MD60: Big Dave vs. King Shabba

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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion
One king meets another as King Shabba takes on King for a Day, Big Dave. The man with the World Title shot has shown how gullible Hunter Kravinoff is by luring him into a match that had no gain for him, thus allowing himself to retain the contract for the World Heavyweight Championship. Having earned himself a Last Man Standing Match at Apocalypse and leaving Kravinoff in a wooded area, Dave returns to action to face against Shabba, a king with his own intentions on the company and is slowly building a list of fallen stars under his belt, will Big Dave be next on the list or will the KFAD holder show us a sample of what he has planned for Apocalypse?

Deadline is Tuesday 2nd August 23:59 EST

Arlo Made This Pic
Record: 3-2​

"King Shabba, why are we coming to this horrible place?"

Nnamdi, who is obviously disgusted with the surroundings he is in, looked towards the African King Shabba as he awaited an answer. The great King laughed before replying,

"Nnamdi, I have to get prepared for my opponent, David, and what better way to do that then here?"

"But, sire, this place is a disgrace."

"Exactly.Just like my opponent. And what better place to confront this 'King for a Day' then in his castle. His lair. His home!"

The King holds his arms out and laughs again as the camera pans around to show that the two of them stand outside of a rundown Burger King restaraunt. The King opens the door and walks inside. He bypasses all of the customers, well, both of the customers, and walks straight up to the counter. An Employee greeted him and began to speak

"Hello, sir, may I take your order?"

"Yes, you may, little American pee-on. I am here to see David. Is he home?"

The employee looks confused before calling to the back of the kitchen for David. Suddenly, a paper thin, malnutritious, pimple faced geek steps to the counter. David spoke in a very low, pre-puberty, childlike voice as he approached.


"This customer asked for you specifically by name. Do you know him?"

"No, he doesn't know me yet. But I've been waiting to meet this 'King for a Day'. So, Dave, are you ready for the big showdown? And where is your crown?"

"Ummm, what showdown? And these are the only crowns we have here, sir."

David grabs a stack of the paper burger king crowns and places them on the counter.

"Okay, now put it on your head, dummy."

David obeys the King's order before continuing his conversation.

"Would you like to order something sir? We have a daily 2.99 special. And we have the newAhhh, stop it, Dave. I just came here really to interview you before our match.

King Shabba held his hand to his mouth like a makeshift microphone as he spoke and started the interview.

Okay, first question everyone wants to know, how can you possibly compete with a great athlete like King Shabba The Great?"

"Ummm, with you? Well, obviously I can't. You'd destroy me in a matter of seconds."

"Exactly. What about being King for a Day? How come you didn't try to risk that title in your match against King Shabba The Destroyer?"

"Ummm, King for a Day? Is that a special meal we serve? You can have it if you want."

"I understand, so what you're saying is that you knew that you would lose to The Amazing King Shabba, so you refused to put it on the line because it would be exactly like handing it over to him for free? Is that correct?"

"Ummm, sure."

"One last question, when you finally lose, will you go from being 'King for a Day' and return to being 'Floor Scrubber for Life'?"

"That reminds me, I have to mop the kitchen floor before the manager comes. Ummm, is there anything else you need, sir? I need to get back to work."

"Back to work? But King's don't do manual labor. You have servants don't you? Oh, wait, I forgot, you're only the 'King for a Day', not a real King. So, David, would you mind taking a picture with your next opponent, The greatest and only true King in the WZCW, King Shabba?"

David hesitantly emerges from behind the counter and is immediately greeted with the B2K directly to the chin. The two customers and the two other workers all look on in fear as King Shabba strikes a pose over the unconscious David as Nnamdi snaps a picture. He then kicks the motionless body out of his way as he proceeds to the outer exterior of the building. He looked at Nnamdi as he laughed once again and spoke

"See, that was fun. Humiliating that loser in his own domain. He sure was tiny for a guy named Big Dave. I bet he won't even show up to the match now, after he got a taste of how I can kick his teeth so far down his throat that he'll need a prostate exam everytime he goes to the dentist! Stupid 'king for a Day'. What is that anyway? It sounds like something you get if you win a game at Disney World or something. Like that stupid lame in a Mickie Mouse costume comes out and says 'David, you are King for a Day, here's you're Mickie Mouse ears crown'. This match will be too easy. It's like comparing a century to a day, he just doesn't stack up. And I'll show him, and the world, that I should be the only King recognized in the WZCW."

