MD44: Vengeance, Everest, Big Dave vs. Ty Burna, Titus, Showtime Cougar

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Thriller Ant

Beep Bop Boop
Last week Ty and Showtime earned spots in the Hell in a Cell match at Unscripted against the champion Vengeance. Meanwhile, Everest and Titus came up just short at also being in the match and Big Dave took care of the returning Mark Hancock. This week, all 6 men will be in a tag team match on Meltdown. Will the Hell in a Cell competitors try to gain an early advantage? Will Titus or Everest try to gain some revenge on the men who kept them out of the match?

Deadline is Tuesday 10th August 23:59 EST
The camera focuses on a solitary flame, the fire dancing around on the wick of the black candle it sits upon. As the camera begins to zoom out, more of these cameras come into view, filling a large portion of the room. Eventually it pans around and Vengeance can be seen sitting cross-legged in the centre of a large ring of candles. He is no longer sporting his hood, and his long hair is tied back in a white ponytail, tucked down the back of the casual white shirt he is wearing, his symbol emblazoned across the back.

His eyes are closed in meditation, beads of sweat dripping down his forehead from the heat of the candles in close proximity to the large man. His eyes still closed, he speaks...

You are wondering why -

Why sit in a room with candles? Why allow myself to be attacked by Ty? Why Blade is incapable of facing me on his own, and still can’t win with help from his new ally?

In reverse order:- Because Blade is a coward, and Phoenix is nothing but half of a mediocre former tag team. Yes, that’s a title that has eluded me, but you have to ask... how hard it can be with the likes of Baller and Crashin as challengers? Look over there, beside the bag

I]Camera pans across and takes in the belt, reflecting the multiple flames flickering in the room[/I]

That is the symbol of what I am. I am the best, I have always been around the main title, and anyone will attest to the controlled brutality I unleash. One DQ in my career, in a match which I had to make a stand, a show of dominance and refused to break a hold. Instead, a lone Australian found himself unable to cope with the assault that followed.

The same Norse god who scared Ricky into running away to save his title by using a chair, who, in two losses was not ONCE unconscious when Showtime claimed victories. Which leads me on to number 2...

Ty, for so long you have emulated me, copied everything I do, taken different routes, but the end result is the same with one exception. I am a man, and you are a coward. Like Blade, you can’t manage to come out one on one, you can’t manage to look me in the eye, and you still can’t beat me.

May your precious Ouija have mercy on you, and show you the way to make your path right. Look at your partner. Titus at least possesses the honour to offset such an appalling record against me. He does it where it matters instead of using a cheap ****e to distract so you can blindside.

But just remember that the Dark Alliance is no more, and I have no objections to having you locked in a cell with me. This time there will be no repeat, no cooperation and no mercy. Your sins have been stacked up, and now atonement must be made.

Finally, the candles. The heat these candles produce burns the flesh, drains the spirit, and destroys the resolve.

He lifts the nearest candle, and uses his fingers to crush the flame, a thin plume of black smoke threads its way towards the ceiling.

But long after the flame has gone, the pain can still linger

He holds his other hand out, and pours the black wax in a ‘V’ on the back of his extended hand, the sizzle can be heard, and a redness extends out from the hot wax, a look of perverse pleasure in Vengeance’s eyes.

And my Cell-mates can remember this, as indeed can all those who come across my path.

He drops his voice to a mere whisper

I enjoy the pain, I thrive in the brutality and I will repay all ten-fold.

His voice returns to a normal level.

So Ty, Titus, Showtime, Everest, Dave... rest assured I will not be trusting any of you. I’ve learnt the hard way that there is no such thing as an Alliance when there are more important things are on the line. Every damn one of you has the potential to be bought by those seeking my downfall.

Even Serafina has a target and will be dealt with in her due time.

He closes his eyes, in a meditative trance and speaks in an eerie tone, as if channelling another, higher pitched voice through him.

The times are rapidly rolling onward towards the end game. Those who deceive will be burned with fire, and only the just shall prevail. The abomination shall be destroyed at great cost.

Vance Bateman, I know you have one more announcement to make, and then the world will know all. The world will see you for the man you are, and will understand why I will show no mercy on you after I overcome this obstacle.

May whatever god you choose to believe in have mercy on your black soul, because for now, after Hell in a Cell, you will be rapidly on your way to meeting him.

