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MD35 - Scott Hammond vs. Blade (EurAsian League)

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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion

Two men with great frustration take each other on in a match of great importance in the EurAsian League. Blade will be looking to go for the chance to win the League while Hammond will look to be setting an example to prove a point against their other league opponents? Who will go one further to make their mark in the league?

Deadline is Monday 18th January, 23:59 EST
The scene opens in Vance Bateman's office. Bateman is behind his desk, staring at Blade who's on the other side. Blade is trying to avoid Bateman's eyes. Blade shifts uncomfortably in his chair before Bateman finally breaks the silence.

Bateman: I'm going to ask you something. I'm going to ask you only once, and I expect an answer because you were only in my office a few weeks ago and I'm sick of having to deal with you.

Blade continues to stare anywhere but at Bateman.

Bateman: Blade, what the hell is wrong with you?

Blade clenches his jaw then finally darts his gaze up to Bateman. The leer at each other for a moment. Then Blade smirks and starts talking in a sarcastically cheery voice.

Blade: Why, whatever do you mean, Mr. Bateman?

Bateman sneers at Blade, who is still smirking.

Bateman: Well, ignoring for the moment that you set a fire in a locker room not long ago, first you destroyed another locker room with a sledgehammer.

Blade: I didn't like the colour of the walls. Grey, very depressing.

Bateman: You verbally abused a fan and Rebecca.

Blade: You'd think she'd be used to it by now...

Bateman: You hit your finishing manuever on Zander after he'd already been attacked, putting him out of action indefinitely.

Blade: Well, I wanted to make sure I got the 3 count...

Bateman: And then you interfered in Frankie Smith's Elite X title match, attacking him and his opponent!

Blade: And yet, I bet you haven't had Frankie in your office. In case you've forgotten, he's the one that attacked Zander.

Bateman looks for a moment like he's going to shout at Blade, but then a look of calmness sweeps across his face even thought the vein in his temple is still throbbing.

Bateman: Be a smartass all you want. But I'm going to be completley serious with you right now. If you keep this stuff up, you will be fired.

Blade rolls his eyes.

Blade: And what about the other rule breakers in WZCW? What about guys like the rWo? They get away with this stuff week in week out. You don't even threaten to fire them.

Bateman: That's different, we let the rWo get away with all their rule breaking because we have to for business. You are different though.

Blade: Hey, I'm equal to the rWo at least...

Bateman: You are not important enough to have that kind of job security and you're not important enough to be a member of the rWo.

Before he can stop himself, Blade lets out a heavy laugh. But he stops just as quickly as he started, looking slightly angry with himself. He adjusts himself in his seat and clears his throat.

Bateman: And just what is so funny?

Blade: Nothing, sir. Nothing at all.

Bateman gazes at Blade for a moment, who looks back defiantly.

Bateman: Every time you're in my office, it's just a big joke to you. Can't you ever be serious in an important situation.

Blade once again smirks. He leans forward, placing his hands on Bateman's desk.

Blade: You want me to be serious? Fine, I'll be serious. You see what I'm doing to the WZCW and what I'm doing to myself? The chaos I'm causing? This is your fault. I know that may shock you because you and the suits that run this place think you can do no wrong. But you can make mistakes, and it seems lately all the mistakes you make have involved me. See, I tried so hard to be a good little boy. I did my thing, trying not to step on anyone's toes. I played by the rules. But then you guys changed the rules and I ended up getting screwed over because of it. I got screwed over week after week. I thought justice would be served. But no, I got no justice, I got no compensation, so I needed something to take out my frustration on. I smashed up the room, I hurt Zander, I ruined the precious Elite X title match. And I kinda liked it. It felt like something I was good at doing. And it was obviously working, because I finally got your attention.

Blade's voice is so low now he's practically whispering. But Bateman is still hearing every word, with a look of shock on his face and his mouth half open.

Blade: At the end of the day, Vance, you created this monster... So you have to do something about it.... Or else, I might end up in a postion that you really, really don't want me to end up in.

Blade slowly gets up and leaves the office, slamming the door behind him, leaving Bateman with the look of shock still etched on his face.


Blade is back in his locker room just before his match at Meltdown, again with the anonymous figure in the corner as company. Blade is staring at the man, looking somewhat pleased with himself.

