MD83: Chris K.O vs. S.H.I.T

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Viola Moonlight

I'm Literally Just Here for WZCW
WZCW's resident robotic machine will be returning to action this week following the brutal "death match" that he and Barbosa fought in at Unscripted and will be faced with the self-proclaimed White Knight of the company who has fallen on hard times as of late concerning his connection with the crowd. However, his victory against Mentorship winner Krypto was quite dominant and this new-found attitude of K.O might just be what he needs to take down someone like S.H.I.T.

Deadline is 11:59pm Central Time, Tuesday 22nd January. Extensions as per thread.
Part 2

We can hear a stirring inside the arena as the scene opens up to a shot from the backstage area. Chris K.O. enters the scene through the curtain. He is fresh off his win over Krypto, but he doesn’t look pleased. He looks annoyed. With sweat covering his body, Chris slowly stalks down the backstage hallways. His eyes are in a constant shift. He is looking for someone. We see him pass several backstage hands and various WZCW personnel before he finally finds the one he is looking for.

We see Big Dave, who is well dressed in a black slacks, suit coat, and a white dress shirt underneath, talking to a backstage official. Chris takes one good look at him from a distance and then sucks in a pocket of snot before dawning a smug look upon his face. He aggressively approaches Dave.

Chris: Hey.

Dave shoots a glance at Chris and holds up his index finger.

Dave: Not now Chris, I am busy.

Chris: Hey!

Chris extends his arms out and grips the front of Dave’s blazer. He forcefully pulls him away from the backstage worker.

Chris: Are you sending reporters to spy on me at my home? Huh?!

Dave: Are you mad?

Chris shakes Dave.

Chris: Tell me if you had someone at my house the other night?!

Dave grabs Chris’ hands upon his blazer. He pries them off and then addresses the backstage worker.

Dave: Can you give us a minute?

The worker nods and then leaves the scene. Dave rubs his chin and takes a step back from Chris, who is still fuming in anticipation for the answer he seeks.

Dave: What the hell do you think think you are doing?!

Chris begins to laugh.

Chris: Oh don’t play coy with me Dave. You know that you are sending people to spy on me through the windows at my home! What, so you can get your story about the man who the fans are turning on? Is that it Dave, am I some kind of hot story for you that you need to have people like Kensworth breathing down my neck?!

Dave wipes his brow before glowing with a bit of anger. He steps up to Chris’ face with a finger pointed out.

Dave: You are out of line.

Chris: Don’t tell me I’m being out of line. Did you forget that you would not even have this job if it were not for me?

Dave: Hey!

Chris is startled.

Dave: I am your boss. Look, I did not send anyone to your home Chris. In fact, I have instructed our staff to give you space during this time. I know that this is a difficult point in your career. Right now you are hot-headed and making brash decisions. You damn near killed Krypto out there. Krypto for god's sake! You need to cool down. Take tomorrow off and don’t bother showing up to the Awards Show.

Dave extends an arm out and gives Chris a reassuring grip on top of his shoulder. Chris peers down at the hand resting on him.

Dave: You are a high investment in this company Chris. We are only looking out for you. Go home and relax.

Chris brushes off the hand on his shoulder, and then shoots Dave a sharp glare.

Chris: I should of kept the damn company for myself.

Chris turns and begins walking away with a menacing look upon his face. Dave shoves his hands in his pocket and then speaks out a single set of words that really irks Chris.

Dave: I didn’t know Ty Burna returned to WZCW.

Chris stops dead in his tracks. He is deeply chewing over the fact that he was just compared to Burna. His eyes are ablaze and his face is covered in sweat. He looks back over his shoulder at Dave for a small second, but then quickly continues to walk on.

We transition scenes and the text “1 Week Later” appears in white font at the bottom of the screen. We see our hero driving a car. He has a pair of shades on top of his head to compliment a blue cardigan over a beige shirt. He has a phone pressed against his ear.

Chris: I don’t care what you have to do Ian. Just get it taken care of.

We here Ian Crawford speaking through the phone.

Ian: You know I can’t do that Chris.

