MD38 - Ty Burna & Lars Reidar vs. Steven Kurtesy & Doug Crashin

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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion

With both men swarming nearer to Corey Payne's prized King For A Day shot, the question comes of whether anyone is brave enough to stand up against the dark combination that is Ty Burna and Lars Reidar. Former Tag Team Champion Steven Kurtesy has called upon the assistance of Doug Crashin to take on the two deadly characters of WZCW. Will Kurtesy go back to TN'K routes or will he show new tactics? Will Corey Payne be giving this matcha closer look knowing he's just a week away from facing these two himself?

Deadline is Monday 5th April 23:59 EST
The reliable doors of the office's elevator slowly creep open, revealing a room covered in a disturbing darkness. Confused, a shadow even darker than the entire floor enlists the aid of the walls to guide it. The alliance is only brief as the end of the wall throws the shadow into the deep end, forcing it to adjust to its surroundings to find its goal. Mimicking an assassin, the shadow treads lightly to reduce all noises emitted by itself whilst opening its ears to hone for any unfriendly movements. It is not enough as its foot stumbles over, momentum dictating hitting rock bottom.

Right before impact, another prevents the shadow from crashing into the ground. The shadow tries to catch a glimpse of its saviour as the other keeps it there for the moment, putting together the details of who the shadow might be. All that can be seen is a bright orange light that varies in brightness, with a slight remnant of smoke filling the air. The intensity of the now visible cigarette reveals the other to the shadow, and the shadow to the other. Carefully, the other lifts the shadow back on its feet to where it once was... once lost, now found.

A little shocked, the shadow looks towards the other in query as the expression of the others face is somewhat worrisome. It's a rare experience for the other to look like this, although very familiar. It is the same facial expression that the shadow saw in itself many years ago. The shadow becomes very concerned and initiates itself to break the silence before anything else follows the same path of being broken.

I thought smoking inside these premises is illegal, despite whether you own the floor or not.

The shadow barely sees a smirk run across the face of the other just as it decides to speak.

You thought, huh...? Not something you see everyday, is it?

This isn't the time to be sarcastic...

My dear child, I wasn't doing anything of the sort. I was speaking the truth. When is it that you can specifically go around and try to pinpoint a large amount of people thinking solely on what they are doing in action? When I saw you sneaking in, thinking was one of the last things I'd imagine you'd be doing.

Funny you should say that. There are many things that you wouldn't expect certain people to do, although it is a clear possibility. In order to sneak, you need to think... but no-one really pinpoints that. Just like when the people you thought you knew, the people you trusted your life... the people who were closer than family to you turn their back on you. You'd never expect it to happen, but it's always a possibility. You never expect to be abandoned by your partner, your brother... William Teach.

Sandy, Sandy, Sandy... you have learned well in dealing within the confines of psychology, for someone who had trouble grasping the concept of sanity. It seems as if I have guided you in the right direction because of my teachings and I could not be more prouder with you as your overseeing caretaker... as your saviour... and that's the most I could as for. You are a prized possession Sandy and would not know what I'd do without you.

But it seems that some spirits out there cannot be saved, no matter what you try. Some like William Teach are already a lost cause and its time that I come to terms with it quickly or it will play on my mental psyche for the next few weeks. It was only a matter of time before his chronic boredom would take over and find something else to entertain him. I'm nothing to him, because I'm a wrestler... wrestling does not interest him.

And yet Steven, you pick somebody who is much worse off than William to help. Doug Crashin is on the chopping block anyway, why not leave him for fate to decide. Discarding what has happened...

Ultimately, you cannot force a man to convert if his will disallows him from doing so. Teach did not want to give in, so I set him free to see his own future without me. But Doug Crashin needs somebody like me to even see anyway past this week, he needs someone to pick him up from his descent and get him back on his feet. Just like I did with you a long time ago, and only moments before. He needs a saviour just like you did, and I can be that saviour Sandy.

Okay, now I'm starting to think that this whole situation with Teach leaving you has affected you negatively by making you think that you have this special ability to save everyone.

