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MD59: Ty Burna vs. Ale

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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion
Ty Burna returns to action this week after the events that took place last week. Chuck Myles and Vance Bateman have decided to put him and Austin Reynolds into mountain climbing worthy challenges, for the World Champion, this is against Ale, the 7 foot giant who's recently joined with the company. Can the World Heavyweight Champion overcome this giant task?

Deadline is Tuesday 19th July 23:59 EST
The scene opens with Ale and his father George in a vacant house. Ale is seen sitting on an old; worn out, yet soft rocking chair, with George standing right behind him.

Ty Burna, the man that I’m facing this week on Meldown. He is also the man who costed me my debut match against Austin Reynolds, a match that I clearly had won. Ty had to hit me with a title belt to knock me down, just like Action Saxton needed to hit me with a steel tray 5 times, and a microphone just to knock me down, but Ty, when we get in the ring one on one, there is no way your little bicycle kick will knock me down.

Ale gets up and starts to walk around the house.

You see Ty, not only do I know that your smaller size be used to my advantage, so will your mental state. Ty, if I could give you some advice, don’t worry about Serafina, because the second I see your mind off of the match, I will strike.

Ale picks up an old vase, and smashes it on the ground below him.

Ty, another thing I have is intimidation. You see, I know that you have never faced anyone like me; I know that at Unscripted, were you won the title in Hell In A Cell against Vengeance, Kurtesy, and Cougar, I know that you had no fear. When you faced Cougar at the grandest stage of them all, Kingdom Come, I saw no fear. The thing is Ty though, at Meltdown, I will see fear, because you have never faced anyone like me.

Ale sees a very old sink, and tears the nozzle right off.

Ty, I know that you have a lot on your mind, but I warn you, take your mind off me at Meltdown, and I will destroy you. You see Ty, I know a lot more about you than you think. I know that you have no idea who laid out Serafina and kidnapped Hayley last week. For all you know, it could be me, or even my father, George.

The camera zooms in on George, who found a very old wood baseball bat, and starts to hold it, and lightly tap it in his hand.

I’m a quiet guy Ty, and I don’t talk, or show myself too much; I let these do the talking, and take in the publicity for me.

Ale looks down at his massive hands.

Another thing I know about you Ty, I know that you have never had your head squeezed like a basketball, I know that you have never slowly felt yourself losing consciousness; with your eyes flipping into the back of your head, and slowly falling to the mat; being blinded by the pain. You’ve never felt that before, have you Ty? Well, at Meltdown, be ready to go through the slowest; most painful match that you’ve ever been in, because at Meltdown, there will be no one by your side, unless if you’re stupid enough to bring Serafina out at risk of another attack; you wouldn’t want that, now would you? Now, as for me, I will have the baddest; most stubborn man that I have ever seen at ringside with me and that is my father, George.

Ale turns around, and nods at his father, as his father nods back.

You see Ty, I made this monster of a man. I told him to never trust people like yourself, and for him to go his own path. That means, when he has his massive hands around your head, and you fade into unconsciousness, and the ref calls for the bell, he won’t let go. He will make sure that medics will need to rush on the scene as fast as they can, and when you get carried off in a stretcher, my son will still not be pleased. He won’t be pleased until he’s the champion, he won't be pleased until all of your little fans are crying at the sight of you being passed out in the ring,and he doesn’t care who he needs to go through to get to your title, because he will destroy all challengers that come to him, all of them!

George continues to hold the bat in his hand, as he starts smiling, and the camera goes back to Ale, who still has his normal angry look on his face.

Ty, you can guarantee this, you will not be walking out of our match, you will be carried out on a stretcher, and you better count on it.

Maybe a baseball bat shot or two to him too right.

Sure Dad; maybe to Serafina too.

George starts to crack up, as Ale slightly chuckles.

Ty, on Meltdown, not only will it be the first time that you step into the ring with someone as big as me, it will also be the first time that you visibly show intimidation, and remember Ty, I remember that title belt shot that you gave me not too long ago. Ty, on Meltdown, you will learn that Austin Reynolds isn’t the only threat to your title.