"But, my lord, that was not the King for a Day, Big Dave that you just assaulted. That was just a Burger King employee named David."

"Really? Well, hell, it's the same thing. Being King for a Day, or working at Burger King for a Day, it's all the same, dead end, crap shoot job that gets you destroyed by a true King, if I decide to focus on you. Next is Big David, so I guess I'll play the role of Goliath, but in the ring, there's no slingshots, no pebbles, and no chance in hell for David to win."

Suddenly, Nnamdi's cell phone began to ring and he noticed that it was Brett "The Hitman" Dart, one of the best snipers money can buy and the hitman that the King secretly hired to kill his estranged father back in New Orleans. Nnamdi handed the phone over to King Shabba who quickly answered it.

"Hey, Brett, did you get the job done?"

"Umm, Boss, we have a huge problem. When I arrived, he wasn't here, and the word on the street is that he is currently returning to Zimbabwe as we speak."

"What? How did you let this happen? If he gets to Zimbabwe and regains his place as President, that could destroy my entire Empire. I want the plane he is flying on shot down. Right now!"

"I can't shoot down planes, Boss. You'll have to hire someone else for that job."

"You're ****'n useless!"

King Shabba hangs up on Brett Dart and throws the phone back to Nnamdi. Nnamdi looks at the look on King Shabba's face and asks,

"So, what are we going to do?"

"We call back home and get the plane shot down out of the air. It's that simple. The few American casualties are expendable."

"But, King, shooting down an American plane would began a war of epic proportion that we are not yet prepared to fight. Maybe there's another way."

"You're right, Nnamdi. Maybe there's a better way, I'll figure it out. Don't worry yourself."

"Okay my lord. We have much training to do, so maybe we should leave this trash dump already."

And with that, the King of Zimbabwe clapped his hands and Giant arrived. King Shabba climbed atop the huge mount and the three of them proceeded to leave the castle of David.
The scene opens at a Radio, Cat Connors is hosting today’s show as she’s playing a recent song, as it reaches the end, she resumes the show at the end of the song.

Well Ladies and Gentleman, that was Weird Al with his latest tune, but we’ve come to that time. That’s right, in the studio with me right now is WZCW’s own King For A Day, Big Dave! Big Dave, welcome to the studio.

Big Dave is sitting in the studio in a hoodie and baseball cap, dressed as casual as you like.

Thanks, it’s a pleasure to be here.

So Dave, you’ve had some real drama of late since winning the King For A Day, how have you honestly found your crisis with Hunter Kravinoff?

Well Hunter is a terrific athlete, but it’s his attitude I don’t get. He could be on top of the world had he just worked for what he did, but no, he just felt that being a big man by imposing a second chance when it wasn’t deserved. It truly does undermine me and insult me for all the efforts that I’ve been through, every bit of blood, sweat and tears to get me where I am today. He maybe 3-0 on me, but it doesn’t change a thing, the fact that I won my rights and opportunities when he should have done it the first time around. And that’s where it sparked for me, the moment before Redemption, I decided to take matters into my own hands, take the situation from Kravinoff. Firstly, I called him out for a match, and while I wasn’t the match he wanted, he made his impact so I wanted to see how he felt when his methods of seeking fortune and glory would get him with nothing, and I was right, he fell right for the bait and got nothing out of the victory, just a briefcase.

Quite a response, I can see you’re feeling tense about this. You must be feeling ready to compete at Apocalypse in the Last Man Standing match?

Of course, there is no way I would allow this to continue. One way or the other, either Kravinoff or I will be leaving Apocalypse on a stretcher and I will be not holding back.

Strong words from a man who’s ready to make a memorable night at Apocalypse, which is available on pay per view, Sunday 21st August. Now Dave, I hope you don’t mind some callers asking some questions?

