MD87: Saboteur vs. Justin Cooper

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Ty Burna

Getting Noticed By Management

Remember the time that Justin Cooper beat Chris K.O. and Constantine in the same night? Remember the time that Saboteur broke Ty Burna's year long winning streak? Remember the time that those same two men met in singles competition? In what is another spill over match from the 8-man brawl that concluded Aftershock, these two have much to prove as Saboteur tries validate his team's position as #1 Contenders and The Empire tries to prove that SaboSax is just another work by WZCW Management.

Deadline is Wednesday, 10th of April - 11:59pm Central Time.
Saboteur stands by a metal toaster with a fork in his hand. He looks down at the toaster with immense concentration. He starts to move the fork closer and closer to the toaster, and it seems as if the masked man is intent on putting the fork into the toaster.

Saboteur: You know, I don’t spend nearly enough time thinking about myself. I’m more of a man of doing, a man of action! So doing this whole… keeping thoughts to myself bit is a little weird. But whatever, let’s Mikey Stormrage this bit!

It’s been a long time since my last win. How long has it been, I ask myself? Too long! Sure, I may have come closer to beating Showtime than just about anybody, but coming close isn’t what this business is about. We wrestlers wants results, generally positive results, particularly wins.

Worst of all, the tag division is getting tougher with each passing week. The tag champs have finally reached the heights we all knew they’d hit; The Empire has finally sprouted some legs; the New Church gave birth to an even more powerful movement in The Sacrificial Altar; Barbosa and S.H.I.T., two powerful entities on their own, have joined forces!

I find Barbosa and S.H.I.T. especially troubling. I didn’t like S.H.I.T. when I wrestled him at All Stars, I didn’t like him when we had to work with him at All Stars 2, and I don’t like him now! But at least I know what to expect from that shifty S.H.I.T., Barbosa is a total wild card. One minute he could be all friendly, and the next he has doom in his eyes.

But anybody that knows Saboteur knows that I always have a plan! That’s why this week I decided to buddy up with Barbosa. Yes, my match this week is with Justin Cooper, but nobody knows more about Justin Cooper and The Empire than Barbosa. Perhaps I can squeeze a few nuggets of wisdom from him before he goes crazy with the murderous scheming. It also wouldn’t hurt to have a former World Champion as an ally.

So that’s why I find myself at this Better Buy with Barbosa, and why I am about to put this fork into this toaster.

The fork is mere millimeters from touching chrome, but something stops him.

Saboteur: Are you sure it’s okay to put a fork in a toaster? I’m pretty sure that’s how the maid from The Brady Bunch died.

Barbosa answers with a raspy voice.

Barbosa: Yes, yes you must put the fork in the toaster. It is the only way we can be sure that it has the pieces necessary to upgrade S.H.I.T.

Saboteur shrugs and places the fork in the toaster. He is about to push down the lever when he stops again.

Saboteur: I’m really not sure about this. I have that weird feeling in my gut that I get when I’m about to do something that might kill me.

Barbosa’s raspy voice suddenly becomes much clearer.

Barbosa: Don’t do it! It’s dangerous! Make it stop, Sabby!

Saboteur: But you just told me to put it in here in the first place? How do I know this isn’t one of your crazy schemes? Further more… did you just call me Sabby?

“Stop that right now!”

A shop clerk is running towards Saboteur waving his arms like crazy, trying to prevent Saboteur from ruining the toaster, and possibly ending his own life.

Saboteur: Cheese and crackers, an assassin! Better do this and make like a pubescent teen and beat it!

Barbosa: *cough* Your sophomoric humor irritates us.

Saboteur uses his left hand to grab the fork and his right hand to push down the toaster lever. He is met with a quick shock and a small explosion that sends him flying backwards into a shelf full of blenders.

Shop Clerk: What are you nuts?! You could have killed yourself, or worse, broken several hundred dollars worth of equipment!

Saboteur slowly gets to his feet, his spandex slightly singed from the explosion.

Saboteur: What just happened? Did we get the upgrade chip for S.H.I.T.? Do I smell bacon?

Store Clerk: An upgrade chip for what now?

Barbosa: We’re sorry Mr. Sir, we tried to stop Sabby, but he would not listen to us!

Saboteur: What?! You totally told me that the only way to get the upgrade chip for S.H.I.T. was to stick a fork in a toaster! You tricked me and tried to kill me!

Barbosa: But we are your friend, Sabby, why would we hurt you? We love you!

Saboteur: Love means never having to tell someone to stick a fork in a toaster, ya loon!

Store Clerk: Gentlemen, I’m going to have to ask you to leave the store at once.

Saboteur and Barbosa make their way towards the sliding glass door separating the outside world from overpriced electronics and appliances.