I will have my Vengeance

He opens his eyes and a bizarre reddish glow can be seen from them, before the door is blown open, extinguishing all the candles and plunging the room into darkness
Scene opens backstage at WZCW studios. Showtime David Cougar is in his dressing room, looking over cue cards with for tonight's show. A knock on the door breaks his concentration and he sees Johnny Klamor and a camera man standing by the door.

Cougar: Johnny you old rascal. How have you been? Come on in.

Showtime walks up to Johnny and shakes his hand. Showtime goes back down to sit as Johnny steps into the room.

Klamor: Hello Showtime. I see you are hard at work as always.

This... I would hardly call this work. The Crashin Movement is more work than this. I’m just looking over some of the jokes me and my writers came up with for tonight's show.

Any good ones we can hear before you go out live?

Sure, let me find you one...

Showtime scrolls through the cards until he stops at one.

Here we go. Nobody is certain how Vengeance got the name Vengeance, but looking at old school records from Norway, it all began back in elementary school when he was pushed down the slide before he was ready. Hey, when it takes Vengeance as long as it takes him to get to the top, I too would want to push him down and get him out of the way. The poor boy in question who pushed him, they say Vengeance sent him back up the slide, that is back up and THROUGH the slide. I’m still trying to find the file of when somebody told Vengeance he wet his pants. All I’ve been told is “JAN ARNBJÖRG in morgue”

Hehe, that was not bad. Heard better.

Can’t give you the A material Johnny. Wouldn’t want you to wet your Depends.

Showtime slaps his knee as Johnny goes red in the face.

Yea whatever wise guy, I thought they were comfortable. Hit me with another.

Okay... I gotta admit, it was quite a shock to see Ty helping me out and turning on his former ally on Meltdown. Knowing that Ty lives by his Ouija and does whatever it tells him, the only conclusion I’ve come up with is that he must’ve put it down, then realized he’d been viewing it upside all these years.

Haha, that one was better. One more.

Okay Johnny, just for you. So WZCW announced a Battle Royale on Ascension this week and the entire roster, save for the champions and the already announced number one contenders, can enter it with the winner receiving the final spot in the main event at Unscripted. An opportunity like this is bound to stir up a lot of excitement, but unfortunately there’s been hardly a whisper amongst the boys in the back about it. Early reports say it’s close, but... and you gotta listen carefully cause we’re talking pin drop quietness... they found that there was more excitement in the crowd when Johnny Klamor auctioned himself off at Krazy Kougars bar last week than there’s been for the Battle Royale.

Johnny face is fuming. He steps closer to Showtime, away from the camera and whispers.

Hey, hey, how did you know about that?

Johnny, welcome to the world of internet, twitter, and youtube, there’s no where your embarrassment can hide from. Now that the jokes and puns are to the side, I suppose you came here to get an interview before I go out.

Yep, management wanted me to dust off the old mic...

And just keep it in your pants.

Annoyed, Johnny refuses to respond and dives into his first question.

While you may feel there is little excitement about the Battle Royale for the final spot in the WZCW World Heavyweight title match, there is a ton of buzz backstage and in management about how Unscripted is going to go down. They are talking that this may be the biggest PPV in WZCW history.

Bang on Johnny. You are right on the money. And that is because the star of The Show, Showtime David Cougar, is finally getting what has been long coming to him and that is a chance to fight for the WZCW World Heavyweight Title, and Johnny I feel tremendous heading into the final weeks before the big match up.

That’s good to hear Show. Now we only know two out of your three opponents who will be competing for the gold at Unscripted, but I wanted to get your thoughts on both competitors, both of whom you’ve had long and prior feuds with.

You’re absolutely right about that Johnny. Between the three of us, we’ve had some pretty epic and brutal battles and this one at Unscripted may be the greatest one of all. I had the chance to finally face Vengeance, or Lars, or whoever he wanted to be called, back between Lethal Lottery and Kingdom Come in a best two out of three matches for the EurAsian Championship. While I respected him a great deal and looked forward to having a honest challenge for once, I was disappointed by his overall lack of drive and focus. I knew I’d have no trouble defeating the man who had been unable all his career to win the big and I did that convincingly. He may cry that I was unable to knock him unconscious. The same can be said for you as you have never left me unable to open my eyes. The fact is I never had to knock you out to claim victory, nor did I want you to be.

Showtime tucks the cue cards into his suit. He glances at a picture on the wall of his victory over Vengeance in the third and deciding match.