It's alright to be afraid Sandy... it's alright to be afraid of something you fear that you don't know much about. I would be too if I were in someone else's shoes, because I have found my calling Sandy. I am meant to save people from themselves, from their own mind. They don't understand the forces that play on them inside their brains and I aim to eliminate all the possession, all the insanity, all the unholy thoughts, Sandy. Destiny has paved the way for me and I will grab hold of its throat to control everyone else's.

I will come to the aid of Doug Crashin and save him from being handed his deadwood contract. I will give him another chance at redemption, but only if he accepts my extended hand. If he does, then he will aid me on my quest... starting with two of the most psychotic minds in the business, Lars Reidar and Ty Burna. Both men foolishly believe that they have the "power" on their side, "instructing them" to perform certain acts for their pleasure and personal motives. It's one thing to preach like Second Coming did, but to act upon with force just sickens me.

These two epitomise what horrors insanity can do to man. Listening to an Ouija board long before the Earth was created? The entire game is based off probability... how can you rely on a game created on the grounds of fiction that has multiple chances of extracting possible scenarios to be relevant in reality? There is no destiny behind it, just pure luck. I don't revolve on luck, I take what I am given... there is no second option. I roll with what I have been given... unlike Lars Reidar.

Vengeance failed in his first attempt and had to transform himself into somebody else. And for both encounters, where has that gotten him? A date with Leon Kensworth. World championship contender or not, Reidar is not a man who can control his own destiny when the challenge arises. I, however, am someone who can step-up when I'm required to do so and can control destiny. My destiny? To finally get the chance to avenge all those lost souls that I tried to save, like what Reidar did to my former patient Ashleigh FalKon. Burna and Reidar will not torment any longer whilst I'm around... trust me, I'm a doctor. I will have the Kommon Kurtesy to save them from themselves and save someone in need of a helping hand. And if my ring patients Burna and Reidar resist my attempts, I shall hit them with a dose of Prescripted Sedation.

When they are lying on theirbacks praying to their higher powers for answers and asking themselves why they didn't allow themselves to be saved, I will be standing over their bodies one step closer in my quest to salvation to ask them one final question...

... and how does that make you feel?
The sun is shining in a cloudless blue sky, as the camera begins to pan down to the large country house

As the camera moves closer to the house, a gazebo can be seen on the well maintained front lawn, whilest two figures dressed in black dresses, white aprons and black heels can be seen hovering nearby.

Sitting at a table under the gazebo, Lars Reidar and Ty Burna are sitting, both dressed in light coloured, open collar shirts adnd trousers. Ty has a straw panama hat on his head, while Lars slightly greyer hair is tied in a loose ponytail.

While they are sitting talking, the two black-clad figures come into shot, revealing themselves to be Serafina and Tarja, dressed as house keepers.

Serafina sets down a large china teapot and matching cups and saucers, as Tarja sets down a large, tiered high tea set


Both men help themselves to the food, as the ladies wait.

Ty:That will be all!

Serafina and Tarja nod, and walk back towards the house, not looking impressed with their roles.

Ty: You must try some Earl Grey, the bergamot really enhances the taste of the tea

Lars: I'm more a Darjeeling man myself, but I'm assuming we've come here to discuss more than tea.

He lifts a sandwich and begins to nibble on it, waiting for Ty to finish his tea

Ty: You're right, because, if I'm honest, whilest we're both refined characters with similar outlook on life, I neither like nor trust you.

Lars goes to speak, but Ty continues

Ty: That being said, we destroyed Payne last week effectively as a unit, and this week we have can put the nail in Crashin's coffin, and show the quack Dr the inside of a real doctors office.

Lars shifts in his seat

Lars: We have unfinished business with Payne still, although Kurtsey's decision to try to interfere when I had more important things to focus on hasn't been forgotten, and he needs something 'prescribed' to ensure he doesn't interfere again.


Ty: What?

Lars: You had the cheek to cheapen my victory and then try to kill Payne yourself. DON'T be naive enough to think I don't want to destroy Payne myself. We work well together, and will still have the chance to prove ourselves the dominant forces in WZCW. So, whilest I despise that I'm forced to help your desires, our desires are aligned on this goal.

