MD71: Ty Burna and Showtime Cougar vs. Barbosa and Black Dragon

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Ty Burna

Getting Noticed By Management
With the losses of King and Toyota to the Chaos, Ty has been trying to recruit new members to the fray. Barbosa was the first to form an alliance but his recent actions have shown his displeasure in working with Ty. He now gets the chance to take on Ty with a strange partner in the EurAsian champion Black Dragon whose dominant performance over K.O. may have gotten Ty outraged. He teams up with a man who he faced in the main event of Kingdom Come III and is possibly Ty's biggest rival to date: "Showtime" Cougar. Both combinations look quite uneasy on paper but which team will be able to work together the best to take the victory?

Deadline is Wednesday, April 4th at 11:59 PM EST.
Scene opens in the ring at Ascension 45. The Apostles of Chaos continue to beat down Steven Kurtesy as the camera focuses in on Showtime David Cougar and Ty Burna. Showtime glances at Kurtesy lying on the mat and then back at Ty. Ty nods his head and extends his hand, welcoming Showtime to join in the beat down. Showtime's hand twitches and then slowly begins to extend towards Ty when Trent Stonewall appears in the ring in between the two.

Stonewall: Go on Showtime. Join the most powerful force in WZCW and at last reclaim your place at the top of WZCW.

Trent continues to smile as Showtime's hand moves closer to Ty's. Showtime glances at the direction he sees Trent standing and then pulls his hand back. He rubs his two hands together and then backs out of the ring and walks away, much to Ty's displeasure. Trent disappears from the ring and reappears walking alongside Showtime as he walks back up the ramp.

What are you doing. Have you lost your mind? Well I shouldn't be surprised. Look who I'm talking to. Look who you're listening too. There is not a sane spot in your mind any more and it's about time you listen to common sense and befriend Ty Burna before he turns our lives into a living hell.

Showtime goes through the curtain into the backstage area and continues walking towards his dressing room, ignoring Trent as best as he can.

I don't think you're listening to me. You were this close to being given everything you ever wanted. Power, control, and I'm certain another title opportunity once Ty Burna has full control of WZCW. You're a fool, a failure, someone who can never make a sound decision or ever be in control of his thoughts and decisions.

Showtime gets to his dressing room, but collapses to his knees in front of the door and holds his hands over his ears, trying to ignore Trent as he continues to taunt away at him. Allen Lewicki opens the door and sees Showtime in distress.

Lewicki: Showtime... what's wrong. What do you...

Cougar: Allen... my pills. I know you still have one. I need it.

Allen reaches into his shirt pocket and pulls out a pill and a ziplock baggy of water. Showtime snatches the pill and rips open the water, soaking most of his face. Showtime stares at the bag and then back up at Allen.

You keep bags of water with you.

Yea, usually two or three on me in my shirt pocket. I find the water fresher and if I get tired I have a very comfy pillow.

Showtime stands up and wipes off more of the water from his face.

Is that so Allen. Hey do you got a pen?

Oh yes right here.

Allen hands Showtime the pen. In an instant Showtime stabs the shift pocket of Allen, popping the water bag. Allen’s shirt quickly gets soaked as Showtime hands him back the pen and walks past him.

Thanks Allen. Don’t worry I’ll buy you three new shirts later. Right now I need you to pack your bags because we are getting outta here. I need to go crash and get some rest...


Scene reopen the next day. Allen is sitting in a gym lobby, occasionally checking his watch. The elevator opens up and Showtime David Cougar enters the gym. Allen stands up to greet him.

Allen: Showtime how is everything? I was a little worried when you were running so late.

Cougar: Allen, celebrities are never late. Nothing begins until we arrive..... If you must know, I didn't sleep very well. Had a crazy dream...

Scene opens on the set of The Show, which has been converted into a large game show floor.

Announcer: And know it's time to play the feud! Family Feud! Now... here is your host, Showtime David Cougar.

Showtime walks out in a suit jacket straight from the 70's. He nods towards both teams and then introduces himself to the audience.

Hello everybody welcome to Family Feud: WZCW Edition. Tonight we have the Apostles of Chaos family, Ty Burna, S.H.I.T., Mister Alhazred, and Chris K.O.

The audience boos as all the members of AOC stand still except for S.H.I.T. who claps in perfect timing with the audience.

And they'll be facing off against the WZCW family, Celeste Crimson, and friends.

The audience cheers as Celeste claps and is standing beside 3 masked green trunks wearing individuals.

Now let's play the feud.

Ty Burna and Celeste walk up to the answer podium. Celeste reaches out to shake Ty's hand. Ty goes a shakes it as Showtime reads out the question.

100 WZCW fans were surveyed, top 5 answers on the board, here is the question. Why should Showtime join the AOC?

Ty Burna buzzes in first.

Burna: Power

Power... alright everyone wants power. Let's see if that's what everyone else thought.

Power 74 votes

That is the number one answer, Ty will your team play or pass.

What a foolish question. Of course we'll play.

Showtime follows Ty Burna back to his team. Showtime goes to shake S.H.I.T.'s hand, which does not move.

Hello S.H.I.T.

S.H.I.T.: Hello Showtime

You are looking very shiny.

You are looking very flesh covered.

Indeed I am, so we need an answer. Why should Showtime join AOC?



We do a lot of planning at night around fires and we usually dress up in robes. Human's deal with temperature changes, such as coldness, and a robe helps keep them warm.

Alright... I guess I could see that. Robes. But is it what the people said.

Clothes/Attire 1 vote.

Well I did not see that coming.

Of course you couldn’t. Humans don’t have X-Ray vision which would allow then to...

