks up at Showtime and nods his head up and down. Showtime walks to a few different posters and signs his name of them. He feels something tug at his leg and looks down at Clayton.

Mr. Showtime, please don’t get hurt facing Mean Old Rush this week.

Showtime bends down and puts his hand on Clayton’s shoulder.

It seems I have great challenges ahead of me to conquer before I compete at Lethal Lottery.

Clayton nods his head, as well as Brenna in the background. Showtime looks at Clayton.

I promise you Rush will not break me.

Clayton smiles.


Scene returns on another plane, this one heading to Kansas to the site of Meltdown 88. Showtime’s thoughts are being heard.

Holmes has proven himself a very real threat. He has gotten into my head and has caused me to lose my temper on more than one occasion. That is a great danger and one I will have to overcome if I want to beat him. As it stands I may not even get the chance to defend this belt depending on the boards decision, but Holmes can rest assured that the next time we face I will beat him and prove that he is no where near my league.

Someone who is near, came right out of my favourite league, the EurAsian league, Rush. Every single wrestler who has held that belt was a great competitor in WZCW. Rush thinks the title held him back; it validated his career. Rush was a perennial runner up for years and years. He wins the belt and has a year that rivals my own. Rush is one of the favourites to win the Lethal Lottery, and he has rightfully earned that distinction. What’s holding Rush back from my title are his views and attitudes. His constant whining about how some pounds of gold were holding his huge frame back. I may not brag much about being Elite X champion much, but I walked into the Lethal Lottery as champion and won. I did it because I was the best in that match, and title or no title now, Rush will have to prove that. He’s got a good opportunity on Meltdown facing me and he will give it his all because he wants what I already am, World Heavyweight Champion. Trouble is... I didn’t win this belt by posing for pictures or having my face on an Easy Bake Oven. I won this belt by putting my career on the line and being the better man that night. Flatly I won the WZCW Title because I am the best. New School. Old School. It doesn’t matter and it’s all the same school, plus I’ve been in WZCW longer than Rush. This is my school and I’m prepared to lay down one more lesson on this old timer before he hangs up his boots. Soon he’ll tell his nephews and great nephews how he once wrestled the World Champion.

Showtime chuckles at his own joke and relaxes in his seat as he tries to fall a sleep. He opens his eyes and he is on the mountain side again. He swears loudly and then smiles as he grabs his pick and slowly works his way up. He continues to make strong pace to the top and before he knows it he is on top of the mountain. Showtime removes his helmet and looks around at the view.

?????: I see you finally came.

Showtime turns to look towards the voice and his eyes show a look of recognition.
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