MD31 - Scott Hammond vs. Matt Royale - Lethal Lottery Qualifying Match

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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion

Two of youngest and newer members of the WZCW Roster have a chance to compete in the 20 Man Lethal Lottery Match. Only one place is available between these two men, so who will look to gain that extra push for their pay per view debut?

RP Deadline is Monday November 2nd, 23:59 EST.
(The scene fades into a small town, and the camera closes in on a small pub called 'The Druid's Head'. The camera pans inside the pub, where many people are seated drinking and conversing. The front of the bar can be seen and a man facing towards the bar is drinking. The barman tops him up looking a little worried about the mans excessive drinking. The camera pans around, showing Scott Hammond sitting beside the inebriated man, just staring at him. He is smiling)

Drunk Man: Hey...aren't you that guy...the English guy from WZCW...Hammond, right?

Scott Hammond: (with a smirk on his face) That is correct sir.

Drunk Man: Ha, didn't you that Prototype kid last week...Corey Payne?

Scott Hammond: That is correct.

Drunk Man: Shouldn't you be out, getting drunk and...beating the crap out of anything?

(At this point, the bartender see's the state of the drunk man and approaches both the man and Scott Hammond)

Bartender: Excuse me sir (pointing to the drunk man) I'm going to have to ask you to leave, its obvious you have had too much to drink.

Scott Hammond: Yes maybe you should leave.

(The bartender walks the inebriated man to the exit walking him out and hailing him a taxi, the bartender returns to his post)

Bartender: I hope that man didn't do you any harm sir.

Scott Hammond: None at all, thank you.

(Hammond takes his small drink and walks to a small secluded table, sets himself down and stares at the camera)

Scott Hammond: I bet you are wondering to yourselves why it is that I did not physically retaliate against that drunk man. The answer is simple. Because at one time, in my past, I was that man. I got drunk, and started fights in pubs much like this one. I was lucky enough to find professional wrestling. For if I had not, I would probably be where that man is right now. Probably vomiting into some unknown part of a taxi. Probably returning to a lonely flat somewhere, knowing that I could never make a difference, never make the most of the life that has been given to me. You see, I have focus, which is one thing that many lack. If I fail, I will collectively try again to make my point. Which brings me to last week on Meltdown.

(Hammond signals the bartender for another drink)

Bartender: There you go sir

Scott Hammond: Thank you kindly. You see, last week, there was a bit of a misunderstanding. I endured a very intense match-up with a young man named 'The Prototype' Corey Payne. It was during that match that I allegedly 'passed out' to his finishing move 'The Protolock'. Now, where I may have 'passed out', let it be known that I didn't tap out. Corey Payne is a fraud, he didn't so much 'beat' me as knock me unconscious. Mark my words Corey and mark them well. I am not done with you. Not by a long shot. You see, you proved something to me at the end of our match on Meltdown. You proved that you have a weakness. That weakness Corey, was that you took me at my word. You extended your hand in a sign of good faith, and I did the one thing that separates me from you...I took advantage. I beat the crap out of you. And it was at that very point that I knew, you got lucky. I was never one to believe in luck, but after our match, I am starting to understand just what luck means. I see Corey, that you have qualified for the Lethal Lottery match. Well, that's good news for you. The bad news is that come next week, I will have also qualified for that same match. And that Corey, is your bad news. Because I intend on winning that match, and if at some point in that match I find myself across the ring from you, well I guess I will just have to take you out and prove to you that your victory last week was nothing more than pure fluke.

(Hammond walks back to the bar and places his glass in the hands of the bartender, who for the first time double takes him)

Bartender: Hey...I know you, your Scott Hammond right? Tough guy from WZCW. Man, your awesome. I see you got a qualifying match against that guy...Matt Royale right?

Scott Hammond: Yes, now if you would excuse me please.

(Hammond turns away from the bartender, who looks a little displeased, and looks directly at the camera still standing at the bar)

Scott Hammond: Next week I am in a very important qualifying match. A match that will allow myself to compete in one of the biggest matches of the year, the Lethal Lottery match. The only obsticle in my way is a man by the name of Matt Royale. Now Matt, I don't know much about you, but I do know that you lost miserably to one Rafael De La Noche last week on Meltdown. And unfortunately for you sir, that losing streak will continue this coming week as I intend on being at Lethal Lottery. But Royale, if you really don't know who your dealing with, I will just give you a little refresher. I am Scott Hammond, I beat the great Milenko in my first match here in WZCW at his own game, a Mayhem Rules match. I also attacked Corey Payne after our match last week, because I have what it takes to be a winner here in WZCW. You however do not. You lose to Spaniard's. So I guess here we are Matt. The man from St Louis, whose only half decent produce is a man who punts people in the head, against the man from London, who's city and country spawned the whole idea of royalty, so, in essence, it should be I who has your name Matt, for you are royalty by name, where as I am royalty by heritage. Your a fraud Matt, and come Meltdown, I will prove that fact. Where you care to agree or not Matt, one thing is certain, and that is that you WILL respect me.

(Hammond takes his coat and throws it over his shoulder. He walks over to the exit and walks out as the scene fades to black)
The Scene opens as Matt Royale is pacing in his dressing room. In front of him there is a well built man sitting at a table. He is about 6’1 275 pounds. He has short, white hair and a white goatee.

Royale: We’ll that didn’t go well.

Man: Be patient. Everything is going to go as planned.

Royale: How do you know?

The man hands Royale a piece of paper. Royale grabs it and sees that it is the card for Meltdown 31. He looks at it and smiles.