Back then I more than ever wanted you to remain conscious when I pinned you. I wanted it to click in your head what an overall failure your career had been, how the same numbers, 1... 2... 3, could still be heard as you lie in bed, in the same position you once were when myself, or Titus, or Everest, or any champion, pinned you and defeated you. I’m happy to say that through it all something as seem to woken up inside of you. No one in this company deserved to win that gold belt more than you and just like the daunting task you had in claiming it, keeping it will be even harder. It’s taken you handfuls of chances to finally win it and now it’s going to be an even harder task for you to retain it when you step into the ring with myself, Ty, and one other competitor. Vengeance, all your history, all your victories and all your defeats, will be unmentioned at Unscripted, where you will write yourself a new history. It will either be one of victory, or one of the same old defeat. At Unscripted, I will be looking to write my own history as well. One that will begin with myself as champion.

And what about Ty Burna. You two have had one of the biggest rivalries ever here in WZCW.

You’re right about that one Johnny. Which makes his recent change of heart more interesting. How can one as sinister as Ty have a change of thought and decide to help someone he once tortured so long ago. I for one don’t have all the time in the world to figure him out. He saved me from a brutal beating so he has my thanks. The fact is he is apart of the WZCW title match as well, perhaps Ty is looking to break all alliances and start fresh at Unscripted with a new chapter of his own. I don’t know, but what I do know is at Unscripted he will be my opponent, just like he will be Vengeance’s opponent, and my goal is to win the WZCW title, just like everyone else's. There are no friends.

So, looking at the roster, who are your favourites to win the Battle Royale?

Oh Johnny, you know those things can end right? I mean, Doug Crashin could win the damn thing and be in there with me, Ty, and Vengeance. But if I’d have to narrow it down, obviously Titus and Everest would be front runners. Blade has been looking for a chance to break through to the main event. Beckford is one of the most exciting individuals to watch in WZCW, and Steele has a heck of a lot more experience than most give him credit for. Who knows Johnny, Big Will could decide to strap on the boots again, but it’s really anyone’s game.

Very well, now for the main event on Meltdown. You are teaming up with Titus and Ty to take on Vengeance, Everest, and Big Dave. What are your thoughts heading into it?

Showtime pauses for a minute when thinking about the main event match. After a minute Johnny coughs to break the silence and draw Showtime's attention back to reality.

My thoughts are to not get hurt and to help my team achieve victory.

Showtime begins to walk out of the dressing room. Klamor looks pissed and follows after Showtime.

That's it, nothing. No other comment?

Showtime stops and turns around.

What do you want me to say Johnny? I've already beaten Vengeance and Everest. Yes I know Everest will probably try to attack and injure me for taking away his spot, but silly fool doesn't realize it was mine the whole time, and I would love to make a repeat of the event this Meltdown. Ty and Titus have had their problems in the past, but then again my opposing team isn't exactly cohesive either.

And what about Big Dave?

Now that, I knew that's what you wanted. Showtime's thoughts about stepping into the ring with the man who beat me for the EurAsian belt and retained it successfully.

Johnny, Dave posses a problem. Not in this match, but about how I'll feel if I win at Unscripted. I won't feel that I am champion unless I know that I have truly beaten the best. He and me have been in some amazing matches. I won't take anything away from his victories, he earned them and now they are forever written in history. But whether he choses to admit it or not, he knows deep down in his belly that the results could've easily gone the other way. He's walking into a mess of trouble when he starts interfering in my good friend Titus' matches. I know Titus wants to get a piece of Dave and I wouldn't mind helping him out either. Dave no longer has the support of the rWo or Karnage. He is alone now, and while a tremendous wrestler, he is going to get what he deserves if he keeps up what he's been doing. This match I don't want to be the renew of Showtime verse Big Dave. One day soon I want another match verse Dave and I want it to just be that, no prior beef, no lost friends...

And if I so happen to win the WZCW World Heavyweight Title I will give Dave a chance to face me for the belt. I'm not afraid of a challenge, I'm just looking for one. This Meltdown is all about securing victory for my team before I head into Unscripted. And nothing would make me more happy than to take out both of Dave's partners so he knows what it's like to be alone when he's in the ring with Ty, Titus, and ME!

