MD33 - Big Dave vs. Blade (EurAsian League)

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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion
Where rWo member Big Dave was successful in his first League Match, Blade was not. As Blade looks to ammend his situation, he has to overcome a very confident Big Dave, or will his lead double ahead of the Zero Hunter?

Deadline is Monday 14th December 23:59 EST
Blade gets onto his feet first and signals for the end, he gets Rush up and looks to go for the Halo on his opponent. He sets it up only Rush counters it and
kicks him in the abs. He then puts Blade between his legs and lifts him going for the Rushing Powerbomb, it connects and there is a cover by Rush 1…..2…..3

Harrys: Here is your winner, Rush!

Copeland: Rush officially takes the first point in the road to the EurAsian Championship, despite only being officially in this contest a number of minutes ago!

Cohen: This is a fix, that is Sanna’s place and Sanna’s rightful win right there. Hopefully this is just the only injustice done in this league!

Rush gets his hands raised in the air and he celebrates around the ring. He waits for Blade to get back up and shakes his hand. Blade leaves the ring with a disappointed look on his face as he heads up the ramp while Rush continues to celebrate with the crowd.

Blade walks backstage, breathing heavily after the intense match.

Backstage Technician: Good match Blade. It's a shame they didn't tell you about Sanna being replaced with Rush beforehand, though.

Blade stops and turns to the technician with a puzzled look on his face.

Blade: What did you say?

Technician: I said it's a shame they didn't tell you about Sanna being replaced with Rush beforehand.

Blade: Beforehand? But... I thought it was a spur of the moment decision to put Rush in the match?

Technician: Nope, they've been talking about this for days in the boardroom. They thought it would be a nice twist. That's what I heard anyway.

Blade turns away from the technician with a look of shock on his face. He starts walking towards the dressing rooms. As he thinks about it more, anger takes over himuntil he's stomping down the grey halls with his face contorted in utmost rage.

Meanwhile, Rebecca Serra is standing outside Blade's locker room, waiting to get an interview from him.

Rebecca: Got the camera ready? Great, Blade is always at his best when he's got emotion flowing through him, and I think that loss will give him alot to say.

She peers down the hall and sees Blade coming towards her. Blade is looking furious as he bounds towards her. She hesitates for a moment, but still tries to conduct the interview as Blade draws closer.

Rebecca: Blade, can I get a quick interview about your match?

Blade: Out of the way, Becky.

Rebecca: Come on, I just want a quick word with...


Rebecca stands there shocked and nonplussed, staring at Blade for a moment before she moves out of his way. Blade punches the locker room door open, causing a violentrattling noise to echo through the hall. Rebecca slowly follows him inside. Finally Blade starts talking to Rebecca without looking at her, pacing around the roomas he appears to be looking for something.

Blade: Is this some kind of joke? Is this revenge for the fire I started earlier? I was ready for Sanna! I was ready for a 280 pound loner trying to play mind games not a 360 pound powerhouse!

Rebecca: Oh.... This is about them not telling you that you were actually gonna face Rush...

Blade stops pacing and looks sharply at Rebecca

Blade: Even you knew!?

Rebecca: What do you mean even me? I'm a valued and respected member of staff...

Blade: Yeah, whatever.

Blade continues pacing around the room.

Blade: They screwed me. Damnit, this wasn't how it was supposed to happen. Those creative members wanna mess up my future, my destiny? Something that matters so much to me!? Just because that little twist supposedly makes the product more exciting, puts a few extra notes in their already fat wallets. Well fine... I'm gonna show youthat when you screw me over for money, it ends up costing you more in the long run.

Blade takes out a Sledgehammer from behind the couch in the room and he looks at it with a sick smirk on his face. He wanders around the room with the sledgehammer, gripping it tightly. Suddenly he stops, looks to the wall and swings the sledgehammer. Debris and dust flies all over the room and a gaping hole is left in the wall.

Blade: I wanted to make you pay... So there you go, pay for this.

Blade swings the sledgehammer again, causing the hole in the wall to become even bigger in size.

Rebecca: Blade! Stop.... You don't want to get in more trouble... Just, please, focus on your next match.

Blade: More trouble? I don't care if they suspend me now... And I'm not even gonna try talk my way out of this one. If they want to come to me for a suspension, thenI'm gonna demand an explanation.

Rebecca: Well do you not have something to say about Big Dave, at least?

Blade: What is there to say. Yeah, Dave is a threat to my chances at getting the title shot. But I'll start talking about Dave and I'll start preparing for a matchbut then I'll find out I'm actually wrestling Lars Reidar instead. Nah, it's not worth it.

Blade drops the sledgehammer and storms out of the room.

Rebecca: Somebody really needs to get him back on cigarettes again....

End of Scene.
We open in a dark room that is lit by a single light bulb. Lit within the beam is Big Dave sitting at a dark table with his hands clasped together on top. He just stares straight ahead without turning any direction or making any movements until the voice of Chuck Myles is heard.

Myles: Now, Dave. I’ve been kind and courteous to you and the rWo as a whole. I’ve let you run wild without going too far because I knew you would take things too far. Last week, you crossed the line! I had agreed with Vance Bateman that Titus would not be harmed on my show! Now look at what you did…you attacked Titus, a car was damaged and furthermore I can’t expel you or Ace from your League matches. So I had no choice but to suspend Ricky, what do have you to say for yourself?

After a long pause and a deep breath

Dave: I did not touch Titus

Myles: All the evidence points to you…

Dave: I did NOT touch Titus!

Myles: As I said, Dave. All the evidence…

Dave: All your assumptions points to me. Not your evidence, your assumption! I had only just wrestled with Scott Hammond about an hour prior to the incident, Ricky had just suffered from that horrific injury about ten minutes prior to the attack. I was there backstage with him, my sister Dani alongside me. Ace was not even there because he was on Ascension to face Trevor Steel, I tried ringing him but the phone was engaged.

But Titus said he was attacked by two guys…

Dave: And how many members of the roster is there Chuck? How many of them were on Meltdown? How many will be feeling bitter since the Lottery? How many will want to go up against Titus to face Everest at Kingdom Come? Take someone, like my next opponent, Blade. He just won the No. 20 spot, he goes to the Lottery and leaves in seven minutes, furthermore, he suffers defeat against Rush due to a last minute switch that you made. Would I feel bitter and want to make my impact felt? Sure I would. But then Blade is capable of making excuses, but you can see it in his eyes! He’s an arsonist, bitter and jealous because someone like John Smith is getting the chance to face Everest instead of him!

Myles: Dave, that’s quite enough!

Dave: Listen Myles! You have nothing on me or Ace. Just because you assume I would attack Titus, doesn’t mean I did! I set the pace of the EurAsian League and will continue to my dominance this week. Titus doesn’t even fit in with my plans, the EurAsian Championship does! And if you want a true villain, then look at someone like Blade! He’s taken credibility away from wrestlers like Celeste or Murfish, people he couldn’t beat but took someone extra to get that important pin that taints their history, and what’s worst Chuck is that you and Bateman allowed it to happen! All that is happening now is that he is seeing the true nature of this company, he is not going to win without assistance or lose without making an excuse! Handballs are allowed in this situation, but even so, he’ll prove just like his country that it takes more than one move to lose a match; it takes complete incompetence, just like this investigation.

Now, if you’re done with wasting my time, I will show you and the World that I don’t need to harm Titus to prove why I am the best! The proud Englishman that I am will show that only the superior nations make their way to the gold and the glory. At Kingdom Come, I will be another honoured hero of my home country!

Dave stands up and leaves the spotlight, which fades out to end the scene.
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