MD43: Showtime Cougar vs. Everest - Title Contendership

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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion
Last week on Meltdown both Everest and Showtime Cougar made statement claiming that they have earned the right to face Vengeance for the World Heavyweight Championship at Unscripted. Given that just 24 hours later, Vance Bateman said the belt will be defended in via a Hell in a Cell Match, they might live to regret that decision. This week they face off as Bateman and Myles will be watching over, pending on their performance and the other match, will there just be one challenger who will face Vengeance or will there be another poor soul to join the victor?

Deadline is Tuesday 27th July 23:59 EST
A quick view of the outside of the WZCW’s Headquarters is shown before the view quickly changes to an interior shot of a large and expensive boardroom. As the camera pans into the room, it is easy to see that the room is set up for an interview. You can see the cameras, lights and finally Becky Serra sitting impatiently in her chair. The chair opposite her sits mysteriously empty. After a few seconds though the you can hear the big oak door swing open as Becky looks up.


The camera pans over to the door where EVEREST stands tall and distinguished dressed nicely in one of his tailor made shirts and Dockers. He is dressed to impress and quickly makes his way past several workers and quickly sits down beside Becky.

EVEREST: Yeah yeah, let’s get on with it I’ve got things to do. Remember I’m only here because my contracts says I’ve got to do 2 of these web interviews a month. I’d almost rather be stuck in line behind Manzo at an all you can eat buffet than be here so what do you want to know.

BECKY: Fine, I’m not thrilled about giving up my Saturday night for this either so I’ll get to the first question -- What do you say to the fact that you don’t seem to have the same stature in the World Title picture?

EVEREST: Becky, this is getting old. How many times am I going to have to prove that I’m still the best there is. If you remember USA felt the need to find out how washed up I was, and where is he now? Vengeance decided to give the old man a sympathy match and I’m sure he’s still trying to recognize what normal vision looks like. You want to know what I think about my stature in the World Title picture? It’s simple honey, I’m number one on the list. Titus? Seriously?

BECKY: I’m guessing Showtime Cougar might have something to say about that?

EVEREST: You know Becky, you are getting really predicable. I figured you bring up that wet behind the ears championship wanna be.

You see Cougar is just like all the rest. He wants this and he wants that, but he doesn’t want to work for it. Cougar thinks that because he struts his way to the ring, swoons the fans a little bit, and talks some crap about the champ, that he instantly jumps to the top of the ladder. Well son, I’m happy to tell you that it doesn’t work that way here. Not when I’m still running the show. Meltdown’s audience is getting a real treat this week, they are going to get to see the master give another free lesson to the youngster.

I’ll tell you Becky, I won’t lie, I haven’t really followed what the Cougar has done here because quite honestly he’s never been a factor in anything that interested me. Until now. You’ve become successful Cougar….if your goal was to get recognized?

Getting recognized and getting wins are 2 completely different things. That title shot is mine and you’re going to want to pay attention because I’m only teaching you this lesson once.

Several years ago someone made famous a nice little saying…..Don’t cross the Boss. Come Meltdown I may not be the boss but I’m still going to make you my bitch. I know it’s cliché, but I like it.

Alright Becky in the interest of moving this along let me just ask the next question for you.

Everest, what do you think of Vance Bateman turning the championship match at Unscripted into a Hell in the Cell match?

Well Becky, it’s named that for a reason and I’m not going to get into the dangers of the match, we’ve all seen them, we’ve seen the outcomes and the injuries and the horrific moments. Fact is Vengeance the match doesn’t scare me, I may walk out of the cage, I may crawl out, hell there is a great possibility I might need assistance to make it back up the ramp, but how ever I get back through those curtains, I’ll be doing it with the WZCW WORLD TITLE over my shoulder. I’m coming for my title and I’ll keep coming until I get back what is mine. Showtime Cougar you are just the first step, Vengeance you are the final step.

BECKY: So you don’t think that you might be fading from the……..

EVEREST: Becky, you’re stretching, you want some sort of comment that you can quote in your blog or try and scoop the newest news rag? It’s not happening dear, as a matter of fact, this interview is done. I’ve got plans and you my friend have some lonely Fabio covered book to get back too. Take care.