Showtime nods his head and walks away. Johnny turns and finishes it up as the camera fades.
We open to find Jonny Klamor standing outside a white house in a nice suburban area, he’s holding a note and checking what appears to be the address. He walks up to the door and rings the bell, after a minute of waiting there’s no answer. He tries the knocker, still no answer. A random guy who’s walking by notices Jonny outside the door and stops to go over.

Guy: You won’t find him there, he hasn’t been home for a couple of days. I live just up the road and saw him drive off a couple of days ago. Where he went, I do not know!

The guy walks off as Jonny looks bemused and signals at his car for the driver to start the engine, he walks to the car and gets in.

Driver: Where to next?

Jonny looks outside his window at the house as he has a deep thought about what to do next.

Klamor: Just drive on, I’ll let you know when I have it…


The car is now parked outside the gym that Big Dave normally trains at, Jonny has gone on ahead inside while his driver has a smoke break. Inside the place is empty, nothing can be heard.

Klamor: Hello? Anybody there?

Random voice:
You Klamor?!

He turns around to find what appears to be the gym owner who’s standing near the entrance from where Jonny had entered.

Klamor: Yeah?

Gym Owner:
Got this letter for you. He said he expected you to show.

He hands over the envelope to Klamor and heads off. After some hesitation he opens it to read the contents, his head raises and he immediately heads back out and rushes to the car.

Klamor: Lets go, we’re heading to Memphis!


Klamor arrives at the Pyramid Arena in Memphis and heads inside. The stadium is active with minor actions from the staff moving around the place. He heads up and is inside the main area with nothing but empty seats and the faded lights in action, except for one light coming from a private box. Jonny notices this and heads straight up there.

Upon arrival, he knocks on the door and opens it to find an individual staring out at the view with his back turned to Jonny, he turns around to reveal himself as the EurAsian Champion Big Dave who looks pleased but unimpressed to see Klamor.

Dave: Took you long enough!

Klamor: I came as soon as I got your note. Not like you to hide Dave.

Dave: I haven’t been hiding, I simply arrived at the next spot for Meltdown a little early. My phone is right there, just been ignoring the spam calls from Myles and Bateman, it’s pointless when I don’t need to explain myself to anyone.

Klamor: Yeah but a lot of people are angry about what you did on Ascension, particularly…

Dave: The expected. Jonny, you’ve been in this business a lot longer than I have, you don’t need to explain the route one basics of events. Myles and Bateman held me back by not giving me a title shot, I made a point of showing that their decision can be foolish. But, I never physically got involved with the match, you can see the replays, I touched no-one, but then you would expect rants and moans from the likes of Titus as he would look for an excuse when he was being his standard of sloppy! Or maybe it was because I felt good about standing over his fallen body, knowing that I was right all along.

Klamor: And you know there will be repercussions for that right?

Dave: Why do you think I’ve been ignoring my calls? All I keep getting is answer phone messages saying that they threaten to strip me of my title and I still wouldn’t be allowed into the All Roster Battle Royale. It’s absolute bull Jon, this sort of stuff happens all the time, albeit people get more physical in these situations than I do, yet I get isolated because one undeserving guy didn’t get the shot he shouldn’t be having, and yet still gets a second chance through this Battle Royale?! That’s a pretty messed up system right there.

But then, stripping me of the title gets me the chance to move closer to the World Title, so it may not be a total loss. What’s my match this week? Something about a six man tag?

Klamor: Yeah, you’re with Vengeance and Everest, going against Titus, Ty Burna and Showtime Cougar.

I don’t know if I should call them my three favourites or my fan club. But it just shows that once again, a point I made was right. My actions have been seen and a rightful response has come out it, main eventing Meltdown just to further prove that I am leagues ahead of the three people that I told you last week were undeserving of their opportunity to try and get in that Cell. Even though I wrote Everest off, you can’t deny he can be a helpful ally, I remember teaming up with him when he was World Champion and we did had a good outing, granted it was against Ricky and Second Coming, but still. And Vengeance, yeah he’s tough, I beat him, he’s the World Champion, I think that’s an Elite Team there, certainly will be too much for either Titus, Ty and Showtime to handle, especially if you go by their track record to say the least! But just to list them all again would take time and there’s no point being a sheep and repeating it all over again now!

Klamor: You’re quite overly confident aren’t you?