Blade: Well?

Voice: Well what? You failed miserably to impress me.

Blade: You told me to do something. I did something, and now Zander is gone.

The voice gives out a laugh, which echoes through the locker room.

Voice: I think you're much mistaken. Frankie Smith is the reason Zander is no longer here.

Blade sighs and rolls his eyes.

Blade: So typical of you. Not giving credit where credit's due.

Voice: Well then, you can try and impress me again this week.

Blade shoots a look of annoyance at the shadows, and starts speaking with a hint of resentment in his voice.

Blade: Maybe I don't want to impress you anymore. Maybe I should be impressing people who are more worth my time.

To Blade's surprise, the man in the shadows smiles. A sincere smile.

Voice: Finally, we're getting somewhere. You're starting to think for yourself. Now tell me, who are you facing this week?

Blade: I dunno, Scott Hammond I think. He's some nobody, not a concern to me. I've got much bigger things to deal with.

Voice: Good. No more worrying about worthless, insignificant opponents. You and I both know that you have a much bigger opportunity to make an impact this week. Take the opportunity.

End of scene.
(The scene fades into a small office in an unknown building. The back of a large leather seat can be seen with a small head poking out from the top. The telephone is off the hook and in the hands of the man seated on the chair. The man turns around, it is Scott Hammond looking very dis-pleased. His cheeks are red with anger, he smashes his hand down on the desk as he begins to speak)

Scott Hammond: (talking into the phone) I am getting sick and tired of this crap! Every single bloody week I am being screwed in this forsaken company...I know, but I am a freekin' legend. I deserve respect...did you know that I haven't won a match since my debut?...I'm trying to keep my composure but it is so frustrating...okay, I will...when should I expect you?...okay, let me check.

(Hammond looks down and writes down a number on a piece of paper)

Scott Hammond: No problem, after this tournament, I will look out for you...yes...speak soon.

(Hammond puts down the phone and takes a deep breath. He looks somber, as if his spirit has been broken)

Scott Hammond: I was always taught that hard work yealds results. When I was younger, I used to play football, or as most yanks call it, soccer. I was exceptional. I played for my university team. I was told I would be great. I was told I had all the makings of a great footballer. In the summer of my last season playing for the team, the manager told me that I couldn't play in my desired position on the field anymore. He told me to work within the system. He told me that as long as I took his advice, I would do great things. Being young and naive I took his advice, and played on a different part of the field. In the next five games I got progressively worse because I didn't feel comfortable playing there. That same manager who told me to work within the system dropped me after that game. I was heartbroken. I wanted to live the life. I wanted to believe that hard work harvested great things. All I learnt that day was that blackmail will get you whatever you want.

(Hammond rises from the large leather chair and begins to pace the room with his hands behind his back)

Scott Hammond: I'm going to be honest. In fact, brutally honest with all of you. In WZCW I feel like I'm playing for that football team again. Every corner I turn I'm being screwed out of what is rightfully mine. The EurAsian title shot was mine. With my performance at Lethal Lottery I should have inherited a rematch for the belt. Thats the truth. My hard work should have made me the number one contender. But no. The big wigs at WZCW wanted a stupid tournament that I can no longer win. Thats right. I said it. Its a stupid bloody tournament which has no significance for me now. With that, I am now screwed out of a spot on the biggest show of the year Kingdom Come. Last week, to my surprise I was beaten by the better man. Chris Beckford, it is not easy for me to be humble, but you were better than me last week, and after weeks of being screwed, its nice to come up against some decent talent.

(Hammond now stops and looks at a large piece of paper on the wall. It has next weeks Meltdown card on it. He stares at his opponent, his face beginning to anger again)

Scott Hammond: That brings me to this week. Blade. I'm a nobody? You really have much to learn. You think I'm going to be concerned what some drunken Irishman thinks? Ha!! Your a disgrace to yourself and to the company. You never...NEVER underestimate me EVER! You've got bigger things going on? Thats no concern of mine and come Meltdown you will see just how big a problem I can be. See you at Meltdown, jackass!

(Hammond, now very angered smashes the telephone into the wall and trashes his desk. The scene fades to black)
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