Saboteur: See? Crazy Barbosa is up to his crazy plans again. How do I know this whole quest to upgrade S.H.I.T. isn’t just some scheme to take me out of the equation? I bet Barbosa would like that; he knows Saxton and I are a serious threat to him and S.H.I.T., and he wants me out of the picture!

I’ll keep playing along with his quest… for now. But once I get my hands on that upgrade chip, I’ll be the one calling the shots!

Saboteur: So what do we do now? There isn’t another electronics store in all of Wyoming!

Barbosa clears some flem out of his throat and spits on the ground.

Barbosa: That is okay, we have determined that the only way to find the real upgrade chip for S.H.I.T. is to go to the factory where he was created.

Saboteur: Isn’t that all the way in England? How are we going to get there and back in time for our matches on Meltdown?

Barbosa: That is a… fabricated location to protect the truth, or something. The S.H.I.T. facility is, um… far too important to, er… divulge to just anybody, but luckily, we know the truth. The S.H.I.T. facility is somewhere near here; maybe in like an abandoned warehouse, factory, or… something. Pretty much any place we can be alone for miles and miles would do.

Saboteur: Ah, of course, so nobody can hear the sounds of heavy machinery!

Barbosa: Sure, or your screams, but that works too. Is there any place like that near here?

Saboteur: Well, I know there’s an abandoned factory right outside of town, but I’m pretty sure they just made snack food there. The only way to get there is by walking, though.

Barbosa: Sounds like it fits our needs perfectly. Lead the way.

Saboteur and Barbosa begin to walk towards the old snack factory.

Saboteur: Barbosa sure seems to know what he’s doing, but I can’t shake the feeling that he’s trying to use me for some sort of evil scheme. Then again, I suppose I’m trying to use him for some information on Justin Cooper. In fact, now would be a great time to ask him a few questions.

Saboteur: Say Barbosa, remember how you faced The Empire at All or Nothing a little while back?

Barbosa answers in a quiet and forlorn voice.

Barbosa: Yes.

Saboteur: Well, do you have any advice for beating Cooper? I have a match with him on Meltdown, and I wouldn’t put it passed him to play a little dirty.

Barbosa: Have a plan.

Saboteur: A plan?

Barbosa: Yes. We always have a plan, and when we execute that plan, we always win. It is how we won the King for a Day contract, and it is how we turned that contract into a World Heavyweight Championship.

Saboteur: Well, what should my plan be?

Barbosa: Know his weaknesses and exploit them. Physically there are few men as tough and resistant to pain as Justin Cooper, but he is one of the most mentally weak in WZCW. He is brainwashed by his leader, Constantine, and his mind has become weakened as a result.

Saboteur: So… kick him in the head a bunch of times?

Barbosa: While that is a sound strategy to winning any match, this is not what we suggest. Justin Cooper is going to be expecting your usual bag of tricks: pele kicks, shinauris, bell claps and headbutts… If you use your regular moves, Justin Cooper will know how to defend himself against you. But if you start the match with moves Justin Cooper has never seen out of you…

Saboteur: I’ll take him by complete surprise!

Barbosa: And his weak, brainwashed mind will not be able to compensate. He will quickly grow frustrated, and he will grow reckless in his frustration. It is now that you can return to your familiar style and finish him off any way you see fit.

Saboteur: Thanks Barbosa. Hey, you’re a pretty smart guy.

Barbosa: Well you know what they say, three heads are better than one.

Saboteur: I don’t get it… but hey, do you want any advice on Masqué and Beard? I know you’re facing The Bearded Gents this week, and I wouldn’t mind returning the favor.

Barbosa stops in his tracks and hacks up a stinging cough.

Barbosa: You couldn’t even beat them yourselves, how would you be able to help me?

Saboteur: Whoa! Harsh dude!

Saboteur: Well screw you, psycho!

Saboteur: Oh no! I said what I was thinking and thought what I wanted to say!

Barbosa: Well fine then, what have you to say about the fuzzy faced mammoth and his overly polite handler?

Saboteur: Who? You mean The Beard and Masqué? I love those guys! But I also hate them. They’re good fellas, but they have my belts, and I want them back!

Barbosa clenches his fists and squeezes his eyes shut.

Barbosa: We don’t care how you feel about them personally, you spandex wrapped bundle of birth defects! What are they like in the ring?

Saboteur: Dang, sick burn!

Saboteur: In the ring? Well, Beard may be the strongest guy in WZCW, and that’s coming from Action Saxton’s life tag team partner. He could probably pick me up, twirl me around like pizza dough, and toss me into the rafters if he wanted to. Whatever you do, don’t let yourself get caught by him, because you’ll be in for pain otherwise.

Barbosa: Congratulations, you have taught us that the man that looks like he is large and strong is indeed large and strong. Any other valuable insight?