Dave: No just confident, you know this. Fact is that come the end of Meltdown, Chuck Myles and Vance Bateman will be sitting in their offices, their heads laying in the palm of their hands while thinking, “He was right!” And maybe just maybe, they don’t need to embarrass themselves with this Battle Royale, imagine the reaction if someone like say Chris Beckford or Mark Hancock won it, I don’t even dare to! But I think I need to get a message out there before this takes place. I want people to know that this victory on Meltdown will be important enough to think this Hell in a Cell situation through.

Klamor: That could certainly be worthwhile, but won’t it provoke things further?

Dave: The situation goes like this, Myles and Bateman haven’t been giving me competition, so I have gone out of my way to find it myself and it’s been getting better reactions than anything they could pull together. Meltdown is simply going to see that cycle repeat itself until the right thing is done and that is involving me having the opportunity to go for the World Heavyweight Championship, no catches, no drawbacks, just me and the current Champion, one on one, ending up with a victory that will last through the ages. Even if it means taking out any of the so called competition, this company demands the best to be at the top, and my time is calling out to me, I guarantee it!

Klamor: And that will be a day that I will be glad to watch. Right at least I know what the situation is, so I will be heading off now.

Dave: Just remember Jonny, you never saw me until Meltdown right?

Klamor: Got it!

Klamor leaves as Dave looks out to the empty arena, taking in the scenery that sits before him.

Dave: The moment is coming...and Meltdown will continue what has begun...
The scene opens to a dimly lit room covered by rotting wood and fading wallpaper. Splashed across the wall is a dark red liquid, words forming from the liquid. The words read "Why?", "Redrum", and finally in the largest letters read "Vengeance". The camera moves towards the floor and focuses in on Ty rocking back and forth. The Ouija Board sits sprawled out in front of him.

Ty: I assume you all wonder what my intentions are now that I have dissolved the Dark Alliance. Is it not obvious?

He throws his head back, his hair flying back revealing an anemic looking face. Dark black circles line the bottom of his eyes, the usual red glowing dimmed down and the green of his irises coming out. Ty brushes his hair back briefly before gripping a handful.

Ty: Let me make this clear to all that question me, who doubt my abilities. Vengeance needed me, far more than I needed him. What did Vengeance accomplish before he relied on me to do his dirty work? He accomplished nothing. His life in this business was a failure for the last two years, until I decided to pity him. I gave him the opening to win the King For A Day title shot, yet instead he tried attacking me. I kicked his skull in and ended up costing myself my own shot. Next I destroyed Corey Payne, and then took Showtime out of the picture to allow Vengeance to gain a title shot yet again. Do you see a pattern developing here? I was the sole reason he won that title.

He stands up slowly, placing his hand on the word "Why" on the wall. He lowers his head and presses his forehead against the rotting wood.

Ty: Why did I suddenly decide to throw away all I had done, an alliance that was supposedly unstoppable? Because I an ally to a leach, simply put. When the likes of Titus and Showtime are fighting valiantly and with purpose, I stood behind an opportunist that was handed the WZCW World Title on a silver platter. Why would I continue to support the child that relied upon me? Why would I allow such a man to continue parading around as the champion I should rightfully be? This is why I left Vengeance stranded on his own, so he can struggle to stay relevant once more.

Ty looks up at the word "Redrum" and smirks momentarily before continuing.

Ty: The Ouija has demanded me in the past to destroy all those in my path. While I gave in to it's wishes in the past, it is not to be so anymore. Showtime Cougar defeated me outright at Apocalypse for the second time. He has earned my respect as a warrior and has proven he has grown far more than I gave him credit for. As a fellow warrior, I could not stand idly by as Vengeance used his usual tactics to harm him. You see, Vengeance is the exact opposite of Showtime and myself. Vengeance must scrape at the bottom of the barrel, hoping for that one golden opportunity. I do not blame him for taking that opportunity, but I lost all respect I had for him. Thus why after I scrambled Titus' brains, I yet again kicked Vengeance in the skull and watched as he twitched on the ground.

Ty breathes deeply as he walks away from the wall and grabs the Ouija Scroll from the ground and rolls it up. He tucks it into his leather jacket before looking intensely into the camera.

Ty: Now that we have come full circle, it is time that I once more prove my superiority before we enter the structure built for a war the likes no one has ever seen before. I know my partners Showtime and Titus has no trust for me, and to be honest I do not blame them. If I were Showtime I would not trust me either, as we will be involved in that war in the cell. I am not even sure what I am capable of in that tag match, but this is bad news for our opponents. Big Dave, you got involved with my match with Titus last week, a match I wanted to be a straight up battle between us. While your Eurasian title reign has been impressive, you will realize quickly that you have entered a whole new battleground when you are in that ring with me. I was the original Eurasian Champion, and I will show you why everyone in that first tournament feared me, just as they continue to do so now.

