MD35 - Lars Reidar vs. Showtime Cougar (EurAsian Title Best of Three: Round Three)

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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion

Third time's a charm and it looks to be this way for the Final Round of the EurAsian Championship Series. With both men taking a win each, it's even ground once again. Can Showtime Cougar be able to hold ground again to retain his title going into Kingdom Come? Or has the time come for Lars Reidar to finally win a championship?

Deadline is Monday 18th January, 23:59 EST
Backstage after Meltdown.

A loud crash can be heard in the corridor. The camera crew run to find the source of the noise and hear shouting coming from an unmarked dressing room.

As they come closer, a locker comes flying through the door, splintering it and barely missing the cameraman. The camera moves in to look through the gap, and finds Lars Reidar pinning Tarja to a wall by the throat.

Lars: How DARE you emasculate me?

Tarja: Wh-

Lars: NO! You interfered the one thing I wanted to do myself. You stopped me finishing the one thing I swore to you that I, I, I wanted to do myself!

He drops Tarja to the floor, she shrinks into the corner, rubbing her throat, before standing up, and slapping him on the face.

Lars: How

She slaps him again

Tarja: No! You were about to choke as you have done every time before. I am the one who kept you in that match. I am the ONLY reason that you got that shot in the first place. You were, are and still will be nothing without me pushing you.

Lars, puts his hand on his heads, turns to the locker and rests his head against it. Tarja walks behind him, and rests his hand on his shoulder. He headbutts the locker once... twice, then stops.

Lars: ...

Sometimes it all seems as if it's pointless. Look around at everything around us, Tarja. We have ineptitude at the highest levels of this company. A former actor/superhero is the man deemed good enough to replace me as number one contender, a pirate invents a title, and a man who is so ridiculously self-obsessed that he spends the majority of his time creating a television programme all about himself to convince himself he matters.

Tarja, every one of these people has the one thing I have never won. Even Milenko, despite being absolutely god-awful, managed the one thing I have never done.

And I've had enough of the fact that it took a woman to even keep me in with a chance of changing that run.

So ask yourself Tarja... how the HELL do you think I feel after one of the worst performances of my career?

Tarja rolls her eyes

Tarja: What! Do you think that has anything to do with me?!? Face it Lars, you have been pathologically unable to go the distance for the last year. Kingdom Come last year, you blew your guaranteed title shot and you have failed at everything since.

My interference last week wasn't what emasculated you. You've been having your testicles slowly chopped off long before I bothered to help you regain a shred of dignity.

You have one week left to prove to the world Vengeance still lives on, and that Lars Reidar can overcome.

Lars glances up, an ugly red welt slowly developing across his head.

Lars: Get out.

Tarja hesitates

Lars: Perhaps what I did to Klamor last week was lost on you. I don't care who it is, but no-one stands against me and prevails. Or maybe you missed exactly how I beat Showtime last week. He at least knows what level I'm prepared to take this to.

He stands and lifts the shattered door from the frame

I'm grateful to you, but I do this my way, and I will not have you ruin my moment.

Tarja leaves

Lars: The final pieces are slowly falling into place Showtime. And I will not fail again.

He closes his eyes and the lights blow out. A small light starts to glow from the corner as a video clip appears on a small television.

The EurAsian champion is laid on the mat, blood pouring from his head, as Harrys can be heard saying

Here is your winner, and NEEEEWWWWW EurAsian Champion

White noise
Scene opens in a dark room with multiple T.V.’s. Showtime David Cougar is in the centre of the room watching the T.V in front of him. On all the T.V.’s is his match from Meltdown 34 with Lars Reidar.

Suddenly Tarja runs out from the back and jumps up onto the apron. THe referee's attention turns to her as Cougar covers Lars. Tarja continues to keep the ref's attention as Showtime gets up and walks towards her. Lars meanwhile stirs slowly and moves behind Showtime, connecting with a low blow. He rolls Showtime up and the ref turns around. The ref counts to three!

David stands up and throws the T.V in anger. He then starts smashing all the other T.V.’s in the room till the room is pitch black. The spark of a match is heard as it shines in front of the camera and lights a cigarette in David’s mouth. A dim light begins to shine above David as he takes in a drag and speaks.

Cougar: You know my Mom used to smoke. Never a lot though, just 3, 4 smokes a day at most. Said it helped her relax, helped her get through the days. For 20 years she smoked till the day I turned 7 when they helped her die from cancer.

David takes the cigarette out of his mouth and flicks it off to the side.

My Dad would smoke a pack or more a day, all of it at work, and do you think that this life altering experience changed his habit of smoking. It didn’t. Quite the contrary, he started bringing it home with him too. He also saw the lose of my Mom as a glorious opportunity to live out his dream and move to Hollywood. So we packed our bags and left my home of Winnipeg for the bright lights of Hollywood. My Dad would work just about every small job he could get out there in the film industry. One time he held the camera for an episode of the Tonight Show with Johnny Carson. Other times he worked the lights or held the microphone for countless sitcoms. He’s been an extra for hundreds of films, T.V shows, commercials, and hell, maybe a porno or two. Any work he could find, he took. I should know. The man would work 18 hour days often. This left me to be raised by the T.V. I soaked up as much information as I could from the T.V. One thing that I enjoyed watching and fell in love with quickly was wrestling. I idolized and mimicked the many stars I watched and would train and practice moves in the living room.