Saboteur: Well, Masqué is an interesting mix of style. His biggest asset is his quickness and precision. Everything he does is very calculated, and most of the time he is able to execute before you can even tell what he’s planning. Oh, and he’s very easily offended by being mean and stuff.

Barbosa’s ears perk up as he finally thinks he has found a piece of relevant information.

Barbosa: What do you mean by, how did you say it… “Being mean and stuff?”

Saboteur: I don’t know, he’s just so much of a gentleman that he finds ungentlemanly behavior to be infuriating. Like, if S.H.I.T. was to attack Beard while you were wrestling Gent, I bet you dollars to doughnuts that Gent would go rushing to his partner’s aid.

Barbosa: Excellent… and what if we were to spit in the face of an audience member?

Saboteur: Well, I suspect Gent would rush out of the ring to protect them.

Barbosa: Leaving him vulnerable on the floor. Yes, yes this is exactly what we were looking for!

Saboteur: Glad I can help, and just in the nick of time too. We’re here!

Saboteur and Barbosa approach a dilapidated factory. The windows are boarded up, the concrete walls are crumbling, and the whole thing is covered in graffiti.

Saboteur walks up to one of the boarded up windows and uses one of his katanas to pry off the large plywood plank separating them from the old factory.

Saboteur: After you, sir.

Barbosa: No, you lead the way.

Saboteur: He keeps getting fishier and fishier.

Saboteur enters the abandoned factory and is followed by Barbosa. The factory is quite dark, but there is light pouring in from the holes in the ceiling. Broken down machines are scattered over the premises of the factory along with forgotten documents and empty snack wrappers. It appears nobody has actually been inside this building in years.

Saboteur: So where should I look for this upgrade chip? Would it be in a computer somewhere? Closed away in a desk drawer? What about a safe? I’m not prepared to crack a safe, Garrett confiscated my safe cracking equipment after last week’s shenanigans. Then again, I think I have a stick of dynamite somewhere in my spandex, that could probably bust a safe open. Is the chip in a safe? I hope the chip is in a safe.

Saboteur stops talking after he realizes nobody is answering.

Saboteur: Where the heck did Barbosa go?

Saboteur: Barbosa? Barbosa are you still here? Did you get eaten by a factory monster? Barbosa?

There is no answer.

Saboteur: He must have gone to a different part of the factory to search for his own. That way, the search will go twice as fast. Good thinking!

Saboteur continues to walk around the abandoned factory, but has little luck finding any sort of upgrade chip. There are no computers, no desks with drawers, and there are especially no safes.


Saboteur lifts his foot to find that he just stepped on a full bag of Snack Co. Potato Chips. He bends down to pick it up.

Saboteur: Hey Barbosa, I think I found…

Saboteur turns around to see Barbosa standing above him with a heavy lead pipe raised above his head. Both men freeze for a moment before Saboteur breaks the awkward silence.

Saboteur: Um, what are you doing with that pipe?

Barbosa: There was a spider. We were going to kill it.

Saboteur: With a heavy metal pipe?

Barbosa: … It was a very big spider.

Saboteur stands up. He is suspicious,

Saboteur: That was suspicious.

but he decides to forget about the pipe incident and continue his quest.

Saboteur: I found a bag of chips on the floor. Do you think S.H.I.T.’s upgrade chip could be inside?

Barbosa: Those are potato chips, you fool!

Saboteur: Are you sure S.H.I.T.’s upgrade chip isn’t made of potatoes? I’ve seen batteries made out of potatoes, wouldn’t the same concept work here?

Barbosa sighs and his voice becomes more pleasant, if not a bit erratic

Barbosa: Of course, Saboteur, you are so smart! There are so many chips in this bag that one of them must be Poo’s upgrade chip! Thank you for helping us! Let us go buy you some ice cream as a thank you.

Saboteur: Awesome! Hey Barbosa, want to hear a joke?

Barbosa: Sure!

Saboteur: What is Barbosa’s favorite type of ice cream? Banana split personality!

Barbosa doesn’t laugh.

Saboteur: Get it? Because you’ve got like… three different dudes going on? Banana split. Split personality…

Barbosa stands in silence for a few more moments, before erupting into howling laughter.

Barbosa: Oh we get it now! Banana split personality! Oh it has been ages since we have laughed like this!

Saboteur: It’s hard to get a read on Barbosa, and I’d rather not try to understand what’s going on in his very complicated head. I know he thinks I’m stupid, and I know he’s trying to use me for his own selfish needs. But I’m not as dumb as he thinks I am. I know lots of things, like how many martinis Hawkeye has had in the entire run of M*A*S*H, or that Barbosa is up to no good.

The most important thing I know, though, is that a war is coming in the tag team division. This place has gotten awfully crowded in a short time, and a battle for those titles between all of the teams is inevitable. It will be nice to have friends like Barbosa and S.H.I.T. on our side when that day comes, but it will be even better to know how to beat them.
Scene opens during a meeting between Iris, Justin Cooper and several men dressed in suits. These guys look very professional and are all writing things down as Iris speaks. In the corner Cooper sits playing with his phone. This meeting seems to be the last thing on his mind and Cooper has no problem with showing it.