Moving on, Mister Alhazred it's your turn now. Why should Showtime join AOC?

Alhazred: Money.

Money... its good to know you guys aren't some charity case. I could buy that. Haha. Show me the Money!

Money 2 votes.

Well I see why you dropped Doctor from your title. Ty must have you going to accounting school. Now the last member Chris K.O. Your team has 3 of the 5 answers, why should Showtime join AOC?

K.O.: Because he has no choice.

A load booing response comes from the audience. Showtime quiets them down.

A bold answer. I suppose though if a gun were held to someone's head it would make a pretty good reason. Let's see if you guys get to answer again, show me 'has no choice’.

Has no Choice 3 votes.

Team AOC is one answer away from sweeping the board. Ty Burna you can win this round for your team, why should Showtime...

We decline to answer anymore questions. Let WZCW see if they can steal the points.

Are you sure Ty?

Trust me... perhaps this will show you the final reason you should join AOC.

Alright... WZCW family do you guys have an answer to give.

Celeste: We do, we’re are going to go with Ty will give you a title match.

One can only hope Celeste. I don’t normally root for teams, but I hope you’re right. Let’s see if titles is on the board.

A big X shoots across the screen

Oh sorry that was incorrect. AOC scores the points. Let’s see what the number 2 answer was.

Ty Burna will kill you 20 votes

A shocked look rolls onto Showtime’s face.

Seems a tad harsh. Alright let’s begin round 2. S.H.I.T., WZCW guy you are up.

S.H.I.T. and the masked WZCW wrestler stand at the answer podium.

100 people surveyed. Why should Showtime join Team WZCW at KC?

The masked wrestler buzzes in first. It appears like he’s going to say something, but no words pop out. He looks back to his team, but then the time buzzer rings.

Oh sorry too late. S.H.I.T. do you have an answer?

S.H.I.T. stands still, not able to give an answer.


Question is impossible to answer. There is no reason why Showtime should join Team WZCW.

At that moment the top answer opens up to reveal 100 people all voted 'There is no reason Showtime should join Team WZCW'. A loud laughing is heard from Ty Burna. The camera zooms in on him as lightening flashes and his face changes back and forth from Ty Burna’s to Trent Stonewalls until Showtime wakes up.

I dreamed that I was hosting Family Feud.

Ahh that sounds cool. So you got to be Richard Dawson. Man that guy got with a lot of women.

Something we both have in common.

I don’t know Showtime. To me that sounds like a fun dream.

Not when the teams are AOC and WZCW. I think my psyche is telling me I have an important decision ahead of me.

Well you just might have to make that decision quicker after you hear about your match this Meltdown. You’re in a tag team match verse Barbosa and Dragon and your partner... is Ty Burna.

Showtime drops his bags. He takes off his shades and runs his hand through his hair.

That’s perfect. Main event competition. Two guys I’ve been itching to get in the ring with for some time now.

What about your partner?

What about him? He’s in charge of Meltdown so clearly he’s behind this match being made, so I have no doubt in my mind he has plans for all three of us. What they are I don’t yet, but all I can do is prepare for the two men who right now want to bring down the AOC, and at the moment Ty has me trapped in their cross fires.

I know you’ve been conflicted with what do regarding Ty Burna and the AOC, and personally I don’t want to see you join up with that evil Ty Burna if it’ll make you miserable, but maybe you need to accept the idea that it could happen and see where it goes from here.

Are you kidding me Allen? Ty Burna and me are like oil and water. We’ll always be side by side, but we’ll never mix.

I know when you were both hated by the fans you didn’t get along. When you were cheered and he was booed you were at each others throats. When he became a fan favourite neither of you could trust or work with each other. In both your guys careers never have we seen a moment where you two both worked together towards a common purpose. There’s probably a reason for that... but until you know for sure what it’ll be like you’ll always let it worry you.

Showtime ponders Allen’s advice for a moment.

So you’re saying walk the line with Ty Burna. See how comfortable I would feel in his shoes and decide from there.


Alright... I suppose we’ll give it a shot. Now that I know we’ll be teaming this week I think it’s almost a given he’ll invade The Show. What did we have planned for this week.

A whole week for WZCW Celebrity Password.

The two look at each other and then start laughing.

Alright... cancel that crap. We’ll just do a normal show this week.


Scene opens on the set of The Show. Showtime has finished his opening joke monologs and is beginning to discuss his upcoming match.

Cougar: And that's why my match at Kingdom Come, no matter who my opponent is, will be the biggest match on the card I guarantee you that. But, enough speculating what my match at Kingdom Come could be, it’s now time to start talking about the match that will take place this upcoming Meltdown. From the Ascension main event to the Meltdown main event, Showtime is continuing to move back up the ladder and back closer to spotlight that has been calling out his name since he first arrived in WZCW. And while Meltdown may be slowly turning in a cesspool at the hands of the diabolical Ty Burna, it is still without question the top weekly show in WZCW.

And this main event... oh it could be the biggest match we’ve seen in months on Meltdown and maybe the biggest match we’ll see for the rest of 2012. At one corner we have the team of maniacal, demented, psychotic, destructive monster of WZCW, Barbosa, and his partner, the white knight in dark clothes, the EurAsian Champion, Black Dragon. Both these men came into WZCW red hot and quickly ascended the ladder into their respected supporting roles where they continue to be dynamite when the big moment comes up. Both men, recently and for the past few months, have has their eyes focused on the Apostles of Chaos. They want to slay away at the beasts that make up the AOC and chop off the head of their leader. I... am on the fence regarding their beliefs and would normally stand pat and let them pick away at the scraps. Unfortunately for them... this week for circumstances beyond my control, I am teaming up with the leader of the AOC, my arch rival, my greatest competitor, Ty Burna.

