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MD42: Scott Hammond vs. Chris Jones

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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion
Two of the Mayhem Ladder match participants face off this week to finish off some odd looks and beatings they gave each other at Apocalypse. No doubt that the winner of this match is going to want to reinsert himself in the title picture, but will either of them keep focused knowing that the belt was stolen in that match?

Deadline is Monday 12th July 23:59 EST
(The camera fades into a packed house show as once again Becky Serra is standing in the ring with mic in hand. The crowd is electric as she raises the mic to her mouth)

Becky Serra: Ladies and gentlemen, after being a few days removed from one of the most physically enduring Pay Per Views in recent memory, Apocalypse, please allow me to introduce to you at this time, a man who walked into Apocalypse with the hope of climbing a ladder and becoming a three-time WZCW Mayhem Champion, only for the title to have been stolen at the end of the match, please welcome...SCOTT HAMMOND!!!!!

('When I'm Ere' blares from the PA system as the crowd goes nuts. Scott Hammond walks out onto the top of the ramp, looking puzzled but pumped. He walks down the aisle, slapping the hands of fans as he slides into the ring. He walks to the corner turnbuckle and raises one arm in the air, still showing some of the slight injuries sustained from falling off of the ladder at Apocalypse. He walks to the middle of the ring and stands next to Becky)

Becky Serra: Firstly Scott how are you feeling after such a grueling ladder match?

Scott Hammond: Beaten up I think is the expression. It certainly felt like the Apocalypse during that ladder match Becky. I took some pretty heavy bumps. But like all things, time has been a good little healer and I am ready to come out at Meltdown at 100 per cent.

Becky Serra: Much controversy surrounds your match at Apocalypse, with the Mayhem Title seemingly stolen from it hanging place during the match. What are your thoughts on the going's on with the belt and how is it affecting you?

Scott Hammond: Come on Becky, lets not play psychologist here. Six men walked into that match and gave their blood, sweat, and tears for the Mayhem Title all for some jackass to come in and take it away. But what goes around, comes back around five times harder. And I know that everyone is buzzing as to who may have stolen the title, myself included, and I also know that Baez has a good idea as to whom it may be but I have some advice. Baez...we don't see eye-to-eye on many things but as a fellow professional, I implore you to think outside the box. I know that all signs point to one man, the name of whom I think we all know. But, as is so often in these situations, things are not always as they seem. Something deeper is going on here, and I really hope that you get to the bottom of it Baez, I really do.

(The crowd let out a small pop)

Scott Hammond: Now as far as the match went, it was one brutal spot after another. Let me tell you first hand, taking a fall of a ladder bloody hurts! It seems in that match that I got my hands on everyone, bar my opponent this coming Meltdown, Chris Jones.

Becky Serra: Excellent segway into my next question. After everything that happened at Apocalypse, how are you mentally preparing yourself for your forthcoming match with Chris Jones?

Scott Hammond: Mental preparation has never been a problem for me Becky. And, as much as I hate to admit it, the stealing of the Mayhem Title has hit Baez far more than it hit me. It was his title when it was stolen, and, although it angers me that this person has taken away another chance for me to reclaim it, I'm sure that Baez will uncover the truth soon enough. As far as this week goes, I have my own plans for this coming week and Chris Jones, the 'savior' is unfortunately one problem that I intend on putting to rest before he becomes a royal pain in my arse.

Becky Serra: Chris Jones has made quite an impact here in WZCW, and certainly held his own in the ladder match, how will you be combating Jones' style?

Scott Hammond: Brutally simplistic wrestling Becky. I intend on out wrestling, and out classing Chris Jones. I know Chris Jones is no doormat. He gave just as good as he got in that ladder match, but for me, he is another stepping stone for me to advance my career here in WZCW. I watched some of your tapes as 'Whitewolf' from the UK. I was to say the very least, impressed, but I believe I have found your weakness. Unlike those who like to keep others weaknesses to themselves, Chris, your weakness is quite obvious. Your inability to keep your composure during heated situations is something that I am going to look to exploit.

(Hammond composes himself before leaning into the mic again)

Scott Hammond: After the Apocalypse, only the strong survive, and mark my words Becky, I intend on making quite an impact in the coming weeks here in WZCW, and you can take that guarantee to the bank and cash it.

Becky Serra: Ladies and gentlemen, give it up for Scott Hammond!!!!!

('When I'm Ere blasts from the PA system again as a loud roar can be heard by the crowd. Scott Hammond poses on the turnbuckle once more before shaking Becky's hand and climbing out of the ring. He slowly walks down the ramp, giving one final glance at the live crowd before disappearing behind the curtain)
*camera cuts to the locker room area where Chris Jones is seen laying on a bench, eyes closed. Leon Kensworth walks into the frame*

Kensworth: Ladies and gentlemen, what looked to be an incredible and historic ladder match was cut short due to the Mayhem Title being stolen from the harness it was hanging off of. While all signs point to the thief being Dr. Steven Kurtesy, no concrete evidence has been revealed yet, but what can be said is that all participants in that ladder match are looking for blood. With me now is one of those participants, Chris Jones.

