MD40: Contract Battle Royale

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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion

Where WZCW gained three more members to its elite roster, more applicants have been knocking at the door. Who will be earning their contracts this week and who will keep on dreaming?

Deadline is Monday 24th May 23:59 EST
SUNDAY 23 MAY 2010; 2200HRS

"This is how it has to be…"

"If you ever come back to Earth or ever need any help, don't hesitate to give me a call…"

"Where will I go?"

All these thoughts ring through Alexander's mind as he sits in his car, thinking over the last months events. He just two weeks ago, he was a part of an elite independent wrestling organization, but has since walked away after attacking his boss.

"I've never quit anything a day in my life, but I quit there, I couldn’t take the unfair politics. Oh well, their loss."

He says to himself, speaking softly while he looks out of the windshield at his Boston home. He hadn't been home long, taking him time driving from Canada back into the continental United States. What's more is that he managed a visit with a few friends on the way home, but ensuring to avoid any contact with his father, who was very vocal of him leaving the independent federation.

Alex pushed open the door of his car and slipped out of it, standing and stretching as he glanced around. He shut the driver's door and pulled open the door behind it to get his bags out of the car. It was late and he was tired, he couldn't wait to sleep in his bed, which made him hasten his step toward the door. He walked inside of his home and pushed his luggage off to the side. Alex places his keys down on a table and notices that someone's brought in his mail; more than likely it was his step mother.

Without saying a single word, he beings going through his mail, checking just the sender block on the envelops, at first he seems completely uninterested as the majority of them are all junk mail. Soon, though, he stops at the next to last envelop and smirks some, the sender block reads WZCW. He opens the mail and pulls out the letter, reading it quickly and then tossing all of his mail down on the table before walking off.

The letter reads:

"We with Wrestle Zone Championship Wrestling have reviewed your application to join our roster. Upon review, we have determined that you may make a pleasant addition to the roster. We invite you to take part in a Battle Royale for a contract to compete in WZCW on Meltdown."

The scene fades to black leaving the viewer with the letter to read.

MONDAY 24 MAY 2010; 1530

The image opens showing the young Alexander Steele standing in front of a simple navy blue backdrop. No one is standing there interviewing him; he's just by himself, ready to deliver a promotional video to earn a spot on the WZCW roster.

"This is it, the big time; WZCW has asked me to take part in a Battle Royale for the right to compete within their squared circle. Was this the dream I’ve had since I wanted to wrestle? No, not really. I wanted to be like my father, a legend in the independent leagues, but this, this is much better. I now have the chance to not only step out of his shadow, but to surpass him in every way."

"I have taken notice of how many people and just who is involved in this Battle Royale, the people I have to beat to take my place on the roster. There are five guys, that includes me, that are fighting for this spot, only one of us can win the match, but we could all possibly walk away with a contract. I, however, plan to be the one with the guaranteed contract by pulling out the win."

Alex pauses to shift his stance, raising an eyebrow as if he was confused by something. In all honesty, he is confused by something.

"What I don't get, is why I'm the only person to produce a promo for the match. I waited until today to do it because I just wasn't around; I was driving home to Boston from Canada, taking a long way around. I got home late last night and found out that I was booked for a Battle Royale at Meltdown and I was already prepared to be in the ring, taking it to whoever will be standing opposite of me. But, am I the only one that got the memo? Did everyone else just not open their mail and ignore it as if it were a letter of rejection?"

"The four other individuals in the match, Tucker Graham, Jonnie Blaze, Granite, and Rodney McClain haven’t said a single word, which for me is a bit unsettling. I'm used to upper level competition and what I'm seeing in these four so far is miles from that. Four people who applied at around the same time that I did have gone mute, not bothering to step up to the challenge laid before them by WZCW management and showing off that they might just be a little too used to being rejected."

"I want competition come Meltdown and regardless of how these four individuals make their presence known, regardless of how their in-ring performance is, I can absolutely guarantee that the Battle Royale will not be a match to miss. The fans will get everything they want out of a Battle Royale and everyone in the back will be put on notice."

The young man crosses his arms over his chest and gives off a charismatic smile. Everything about him says that he's ready for this match to happen and cannot wait to be walking down the aisle to wrestle again. He just hopes that everything will be different here in WZCW.

"To all of you, watching this, I am Alexander Steele. Son of an independent wrestling legend, I have a massive shadow to step out of, but that task for me is not impossible. I am here in WZCW to hone my skills and most importantly, give the fans what they deserve, one hell of a show. Meltdown marks the beginning of my time here, I will win this Battle Royale and earn my contract, and then I'll move on to the rest of the federation, wrestling across the country or globe and securing my place here as a top contender."