So this, in Dragon and Barbosa’s mind, makes me one of the Apostles of Chaos. Let it be known that I have not joined up with Ty’s minions, nor do I currently have any plans to change my position on that matter. Ty has been trying to persuade me to join his stable and at the advise of my colleague I remain... open to the idea. Not in favour, but open to see what Ty has to offer me. Regardless of whether I accept or decline, that does not change my mind set heading into this match. My goal is the same as in every match, my goal is to win. When I win, I continue to move back up the ladder. When I win I continue to reestablish my spot as the main event superstar of this company. Barbosa and Dragon are two of the hottest wrestlers in WZCW right now, but they aren’t facing some one like Chris K.O. who’s been hot before, or Action Saxton and Saboteur who are incredibly over, they are facing two of the best WZCW has to offer in this match. They are facing... and it pains my to say this... the greatest champion in WZCW history in Ty Burna, and the most charismatic, over the top, show-stopping performer in WZCW history, Showtime David Cougar.

The crowd cheers and chants of Showtime can be heard from the audience.

Now... I do not have a match so far for Kingdom Come. Neither do my two opponents actually, so I am heading into this match with one goal to win. To position myself to be in the biggest match on the biggest card in WZCW. I know Barbosa and Dragon are going to knock my head around to get a piece at Ty. For this match I’m not fighting for Ty and his Apostles, I’m fighting to win and show the world I am the best in WZCW. So if that means I have to help the devil of WZCW win than so be it. I know Ty has plans for me in this match, hence why he booked it. I don’t care what those plans are as long. All I care about is...

The lights begin to flicker and the audience hushes as Showtime takes a seat at his desk.

Not a moment too soon. Ladies and Gentleman, my guest tonight, Ty Burna!

The lights go out and when they come back on Ty Burna is seated beside Showtime. The two stare off for a long time, each looking like they’ll strike the other. Ty Burna slowly removes his hood. Showtime makes the first move and reaches his hand out. Ty Burna stares down at it and shakes his head nodding.

Burna: At last... a little trust.

Respect is all there is Ty. Respect for what you have done in WZCW. You have proven yourself to be consistently the best in WZCW. Consistently the best however, does not mean you cannot be defeated Ty. If I were to walk out there and leave you alone with those two animals, I think that you would not be able to beat them. So, the situation we have here is you need me. All I want to know is why?

Ty laughs and gets more comfortable in his seat.

This is what I find entertaining about you Cougar. You always assume there is some reason, or plan, or plot to my madness. You never assume that maybe I just want a little fun out of reforming the ShowTyme Express. You never assume that maybe I’m trying to do a favour for you. I control Meltdown. You can either join me in the main event, or I can dismiss you to the lower card and have matches with the Scumm’s and Paradyse’s of the world. Is that what you want?

Showtime looks down and away.

No Ty... you know exactly what I want.

And I would be inclined to give you what you want. But I need reassurances from you. Are you all right in the head, or are the voices in there telling you to do things you shouldn’t. I have to look out for these things, not just as your partner this week, but as your boss. I don’t want to make your life a living hell. All I want to see is you return to the promise land you were once at when we main evented Kingdom Come last year, don’t you remember that. It comforts me to know that winning this match is on your mind, but let me warn you that if you end up costing us this epic battle of warriors and monsters, you will feel the full wrath that I can lay down upon you. Understood?

Showtime stares at Ty and slowly nods his head.

Good... let us convene somewhere else. The mood here just doesn’t suit the subjects that I want to discuss with you.

Okay... do you want to take my car or yours?

Ty Burna laughs out loud as he slowly stands up and put his hood back on.

Showtime you are a riot. Drive somewhere. Foolish way to travel.

Okay okay, lead the way then. Just tell me when you're going to do it. I'm still not used to this sort or trav...

Showtime stands up and the lights begin to flicker. Showtime waves at the audience.

Okay okay, lead the way then. Just tell me when you're going to do it. I'm still not used to this sort or trav...

Before he can finish the sentence the lights go off and when they come back on Showtime and Ty are no where to be found.
*Black Dragon is walking through the mostly deserted backstage area mere moments after he disappeared at the end of his Empty Arena match with Chris KO. The effects of that brutal encounter are evident as the EurAsian title belt trails behind the champion rather than resting proudly on his shoulder. His movements further betray the pain wracking his body.

Stopping in a darkened corridor and after stealing a glance at his recently defended title belt, the Masked Vigilante emits an immense sigh. He then gingerly reaches into his pocket, only to find it empty. A brief moment of panic ensnares Dragon's body language but it does not last long. Reaching into his tattered mask, he produces a cigarette from behind his ear. Some more rummaging sees him find a solitary match from behind his other ear. Both the cigarette and the match are a little worse for wear but Dragon is able to strike the match against the wall.

However, before he can light up his post-match celebratory cancer stick, a sudden gust of wind, probably caused by external doors being opened to readmit the audience, extinguishes the match. This inconvenience elicits yet another anget-ridden sigh from the EurAsian champion. Clearly, he has no want to have to return to the locker room and all the potential human interaction that such a trip might entail.

However, as he contemplates having to go nicotine-free until he returns to his hotel room or the nearest convenience store, something appears from the shadows, rattling as it skates across the ground before coming to rest against Black Dragon’s foot.

It is a lighter.*


*Rather than focus on the potential source of his nicotine fix, Dragon stares into the shadows, awaiting the revelation of the source of the voice. It is then that he notices a faint speck of light a few feet from the floor, although it is not enough to identify the source.