Chris: You and I both know that this is not a matter of what you can or cannot do Ian. You hacked and cleaned out almost all of Ty’s money right underneath his nose and you are telling me that you cannot do something about Dave? I handed over the company over on a silver platter and you are telling me that we no longer have any pull as far as management goes?

Ian: First of all, we handed the company over. Secondly, you just answered your own question. You handed the company over and gave up all rights to pick and choose. You wanted to be treated as a regular superstar, and so that right has been given to you. You are just angry right now. You need to relax and not let these recent events get to you.

Chris: I don’t want excuses Ian. Just get on the phone with someone and make something happen. I have to go. I am taking care of business.

Chris hangs up the phone right after we hear Ian sigh on the other end. Chris is now parked alongside a sidewalk. He rolls down his passenger-side window and lifts up his sun glasses. We see that he is eyeballing a large hospital. The scene transitions and we now see Chris entering the hospital through automatic double doors. He takes off his shades and hangs them from the collar of his shirt.

He approaches the front desk with an air of ego.

Chris: Excuse me. I think that I am at the right place, but is this the same hospital that the WZCW Superstar, S.H.I.T., was treated at?

The receptionist at the front desk jumps up from her seat in a look of panic. Her papers get rustled in the process. She tries to quickly regain her composure.

Receptionist: Uh, yes. He was here for a brief period...

Chris: Good, I want to meet the doctor that treated him. Is that possible?

The receptionist looks befuddled.

Receptionist: Uh, who are you?

Chris: Chris.

Chris leans over the counter on the desk.

Chris: Chris K.O.

His pearly whites are unveiled as he shoots the receptionist a stunning smile. The lady nods slowly and picks up a telephone sitting next to her.

Receptionist: Take a seat Mr. K.O. I will see what I can do for you.

Chris winks at her and then makes his way over to a cushioned bench that is attached to the wall. Chris stares down at the bland-colored tile floor. He begins to wonder why everything in a hospital is always so tasteless. The walls and floor ooze normality. Is that the illusion that they are trying to create?

Chris proceeds to pop his knuckles as he motorboats his lips. He looks up from the floor and looks down the hallway. He begins to ponder... This will mark the the third time that Chris has ever been inside of a hospital. He goes over the situations in his mind like a check list. Broken Rips - check, Dad dying - check, and now this. Three times... Or was it? Chris is struck with a sudden remembrance of something from his past. The scene begins to get cloudy.


Jonathan: What do you mean we can’t go inside and see her?

Young Samuel (The man we now know as Chris K.O.) is sitting on a hospital bench as he looks up at his father, who is face to face with a doctor. The doctor has a red scar on his left cheek. He has a solemn look on his face as he addresses the tempered man in front of him.

Doctor: Sir, her insides are a mess. The crash did extensive damage to her.

Jonathan Masters, Sam’s father, steps up to the doctor in order to lower his voice.

Jonathan: That is exactly why we need to be in there. He needs to see his mother doc. If she ain’t got much time, then we need to be in there.

Doctor: I’m sorry, but your presence would only limit the chance of survival. Surely you understand?

The doctor gives a fake smile as he turns to walk away. Jonathan looks down at his feet and then at his son. After looking at his son, he quickly runs up to catch the doctor. He grabs him by the arm, which prompts the doctor to turn around.

Doctor: Yes?

Jonathan swallows hard before speaking.

Jonathan: Can you just tell me how it was so bad?

Doctor: Excuse me?

We see Sam on the edge of the bench as he extends his head out in order to see the doctor and his dad down the hallway.

Jonathan: How does the boy have hardly a scratch, but his mother is in such critical condition?

The doctor gives a small half-smile as he steps up to Jonathan.

Doctor: I know this is the probably the last thing that you want to hear right now, but count your blessings. I don’t know why your wife suffered the bulk of the damage, but your son is safe. He is a special boy.

With that, the doctor winks down the hallway at Sam. Sam immediately sits up straight in his seat after being caught eavesdropping.


We are now back in normal time and we see that Chris is sitting up straight just as he was when he was a boy.

Receptionist: Sir. Excuse me, sir.