With that Everest takes off his mic glares at Becky and simply stands up and heads toward the door. The logo flashes on the screen as we fade to black.
Scene opens on the set of The Show. The crowd is laughing and clapping and Showtime David Cougar is sitting behind his desk with a smile on his face. The camera man can be seen holding three fingers up, counting down to zero, as the camera zooms closer.

Cougar: Hello and welcome back to The Show. We‘ve had a pretty amazing show so far here tonight, wouldn’t you say? We had Leonardo DiCaprio here tonight, played a little Inception with him. Musical guests Stone Temple Pilots came and rocked out songs from their new self titled disc and chatted about touring again. But now we may have the biggest guest ever here now on The Show. But first a little explaining.

Showtime directs his hand towards the curtain in the back. It opens up to reveal a large metal cylinder standing vertically with the words “Time Machine” above it. The crowd chuckles upon seeing it.

While viewing footage of a little mountain called Everest, my camera crews stumbled upon this machine buried in the rocks. A team of excavators came and dug it out and determined it to be a time machine. Tonight's special guest will be Everest, and it will be the Everest's of the past, present, and future. Is everyone prepared to see the Everest of the past?

The crowd applauds and puts out a small remote. He sets some dials and then pushes a button. The machine lights up and smoke shoots out the machine door, once the smoke clears... a small stroller wheels out. Baby Everest is on stage, drooling and crying. The crowd laughs as Showtime stands up befuddled.

Huh, I guess I went a little to far back. But it’s definitely Everest all right, he whines about the same.

The crowd laughs as Showtime runs over to baby Everest. He leans in real close and one of his camera man takes a picture. He takes another one with Showtimes fist pretending to punch Everest. Showtime wheels baby Everest into the machine and pushes a button, transporting him back to his time.

My bad, I messed up on the year dial. Okay, here we go, ladies and gentleman, a young Everest from the past before he became WZCW World champion.

Showtime stands by his desk and pushes a button. The machine lights up and out pops out a man who resembles a younger looking Everest. He looks around the room with a confused look and then spots Showtime. He prepares to defend himself.

Past Everest: Alright, who are you man. How did you bring me here? If you’re behind this with Reaper and Maxx then I’m going...

Calm down Everest, calm down. Reaper and Maxx aren’t behind this. Heck they aren’t even in WZCW anymore.

What are you talking about? Of course they are. I just fought Maxx...

Everest, don’t think where you are, think when?

Everest stares confused at Showtime, but lowers his guard.

What do you mean when?

Everest you are about two years into the future I'd say.

Two years, and Maxx and Reaper are no longer in WZCW.


What about Gus?


Sincade or Manzo.

Afraid, not.

BigWill man.

Hasn’t been seen in a long while.

Two years, no way man.

Oh it’s true. No Grand Mystique, no Ben Legend, no Murfish, no Daniel Stokes... no Joseph Rios.

Well that one I can believe. Rios, Ha. So who are you then?

My name is Showtime David Cougar. I am the most watched superstar in WZCW today, and your opponent at this upcoming Meltdown in a number 1 contenders match.

Well man you're gonna walk straight into a mountain because I am the Peni...

Yes we know, pinnacle of perfection, got it, heard it. My ass isn’t new around here either. In fact, you’ll see me within a year, guarantee it.

Huh, so are you here to tell me my future?

Aren’t you afraid of what might happen if you know too much about your future.

Not really, I know I will be World Champion, that’s a sure thing.

Confidence, something we both shared often early in our careers, and still much the same today.

You gonna tell me, or am I gonna have to beat it out of you.

Okay, I will. Everest, you will go on to become World Champion, twice in fact.

Only two... ah well, I’ll just have to beat your ass and win it a third time.

That’s right, you became champion, because all the competition vanished.

What do you mean?

What do you think I mean? Oh wait, you don’t know, so I will explain. Those names... they didn’t disappear just recently. They vanished before and soon after you became champion. Milenko, Norcal, Disasterpiece, Steamboat. They are all gone too.

Impossible, let me see a roster page.