After a few seconds of silence, the speck begins to move, rising up to face level. However, it stops short of emerging from the shadows. Instead, Dragon is treated to cough that produces a large puff of smoke directly in the face. The lack of reaction to this seemingly provocation draws the unknown assailant to break the silence.*

Pick it up.

*This change in tone does nothing to relax the vigilante. If anything, it makes him tense up more, as if he is preparing for an attack.*

*cough cough*

*Dragon remains unmoved.*

If we were going to attack you, you would already be blitzkrieged into a quivering, bloody mass. You have already joined us in a spot of Apostle slaying this evening so why not in a celebratory smoke? We know you crave the fiery embrace as much as part of us…

*Still wary of letting down of his guard, Dragon slowly bends down to retrieve the lighter without removing his gaze from the shadows. However, as he reaches for the lighter, he is unable to find it and for a split second, he turns his gaze to the floor. In that split second, the origin of the voice, light and lighter reveals itself by stepping out of the shadows.

With the feet of his potential assailant now firmly in his eye line and continually wary of an attack, Dragon slowly makes his way back to an upright position after lifting the lighter.

He then comes face to face with Barbosa. The maniac has a lit cigar in his mouth but shows little other outward emotion.*

Barbosa: Light up.

*Black Dragon slowly reaches the lighter up towards his cigarette; although not before testing it away from his face. This draws an almost smirk from Barbosa.*

Barbosa: It’s not paranoia if someone is actually out to get you…

*Black Dragon does not reply to this but does finally light up his cigarette, taking a long drag without once removing his gaze from Barbosa; a gaze that is returned by the former World Heavyweight Champion; a gaze that continues as both stand silently with folded arms as statuesque as smoke-spouting chimneys.*


*In the poker room, a congress is being held. Manic, Depressive and the Smoker are seated around the poker table; the Catatonic lies in his usual prone position while the giant stands with his back to the rest.*

The Smoker: What the hell is he staring at? More importantly, why the hell are we staring back him? We are wasting one of our good Cubans just standing here!

Depressive: We are trying to get some sort of gauge on what kind of a person this Black Dragon is. Our research has turned up little or nothing on this masked vigilante.

Manic: Maybe he is Batman?

Depressive: There is little or no record of him. It almost seems like he is not even a member of the WZCW roster; although, of course, the title belt in his possession proves otherwise. That makes it difficult to understand him, his motives or what he is thinking at any given time.

The Smoker: Are you trying to say that he is basically us in a tattered balaclava?

Depressive: Thanks to our past lack of self-control there is plenty of record of our existence with not just WZCW offices but also the police, various hospitals and doctors; even the coastguard…

Manic: Hey! We said we would never speak of that again.

*The stoic giant stirs.*

Barbosa: I do not need any help.

Depressive: One on one, no. But with his gaze fixed firmly on winning the World Heavyweight Championship at Kingdom Come, Ty will be looking to put as many obstacles in our way as possible to prevent us from interfering in his endeavour.

Toyota and KO may be lost to him, but with the power and negotiating power he wields as General Manager of Meltdown, he could look anywhere for any number of mercenaries; even to one of his longest standing enemies…

The Smoker: But why this masked freak?

Manic: Yeah! He is boring and his mask looks all smelly. It's worse than that thing we had to wear for a while when we hurt our face.

The Smoker: When Big Dave broke our jaw you mean…

Manic: Oh yeah, that really hurt!

*The Depressive ignores this tangent.*

Depressive: Dragon seems to have some history with Bateman and with his repeated confrontations with KO, he has become a target for the Chaos. He also has a title that Ty will want control of to further tighten his grip over WZCW.

The Smoker: So we are saying that he is going to be cast as our sidekick in the impending battle with Lord Burna and his idiotic minions?

Manic: We are getting a sidekick? YAY!

The Smoker: That reminds us… why should we be helping the likes of Chuck Myles when he threw us to the wolves last week, despite us taking out one of the Apostles?

Depressive: "The enemy of my enemy is my friend."

Barbosa: I do not need any friends.

*The cross-armed staredown continues unabated with both taking the occasional drag on their respective coffin nails. However, Dragon's cigarette is almost finished.*


Depressive: He will be leaving soon.

The Smoker: And we have learned nothing…

Depressive: Not at all. This Black Dragon would seem to be as outwardly stubborn and emotionless as us, but as this congress can attest, such appearances can be deceiving. We would not be surprised if he turned out to be as conflicted as we are.

The Smoker: That hardly makes him a useful ally.

Depressive: No, but we do not necessarily need friends or allies. What we do need are dangerous enemies and distractions for Ty Burna and whomever he coerces into fighting for him. We would be best to not obstruct Dragon's path to taking on more Apostles. It will make it easier for us to get to Ty himself.

Barbosa: That is what I want.

*With that, the giant stomps out the door, signalling the end of the meeting and leaving the others to continue to converse.*

The Smoker: There was one other thing that annoyed us… the crowd.

Depressive: The crowd always annoys us. They are people.

The Smoker: No, the crowd were different… they have been since Lethal Lottery… they were… cheering us…

*The Depressive has no answer for that.*


*Still refusing to remove his masked gaze from Barbosa, Black Dragon drops his now finished cigarette to the floor. With his slow burning cigar barely started, Barbosa also maintains his stare. However, once the discarded cigarette hits the ground and after one further puff on his Cuban, the former World Heavyweight Champion gives the current EurAsian Champion an almost imperceptible nod.