Chris snaps out of his trance and looks up to see the receptionist calling him over to the front desk. Chris quickly gets out of his seat and approaches her.

Chris: Yes?

Receptionist: The doctor that you are requesting is currently unavailable, but we have a nurse that would be willing to answer some questions for you.

Chris: That would be great.

Chris smiles and the scene transitions to where Chris seems to be sitting inside a small conference room. He is tapping his fingers on the table, but is halted by the entrance of a man in scrubs who comes walking through the door. The man decides to take the chair next to Chris.

Chris: I am sorry, but I was suppose to be meeting with a nurse.

Nurse: This is your lucky day.

Chris: But you are a dude?

Nurse: Oh I get it. You think that all nurses have to be girls, huh? What, are you going to call me a homo now?

Chris: What? No. That is beside the point. Look, I just came here to question you about some things.

The nurse sniffs.

Nurse: Fine, go ahead.

Chris: Alright, well first of all, what kind of fool do you take me for? You are honestly telling me that you let a guy who was nearly blown away by C4 out of a hospital in a week or two? What's the real story?

The nurse sniffs.

Nurse: He is different. I think you and I both know that.

Chris: Excuse me?

Nurse: I may be a nurse Mr. K.O., but that doesn’t mean that I don’t enjoy watching a good wrestling show.

Chris shoots him a confused look.

Nurse: I remember you and S.H.I.T. teaming in the Apostles of Chaos.

Chris grunts.

Chris: Teaming is an interesting word for what we did back then.

Nurse: Oh? Then what would you call it?

Chris: I don't know, but definitely not teaming. Teaming would mean that we actually wanted what was best for the team. Everyone in that group had ulterior motives.


Even me.

There is a brief awkward silence, but the Nurse quickly extinguishes it.

Nurse: You know, I was so excited when I heard that S.H.I.T. was in the building. I immediately suggested that I worked overtime just to work on his floor. However, I quickly learned that the guy was mentally unstable.

Chris holds out his palms in disbelief.

Chris: It took a hospital visit for you to figure that out? The guy wears a fridge-sized box over his body constantly. Speaking of which...

Chris scoots closer to the nurse.

Chris: What is inside that box? Come on, I am sure that you got a chance to bandage him up.

Nurse: Sorry, doctor-patient confidentiality.

Chris: Oh come on. You are not even a doctor.

Nurse: The rule still applies!

Chris mutters profanity as he sinks back in his seat.

Nurse: Why do you even care? I thought he would be far off of your radar by now.

Chris: Well, as hard as it is to believe, I am paired with the guy for a match this upcoming week.

Nurse: You are joking?! That is my dream match!

For some reason, this makes Chris highly annoyed.

Chris: Dream match?

Nurse: Yeah man. Even though you had a load of chemistry with James King, I always thought that S.H.I.T. was your biggest rival within the group.

Chris shoots him a piercing stare.

Nurse: Outside of Ty of course.

Chris hunkers down, but still seems a bit annoyed.

Nurse: I mean he was the one that got the pin at Kingdom Come IV. You know, the match that you were trying to throw for your team. Not only that, but he has your number. On top of all that, he has gotten the rub from the group that you never seemed to capitalize on.

Chris jumps out of his seat and reaches down for a handful of scrubs.

Chris: Listen here male nurse. I never needed any rub from anything. I took down Ty Burna. Something that no man could ever do. Not even a man in a cardboard box. This dream match of yours is a fallacy because there ain’t nothing dreamy about it. It is the savior of WZCW versus the byproduct of my success. How could that match ever be considered a dream match? I guarantee you that it won’t be long and it won’t be pretty.

Chris lets go of the scrubs and lets the man fall back into his chair. Chris exits the room. We now see him walking down a hallway with a highly annoyed look on his face. He reaches into his pants pocket and pulls out a coin. He begins fiddling it in-between his fingers. He turns down a hallway and sees a doctor some fifteen feet away. He appears to be going over charts with a female nurse. Chris has to double-take, but he realizes that he recognizes the man. He notices a familiar red scar on the man’s left cheek. Chris begins to approach him, but the doctor turns away and begins walking down the hallway. Chris doesn’t think that he has recognized him, so he picks up his pace. For some reason, so does the doctor. The doctor enters a door and quickly closes it behind him. Chris reaches it and hesitates for a moment. Finally, he opens the door, but he is surprised to see a staircase. He hears a door closing somewhere within the giant stair hall.