This dark alliance will last so long as our desires remain the same.

Ty: You know, I don't understand why people see us as dark, vicious people. All we have done between us is ensure Payne took his medication on time, give Leon a free holiday and got rid of Ashley FalKon. Those have all been favours!

The sandwiches have all been consumed by now, and the tea has been emptied

Ty: I think we need a refill, and some cake before a game of croquet.

Ty grabs a slice of chocolate cake while Lars refills the cups. Ty goes to lift his cake to eat it, before Lars slams his hand back down to the table.

There is an awkward pause, before Lars speaks

Lars: Fork Ty... after all, we're not monsters

Both laugh, as the camera pans up to the blue sky, before fading to black
We find ourselves outside Doug Crashin’s home in the Hamptons where we can see the backyard of the 3 story mansion. It is somewhat of a cloudy day but that’s to be expected since the house is situated on the edge of the banks of the Long Island sound. The backyard consists of an Olympic sized pool and a waterfall at the edge of the right side heading into the sound. It also consists of basic Martial Arts equipment like a punching bag, mats wooden practice sticks etc. It also consists of a 16 by 16 ring and a Bar-B-Q area with a fruit bar and tables with chairs. We can see Doug wearing his Gi sitting in Full Lotus position and Jason who is wearing a black wifebeater and black pants. We hear a ring as Jason takes a cell phone out of his pocket.

Jason: Hello? Yes this is the Crashin residence. I see. So Mr. Crashin has a tag match next week right but it’s under deadwood rules? What the hell are deadwood rules? So if Crashin gets pinned he’s gone from the fed? Ok. Got it.

Jason hangs up the phone and yells at Doug.


Doug wakes up from his trance.

Doug: What did I tell you about disturbing me when I meditate?

Jason: Don’t do it?

Doug: Yes Jason. What in damnation is so important that you had to disturb me?

Jason: You have a match next week. IF you get pinned your fired.

Doug: Yes I know this. As I was meditating I forsaw this conversation and gotten the help of one Dr. Steven Kurtsey. Remember I’m always one step ahead.

Jason: I don’t even wanna know. Anyway aren’t you worried about being fired?

Doug: Not really. I mean why should I be? Ty and Lars are like a very expensive vase I own. Wonderful when put together, easily broken. Why should I bother worrying about a Tag Team who don’t like each other? The point of being a tag team Jay is sticking together and being there for your partner. That’s why I got Kurtsey. I know he’s going to be there when I call for help. Speaking of help I wonder how cohesive this unit of Ty Burma and Lars Reidar is going to be. I have a history with Ty as you know. His lousy ****e interfered and cost me my first match here.

Doug sees the camera and shakes his head.

Doug: I know you’re watching this Ty. I told you that you would live to regret having your bitch interfere in our match. I got you where I want ya boy. I’ve done a lot of research on your “Ouija” board since our match and I have to say it’s a load of crap! Seriously! It’s just a game! There’s nothing “special” about it! The only Spirit you should worry about is your own. I don’t know how many personal demons you have Ty but asking a ouja board will get you in a Looney Bin if you haven’t been there already. Lars Reidar. Here’s another idiot. He thinks that he’s purifying the sin that is Wrestlezone Championship Wrestling. Well Lars I’m going to let you in on a little secrete I’d like to call BULL CRAP! THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS SIN! God loves everybody. Even this seaspool of a fed. I really don’t wanna take this match seriously but I have to since this match is for my career. I got Kurtsey because I know he’s gonna back me up in this match and not let me get pinned. Technically I don’t really need him but since it’s a career threatening match I need all the help I can get. That and I really have to be on my “A” game now. No more cockiness, overconfidence. I have to get serious. Thank you Batterman and that other idiot. Come next week, you are going to see a new and improved Doug Crashin. And THAT ladies and idiots is a FACT! Now if you'll excuse me I need to meditate on this.

The scene fades to black.
The camera comes into focus just inside Lars Reidar's country house. Two black clad figures are seen bustling around a kitchen and as the camera zooms in, it reveals Tarja and Serafina dressed in house keeping outfits. Tarja looks quite angered whereas Serafina looks content with her doll like smile on her face. Tarja suddenly slams down a tray full of fruit, causing grapes and apple slices to go flying everywhere.

