MD34 - Lars Reidar vs. Showtime Cougar (EurAsian Title Best of Three: Round Two)

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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion

In Round One, David Cougar defeated Lars Reidar by countdown. With Cougar having the win under his belt, will he take full advantage and try to end this Best of Three series before Lars even has a chance? Reidar will no doubt be looking to make the odds return to even ground as the EurAsian Title hangs in the balance.

Deadline is Monday 4th January 2010 23:59 EST
In the hallway backstage, Johnny Klamor can be seen pounding on a door.

JK: Where the hell are they? LARS... TARJA...? How the hell does Kensworth always manage to find them?!?

A slender, curvy shadow appears on the wall behind. The camera pans round to show Tarja standing behind Johnny, looking mildly out of breath, sweaty and a little dishevelled. It is clear from her attire of black and red sports bra and shorts she has been working out. Johnny very unsubtly checks her out, mouth slightly open. Tarja speaks first in her mildly accented voice

Tarja: Ahhh, you must be the Mr Klamor I've heard so much about. It is pleasure to meet you.

Lars is not here now, I made him stay in gym for a while longer to make up for his mistakes last week. I train with him, so please excuse my appearance

JK: No, no, it's... you look...

Tarja: It is last week you want to talk about, yes? Go inside and we can talk in private.

Johnny stands for a moment, Tarja smiles at him, before saying

Tarja: You need to move for me to get in

Johnny moves out of the way, looking a little sheepish and muttering an apology, before Tarja brushes past him and walks into the locker room. She moves to the back of the room as JK and the camera crew enter.

Tarja: I'm hoping you don't mind, but I feel I must freshen up before we talk.

JK: By all means... take your ti...

The camera pans round from Johnny to catch the reason for Johnny pausing mid-sentence, as Tarja is walking towards the shower, having peeled off her bra and dropping it on the floor. A second later the shorts follow, then the sound of water can be heard. A faint 'Holy...' can be heard escaping Johnny's lips before he recovers and moves on.

JK: Last week, Dave Cougar proved that he does indeed have brains, as he managed to get Lars counted out, purely because he managed to avoid putting him through a table for the DQ win. Did Lars forget this was a title match, or did frustration just get the better of him?

Tarja: What do you want me to say Johnny? Lars lost, this is true. Has he lost the title? No. Could you pass in my shampoo, I left it beside the door?

Johnny walks over and lifts the shampoo, which Tarja's shorts had landed on, and goes towards the shower. Tarja reaches out and grabs the shampoo, catching JK's hand in the process.

It is fact that now Lars must win both matches. And Showtime has shown he is more than capable of keeping his belt, but he has seen what the Warrior is willing to go to to hurt him. And still he maintains his campaign to taunt someone else, someone who with every loss becomes more of a threat to Showtime's belt, because the offer made last week still stands to Trevor Steele to ensure his son has enough to thrive.

JK: Do you think after all his failures in the past, Lars has lost the confidence he can actually win when it matters? I mean, it's got to be on his mind coming into this week that he's one loss away from another failure?

Tarja: Make no mistake, Lars may be working hard in the gym, but he will come to the ring for Meltdown refreshed, and ready for punishment that Showtime can bring, and still take some more.

His track record is not ideal, but the Broken Soul has buried the past, and is born again on a path to success

Johnny, would, eh, would you mind turning around, the camera as well so I can get out?

Johnny turns round, as does the camera, as it does so, it catches a reflection of Tarja standing towel wrapped round her.

After a few seconds, she walks out wearing a long WZCW T-shirt.

Tarja: My apologies for my rudeness, but Lars will be nearly finished his workout, and would be quite jealous to know you were here while I was showering. I think it would be better for us to continue this interview later on... perhaps your hotel room would be a private venue, with no interuptions?

JK: Ummm... well... I don't think that's professional... I mean, won't Lars object...

Tarja: Johnny...Lars won't mind in the slightest. Shall we say... 10pm tonight?

JK: Ummmm... sure...

Tarja smiles at him before escorting him to the door and closing it behind him. Out in the hallway, Johnny stands staring at the door, before whispering still got it and walking away

***Fade to Black***
The camera opens in Klamor's hotel room. He is dressed up in his best suit, open collar white shirt. Candles are dotted around the room, and he is running through some sort of last minute preparations.

JK: Wine... chilled and check, mood lighting... check, looking good... definately check, smell... (Gives himself a spray in cologne) check.

Listen... depending on how this goes, you can leave. I'm only keeping you here because it's an 'interview', ok? I'll give the signal, you clear out. Don't bother with packing up. The camera can wait 'til later.