Ale turns around, and walks back to George, who is still lightly tapping his hand with the bat; Ale calls for the bat, and George gives it to him, and he starts swinging at the air 4 times, before giving it back to George.

Scene Fades To Black
The scene enters immediately after Dom pats Reynolds on the back and leaves the office. He leans against the door and sighs heavily, crossing his arms and shaking his head. He stands straight and walks to the elevator. He presses the button to go down and immediately passes through the opening doors. He presses the ground floor button. He steps back as the doors close and leans against the back wall.

Dom: Austin, what have you gotten yourself into?

Ty: More problems than he believes.

Dom looks up with a startled look and the lights in the elevator go out, until a red glow illuminates the interior. The elevator seems to keep going however the light marking the floors does not move. Ty stands in the middle of the elevator, his arms behind him and his back turned to Dom. Dom straightens his collar and clears his throat.

Hello Dominic.

Ty? W..w...what the hell are you doing here?

I figured since there's no point in reasoning with Reynolds at this juncture, I would figure you would be the most level headed about this situation.

Please excuse me if I'm a bit jumpy...

Yes I know, Constantine running you over has left a bit of a mental scar upon you. I don't work that way Dominic, it's a bit, underneath me and a waste of my time.

Underneath you? You're a prime suspect in Hayley's kidnapping, and from your past actions I wouldn't put either action above you.

Is that so? Well then I suppose my attempt at preventing the situation means absolutely nothing.

Well, no, I mean I at least can appreciate the sentiment, but Austin believes that puts the blame squarely on you.

Ty stands silently, staring up at nothing in particular while Dom watches him intently.

Do you believe I kidnapped Hayley Dominic?

Dom looks up almost like coming out of a daze. He shakes his head and sits down on the floor and rests his arms on his knees.

Considering all you have to gain by throwing Austin off his game, your track record, and everything else, under normal circumstances I'd say yes. But you were in the ring with Austin when it happened, and you seemed genuinely concerned about what was going to happen.

Am I concerned? Should I be? After all, as you said with Reynolds worrying more about his precious fiancee, it gives me another edge against him. Yet, I suppose, I don't want to face Reynolds that way. I want him at his very best, and this has completely thrown those plans into disarray. It proves nothing if I defeat a sidetracked Reynolds, it doesn't satisfy me as a warrior, and to be perfectly honest with you Dominic, it bores me. People will doubt me once again, and if there is one thing I cannot stand Dominic, is people that doubt me as champion!

Ty turns and his eyes begin glowing red and scowl on his face. Dominic backs up against the wall as much as he can as Ty begins walking towards him.

I have no use for Reynolds if he isn't completely in this match. And whoever has done this has stolen that opportunity to prove myself the very best in WZCW yet again. Quite frankly Dominic, it has enraged me more than most have. To make it worse, I have to sit here and listen to Reynolds complain about me screwing him. The fact is, I defeated Reynolds and Showtime at Redemption. I took no shortcuts, I merely did what was necessary to get the job done. I regret what happened at the end of Ascension, but I will not allow the likes of Showtime Cougar to influence our match. Barbosa may thank me once more while he's not busy complaining about not having a title match.

So what are you getting at Ty? That you feel mercy for Austin and what has happened?

Ty stands directly in front of Dom and crouches down to eye level. His sneer doesn't disappear but his voice begins deepening.

Do you know what I first thought of when the Ouija revealed what was going to happen?


I thought of when I lost Serafina to Showtime. I thought about what that type of loss did to me, and what it can do to a man like Reynolds. He is already a man who has lost any semblance of rational thinking, this only makes things worse. I tried to stop it, I even had Serafina watch over Hayley while I went out for Reynolds' match. There is a lesson there Dominic, you cannot alter destiny. However, what I can do is make things correct, and hopefully then Reynolds can give me the proper match I demand.

Ty stands up and turns away from Dom, who scrambles to his feet. Ty looks over his shoulder at Dom, his eyes returning to normal.

I will search for Hayley, I will do what I can to ensure Reynolds has his woman once more. The perpetrators will not go unpunished for these actions. I will have my classic match, and I will once again prove it to everyone that I am the greatest warrior in WZCW.