Here use my laptop.

Past Everest scrolls to the WZCW roster page.

The only two people from your era that are still here are Vengeance and Titus, both rumored to be...

Not true, look Anthony Michael's is still here.

Everest points to a picture


Oh, ha. That’s actually newcomer John Constantine. But many have commented on his striking similarities to Michael's.

So what was the point of bringing me here.

To tell you your future, how the legacy that you now hold as the sole reason you should receive a title shot, is a shame. That you never proved yourself to be better than your peers. You never rose above all who were viewed as above you before you became champion. Your rise to the WZCW championship, resembled much like the school yard football game, when all the other kids leave the field, because one loud obnoxious kid is whining and ruining the game. So in the end, he has the ball, but no one to say he truly beat for it. You will become the champion of an almost dying wrestling company, that was saved by the addition of a new nucleus of stars, myself included. Everest, your ball was taken away from you and now you have to prove that you are really good enough to get it back, and let me tell you, I don’t think you are now, and you certainly won’t be at Meltdown. The reason I’m telling you all this though because it will be the first time we face in two years. So I want you to start getting really prepared for it now, because when I beat you at Meltdown, I want you to remember what I just told you, and that no matter what, I’m right when I say you can’t change the future. It’s already set in stone. No run along and take heed in what I tell you. Maybe you can’t change what happens, but at least your attitude can change.

Everest walks up and stands right in front of Showtime.

I look forward to crushing you in two years. That is something you CAN’T prepare for.

Everest walks over to the machine and turns to Showtime.


let me live in it, yea we know..

Showtime pushes a button and Past Everest is gone.

Alright people lets really speed this into high gear. Now lets go to the future and bring with us the Everest from that time.

Showtime fiddles with the knobs and pushes a button. Lights and smoke occur and out from the smoke steps out an overweight and bald Everest. He has a horrible cough and is missing a couple teeth.

Ladies and gentleman the future Everest.

Future Everest: What’s going on here? Oh let me guess, one of those time machine doohickeys. We got some of those in the future. I spent a great deal of my wealth going back and reliving all my old victories.

I’m sure it’s been a while for you since one of those happened.

What are you talking about kid? I could take you on right now.

Future Everest hobbles over to Showtime. He throws a slow punch which Showtime dodges easily.

Clearly. Besides Everest, I’m amazed you don’t recognize me, All the future beatings I’m prepared to give you. It’s me, Showtime.

Never heard of you.

The audience laughs. Showtime turns and smiles with them.

Here, it’s quite explainable, watch. How many World title reigns have you had.

Can’t remember?

Who’d you beat to win your first?

E. Honda.

Remember a guy named USA?

Ues Ahy?

When was the last time you had sex?

Oh that’s an easy one... uh... mmm...

That’s alright, we don’t really need to know. What’s clear is that you’ve become everything you deserved to be. A poor, out of shape, washed up has-been who clings to his once great accomplishments so much that he can’t even remember his long ago glory days anymore.

Hey, I might be able to remember what happened. It’s these pills I’m taking.

Everest. You’re even doing it today. Your holding high above your head, jumping up and down like an excited school girl, about how you beat and destroyed a defenseless USA. You’ve decimated him from behind for weeks before hand and now you start demanding a world title shot, even though you still haven’t beaten any great competition that has arrived since your first title reign. The fact that you refuse to acknowledge my career is an insult to your ego. Our career went much the same, we both are Mayhem champions who disproved of weapons and used those titles as platforms to bigger titles. The fact is Everest, I have beaten the other so called main event talent here in WZCW, from Ty, to Titus, to Vengeance. You wanna say that I don’t work for anything, well let’s see you work to beat me old man. I have beaten what WZCW has thrown at me, and now I’m ready to take down the whole mountain. Everest, you today are ducking the competition because you want to be remembered as a champion, it’s not about who you faced, or who’s career you helped along the way, it’s all about you and your legacy. But a life as champion without facing any competition, will forever be viewed by fans as a failure. I know it’s too late for you to do anything about it future Everest, but when I bring present Everest into here, he can see his wrong and agree to change himself to save you and your legacy. Wouldn’t you like that?