Ty suddenly turns around and punches a whole through the wall, the rotting wood collapsing with ease from the force of the punch. Ty lowers his head once more, his arm stuck in the wall.

Ty: Everest I have no issue with you, but your materialism and ego will be the end of you. And if I must be the reaper to your extravagant lavishes and false idolism of yourself, I shall do so with purposeful force. This six man tag is more than a warm up for Unscripted. This is my first step towards redemption, to correct the fatal mistake I made at Apocalypse. I will dethrone you from your creaking throne Vengeance, and I will give the WZCW World Heavyweight title the proper respect and champion it rightfully deserves, rather than a slimey underhanded vermin who lacks the heart of a warrior.

Ty steps away from the wall and rotting wood falls to the ground. Ty pulls a cigarette out from his jacket and lights it, taking a puff before speaking once more.

Ty: This is not our first time in a chamber or a cell Vengeance, and I will do the same as I did in the Elimination Chamber, make your life a living hell. As you lay on the ground, broken after I tossed you off the Cell, you will realize that I was the one person you should have avoided at all costs. I am not a mimic of you Vengeance, I am the one to bring your ultimate demise. And thus my sins atoned, my final redemption will be burying you among the filth and vagrants you have belonged to all along.

Ty drops the cigarette and the light suddenly ignites in flames. The wood quickly crumbles and the wallpaper curls up and bursts in sparks itself. The dark red liquid on the wall begins running down and forms another set of words. "My redemption will halt your vengeance". The scene finally cuts out.
Scene opens to a beautiful beach, flowing clear blue water and several luscious large waves crashing against the beach as surfers can be seen in the distance honing their craft. The camera slowly makes it’s way through the crowd, passing scantly clad women playing volleyball, or half dressed Adonis’ tossing the football until the camera finally stops behind a large lounge chair. In it we can see the silhouette of a large muscled, tan gentlemen and he’s not alone. 2 very beautiful women are at his side and he is obviously chatting them up and doing quite well. The camera finally makes the final push around the chair and we see past the women and realize that the man sitting in the chair is none other than smoking heartthrob WZCW superstar EVEREST.

Everest sees the camera but ignores it as he continues to talk to the women. After a few moments another familiar voice can be heard. It’s WZCW announcer Johnny Klamor.

Klamor: So Everest, your people weren’t kidding when they said you skipped town 2 nights ago. It took forever to track you down here to Miami. If it wasn’t for some WZCW fan posting a picture of you at that Miami Heat beach party last night I don’t think I’d ever had found you.

EVEREST: Well, I guess you just have to love modern technology don’t you Johnny K. Now do you have a point in all this or are you doing your best Showtime impression by flapping your gums.

Klamor: Well, I was wondering what your thoughts were on your Meltdown match up.

EVEREST: Klamor, I’m sure you are talking about my tag match with Vengeance and Big Dave, against Titus, Showtime and Ty. You see that modern technology works both ways my friend. I heard about it the day I left to head down here.

Klamor: So you came down here for some R&R?

EVEREST: You know Klamor, I used to think Serra was the only ditz blonde we had around here, but I’m really starting to question that thinking.

You want to know why I’m in Miami? It’s simple J. I’m here to recharge. I’m here to regroup. I’m here to begin the rebirth of a Champion. You see I’ve been at the top for so long, I’ve fought for WZCW, I’ve fought for the World Title, I’ve fought the fans and I’ve fought countless WZCW superstars and I’ve done it at a level that no man, whether it be Vengeance or Titus, whether it be Ty or Showtime, I’ve done it better than all of them for longer than any of them.

Problem is that’s all in the past. I’m not senile or crazy, I know it’s a what have you done for me lately kind of world Johnny boy and it’s time Everest gets back to the top of the mountain.

So at Meltdown, I’m going to walk to the ring, team with the World Champion and Big Dave. We won’t trust each other, and we probably won’t get along but we’ll damn sure do one thing that we can all agree on……WE’LL WIN!

If I know Vengeance he’ll be out to inflict some damage on Ty for that backstabbing little episode from earlier. He’ll want to leave Showtime in a bloody heap somewhere, to which I see no real downside too and he’ll probably look for an opening to put me on my ass as well. That’s cool though I wouldn’t expect anything less from the World Champ.