The Masked Vigilante's response is to continue to stare for a few more brief seconds before walking off, without a word. Barbosa's eyes follow Black Dragon down the corridor. Once he is out of sight, Barbosa looks down at the floor and stamps out the still-Burning cigarette…*
Book of the Dragon

~ Chapter 20 – Vengeance by the Pound ~​

The important thing is not to limp. With every step my joints scream out it pain, so loud it amazes me that other’s cannot hear. However; since they cannot, I shall not draw it to their attention. I came to the building tonight to send a message and I delivered it from fourteen feet in the air. The sight of the messenger crawling away from the scene is not the exclamation point that I desire, so until I am out of site I will not allow myself to feel the pain.

As I make my way outside I am moving against the flow; a tide of ten thousand are surging in the other direction, determined to give me the attention I do not desire. Reclaiming my jacket tonight is a pipe dream; there will be someone close to it who wants to ask me questions about dropping a man headfirst through electricity, and I don’t feel like answering such inquiries.

Getting home will be interesting; bereft of the mask I typically disappear, but people are likely to notice a bare chested and visibly beaten young man walking through the midnight streets. It’s a shame I don’t drive, but cars are too easy to trace. Perhaps there will be something in the arena that I can use, but with ten thousand inquisitive minds on route from point A to point B, the areas that I can search are slim.

The building is a maze tonight. Large swathes of the arena evidently used to be something else, so deserted corridors weave and intersect with one another on a regular basis. I can hear the buzz of people in the distance; I head away. My foot is doing a substandard job of supporting me tonight. Nicotine will dull the ache and I was at least foresighted enough to keep my life support to hand. A quick pat down produces half a cigarette, previously used to brand Masters. A waste of nicotine; but salvageable.

The lighter will not strike. The lighter is an old friend, and letting you down is what old friends do best. I don’t know where the lighter came from; akin to the mask, the lighter feels as much a part of me as any object can. I feel there should be some story as to how I came by it, but if there is then I don’t remember; it’s just always been there. A small part of me hopes that it can be saved; sometimes little things are important.

Metal on concrete; a soft, tinny jingle almost like the ringing of a bell. Something small and silver dances its way across the ground towards me; it is a fresh lighter.

I tense; I think I can see a light in the distance, but red mist obscures my vision. My mind immediately runs to Burna. I just broke his pet in half, the man has a grudge to settle, but Burna should be busy right now. The wisp is in the distance comes no closer, whoever threw the lighter is watching, waiting to see what I do.


It is not a voice I know, though that says little. Burna, Beckford, Becky, Bateman and Cougar are probably disqualified, but there are few other voices that I could match with faces. I stay frozen, my focus locked in front of me, staring into the darkness and waiting for it to blink. I don’t yet know if someone is attacking me, trying to threaten me or simply waving their penis for my attention. Until I’m certain I resolve not to take my eyes off the shadows.

“Pick it up.”

Unlikely. The scene is simple enough. The voice in the shadows either wants me off my guard, or wants to feel powerful. I stand my ground.

“If we were going to attack you, you would already be blitzkrieged into a quivering bloody mess.”

The later it is. This meeting is not about attacking me; it is about making a point. The lighter on the floor is the first move of a mind game, a sport I have little time for. I might play the game myself when I have something to gain, typically against a weaker opponent such as Bateman, but I’ll never go in for this kind of shit for my own amusement.

“You have already joined us in a spot of Apostle slaying this evening so why not in a celebratory smoke? We know you crave the fiery embrace as much as part of us.”

At this point my inclination is to simply walk away. The figure in the shadows has identified itself, and if it was going to say anything worth listening to then it would have done so already. Only the promise of nicotine keeps me standing. I begin to lower myself towards the promised flame, cautious to keep my eyes fixed on the shadows…

No. Fuck that. The figure is not here to attack me, it was correct in that respect. This is about power, and if the man across from you wants to feel powerful then the best thing is to let him. Reader; should you ever find yourself under threat, prey that the man threatening you is bad. Bad man love power, they will drink it in, ramble and waste time in pointless spectacle. Prey you never fight against a good man; he’ll kill you without a second word. If my shadowy assailant wants the upper hand then let him claim it. It’ll make no difference at the close. Carefully, still tensed against the possibility that I have misjudged the situation, I pull my eyes away from the figure to seek the spark maker on the floor.

Barbosa steps out of the shadows. Imagine my surprise.

The shattered husk in front of me looks typically ridiculous, an oversized Cuban poking from the corner of its mouth. I know little of Barbosa; the creature is of little interest to me. The thing is transparently broken, detached from any notion of reality, and as such fails to be my problem. The thing seems to snap at the world like a rabid dog, and if I had to commit to a conclusion I’d say that sooner or later it is going to need putting down, but for now it is not my concern.

“Light up.”

The first remotely sensible comment of the evening. I flick the lighter away from my face; I’m not stupid after all.

“It’s not paranoia if somebody is actually out to get you.”

Shame it couldn’t last. Still, the lighter fired without protest and nicotine will soon by flowing into my lungs. If the creature wants my attention then it may have it; but nothing more. I stand. I stare. I smoke.

In response the creature stands, stares and smokes.

We remain in place like a pair of smoking cats, eyes locked on one another, waiting to see who will be the first to blink. An outside observer would be forgiven for thinking that we are on the brink of fighting or fucking, neither of which appeals right now.

The ember is creeping increasingly closer to my lips and the creature in front of still failing to interest me. Time to make my exit. Smoking ash falls to the ground, black boot grinds it into the ground as I take my first step forward; offering the creature my back. I don’t even bother to tense anymore; the creature is manic and unreliable, but I’m safe for the evening and can move on to more important things. Mission one: find a shirt.

