MD53: Phoenix vs. The Agony

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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion
Despite suffering a loss to Hunter Kravinoff, costing him a spot in the King For A Day Match, Phoenix isn't beaten up by the events and will look to show that he is a force to be reckoned with when he takes on newcomer The Agony. Will Phoenix set the example for his opponent or has the youngster got a few plans of his own?

Deadline is Tuesday 1st March 23:59 EST
The scene opens once again in Phoenix’s car, with Leon Kensworth riding shotgun and the camera sitting in the back seat. The car is going down an interstate highway, with the scenery being little more than other cars, farm fields, and the occasional house. The camera angles its focus at the rear-view mirror so it can see Phoenix’s face. He is staring ahead at the road in front of him, but has a glazed look over his eyes. Leon has noticed this, and his worry is almost palpable.

Look, Phoenix, I can drive the rest of the way. You had a rough match on Ascension and you still look like you are going to pass out any second now.

Phoenix continues driving as if Leon didn’t say a work, but begins talking about his match last week.

I still don’t know how he escaped. I had the hold locked in tight. I felt his arm being stretched and pulled in ways that should have left it in pieces. He was fading, about to tap when…

Phoenix slams on the brakes as a slower car pulls in front of him to pass a tractor-trailer. Leon continues the conversation, his voice still shaking a bit out of fear from the near-collision.

I know any loss is tough, but can’t you take some consolation out of the fact that you had him that close to tapping? I don’t know if anyone has been that close to defeating Hunter since his return to WZCW.

Let me answer that is his terms, Leon. Does a lioness take some consolation out of the fact that she almost killed a zebra to feed her family? I understand what you are doing, and I appreciate it, but I’m not at a place in my career or in my own mind where moral victories get me anywhere. I could have really cemented myself as a major player in WZCW if I had earned a spot in that chamber, but instead I’m left sitting here wondering if I will even have a spot on the card for the biggest show of the year.

Well, you have a chance this week against one of the newest members of the roster, The Agony. No match in WZCW is ever easy, but this definitely an opportunity for you to get back on the winning track.

I don’t know how good of an opportunity it is. Sure, he’s new, but he is a giant monster who can take advantage of any cobwebs left in my head from last week with ease. But we always have to remember that old adage: the bigger they are, the harder they fall. I know I am faster than him and can lock in the Return to Heliopolis or knock him out with the Rebirth before he ever knows where I am. I have to prove I deserve a place in Kingdom Come. It won’t be easy, but it is something I need to do for me.

Phoenix pauses for a moment, before talking again with a much more laid back and happy tone.

You might as well lean that seat back, Leon. This is one long, boring drive.

The scene fades to black.
Interview 1

Beccy Sera is nervously stumbling into the backstage area looking somewhat cautious. She makes her way over to the boiler room area and takes a deep breath outside. As she enters she tries to take in her surroundings, being careful to note the slightest hint of motion. She manages a few steps inside as her ear pricks up, and she turns her head slowly to the left until she is fixed on the space behind the foremost boiler.

.....yes, over here.

She weighs up her options, but succumbs to the pitfall of her job, treading over to the figure resting cross-legged and head bowed.

Am I calling you The Agony, or Agony or.......?

Jarvis is just fine thanks, you got somewhat or an easy ride last week against your opponent, a fellow newcomer who, before then, showed a fair deal of promise. It's fair to say though that you made something of an example of him then, and looked pretty impressive. Unfortunately for you this week you've got a far bigger challenge in the form of a WZCW seasoned veteran in Phoenix. The question is how do you plan do raise your game to your opponent on this show and show people your last display wasn't, well, a fluke?

No I think that's a fair question Becky and it's what I've been concentrating most on since I found out who exactly my opponent was. I..umm..know that Phoenix has been a little bit unlucky recently. He's lost a few big matches recently that we all know could just have well gone either way. I'm sure if you just looked at the results you could easily make a critical mistake in under-estimating the man, but I'm glad I looked into it to not do exactly that.

