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MD32 - Big Dave vs. Scott Hammond (EurAsian League)

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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion

The EurAsian League sees a Battle of Britain encounter as the rising force of Scott Hammond takes on fellow Brit and rWo member Big Dave. Hammond and Dave both made big impressions in their respective matches at the Lethal Lottery and will no doubt look to make an even bigger one in this encounter.

Deadline is Monday 30th November 23:59 EST
The Lethal Lottery

We’re backstage in the rWo locker room, you can hear the exciting sounds of the Lottery still being in action as Dave and Ace get out of their wrestling gear, showered and dressed into casual clothing. Not a word is mentioned between them.

They both exit the locker room dragging their suitcases as you can hear over the speakers the sound of Truman Harrys saying “The winner of this match and as a result will face Everest for the WZCW World Heavyweight title at Kingdom Come. Titus!”

The FHD stop for a second, look at each other for a moment, and sigh as they continue up the hallway. The voice of an angry Steamboat Ricky can be heard in the distance, but they just keep walking. They walk past the likes of Karnage clicking his knuckles with a disapproving look on his face as well as Max Karzai and Jordan Lights who look to have a discussion going with the words “Heavy Artillery, I like that!” They eventually reach the car park and head over to their car until they hear a call out to them

??? :
Daves! Daves, wait up!

They turn around to find Chuck Myles and Vance Bateman slightly out of breath as they try and get their attention

Myles: Firstly, great performance in the Lottery…Now while your rWo plan didn’t work…we got a proposal

The Daves turn back until Bateman leans in their way.

We want both of you in our leagues. But as we want to cease any full rWo activity on Kingdom Come, you two will unfortunately be separated, one on Meltdown, one on Ascension. But the choice is yours…

Ace and Dave look at each other.

A few days later

We’re inside Dave’s house as he enters through the front door, he’s holding a newspaper under his arm and is on his mobile.

…No Ricky I understand that!

But in the end Titus eliminated all three of us! The most dominant force in WZCW got outsmarted by one guy! The guy who screwed over is getting his shot at Kingdom Come!

I know you’re rightfully the true World Champion, but it even says it in the paper itself, the contract signing will happen on this coming Meltdown, one on one, no gimmicks or outside rules, Everest and Titus face off!

Well I don’t know, you won King For A Day last time, why not go there?

Then put your belt on the line if you want to prove a point!

Look Ricky, at this time I’m going to look to win the EurAsian Championship and Ace for the Elite X belt! You got us in because we were the best Tag Champions! Listen, think about it, Kingdom Come, the rWo stands tall with three championship belts raised in the air. People will talk more about this than Titus failing to beat Everest, a man who you’ve had beat on more than occasion!

Exactly, I’m glad you agree. Now I’ve got to sort a few things, but talk to you later?

Speak soon, bye!

Dave puts his phone away.

Damn this is pissing me off! Not my fault Ricky is incapable of winning the Lottery without us, I was the rWo member who lasted the longest! Anyway…

Dave goes to his computer and loads up WZCW.com where the headline League Participants and Tag Tournament Announced! fills the centre of the screen.

Hammond…Me…Chris Beck…San…Blade…Karnage…USA…Ace…Ste…Zander

Full information on the Leagues will be released soon…

…Big Dave vs. Scott Hammond

Dave then types into the address www.youtube.com and searches Scott Hammond, he clicks the first link which is Meltdown 29 Scott Hammond vs. Milenko 23/10/09 and watches the match.

Harrys: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and is a Mayhem Rules match!

“When I'm Ere'” by Roll Deep hits the sound system as Scott Hammond makes his way out to a handful of boos. He makes his way down the ramp and enters the ring, holding up a raised fist as he stares out at the crowd.

Harrys: Introducing first, from London, England, he stands 6'6” and weighs 275 lbs, Scott Hammond!

“Woke Up This Morning” by Alabama 3 begins playing and Milenko makes his way out. He makes his way down to the ring and jumps up to the second turnbuckle, holding his arms out in a pose as the crowd responds positively.

Harrys: And his opponent, from Atlantic City, NJ, he stands 5'9” and weighs 200 lbs, Milenko!

