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MD34 - Blade vs. Zander (League Two Pointer Match)

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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion

Having come so close to beating Big Dave, Blade now has a chance to be top of the EurAsian League. However, the same situation goes for Zander who is currently sitting in Second behind Karnage. This match will no doubt affect both leagues in a huge way, but who will gain the huge momentum at the expense of their opponent?

Deadline is Monday 4th January 2010 23:59 EST
Blade is backstage with Rebecca Serra.He's leaning against a grey wall, not wearing his usual grin or even looking confident. He looks tired and weary yet somehow on the edge. His hair is messy and his eyes are slightly bloodshot.

Rebecca: Well Blade, you have your two pointer match on Meltdown with Zander. A win for you in this match could turn the EurAsian league on it's head, but if you lose you're out of the running. Your recent losing streak must be hard to handle, but one win could turn it all around for you. Any comments?

Blade opens his mouth for a moment, but then closes it again and shakes his head.

Rebecca: If this a bad time for you, Blade, we could talk tomorrow...?

Before Blade can answer, a kid who looks about 9 or 10 runs up to Blade and Rebecca.

Kid: Blade! Oh my God it's Blade! I'm such a huge fan! wow...

The kid stares at Blade in awe, Blade looks back, seeming slightly happier than he did moments ago.

Kid: When I came to Meltdown, I never thought I'd get to meet you! This is so cool.

Blade smiles weakly.

Kid: Can I have your autograph? I've got a WZCW magazine and a pen, if you could sign it for me?

Blade nods and straightens himself. The kid hands him the magazine and the pen.

Kid: You can make it out to Dave.

Blade starts writing on the magazine.

Kid: Y'know, I don't care what my friends say, I still support you!

Blade stops writing and suddenly looks up from the magazine and stares at the boy with anger in his eyes. Finally, he speaks.

Blade: What the hell is that supposed to mean? Still support me? Why would anyone stop supporting me?

Kid: Well, it's just you haven't been winning much lately have you?

Blade,looking strangely shocked, drops the pen.

Blade: You listen to me. I'm as good as I ever was. I'm still the man who beat Karnage at Lethal Lottery. I've just been screwed over for weeks straight. Cause there is no damn justice in this place!

Blade's speaking is quiet, but strained and angry. The boy takes a few steps backwards, and Rebecca tries to put her hand on Blade's shoulder to calm him down but Blade pushes her hand away.

Blade: Don't touch me! You're lucky I even let you get away with mentioning my supposed "losing streak."

Rebecca looks hurt and moves back as Blade turns to the boy again.

Blade: You go tell all your friends that I'm still as good as ever but the idiots that run this place are screwing me over constantly. They're scared of letting me get to the top. But tonight, no one is going to screw me over. I'm going to beat Zander and none of you will ever doubt me again!

Blade rips up the magazine and throw the pieces on the floor. He storms away to his locker room, and goes inside, closing the door behind him. But as soon as he closes the door, he leans backwards against it and puts his face in his hands and shakes his head.


It's minutes before his match with Zander and Blade is sitting in a chair in the middle of a very dark room. He has his head in his hands, staring at the dirty ground. He slowly looks up and stares into the shadows were the vague outline of a person can be seen.

Blade: I know you're surprised that I came to you.

Unknown voice: I knew you'd come eventually... You're so very passionate. If there's one thing that the most good and the most evil of us share, it's passion.

Blade: Well you know what's been happening the last few weeks. I've been screwed over and I've surpressed my anger in the long run, letting myself get over it, not wanting to become something I hate. I've had brief moments of rage where it's just taken over me... But mostly I've been keeping it under control... And now I've got Zander... A former Elite X champion... in a match that I can't afford to lose. If I lose this, what becomes of me? What becomes of my destiny? Everything I believe... Everything I hope for will disappear.

The Voice laughs a cold, familiar laugh.

Voice: Firstly, get rid of all the hope you have. It gets you nowhere.

Blade grits his teeth but then nods.

Voice: Secondly... You truly have taken a turn for the worse if you're worrying about Zander. He is A fluke... A mere 2 second blip on the radar of the wrestling world. You will need to get more confidence than that, or this is all a waste of time.

Blade let's out a heavy sigh

Blade: I understand. But I need your help... You're the only one who can reignite that old fire within me.

Voice: I...

Blade: Don't tell me you can't! You know as well as I do that you damn well can!

Voice: Even if I chose to help you, I might not be able to.

Blade: I will let you help me. I'm ready to change, to go back to being dominant again. I need to go back to being a winner. I need to get my destiny back on track.

Voice: You're missing the point, fool! It's got nothing to do with whether I'm willing to help you or whether you're willing to let me!

Blade is breathing heavily, his eyes gazing sharply at the person.

Voice: I might not be able to help you because... You might not be ready.

Blade: What the hell is that supposed to mean? Everyone knows how good I can be, my victory at Lethal Lottery shut my doubters up for good. Am I supposed to believe you weren't impressed?

Voice:The Karnage you fought that night was unfocused and sloppy. That much was clear from the moment the opening bell rang.

Blade stands up and pushes over his chair.

Blade: Don't you dare try to cheapen the biggest victory of my career!

A thin, menacing smile is visible in the shadows.

Voice: Very well. You want to prove that you deserve my help? Do it tonight.

Blade: You want me to beat Zander? Fine, I'll do my best, which should be enough.

Voice: No! If you worry about wins and losses , then I'll never be able to help you. The trick to being dominant is not about winning... It's about being the best. So tonight, when you go out there... And you stand across the ring from Zander... Either during the match or after it, I want you to do something that... I would do. Then I will help you.

Blade mutters to himself.

Blade: Something.... You would do...

A look of understanding suddenly appears on Blade's face. He nods, then leaves the room.
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