He is also a guy that I've got some respect for. I haven't spoken to him in person but I've watched how he is with the people and how they respond to him in turn, and I've taken a lot from that. I also overhear from people, like the backstage guys when they pass by and talk and I've built up somewhat of a picture so, yeah I'm looking forward to my opportunity this week.

As to how I'm going to win? Phew. It's tough. You know most times I have the height and weight advantage, I know he's beaten guys like me before but if I can just keep him grounded I'm in with a decent shot I think.

Good answer, and where do you think a win here would put you in the minds of most people?

Hard to say. Y'know like you said it's pretty hard to deny my on-air début was pretty impressive, but this is a whole other ball game. A win like this? I'd like to think I'll be turning some heads then at least, people will start to see me more seriously, and at the very least if I put up a good fight I can see some recognition anyway. Whatever happens I see it as a win/win really, provided I don't flop in the first 3 minutes, ha-ha.

Ok well I think that's enough. Jarvis, thank you for your time. I've gotta say what people have been saying about you being a bit wacky in the head seems wrong, you seem just normal to me.

Yep, well no problem, and thanks for the interview too Becky, you were great also. See you later.

She strides off confidently and filled with gusto, beaming from ear to ear.

Wasn't he supposed to be some sort of freak?she mutters to the camera guy as she glades out the room.

Interview 2, you got somewhat or an easy ride last week against your opponent, a fellow newcomer who, before then, showed a fair deal of promise. It's fair to say though that you made something of an example of him last week, and looked pretty impressive. Unfortunately for you this week you've got a far bigger challenge in the form of a WZCW seasoned veteran in Phoenix. The question is how do you plan do raise your game to your opponent this week and show people last week wasn't, well, a fluke?

No I think that's a fair question Becky and it's what I've been concentrating most on since I found out who exactly my opponent was. I..umm..know that Phoenix has been a little bit unlucky recently. He's lost a.......... wait..........sorry, I just got some serious Deja vu. Just, just give me a second.

It's alright just take your time, we're not on a schedule here.

He nervously massages his brow with his sleeve trying to re-evaluate his situation. He snaps back suddenly into the conversation.

Yeah Phoenix at Ascension, I've got ya. Ok. Yeah the way I see it, it's gonna be a tough match, I'll be lucky to come through victorious. I'm the bigger guy so I'm going to try to get use that as best I can, hopefully it leads me to a win, who can say?

Ok you look a little shaken, I'll think we'll leave it there if it's ok with you.

Umm...........yeah....He has a confused, glazed expression on his face as the interviewer leaves the room.

......strange guy,she whispers.

Interview 3, you got somewhat or an easy ride last week against your opponent, a fellow newcomer who, before then, showed a fair deal of promise. It's fair to say th....

I, I'm sorry is this joke? We, err, we just had this conversation about five minutes ago.

I don't think that's very likely seen as I've only met you for the first time today.

NO.....NO YOU DID! YOU WALKED IN AND YOU JUST STARTED......asking about my next match and my thoughts. I answered you, you commented on how I seem pretty normal, we left on good terms?! I........I feel like I'm going kinda crazy over here, this definitely just happened. I'm sorry....I....can't give this interview, I'm......not feeling well....He has a look of total bewlinderment on his face. His eyes are examining the room as if hoping to find some clue as to what ailment has befallen him. The interviewer leaves in a similarly confused huff, at a nifty pace.

What a weirdo, she says in blatant earshot as she storms off.

Interview 4, you got somewhat or an easy ride last week against your opponent, a...

WHAT THE HELL IS THIS!! WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO DO TO ME?! YOU KEEP TURNING UP AND, AND....WITH THESE QUESTIONS! WHY DO YOU KEEP COMING BACK?!By this point he's on his feet pretty audibly shouting at Becky, but clinging to the pipes protruding from the boiler like a caged animal defending itself.


