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MD35 - Big Dave vs. Chris Beckford (EurAsian League)

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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion

Battle of Britain commences once again as Big Dave and Chris Beckford as the men holding the top two EurAsian positions do battle. Both men have everything to gain from this match, mainly the title shot but how will Beckford fare against Dave for the first time since they did battle in the Lethal Lottery?

Deadline is Monday 18th January, 23:59 EST
*The scene opens as the camera focus' on a park bench. Its a beautiful day, the sun shining brightly, there is a slight breeze but not too cold. This park has a river and the sun is glistening off of it. The camera turns towards a set children playing on the swings and slides. One of the kids is a very young girl about 5 years old who is being pushed by her mother on the swings. A set of teenage boys are seen behind the swings playing with a football.

The camera continues turning, we see a young couple sat hand in hand under a tree enjoying a nice romantic moment, further round the park we see a couple enjoying a picnic. The camera does a whole 360 and ends up looking back at the bench. As it does this we see a figure sit down.....the camera pans to the face and we see it is Chris Beckford

Beckford sits cross armed just looking round the park for a few minutes before pulling a tennis ball out of his pocket, he starts to throw it in the air and catch it again. As he does this a figure sits down next to him.*

???: I thought I may find you here.

*The camera pans up to the mystery figure's face and its revealed to be Sam Remmington*

Beckford: Yeah I needed to find a place to sit and think about things. This place reminds me of Jackson park back home in Leeds.

Remmington: Yeah I can understand that, so what are you doing here?

Beckford: Just thinking about things man, where my life is right now, things I need to do.

*Beckford points towards the girl being pushed on the swing*

Beckford: Look at her, Ya know, I kind of envy her. She is completely oblivious to the world at the moment and has no idea how it works. She doesn't have to work for anything yet, and her dreams probably involve Barbie and Ken. I wish I could remember what that was like. My mum told me I had dreams to be a police man when I was younger. Now things are different, now my dreams are focused firmly on WZCW.

Remmington: Thats life though man, why are you talking about dreams though Chris. Ever since you came to me the dream was to get into WZCW, you made that come true.

Beckford: Thats just the thing, I want more. I want to become a champion, I really don't think theres a point in just being here, I need more. As it stands at the moment I'm second in the EurAsian league behind my next opponent Big Dave. I could beat Big Dave and it may not be enough to achieve my dream because he still has his two pointer to come. I've lost one match in this league and that was to Karnage in the two pointer and that defeat could come back to hurt me most. I am undefeated by the EurAsian league members and its still not enough. You see Sam, these next two matches are the biggest of my career. Against Big Dave we may have the outside element of the RWO, I've seen what they can do, they have picked apart Titus and Bratchny over the last few weeks and they are two of the best WZCW can offer. My point is they will do whatever it takes to get there ''boys'' to the top. They want to control WZCW by taking the titles and I will not let that happen. I'm sure Big Dave hasn't even thought about facing me up untill this week, but since he got to the top of the standings, I've thought about nothing else. I know I can beat him, I need to beat him, I will beat him.

Remmington: I know you can beat him too, I really doubt the RWO would get involved, they have Titus and Bratchny to worry about. You're right though, Big Dave and Blade are probably the biggest matches you will have had so far.

Beckford: Yeah, I'm not even thinking about Blade, untill the time comes. At the moment he is very erratic and I don't want to get into that right now.

*Beckford stands up and turns to face Remmington.*

Beckford: Sam, Kingdom Come is the biggest event of the year, I need to be on that card, I have to beat Big Dave and Blade to have any chance of that to happen. This is the dream Sam and it's going to be the second hardest thing I've ever had to do.

*Beckford walks away from Sam, the camera follows him as he gets to a corner he looks up towards the sky. A tear in his eye he says*

Beckford: I'm going to need your help with this Dad.

*The scene fades out.*

The camera pans out of the TV to find Big Dave sitting in the kitchen of his house, drinking a beer while watching it.

Big Dave: Only a win was good enough then…only a win is good enough now!

Dave takes a sip of his beer.

What is effectively the rWo motto comes into play here. You have the might and heart of London in myself, in Arsenal, against the bottomless pit of grief and despair in Leeds, in Beckford. I want you to sit and think about this situation right now Beckford, think about where you were back then and where you are right now. You and your selfish ways stand in the path of what is destiny, much like you did seven years ago. You are the final stepping stone in my chance to clinch the title, but if you make the mistake like you did back then, you will only be selfish enough to end that dream…and suffer the consequences.

What I ask of you is not to lie down the moment you get in the ring, but to think clearly about what choice you have going into this match. On one hand, you could let the inevitable happen, accept that I will be going to Kingdom Come and take the championship from either Lars or Showtime, taking what’s rightfully mine, or just put your own selfish methods ahead that will just cause no benefit. Didn’t Leeds get relegated the year after? Had you not been selfish in that match, you would have just accepted fate as you should have and not delay what was to happen by a year!

Now you must realise Beckford, I don’t want to play this game of not trying to understand you despite you only being in the WZCW for so long, but more to understand that I hate you. When I look at the people I have conquered in this league, Blade, Rush, Hammond, none of these guys I have any true qualms with, they are just mere mortals who fall in the path of my destruction, setting the example in the rWo! While you’re different, you represent everything I despise and while this hate has lasted over seven years, this match on Meltdown will not redeem you for it. You represent the bad things that the United Kingdom has to shamefully accept as putting them out in the world, when they should have been put out of their misery, with the exception of Malcolm McDowell!

Dave takes another sip of his beer, then holds the bottle with a clenching grip to the camera.

You see, your time here Beckford is slowly running out. You can only put so much energy and enthusiasm into your matches, but this beer, like your pretty pandering finishers and your league performance will run dry. To which I will then…

Dave throws the bottle with full force on the floor, smashing it into many pieces.

Destroy you!

Now I want Showtime or Lars, whoever the champion is after Meltdown to watch this and the match this week, because after Beckford and then Trevor Steel.

Dave picks up another beer bottle that’s unopened.

You’re next!
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