*Kensworth moves over to where Jones is, kneeling down beside him*

Kensworth: Jones, considering you especially took some serious damage in that six-man ladder after you were thrown into the crowd from the ladder, how are you handling the aftereffects of this match?

Jones: I can tell you that I've felt better, Kensworth. Even after the night-long hospital stay, every part of my body aches. So much so that I've barely been able to move from this spot since I got here.

Kensworth: What are-

Jones: Incidentally, Kensworth...

Kensworth: Um...what?

*Jones opens his eyes, glaring at Kensworth*

Jones: Didn't you consider the possibility that I was sleeping?

Kensworth: Er...

Jones: Did you consider the fact that, by starting an interview with me, you would have woken me up?

Kensworth: Well...I...

Jones: And did you consider that, since you woke me up, that I would be especially cranky, and possibly want to cause someone serious harm?

Kensworth: ....well....you....uh....

*Jones stares at Kensworth for a minute, then closes his eyes again*

Jones: Ah, forget it. Even if I wanted to snap your neck like a twig, I can't be bothered right now. But next time, consider knocking.

Kensworth: I'll...keep that in mind...at any rate, what are your thoughts on the Mayhem Title's disappearance? Do you believe the rumours that Steven Kurtesy is behind it?

Jones: Truth be told, Kensworth, I couldn't care less.

Kensworth: But...I thought you wanted the Mayhem Title?

Jones: What would be the point in taking it from a champion that doesn't even have the belt with him? The belt represents the championship. Without it, Killjoy or Baez or whatever is only a champion because the board room says he is. Taking the championship from him now wouldn't have anywhere near as much importance than if I took it from him with the belt. No, I'm going to wait until Baez gets his belt back, then take it from him. As for Kurtesy, if he is the one behind this, I don't envy him at all.

Kensworth: Well, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but you have a match this week on Meltdown, against the former Mayhem Champion, Scott Hammond. Your thoughts?

*Jones opens his eyes again*

Jones: Is that guy still hanging around this division?

Kensworth: Yeah...why wouldn't he be?

Jones: I was hoping he realized that he's no longer relevant in this group. Guess I was asking for too much. Truth is, Leon, Scott Hammond is everything wrong with the wrestling business in general. He tried to move up to another division in this company, realized that he couldn't get anywhere, and came back here to make things harder for the ones who are trying to make a name for themselves, like me. All because he can't accept that no one cares about him anymore. It's pathetic, and quite frankly, if I were Hammond, I'd be ashamed to leave my house in the morning.

Kensworth: What exactly is your game plan going into this match against a veteran like Hammond?

Jones: You ask that question as though you expect me to have a game plan.

Kensworth: So you're saying you're not prepared for this?

Jones: I'm saying that I don't care enough to prepare for this. Like I said, Kensworth, right now I'm just biding my time while Baez gets his belt back. It's not like there's anything important to do until that time comes.

*a knocking on the door interrupts the interview*

Jones: It's open.

*one of the camera crew walks in and gives Jones a DVD before leaving*

Kensworth: What's that?

Jones: The promo between Doug Crashin and some guy named Constantine. Ever since Apocalypse, people have been asking me if I saw it and what I thought of it. I figured it must be important, so I asked someone to make me a copy of it.

*Jones then hands the disc to Kensworth*

Jones: Go put it in the player, I'm too sore.

*Kensworth frowns, but walks over to the DVD player and puts it in. As the promo plays, Jones grows more and more interested, slowly getting to his feet while it plays. The promo ends with Jones staring at the TV intently*

Kensworth: Um...Mr. Jones?

Jones: Hm....hmhmhm.....hehehe....

*Jones starts to chuckle slightly, which soon turns into laughter, which eventually turns into screaming, maniacal cackling. Jones falls to his knees, laughing all the while, pounding the ground with his hands. The laughter soon dies down, though Jones is still shaking*

Jones: Hehe....gotta say....Crashin has a better sense of humour than I thought. And this Constantine guy.....once his political campaign fails, he should become a stand-up comedian...

Kensworth: Wait...what's so funny?

Jones: Don't you get it, Kensworth? I'm the only true Savior of this company! And yet these two clowns think that they can claim to be the same? It's the funniest thing I've ever heard!

*Jones gets back to his feet, still chuckling slightly*

Jones: I suppose I should thank them, though...that little bit of comedy got my motivation back...

Kensworth: Motivation...?

Jones: Yeah...now I'm going to rip through Scott Hammond and leave him in pieces on the mat. After all, he's now standing in my way against Crashin and Constantine. Once Hammond's out of the picture, the two false prophets are next. Then, I can prove, once and for all, that I am the true Savior of this company...

*Jones grins his usual wide grin, chuckling more and more*

Jones: And that, that will most certainly be the sweetest justice of all!

*Jones resumes laughing loudly as the camera fades to black*
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