Don’t worry though Vengeance I’ll keep my eyes open and I’ll make sure we get that win, after that, I just don’t know.

Big Dave, I don’t care what your personal feelings are, like I said I’m here to win, if you screw that up then we’ll have problems, if not, you’ll walk out of the ring with your head held high, and still attached. I remember a previous team up and if this one goes as well as that one, we’ll survive just fine.

Now, Johnny I know you are just chomping at the bit to get a sound byte about my opponents so I’ll keep it simple so you don’t have to edit it for the website.

Showtime, Ty -- welcome to Everest’s show. Showtime, as you know, there’s a little score to settle after the last time we got into the ring together. I’ll give you the credit you deserve, you got the victory but you still haven’t earned the respect. Come Meltdown I’m going to show your little upstart ass how it’s really done, you know if Vengeance leaves you awake.

Ty Burma, I’ve tried and tried to come up with something catchy to say, a play on your name, or a joke about your skills, something? Problem is after about 6 seconds I got bored and gave up. A lot like you will if I catch you in the Mountain Climber.

Fact is Johnny Monday is the start of another chapter, a Rebirth of a Champion. People are going to see history and WZCW is going to see Ratings Gold. Mark it down my friend, now please get lost.

Johnny: Well Everest, one more thing, how about the Battle Royal that was announced that can include any non title owning member of the roster for a spot in the Unscripted Main Event?

Everest, who had turned his attention back to the girls, whirls around, knocking both of them into the sand.

EVEREST: WHAT? You serious Johnny? You damn well better be serious.

Everest is pondering something before he speaks again.

EVEREST: Well, this is a bonus that could just make the Rebirth come just a bit sooner.

With that Everest picks up his drink, helps up the two ladies and the three walk off toward the 5 star hotel that is in the background.
Backstage we see Titus looking into the camera in front of a WZCW banner. He's not holding a microphone but is just looking rather intently.

History is something that has always been there, what happens today can be tomorrows history, next year will be the year afters. It's a loop that happens, every day it gets formed. We get that, we know that. Why is it so important? I asked that to my history teacher aged 13 and I remember exactly what he said, he said “Titus boy, history is the most important thing we have.” I said I know that Mr Gill but why? He replied very calmly “It's what teaches us about our future, it's how we know what's right and wrong, it's how we grow, history is filled with mistakes, only knowing them will enable us to be who we are today, tomorrow and forever!”

I will always remember those words my history teacher spoke to me, you know full well about my history and sometimes history just comes head on. Take this week for example, there we have in the same match most of Titus' WZCW history, we don't have Ricky, Bratchny or Hasheem or even Trevor Steel in that match but everyone else has had their part to play in the wrestling life of Titus Avison.

There is a good ally in Showtime David Cougar. Without a doubt the future of this company, every single match he pulls out the best he can, he doesn't sit back he is 100%, he is a true professional, both in and outside of the ring. Everyone looks up to him, the rookies take in everything he says, yet he's humble enough to take in ideas. It is with great honour that I once again get to team up with him. How I wish the same could be said about my esteemed opponent.

Shadow and light are two sides of the same coin, one cannot exist without the other. For everything that Cougar is, Ty Burna is the opposite. The manipulative mind games yet resilience is something I've faced before in the past. This should be interesting to team up with him for once, very interesting. To see how the so called unholy alliance fares is one that our fans will surely enjoy.

Friends or enemies we won't know, the feeling between Ty and Vengeance this match shall show. Our world champion, Vengeance. The man who always fights so bravely, who never relies on outside interference, who we all readily admit is the best....I had you there. His tactics and outside interference has kept him going for this long, his days are numbered believe you me. You are not better than me Vengeance, you are not better than me.

The mountain man, biggest in the world. I think I've said everything I have needed to say to you. Lets settle this, again in the ring.

Titus looks more tense at the camera.

Ricky once had a thing where he had a crew. He took Ace, and his partner. They added a name sake, they imploded, tried to take over. Now there's one left of this so called order. The EurAsian champion, former rWo member, former tag team champion, former...good guy. However men change, that I know more than anyone else. He set a thing to keep me from that title, last week he decided to do it once again. Anger is something that I feel towards Big Dave, and whilst I may be in a ring against my two biggest rivals in life, it is you David Bail that has his name marked.
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