And girls?

I beg your pardon.

If your plan works and I become a different person... than I’ll have lots of money and women again, right?

Yes, that is correct, now quickly. Into the machine and I will bring present Everest into the room.

Future Everest steps into the Time Machine. He turns and waves at the crowd as Showtime pushes a button and he disappears.

Well there’s just one more Everest to bring. He is the present day Everest and my opponent at this upcoming Meltdown.

Showtime pushes a button and the machine does it’s usual routine. Out pops the same Everest as before, only sporting a horrible looking wig and a black tank top to hid his stomach. He yells and runs screaming at Showtime. Showtime ducks down and flips the fake Everest overtop, crashing him through his desk. The audience laughs and applauds. Showtime looks slightly shaken, but then casually walks over to the table and picks his sunglasses off of them, lucky to have not been crushed.

Funny... I didn’t realize Everest already looked like his future self. Amazing how little we change. I guess that may mean something else about you two is still the same Everest. That you both are has-beens, unwilling to let go of anything you deem to be a success. You came out last Meltdown and boasted about how you destroyed nothing more than a middle-carder for life? What happened to you man, you had it all and now your out here every night demanding to get some of it back. But what have you done for it lately? Who have you beaten to deserve anything resembling a title shot. USA, Garth Black, a beaten down and wounded Corey Payne. The fact of the matter is you haven’t done anything in a very long time that is worth arguing that you deserve a title shot over. The fact that you walked out there and proclaimed your victory at Apocalypse was the most talked about event of the night is the biggest sign that you are clinging to some faded lose of recognition. You miss the fans cheering your name. You miss the support you got when things weren’t going quite your way and I’m sure after your lose against long time rival, Vengeance, one that you’ve been accustomed to beating for a long time, Everest I’m sure that must’ve been an eye opener about what’s become of you. Everest it was about a year ago, when you turned your back on the fans who supported you throughout your career in WZCW. Well Everest I’m here to tell you the fans don't care about a high ass wrestler who clings to his small meager accomplishments and demands everything come his way and they never will. I have had to fight and claw my way up the ladder to right below the very top where I currently am, and I have fought and beaten all that this company has deemed the best along the way. That is except you. And now for the first time ever, when Everest and Showtime meet inside the Meltdown ring, I will be able to do just that and receive my first WZCW World Heavyweight title shot. One at least that didn’t happen at the last minute.

Everest I‘ve had the privilege of starting out here the very first show after you won the WZCW championship. I’ve had the opportunities to see you perform, to see how a champion wrestles and wants to stay champion, and I'm ready to take you down. Everest this match has been one I’ve waited for a long time and one that the fans have been wanting to see for perhaps just as long. And this is a match I know you’ve been wanting for some time as well. Another chance for you to be relevant and to stand in the ring with someone the fans will definitely tune in to see. Everest you've been so consumed with yourself, you haven't realized there is a being in WZCW more relevant than yourself, and that is me. Everest, you turned you back and rejected the fans and now they will all be there to watch and they will make noise. They will be there in full force to let you know that they refuse to support a belligerent wino who demands that he be a champion. They want a champion who wants to defend the belt every night and show that he is the best wrestler in the company. They want to support a man who has their best interests in mind and wants to put on the best match of the night each and every night. And that man is me Everest, not you. You once could’ve been like me, a hero to the fans, their champion. Hell man you once were, but now a new star is in the winds and he’s ready to ascend to the thrown and take his rightful place at the top. Everest if you wish to stop me than I suggest you bring all that the so called Pinnacle of Perfection can bring, because it will take the whole Mount Everest and everything below it to cancel this Show from the airwaves!

The crowd enthusiastically applauds.

Everest, This may very well still be your world here in WZCW, but your world is slowly starting to change the channel on you, and what they are watching is a new superstar, what they are watching is me, Showtime David Cougar! And what the world watches, the world makes relevant. Everest I am going to make you relevant again, just a one night occurrence at Meltdown, and after that the only relevance you’ll have, is from me beating you to begin, Showmania, and it’s gonna run you wild off the mountain. Goodnight.
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