MD/AS Megashow: CardiffCam vs. Excellency

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Ty Burna

Getting Noticed By Management

Newcomer CardiffCam won his contract last week and now looks to continue his momentum by facing Excellency in a one fall match. Excellency meanwhile looks ahead to the Mayhem Scramble at Kingdom Come.

Deadline is Tuesday, February 2nd at 23:59 EST.
*The camera zooms in to show Cardiffcam backstage, toying with a crucifix medallion*

*Leon Kensworth briskly walks into his locker room*

LK- Excuse me, CardiffCam, could I please get a few words regarding your match with excell-

CC- Shhhhhhh Leon. Theres no need to constantly be in such a rush. Always wanting to move from one thing to the next in a flash, never content. Just slow it down. Be a little more methodical. An assasin can't get a kill without patience, and an interviewer shouldnt be able to get an interview without patience.

*CardiffCam smirks as he looks down at the crucifix, before suddenly snapping it, as Leon Kensworth looks on in horror*


*CardiffCam laughs*

CardiffCam- Shut up Kensworth. You and I both know I'm far too valuabla an asset for anyone at the TV network or anyone who's part of WZCW management to do anything. And even if they did choose to take action- who's gonna be willling to take action against me?

*Leon Kensworth gulps*

CardiffCam- Exactly. Take a good look at this crucifix lying on the floor. But don't take me for some racist, aethist bastard- I'm merely proving a point, making a metaphor. This crucifix represents excellency, in all his pure, righteous ways that sicken me so.

LK- Please, CardiffCam, WZCW could face ehfty fines from the network with all of thi-

CardiffCam- SHUT UP KENSWORTH! I don't care what the network says, what WZCW says, I dont care what you say, I dont care what excellency says, I simpl don't give two shits! There is only one man in this universe who's opinion I value, one man who is knowledgeable beyond the rest. That's me, "The Arrogant Assasin" CardiffCam. I am the man who took out two people at once to make it to WZCW, and what a shot it was. And I'm not here to whither and die- I'm here to climb the ladder, climb the ranks, make a name for myself. I am here to rundown my hitlist until I am the world champion. So Chuck Myles has given me a match against someone he knows needs to be put in his place. He hasn't given me excelllency as an opponent to test my skills, he saw my skills on meltdown. He has given me a match against excellency to prove that tactical, cunning speed and precision and occasional bending of the rules prove far better than being another mindless sheep, being promised a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, and trying to bring everyone else along the ride with him. It seems to me like Chuck Myles has hired me to take Excellency out, place him at the top of my hitlist, and thats exactly whats happening to this religious zealot tonight. Watch your back, Excellency, the red dots flashing.

*Cardiffcam throws his microphone on to the ground as in his first interview and storms out of the dressing room. Leon Kensworth doesn't bother picking it up, and just stands looking scared.*

Just to say, for any religious believers, i meant no ill word against any of uyour religions in this post, this was purely in character and doesn't reflect my religious views whatsoever.
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