Copeland: The veteran Milenko has made his return to the WZCW ring, how has his 30 day suspension affected him?

Cohen: What does it matter? He's going against one of the better up and comers in Scott Hammond tonight Seabass, even Milenko's experience in Mayhem matches won't help him tonight.

The ref signals for the bell as the two lock up, Milenko quickly going for a waist lock and dragging Hammond to the ground. He knees Hammond in the back before pulling him up and whipping him into the corner. He follows up quickly but gets a boot to the face from Hammond. Milenko turns around and rushes Hammond, only to be caught by a T-bone suplex. He follows up with a leg drop across the throat and chest of Milenko and goes for the cover, getting a 2 count. Hammond pulls Milenko up and whips him into the ropes, catching him with a tiltawhirl backbreaker. He slides out of the ring and goes under the ring, pulling out a chair.

Copeland: Surprising to see the newcomer Hammond go for the weapons right away, he doesn't seem the type to use such tactics.

Cohen: He's British, would you expect anything less of him? He knows he has to do anything to win.

Hammond slides back into the ring with the chair, raising it up but gets kicked right in the midsection by Milenko. Milenko moves in and connects with a few European uppercuts, knocking Hammond into the ropes. He headbutts Hammond before whipping him to the opposite ropes, hitting a big time bicycle kick to Hammond's face. Milenko picks up the chair and connects with a sickening thud, dazing Hammond. Milenko goes for the cover hooking the leg, getting a two count. He sets the chair up and picks Hammond up, throwing him into the ropes. He goes for a back toe hold but Hammond reverses with a DDT to Milenko head first into the chair. Both men are down and dazed from the chair shots, and Milenko finally rolls outside, going under the ring and grabbing a kendo stick. Hammond is back to his feet inside, picking up the chair. Milenko crawls back in but Hammond beats him to the punch, slamming the chair across his back. Hammond drops the chair and picks up Milenko, and sets him up for a power bomb. Milenko resists and is able to counter the attempt into a Samoa Drop. Milenko covers him, but gets a two count.

Cohen: Who decided this loser Milenko was able to come back? I mean Bratchny hasn't lost as much as Milenko has over the past few months.

Copeland: It was up to the WZCW Board of Directors Cohen, The same people who sign your paychecks.

Milenko picks up the Kendo Stick and goes to work on Hammond, connecting with hits all over his chest and back. Milenko stomps away at Hammond before picking him up and sends him into the ropes, lifting him up and dropping him with a sidewalk slam. Milenko covers once again, getting a two count. He pulls Hammond up and hits a few more European uppercuts and then a knee to the gut, finally going for a neckbreaker but Hammond holds onto the rope causing Milenko to crash against the ring. Hammond climbs up to the top turnbuckle, and comes down hitting a diving headbutt! He covers Milenko, good for a two count only. Hammond looks to be getting frustrated as he pulls Milenko in position for an Implant Piledriver, but Milenko counters into a spinebuster. Milenko staggers up and motions for the Hell's Pit. Hammond gets to his feet and Milenko jumps up, Hammond catches him before Milenko can move and hits London's Calling, driving Milenko's head down directly on the chair. Hammond goes for the cover, getting the three count.

Harrys: Here is your winner, Scott Hammond!

Copeland: An excellent showing for Scott Hammond, he was able to beat Milenko at his own game in a Mayhem Rules match.

Cohen: I'll say it again Seabass, what was the point of bringing him back other than to lose to untested rookies? None, Milenko better show us something in his next match.

Hammond gets to his feet and has his hand raised by the ref. He crawls up to the second turnbuckle, looking out at the crowd and yelling at them. Meanwhile Milenko rolls out of the ring, making his retreat up the ramp.

Dave has a surprised look on his face and sees his phone is vibrating, he picks it up.


Ace, bud, how you been?

Yeah I saw, I got Scott Hammond, just been watching his match with Milenko! Yeah, the sneaky bugger stole my finisher! His London Calling is my Stamp of Authority! There’s even a youtube video of it saying it’s the same move!

I know, I mean he had that EurAsian Title shot at the Lottery didn’t he?

Yeah he’ll be a tough challenge, he’s a hometown boy, he’s same build and got the same move, so it’s wrestling a mirror, only he’s seven pounds of bad luck on me.