NO........YOUR LYING, GO AWAY AND PLEASE DON'TCOME BACK THIS TIME.She doesn't need to be told twice and paces out. Both individuals part in an equal rage.

Interview 5


GET OUT!!! GET THE HELL OUT!! LEAVE ME ALOOOOONNNE!!! I'M SICK OF THIS JUST GET, GET OUT, NOOOOOOWW!!!he screams. She let out as shrill shriek and bolts out the door. He starts crying to himself,It's in your head, your OK, it's not real, just ignore it, it'll go away, you fine, your fine.

Interview 6

The door creaks open. Becky peers round the opening for signs of life. She spots nothing and decides to delve further. After she reaches a certain point she hears a low humming noise. She reaches her head round one corner and sees The Agony with an inane grin on his face rocking backwards and forwards on the spot.


Greetings Rebecca, and have a great Shrove Tuesday, I know how people love to convulsify floppy dough on this most wonderful of holidays.

Becky has trouble locating the correct words to respond to such a confusing statement, she she doesn't, she waits for him to clarify.

It's days like this I like to take my time to thank all my friend's one by one in helping me get here. It was a tough road but I'll be damned if we didn't know this was coming. Beautiful sunset isn't it?

Mr. Agony sir.......umm, can you comment on your match this coming show on Ascension?

Aaahhhh, the bash eh? Well it's 40 score since I made the challenge for Jeremy Calluntower Jr. and finally, on this macanory evening, I get the response. The old bread and biscuit jack-hammer has agreed! Not only shall we disrectify from dusk til dawn on Cummington Hill, the Albamorrow crows have given their word to attend, how nimbobulous! As for the state of Farmer Johnson's marrows, well I couldn't possibly comment, it's simply not my forte to relane such trigotory nonesense freely and with crastious disregard, you understand I assume, I know you do.

Say what? Your not making any sense. I said your match this week, any comments?? He rolls over onto his side grasping his stomach as if she said something side-splittingly funny.

AHOHOHOHOH HAHAHAHAH HOHOH. Ahhhhh............what imberplex questions you do ask young lady. Are we all yet to direct you to master Junniper's musings?? I feel it disconcerting that at such a hafferflap age you'd have had such vital texts elude your graspiheld. Return upon the morrow when thine eyes no longer tartanculate the dear thresps of a tally-gotten past dear, salver your Rimbapim toadstools and re-latch onto the bosom of the brain-a-thoughts, it'll do wonders for the outlook Dom Perrignon.

She doesn't even try to interact any further with him, she just turns and trudges away disheartened, leaving him in a state of hysterical laughter and deep self-conversation. The forecast; drizzle and latency. HA. Lady luck shines on me once more pig-dogs, test my mettle at your vry peril. HEHEHEHE!

Interview 7 (Genuine interview)


In the distance you can hear that repetitive heavy clunking noise. The interviewer and her crew enter and immediate follow it to it's point of origin with little hesitation. There is a man.......standing upright at the end of the room in darkness.......smacking his head forcefully onto the metallic facets, fashioned into the boiler. Becky calls out to pre-empt the man for their arrival. He raises his head slightly for a second and then returns to his beating post. She eventually reaches the point where she can make him out, and the noise has become frankly disturbing.

Sir I wondered if we could trouble you for a comment on your match this week against Phoenix. She is unable to distract him enough for him to even consider the question. Well do you think that being a new-comer will affect how you are viewed going in? Once again her persistence garners her no response, and no recognition. Hello........? Can you hear me at all.....? Not so much as an acknowledgement of the question, even his rhythm remains perfectly steady. I.........look I'm just going to leave now ok?......................................

Fine, be that way. She reaches it half way to the door before, TELL THEM..................I'M READY. She turns to verify it was his mouth the noise escaped from and turns again striding off a little more satisfied than previously. The monster does not change, he stays creating a sizeable dent in the boiler using only his skull. The screen faded to black as it drifts further and further away, all the while remaining on this image.
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