* * *​

It’s the kind of immaculate mansion that I’ve always suspected doesn’t exist in the real world. Polished marble stretches away underfoot in all directions. Around the wall twin staircases spiral up towards a higher tear. Rich materialism fills every space; an ornate grandfather clock, a grand piano… Christ; there’s even a stag’s head mounted to the wall.

“Not again.”

I had dared to hope that removing Sam Masters from the world of the upright and breathing might help to shake these dreams from my head; apparently not. At least I’m in the mansion now; that’s progress. It’s hard to feel surprised inside of a dream, but upon waking I register confusion as to why I am suddenly walking into a rather tastelessly decorated manor house, rather than the building I entered at the end of last night. I wonder what would have happened had I turned around and walked outside again, but thoughts like that never occur to you in the dream.


A voice from the shadows; it’s getting to be a theme. This one isn’t trying to intimidate me, it registers nothing but enthusiasm. The owner appears to be a young boy, bounding down the spiral stair to greet me, a broad grin locked upon his face. For some reason he reminds me of myself, although I seldom recall smiling like that.

“I’ve finally found you.”

And without stopping to explain the young man throws his arms around my waist and buries his face in my stomach. For the first time tonight I find my voice.

“Who are you?”

“I’m you Hano.” He replies.

Of course; I should be used to it by now.

“You seem happy to see me.”

“Of course, we’ve been looking for each other.”

“We have?”

“Yeah, I’m the part of you that’s real.”

Images flash through my head, memories of dreams gone by. The figure outside told me that I was looking for the part of me that’s real, that when I found it I would finally be able to wake up. Is this what he meant? It seems altogether too easy.

“You are?”

Before the child can nod in affirmation again, another voice sings out from the shadows.

“Of course he isn’t. Don’t be stupid.”

A figure in a dragon mask steps forward as I wonder how I failed to notice him before. He is casually puffing away at a cigarette and stops occasionally to flick ash onto the polished marble floor. The child turns towards his a look of pure hatred.

“You go away!”

The smoker laughs.

“Make me.”

The child grabs at my hand, pulling me away from this newest apparition.

“Come on Hano, you don’t want to talk to him.”

I try to follow the young boy, but the pain in my foot refuses to cooperate and I stay fixed, looking at the smoking figure.

“You can’t possibly believe that kid is the part of you that’s real can you Hano?” he says.

“I am!” replies the child.

The smoker’s face is obscured, but I get the impression that he is rolling his eyes.

“The kid doesn’t act much like you does he?”

“That doesn’t matter,” the child retorts, “Hano is here to find out who he is, and unlike all of you I’m good. I’m happy, I’m caring, I’m gentle…”

“You’re sounding less and less like Hano by the second.”

“That’s because he’s always got cynics like you in his ear, telling him that he’s something else. Well now we’ve found one another; that means we aren’t going to need you anymore.”

My eyes bounce back and forth between the two speakers, my mind utterly lost. The smoker turns to me.

“You’re violent, angry, cynical and irreparably broken. You’ll find nothing but disappointment by following this kid.”

“He’s wrong.” The child grabs my arm and attention once again, “You don’t have to be all those things he says. You can be whoever you want to be, just come with me.”

“He’s supposed to be finding out who he is,” says the smoker, “not who he wants to be – although I can’t imagine he wants to be a screeching obnoxious child anyway.”

“Shut up.”

The child strides across the floor to stand nose to chest with the smoker, glaring up at him. The smoker disregards him momentarily, then without warning strikes the boy hard across the side of the head. The child falls to the floor, bravado forgotten, eyes suddenly full of tears. The smoker casually places his black boot atop the child’s hand and pressed down. The child wails.

“The kid wasn’t entirely wrong Hano. He is happy, caring and gentle. What he didn’t mention is that he’s also weak. Are you weak Hano?”


“Then I suggest you keep looking. That part of you that’s real is inside somewhere, you can do better than a petulant child.”

He smoker grinds his heel down as if crushing a spent cigarette. As the dream fades around me the last thing that I remember is the child’s howl of pain.​

* * *​

But that was a few nights ago. The dreams haven’t let up, but at least realist is starting to make a little more sense. My post match encounter with Barbosa has shifted mildly into context. It seems to two of us will be depending upon one another in the immediate future. The creature is unpredictable and untrustworthy, exactly the kind of ally I would choose. A trustworthy ally will catch you unaware when he stabs you in the back, with Barbosa I will be permanently expecting it.

I find myself feeling more sympathetic towards the creature in recent days; in many ways it seems we are not so different. If my dreams are to be taken seriously then I too am struggling with the concept of identity. I am trying to be Hano and Black Dragon at the same time. A gentle soul, a loving friend to Muse, a reticent and tactile young man who enjoys watching the flight of birds and the flow of rivers; and also a dark, unforgiving and merciless avatar of vengeance. It is easy to see how a man might snap under the strain and lose his grasp on sanity. The two of us will never be friends, but perhaps we can cooperate. Neither man can take down Burna’s little army alone, we require one another, and the world requires the two of us. News down the grapevine suggests that Vance Bateman is betting the bank on a two bit nostalgia act doomed to failure. He’s giving WZCW the heroes that it wants, but not the ones that it needs. Bateman’s gamble is unlikely to pay off, and when it fails there is going to have to be somebody in place to sweep up the pieces and to carry on the fight.