Dirty laugh

After a few moments standing around, mainly occupied by Johnny preening himself and flexing in the mirror, the door knocks. Johnny sits down on the bed and calls
It's open, come on in.
Out of shot, the door can be heard opening. JK jumps to his feet, a look of shock mixed with fear coming over his now pale face. A roar comes from the direction of the door, as Klamour jumps to the other side of the bed.

JK: I can explain... it's not what it looks like!

Lars walks into view, a look of fury on his face. He pauses, before leaping at Klamour, knocking the camera to the floor. By the time the camera is back to an upright position, Johnny Klamour is pinned to the wall, the large arm of Lars Reidar across his throat.

Lars: I must say Johnny, this is all very romantic, but I'm not really in the mood right now. Besides, I couldn't help but notice your face when I was the one who walked in. Something tells me you were expecting someone a little more feminine.

JK: It's not that. I...

Lars: DON'T LIE TO ME!!! I know about your chat with Tarja earlier. I know she had you drooling all over her. And I Damn sure know that she arranged an interview, knowing you'd think it was her.

JK: I swear, I had no intent... AHHHHH!

As JK recovers from Lars elbow pressing harder on his throat, Lars drops his voice to little above a whisper

Lars: Johnny, it's sad that you, the best reporter in the entire company managed to get conned by a half-naked girl flirting with you. Did you really think that a Norwegian goddess, descendent of the Vikings, would show even a slight bit of interest in you?

He relaxes his grip

Lars: The thing is Johnny, I knew what she was doing. Don't look at me like that. I knew you wouldn't be able to resist her. And I can't blame you for doing anything you could to try to hold what was above you.

The same way I can't blame Showtime for doing whatever he could to escape me. He knows what he holds is so far above him that the opportunity to finish me inside the ring is just too much.

JK: What are you talking about? You brought him outside the ring and almost got DQ'd. You had lost either way!

Lars laughs, and sits on the end of the bed, head bowed and hands on his knees. JK looks nervous. Reidar looks up at him with his piercing blue eyes.

Lars: You really are the guy that asks the hard questions aren't you Johnny? Tell me... how many matches are there in this series?

JK: Three, but...

Lars: And do you really think I care about losing one match? I wanted Showtime to know what lengths I will go to prove how deadly serious I am about taking his belt. To let him know he will only walk again if I say so.

Instead, I miscalculated, but the result is still the same.

Showtime can watch this interview, he can replay it on his little show, he can even have you as a guest to talk about how I assaulted you. But that is all he will do. He holds win number 1, but I will not back down. All he is done, like you, is to corner the animal. And that is when I am most dangerous.

He stands up, Klamour starts slightly, but instead he walks towards the cameraman.

Lars: Tell me... Mr Klamour insists his intentions were honourable. If I were to replay the footage from before I walked in, would I see those intentions.

There is no answer, but it is clear from the reaction to the cameraman's response, that he has ratted out Klamour over his earlier demeanour, as Lars begins to go red with fury again. Johnny skulks into the corner, as Lars still stands facing away from him.

JK: NO!!! You said you didn't blame me!!!

Lars looks deep into the camera, and speaks in a dangerously soft tone.

Lars: I did say I didn't blame you Johnny. I did not say there would be no consequences. Just like Showtime, you will feel the Desecration I leave in my wake.

He turns and pulls JK to his feet, lifting him up into the double chickenwing.

Lars: Here's your advice Showtime... when you fight a cobra, don't cut off the tail and walk away.

He throws Klamour down to finish the Sacreligious Desecration, aiming for the bed. Klamour flops, dazed but still conscious.

Lars: All you've done is anger me, and the venom remains to finish you.

He storms out of the room, slamming the door. The slam causes the picture above the bed to fall, hitting Klamour who groans.

JK: That...didn't go... well
Scene opens with a large New Years Eve party on the set of The Show. Many of WZCW's staff and personal are in attendance, including about half the roster and even David Cougar's former tag team partner Trademark. Above the stage is a huge banner with Trevor Steel's face on it. Above him the banner reads "Guest of Honour" and below "paid for in part by his sons future". At the centre of the party is Showtime David Cougar, holding a tall glass of champagne and his EurAsian title belt. He is chatting with Trademark as their voices become clearer.

Cougar: And then I flipped him on his ass and won the belt before he finished his beer. Talk about a last call eh? Hahaha.