Chris looks up with a confused stupor upon his face. The scene transitions and we see Chris back at the front desk. Chris places his hands on the counter.

Receptionist: I hope you found what you were looking for.

Chris: Yeah, so do I.

Chris hesitates.

Chris: Hey, do you know the name of a doctor here? He is the one with a red scar on his left cheek.

The receptionist thinks for a quick second.

Receptionist: Honey, I have worked here for fifteen years and I print off the picture I.D.’s for everyone in this hospital. I can assure you that there is no doctor here with a red scar.

Chris pauses. He thinks about pressing the matter, but decides not to.

Chris: Alright. Thanks.

Chris leaves the front desk, but he is quickly halted.

Receptionist: Sir! You forgot something.

Chris turns around and sees her nodding at the counter. A coin is resting upon it. Chris shoots her a fake smile as he walks back to the desk. He slams his hand down on the coin to grab it. The screen goes black.
S.H.I.T awoke.

If it could be called awakening.

Supposedly there must be a stream of consciousness there, so awakening could be the correct word.

Whatever it was that happened, S.H.I.T wasn’t, and then was.

It was greeted by a bright white light, blinding it to all else temporarily, when that cleared it had a fine view of a ceiling, using its powers of deduction it still had not a clue where it was. We would perhaps recognise it as a ceiling from a Car Workshop or Manufacturing Workshop. As its hearing slowly returned, it could make out muffled sounds and voices.

~ Beep Beep ~

“. . . So glad we finally got him out of that Hospital. . .”

~ Beep Beep ~

“. . . Should’ve known he’d be completely unresponsive once his costume had been removed. . .”

Things gradually become more coherent as S.H.I.T is able to pick up even more of the conversation.

~ Beep Beep ~

". . . Mostly damage to the exterior, shall we say 'armour?' We were lucky. . ."

~ Beep Beep ~

". . . Quick thinking with the flack jacket. . ."

~ Beep Beep ~

". . . You said he also used it to save the other one. . ."

~ Beep Beep ~

". . . Yes, somewhat unusual. . ."


“What is that beeping?”


“My alarm, I am late for dinner with Mother.”

A clicking sound indicates that the previously mentioned alarm has now been shut off, as would the fact that the beeping has completely stopped.

“It’s the third time you’ve been late this week,” said a voice, Female and playfully chastising.

“I know, I know, but I dare not leave him here alone.” Said the other voice, Male and somewhat weary. “That is where you come in, sorry.”

The Female sighed audibly, though not without a hint of humour. “You know, a Girl can’t have much of a life when she’s babysitting a Cardboard Box.”

“I know," the man replied. "I am sorry, but this thing, this man can't be left alone. . .”

The voice trailed off as S.H.I.T lapsed back into what can only be called unconsciousness.

S.H.I.T awoke again, this time with a visible start. The flash of light much briefer this time, allowing it once again to have an unparalleled view of the ceiling above it.

“Ah, he is awake at last.” Said the familiar voice of the man. Calmly.

“Did you see the way that thing shook?” Said the Woman, sounding nowhere near as calm as her counterpart.

“Yesss!” He said almost fiendishly, “there is strength in him yet.”

S.H.I.T’s excellent view of the ceiling was spoilt by the arrival of two Human’s filling its vision, both looking down on it but out of focus as S.H.I.T’s vision accustoms itself to the sudden change after the severe beatings it has undergone. The Machine tries to speak, but finds itself unable to.

“You will find yourself unable to speak for the moment, my old friend,” said the unfocused visage that must’ve been the man. “That is because I have no interest in engaging you in prolonged discourse concerning the complete annihilation of the Human race. Nod your head if you understand.”

The Machine, if anything put out by not being allowed to rant about the Human race’s clear inferiority nods its head in the affirmative.