Iris: When would you guys want to start filming?

One of the men in suits pops his head up to answer the question.

FX Official: Our plan is to film until his final match at Kingdom Come. It’ll be a series about how Justin deals with moving on from wrestling and his time going into the final match of his career. Filming will start this week.

That last bit grabs Cooper’s attention. He slips his phone into the top pocket. He looks puzzled.

Cooper: This week? You want me to have cameras following me around all day and let you guys listen to my deepest thoughts this week? I thought we were going to do this thing slowly and ease into it?

Iris taps Cooper on the shoulder.

Iris: It’s fine. Filming this week is perfect. I think a simple interview with Justin would be best, just so he can settle into the idea of having you guys around him all the time.

Cooper: So I get no say in this? I’m being exploited by my own manager.

Iris: We need to get this deal done Justin. Since you’re hanging up the boots in a couple of months I need to get you some financial security. This deal with FX is just what we need.

Cooper: I love this we thing you keep talking about. I’m the one retiring; it doesn’t stop you from finding some other fool to take money off. Damn 15% each time I got payed. I’m sure it’s 10% for everyone else.

Iris: I’m sure I’ll be getting a bunch of offers after managing you for two years.

The three men in suits are all looking at the arguing couple with eagle eyes. They are not impressed by what their future clients are doing. Like school children Iris and Justin realised they’re being watched and quickly stop. They turn around and face the FX officials and Iris continues to do his part in finalising the deal.

Iris: So… we got a deal?

All three FX officials look at each other. What could go wrong? A television deal with Justin Cooper as the star of a reality show based around his last few months in a professional wrestling company. It’s a hit just waiting to be discovered. The FX officials seem to agree as one of them stands up and extends his hand across the table. The two shake and the deal is done. Surely this thing is going to be on FX soon!


FX Presents:
“The Lineal Champion”

I don’t know what people think when I talk about guys ducking me. They might think it’s a lie but it’s not. I’ve never once told a lie about anyone in this company. When I called Steven Kurtesy out all he did was run and hide behind the fact that he was a champion. That’s what stopped him from fighting me. He was to busy to face me. What type of champion hides behind the gold he is supposed to defend? He’s a coward and the same goes for Reynolds. I’ve called them all out and yet they seem to be protected. It’s like Saboteur is protected by people because everyone loves him. The fans think he is the greatest thing ever and yet they don’t understand how this guy gets all this protection.

Just look at his last couple of matches. Three chances to gain a win and he hasn’t succeeded on one of them. Now can someone explain to me how he is being mentioned in the tag title scene? It’s mind blowing to think about how messed up this championship line is. First Steven Holmes and now SabSax are in line for ANOTHER title shot!

Saboteur puts on this act like he’s this superhero for everyone to support yet he picks on the weak. Going into this match he’s the villain and I’m the hero. I speak the truth for everyone to hear while Saboteur hides behind a mask and lies to the people who cheer him. People think they’re booing me but what is really happening is that the people are booing the fake guy standing across the ring with a stupid wet suit on. He’s fake and in this world fake guys will always bow down to the truth.

The truth is that I’m better than him. I’ve walked through everyone champion that this company has ever put in front of me. I beat The Bearded Gentlemen with Bowen by my side. I scored the pinfall and I ran through the two just like I said I would. I’ve been the best in this company for a long time and with my retirement coming up it’s time to start showing it. I will defeat Saboteur this week on Meltdown and by doing so I’ll finally knock the fake guys out of my title contention.

Make no mistake about it, I’m one half of the lineal tag team champions of this company. We are the best in the division by far and that is no even up for discussion. Until you have beaten me you’ve beaten nobody. I’m the measuring stick of this company.

I’m sure Saboteur will have a lot to say about we this week. It’s common place for my opponents to have a lot to say leading up to the match. That’s where things end for them. They all have a lot to say before the fight but after it they never speak another word. Saboteur will find out that he is just another guy and I’m the star. His charade is over and I’m about to expose the fool to the world.

When Saboteur and I lock eyes inside the ring for the first time ever the world will take notice. Saboteur will see that this is more than a match, this is a fight that he cannot win. Meltdown will see the fake guy taking on the lineal champion, the most important man in professional wrestling. Saboteur can joke all week long but when that bell rings I will walk through and drive my fist into his face just like I did to the tag team champions.

This empire is stronger than ever and now we will take control over WZCW. No matter if Saboteur brings one, two or three different partners I will step over him and bring down curtain on his career. This is it ladies and gentlemen. Everyone can doubt but none of them will ever step up and challenge me.
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