Trademark doesn't make a sound. He tilts his head slightly in curious fashion and takes a tall swig of his champagne, pouring most of it all over his mask. Still, he acts as though he did drink some, wiping some off of the mouth of his mask and letting out a refreshing "ahhh".

Ooookay, I'm just going to see if everyone else is enjoying themselves here tonight. You have fun, I'll see you around.

David begin to make his way around the room, making passing comments to those he walks by. He eventually bumps into Johnny Klamour, who is looking pale white and sore.

Johnny. Are you enjoying the party? Here let me fill up that glass for ya. So I got your text message about Tarja, very nice. So did you nail that hot ass that you said. Oh Johnny you old player you, I bet you laid on that 30 year old pomade you've been saving for this day, flipped on some Barry White and slapped her behind all night. Come on details Johnny.

Klamour: Umm... Show. Uhh things... didn't go... uh... exactly...

Johnny whoa slow down. Ha, no but seriously thou talk fluently. God you look pale and beat up. Either Tarja likes it rough or something else happened.

Yea... Lars. He came and attacked me...

Wait Lars came up to the bedroom, not Tarja. Must've been a big surprise.

Not what I was expecting. He laid his hands on me and...

Wait is this up on yet.

Yes I'm...

Checking right now. Blackberries, much handier than that pad of paper and tape recorder you carry.

Yes well, it was horrible, he attacked me and threatened me and...

Ha ha, look at your face. Oh man this is hilarious.

David, I'm worried about what this monster is going to do to you. He isn't just hell bent on beating you, he plans on destroying you.

And I'm hell bent on beating him too. It's like a ping pong match or a school yard argument. What he said or she said could go on forever, but none of it matters till we step inside the ring. Lars is nothing more than that school yard bully. Look at how he manhandles and threatens you. What has he really gained from it, nothing. Like those bullies, he is just trying to pick on the weak to make himself look like the toughest kid on the block, to intimidate others. Well we all know bullies have no real strength. They attack those around them to make themselves feel better about themselves. I don't blame Lars for being down on himself. The man has been an absolute disappointment in this company from the moment he stepped in. He has never won a title in his time here and he will never be all that I am. That is the kind of frustration that can drive a man to do what he did to you and make up bullshit to ease his pain. Lars can sugar coat his excuses anyway he wants to. The fact of that matter is that Lars lost, and not only that, but he went to great lengths not to beat me, and not to show me how serious he is about taking my title, but to injury me, because he's scared, because he knows that in a straight one on one fight that he will never be able to beat a champion as great as Showtime David Cougar.

Show, Lars can destroy you if he wants to. He is that powerful.

Why ye of little fate Klamour? Do I have to bully you around too to make my point clear.

No Show... it's just.

It's just what, I don't growl and change the sound of my voice from a load roar to a quiet whisper. I don't throw people onto beds and tables. Lars thinks that what I hold is above me, that he is above me. Lars needs to learn is that nobody is above The Show, nobody is above its main star, and if you want to injury me Lars, well that is the only way that you will ever take this belt off my shoulder because you will never pin me. I'm not here to play games, I play to win. I don't need to play back your little interview with Johnny boy over and over, I know what you bring to the table. I know your a badass who can break a man in two, raise the hair off a mans back, and scare an interviewer stiff. If you wanted to prove something, a win is usually the best way, but instead Lars put himself in a hole that The Show refuses to let him out of. The balls in my court Lars and I don't plan on backing down. This best of 3 just turned into a best of 2 and I plan on making sure it doesn't get to 3.

How can you be some confident Showtime?

And how can you continue to doubt me. David downs the rest of his drink I need another drink.


David is standing next to the bar. 4 empty champagne glasses are in front of him as he holds in his hands a 5th glass. Chuck Myles approaches the bar and shakes Cougars hand.

Myles: Great party you've thrown here Show. The company is thrilled with tonight and everything you've done.

Thank you Mr. Myles. It's refreshing to see that at least management has lots of faith in me.

Yes, now I also wanted to talk to you about you know who up on that banner.

Ahh the Trevor Steel thing. Don't worry my lawyers are handling this as quietly...

Now I don't like the idea of employes in my company suing each other. Now I understand I can not stop the legal proceedings that are happening right now, but I still feel like I am the authoritative power here is WZCW and after Kingdom Come, you, me and Trevor are going to sit down and deal with this, understood.

Yes sir.

Good. In the mean time I don't want you mentioning one word about it till after KC. I want you to remain entirely focused on Lars and your match at KC.

Sir, don't worry. Lars is in the bag.

Don't underestimate him. Lars is a dominant wrestler in this company.

And what, your saying I'm not.