Tarja: Who the hell do they think they are? We do everything they ask and this is how they treat us? We should be sitting with them and planning out their dominance with them, not relegated to waitresses!

Serafina: Tarja, what you don't understand is this should not involve us. This is two great men that now see eye to eye and understand they can help each other to their ultimate goal. Besides, don't you have an enemy of Lars to go jump on top of?

Serafina's face suddenly darkens as she grits her teeth and stares down Tarja. Tarja swiftly walks over to Serafina and the two stare down.

Tarja: You insignificant wench! How dare you speak to me that way! I merely do what Lars asks of me, nothing else!

Serafina: Is that so? then why do you fail every time he asks you of something? I do not question my master as his plans have never failed. You do not have undying faith in Lars as I do Ty. Face it Tarja, the reason why we are in the kitchen and not out there is because of your failures.

Tarja: My failures? Perhaps if you would do something more significant other than follow orders, Ty would take you seriously enough to allow you to help in their little conference. And I will tell you this Serafina, Ty is more of a man than you could ever handle.

Serafina suddenly grabs Tarja and shoves her against a wall. She slaps Tarja hard across the face, with Tarja promptly returning the favor. The two start tussling with one another all over the kitchen, with Tarja gaining the advantage. Serafina suddenly flips Tarja over and mounts her, attempting to choke her.

Serafina: I swear Tarja, I will eliminate you like I will Crashin at Meltdown if he even thinks of coming near me.

Tarja: I think you need help you ****e! Why don't you go talk to that whacked out Doctor Kurtesy!

The two continue to roll around the kitchen until two familiar figures stand in the doorway.

Ty: It seems our two female charges are more prepared for our match at Meltdown then we are Lars.

Lars: Perhaps you are right Ty. Enough of this civilized discussion. I believe it is time we get down to business and prepare for what we do best.

Ty: Yes, come let us make preparations. Kurtesy and Crashin will be nothing more than bugs getting caught in the spider's web. We will show why we are the most dominant force WZCW has ever seen.

Lars: I warn you once more Ty, our allegiance is temporary until one of us gets what he deserves, Payne's KFAD title shot. I will become WZCW World Heavyweight Champion Ty, even if I have to tear your head off to get there.

Ty grins viciously as he turns towards Lars, crossing his arms. The two women suddenly notice the two men in the doorway and quickly stand up and start cleaning themselves off.

Ty: I wouldn't expect anything less Lars. We will have our final battle to prove who truly is the most lethal warrior in WZCW. But until that point, our allegiance will bring forth the destruction of anyone who gets in our way. That includes Crashin, Kurtesy, and especially that rat Payne.

Lars nods approvingly as they both turn towards the women who are silently picking up the fruit that is strewn across the kitchen.

Lars: You two better learn to get along, we want you both to have front row seats to the decimation of Crashin's pathetic career.

The two nod and leave the kitchen quickly. Ty and Lars walk outside and look up at the sky, quickly turning grey as a thunderstorm moves into the area.

Ty: They wish to call us monsters. They think they can stop us or cure us of a nonexistent madness. Lars, I believe it is our time to yet again prove that nothing can get in our way.

Lars sighs as Ty looks up at him with an inquisitive eyebrow raised. Lars laughs loudly as he watches lighting flash across the sky.

Lars: I was looking forward to our croquet match Ty. It would have been yet one more even where I proved myself better than you.

Ty: How about a friendly wager then Lars? Whoever pins Crashin and sends him upstream and out of WZCW gets the first crack at Payne.

Lars smirks as the two men shake hands. Rain begins pouring down hard and lighting continues to strike.

Lars: I believe that is a wager that I don't care who wins Ty. Crashin is finished in WZCW, and Kurtesy will be visiting his own psyche ward after we are done.

The camera pans out as the two women walk up behind Ty and Lars. Thunder rumbles in the sky as one more lighting strike hits the ground and the camera fades to black.
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