“There’s a good boy,” said the man, patting S.H.I.T on the head. Then, just as they were coming into focus, both figures disappear from its view.

“Should you be speaking to it like thaaat?” Hissed the Female voice.

The man laughed it off, “this thing, this person has put me through too much over the last year or so for me to care about consequences anymore. If being condescending occasionally is the only revenge I can take, then believe me, I’ll take it, I’ll take it hard.”

As S.H.I.T listens to it being discussed by the unknown pair, the workbench it had been lying on started to move beneath it, until eventually S.H.I.T is stood upright, an effort to move confirmed that it had indeed been chained down.

“For as much your safety as it is ours, my old friend." He said, indicating the chains. "We can’t have you rampaging through the streets as you wouldn’t last five minutes out there. No, I am afraid that for the moment at least, you’ll have to trust me.”

S.H.I.T stared at the stupidly smiling man, who was non-descript. That isn’t essentially true, he was very easy to descript, he is wearing a long white lab coat, has wild white hair, a huge white moustache, a large pair of thick black glasses and appears to still be wearing his slippers, a pair of fluffy little bunnies. None of that mattered, because none of that was the man, only what the man was pretending to be. Why should S.H.I.T trust this man, who was clearly an imposter and got some kind of sick, human joy from wearing dead animals on his feet? It could almost regret not being able to verbalise that thought. On the other hand, he was familiar.

It changed its attention to the Human Female, she at least was genuine, and petite, even for a Human. Currently she is watching S.H.I.T while sitting on another workbench with her feet hunched up under her chin, staring even, into its eyes. S.H.I.T stares back, and the Human clearly isn’t comfortable with what she sees, shuddering slightly and looking away. Not unusual, but slightly sad.

The man, having clearly noticed none of the previous exchange because he was busy doing some, and S.H.I.T could see this immediately, idiotic and completely wrong calculations on a blackboard, turns and beams at Woman and Machine.

“And now, I think it’s time you went back to sleep old friend.”

With that S.H.I.T lapsed into unconsciousness once more.

Yet again S.H.I.T awakens, this time with no visible fuss, a quick scan of the room shows only one Human in it at this point, the scientist man scribbling still on the blackboard, correction, another blackboard, he has four lined up now and has filled them all with nonsense so far as S.H.I.T could tell. S.H.I.T wondered if it was worth the effort in trying to speak.

"Your calculations are pathetic, nonsensical and wrong!"

The man jumped, but not too much and turned to face the Machine. S.H.I.T couldn't help but notice that his skin was paler and dark lines were forming under his eyes.

"I'll ignore that statement," he said, somehow lacking a trace of his former calmness, he reached out and picked up a cup of coffee. "Welcome back to the land of the living, again."

"Why am I in this place?"

The man's thick, black eyebrows raise at this. "Referring to yourself in the first person? I never thought I'd see the day." He sips his coffee while the Machine looks on, with its red, but somehow cold eyes, "you are here because nowhere else is safe for you right now. Believe me when I tell you, I am the only chance you have of returning to a WZCW ring alive." He takes another mouthful of coffee.

S.H.I.T looks down at the floor. "I do not wish to return to WZCW." It is important to note that the voice is as cold and emotionless as ever.

The traditional, perhaps cliche thing to do would be to spit out the coffee, clearly this man was above such trite theatrics, he just swallowed his coffee and nodded slightly.

"And why is this?"

"I have, achieved my goal. . . I have reached maximum output. . . I have faced the best, the most brutal, and I have peaked."

At that moment a door at the far end of the room opened, and the Female from before entered overloaded with shopping bags, the man looks to where she is struggling with her bags. "Stay here." He says to the chained up Robot, before rushing over to the Woman.

"Oh good, help me with these bags will you," she said and held out a bag for the man to take.

"It would seem we have a problem," said the man, letting the bag fall to the floor.

She looks up at him, "my brother, actually admitting there's a problem?" She said with her hands on her hips, with a faint smile, "this thing really has taken you to the cleaners."

"It doesn't want to go back!" He said grabbing her by the arms.

"Well, that's good isn't it? You've been trying to get that thing out of WZCW for a long time."