And speaking of the fight against Burna’s army; battle is the next thing on the agenda. Last time I was permitted to put my hands on Burna I came within a hair’s breadth of casting him down into the abyss; this time I’ll try harder. Unfortunately Burna is not coming alone; he brings with him an ally, the one man in the federation who could be considered above the law. Showtime David Cougar has paid the piper an advance, and until he brings the wrath of kings down upon his own head I cannot touch him. Reader; it is late; forgive me if I avoid the details. Showtime will require chapters all to himself, and the time for them is not now. As a matter of course I try to avoid having faith in people, and Showtime is the last person that one should place trust in. The man is egomaniacal, foolish, bitter and unpleasant. Unlike so many other names however; he is not completely bad. There is a small core of decency there. It may be buried in sin and shit, but it exists. Showtime has committed his share of crimes, but he paid the piper with a boot, and for now he’s safe. Ultimately however the man has a decision to make between light and shadow. If I were to offer advice it would be this: choose correctly.

Showtime needs to decide who he wants to be. I need to discover who I am. Nobody has a damn clue what Barbosa is supposed to be. There are so many unknown variables, but one thing is certain. Ty Burna has made me a part of his life, and it is finally time that he started regretting it.
*As the scene from The Show fades out, an ominous music begins playing in the background, a truly cryptic yet hauntingly melodic tune that seems to float through the listener's mind and just as quickly exits to the realm of silence. As one would let the melody lull them into a sense of false security, or perhaps a wary heightened sense of caution, a single light flashes on screen, revealing the broken down psych ward once more. The location has not seen any improvement since last, seemingly in further decay as walls begin to crumble, and it is revealed the camera is in the hallway of the first floor. It gazes up to the steps leading to the next level, only to reveal the wooden boards broken and splintering everywhere. At the bottom of the stairwell, Ty and Showtime stand side to side gazing up the path so clearly intended for them. Ty turns towards Showtime and nods his head and the two rivals begin making their trek up the steps. As they reach the top and turn the corner, it reveals a metal sealed door. Ty motions for Showtime to stop, which he obliges as Ty walks up to the door and places his hand on it and lowering his head, mumbling a few words just audible to the audience.*

Ty: Velle aperire ostium Domino vanitatis.

*The door suddenly swings open violently, slamming backwards into the hallway it concealed. As Ty lifts his head, Showtime would clearly see the Harbinger's eyes flashing red briefly before turning to a normal green color, a small gesture most would not pick up as Ty has never let his, well many would call his human form, to display through the Chaotic Avatar he currently resides in. He motions for Showtime to follow him and the two step into the hallway, immediately one could see the walls in shambles, a few metal doors like the one previously sealing shut the potential horrors away from the hallway, other doors swung wide open to reveal the padded rooms. Ty looks complacent as he gazes into one of the open rooms, his eyes flicking back and forth as memories flood into his subconscious. Subsequently Showtime seems to be slightly unnerved, though not enough to easily identifiable. Ty looks over his shoulder at Showtime before turning back towards him, his arms clasped behind his back.*

You seemed slightly disturbed Showtime.

*Showtime swallows hard before shaking his head as he regains his nerves and composure and flashes a grin towards Ty.*

Showtime: This is nothing compared to the nightmares we've put each other through Ty, though this place seems to keep you at unease as well.

Perhaps it does, though that is exactly why I have chosen this place as our meeting place Showtime. We never see eye to eye, yet it seems you are the only person in WZCW that can truly appreciate what I was put through once the Chaos fused itself directly into my soul. I was seen as a menace, and a danger to society. They locked me in a cell just as this, nothing more then the voice of Chaos fueling my hatred for those doctors, those people claiming to help me. Our friend the good Professor may no longer be a doctor, but he is worse then the doctors. No, he is the one teaching them how to torture those souls who have learned the truth, those that have been touched by madness. It is just as they did to you right before Kingdom Come last year Showtime, they threw you in a cell and made sure you were quarantined from their world. Not the real world, the world that they perceive to be the true world. It is this false world that you and myself have seen through Showtime, we know what is truly out there, our guides have shown us the path necessary to change this world. So..

*Ty narrows his eyes as the tension quickly rises between the two, the atmosphere creating a far more hostile environment then the set of a TV show could provide. The crumbling and despair, the need to scrape and claw to survive not lost on the two warriors.*

Why is it you do not heed the words of yours? Mr. Stonewall wasn't it?

*A smirk forms on Ty's face as Showtime's face contorts into a bit of shock. The questions immediately take center stage in Showtime's mind as Ty presents the riddle of how he could know of Showtime's hallucinations. Showtime shakes his head and can't help but laugh out loud, the laughter echoing throughout the harrowing building.*

I should know better by now Ty. You know more about me then should even be legal or physically possible. The thing is Ty, I know just as much about you, and I know that you offer something that no one else can, power. The question is though Ty, is that just a small amount of your power, is it power I earn myself? These people hate me because of how damn good I am, I earn everything I have, and you should know that just as well as I do.

Ty crosses his arm over his torso and under his opposite arm, leaning against the cell door, the cold metal and the ill energy this former ward circulates around the two would be enough to give a normal man the chills, but the King of Darkness doesn't seem to mind, rather thriving on it.

Indeed Showtime, but as you can see you have been lost in the shuffle ever since our match with Reynolds. You have always been my greatest opponent, the only one capable of truly opposing me in the end. Showtime, what I simply offer is a hand to lift you back to the heights you were at once before, to take the main stage that we both belong in. We fought for that right at the Lethal Lottery. We've fought on that very stage at Kingdom Come. The only man who is capable of defeating me one on one, and he is relegated to scraps. It is insufferable to watch Showtime!

Insufferable? After all we have put each other through you should be enjoying my struggle Ty. Isn't that your greatest thrill is to watch your enemies suffer?