Show, I don't need to tell you what a phenomenal talent you are. Lars is just a dangerous opponent, as good as you could be on any night. I just don't want you taking him too likely.

So you don't think I can beat him either.

Showtime, I have faith in everyone of my wrestlers, but if you want my honest truth, I have a friendly bet going with Bateman, and I chose Lars over you. But I'll be glad to see you prove me wrong.

David downs the rest of his champagne It's also refreshing to see even the boss doubts my abilities, excuse me.

David starts walking, grabbing another glass of chapagne off a waiters tray. He makes a beeline straight for Vance Bateman.

Bateman, long time no see.

Same to you Show.

I was talking with Myles over there and he mentioned to me about your guys friendly bet.

You mean how many women Tiger slept with?

Haha, no I meant me verse Lars. It's nice to see that at least someone here knows what I am capa...

Actually I wanted Lars as well. We had a coin flip about it since neither of us could budge. I lost, but I demanded Myles give me Lars in 2 as well. He said you should probably squeak out one, damn was he right. Oh well, I'm still rooting for you Show.

Show looks a little pissed as we breaks the bottom off his glass. He looks at the champagne and throws it on Bateman.

Thanks for your support. Enjoy life General Managing the B Show.


It's almost midnight. Showtime is again shown moving around the party, glass of champagne in hand. He bumbs into Stacey Madison

Stacey... hi.

Stacey: Oh... hi David.

I haven't seen you since... that night at the casino where I let you down easy.

Yes... I remember.

Look no hard feelings right.

No, none.

Good, that's good.


So... look, it's new years and I'm sure you don't have a...

There you are, I've been looking everywhere for you.

Excuse me... but... are you...

David, this is my date Georges St. Pierre.

GSP: Nice to meet you Dave.

The same...

Excuse us Dave, but Georges and I need to get a drink, come on sweety.

GSP: Catch ya later.

Stacey and GSP leave, leaving David speechless. Leon approaches startling David.

Leon, you little creeper. You have to stop doing that.

Leon: Again sorry David. Are you alright.

I'm fine Leon, just fine. And why is it that you are always trying to get an interview with me. Where the hell is Becky.

She's over at Times Square with Everest and Trevor Steel. They're representing WZCW there and...

Wait... Trevor Steel.


Why the hell is WZCW rewarding that eye sore in our company. It should be me that is up front representing WZCW.

Trevor Steel is a terrific role model.

And I'm not?

No Show, you're terrific. Now I wanted to get your comments about your second match verse Lars. What will you do to try and beat him this week?

Try and beat him? What, you don't think I can beat him either?

Hey, I watched Lars push around Titus, no easy feat. I'm not saying you can't I just want to ask you how you will...

What is it that I have to do around here to prove that I am the best. I've beaten the best that the company has thrown at me. I've won 2 belts and managed to defend them successfully without ever being pinned. I hold the record for the fastest victory and the first performer to wrestle in 3 matches on one PPV. When is the Show going to get the respect he deserves. When Leon when?

Show you are respected.

Then why is it everyone thinks that I am a chump, that Lars will simply roll over me. I've studied Lars. I've watched tapes of his matches with Everest, Titus, and Steamboat. I know about his knee and his violent nature. I am prepared to fight the monster, hell I beat him last week, so how come no one here thinks I can do it?

Because Lars IS talented. You're not the only one in this company who is talented. On any given day someone can beat you, Ty did, and what are you going to do then when that day comes crashing down on you.

The crowd counts down from 10 and yell Happy New Year. Everyone sings Auld Lang Syne. Two girls kiss David on the cheek and hand him a glass of champagne.

You know I never got that song before. I'm not sure I still understand it now, but I think I'm going to follow it. Should all acquaintance be forgot? Yes they should, and never will they be brought back to mind again. I don't need any of you jealous critics putting me down ever again.

David chugs back the champagne and hands the glass to Leon and walks away. David walks into a small office and sits behind the desk. He pulls out a bottle of scotch a pours himself two shots. He doesn't even hear the door open as a sharply dressed bussiness man walks in.

Showtime, hi I'm Trent Stonewall, and I am going to be your new executive producer for The Show and we're going to take your show to the next level. You'll be seeing a lot more of me on the set. Here is my business card. We expect big things from you in the new year. 2010 is going to be the year of Showtime David Cougar.

David looks over the business card.

Wait, who are you and how did you...

David looks up but Trent Stonewall is no where to be seen. David looks over the card again and turns it over. Written on the back is "2010 Year of the Show"

Hmm, about time somebody respects my talents.
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