"That was before!" He said, sounding frantic now.

"Before what?"

"Before I found out what he really is!" He said, shaking her despite her protests. "Don't you see, he's a failed expirement! The only reason he's allowed to carry on existing is because he is in the public eye! They are just waiting for him to go!" He released his grip, "they nearly got him once before, Barbosa had nearly driven him out of the company, I had to resort to pretending to be Lance Armstrong to push him back in."

The Woman takes a step back. "I think you've been playing the role of scientist for too long, look at you, get some sunlight."

He grabs her arm and pulls her over to where S.H.I.T is still chained down.

Tell her, tell her why you do not wish to compete anymore." He demanded.

"I have, achieved my goal. . . I have reached maximum output. . . I have faced the best, the most brutal, and I have peaked."

She looks from the Scientist, to the Machine and back to the Scientist. "Your point?"

"Don't you see!" He almost shouted, "this is what happens you you introduce a Human's fears into something that doesn't feel fear."


"The fear of failure!" He shouted, "as a Human he was obsessed with being the strongest, the fastest, the most dangerous, he was afraid of failure, that's why he underwent this transformation, to remove fear and weakness, but now he is realising his fear of failure! He's becoming Human again!"

"Are you saying he allowed himself to be brainwashed by a weapons company and dressed up in cardboard so that he would be the best?"

"No, the transformation was never supposed to go that far, it was only to remove fear and other things percieved as weakness, instead it wiped everything, someone, somewhere thought it would be a good idea to dress him in cardboard, convince him he's a robot and have him wrestle. Presumably it was a marketing ploy, let us brainwash all your soldiers, they'll all be unstoppable killing machines." He said, mimicking the cheesy voices usually used on adverts.

"But the project was illegal and got shut down, he is the last remaining proof that it ever existed, well, he and I and now you. . . I should never have involved you and Mother. I am sorry, now we are all in danger.

"So, give this guy back to them and tell them you'll keep quiet," She said calmly, "you said he was a piece of shit before he underwent the therapy, no pun intended, let them deal with him."

"I can't," he said.


"Don't you see, he is a clean slate." When it was clear that she did in fact, not see, he elaborates. "I've done many questionable things in the past in order to put food on the table. This was my chance to do something morally acceptable for once, I could use this monster of a man to punish the wrongdoers, one of which I was!" He almost hissed it at her.

"I am afraid I don't follow. Scratch that, I am afraid that I do." She said, backing away from the flying spittle.

"Yes, this is why we must destroy what remains of his Humanity. To save his life, to build a new, better person." He said, looking at the Machine, his eyes gleaming.

"Brother, you have the ability to play any role you want, but sometimes you get too deep into that role. You can't just use this thing to relieve you of your guilt for your past actions. Somewhere in there is a person, with a soul."

"He willingly destroyed that part of himself!" Came the retort, "only a few seconds ago you were saying we should leave him to whatever fate may await him."

Caught out, she had no reply, finally though she is able to muster a sentence. "You said other people have used this thing for their own ends."

"Ty Burna, Alhazred. Yes." He accepted.

"Would you be as bad as you claimed them to be?"

He looked at her, some semblance of sanity restored, "I am sorry, but you must see, it is the only way any of us will be safe, him, you, me, he must continue to compete, for that end I must, must make him that way again. It'll save all of our lives."

The Woman appears to think this over for a long time, before finally giving in. "Do what you have to do, but don't consider this a moral crusade." She said, turning toward the door and leaving. A more fitting thing to do would have been for her to have turned at the door and told the man that she loved him, but this didn't happen, if it would've changed anything, we'll never know, instead she just left.

"What do Lance Armstrong, Alex Bowen and Justin Cooper have in common?" He said to S.H.I.T, "they are all despicable people that will do whatever it takes to reach and stay at the top, and attempt to blow people up with C4, I know, I trained Lance Armstrong for two years, taught him everything he knows. But more importantly, they are all Human, they all fear what goes 'Bump' in the night.

He unfurls a golden stopwatch, and stands directly in front of S.H.I.T.