It is but it must be by my hand that they suffer! It is why I did what was necessary to Austin Reynolds, to provoke the animal inside only to be put down. He was not worthy of challenging me, so I made it so. The final stanza is upon us Showtime, and if we are going to change WZCW so the peasants know who the two greatest warriors are, I will require your assistance. Separately we are great, together along with the Apostles, there will be no one left to oppose us.

*Ty leans up off the door and begins walking down the hallway as Showtime lowers his head, millions of thoughts and doubts immediately taking hold as he struggles with his decision. The offer great, but is it how he wants to earn that recognition? This is what he wants, but at what cost? He looks up at Ty who has entered into one of the open rooms. Showtime follows and stands in front of the doorway, his arms crossed. Inside Ty has sat down and wrapped his arms around his legs, his head tucked to his knees*

You offer everything I have wanted and more Ty. To join your side would mean getting just what I have deserved for so long. It doesn't feel right though. I was to earn this all on my own!

Haven't you though Showtime?


*Ty slowly lifts his head, a somber look on his face as he stares up at Showtime, his eyes now fully glowing red. Showtime takes a step back as the confusion further invades his thoughts.*

Haven't you earned all that you deserve already? You have won every title this company has to offer except the World Title, a title I will be in possession of very soon. After Kingdom Come what better way to show the strength the new order I shall be in control of then to have the two greatest warriors in WZCW face off once more for the title? I can give you that Showtime. I can make sure that you are never forgotten again. Your name will forever be whispered upon the bated breaths of everyone, your legend growing with each passing moment. You can taste it can't you Showtime? You can just feel that prestige surrounding you, your name synonymous with the very goal you wish to achieve.

*Ty suddenly stands and walks up swiftly to Showtime, the duo staring each other dead in the eye. Ty holds his hand out which Showtime looks down at and then back to Ty.*

My name may be forever remembered, but it comes at a price Ty. It comes with the price of having your name directly following mine, the power behind my ascension. Yes it's everything I want but not in the way I want it done!

*Showtime takes a step away from Ty and shakes his head, grabbing his head as he seems to be conversing with himself as he drops to one knee. Ty watches silently at the tearing at Showtime's soul, a sick grin forming on his face as he watches the internal struggle wage on. Ty crosses his arms and lowers his head as the wind suddenly picks up and blows into the hallway, whistling through the small fissures in the window at the end of the hall. Ty's hair sways to the side as Showtime continues struggling within himself.*


*Showtime looks up, as if being snapped out of a trance. He remains on one knee as he gazes up at Ty, his face contorting into one of rage at the mind games he perceives Ty to be playing*

You are conflicted to say the least Showtime. Rather then tell you what I can give you, at Meltdown I will show you the power I wield. My former acquaintance Barbosa and the man who holds the title so dear to our hearts, Black Dragon will be our opponents. Formidable yes, but against the might of Chaos, mere mortals who will be enveloped under the water in the rivers of hell. They now see you as an equal threat as myself Showtime. It is time to stand and fight! Let us show what the combined strength of our alliance can truly accomplish! They want your spot Showtime, just as they want mine. We will not let them take it! So long as there are others out there that do not understand our madness, they will continually try to take our status as the greatest. Do you understand? I will not allow that to happen!

*Ty holds his hand out to Showtime once more. Showtime looks up at Ty's hand, and then Ty himself before grasping hold. Ty helps him to his feet as the two stand face to face once more*

I am not joining you Ty.

You will Showtime, it is written as such.

But I have not ruled it out. For now, the ShowTyme Express is back on track at least for this one match. There is far too much in the past to forgive and forget, but the two most dominant stars in WZCW need to shine, and to do so we will work together at Meltdown. After that, I promise you nothing, and I guarantee you nothing. I'm not interested in becoming another cloak wearing slave of yours Ty, but perhaps I am interested in the riches you have offered in exchange for a more permanent alliance.

*Ty nods his head and remains quiet, the wind picking up in speed as it shatters a portion of the window, pushing pieces of glass into the hallway. Slowly a wicked grin forms on Ty's face, a low laugh escaping him before a complete outburst of laughter echoes throughout the hallway. He brings himself back to a level mood, his eyes intently staring at Showtime.*

Good. Then it is settled. At Meltdown we will tear apart that raving idiot Barbosa and stomp out the embers of Black Dragon's spirit. They step into my realm, my domain, a daunting task on its own, but with my greatest rival, the one man who could face me alone and claim victory, as my partner, they are nothing, insignificant pests that need to be dealt with. The time has come Showtime, let the madness that you fear take hold, let the anger come forth, and let it rain destruction upon our enemies!

*Ty quickly turns, a fire burning in his eyes as he begins walking back towards the staircase. Showtime follows but stops at the first metal door. Ty does not notice and hastily walks down the steps. Showtime looks over his shoulder at the padded cells, an involuntary shudder moving across his shoulders. Doubt, and yet also confidence seem to flash in his eyes briefly before he takes a deep breath and walks through the door, stopping at the top of the staircase as he looks to his right as if someone were there.*

Am I doing the right thing?

*The scene fades to a black screen for a few moments before the Chaos symbol burns through the black, flames rising from the symbol. Suddenly static flashes across the screen to a shot of Ty and Trent Stonewall standing side by side. The two seem to merge until they become one, Ty's face on one half, Trent's the other. They begin laughing as a shot of Showtime walking down the stairs is faded in the background, a light goes out in the hallway, leaving Showtime in pure darkness, but the sound of Ty and Trent's laughter can be heard until the feed is completely lost*
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