Man: Yes, it’s perfect. We can kill two birds with one stone. Not only will you qualify for the Lethal Lottery, but we will use Scott Hammond as an example for the rest the locker room.

Royale puts the paper on the table and sits down across from the man.

Royale: Everything is falling in place nicely.

As the man nods his head in agreement someone knocks on the door. Royale gets up to answer it. He opens the door to find Leon Kensworth with a microphone in his hand and a cameraman next to him.

Leon: Can I get an interview?

Royale looks at the man sitting at the table with a questioning look. The man nods at him and Royale closes the door and turns around to face Leon.

Leon: Who’s that?

Royale: Leon, what does all royalty need?

Leon thinks for a moment and answers.

Leon: (Sarcastically) A crown.

Royale looks surprised.

Royale: Well that and (motions behind him) an advisor.

Leon shrugs his shoulders.

Leon: What are your thoughts on your Lethal Lottery qualifying match against Scott Hammond?

Royale: My thoughts? (thinks for a moment) Well, Leon, I've always wanted to know why I should respect Scott Hammond.

Leon tries to answer, but is interrupted by Royale.

Royale: The more that I think about it the more I can’t find a reason why I should respect him.

Royale looks directly into the camera.

Royale: Scott, the reasons you gave me about why I should respect you weren’t very good. For one beating Milenko in a singles match isn’t a very big accomplishment. I can’t even recall the last time he’s won a singles match. Secondly, what is so great about attacking an unsuspecting Corey Payne? Would people respect me if I would attack Leon right now? And lastly, you called yourself royalty. There are so many things wrong about that statement that it would be impossible to tell you how wrong you are in this interview. The way I see it is the only way for you to realize how wrong you are is for me to show you at Meltdown.

As Royale stops talking a serious look appears on his face.

Royale: Scott, I’m going to tell you a secret. A new era is coming to WZCW. This new era doesn’t belong to the rWo, Lars Reidar, or Everest. It belongs to me. It will be the era of royalty. The reason I’m telling you about this is because you don’t fit in the plans we have for WZCW. Well technically you do. You see you’re going to be the example for all those in the locker room who are like yourself: cowardly, arrogant liars. By the end of our match everyone will respect me and treat me like royalty. You, however, will be nothing. So if I were you I would mimic Matthew Fox and run. He was smart and knew what was coming, but you I know will stay and face me. You need to realize whether you like it or not the era of royalty will begin with your demise. As true royalty, Matt Royale, defeats the true fraud, Scott Hammond.

Royale opens the door to his dressing room and closes it behind him as the scene fades.
(The scene fades into the WZCW locker room. A dark lone figure can be seen sitting in the corner of the room, reading from a book. He is fixated on the pages of the book. Leon Kensworth can be seen at the door to the locker room. He is looking a little worried about interrupting the man from reading. Slowly, Kensworth walks towards the man, the camera now showing the features of Scott Hammond's face)

Scott Hammond: You can come in Leon, I left the door open for a reason. I was...expecting you.

Leon Kensworth: Expecting me?

Scott Hammond: Yes. I saw the drab interview you undertook with that cretin Matt Royale, and I knew you would come looking for me to get a response.

Leon Kensworth: Well, do you have any words for Matt Royale?

Scott Hammond: I like you Leon. You get straight to the point. Now onto one Matt Royale. Matt, this book I'm reading, its quite...intriguing. You should read it sometime.

(Hammond raises the book for the camera to see it's front cover)

Scott Hammond: It is called '1000 Years Of English Royalty' and it has quite the back story on all English Monarch's of the 21st Century. I have always found Henry VIII to be the most fascinating Monarch. Eight wives, and found them all to be deceptive. And, as the story went, he cut off their heads. He did this not because he wanted people to be scared of him, no. He did this because it was a way of showing that he would not stand for fraudulent behavior. You Matt Royale have the audacity to claim that I am a fraud. A FRAUD? You are the very pinnacle of the word. You walk around claiming to be royalty, when the only royal thing you are is a royal pain in my arse!

Leon Kensworth: Umm its pronounced ass.

Scott Hammond: I don't believe I gave you permission to talk Kensworth! You see Matt, what gets me is that you were born into a country with no Monarchy. You were born with no royal blood. Yet you believe yourself better than I, a man born in a country with a Monarchy, thus I am more a man of royalty than you will ever be. You see Matt, you seem to be under the illusion that royalty is something that you just give yourself. Royalty runs in blood Matt, not because you say you are something. That is what differentiates you from me. When I say I am going to be the best, I prove it when I walk through that curtain. You claiming to be royalty is almost as blasphemous than the idea that you could beat me next week on Meltdown. I laugh at such stupidity you fool.

Leon Kensworth: If I could cut in with one more question...any new thoughts on the upcoming Lethal Lottery?

Scott Hammond: None that I haven't already mentioned Leon no!

Leon Kensworth: Oh...ok, well I will just be getting on...goodbye.

(Scott Hammond slowly takes the microphone from Leon who turns and walks out of the room. Hammond look piercingly at the camera)

Scott Hammond: I am no longer on my honeymoon period here in WZCW Matt Royale, and unfortunately for you that is a very bad thing. I am walking into next weeks Meltdown in a very focused state, and all the anger I have pent up over your blatant lack of respect for me, and the Monarchy in general will be released. You don't seem to realise just how big of a mistake you have made Mr Royale, but like all ignorant people, you will just have to find out the hard way. So I guess all that is left to say is that I will be seeing you at Meltdown Mr Royale, because when it is all said and done, you WILL respect me!

(Hammond throws down the microphone in anger as he walks towards the exit. The scene fades to black)
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