MD84: Krypto vs. Connor Reese

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WZCW's Mr Excitement
Time's up for both of these competitors: Krypto has been ordered to finally choose his opponent for All or Nothing thanks to winning the Mentorship Program and Connor Reese is no longer allowed to use the help of the Stark Talent Agency via a former loophole in his contract. However, with All or Nothing around the corner, these two men are going to need to focus on this match and look to build their momentum heading into the event.

Deadline is 11:59pm Central Time, Tuesday 5th February. Extensions as per thread.
48 hours after Ascension 58

Alexander Stark sits at his desk, toying with Connor’s chess piece, contemplating his... personality shift. Seemingly making a decision he activates the tannoy on his desk.

Alexander Stark:
Barbara, please send in Wilhelm.

He places the carved wood back in its draw and straightens up as the German enters his office.

Wilhelm Wunderbar: Yes, Stark?

Alexander frowns. He might tolerate Wunderbar’s lack of respect, but he would not let it go unnoticed.

AS: I am concerned about Reese. His promo for last week’s fiasco was...

WW: It wasn’t what you expected. You planned for him to talk about what went wrong at Unscripted, instead he seems to have snapped.

He shrugs.

WW: Why is this a problem? Following your plans has not brought him success, after all.

Stark rubs the bridge of his nose.

AS: It matters, Wilhelm because it affects the return on my investment in him. If he is not what the sponsors expect of him, it affects business.

Seeing Wunderbar’s lack of interest in the matter, he presses on.

AS: And that, my German friend is not an acceptable proposition. If he can maintain a high level when competing, it may be tolerable. However, Connor has already proven to be mentally weak under pressure, and another crack in his psyche is troubling.

WW: And this is where I come in.

Stark nods, Wunderbar scowls.

AS: Indeed. I have enough confidence in your skills to be sure that Connor has the capacity to defeat anybody in WZCW, or anywhere else for that matter. I require you to confirm Connor’s physical ability at this time.

WW: Speak straight English or switch to German, Stark.

AS: Take him to your Circus and find out if he’s able to wrestle as you would expect. Gerade genug für dich, Wilhelm?

Wunderbar rolls his eyes.

WW: I shall see it done.

12 hours later – The Circus

Without waiting for a cue, both men advance towards one another and lock up, jostling for any advantage. Connor quickly delivers an armdrag, seamlessly transitioning to an armbar. Wunderbar grits his teeth and fights to a vertical base, stomping on Reese’s toes before he can apply his customary hammerlock. Reese releases the hold enough for Wunderbar to slide out.

The German presses his advantage, applying a cravat positioning himself for a snapmere. Reese is flipped over the German’s shoulder, but as he reaches the highest point Wunderbar twists sensing Reese down into a devastating neckbreaker. He quickly reapplies the hold, dragging Reese back to his feet for another.

Reese though, resists once he’s reached a vertical base, clubbing the German’s kidneys. He releases, quickly spinning on the spot, not allowing Reese his back. An elbow to the chin though forces him to. Legsweep, jumped over. Jumping back kick, sidestepped. European uppercut, solid impact to the chin. Connor, stunned. Wunderbar charges the ropes to set up a high impact neckbreaker but gets caught win a belly to belly. The wind forced from his lungs but he retains the awareness to clasp his hands, blocking the armbar. He scrambles, trying to get as close to the ropes as he can, barely getting a foot to it before his grip fails. Reese releases, both men rising quickly. Reese is slightly faster.

Kick to the midsection, caught. Reese is spun around, but blocks a German suplex attempt. Escaping the waistlock, he rolls through with a snapmere, booting his trainer in the face and stomping on it repeatedly before backing off, circling his ‘prey’ with a sick grin. Wunderbar slowly rises, shaking the cobwebs out of his head. Immediately he advances, delivering a kick squarely to Wunderbar’s shin. To his credit, Wunderbar doesn’t react to the pain as most would, jumping high for a dropkick, rather than opening himself for the complete shot. Still at a disadvantage in the chess game he retreats to the corner, waiting for Reese to follow.

He approaches slowly, wary for a counterattack from Wunderbar. He strays too close though, and Wunderbar springboards out, catching his protégée perfectly for Wunderbar Besondere. Not giving him a change to counter, he firmly introduces the back of his head to the hard ring. He floats over, Kaizerlock synched in. It’s Reese’s turn though to take advantage of the ropes. Why did he agree to standard rules for this bout?

Wunderbar releases after a mental four count, snarling, itching to reapply his favoured hold. Reese is slower to his feet, though not showing any signs of pain in his arm. Wunderbar backs off, luring him out of the safe corner. Boot to the midsection, front facelock. Wunderbar lifts Reese up, aiming for a brainbuster, or perhaps the Schneider Suplex. However, knees to the head from the elevated Reese force him to abort. Rather than escape though, Reese takes advantage of his position. Hoisting the German overhead and planting him in the ground with a bridged Northern Lights suplex. The move evolved by dead lifting his mentor back to his feet for an encore delivery. He hauls the German to his feet, and sets up KO:E. It’s time to end this game.

Wunderbar though fights back, striking anywhere his fists can find. Released he gains space by moving to the ropes. A quick glance behind him and for the second time in the match he springs off, landing in position for his Special. This time though, he can’t complete it. Reese rotates, countering the move. Not into his own finisher, but instead forcing the Kaizer’s head between his legs. He bends down, lifting the German vertical. He shifts one hand from Wunderbar’s waist to between the legs before driving his head into the ground with the Johannesburg Neckbreaker. DL’s Legacy.

Reese pushes the unconscious body of Wunderbar away.

Misch: I hope you will remember what you wanted to know.

Turning away with his face hardened. Memories flooding his mind.

Alexander Stark’s Office: thirty minutes later

Wunderbar barges in, pupils slightly dilated, clearly suffering the after effects of being driven skull first into the canvas.

AS: I take it that Reese is acceptable?

WW: If delivering a flawless clutch piledriver is acceptable to you, then yes.

Stark blinks in surprise.

AS: A clutch piledriver? That’s not on the moveset he’s expected to comply with. That’s troubling.

WW: Not as troubling as the move itself. It does not fit Connor. The move is designed to do lasting damage. By reducing his grip on me he increases the likelihood that I will be dropped. By repositioning his arm, he increases the forces delivered to my neck. Connor has never demonstrated a willingness to cripple those standing against him before. I also never taught him such a move.

Stark frowns, drumming his fingers on the table while he thinks.

AS: I agree with your worries regarding this Wilhelm. I will therefore make two suggestions. The first is that you speak to one of the medics. You’re probably concussed. The second is that you visit our affiliated promotion in Louisiana. Connor performed there the night after Unscripted. It’s likely that someone there witnessed his personality shift first hand.

He reaches into a draw and hands Wunderbar a business card.

AS: These are the contact details for Kara Ken. She is most likely to know the reason behind Connor’s shift.

He leaves the reason for that likely knowledge unsaid, needless exposition is wasted breath. Wunderbar leaves, not bothering to signal his agreement. One small rebellion at a time.
Misch has a message for Krypto

This is a recording that Connor Reese made and sent to WZCW offices late Wednesday evening to comply with WZCW's policy on promos. Addressed to Krypto, it likely concerns his thoughts on his match at Meltdown 84.
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