"Tucker, Jonnie, Granite, and Rodney, get ready boys, work out, inject your steroids, say your prayers and eat your vitamins, come bell time I'm wrestling circles around you all; and if I have to, I'll eliminate each and every one of you myself. None of you are standing in between me and this contract and anyone that believes they are will get choked out."

Alexander smiles at the camera one last time before walking in close to shake hands with the camera crew that just helped him out. The scene fades to black as inaudible chatter can be heard through the microphone.
Sunday May 23, Baltimore, Maryland
Jonnie Blaze sits alone on a step outside of his apartment building. He watches as people sell drugs, get jumped, and cops creep through arresting people. Blaze has been there before. But not now. Blaze sees the mailman walk up to him, a little frightened, and hands him his mail. The mailman walks away timidly, but quick. Blaze goes through the mail. Bills, court dates, WZCW invitation. Blaze stops and stares. He opens the letter slowly, not wanting it to be damaged.
"Jonnie Blaze, we here at WZCW have reviewed you application and feel you would make a strong addition to the WZCW roster. You have been formally invited to participate at the Contract Battle Royale at Meltdown."
Blaze smiles and stands up, and walks back into his apartment building.
Monday May 24,Meltdown
Blaze stands in front of a backstage wall with his dreadlocks shaved off and a baseball bat in his hand, slung over his shoulder.
"My name is Jonnie Blaze. Tonight, I have been chosen to be WZCW's next big star. Well, I haven't won the battle royale. Not yet. See, my opponents, are nothing to me. Take a look at me. I'm 6 foot 5. I'm 272 pounds of pure muscle. None of my opponents stand a chance against me."
Jonnie pauses, thinking about his opponents with an arrogant smile.
"Lets start out with Tucker Graham."
Jonnie chuckles to himself and pulls out a note.
"Tucker Graham, 5 foot 10, and 185 pounds. That dude ain't even up to my shoulder. I can crush him in my bare palms. He wants people to do what makes them happy. Well here's what makes me happy-beating people down, and you can bet your scrawny ass I'ma beat you down."
Jonnie pulls out another note.
"Alexander Steele. You're the bastard son of a so-called legend. but he's a legend in the minor-leagues. This is the big time playboy, and you can't make it past me. You know why your daddy don't wrestle no more. Cause he heard the news that I was coming around here. And apparently your mom was a nurse. Well, you're gonna need to call her after I'm through with you, if you can even talk."
Jonnie pulls out another note.
"Granite. Another dude I can destroy. You claim that you grew up fighting. Well, we sound a little similar, now don't we. Only one difference. I became a king. You were just a small time street fighter. I've seen you people before. You stab people in the back, and you love to do it. But I got eyes in the back of my head. I don't form alliances. I get henchmen. You can save yourself alot of pain if you become my henchman. And you better be ready, because I turn rocks into paychecks, and if you're Granite, then you better get ready to get crushed into powder."
Jonnie pulls out his last note.
"Rodney McClain. I chose you last, because, well I think you'll be the toughest to beat, but that ain't saying much. That's like being the tallest midget in the world. How much did you really accomplish? Look, you may have been kicked out of damn near everything, and you probably think that this is the time you stay around as long as you want. Maybe all those blunts are making you delirious, because WZCW is gonna be mine. There's nothing Rodney, Tucker, Granite, or Steele can do about it, because if i can conquer the streets, I won't have any problems getting through you *****es. I don't care about what you had to go through to get here, I had to go through more. Honestly, I don't know why any of you would show up, because you're gonna lose anyway. Save yourself the from the pain. Jonnie Blaze is gonna run through yall quicker than Usain Bolt running the 100 meter dash, and that ain't a threat, it's a promise."
Blaze walks away, and the camera follows him until he's gone from view.
Rodney McClain is sitting on a stool alone in a dark foggy room smoking a joint
AHHH!!! a few weeks ago on meltdown i let all of my fans down, I choked under the pressure i got over anxious and i admit to it. This time Rodney McClain aint making the same mistake. I know who my competition is pretty impressive group but quite frankly...i dont give a damn i'm a man and i fear nothing but Jesus. This week on meltdown will be the most intense and focused Rodney McClain anyone has ever seen. I've worked harder than ever before and ill be damned if Titus could stop me let alone these rookies. These small minded individuals dont understand what being in the WZCW means to me, but tonight.....tonight i'm going to show them how much it means
McClain starts to smile and the camera fizzles out to black and white
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