The lights return to normal but Ty remains. The doors begin to open at the floor Dom started on. Ty speaks once more.

Dominic, I place this onus on you. Keep Showtime Cougar away. He will only serve to cause Reynolds pain.

The camera focuses in on Dom then turns towards the doors as Austin walks in. Dominic looks white as a ghost as Reynolds' mood obviously hasn't changed.

Austin: He was here wasn't he?

Dom nods his head as Reynolds shakes his head and immediately walks out, leaving Dom in the elevator as the screen goes black. The scene reopens to Serafina lying in bed with a bandage wrapped around her forehead. The lights flicker and Ty walks into the room. He sits down in front of the bed and watches Serafina silently. She begins to stir and rolls over, opening her eyes revealing her deep purple irises. She manages a smile while she stretches and tries to sit up.

Serafina: Master....you've returned.

Please do not push yourself my dear.

How did the meeting go?

I did what I could to alleviate the situation, though something tells me that may be too far removed to recover. Reynolds seems stuck in his ways that it's our fault she was abducted.

But...we tried to help. We really tried to help them.

I know, you did your very best. I'm sorry you had to suffer such an injury because of it. No good deed goes unpunished.

I will recover Master, though there must be something else we can do for that poor girl.

I will do what I can my dear, but I must also not lose focus on my match with Ale.

Master, can you not take another week off? Your knee is still in bad shape, and he's going to focus on that.

Ale is nothing. The only difference between him and any other rookie starting out is his size. I have the perfect game plan for him Serafina, you have nothing to worry about. Now rest, you need your strength if you are to accompany me.

Serafina nods and lies back down and closes her eyes as Ty watches her silently once more. A few moments pass and Ty stands up slowly, grasping the WZCW World Title from the table near by and exiting the room. He walks through the house and walks outside, staring up at a nearly full moon.

Ale, I know the anger that boils inside you. I know that you look for revenge after I devastated what little brains you have in that gigantic skull of yours, but this is the fight you don't want this week. I'm in a very foul mood Ale, and seeing you lumbering down to the ring will end up angering me more. As a matter of fact, I take that back. I'm glad you're my opponent this week. The larger you are, the more destruction I get to reign down upon you. I will deal with you in no certain terms, and I hope that your father gets to sit and watch his precious boy understand what it exactly means to be the greatest warrior in WZCW.

Ty begins pacing back and forth in front of the mansion, his eyes begin to glow red once more and he slides the title off his shoulder and walks with it hanging from his hand.

Just another challenge, another step in my path. While you certainly are a larger stone than most, you shall crumble just as the others have. While you may have had Austin Reynolds under your thumb, you will realize quickly that I am NOT Austin Reynolds, and I will put you through the suffering of a man willing to thrash the entire roster to get what I want. I want the person responsible for the abduction of Reynolds' woman, and you will be my first target. Maybe you had something to do with it, maybe you didn't, but the fact remains that you want to take advantage of the situation makes me want to end you all the more.

Ty stops pacing and lowers his head, his body suddenly heaving due to the maniacal laughter coming from him. He suddenly throws his head back and raises the WZCW World Title high into the air.

How does it feel Ale? Not many can claim to come face to face with the World Title in their very first match. It is a shame that is the only time you will ever get to touch my title. You deserve the utter peril you feel deep inside you Ale, you deserve punishment on an even grander scale. And while you're cut down to size, begging and pleading for the mercy from your tormentor, maybe your father will understand what an utter failure his son truly is.

Ty straightens up and lowers the WZCW World Title to shoulder height. He grits his teeth as the wind begins picking up.

My crusade for you Reynolds begins at Meltdown. I will find Hayley and deliver her to you. I will destroy the entire WZCW roster if I have to, I will find her. And once I have settled my own self appointed debt, I will go on to defeat you, and Apocalypse will belong to the King of Darkness.

The camera begins panning out as leaves begin blowing around in the wind. The Chaos Symbol flashes briefly in the sky as the feed suddenly cuts out.
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