Of course not.

Ok, first up, on line one, we have Jimmy from Maine. What’s your question Jimmy?

Hey Cat, thanks for having me on the show. My question to Big Dave is, when will you cash in the King For A Day Contract?

Dave smirks to himself.

Ah Jimmy, a question not many have asked. All I will say is, the cash in will happen when the time is right.

Does that mean soon?

It could well be. But nothing’s set in stone.

Just to add to Jimmy’s question, do you have a certain champion you wish to face when the cash in happens?

For me, it doesn’t necessarily matter who the champion is, that man is the best in the company and my aim is to beat him, whether it’s Ty Burna, Austin Reynolds, Showtime Cougar, Titus, Baez, Constantine. As long as they don’t disappoint me and make me fight for that belt, then I know I’ve used the opportunity wisely.

True words, and naturally you want to avoid the fate of previous King For A Day holders, for neither of them have cashed in the opportunity with Ricky winning the title without it and Corey Payne suffering an injury.

That’s exactly it. I don’t want to follow the curse of the briefcase, although Hunter Kravinoff certainly made me feel like I was living through such a curse.

Fair point. Onto line two, we have Patrick from Maryland, what’s your question?

Hello Dave, I wanted to ask, you got a match against King Shabba on Ascension. What do you make of this guy? Do you plan to exploit the fraud?

Err, isn’t that Hunter Kravinoff’s mission? Or so he claims? As for Shabba, he’s got some good potential, certainly could see him going far in this company. His methods are a little unorthodox but I expect him to give it his all this week as he will want to prove a point as the “kings collide” effectively.

Do you question his actual royal background?

To be honest, it’s not of great importance of where you come from, but how much of an impact you make. We’ve seen guys from different countries, different backgrounds and guys who claim to be one thing they are when far from it. Let them live in their imagination outside of the ring, but once that bell hits, it’s all business and backgrounds, wealth, upbringing doesn’t make a difference because that is the one point we are equal until the three count is made.

A very philosophical viewpoint. Right, we got time for one more question from the audience, and this is from Andrew all the way in Ontario. Take it away Andrew!

Thanks CC! So Dave, what happened exactly in the woods? What drove you to that?

Effectively Hunter drove me to that. As I stated earlier, he wanted to make things work his way and I decided to take things into my own hands and exploit him for what he is.

But given you just said that backgrounds don’t matter but it all happens in the ring…

That is a matter of competitive sports, there’s a difference when you’re competing against someone to move up the latter and there’s a man who has nothing more in mind than to insult me and exploit my efforts for his own gain.

Isn’t that what wrestling about?

Is there a point to this?

Dave, I don’t know if you heard or not, but Hunter never made it out of the woods…he’s been reported missing.

Dave is paused in silence at the news.

You've got to be kidding me?

No, there’s been no sight of him.

But that can’t be right…there was no way he could have got lost, it wasn’t that far, there was a burger joint just literally a couple of metres away. Where did you get this news?

Various sources have picked up on it.

Dave looks towards Cat, who is just as shocked by the news

I haven’t seen such news this morning, there was rumours but as far as WZCW is concerned, he was fine and healthy.

What do you know Cat? You are only paid to give the facts and we know that is a lie…

And that’s the end of that I’m afraid. We’re going to take a break now but when we come back, Big Dave and I will go through the Apocalypse card and his thought on the matches. Stay tuned!

Cat hits a button and some commercials start playing. Dave is still sitting there in some sort of shock, unsure of what to think.

Dave, you ok? You didn’t let him get to you?

It’s not that, it’s the fact that I haven’t heard of Hunter getting out of the woods or not. But there is one thing I have to check!

Dave gets up to leave.

Dave, where are you going?

There’s something important I have to check, sorry Cat!

Dave storms out of the radio booth as Cat looks on bewildered as he makes his exit out of the station. She’s unaware that the adverts are coming to an end.

…Err, we are back live on Radio, unfortunately Big Dave had to leave quickly, but let’s focus on the Apocalypse card shall we?

The scene fades out.
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