I think I should be able to take him, who you got?

Trevor Steel?! Ohhh boy you’re in a tough one there. But hey dude, you can take him, if I can eliminate him from the Lottery and we can beat his team three on three, you can definitely take him!

Yes definitely, I mean we caught him out there, he’s not so tough! I got every faith in you. But yeah, what I’m going to do is head to the gym and work out how to beat this finisher infringement, probably eats small children or something.

Right well catch you later and we’ll be heading for gold soon!

Dave hangs up the phone with a smirk on his face.

Of course…I’ve got him!

He gets up from his chair and leaves as the scene fades out.​
(The scene fades into a small room, which looks to be in a motel. The lights are off and all that illuminates the room is a candle that flickers with the small breeze coming in from the window. A mans silluquet can be seen around the light, a large figure staring into the black abyss, The camera pans around and it is Scott Hammond who sits in silence, his face expressionless. He stares up at the camera and begins to speak)

Scott Hammond: The cliche line that I have never understood is 'so close, yet so far'. I always thought of it as a contradicting phrase. If your so close to something, how can you be so far at the same time? At Lethal Lottery, I finally got what that line meant. I was so close to that EurAsian title I could literally feel it. When I had Cougar in my submission, I could feel his lifeless body gasping and whincing in pain. And then, moments later, I was pinned...again. The good news is that I made a statement at Lethal Lottery. People are now fully starting to understand and credit my abilities here in WZCW. The bad news is, that I lost. You see, I have realised that since my win against Milenko in my first week, that I have bee doing it all wrong. I put in all this effort, scouting my opponents, getting to know their move sets, and all for what? Sure I got the title shot at Lethal Lottery, and I deserved it. But I didn't take advantage of it, and that is a failure I cannot allow. You see, I have been blaming everyone for my misfortune. When in actuality, I am the only one to blame.

(Hammond re-adjusts himself in his chair, and takes down what looks like a whiskey-on-the-rocks. He stares back at the camera)

Scott Hammond: But I have a warning to administer. One for the current EurAsian Champion, David Cougar. David, you may have won the battle at Lethal Lottery, but I promise you that you will not win this war. I am going to push through this stupid barrier that was put up in front of me, this EurAsian League, even though I am the true number one contender, I now have to prove to the world just how good I am. And Cougar, hold onto that title real tight, because Kingdom Come, I am taking that belt, and that you can bank on buddy!

(Hammond pulls out a remote control and puts on a TV that is dimly lit before it lights up the entire room. The picture on the TV is that of the 20-man Lethal Lottery match in which Big Dave features. He sits back and smiles before switching off the TV)

Scott Hammond: Ah yes, and now to my opponent for this week on Meltdown Big Dave. The man from just down the road from me. So Dave, see you run in a pack. The rWo I believe. Well let me tell you something. This Englishman doesn't need backup.

(Hammond takes off his jacket and looks directly at the camera as the candle flickers)

Scott Hammond: I need help from nobody because I am the master of my own destiny Dave. And just because you come from the same city as me doesn't mean that you and I are anything alike. You are a rat, somebody who has to hide behind a group of imbiciles in order to get your point across. You are the first step in my re-ascention to the EurAsian title and I have a stern warning for you. I had a taste of what it was like to be in a title match. That is a feeling that I am willing to fight tooth and nail for, and you, nor any of the wannabe's in the EurAsian League are going to stop me.

(Hammond then plays back the promo from Big Dave in regards to their match. Hammond lets out a little chuckle)

Scott Hammond: I've always been one for comedy. And judging by this promo you think of yourself as a little comedian huh? Stealing your finisher? No Dave, I just make it look better than you ever could. You see your trying to look for similarities when there are none. I should be flattered though that you would think I would want to emulate you when the truth of the matter is that you are nothing more that a parasitic lamb to the slaughter come Meltdown. You can head to the gym and spout mindgames about eating small children all you want but the bottom line is that I am going to beat you senseless come Metldown, and there is nothing that you or your little lackies can do about it. And Dave, you may not like it, but in the end, you WILL respect me!

(Hammond leans over and blows out the candle. He sits in complete darkness as the scene fades to black)
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