"You my friend, are that 'Bump'" Is the last thing that S.H.I.T hears before the watch starts swinging to and fro in front of its eyes.

---------- ---------------------------- ---------

S.H.I.T stomps around the backstage area, the words of the scientist man still ringing in its head, "how dare they, they've taken your award, Cooper and Bowen have taken your award!" S.H.I.T pushes a crew member out of it's way as it heads toward the changing rooms, "if Barbosa will sit and do nothing, then you at least must do something, reclaim it! Let them know that you are not to be trifled with!"

S.H.I.T kicks open the door to the changing room, the assembled wrestlers all look at the new entrant, S.H.I.T had never bothered with the changing room before, usually taking refuge in its storage crate until it was time to do something. It scanned the occupants of the room, not finding Cooper or Bowen it was about to leave before something caught its eye. It was itself, on television, as a possible candidate for "breakthrough star of the year."

The scientist seems to put a lot of stock in these awards, it will collect this one.

It's name is read out, it won. . . Breakthrough star of the year? It would give them a breakthrough, the curtain is right next to it, S.H.I.T will enter by a different route, taking a few steps back, it gets a running kick straight at the wall, making a hole big enough for itself to go through.

Breakthrough star of the year indeed.

-------- --------------------------- -----------

"Yes, it is ready to compete," The scientist is on the phone, complete with posh English accent, toying with the award S.H.I.T was able to claim, one eye twitching slightly. "Yes, we've been following the shows, trust me, we are practically next door. Meltdown? Chris K.O? Fabulous, it'll be there, I hope for Chris K.O's sake he isn't."

He looks at S.H.I.T.

S.H.I.T looks back.

This is a different location from last time, much smaller, with S.H.I.T's storage crate dominating the room. S.H.I.T is inside, chained up, with the man sitting in front of the opening having just closed his mobile phone. They are face to face.

"The White Knight!" He said simply.

"Chris K.O!" Was the reply.

"You saw what he did to Krypto." He stated, "he is a dangerous man."

"I am not Krypto!" Was the reply.

"No, you are not," he said, "you and Chris have a history, a violent one. Now though, he considers himself the White Knight, the man that stands against evil, an arrogant moniker, and inaccurate considering his recent actions, but he can call himself what he wishes. It doesn't matter at all, why is that?"

"I will destroy him!" Said the chained up Machine.

"The White Knight comes first," said the scientist, before turning and muttering, "still referring to himself in the first person." Shaking his head.

"Cooper and Bowen," he said louder, I was rash sending you in against them single handed." He turned back to face S.H.I.T. "I doubt you have heard the last of them, or Barbosa."

S.H.I.T's fists clench at the mention of that name.

"He provokes an angry reaction from you, but you did not have to save him from the C4. Why did you?" He asks the question, but the smile on his face would seem to indicate that he already knows the answer.

"He was not theirs to destroy!"

"Oh. . ." He said, anticipating what was coming next.

"He is mine to destroy!"

The scientist does what can only be described as a triumphant pirhouette.

"My friend you are only just beginning, Barbosa, Bowen and Cooper, with those three we shall see where the wind takes us. You have an immediate concern. A man that claims to be a hero but is instead merely a bully, but like all Human's, he fears what goes 'Bump' in the night."

S.H.I.T stares with its expression of muted hatred. The other man stands with his back to the Machine, arms outstretched.

"I exist only to destroy!"

"I exist only to destroy!"

Perhaps thinking the Machine was stuck on a loop the Scientist turns around and is about to speak.

"H.I exist only to destroy!

A faint smile forms on his face. It no longer refers to itself in the first person.

"H.I exist only to destroy!

H.I.T exists only to destroy!

"It's not alive," he mumbled, this is followed by a small thunderclap.

H.I.T exists only to destroy!

"IT'S NOT ALIVE!" He screamed at the heavens, answered by a huge roar of thunder.

S.H.I.T exists only to destroy!

S.H.I.T exists only to destroy!

This repeated mantra, accompanied by the Scientists mad screams and the thunder merge together to create a symphony that Beethoven himself would've wept to have heard, had he not been deaf.
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