Whenever wrestling came to town, me and my Dad would go to see it. I guess you could call it our father-son bonding. But we wouldn’t go like normal people do. Even for his son, my Dad still wouldn’t take time out and would go there to work, but he would take me with him and let me hang backstage. What a sight to see the great wrestlers I would watch at home, the towering giants, the masked daredevils. I would hang around whoever would let me and proceeded to ask them question after question. I wanted to learn as much as I could, I wanted to be the best there was. As I got older, I began to hang out more at the studios my Dad worked at. It wasn’t out of sheer want, there was just nothing for me at home. As years passed, our home downsized from small, to tiny, to a bachelor apartment. My Dad would smoke 2 packs a day, drink himself to sleep every night, and probably indulged in a few other drugs and narcotics. I hung with the studio personal, the producers, the directors, the big executives. They all took me under their wing and taught me how to act, how to talk, the gave me the charisma and confidence I was lacking. I started working small commercials and shoots. Anything I could to get some money.

After I turned 16, my Dad had developed lung cancer. I visited him one last time before I returned home to Winnipeg to live with my Aunt and Uncle. I was angry and mad at him for the childhood he robbed of me and the pain he had caused. I yelled at him for the money he squandered and the time that he had wasted. I picked up the smokes that he had on his counter and yelled at him about how they killed my mother and how they killed him. And do you know what he said after that, do you. He told me that cigarettes didn’t kill my mother, my mother died because she was weak.

David moves his hand across his face and stares downward. He then pulls out a smoke and lights it up. He takes a puff and speaks.

Little did I know that the rotting piece of scumbag was right. The man lived longer than a decade, and he still smoked a pack a day. I went back to Winnipeg and trained night and day to reach my dream to be a professional wrestler. After years of fighting it out in the ring and putting my face in front of the camera for millions to see, I finally achieved my dream and earned a contract here in WZCW and now stand before you, a two-time champion, THE CURRENT EurAsian champion, and arguably the most talked about wrestler in WZCW today. My Father died about 3 months ago. I didn’t go to his funeral, but I sent him a note to be placed in his coffin. In it, I wrote how much I hated and despised him. In closing, I thanked him for help shaping the man I was today, for without his negligence and absence, I wouldn’t have learned how to survive on my own so fast, I wouldn’t have strived to work and train hard to get to where I wanted to be, and I wouldn’t have learned how to remain hard and rock solid in the face of defeat and adversity.

David takes another puff, picks up his EurAsian belt and places it over his shoulder and speaks again.

So you’re probably wondering what this all has to do with you Lars. Well first, it shows how I overcome the many challenges, both in life and in the ring, that I have faced and beaten, while you on the other hand have stumbled and failed at every title opportunity, every match that means just a little something, every obstacle that comes along. But more meaningful than that, what this little message about smoking means that my twisted father shared down to me; if you beat me this Meltdown, everyone will say how it was you who beat me, everyone will blame you for my defeat, like they blamed the smoking that killed my mother. But the only person that I will have to blame for my loss, for my defeat, is myself and no one else.

Lars, you are the cigarette, the disease stick that spreads cancer over WZCW, but I will defeat your cancer and live, because I am strong and you are weak. I have beaten the best and continue to beat them each and every week. My record is near unmatched by the entire WZCW roster. And you Lars, for a man who has engaged in war with the WZCW Heavyweight champion Everest and took the then Elite-X champion Titus to his very limit, you have appeared as a coward, very weak and defeatable. In our first match, you attempted to injure me and leave me unable to defend myself, but you failed at that, and in our second match you needed the distraction of Tarja, a low blow and a role up, to avoid a 2 and out defeat. You shout loudly at Klamour and Tarja, but whisper so softly in the ring verse me. Where is the indestructable Norse God, the Crowned Warrior, the man who was supposed to push me to my very limits and rip the title right out my hands. I'll tell you where he is, that man is still buried in the same grave that Everest planted you in. Lars, you better bring your A game this Meltdown. Bring Tarja, bring Vengeance, bring the whole Norse God army with you to the ring, because there is nothing that you can do to take this belt off of my shoulder. Lars I want the fight of your life out of you, because you will be getting the fight of my life out of me. You will be getting all of the Show this week and when our match is over and people will begin talking about it for years to come, they will all conclude with the same thing, Showtime beat Lars, 2 out of 3 matches.

David takes the smoke out of his mouth and flicks it off camera.

Lars, one day you may get over that hump and win your very first gold in WZCW, but Meltdown WILL NOT be that day. I have worked far too long and far too hard to lose what I have won and claimed my own. This is MY title to defend at the biggest stage of them all at Kingdom Come, MY title to defend against the winner of the EurAsian league, and MY title to keep until the day someone out bests me. Lars I am riding high and you are falling fast and at Meltdown you will not be the best. This ain't a Jets game for you, there will be no underdog victory. I am the best that this company has present, and future. I am the biggest ratings draw this company has seen, and after Meltdown, I will continue to prove that I am the most dominant champion alive. Head to Head... Prime time we go... and the Show... will be on top.
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